If All You See…

…is an area flooded because all the glaciers melted, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Diogenes’ Middle Finger, with a post saying to remember that you are not being replaced.

Read: If All You See… »

Maine Shooting: Kamala Calls For The “Australian Solution”, Conservative Dem Flips On Banning Assault Weapons

They always tell us what they want. She’s not the first to make this call, and won’t be the last. What it means is mass confiscation of firearms

Australia has no 2nd Amendment. Also, only about one third to one fifth of the guns were turned in. They do not really know the exact percent, because no one told the government before or after. The GOP is missing a good opportunity, as usual, to bring legislation to the floor which would take assault weapons away from all who protect the White House, Congress, federal buildings, other than military bases. Restrict pistols to magazines that hold no more than 10 rounds. It doesn’t have to pass, it has to show that Democrats are not OK with not being protected themselves.

Maine Rep. Jared Golden says hometown mass shooting changed his mind on assault weapons ban

Rep. Jared Golden, a Marine Corps veteran who lives in Lewiston, Maine, said Thursday that in light of the recent mass shooting in his hometown he was changing his view on banning assault-style weapons.

“Humility is called for as accountability is sought by victims of a tragedy such as this one,” Golden said at a news conference alongside other officials.

Arguably the most conservative Democrat in the House, Golden said that “I have opposed efforts to ban deadly weapons of war like the assault rifle used to carry out this crime.”

“The time has come for me to take responsibility for this failure,” he said. “Which is why I now call on the United States Congress to ban assault rifles like the one used by the sick perpetrator of this mass killing.”

So, because some psycho used one, the rest of us must pay the price?

(Breitbart) Robert Card, the person of interest being pursued by law enforcement in Maine following murders in Lewiston, had reported mental health issues and was evaluated by police in July due to concerns of erratic behavior, according to reports.

Card — a member of the U.S. Army Reserves and a firearms instructor described by CNN as a “skilled marksman and outdoorsman” — is the suspect in the massacre that occurred in Lewiston late Wednesday, leaving 18 people killed and more than a dozen injured, according to an update from Maine Gov. Janet Mills (D).

According to reports, Card had a history of mental health issues and had been evaluated by police at the Keller Army Community Hospital at West Point in July after military officials expressed concern about his erratic behavior.

Maine has a yellow flag law

Maine State Police said that Card reported “hearing voices” and threatened to carry out a mass shooting. It’s the kind of warning signs that red and yellow flag laws are meant to intercept.

Jaclyn Schildkraut, executive director of the Regional Gun Violence Research Consortium at the Rockefeller Institute, says policies are only as good as the people behind them.

“So if the policy isn’t being implemented, and it’s not being utilized effectively, that’s a systems failure issue and a human failure issue,” she said.

All those issues with this guy, and no one took the steps to attempt to temporarily pull his guns, and, they had to know he had them. It’s a yellow flag, not red flag, because it takes more steps, but, no one tried. The government system failed, and, because of that, Democrats are looking to disarm Americans.

Read: Maine Shooting: Kamala Calls For The “Australian Solution”, Conservative Dem Flips On Banning Assault Weapons »

Climate Cult Super Concerned Mike Johnson Doesn’t Believe In Climate Doom

If the NY Times is so concerned why are they not practicing what they preach and telling all fellow Warmists to do the same?

New House Speaker Champions Fossil Fuels and Dismisses Climate Concerns

Representative Mike Johnson of Louisiana, the newly elected House speaker, has questioned climate science, opposed clean energy and received more campaign contributions from oil and gas companies than from any other industry last year.

Even as other Republican lawmakers increasingly accept the overwhelming scientific consensus that human activity is dangerously heating the planet, the unanimous election of Mr. Johnson on Wednesday suggests that his views may not be out of step with the rest of his party.

Indeed, surveys show that climate science has been politicized in the United States to an extent not experienced in most other countries. A Pew Research Center survey released Tuesday found that a vast majority of Democrats polled — 85 percent — said that climate change is an extremely or very serious problem, while 47 percent of Republicans viewed climate change as not too serious or not a problem at all.

Regardless, Doing Something about the climate crisis (scam) doesn’t belong in the federal Congress. It is not something the Constitution granted them power over. If States want to do something, have at it. And, if these Democrats are so concerned, then why are they not giving up their own use of fossil fuels, to start? How many flights and fossil fueled SUV trips are the Congressional Dems taking on a constant basis?

Mr. Johnson, whose district includes Shreveport, a former oil town that has diversified over the past decade, was first elected to Congress in 2016. A former constitutional lawyer, he does not sit on committees that decide the fate of major energy issues.

But he has consistently voted against dozens of climate bills and amendments, opposing legislation that would require companies to disclose their risks from climate change and bills that would reduce leaks of methane, a potent greenhouse gas, from oil and gas wells. He has voted for measures that would cut funding to the Environmental Protection Agency.

At a town hall in 2017, Mr. Johnson said: “The climate is changing, but the question is, is it being caused by natural cycles over the span of the Earth’s history? Or is it changing because we drive S.U.V.s? I don’t believe in the latter. I don’t think that’s the primary driver.”

It isn’t. Hence why the “climate scientists” rarely attempt to provide proof of their assertions. They just expect you to Believe them.

After Representative Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Democrat of New York, and Senator Ed Markey, Democrat of Massachusetts, unsuccessfully filed “Green New Deal” legislation in 2019 to aggressively cut emissions, move the country toward 100 percent renewable energy and address a host of social issues, Mr. Johnson hit back.

Then the chairman of the Republican Study Committee, Mr. Johnson issued a 13-page paper dubbing the climate plan “A Greedy New Steal.” He called the Democrats’ plan “a thinly veiled attempt to implement the policies that would usher in a new socialist society in America.”

He hit the nail on the head. Why do all the Democrat “solutions” involve more and more government control?

Read: Climate Cult Super Concerned Mike Johnson Doesn’t Believe In Climate Doom »

Palestinians Seem Surprised Israel “Waging A War Of Revenge”

When you send a bunch of terrorists to kill, rape, torture, and behead civilians, including women and babies, and do this to a whole bunch of civilians, do you not think there would be a response? This is a serious Captain Obvious situation

Israel is waging ‘war of revenge’ on Gaza, Palestinian minister says

Israel is waging a “war of revenge” on Gaza aimed at its total destruction, Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki said on Thursday, as Israeli troops bombard the Palestinian enclave in response to the devastating Oct. 7 attack on Israel by Hamas.

Israel said its ground forces had pushed into Gaza overnight to attack Hamas targets as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said it was “preparing for a ground invasion” that could be one of several.

“So many wars have taken place (in Gaza), this is different. This time it’s a war of revenge,” al-Maliki told reporters in The Hague.

“This war has no real objective, rather than the total destruction of every livable place in Gaza. This war is not directed by military plans, there are no norms respected. All international rules of war are violated.”

No norms? Beheading babies and hunting down young women, dragging their mutilated and naked bodies around? How are those norms? Rules of war? How about holding civilians as human shields?

What this is really all about is that Hamas didn’t think Israel would do more than a brief, token attack, then back off, as usually happens. But, they also figured if Israel did respond more harshly than normal they could rally the Normal Useful Idiots and nations to their cause.

Exclusive–House Republicans Issue ‘Evicted Act’ to Instantly Deport Palestinian Illegal Aliens from U.S.

Reps. Andy Ogles (R-TN) and Tom Tiffany (R-WI) are introducing legislation that would have the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) immediately deport illegal aliens from the United States if they arrived from Palestinian-controlled regions such as Gaza.

The “Evicting Violent Islamic Criminals That Entered Deviously Act” or “Evict Act,” exclusively shared with Breitbart News, would use the Immigration and Nationality Act to have DHS deport illegal aliens in the U.S. who arrived from Palestinian-controlled regions.

“No one can escape the countless videos of Palestinian terrorists barbarically murdering Jewish families in Israel,” Ogles told Breitbart News in an exclusive statement.

In fairness, they should be deported no matter what. They should also be deporting any aliens here legally who are demonstrating in favor of Hamas and talking about killing Jews and destroying Israel.

Read: Palestinians Seem Surprised Israel “Waging A War Of Revenge” »

Surprisingly, New Report Shows EVs Are Rather Expensive Vs Gas Vehicles

And what happens why you take away subsidies and/or tax incentives?

New report unmasks true costs of electric vehicle mandates: ‘Remain more expensive’

Electric vehicleA sweeping first-of-its-kind analysis published by think tank Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF) concludes that electric vehicles (EV) would cost tens of thousands of dollars more if not for generous taxpayer-funded incentives.

According to the TPPF report — authored by energy experts Jason Isaac and Brent Bennett — the average model year 2021 EV would cost approximately $48,698 more to own over a 10-year period without the staggering $22 billion in taxpayer-funded handouts that the government provides to electric car manufacturers and owners. The analysis factors in federal fuel efficiency programs, electric grid strain, and direct state and federal subsidies.

“It is not an overstatement to say that the federal government is subsidizing EVs to a greater degree than even wind and solar electricity generation and embarking on an unprecedented endeavor to remake the entire American auto industry,” the report states. “Despite these massive incentives, EVs are receiving a tepid response from the majority of Americans who cannot shoulder their higher cost.” (snip)

The report determined that, thanks to a special multiplier that has existed for more than two decades, EVs receive roughly seven times more credits under federal fuel efficiency programs than they provide in actual fuel economy benefits. That figure, the total regulatory credits from federal and state fuel efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions standards, amounts to an average of $27,881 per vehicle for EV makers.

Of course, most people cannot really afford EVs and/or they are just too inconvenient for their lives. Even AOC stated that most EVs other than her Tesla would be a pain in the behind. And as domestic auto makers come to terms with their unions it will drive prices up higher

Further, the analysis calculated the socialized cost of EV charging stations’ strain on the U.S. electric grid amounts to an average of $11,833 per EV over 10 years. Such costs are shouldered by utility ratepayers and taxpayers, many of whom may not own an EV.

“Without increased and sustained government favors, EVs will remain more expensive than ICEVs for many years to come,” it states. “Hence why, even with these subsidies, EVs have been challenging for dealers to sell and why basic economic realities indicate that the Biden administration’s dream of achieving 100% EVs by 2040 will never become a reality.”

Even with all those favors they are outside most people’s budgets. Those that people can stretch for become a problem for range and charging. Then there’s the fact that insurance is at least 25% more. I’m not against them. I’m against government forcing We The People into them.

Read: Surprisingly, New Report Shows EVs Are Rather Expensive Vs Gas Vehicles »

If All You See…

…is an overly bright sun because carbon pollution destroyed the atmosphere, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on remembering St. Crispin’s Day.

Read: If All You See… »

Bidenconomy: CNN Notes That Inflation Is Not Done, But, Disinflation Could Be Worse

Remember, disinflation is not deflation, it is simply a time when inflation has reduced over the short term, though, there is a chance of deflation when it drops near zero

Inflation is cooling, but the price hikes aren’t done

In 2021, when the price of organic cotton and other raw materials spiked, the family that runs White Lotus Home, a New Jersey-based sustainable bedding company, hoped the 20% to 25% jumps were merely momentary and opted to absorb most of the costs.

But earlier this month, Marlon Pando, White Lotus Home’s chief executive, emailed customers to explain that the 42-year-old company could no longer afford to do so, and that prices would go up in 2024.

In Boulder, Colorado, restaurateur Tony Hessel spends his weekends poring over spreadsheets he’s built to wrangle ingredient costs that have been consistently erratic. While he has been able to lower prices on some dishes, he’s had no choice but to raise others.

Inflation in the United States has unquestionably cooled after hitting 40-year highs last year. However, recent inflation gauges, the actions of reticent small businesses like these, and the broad-based announced price hikes by large entities like Chipotle and Disney, reinforce what Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell and others have repeated for months: Disinflation will be bumpy.

However, the longer that process drags on, consumers’ patience — and, in some cases, their pocketbooks — are wearing increasingly thin.

“When we look ahead, what we’re likely to see in the economy is slower demand,” said Lydia Boussour, EY-Parthenon’s senior economist. “And that means for businesses, the ability to pass on higher prices and higher costs to the consumer is going to be limited.”

That lower demand is already there, especially with big ticket items, even some somewhat essential like automobiles. Further, many items are gone. Lots of products went away due to COVID and/or inflation, and are not coming back, like those low cost alternatives to things you’d get at the grocery store, because they just cannot afford to have them

Prices in the United States, by and large, are still going up — just not as much as they were last year.

During the 12 months that ended in September, the Consumer Price Index rose 3.7%, versus the 41-year high of 9.1% in June 2022. Other key inflation gauges, the more comprehensive Personal Consumption Expenditures price index and the wholesale-focused Producer Price Index, have moderated as well.

However, in recent months, their descents have been choppier. A spike in gas prices and other components such as persistently high shelter costs have kept inflation elevated.

Remember, that 3.7% is on top of the previous inflation hikes. And they were going up in 2021. Basically, the entire Biden years are ones of high inflation. Interestingly, the Credentialed Media has been feeding us the line about inflation cooling for most of this year, yet, prices continue to go up. Things that could swing down do not. The cost for used cars is still way too high. Home and apartment prices are out of control. There could be slight shifts downward in some goods, mostly foods, as the price of gas fluctuates, but, not much, and not for long, as gas remains much higher.

When digging into the numbers, the picture does look rosier, economists say, noting that the monthly inflation gains are in line with the Fed’s desired 2% inflation target. (The latest reading of the Fed’s preferred inflation gauge, the PCE index that strips out energy and food, will be released on Friday).

I’m pretty sure that 3.7% is almost double 2%.

Read: Bidenconomy: CNN Notes That Inflation Is Not Done, But, Disinflation Could Be Worse »

Surprise: Almost Half Think Hotcoldwetdry Is Someone Else’s Problem

Unfortunately, they didn’t put it as I do, Someone Else. I’m also surprised that the percent is so low

49% of Americans think climate change is mostly someone else’s problem

Pew surveyed 8,842 adults in the US between September 25 and October 1, 2023, about their opinions on climate change. The survey asked Americans who said they see climate change as at least a somewhat serious problem which groups they think can do “a lot” to combat climate change. (The deniers who said climate change is not too serious or not a problem – 24% – weren’t asked that particular question.)

Fifty-five percent of respondents answered that the energy industry can make a big impact, and 52% think large businesses and corporations can mitigate climate change. Then came the belief that the federal government (47%) and cities and communities (40%) can make a difference.

But only 27% of US adults polled felt that individual Americans’ efforts can help “a lot.” Thirty-six percent said that individuals’ efforts can do “a little” to impact climate change, and 13% said “not much.”

That means just under half – 49% – of Americans think individuals can do a little, or not much, to combat climate change. Then add in the 24% group who think climate change isn’t real, and you have a majority.

So, um, do these same people not use fossil fuels themselves? Remember, half of every barrel goes to make some over 600 products other than gasoline. Clothes, shoes, plastics, computers, TVs, smartphones, makeup, and so much more. Do they not buy products from Big Companies? And when they talk about government, do they not realize it would mean government forcing these people to change their lives to comply?

Yet when asked to look ahead to 30 years from now, 52% felt that “major changes” to everyday life will be needed to address the problems caused by climate change. (Again, the climate change deniers weren’t asked this question.)

Why are they not willing to change their own lives right now?

More than half of Americans think that they – or rather, their kids and grandkids – are going to have to make major changes to everyday life to address the problems caused by climate change in 2053.

But just under half also feel there’s nothing more than at least “a little” that individual people can do about climate change right now.

Let’s also presume that those polled were also thinking about themselves when they answered this question about individuals. So what’s with this seemingly selfish viewpoint?

A lot of psychology comes into play. Psychology professor Art Markman reported in 2018 for Harvard Business Review that acting on climate change means “a trade-off between short-term and long-term benefits, which is the hardest trade-off for people to make.”

Nah. It’s just that they’re a bunch of hypocrites, and ‘climate change’ is simply another way of pushing Modern Socialism.

Read: Surprise: Almost Half Think Hotcoldwetdry Is Someone Else’s Problem »

President Of Turkey Takes Side Of Hamas, Says They Aren’t Terrorists

When a group intentionally attacks civilians, rapes them, kills them, tortures them, beheads babies, and this was all planned, that’s a terrorist group. Hence, the US, EU, and UN all designate Hamas as a terrorist group. It’s not surprising that Turkey, a Muslim nation, would take their side. Do we still want them in NATO?

Turkey’s Erdogan says Hamas is not terrorist organisation, cancels trip to Israel

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan, in his strongest comments yet on the Gaza conflict, said on Wednesday the Palestinian militant group Hamas was not a terrorist organisation but a liberation group fighting to protect Palestinian lands.

NATO member Turkey condemned the civilian deaths caused by Hamas’s Oct. 7 rampage in southern Israel, but also urged Israeli forces to act with restraint in their response. Ankara has strongly criticised Israel’s bombardment of Gaza.

“Hamas is not a terrorist organisation, it is a liberation group, ‘mujahideen’ waging a battle to protect its lands and people,” he told lawmakers from his ruling AK Party, using an Arabic word denoting those who fight for their faith.

Unlike many of its NATO allies and the European Union, Turkey does not consider Hamas a terrorist organisation and hosts members of the group on its territory. Ankara backs a two-state solution to the decades-old Israel-Palestinian conflict.

Erdogan also slammed Western powers for supporting Israel’s bombing of Gaza and called for an immediate ceasefire, the unhindered entry of humanitarian aid into Gaza and for Muslim countries to work together to stop the violence.

So, any of you Useful Idiots out there taking the side of the Palestinians, which is really Hamas’ side, you’re taking the side of hardcore Islamists, ie, Islamic extremists. Like these Useful Idiots

Richmond City Council passes pro-Palestinian resolution accusing Israel of ‘ethnic cleansing’

After more than seven hours of emotionally charged debate over what’s going on in the Middle East, the Richmond City (California. Go figure) Council voted 5-1 Wednesday morning to approve a resolution that recognizes the suffering of Palestinians in Gaza and accuses Israel of ethnic cleansing.

The pro-Palestinian vote came shortly after 1 a.m. The Chronicle reported that those who stayed to hear the end result chanted “Free free Palestine!”

And what, exactly, does that mean? Do they understand it means replacing the nation of Israel, kicking out/killing all the Jews?

The JCRC had urged Jews and their allies to flood the meeting to oppose the resolution, and tell the council that they feel “unsafe and scared, and this resolutions’ lack of empathy for Jews will only exacerbate the pain the community is feeling.”

“Hamas had a great night in Richmond, with five hours of chaos and unrelenting repulsive speech against Israel and Jews,” JCRC CEO Tyler Gregory said Wednesday morning. The council demonstrated profound ignorance and incompetence. Richmond could not bring itself to condemn mass murder against Jewish civilians and is not a safe place for Jews. There will be consequences for this taxpayer-funded circus.”

How many Jews live in Richmond City? How many will be moving and taking their taxes and businesses with them? It’s wild that Democrats so openly embrace an Islamic terrorist group and show their hatred of Jews these days.

Read: President Of Turkey Takes Side Of Hamas, Says They Aren’t Terrorists »

‘Climate Change’ Will Soon Have Us Growing Corn In The Yukon

The tundra will soon be excellent farmland because you want to live a modern lifestyle

Corn Harvests in the Yukon? Study Finds That Climate Change Will Boost Likelihood That Wilderness Gives Way to Agriculture

Climate change has the potential to restructure the world’s agricultural landscapes, making it possible to plant crops in places where they have never been viable historically. Within the next 40 years, these new growing regions could overlap with 7 percent of the world’s wilderness areas outside Antarctica, putting those ecosystems at risk, scientists reported Thursday.

For their study, published in the journal Current Biology, the researchers ran computer models for how climate-driven shifts in precipitation and temperatures could alter the growing regions for 1,708 crops, with information on suitable conditions for each variety pulled from a database created by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization.

The models were based on two different scenarios: one in which greenhouse gas emissions peak by 2040 and then decline, and one in which those heat-trapping emissions steadily increase beyond that time frame. While the first possibility would put around a third less wilderness at risk than the runaway emissions scenario, either situation would pose a significant threat to biodiversity if the land is cultivated, the study found.

In the worst-case scenario, 72 percent of the land that is currently capable of being farmed will experience a net loss in total crop diversity, the researchers report. At the same time, the climate at higher latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere will become particularly suitable for agriculture.

Computer models. If you give them more money they can make even more prognostications.

Feeling Anxious About Climate Change? Read This Interview.

A few years ago, Sarah Jaquette Ray began noticing a change among her students. She has taught environmental studies throughout her career, but increasingly, students were coming to class anxious and hopeless about the climate crisis. They were asking questions like, “What’s the point of studying this if the planet won’t be livable in a few decades?”

Ray began talking through this stress and anxiety with her students, and she found that many of them felt that trying to respond to climate change was pointless. They couldn’t imagine a hopeful, beautiful future, and it was stifling their ability to work toward one.

So she spent the last several years researching and writing her most recent book, A Field Guide to Climate Anxiety: How to Keep Your Cool on a Warming Planet.

Better yet, seek out a qualified professional who understands how to deprogram people from being in cults. Quite frankly, I’m bummed that I never thought to write a pro cult book and make some cash off these fools.

Read: ‘Climate Change’ Will Soon Have Us Growing Corn In The Yukon »

Pirate's Cove