Insurrectiony: Pro-Hamas/Jew Haters Invade Capitol Building

Will they be charged the same as many of the J6 folks who simply wandered around? I wonder how many are in the U.S. illegally or on visas, who should now be immediately deported for being supporters of a group designated as terrorists by the US, EU, and UN

Exclusive Video: Pro-Palestinian Insurrectionists Occupy Federal House Office Building in Washington DC

About one hundred pro-Palestinian insurrectionists occupied a federal House office building in Washington, DC, on Wednesday, chanting “ceasefire now” and “let Gaza live.”

The insurrectionists, many who wore face masks and dressed in black and flew a banner demanding that Israel stop defending itself from rocket attacks against civilians, occupied the ground floor of the Cannon Office Building, one of three main buildings where congressional staff and lawmakers work.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib was leading the protest: (snip through the video of Hamas caucus member Tlaib, who continued to lie about the hospital bombing)

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) was on the scene and noted a double standard between the pro-Palestinian insurrectionists and the protestors on January 6. “There’s an insurrection happening now on Capitol Hill,” her video caption read of the event.  “They are claiming they want peace but they want money to go to terrorists.”

The Capitol police let them in, eventually attempting to tear down pro-terrorist Hamas banners. Remember, these same police stopped kids from singing.

The cops did eventually start making some leave and detaining others. Think they will be charged the same as J6?

Read: Insurrectiony: Pro-Hamas/Jew Haters Invade Capitol Building »

Warmist Gavin Newsome To Take Long Fossil Fueled Flight To China To Talk ‘Climate Change’

I wonder if Gavin will fly commercial or take a private jet? Or, better yet, a low carbon sailing ship?

Despite diplomatic tension, Newsom seeks to promote Chinese cooperation on climate change

As rising fossil fuel emissions continue to push global temperatures to record highs, California Gov. Gavin Newsom will head to China this month to meet with officials on such environmental imperatives as offshore wind power, air pollution reduction and the transition to fully electric vehicles, according to the governor’s staff.

The visit, which is likely to boost Newsom’s reputation as a national leader in climate policy, comes at a time of increasing economic and military tension between Washington and Beijing.

Although friction between the world’s largest greenhouse gas emitters makes binational cooperation difficult, experts say California can help to bridge this gap through ‘subnational’ diplomacy — encouraging international cooperation and forging climate-focused partnerships.

And while in China Gavin will take lots of fossil fueled vehicles to travel around and see the sites, along with some other stuff. This is a very long article, and not once do the LA Times writers ask “say, how is Gavin getting there? And why is his carbon footprint so big?”

Gavin will spend a lot of time yammering with the Chinese, make all sorts of promises, and put lots into action, forcing California citizens to comply, while China does nothing.

UK police charge climate activist Greta Thunberg after protest

Climate activist Greta Thunberg was charged by British police on Wednesday after she and others were arrested at a protest outside a London hotel where an oil and gas conference was taking place.

Thunberg was charged with a public order offence for failing to comply with conditions that police said had been imposed to prevent “serious disruption to the community, hotel and guests.”

She has been released on bail and is due appear in court on Nov. 15.

Will the charges stick or will they be dismissed? Will she travel back and forth to the UK on a fossil fueled ship or plane, or take the long, long train?

Read: Warmist Gavin Newsome To Take Long Fossil Fueled Flight To China To Talk ‘Climate Change’ »

If All You See…

…is horrible heatsnow from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Gateway Pundit, with a post on Nikki Haley destroying her presidential campaign by calling on the US to take in 1 million Palestinians.

Read: If All You See… »

SCNY To Limit Shelter Stays For Illegals With Kids

I wonder where Sanctuary City New York will ship them off to when time expires? Don’t they love illegals? Don’t they want to permanently support them? If the system worked most would be deported within a week or two when it is deemed they do not qualify for asylum

NYC to limit shelter stay for asylum-seekers with children

New York City officials are limiting the time asylum-seekers with children can spend in the city’s shelter system.

Starting next week, city officials will begin notifying some families that they have 60 days to find alternative housing. Last month, NYC Mayor Eric Adams’ administration announced it would be handing out 30-day notices for adult migrants without children.

The move to restrict the amount of time in the shelter system comes as the city continues to grapple with a large number of asylum-seekers coming to the city since spring of last year. Over 126,000 asylum-seekers have moved through the shelter system so far since Spring 2022.

“For over a year, New York City has led the response to this national crisis, but significant additional resources, coordination, and support are needed from all levels of government. With over 64,100 asylum seekers still in the city’s care, and thousands more migrants arriving every week, expanding this policy to all asylum-seekers in our care is the only way to help migrants take the next steps on their journeys,” Mayor Adams said in a statement Monday.

And where do they go? How do they go? They’re illegals, so, they are not entitled to official documentation. They have no income stream and no social security number to acquire an apartment. They’re not eligible to take jobs from Americans. Perhaps they should just go home. Though it is great seeing a overwhelmingly Democrat city that declared itself an illegal alien sanctuary melting down, is it not?

St. Louis groups seek to resettle Chicago migrants to boost workforce and population

As the city of Chicago scrambles to shelter and find solutions for thousands of migrants who need housing and jobs, groups in St. Louis are looking to relocate some of those asylum-seekers to their town, modeling the program after similar ones it did with Afghan refugees in recent years.

The nonprofit International Institute of St. Louis is partnering with unions and philanthropic leaders to resettle hundreds — if not thousands — of Latin American migrants in their city. The goal is to bolster St. Louis’s workforce and stem its population decline.

“It could be the potential for a great relationship between both cities,” said Karlos Ramirez, vice president of Latino outreach for the International Institute. “If the [migrants] are going to be in a better place, St. Louis is going to be in a better place, and Chicago is going to be in a better place, I think everybody wins.”

Why are people leaving St. Louis? Perhaps because it is in the worst category of crime cities. Violent crime is around three times the state rate, and property crime is over double the state rate. But, hey, if they want the illegals, ship them off. They are not a declared sanctuary city, but, they do vote heavily Democrat. Let them have them. But, it’s funny that a declared sanctuary city, Chicago, doesn’t want to keep them.

Texas strings concertina wire along New Mexico border to deter migrants

The Texas National Guard in recent weeks has deployed miles of concertina wire along the New Mexico-Texas border as part of Gov. Greg Abbott’s efforts to stem illegal immigration.


Read: SCNY To Limit Shelter Stays For Illegals With Kids »

1 Million Miami Residents Could Relocate In “Climate Gentrification” Or Something

Funny how The Science looks more like a crystal ball reader at the fall fair. And somehow this hot cult garbage ended up in what used to be a responsible magazine, Scientific American

‘Climate Gentrification’ Will Displace One Million People in Miami Alone

More than half of the 2.6 million residents in the Miami area will experience “climate gentrification” and pressure to relocate if sea levels rise by 40 inches, according to a study published Monday.

Rising oceans will push many coastal residents inland, where they will force an increase in housing costs that could displace as many as 56 percent of households in Miami-Dade County, according to the study published in the journal Environmental Research Letters.

“Markets are aligning with the idea that there is a higher flood risk in these lower lying areas,” Nadia Seeteram, the lead author of the study and a researcher at the Columbia Climate School, said in an interview. “The areas that happened to be gentrifying also happened to be among some of the higher-elevated areas” and that are “homes to historically marginalized communities.”

In Miami-Dade, many minority neighborhoods with lower income levels sit higher than rich beachfront areas. Miami’s famous Little Haiti neighborhood, which is 10 feet above sea level and where nearly half the residents live below the poverty line, has experienced a recent surge in development and property values, raising concerns about displacement.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, white rich folks moving poor black people (isn’t funny how liberals always think minorities are low income? Isn’t that belief rather racist?) out in gentrification as the climate cult takes over that leftist term. But, let’s just skip to the actual measured data, shall we?

Say, it’ll take around 350 years for 40 inches, any by that point the climate will most likely have already flipped to a Holocene cool period. Virginia Key is right there at Miami.

Read: 1 Million Miami Residents Could Relocate In “Climate Gentrification” Or Something »

Explosion At Gaza Hospital Killing Hundreds, Jew Haters Immediately Blame Israel

This was immediate

Jew hater and Hamas supporter Ilhan was not unique, failing to wait for any actual evidence, instead taking the word of the people who started the war by killing and raping civilians, beheading babies, and are know to store weapons under hospitals

IDF: Palestinian Islamic Jihad Rocket Misfire Caused Hospital Explosion

The Iranian-backed Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terror organization was responsible for an explosion at the Ahli Baptist Hospital in Gaza City, due to a misfired rocket intended to kill Israeli civilians, according to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).

The explosion, which reportedly killed hundreds of people, sparked outrage, with Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas pulling out of a meeting Wednesday with U.S. President Joe Biden over the issue. Biden has backed Israel’s war of self-defense against the Hamas terror group, which rules Gaza and which killed over 1,400 Israelis in a massive terror attack on October 7.

Hamas and critics of Israel rushed to blame an Israeli airstrike. News wires, like the Getty photo service, published unproven claims Israel had “attack[ed]” the hospital, citing the “Gaza Health Ministry,” which is run by Hamas.

But Israel, noting that it does not target hospitals, said an errant Palestinian rocket was a likely cause, later confirming that analysis.

It will surely come out who was truly responsible, however, will any of the Jew/Israel haters mention they were wrong if Islamic Jihad was at fault? Will the NY Times and others have top of the front page articles?

Has anyone considered that Iran caused the hospital bombing, since they literally just warned of “preemptive action” Tuesday? What better than creating a “blame Israel” situation?


Biden backs Israel’s account of deadly Gaza hospital blast

US President Joe Biden has said a deadly blast at a Gaza hospital appears to have been caused by Palestinian militants, backing Israel’s account of the incident as he visits the country. (snip)

“I was deeply saddened and outraged by the explosion at the hospital in Gaza yesterday,” Mr Biden said.

“Based on what I’ve seen, it appears as though it was done by the other team, not you,” he told Mr Netanyahu. “But there’s a lot of people out there not sure so we have to overcome a lot of things.”

Will his own supporters, who tend to hate Israel and Jews, believe him? And, was he referring to Hamas or Iran as the “other team”?

Read: Explosion At Gaza Hospital Killing Hundreds, Jew Haters Immediately Blame Israel »

Biden’s Pals In Iran Threaten “Preemptive Action” Soon

The article was published four hours ago, and the threat was made not long before that. So, when? Is this just empty talk? Since Iran has lots of extra cash thanks to Biden ignoring lots of sanctions, they can spend more for terrorism

Iran foreign minister warns ‘preemptive action’ against Israel expected within hours

Iran’s top envoy warned Monday that “preemptive action” against Israel is expected soon as the Jewish state continues bombarding Gaza but has so far delayed a ground operation.

“Leaders of the Resistance will not allow the Zionist regime to take any action in Gaza,” Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian said on state TV Monday, according to Reuters’s translation. “All options are open, and we cannot be indifferent to the war crimes committed against the people of Gaza.”

“The resistance front is capable of waging a long-term war with the enemy [Israel]… in the coming hours, we can expect a preemptive action by the resistance front,” he added.

Wow, he sounds like elected Democrats and their rabble followers.

On Tuesday, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei told a group of students in Tehran that “no one can stop” global Islamist forces if Israel keeps up its bombardment of Hamas targets in Gaza, according to reports by the Times of Israel and Reuters.

“No one can confront Muslims and the resistance forces if the Zionist regime’s crimes against Palestinians continue. The bombardment of Gaza must stop immediately,” Khamenei reportedly said amid chants of “Death to Israel.”

“The world is witnessing the Zionist regime’s genocide of Palestinians in Gaza,” he added.

He also sounds like lots of Democrats and college kids. Also, he’s being pretty specific that this is what Islam is about.


IDF says assessment shows failed Islamic Jihad rocket launch caused Gaza hospital blast

The Israel Defense Forces says that based on intelligence information a failed Palestinian Islamic Jihad rocket caused the deadly blast at the Gaza hospital.

In a statement, the IDF says that “an analysis of IDF operational systems indicates that a barrage of rockets was fired by terrorists in Gaza, passing in close proximity to the Al Ahli hospital in Gaza at the time it was hit.”

“Intelligence from multiple sources we have in our hands indicates that Islamic Jihad is responsible for the failed rocket launch which hit the hospital in Gaza,” the IDF adds.

The news media, which mostly takes the side of the Israel and Jew haters, were quick to listen the State Dept designated terrorist group Hamas’ propaganda bulletins. As usual, the forgot to wait for actual evidence. And, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad is backed by Syria, Lebanese Hizballah, and, surprise, Iran. Mostly Iran.

Read: Biden’s Pals In Iran Threaten “Preemptive Action” Soon »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful big city full of fellow Warmists which will Soon! be destroyed by sea rise, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The H2, with a post on some dirty memes done dirt cheap.

Read: If All You See… »

Massachusetts Governor Complains Migrant Facilities Almost At Capacity

Perhaps she’d like to visit border towns, and see how over-run they are? Isn’t Massachusetts a self declared sanctuary state? They have plenty of room

‘Reaching capacity’: Healey pressures feds to address migrant shelter crisis, appoints new director

With the state’s emergency shelter limit reaching capacity, Gov. Maura Healey on Monday put pressure on federal officials to address the growing migrant crisis, saying state officials can no longer guarantee shelter placement for new families arriving in the state.

Healey also appointed a new emergency assistance director, Air Force Lt. Gen. Leon Scott Rice to oversee management and coordination of the emergency shelter system. Rice, a former director of the Air National Guard, led emergency management teams under former Governors Deval Patrick and Charlie Baker.

The state will not be able to accommodate more than 7,500 families, or approximately 24,000 people, in emergency shelter and will likely hit this number by the end of the month, officials said.

Beginning Nov. 1, the state will no longer be able to add new shelter units. At this time, families seeking shelter will be assessed and those with high needs, such as health and safety risks, will be prioritized for placement, officials said. Families who are not immediately connected with shelter will be placed on a waiting list.

“We do not have enough space, service providers or funds,” Healey told reporters on Monday.

They have a whopping 23,000 illegals in shelters, so, what’s the problem? Certainly this sanctuary state could figure it out, right? They support unfettered illegal immigration, right? Oh, I forgot, that’s as long as the illegals are Somewhere Else.

Of course, their pressure on federal officials is completely wrong-headed: it should be about shutting the border down as much as possible, deporting the heck out of illegals in the U.S., and discouraging foreigners from coming to the U.S. and entering illegally and/or declaring amnesty. Instead, they just want money and such.

Healey said she’s made multiple requests to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for federal funding and improvements to the work authorization process. The governor met with the White House Chief of Staff last week and with Secretary Mayorkas in August.

Abbott and DeSantis need to send a whole bunch of buses to Massachusetts. Seriously, sanctuary cities/states are losing their minds so often that it must be tough for them. Where to send illegals? Mass? NYC? Chicago? Denver? D.C.? Portland? Seattle? LA? There are plenty to send, though, because the border is wide open.

And Mass. is working to provide tons of help with food, clothing, medical, and housing, among others. That just encourages more to come.

Read: Massachusetts Governor Complains Migrant Facilities Almost At Capacity »

Uber-Liberal New Yorker Notices Carbon Credits Are A Scam

I or any other Skeptic could have told them this back in the early part of the 21st Century

The Great Cash-for-Carbon Hustle

One evening in November, 2021, a group of men assembled at sundown on the terrace of the Ruckomechi Camp, a safari resort on the Zambezi River. Since arriving by private plane, they had gone out lion-spotting, boated down the river, and landed a giant tiger fish; now they were clinking gin-and-tonics. Hippos wallowed in the water below.

The party was led by Renat Heuberger, a forty-four-year-old Swiss entrepreneur with narrow eyes and a cropped copper beard. Heuberger was the chief executive of South Pole, the world’s largest carbon-offsetting firm, and he had come to Zimbabwe to fight off an urgent threat to his company.

A decade earlier, South Pole had signed a deal to sell carbon offsets from an effort to protect a vast swath of forest on the banks of Lake Kariba, upriver from the camp. The Kariba project, spanning an area ten times the size of New York City, was among the world’s first “avoided deforestation” programs; by deterring local people from chopping down trees, it promised to prevent the release of tens of millions of tons of greenhouse gas. Leading corporations, including Volkswagen, Gucci, Nestlé, Porsche, and Delta Air Lines, paid South Pole nearly a hundred million dollars for Kariba credits, allowing them to market goods or services as “carbon neutral.”

South Pole thus pioneered a model of carbon offsetting that has been counted among our best hopes for staving off climate catastrophe: a mechanism that diverts funds from polluters in wealthy countries to protect crucial ecosystems in the Global South. Heuberger, a kinetic, grandiloquent man, speaks expansively about his mission. “We’re here to save the climate,” he told me.

And these rich folks buy lots of offsets so they can continue living the highlife, like, taking long private fossil fueled flights. And the money didn’t really make it to the less well off folks, especially in the poor countries, and didn’t really do much of anything. It’s what the Warmists call “greenwashing” these days.

The head of South Pole’s sustainable-finance consultancy division, Rebecca Self, was concerned that the company was awarding “Climate Neutral” badges to clients who seemed to be making little meaningful effort to cut their emissions. But, she told me, when she raised these objections, Heuberger accused her of “sounding like an N.G.O.” and “trying to kill the projects.” (Heuberger maintains that he does not recall saying this, but in our conversations he repeatedly condemned environmental nonprofits, complaining about their “destructive all-out bashing” of the carbon market and even suggesting that such organizations are secretly chaos agents funded by the oil industry.) Not long afterward, Self learned that South Pole had helped the Qatar World Cup substantiate a carbon-neutrality claim that excluded most of the emissions from the construction of seven air-conditioned stadiums. She put her concerns in writing and resigned.

This is an incredibly long article, meant to be in the October 23rd edition, and you really, really have to dig in and read it to see what an utter scam this all is. Are the trees making a difference, if the Cult talking points about them sucking carbon pollution out of the air is correct? Are the companies really planting all those trees? There are reports of violence in low income/Indigenous areas to force compliance. But, they make companies and rich folks feel better about all the things they do that create massive carbon footprints.

Read: Uber-Liberal New Yorker Notices Carbon Credits Are A Scam »

Pirate's Cove