‘Climate Change’ Will Soon Have Us Growing Corn In The Yukon

The tundra will soon be excellent farmland because you want to live a modern lifestyle

Corn Harvests in the Yukon? Study Finds That Climate Change Will Boost Likelihood That Wilderness Gives Way to Agriculture

Climate change has the potential to restructure the world’s agricultural landscapes, making it possible to plant crops in places where they have never been viable historically. Within the next 40 years, these new growing regions could overlap with 7 percent of the world’s wilderness areas outside Antarctica, putting those ecosystems at risk, scientists reported Thursday.

For their study, published in the journal Current Biology, the researchers ran computer models for how climate-driven shifts in precipitation and temperatures could alter the growing regions for 1,708 crops, with information on suitable conditions for each variety pulled from a database created by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization.

The models were based on two different scenarios: one in which greenhouse gas emissions peak by 2040 and then decline, and one in which those heat-trapping emissions steadily increase beyond that time frame. While the first possibility would put around a third less wilderness at risk than the runaway emissions scenario, either situation would pose a significant threat to biodiversity if the land is cultivated, the study found.

In the worst-case scenario, 72 percent of the land that is currently capable of being farmed will experience a net loss in total crop diversity, the researchers report. At the same time, the climate at higher latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere will become particularly suitable for agriculture.

Computer models. If you give them more money they can make even more prognostications.

Feeling Anxious About Climate Change? Read This Interview.

A few years ago, Sarah Jaquette Ray began noticing a change among her students. She has taught environmental studies throughout her career, but increasingly, students were coming to class anxious and hopeless about the climate crisis. They were asking questions like, “What’s the point of studying this if the planet won’t be livable in a few decades?”

Ray began talking through this stress and anxiety with her students, and she found that many of them felt that trying to respond to climate change was pointless. They couldn’t imagine a hopeful, beautiful future, and it was stifling their ability to work toward one.

So she spent the last several years researching and writing her most recent book, A Field Guide to Climate Anxiety: How to Keep Your Cool on a Warming Planet.

Better yet, seek out a qualified professional who understands how to deprogram people from being in cults. Quite frankly, I’m bummed that I never thought to write a pro cult book and make some cash off these fools.

Read: ‘Climate Change’ Will Soon Have Us Growing Corn In The Yukon »

If All You See…

…is drought from Other People refusing to take the bus, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Chicks On The Right, with a post on Liz Cheney potentially running for president.

Read: If All You See… »

Majority Of Sanctuary State NY Voters Say Illegal Immigration Is A Serious Problem

Even Democrats, who helped Biden take SSNY 60% to 39%, say it’s an issue

Majority of NY voters says migrant influx ‘will destroy’ New York City: survey

A majority of New York state voters in a new poll said they agree with Mayor Eric Adams’s (D) statement that the influx of migrants “will destroy” the city.

In a Sienna College poll published Tuesday, 58 percent of respondents said they agree with their Democratic mayor’s earlier statement, while 32 percent said they disagree, three percent were in the middle and eight percent said they didn’t know or refused to say.

Per the poll, 46% of Democrats, 81% of Republicans, and 60% of Independents agree. Do I think it will destroy the city? No. But, it will cause serious problems. SCNY is hard to kill, but, add the illegals to all the Democrat policies which enable rising crime, the tax base leaving, and more, it will be difficult.

In the Sienna College poll, the vast majority of respondents said they saw the recent influx of migrants as a serious problem for the state — a sentiment that extends across demographics. A total of 84 percent of respondents called it a serious problem, compared to 12 percent who said it was not a serious problem.

Eighty-one percent of Democrats called it a serious problem, compared to 16 percent who said it was not serious. Ninety-four percent of Republicans said the recent influx of migrants was a serious problem for the state, compared to four percent who said it was not. Eighty-two percent of Independents/Others said it was serious, compared to 14 percent who said it was not.

The breakdown was somewhat starker by ideology, with 68 percent of liberals calling it serious, compared to 28 percent who called it not. Eighty-seven percent of moderates said it was serious, compared to 11 percent who said it was not. Ninety-seven percent of conservatives said it was serious, compared to just two percent said it was not.

Well, Democrats of all types, this is what you voted for. Then there’s this

Interesting. 52% of Democrats are done with the illegals. The other 41% probably live in areas which haven’t received illegals yet.

Read: Majority Of Sanctuary State NY Voters Say Illegal Immigration Is A Serious Problem »

Scientists Say We’re In Uncharted Territory On Climate Doom Or Something

“Once upon a time” they said “we’re afraid”

‘We Are Afraid’: Scientists Issue New Warning As World Enters ‘Uncharted Climate Territory’

A distinguished international team of scientists on Tuesday issued the starkest warning yet that human activity is pushing Earth into a climate crisis that could threaten the lives of up to 6 billion people this century, stating candidly: “We are afraid of the uncharted territory that we have now entered.”

Writing in the journal Biosciences, the coalition of 12 researchers, spanning North America, Europe and Asia, state in unusually stark language: “As scientists, we are increasingly being asked to tell the public the truth about the crises we face in simple and direct terms. The truth is that we are shocked by the ferocity of the extreme weather events in 2023.”

Record climate anomalies seen around the world in 2023 have astonished the scientific community, raising concerns that further extreme weather, as well as climate tipping points, could arrive sooner than expected. The authors say that the temperature records, which smashed all previous observations, along with record low levels of sea ice, are signs that human activity is “pushing our planetary systems into dangerous instability.”

Can they compare it to previous Holocene warm periods? That’s what’s required for it to be science, comparisons. Otherwise, how do we know this is different?

Drawing on the cumulative body of Earth systems research, from disciplines spanning atmospheric physics, oceanography, biology, paleoclimatology and human geography, Tuesday’s Biosciences report shows that the world is now undergoing changes at a speed never before seen in human existence. Juxtaposed against the “minimal progress” among governments to slow climate change, the authors write, “It is the moral duty of us scientists and our institutions to clearly alert humanity of any potential existential threat and to show leadership in taking action.”

First off, why is it always government that must force people to comply and live a certain way? Why can’t Warmists practice what they preach? What if the huge number of Warmists in the world all went Net Zero in their own lives? We’d see if it made any difference.

Second, these climate cult scientists remind me of lots of pop stars, always having to get more and more crazy to get attention, like, say, Brittney Spears in her crazy years, and Miley Cyrus in hers. At what point does it end, because people are no longer paying attention? They just had enough?

Read: Scientists Say We’re In Uncharted Territory On Climate Doom Or Something »

French President Suggests Fighting Hamas The Same As ISIS

Macron already seems to be taking a tougher line on Islamic terrorism than most, including Biden. He’s called for deporting all immigrants with ties to Islamic extremism, though, I’ll believe it when I see it in action, considering France has been overrun with them for decades, mostly in the big cities, and they like to have riots and set cars on fire quite a bit. And now

In Israel, Macron proposes using anti-ISIS coalition against Hamas

French President Emmanuel Macron proposed Tuesday that the existing international coalition battling the remnants of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria could be widened to include the fight against Hamas.

The proposal, made after a meeting in Jerusalem with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, reflected the urgency among Western leaders and allies to use any tools available in attempts to keep the war between Hamas and Israel from igniting a wider conflict.

As Macron stood beside Netanyahu at a brief appearance in Jerusalem, the Israeli leader described Hamas as “the new Nazis” and said Jewish children trying to escape Hamas gunmen attacking their communities earlier this month were forced to “hide in attics” just “like Anne Frank” did in Amsterdam during World War II.

Macron pledged that Israel was not alone and that “France is ready for the coalition, which is fighting in Iraq and Syria against ISIS, to also fight against Hamas.”

What would this look like? Would it include fighting on the ground? Killing the leaders? Eroding their weapons caches? He might be seeing the huge amount of Islamic extremism and Jew hatred in France. Perhaps he’s looking to take on a bit of the world leadership since Biden is not scary to our enemies at all.

Later Tuesday, Macron traveled to the West Bank to meet with Mahmoud Abbas, president of the Palestinian Authority, a rival of Hamas. Abbas blamed Israel and said that “the countries that support it are responsible for the conflict,” according to France 24.

Macron told reporters that “Hamas does not represent the Palestinian people.” He posted on X, formerly known as Twitter, that the war was “a tragedy for Israelis but also for Palestinians.”

Yeah, well, most of the Palestinians do support Hamas, so, if they didn’t want a tragedy they should have booted Hamas. But, without Hamas, they’re still Islamic extremists who hate Jews, Israel, the US, and the West.

Later in the article

Palestinian and Israeli foreign ministers traded graphic descriptions of indiscriminate brutality and slain children. One of the most outraged responses came from Israel, after U.N. Secretary General António Guterres opened the session by condemning the Oct. 7 Hamas attack on Israel but then called for recognition that “the attacks by Hamas did not happen in a vacuum. The Palestinian people have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation.”

His remarks infuriated Israeli diplomats — the country’s United Nations ambassador called on Guterres to “resign immediately.”

Obviously, the Marxists at the UN are happy to show their Jew hatred, starting with Guterres.

Read: French President Suggests Fighting Hamas The Same As ISIS »

ZOMG: Israel Blockading The Gaza Terrorists Creates An Environmental Disaster Or Something

Funny how all these people have zero concern over how Palestinians support a terrorist group, as designated by the US State Dept, EU, and UN, and none for all the Jews killed, raped, beheaded, and kidnapped, eh?

How Israel’s blockade of Gaza created an environmental catastrophe

As some of the most brutal Israeli airstrikes in recent memory pound the Gaza Strip, it has taken little time for the human consequences of the latest round of hostilities to manifest.

A vivid example came on October 17, when an explosion at the al-Ahli Arab Hospital killed hundreds of Palestinians.

Which was caused by Hamas, but, this Arab propoganda outlet wants people to assume it was those Jews

But the full extent of the violence’s toll, including its impact on Gaza’s festering environmental issues, may take longer to become apparent. Nonetheless, some of the Israeli siege’s effects on Gaza’s environment are already coming into focus.

Among Gaza’s most visible, persistent environmental issues has been a shortage of drinking water.

Don’t dig up water pipes and turn them into rockets.

In 2019, UNICEF reported an alarming set of statistics: 96 percent of the water from Gaza’s aquifer was “unfit for human consumption” while only a tenth of Gazans enjoyed “direct access to safe water.”

Perhaps don’t spend all your money on weapons to kill Jews

The international organisation added that 1.8 million of the territory’s residents — half of them children — needed “some form of humanitarian Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) assistance.”

UNICEF described WASH access as “a basic human right.”

Terrorists need help learning to wash?

While Gaza could once count on desalination plants for a source of drinking water independent of its contaminated aquifer, Israel severed Gazans from the electric grid on October 9, leaving the desalination plants without a power supply.

There are consequences for being terrorists

But some of the greatest costs for the environment — and the Gazans who rely on it — may result from the devastation of infrastructure. A 2022 article by scientists based in Canada, the United States, and Gaza itself argued that “the destruction of Gaza’s infrastructure is exacerbating environmental health impacts.”

The article cited instances of Israeli operations that damaged farmland, contributed to disease outbreaks and pollution, and hindered climate change mitigation and waste management.

Does anyone possibly think Hamas gives a crap about ‘climate change’? Really, this whole the New Arab piece is designed to influence Useful Idiots in the Western world.

Read: ZOMG: Israel Blockading The Gaza Terrorists Creates An Environmental Disaster Or Something »

If All You See…

…is a horrible dog taking up too many resources and causing glaciers to melt, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Bunkerville, with a post on the pro-Hamas demonstrations.

Read: If All You See… »

Good News: Biden’s Border Shattering Records

If the GOP wants to impeach Biden, why is his failure to secure the border from invasion not included?

CBP reports all-time highs for yearly, monthly migrant encounters along Southwest border

Migrant encounters on the Southwest border in September and for all of Fiscal Year 2023 were the most ever recorded by U.S. Customs and Border Protection, and there were significant changes in where migrants cross from Mexico this past year, the agency reports

There were 269,735 migrants encountered on the Southwest border in September — the most ever recorded in a single month by CBP. That’s up nearly 16% from 232,963 in August, and up nearly 50% from July, according to CBP data released Saturday.

September marked the end of Fiscal Year 2023, during which the agency encountered a total of 2.48 million migrants on the Southwest border — an agency record and about 100,000 more from the 2.38 million encounters in Fiscal Year 2022, according to agency data.

And what’s happening with this record number of illegals?

Border Patrol clocking 1,000 ‘known gotaways’ per day, over 23K people in October, CBP sources say

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) sources confirmed to Fox News that there have been more than 23,000 “known gotaways” since the new fiscal year began on Oct. 1.

That means more than 1,000 individuals were seen or detected by Border Patrol agents but not apprehended per day this month.

Sources say figures like these representing the rate at which people are crossing illegally and disappearing into the interior are keeping border officials up at night because American authorities have no idea who these estimated 1,000 individuals coming over each day are, where they are from or why they are coming here illegally.

How many of them are gang members and bad people? How many are terrorists from Islamist nations? We don’t know.

Striking hotel workers in L.A. replaced by unhoused migrants, union officials claim

Officials with the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office on Monday announced an investigation into labor practices at hotels across L.A. County after allegations that some hotels are hiring unhoused refugees living in a shelter on Skid Row to replace striking union workers, particularly in the housekeeping departments.

Unite Here Local 11, the union representing thousands of workers in the largest hotel strike in U.S., brought the issue of working conditions for migrants hired at L.A. hotels to the attention of District Attorney George Gascón, the Los Angeles Times reported.

According to the Time reporting, nearly a dozen refugees, primarily from Venezuela and Colombia, confirmed that they had been hired at hotels where workers were striking outside, with some saying they had been given heavy workloads, long hours and were forced to work without breaks.

And these Democrat voting union members do not seem to get that all the illegals will be used to replace them at lower wages.

Read: Good News: Biden’s Border Shattering Records »

Prince William, Gavin Newsome Take Long Fossil Fueled Flights To Discuss Global Boiling

I’m sure they both too commercial flights, right?

Prince William to travel to Singapore for Earthshot Prize announcement on climate projects

climate cowPrince William will travel to Singapore next month to name the winners of his Earthshot Prize, a global competition to find solutions to the challenges of climate change.

William created the prize three years ago to encourage inventors and entrepreneurs to develop technologies to combat global warming and mitigate its impact on the environment.

Singapore was chosen to host the latest annual awards ceremony because of its role as a “hub for innovation” in Southeast Asia, William’s office at Kensington Palace said in a statement. During his four-day trip to Singapore, the prince will meet with local groups to learn how they are working to protect and restore the planet.

William will also attend the United for Wildlife global summit, featuring representatives of law enforcement agencies, conservation groups and corporations that are working to combat the trade in illegal wildlife products, which is estimated at $20 billion annually.

That last is good. Traveling all the way to Singapore to yammer about how Other People must be forced to comply with the climate cult’s beliefs, Williams beliefs, is not.

After Israel visit, Newsom heads to China for climate talks. But can he avoid global conflicts?

Gov. Gavin Newsom comforted a mother whose son was kidnapped by Hamas, and visited a hospital where Israelis were recovering from injuries from the Oct. 7 attacks. He met with top Israeli officials, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and saw videos of brutal beheadings.

That was how Newsom described his one-day visit to Israel before arriving in Hong Kong to kick off a week-long trip through China focused on climate change.

So, a flight from California to Israel, around 7,500 miles, then from there to China around another 4,500 miles. From China to California another 6,200 miles. He’s basically circling the globe on a private jet to yammer about ‘climate change’ in a country that is the worst offender per the climate cult, which is constantly building new coal power plants, and is more than happy to sell crappy, below-value products like solar panels to idiots.

Read: Prince William, Gavin Newsome Take Long Fossil Fueled Flights To Discuss Global Boiling »

Reporters Were Shown Video Of Hamas Atrocities, Broke Down In Tears

All those ones referring to Hamas as “militants” and trying to fund reasons to equate Israel with Hamas got an eyeful

Foreign Reporters Burst Into Tears During IDF Screening of Hamas’ Atrocities

Israel on Monday invited 200 foreign journalists to view horrific footage and images from Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack on the country, with attending journalists reporting that some colleagues burst into tears as they viewed clips of beheadings, torture, murder, and more.

Israeli officials said the graphic screening, hosted at a Tel Aviv military base, was necessary to fight against what they claim are lies pushed by Hamas that are akin to a “Holocaust denial-like phenomenon.”

Recording was not permitted inside the screening, reportedly out of respect for the families of the slain and maimed Israelis captured on camera. A single clip was permitted to leave the base, which appeared to show an Israeli driver and passenger being gunned down by Hamas fighters with rifles.

That scene ends with a Hamas fighter’s body cam showing two bodies slouched over in the car.

The reporters were treated to a long video, and they did not enjoy it

The Times of Israel reported that the compilation of apparent atrocities totaled 43 minutes.

Jotam Confino, a British journalist in attendance, shared a horrifying list of things included in the screening. He described watching clips of an man being beheaded with a shovel, an unarmed father being killed by a grenade as he sheltered with his weeping young sons, and a young girl—aged between 7 to 9—being shot dead.

The Guardian reported that a clip showed an Israeli woman checking a burned woman’s corpse to see if it was a family member. The dead woman’s dress “was pulled up to her waist and her underpants had been removed,” the paper wrote. Still images reportedly showed slain Israelis spread across highways, having been killed and their cars reportedly stolen.

All the leftists trying to yammer about occupation and Israel committing war crimes, like those in The Squad, should be forced to watch it. One of the founding members of the Democratic Socialists Of America, Maurice Isserman, has quit the DSA after 41 years of their support of Hamas.

Read: Reporters Were Shown Video Of Hamas Atrocities, Broke Down In Tears »

Pirate's Cove