If All You See…

…is a dreary day full of carbon pollution rain, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Political Hat, with a post on the power of symbols.

Read: If All You See… »

Despite Massive Increase In Anti-Semitism, Biden Admin Yammering About Islamophobia

Islamophobia is mostly a made up term that makes Islamic extremists the Victims when they are criticized for being extremists, and isolates them from any criticism

What they mean by Islamophobia now is them being slammed for supporting Hamas and calling from Israel to be erased from the map

Biden strategy targets new Islamophobia fears amid Israel-Hamas war

The Biden administration has announced the first U.S. National Strategy to Counter Islamophobia, as federal security officials warn of growing threats against the Muslim, Arab and Jewish communities as the Israel-Hamas war continues to stoke tensions in the United States.

“For too long, Muslims in America, and those perceived to be Muslim, such as Arabs and Sikhs, have endured a disproportionate number of hate-fueled attacks and other discriminatory incidents,” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said in a statement Wednesday.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation’s largest Muslim civil rights organization, said it has received 774 complaints of bias-related incidents since the Oct. 7 Hamas terrorist attack on Israel.

Nothing like listening to the group which was an unindicted co-conspirator in an FBI investigation and prosecution on Hamas. They have shown themselves to be anti-Israel and Jew haters.

Across the U.S., instances of hatred targeted at specific groups of people have become increasingly frequent in the wake of the Israel-Hamas war, including the fatal stabbing of a 6-year-old Palestinian boy and the stabbing of his mother in Illinois. They were allegedly targeted because they were Muslim, according to the Will County Sheriff’s Office.

Yes, that’s awful. Jews are dealing with threats every day, calls for their annihilation and that of Israel

Across the country, Arabs and Muslims have been the subject of other apparent bias-motivated incidents, including hateful threats and messages to mosques, bomb threats sent to Muslim organizations and instances of violence.

In New York, the NYPD reported that a man carrying a Palestinian flag was hit by another man with his own flag during a protest, and another man was allegedly beaten after expressing support for Palestinians amid the war.

There are very few specifics in this and other articles, and most are in response to Islamists taking the side of a State Department designated terrorist organization and calling for the destruction of Israel while slurring and threatening Jews.

But Biden is facing increasingly vocal opposition from a small group inside his own party on what they suggest is his bias toward Israel and against Palestinians.

Biden is doing this because Muslims and their dhimmi supporters are threatening to not vote next year. He says he’s also going to work on tackling anti-Semitism, but, not really. Besides, what can anyone do? For starters, deport all those here in the U.S. that can be deported who support Hamas and Islamic extremism. Which really should happened post 9/11.

The National Muslim Democratic Council (NMDC), a group of Democratic leaders across the country, issued an open letter on Oct. 30 urging the White House and the Democratic Party leadership to demand an immediate cease-fire.

In that letter, the group gave an ultimatum to the White House and Democratic leadership: call for a cease-fire or lose votes.

“It has become evident that our voices are being ignored, but our votes will not be,” the letter read. “Simply put, as Gaza turns red, so could crucial battleground states.”

A cease-fire only helps Hamas reconstitute their fighting power. They know this, and support Hamas.

Read: Despite Massive Increase In Anti-Semitism, Biden Admin Yammering About Islamophobia »

Say, What Happens When People Are Shown Climate Scam Labels On Meat?

Not sure about you, but, I’m walking away. It’s not safe to be around doomsday cultists

What Happens When Diners Are Shown Climate Warning Labels on Meat Dishes

The power of the graphic health warning images on cigarette packages that entered widespread usage in the early 2000s has been well studied. Research shows they were successful in deterring people from smoking. In an era of unchecked planetary warming, some researchers wonder whether such a tactic could boost more sustainable behavior. It’s been tried at the gas pump (with inconclusive results) and now researchers are targeting meat.

It seems like it could work. Including a climate warning label on meat dishes in a U.K. experiment reduced how often participants chose meat by 7.4%, according to a new study published in the journal Appetite. Not only that, but the research suggests people would be okay with a policy requiring these types of labels.

Heck of a difference between smoking and eating a tasty cowburger

Led by Jack Hughes, a postgraduate researcher at Durham University’s psychology department, the study surveyed 1,001 adults in the U.K. Four groups of participants were asked to imagine they were in a university cafeteria and had to choose among four dinner options: meat, fish, vegetarian, and vegan. In one group, the meat option came with a warning label that read “Eating meat contributes to poor health,” paired with an image of someone having a heart attack. This saw an 8.8% drop in meat meal choices, compared to the control group. Another group was shown the climate warning label with a picture of deforestation—leading to a 7.4% decrease, while the third got a pandemic warning label with an image of exotic meat. This cut meat choices by 10%.

So, 7.4% are morons falling for guilting people with doomy graphics and no science

As part of the U.K.’s strategy to cut emissions, the Committee on Climate Change, which advises the government on its net-zero plans, has called for meat consumption in the country to be cut by 20% by 2030. It was surprising, Hughes told TIME via email, “how large the effect of these labels was”—he thinks they could get the U.K. about halfway to its target.

Perhaps all those Britons should be asking if all the people pushing this are cutting down on their own meat consumption, or if it’s just for the peasants.

Read: Say, What Happens When People Are Shown Climate Scam Labels On Meat? »

House Passes Standalone Aid Package For Israel

What happens now? Will the Dems and Republicans in the Senate who love funding the never-ending war in Ukraine? Dumping oodles of taxpayer money to a war that’s going nowhere? And, if it passes the Senate, what does Biden do?

Mike Johnson, House Republicans pass Israel aid bill, setting up clash with Schumer, McConnell and Biden

The House of Representatives approved more than $14 billion in Israel aid Thursday afternoon setting up House Speaker Mike Johnson’s first major legislative clash with the Senate and White House.

The bill, titled the “Israel Security Supplemental Appropriations Act” cleared the lower chamber by a vote of 226-196 with most Republicans voting for the legislation and most Democrats voting against it. Two Republicans defected and voted against the bill while twelve Democrats voted for it.

Aid to Israel, a close U.S. ally, as it fights a war against Hamas militants, has garnered widespread bipartisan support, but Johnson’s proposal for standalone Israel funding has drawn considerable backlash from the Democratic-controlled Senate and the White House.

Why? They can debate the merits of a Ukraine package separately. Here’s the kicker

President Joe Biden requested Congress pass a broad national security funding bill that includes money for Ukraine and U.S. border security. Johnson’s bill only includes assistance for Israel — a clear opening salvo from the newly-crowned speaker as he seeks to extract conservative policy wins with a narrow GOP majority.

To pay for the Israel assistance, the bill includes a provision pulling back additional funding for the Internal Revenue Service that was originally allocated from the Inflation Reduction Act, a law championed by Biden and congressional Democrats.

The thing about politics is that sometimes people have to give a little to get a little. Democrats do not like that, because they believe they should get everything the want and give nothing, and the GOP has been so wimpy this century that it often ends up working that way. There’s little give and take, scratch my back I scratch yours.

Senate leadership however has shown no appetite for a standalone bill. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., derided Johnson’s bill as a “deeply flawed proposal” in a post on X, formerly Twitter.

Instead, Schumer promised the Senate would craft a bipartisan foreign aid bill that appears to resemble Biden’s broad supplemental request. The Senate’s bill will “include funding for aid to Israel, Ukraine, humanitarian aid including for Gaza, and competition with the Chinese Government.”

Why? For one thing, why are we giving any aid to the Islamic extremists in Gaza? Let their allies do that. They hate the U.S. Let Iran and other Islamic extremist nations help them out with food and water and stuff. It’s very easy to do a standalone Ukraine bill. And, there’s no telling what the competition with the Chicoms actually means.

Rep. Jared Moskowitz, D-Fla., represents one of the most Jewish districts in the country. He was one of the twelve Democrats who voted for the bill because he felt Israel needed bipartisan support following the Oct. 7 attack, but said it was a “disgusting” political move to force Democrats to choose between funding Israel or the IRS.

That’s Politics 101, dude. Biden and your Senate Comrades are trying to include all sorts of unrelated stuff in big funding bill.

Read: House Passes Standalone Aid Package For Israel »

We’re Saved: Artist Puts Up ‘Climate Change’ Pieces In Miami

I wonder how much gas he used to travel all over Miami

Art installations at every Miami-Dade park will call attention to climate change threat

With the recent king tides, and hottest summer ever on record, we here in South Florida are already getting a glimpse of what the future holds as our planet keeps getting warmer.

While scientists say we still have time to stave off the most disastrous effects of climate change if we act now to reduce our emissions, one local artist has made it his mission to make sure everyone demands our lawmakers step up.

All across Miami-Dade County, at every single public park, sculpted markers are being set into the ground.

But this is more than just art in public places. It’s a socially engaged project with an urgent call to action.

It’s called “The Underwater,” an evolving installation on climate change conceived by Miami-Dade Artist-in-Residence Xavier Cortada, whose first visit to Antarctica in 2007 left him shaken to the core.

What’s the carbon footprint for that trip to Antarctica?

“It’s not just about the polar bears or the manatee, it’s literally about your wallet. It’s about your kids future. It’s about their inheritance, it’s about the Miami you love,” said Cortada. “Scientists gave me a chunk of ice, put in my hand and said, ‘This is going to melt and drown your city.’ The only place I’ve called home.”

That was it. The fuse was lit for what would explode into Cortada’s most ambitious project to date.

“How do we begin to manage a future with rising seas? If you’re not talking about it, and you have your head in the sand, you’re not going to solve the problem,” he said.

Uh huh. Facts are pesky

That’s lower than expected during a Holocene warm period.

What began as watercolor paintings made with Antarctic ice soon became public murals at intersections throughout Miami-Dade, yard signs that went up in residents’ front lawns, and, finally, concrete makers being installed in all 287 Miami-Dade public parks.

That would get smashed pretty quick if you try that in my yard.

“Antarctica doesn’t care if you believe that sea level rise is happening or not, it is still coming. It’s not an ideological issue,” said Cortada. “The horrible reality is that more of half of these markers, markers that will survive centuries will be submerged in time.”

Does it care about facts rather than scaremongering from a cult?

Each sculpture comes with a QR code that when you scan it, takes you right to the underwater website that explains why this number matters and the action you can personally take to address the threat of sea level rise in your neighborhood.

Humorously, few Warmists actually take action. They just demand government force Other People to act.

Read: We’re Saved: Artist Puts Up ‘Climate Change’ Pieces In Miami »

If All You See…

…is an Evil fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post on how many Biden alias emails were found.

Read: If All You See… »

Whiny Mayors Head To D.C. To Whine At Biden Over Illegal Immigration

These same people have advocated for unfettered illegal immigration and are now upset they have to deal with the results of those policies. All but one of the cities is a declared sanctuary city. In Houston’s case, they cannot declare due to Texas state law, but, they are run by Democrats, and the police have tried the old schtick of refusing to work with ICE

The mayors of five big cities seek a meeting with Biden about how to better manage arriving migrants

The mayors of Chicago, Denver, Houston, Los Angeles and New York are pressing to meet with President Joe Biden about getting federal help in managing the surge of migrants they say are arriving in their cities with little to no coordination, support or resources from his administration.

The Democratic leaders say in a letter obtained by The Associated Press on Wednesday that while they appreciate Biden’s efforts so far, much more needs to be done to ease the burden on their cities.

Migrants are sleeping in police station foyers in Chicago. In New York, a cruise ship terminal was turned into a shelter. In Denver, the number of migrants arriving has increased tenfold and available space to shelter them has withered. With fewer available work authorizations, these migrants cannot find work that would allow them to get into proper housing.

Denver Mayor Mike Johnston, who is leading the coalition, said nearly every conversation he has had with arriving migrants is the same: Can he help them find a job, they ask.

Ah, so they are looking for ways to let the illegals work and take jobs from Americans. Oh, and do the low paying, dirty jobs Americans won’t do. It doesn’t matter than most will not qualify for asylum and should be deported: once they are working these same mayors will call for letting them stay, and, in a few years, call for amnesty. Which will entice more to come illegally.

The reason for the ballooning number of migrants in these cities is complicated, but economic and climate-related hardships in their home countries are key drivers. There are increasing numbers of families arriving and asking for asylum.

Sigh. Climate related is simply an excuse.

Winning asylum is a long and difficult process through a badly clogged immigration court system. In some cases, migrants may wait up to a decade for a court date. They are released into the U.S. to wait. Some are eligible to work, but such authorizations are badly delayed. There are concerns, too, that allowing too much work authorization will encourage more people to make the dangerous journey to the U.S. on foot. So thousands are in limbo, unable to work, sleeping in shelters or government facilities.

Hence why asylum should be done in other countries, not in the U.S. That would cut the number down tremendously. And, yes, giving people stuff will get them to come to the U.S. illegally.

Read: Whiny Mayors Head To D.C. To Whine At Biden Over Illegal Immigration »

Woke Pope To Head To Dubai For This Year’s Climate Cult Conference

Nothing like taking a long, fossil fueled trip to a nation that is based on fossil fuels to complain about Other People using fossil fuels. Should the Pope be a part of a cult? Should he be worshiping false idols and gods?

Pope says he will attend COP28 climate summit in Dubai, a first by a pontiff

Pope Francis said on Wednesday that he will attend the COP28 climate conference starting next month in Dubai, the first time a pontiff will be at the U.N. environmental meeting since they began in 1995.

The pope told Italy’s state-run RAI television TG1 news in an interview that he expected to be in Dubai Dec. 1-3. The conference runs from Nov. 30 to Dec. 12.

In Dubai, the pope is expected to drive home his recent appeal for action to curb global warming.

“We are still in time to stop it,” Francis said in the interview, speaking of global warming. “Our future is at stake, the future of our children and our grandchildren. A bit of responsibility is needed.”

Perhaps everyone should stop taking fossil fueled trips to visit the Vatican. They wouldn’t mind the loss of revenue, right?

Francis, 86, has made protection of the environment one of the hallmarks of his papacy and met last month with COP28 President Sultan al-Jaber.

Well, I guess if he’s not going to make following the Word of God the hallmark of his papacy, might as well join a cult.

Read: Woke Pope To Head To Dubai For This Year’s Climate Cult Conference »

Jew Hater AOC Goes After AIPAC

No, AIPAC is not perfect, but, considering we’ve already seen AOC and her Squad members going after Israel, defending Hamas, and failing to condemn Hamas for their initial actions, this says a lot

(NY Post) Far-left Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ripped into the American Israel Public Affairs Committee late Tuesday, calling it a “racist and bigoted organization.”

The attack by the Bronx and Queens Democrat came in response to AIPAC admonishing Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.), AOC and her allies in the so-called “Squad” for voting against a House resolution last week affirming US support for the Jewish state and condemning the Hamas terror group.

“AIPAC endorsed scores of Jan 6th insurrectionists. They are no friend to American democracy,” Ocasio-Cortez wrote on X. “They are one of the more racist and bigoted PACs in Congress as well, who disproportionately target members of color.

“They are an extremist organization that destabilizes US democracy.”

And what is AIPAC? A group supporting Israel made up mostly of Jews. No surprise she hates them

Another Jew hater, Cori Bush, was all like “speak on it, sis”, showing her Jew hatred, as did several other elected members of Congress. Perhaps they should have noticed this

Read More »

Read: Jew Hater AOC Goes After AIPAC »

Halloween Is An Ecological Disaster Or Something

Sadly, this lunatic at Yahoo News, who’s a “senior White House correspondent” and somehow feels the need to write on the climate crisis scam, published it late on Halloween

Why Halloween is an ecological disaster

Every parent of young children has awoken on Nov. 1 to the aftermath of Halloween: piles of candy wrappers, discarded costumes, molding pumpkins and decorations demanding to be taken down.

Halloween is an expensive holiday, wreaking havoc on family budgets. And with children expected to consume as much as 7,000 calories on Oct. 31 because of all the added sugar in their diets, the holiday is also a public health calamity.

But scariest of all is the damage Halloween does to the planet.

Cultists trying to ruin everything for kids is the scariest thing, along with telling Everyone Else how to live their lives, preferably by Government force.

All those candy wrappers have to go somewhere. So do all the plastic pumpkins, plastic vampire teeth, plastic Harry Potter wands.

And where they go, for the most part, is into landfills and waterways, where they contribute to a plastics problem that has become a global challenge. New research suggests that many of the single-use plastics we discard turn into invisible particles called microplastics that can cause serious damage to human health.

Well, he does have a point about all the plastics, but, then he starts whining about fake spider webs being a danger to birds (I have never seen an issue in my life), all those rotting pumpkins

As in many other facets of American life, there are ways to mitigate the ecological harms caused by Halloween — and still have a good time.

It may seem daunting to change the way we celebrate a beloved holiday. It may also be necessary.

“People in general don’t feel like they’re able to change the system because the system is so big. I think that’s exactly what we are facing with trying to deal with Halloween and candy: The system feels so big, I don’t know where to start making that change,” Indiana University environmental policy scholar Shahzeen Attari told the Indianapolis Star.

Some steps are relatively obvious, like making your costumes and reusing decorations. You’ll save the planet—and money, too.

I have an idea: mind your own business.

Read: Halloween Is An Ecological Disaster Or Something »

Pirate's Cove