Chicago Alderman Take Exactly Wrong Message After Visiting Texas Border

Apparently, right now, illegals are being told that Chicago is an awesome destination, hence why so many are being shipped to the sanctuary city. I’m sure illegals crossing in other areas are being told to go to Sanctuary City New York, others Boston, Denver, other progressive towns. San Diego has receive a whole ton of them, though, that seems more of Biden’s doing.

Chicago delegation tours Texas migrant camps; calls for feds to declare Chicago ‘disaster zone’

A group of Chicago City Council members this week traveled to Texas to visit El Paso, San Antonio, McAllen and Brownsville as part of an effort from Mayor Brandon Johnson to gain a better understanding of the migrant crisis as the border.

“With the weather growing colder and hundreds of migrants arriving each day, it is more important than ever that every stakeholder at the state, federal and local level work diligently to address this challenge, while continuing to meet the needs of Chicago and Illinois residents,” Johnson’s office said in a statement.

“The purpose of this trip is to review operations at federal processing centers, and municipal and NGO-led transit sites, and begin discussions with local stakeholders about ways to alleviate the financial and operations challenges in both Chicago and at the border,” the statement added.

“This is a federal crisis lacking federal funds,” (Alderman) Hall told NBC Chicago from Texas. “That’s why we need the President of the United States to level the playing field and allow our city to be seen as a disaster zone.”

“If Chicago is a destination, we need the federal government to see this as a housing crisis, an infrastructure crisis, a border crisis,” Hall said.

A disaster like all the border towns from Texas to California? The proper message would be that the border needs to be shut down as much as possible, anyone illegally present needs to be deported immediately, and asylum seekers need to apply outside the U.S. Oh, and that Democrats should stop inviting people to come to the U.S. in massive numbers.

Of course, Chicago is a disaster for other reasons.


Democrat mayor of El Paso sends 178 busloads of migrants north to NYC, Chicago and Denver – despite the woke outrage mob claiming the ‘inhumane’ policy is Republican

Democratic leaders in El Paso, Texas have sent 178 busloads of migrants to New York, Chicago and Denver in less than a month, but only the state’s Republican governor is under fire for transporting migrants to sanctuary cities.

More than 7,700 migrants have been transported from West Texas since the city started its busing program on Sept. 22, the city told the

Chicago has received the most buses, with 73 charters going to Illinois. Another 55 have gone to New York City and 50 have traveled to Denver.

You aren’t really hearing anything about that, eh? I wonder why?

‘What we have shared with the mayor of El Paso is that there is no more room in Chicago,’ Alderman Will Hall told the ABC station in Chicago.

How much room is in El Paso, thanks to Democratic Party policies? Or Brownsville, McAllen, Laredo, Eagle Pass, and so many more? All those little towns and unincorporated areas, where illegals cross through citizen’s land and farms?

Read: Chicago Alderman Take Exactly Wrong Message After Visiting Texas Border »

St. Greta Decided To Involve Her Climate Cult Group In The Gaza War

Really, this is one of the first instances where the Cult of Climastrology has involved itself, at least from someone with clout

Israeli official slams Greta Thunberg after she backs Palestinians in Gaza

The Israeli military lashed out at Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg on Friday, after she sent a message supporting Palestinians and endorsed a comment which said a “genocide” was being perpetrated in Gaza.

Thunberg said “the world needs to speak up and call for an immediate ceasefire, justice and freedom for Palestinians and all civilians affected,” as the Israel-Hamas war escalates and threatens to become a regional conflict.

Thunberg also shared on her Instagram account a post by a German-based pro-Palestinian account which says a “genocide” is happening in Gaza.

The group, Palestine Speaks, talked of its “indignation against genocide in Gaza and the repressive state terror of many Western states against anyone who shows and acts in solidarity with the Palestinians.”

In reaction, Arye Sharuz Shalicar, spokesman for the Israeli army, told POLITICO: “Whoever identifies with Greta in any way in the future, in my view, is a terror supporter.”

He added: “Because what Greta is doing, that she is now showing solidarity with Gaza while not saying a word about the massacres of Israelis, shows that she is actually not in favor of the Palestinians, but that she is sweeping the terror of the Palestinians or Hamas and Islamic Jihad under the table as if it did not exist.”

St. Greta pulled her original post, because it included an octopus

She cropped a different photo

You can still see the blue from the octopus on the edge. It’s complete BS, trying to drag autism into it. Do these people use shampoo? Have combs? These wackos truly are Jew haters. Hamas and other Islamic extremist groups do appreciate all these Useful Idiots.

Read: St. Greta Decided To Involve Her Climate Cult Group In The Gaza War »

Idiot Law Students Losing Positions Is Now Raaaaacist

While the article doesn’t really dive in making a case for raaaaacism, how else can we read a headline like this from the outlet Blavity, which is all about black folks and likes to play the race card?

Black NYU Law Student Speaks Out After Job Offer Rescinded Following Pro-Palestine Letter

One Black law student who recently had a job offer rescinded due to their support of Palestinian people.

Ryna Workman, a New York University law student body president who is nonbinary and goes by they/them pronouns, penned a letter to their classmates revealing their “unwavering and absolute solidarity with Palestinians in their resistance against oppression toward liberation and self-determination,” according to The Intercept. Workman concluded the message by stating, “Israel bears full responsibility for this tremendous loss of life.”

Workman’s controversial letter led to their removal as president of the Student Bar Association. They received criticism online for refusing to condemn Hamas’ actions in the attacks on Oct. 7 that left about 1,300 Israeli people dead. The law firm Winston & Strawn withdrew their post-graduate job offer to Workman due to their support for Palestinians.

Who’s shocked by the silly they/them pronouns? Workman would have found a tough time out in The Real World, except for activist law, and barely them, because who wants someone in the workplace who will cause all sorts of HR issues, both internally and with clients? Ryna went full in on Blamestorming Israel, and NYU released a statement saying “yeah, this person doesn’t speak for us, and Hamas is a bunch of terrorists.”

On Monday, Workman released a statement and explained how they didn’t intend their message to come across as “insensitive” to the Israeli nation.

“I’ve been getting a lot of backlash for the message I sent to my fellow NYU Law students where I voiced my support for the human rights of Palestinians,” they said in the letter. “My message came across as insensitive to the suffering of Israelis during a time of crisis and that is not what I intended. What I wrote was inspired by, and in line with, what many Jewish peace activists and Israelis, including the editorial board of Israel’s largest newspaper, have voiced over the past week in response to the violence.”

Perhaps you should have considered your statement before releasing it. Even if you believed it, sometimes you just have to keep it to yourself. There are plenty of things I’d like to write about work and beliefs, but, I don’t, just like most adults. Potential law firms won’t take kindly to employees who do not think ahead.

According to reports, Workman is not the only college student facing backlash for supporting Palestinians. The Intercept reported that students across the country, especially at Harvard, were condemned for addressing Israel’s treatment toward the Palestinians. Research from Palestine Legal, an advocacy group, shows 1,707 incidents have occurred between 2014 and 2020.

Who wants to hire a lawyer whom does not read documents before signing? Young boys and girls should remember words have consequences, at least in the private sector. The 1st is about being able to have your say on Government. That was the intention of the people who wrote the Bill Of Rights. You may have the right of free speech, however if you want a job from a specific employer, you’d better follow their ideals/rules/culture or your out. They can and will find someone else who is better than you. Or, at least someone who won’t cause problems. Oh, and pronouns are still a big red flag in the private sector.

Those in law school signing these documents and making these statements are showing they failed to apply critical thinking as well as thinking things through.

Read: Idiot Law Students Losing Positions Is Now Raaaaacist »

Say, Can A New Ad Campaign Save Crappy (sic) San Francisco?

The NY Times wonders if good marketing will help

San Francisco’s Brand Is in Trouble. Can a New Ad Campaign Fix It?

San Franciscans don’t like outsiders bashing their city, but they’re also cleareyed about its biggest problems: homelessness, rampant drug use and leaders who can’t seem to fix those issues.

So how does San Francisco turn its lackluster image around?

Some wealthy locals say the way forward is a brand refresh, and they are throwing their support behind a new $4 million ad campaign that will promote San Francisco as a hub of innovation and creativity.

The slogan? “It All Starts Here.”

It’s meant to remind San Franciscans — and everyone else — that the city of cable cars, Levi’s jeans, the Summer of Love, Gap Inc., Uber, Harvey Milk and the Golden State Warriors still has an exciting future ahead of it.

What starts here? Poop, urine, and used drug needles in the street? Homeless everywhere? Rampant crime? Car breakins and thefts? Gap? Most of their stores in SF closed, and they just shut down their Banana Republic in the downtown area, where most companies are closing their stores. Levis is still open in the downtown area, but, it’s surely just a matter of time. Tech companies are leaving over all those issues, as well as the high taxes and high cost of living. Cable cars aren’t enough to chance having a 1 in 20 chance of being a victim of property crime.

In fairness, there are large areas of SF which are safe. You know, the richer areas where the cops tend to be deployed to in order to protect those toney areas.

The campaign, funded by tech billionaire Chris Larsen and Bob Fisher, whose parents founded Gap in San Francisco in the 1960s, includes a social media video narrated by actor Peter Coyote, hundreds of billboards around the city, banners hanging from light poles, and bumper stickers and signs for business owners and residents to hang in their windows.

“No question we’ve got problems we’ve got to fix,” said Larsen, who has funded numerous startups and now sees his city’s reputation as desperately needing investment.

“But we can’t let the brand just suffer,” he added. “We’ve got so much to be proud of, and we can’t lose sight of that.”

Does it really help to tell residents this? Also, they aren’t actually fixing the problems.

Meanwhile, the high crime Democratic Party run city of Seattle thinks they have a Plan

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Read: Say, Can A New Ad Campaign Save Crappy (sic) San Francisco? »

If All You See…

…is an area flooded because Other People drive fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Green Jihad, with a post on St. Greta being arrested again.

Read: If All You See… »

State Department Issues Worldwide Travel Alert For Americans

Thank goodness we’re not reading any mean tweets anymore, the adults are in charge of the White House

Apparently the adults in charge are drunk and stoned. So, we now have war in Ukraine, war in Israel, a complete meltdown of US foreign policy in Afghanistan. Iran getting frisky, China getting frisky towards Taiwan, heck, even Canada is having a diplomatic spat with India, but, hey, the State Department is all in on pushing ‘climate change’.


Biden Official Claims There’s An ‘Understanding’ With Hamas About Not Stealing $100 Million In Aid

Deputy National Security Advisor Jon Finer claimed Thursday that the Biden administration has an “understanding” with Hamas not to steal U.S. aid.

President Joe Biden announced the United States would send $100 million in humanitarian aid to Palestinians just days after the United Nations Relief and Works Agency posted on Twitter that Hamas stole fuel and other relief supplies.

“Speaking of resource, the president pledged $100 million in an aid package to Palestinian civilians, innocent civilians, in Gaza and the West Bank. How is the United States going to ensure that none of that ends up in the hands of Hamas?” CNN host Poppy Harlow asked.

“This was a primary focus of the president’s diplomacy yesterday, both in Israel where he met with the entire Israeli security establishment, but also in his phone conversations with regional leaders, including President El-Sisi of Egypt. Getting assistance into Gaza is a complicated undertaking. It involves, essentially, securing an understanding among Hamas fighters who control the check points on the other side of the border, among the government of Israel and among the government of Egypt,” Finer said.

“The agreement that the president secured will enable the trucks to flow as soon as the roadway can be repaired. The president was also quite clear if this assistance goes in it cannot be misappropriated. It cannot be taken by Hamas fighters for their own purposes. And so we’re gonna be watching that very closely. It has to get to Palestinian civilians.”

Right, right, so, Hamas, which controls Gaza and has the support of at least 65% of the residents, won’t take the aid at all. Of course they’re going to take it and give it first to their fighters. Biden will be funding both sides of the war.

Read: State Department Issues Worldwide Travel Alert For Americans »

Automakers Blast Biden Admin For EV, Fuel Economy Rules

The people who make the vehicles know what they are doing. They know what is coming. Honda and Toyota both saw in 2020 that shipping vehicles and parts across the oceans, especially the Pacific, would be a big problem. Honda stopped making hatchback Civics in the UK. Look at their window stickers and see how much is made in North America now versus how much had been made in Japan previously. So, they know what will happen. They make the damned things

Automakers blast US plan to hike fuel efficiency rules

st greta carA group representing General Motors (GM.N), Toyota Motor (7203.T), Volkswagen (VOWG_p.DE) and nearly all other major automakers on Monday sharply criticized the Biden administration proposal to drastically hike fuel efficiency requirements.

The Alliance for Automotive Innovation said the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) proposal was unreasonable and requested significant revisions.

The industry group argued the plan would boost average vehicle prices by $3,000 by 2032 because of penalties automakers would face for not being in compliance, adding the figure “exceeds reason and will increase costs to the American consumer with absolutely no environmental or fuel savings benefits.”

NHTSA in July proposed boosting requirements by 2% per year for passenger cars and 4% per year for pickup trucks and SUVs from 2027 through 2032, resulting in a fleet-wide average fuel efficiency of 58 miles (93 km) per gallon.

Vehicles are already very pricey post-COVID, with even base models, which are limited production these days, jumping about $3K-$4k.

NHTSA said its rule “is focused on saving Americans money at the gas pump and strengthening American energy independence,” estimating combined benefits of its proposal exceed costs by more than $18 billion.

If I’m getting a few miles per gallon extra but paying $3K more, it doesn’t really help.

Automakers also raised alarm at the Energy Department’s proposal to significantly revise how it calculates the petroleum-equivalent fuel economy rating for EVs in NHTSA’s CAFE program, saying it would “devalue the fuel economy of electric vehicles by 72%.”

GM said on Monday it could support NHTSA’s proposal if the Energy Department rescinded its petroleum-equivalent proposal.

Volkswagen, which could face over $800 million in CAFE fines through 2032, said NHTSA’s proposal “is arbitrary, capricious, and an abuse of the agency’s discretion to set standards that are not feasible.”

All for an imaginary problem. But, hey, the government is here to help. As mandated by people who do not practice what they preach.

Read: Automakers Blast Biden Admin For EV, Fuel Economy Rules »

Biden Gives Prime-Time Address, Links Support For Israel With Support For Ukraine

It was very annoying. Guy can barely speak, can barely see his eyes, and I was looking forward to watching Hell’s Kitchen

Biden makes case for more U.S. aid for Israel, Ukraine: “We can’t walk away”

Addressing the nation from the White House on Thursday night, President Biden made the case to the country and to Congress that the United States must pass $100 billion in supplemental funding, including billions in wartime aid for Israel and Ukraine.

The president’s address, only his second from the Oval Office, comes on the heels of a whirlwind trip to Israel, where he met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Israeli President Isaac Herzog. In an impassioned speech, Mr. Biden said that America must again act as a “beacon to the world,” and insisted that the needs of the people of Israel and Ukraine are vital to the United States’ national security interests.

“I know these conflicts can seem far away, and it’s natural to ask, ‘Why does this matter to America?'” Mr. Biden said. “So let me share with you why making sure Israel and Ukraine succeed is vital for America’s national security. You know, history has taught us that when terrorists don’t pay a price for their terror, when dictators don’t pay a price for their aggression, they cause more chaos and death and more destruction. They keep going. And the cost and the threats to America and the world keep rising.”

Ukraine really doesn’t mean much. If it did, Obama, with Joe as VP, would have done something about Russia taking Crimea. Israel does matter.

A source familiar with the supplemental request said it includes $60 billion for Ukraine and replenishing U.S. stockpiles, $14 billion for Israel, $10 billion for humanitarian efforts, $14 billion for the U.S. border with Mexico and $7 billion for the Indo-Pacific region. The White House has not yet released details.

Still wanting to give huge amounts of money to Ukraine, a little for Israel, and, what does the Indo-Pacific region have to do with this? Bueller?

In his speech, Mr. Biden reaffirmed the United States’ intense commitment to Israel and the Israeli people, while stressing the humanity of Palestinians who simply want peace. He also strongly condemned any displays of hatred against Jews, Muslims or Palestinians here in the United States.

He did not do a bad job in defending Israel and Jews. He was forceful enough that his Progressive Comrades who hate Israel and Jews and support extremist Muslim terror groups will be incensed. But, he still had to yammer about Ukraine and “Islamophobia”, blah blah blah.

He did briefly mention how evil those Iranians were…you know, the largest state supporter of terrorism who are getting breaks on sanctions, lots of cash, and overtures by Biden.


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Read: Biden Gives Prime-Time Address, Links Support For Israel With Support For Ukraine »

Your Fault: Atlantic Hurricanes More Likely To Strengthen From Weak To Strong

It’s always something with the Cult. First it was that the huge seasons from the mid-2000’s would be the new normal. When activity and formation dropped off, and few were hitting the US or Caribbean we were told that this was due to ‘climate change’ wind sheer, and there would be fewer but bigger. But, then major hurricane activity still staid low, leading to no hurricanes hitting the US, including major, for the longest time since the Civil War era. And so much more. Of course, all the prognostications of Future Doom were based on short term observations, just like this

Climate change making Atlantic hurricanes twice as likely to strengthen from weak to major intensity in 24 hours

Tropical cyclones in the Atlantic basin may now be more than twice as likely to strengthen from a weak hurricane or tropical storm into a major hurricane in just 24 hours due to climate change and warming waters, a new study suggests.

Hurricanes are also now more likely to strengthen more rapidly along the East Coast of the U.S. than they were between 1971 and 1990, the paper, published Thursday in Scientific Reports found.

“May be.” “More likely.” That’s a crystal ball. Science would say this will or won’t happen, not a pure guess.

Oceans have been warming rapidly in the last five decades, with about 90% of the excess heat from climate change being absorbed by oceans, Andra Garner, a climate scientist at Rowan University in Glassboro, New Jersey, and lead author of the study, told ABC News.

The warm ocean waters are then serving as fuel for tropical cyclones that form in the Atlantic basin, making them twice as likely to go from a weak storm — a Category 1 hurricane or weaker — to a major hurricane in just 24 hours, Garner said.

The study, which analyzed the change in wind speed over the lifespan of every Atlantic basin tropical cyclone between 1971 and 2020, found that there were increases in the average fastest rate at which storms intensify by more than 25% from the historical time period, between 1971 to 1990, to the modern time period, between 2001 and 2020, Garner said.

In addition, the number of tropical cyclones to intensify from a Category 1 hurricane or tropical storm into a major hurricane within 36 hours has more than doubled in recent years compared to the 1970s and 1980s, the study said.

None of this is proof of anthropogenic causation, just that things happen during a Holocene warm period. During the pauses and cooling periods during the Modern Warm Period hurricane activity was actually pretty dangerous, we just do not have all the same data since we now have satellites. I wonder how much that changes the study, since we can see them all now, versus, say, 1975? It doesn’t matter, because this is all about scaring people, especially policy makers. Oh, and getting more funding. And what it probably means is that these fast forming hurricanes will now drop off.

Read: Your Fault: Atlantic Hurricanes More Likely To Strengthen From Weak To Strong »

If All You See…

…are awesome low carbon sailing ships. you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Flappr, with a post on white women having issues on who to support in new war.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove