If All You See…

…are trees losing their leaves later and later due to global boiling, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Last Refuge, with a post on a peculiar dynamic in the media’s war coverage.

Read: If All You See… »

‘No one feels safe’: Nazis in fear as Allied airstrikes in Germany kill at least 490 women and children

Can you imagine if ABC News had written that headline? How would that have gone over? I mean, heck, if it was “‘No one feels safe’: Russians in fear as Ukrainian airstrikes in Crimea kill at least 490 women and children”, how would that be taken? You just had to know that the Democrats, who hate Israel and Jews and love them some Palestinian terrorists, who work in the Credentialed Media were going to start taking the side of the Palestinians, right?

‘No one feels safe’: Palestinians in fear as Israeli airstrikes in Gaza kill at least 490 women and children

Hundreds of targets have been hit in Gaza by Israel following the Saturday incursion from Hamas terrorists, the group that controls the Palestinian territory of Gaza. More than 200 targets were struck in Gaza by Israeli forces in just one day, according to authorities.

In Gaza, at least 950 people have died — among them 260 children and 230 women — and another 5,000 have been wounded since Saturday, according to the latest numbers from Palestinian officials.

In Israel, at least 1,200 people have been killed and 2,900 others injured.

Palestinians in the Gaza Strip say they are living in fear as Israel retaliates for the actions of the militant terrorist group, with nowhere for them go.

There are no bomb shelters for Palestinians to hide from airstrikes.

So, wait, Hamas and the other terrorists in charge of Gaza failed to build bomb shelters despite constantly attacking Israeli civilians? Maybe they should have spent more time building those rather than weapons rooms below hospitals. And, yes, Israel does have lots, because they Hamas and other terrorists attack random civilian areas of Israel a lot.

“Gaza is a closed zone. There’s nowhere people can evacuate to — there’s no shelters,” said Laila El-Haddad, 45, a Palestinian-American living in Maryland whose family is currently in Gaza.

She continued, “The borders are all controlled and shut and the one border bordering Egypt was bombed earlier today. You know, unless they plan to swim out — but there’s a naval blockade — they really have nowhere to go.”

Well, you know, don’t vote for a terrorist organization to be the government. Don’t support them. These same people complaining are the same ones in the streets, here in the U.S. and other Western nations along with Gaza, chanting Death to Israel and Death to Jews.

Unsurprisingly, ABC News continues on and on about how bad it is for Palestinians, who are the aggressors.

Read: ‘No one feels safe’: Nazis in fear as Allied airstrikes in Germany kill at least 490 women and children »

Doom: Global Boiling To Make Beer Taste Bad Or Something

This all could have been avoided if you simply gave up your fossil fueled lifestyle and your freedom

Climate change could soon affect the taste of beer, new study says

DuckspeakBeer lovers beware: Climate change could soon make the world’s most popular alcoholic drink much more bitter.

Climate change could soon be altering the quality of hops used to make beer which will then alter the flavor, according to a new study published Tuesday in Nature.

European beer-producing regions are projected to experience up to an 18% reduction in their yield of traditional aroma hops by 2050 and up to a 31% reduction in hop acids that are key for bitter flavoring, researchers found.

Beer is the world’s third most widely consumed beverage, after water and tea, and is the world’s most popular alcoholic drink, according to the paper.

Soon. Unless you change your behavior by force of government. This is all supposed to bring it home with something people care about, something close to people. And it is Important enough to the cult that it is all over the news, from CNN to NBC to many, many others.

It is an anti-science cult

Warming Temperatures Bring Different Animals to Maryland

A Salisbury man fishing for spotted sea trout Sept. 17 in the Chesapeake Bay pulled in a tall, silvery fish with a striking yellow underside.

It turned out to be the largest Florida pompano recorded in the state. It was also a living indication of a warming climate.

The Florida pompano is just one of multiple species of animals, largely fish and birds, that are appearing in the state more frequently at least partially as a result of climate change. Though these newcomers can increase biodiversity and generate excitement among residents and fishermen, scientists caution that they are also warning signs of a changing ecosystem.

“It’s a sign that things are changing enough to cause shifts in distribution,” said Gwen Brewer, a science program manager with the Maryland Department of Natural Resources’ Wildlife and Heritage Service. “We know not everything is going to adjust to those shifts in a positive way. Some species are going to be threatened by those changes.”

Well, yeah. That’s what happens on Earth, species spread. Warm and cool periods change things, no need to invoke witchcraft.

Read: Doom: Global Boiling To Make Beer Taste Bad Or Something »

Jake Tapper Shocked By The Jew And Israel Hatred From His Comrades On The Left

I’ve known about the hatred of Israel from the Left, especially on college campuses, since the late 90’s. It wasn’t till after 9/11 when it was really exposed, particularly with the explosion of the Internet, thanks to speed increases. Not only was it exposed but it grew, moving from being pro-Palestinian anti-Israel to straight up hatred of Jews, much like the Islamists in colleges. Where were they coming from? They were all linked to the Muslim Brotherhood going back to early in the 20th Century. They pushed the Israel and Jew hatred, but, with more talking and indoctrination rather than straight up violence. It’s insidious and spreads, and all those uber-white urban and suburban kids were easy pickings, especially with their liberal leanings. They’re running around with “free Palestine” merchandise and Intifada kefayas at demonstrations, being part of the “in-crowd”, Doing Something, slowly being more and more radicalized.

I could surely dig through the archives and find tons of examples. Zombie Time has tons of photos of their demonstrations. So, yeah, those of us who focused on the left, especially through the lens of anti-jihad, already knew this, Jake

CNN’s Tapper: Last Few Days Really Eye-Opening to ‘Antisemitism on the Left’

surprise surprise surpriseCNN anchor Jake Tapper said Tuesday on his show “The Lead” that after the Hamas terror attacks in Israel, the last few days have been a real eye-opening period “in terms of antisemitism on the left.”

Tapper said, “So you have a Democratic colleague from Michigan, Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib, the first Palestinian American to serve in Congress, and she released a statement. ‘I grieve the Palestinian and Israeli lives lost. The path to peace must include lifting the blockade and, ending the occupation and dismantling the apartheid system that creates the suffocating, dehumanizing conditions that could lead to resistance. As longs our country provides billions in unconditional funding to support the apartheid government, this heartbreaking cycle of violence will continue.’ What was your reaction when you heard Congresswoman Tlaib’s statement?”

Rep. Elissa Slotkin (D-MI) said, “To me, I think the hardest part, not just about that statement but a number of statements that have come out from organizations and individuals, I don’t question whether someone has the right to be angry at the Israeli government, I question their inability to condemn grievous, grievous violence and that is what has been difficult.”

Tapper said, “There does seem to be, look, we spent a lot of time during the Trump years looking at antisemitism on the right. This does. These last few days have been a real eye-opening period for a lot of people, a lot of Democrats and a lot progressives in terms of antisemitism on the left. A lot of people who seemed more shocks at dehumanizing language to describe Hamas than what Hamas actually perpetrated on Saturday.”

Slotkin said, “Yeah, I mean, look, antisemitism should be stamped out wherever it is on the right, or on the left.”

It’s a canard that there was Jew hatred on the right, unless you go out to the far, far, far right, which Conservatives disown. They do not share our values. They are not the GOP base. These people are the Democrat base. They are in elected positions. They teach the kiddies at Democratic Party run colleges. And it is not new. It is just more and more open. Almost 15% of Ilhan Omar’s district is foreign born, mostly from Africa and Asia, meaning Muslim countries there, like Somalia, and they refuse to assimilate and have brought their version of extremist Islam with them, which includes wanting to annihilate Israel and kill Jews.


That’s just one of hundreds of examples of big people and organizations, much less all the individual Democrats hating on Jews. It’s fashionable among them. They all have Reasons, but, their pro-Palestinian anti-Israel beliefs have led to wanting to wipe out Jews, the same as skinheads, the KKK, and white supremacists. Oh, and Muslims. I’d rather have a convo with a Trump deranged rather than most Muslims about Israel and Jews. It is not pretty.

I’ll give Biden credit, or, at least his comms room, for calling Hamas terrorists, especially since the State Dept deemed them as such back in 1997, all while most of the media, including Fox News, calls them “militants”.

Read: Jake Tapper Shocked By The Jew And Israel Hatred From His Comrades On The Left »

Your Fault: Sugar Shortage Due To Global Boiling Bad Weather

With Halloween coming up, things are all doomy

World sugar shortage due to extreme weather threatening Halloween candy prices

Extreme weather has dealt major blows to the sugar industry worldwide this year, which could cost you more cash to fill up the trick-or-treat bags.

“This has been a very tough year for global sugar. If you look at the top ten producing countries this year, six of them have had extreme weather,” Chief Meteorologist at Everstream Analytics, John Davis, told FOX Weather. “And the ramification of that is higher prices for anything that you use sugar for, including candy.”

He points to drought in Thailand, the fourth-largest producer, cutting production by almost a quarter.

India, the US and Europe suffered flooding, representing the second, sixth and third top producers.

Everstream said that extreme weather is expected to decrease the global sugar supply by 10% to 15% over the 2023/24 growing season.

“Expected”. Will it or won’t it? Because there’s pretty much been a glut of sugar on the market, so, even a 10% to 15% decrease is no big deal. Was it Bad Weather that caused this?

(Nasdaq) Brazil’s sugar production in 2023/24 (April-March) is expected to be its largest ever in a season, with export volumes of the sweetener hitting a record high, consultancy Job Economia said in a report published on Thursday.

Brazil’s total sugar output, from all producing regions, was estimated at 42.7 million metric tons, 2.3 million tons more than Job Economia’s initial estimate and compared to 37 million tons in 2022/23, as the weather has been near perfect this season for crop growth and processing.

Was it Bad Weather that saw India have a record sugar crop last year?

“Sugar prices are the subject of conversation, but we are not in a scarcity situation with sugar supply, and we don’t anticipate any disruptions,” Todd Scott, senior communications manager at The Hershey Company, told FOX Weather in July. “Similarly, the price of sugar does not have an impact on our Halloween.”

And it is not just Halloween candy and baked goods seeing a price hike. Sugar can be used to make ethanol fuel.

Maybe we shouldn’t be using “food” for bad fuel. Anyhow, weather happens. Such is life on Earth. Still your fault.

Read: Your Fault: Sugar Shortage Due To Global Boiling Bad Weather »

If All You See…

…is an Evil fossil fueled car, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Lid, with a post on skyrocketing TB in NYC among illegals.

Read: If All You See… »

NY Times Editorial Board Explicitly Takes Side Of Israel

Going back to the NY Times, as it’s impressive that the editorial board actually takes a stand for Israel, with very little equivocating, considering how many Democrats are pro-Palestinian, and so anti-Israel that it becomes anti-Jew. Witness the Jew and Israel hatred protests in the streets of NYC over the past few days

The Attack on Israel Demands Unity and Resolve

The brutal terrorist attack on Israel by Hamas is a tragedy, one that may change the course of the nation and the entire region.

Israelis are reeling, in shock over the toll of people killed, wounded and taken hostage, and the world is mourning with them. The militants killed more than 800 Israelis in a series of coordinated rocket attacks and continued fighting. To the world’s horror, they attacked civilians — including older people, women and children — and took them hostage. More than 150 people remain captive in Gaza, in a further atrocity.

When the actions against civilians is described like that, they aren’t militants, they are terrorists. Heck, the U.S. State Department has Hamas on the list of terrorists

Hamas struck Israel 50 years and one day after the surprise invasion from Egypt and Syria that launched the Yom Kippur War of 1973, prompting comparisons with one of the major battles of the Arab-Israeli conflict. But this time the attackers were not Arab armies against military targets; they were militants from a Palestinian enclave randomly terrorizing civilians, and this attack was organized by armed groups that have long questioned Israel’s right to exist.

Reuters thinks the “dispute hinges on statehood, land, Jerusalem, refugees.” No. It hinges on this Islamist terrorist group wanting to kill Jews and wipe Israel off the map. That’s it. Everything else is window dressing.

It is also the administration’s duty to work to prevent this terrible eruption of violence from spreading from Gaza to involve Palestinians in the West Bank. Mr. Biden, Secretary of State Antony Blinken and others have an invaluable role to play in maintaining open communication with leaders of the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank and of neighboring Arab states to urge calm.

They should be telling those in the West Bank that any incursion will be met with force. They won’t. The less said from this admin the better.

But Israel’s military strength depends on its national unity, and Israelis have now come together to defend themselves. The government has promised a severe and protracted response against Hamas. It began with multiple strikes on cities in Gaza, and Israel should do everything it can to avoid the loss of civilian lives. Already the Israeli government is cutting off power and water to Gaza, and it ordered a siege to starve Hamas of resources. This tactic, if it continues, will be an act of collective punishment. All sides involved in the conflict are bound by international law, and it is important to note that violations by one side do not permit violations by another.

Well, of course there had to be a little bit of “Israel should measure their response.” The people voted for Hamas. They support Hamas. They should have thought about it beforehand if they do not like being without water and energy.

Oh, and the last paragraph

The violence in Israel may also strengthen calls to cut military aid to Ukraine. That is a false choice; America’s duty as Israel’s friend is to stand firm in its support, to join the Israeli people in their grief and to continue to work toward an end to the cycle of violence.

They just couldn’t leave it alone. Israel is a long time ally. Ukraine is not. Israel has strategic importance to the U.S. Ukraine does not. Ukraine is full of literal Nazis and Fascists. Israel is not. Israel knows how to use the weapons we give them. Ukraine does not.

Read: NY Times Editorial Board Explicitly Takes Side Of Israel »

John Kirby Asked About Biden Admin Believe Global Boiling Being Only Existential Threat

I was waiting for someone to link the war to ‘climate change’, and was surprised that no one, other than a few randos on Twitter, was doing. No big articles, no “climate change has made war more likely” or something. Even from some of the outlying media outlets. So, this was actually a surprise from Fox News, attacking climate doom a different way

Kirby confronted on recent Biden claim climate change ‘the only existential threat’ as Hamas bombs Israel

A top Biden administration official was pressed Monday on the president’s recent public claim that global warming is the sole existential threat to humanity, as the Palestinian group Hamas orchestrated militant attacks and kidnappings in Israel.

On “The Story,” anchor Martha MacCallum cited continued American financial support for Ukraine following its invasion by Russia, and longtime aid for Israel before queuing up a clip of President Biden speaking during his visit to Hanoi, Vietnam last month for John Kirby, the National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications.

“The only existential threat humanity faces – even more frightening than a nuclear war – is global warming; going above 1.5 degrees in the next 10 years,” Biden said.

MacCallum asked Kirby if Biden stands by his comments:

“Absolutely he does,” he replied. “Climate change is an existential threat. It actually threatens and is capable of wiping out all human life on earth over time.”

Good on MacCallum to ask tough questions, even if it was a gotcha

Kirby added that addressing that threat doesn’t mean the U.S. cannot fulfill its other national security obligations.

“The president believes wholeheartedly that climate change is an existential threat to all of human life on the planet. That’s just science… But it doesn’t mean that we turn our back on the other challenges facing this country and our allies and partners around the world,” he said.

Yeah, well, when our foreign policy seems to be based on ‘climate change’ doom (and appeasing Iran), and they’re trying to force the U.S. military to comply with all the climate cult beliefs (and Woke crap), we can’t actually deal with the national security obligations.

Martha should have asked why, if Biden believes this, he continuously takes massive fossil fueled trips.

Read: John Kirby Asked About Biden Admin Believe Global Boiling Being Only Existential Threat »

NY Times Explains Just How Horrible Biden Is On The International Stage

I wonder if David Leonhardt and the editors considered that all this is happening under Biden’s watch? Even though they don’t want to blame him, though, you know they’d be all over Trump if he were president

The Global Context of the Hamas-Israel War

Russia has started the largest war in Europe since World War II.

China has become more bellicose toward Taiwan.

India has embraced a virulent nationalism.

Israel has formed the most extreme government in its history.

And on Saturday morning, Hamas brazenly attacked Israel, launching thousands of missiles and publicly kidnapping and killing civilians.

All these developments are signs that the world may have fallen into a new period of disarray. Countries — and political groups like Hamas — are willing to take big risks, rather than fearing that the consequences would be too dire.

Ya think? And, let’s not forget about economic issues, nations blowing off the Biden admin, and countries moving away from the US and towards Russia and China. But, why?

The simplest explanation is that the world is in the midst of a transition to a new order that experts describe with the word multipolar. The United States is no longer the dominant power it once was, and no replacement has emerged. As a result, political leaders in many places feel emboldened to assert their own interests, believing the benefits of aggressive action may outweigh the costs. These leaders believe that they have more sway over their own region than the U.S. does.

#LetsGoBrandon. It’s rather hard to be the dominant power when Biden barely works 30 hours a week, spends most weekends in Delaware or Camp David, and doesn’t really seem interested in doing the international stuff a president is supposed to do. Seriously, didn’t Obama pick Biden for his international experience, and have one disaster after another?

Why has American power receded? Some of the change is unavoidable. Dominant countries don’t remain dominant forever. But the U.S. has also made strategic mistakes that are accelerating the arrival of a multipolar world.

Among those mistakes: Presidents of both parties naïvely believed that a richer China would inevitably be a friendlier China — and failed to recognize that the U.S. was building up its own rival through lenient trade policies, as the political scientist John Mearsheimer has argued. In Afghanistan and Iraq, the U.S. spent much of the early 21st century fighting costly wars. The Iraq war was especially damaging because it was an unprovoked war that George W. Bush chose to start. And the humiliating retreat from Afghanistan, overseen by President Biden, made the U.S. look weaker still.

American power didn’t wane while Bush43 was president. Even as some bashed him, he worked hard with allies and had great relationships. Trump worked hard, and, for all the bashing, he also got things done with allies. What, exactly, is Biden doing? He barely has any leaders from other nations at the White House, and barely goes international. Neither Bush nor Trump made the U.S. look weak towards our enemies. Biden has.

Biden didn’t even mention the murdered Americans till 518pm, and that was mostly likely just his comms room. Do you think our enemies respect the neglect? Do you think they respect that there was zero threat?

Read: NY Times Explains Just How Horrible Biden Is On The International Stage »

Supreme Court May Hear Appeal That Minnesota Suit Against Oil Companies Belongs In Federal Court

I said back then and I’ll say now, I’m not sure why any of these companies are doing business and selling their products to the state of Minnesota while the suit is pending. But, if they are going to sell to the state, they should use that in their defense saying “if fossil fuels are so Evil then why is the state buying lots of fossil fuels from us?”

U.S. Supreme Court will decide soon whether to hear appeal by big oil over Minnesota’s climate change lawsuit

climate cowIn what could be a landmark case, Minnesota sued the American Petroleum Institute, ExxonMobil and three Koch-owned companies to force them to pay for the effects of climate change on Minnesotans.

But the lawsuit filed by Attorney General Keith Ellison in state court in June of 2020 has been subject to battles over a jurisdictional issue — whether the case based on the state’s consumer protection laws belongs in a state court, or whether it belongs in federal court where it could be easier to dismiss.

Now the U.S. Supreme Court, which began its new term last week, will consider hearing an appeal by the American Petroleum Institute (API) and the other petitioners who seek to move the case to federal court.

The oil companies argued that damage lawsuits for climate change go beyond the limits of state law and are governed by federal law — but there is no federal common law for greenhouse gases. (snip)

The lawsuit also says that during this period, Mobil and Koch earned hundreds of billions of dollars in profits while Minnesota shouldered the costs and consequences of “unmitigated climate change.” It asks for the courts to mandate those profits be used to help Minnesota pay for what it says are the “devastating consequences” of climate change.

Can the state prove damages and that they were caused solely by the use of fossil fuels? And why did the state keep using them? I hope the defendant lawyers are keeping an eye on how many fossil fueled trip Ellison has taken

API declined a request for an interview. But it did provide a statement from its general counsel, Ryan Meyers:

“The record of the past two decades demonstrates that the industry has achieved its goal of providing affordable, reliable American energy to U.S. consumers while substantially reducing emissions and our environmental footprint,” Meyers’ statement said. “This ongoing, coordinated campaign to wage meritless, politicized lawsuits against a foundational American industry and its workers is nothing more than a distraction from important national conversations and an enormous waste of Minnesota taxpayer resources. Climate policy is for Congress to debate and decide, not the court system.”

Just stop selling in Minnesota. Let’s see how the state does in the winter without them.

Read: Supreme Court May Hear Appeal That Minnesota Suit Against Oil Companies Belongs In Federal Court »

Pirate's Cove