Your Fault: Global Boiling Causing Armadillos To Spread In NC

I fail to see the problem

How climate change and population growth are helping armadillos move into more areas of NC

They are here, they are expanding, and they’re not going anywhere.

But is the arrival of the nine-banded armadillo in North Carolina, now going on nearly 15 years since they were first reported, necessarily a bad thing?

While researchers are still gathering information, armadillos don’t appear to be causing the widespread ecological problem that other non-native and invasive species can cause when they show up in a new environment, said Colleen Offenbuttel, a biologist with the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission.

“So far, the main concern about armadillos in North Carolina is property damage,” she said, noting that the burrowing animals can leave plenty of holes on lawns and in gardens as they hunt for insects.

They are mostly out in Western NC, with scattered reports elsewhere. Though, a lot of reports (11-30) here in Wake County. I haven’t seen one yet. Bummer. Of course, since some carry leprosy, I’ll keep my distance

But conjure up a picture of an armadillo, and most people probably think of an arid desert-like setting in Texas or even Mexico, not the lush, green forests and fields of the American South.

So why are they here? In short, because North Carolina is turning into perfect armadillo habitat.

“First, it just reflects their growing population in other states,” Olfenbuttel said of the armadillos’ natural dispersal as males seek new territory and females then follow. Populations of armadillos are already well-established in South Carolina, Georgia and Tennessee.

Then there’s North Carolina’s increasing population, mostly centered in growing metros, that’s creating perfect armadillo buffets of yards, golf courses and gardens teeming with bugs ? especially fire ants, a delicacy for armadillos ? and other invertebrates that the animals love to eat.

Life is always moving and changing on Earth

But an even bigger reason for the armadillos successful migration into the Tar Heel State likely has to do with our changing weather thanks to climate change.

According to a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency seasonality report published in late 2021, all seasons have warmed in the U.S., with winter temperatures increasing by nearly 3 degrees Fahrenheit since 1896.

See, this would have been an interesting story about armadillos spreading, but, of course the Cult had to drop this stuff into the mix.

Read: Your Fault: Global Boiling Causing Armadillos To Spread In NC »

If All You See…

…is an area in permanent drought from ‘climate change’, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on homemade firearms in gun banning Britain.

Read: If All You See… »

Residents In Sanctuary City Chicago Concerned Over Migrant Shelter Housing Lots Of Single Illegals

What’s to be concerned over? Illegal alien supporters tell us that illegals are simply folks escaping Problems just looking for a better life. They should be embracing all those young, single, fighting age men

Chicago migrant shelter in West Town to house up to 200 single men, concerning community

West Town residents expressed concerns about a shelter meant to house up to 200 single migrant men.

Speakers at a meeting about the plan Thursday night said they are primarily concerned about possible safety issues that may come with the temporary shelter. City officials said they are prepared to handle those concerns.

The new arrivals temporary shelter is set to open in the 36th Ward near Smith Park.

“Smith Park is primarily a neighborhood of single family homes and two flats,” said one resident speaking at the meeting.

Neighbors living within blocks of the shelter near Western and Ohio were told by city officials that it will house up to 200 single men, which became a point of contention.

“We have babies that go to that park every day and we rely on that park and how are we going to keep that park safe,” said one resident.

These sanctuary city residents need to be shamed and Cancelled for their anti-Progressive views, have their Comrade cards revoked. Illegals aren’t dangerous! What a horrible notion! In fairness, they’re probably less dangerous than a lot of people in SCC. But, still, how happy would you be if 200 illegals, who most likely do not speak English, low education, and expect the Government to care for them were stuck in your neighborhood? You might be an illegal alien supporter, but, only if they are Somewhere Else.

And they’re getting more

Chicago provides $9,000 in rental assistance to migrants seeking temporary housing

This week, 41 buses have arrived in Chicago, bringing the total number of migrants in shelters to 11,000, with 4,000 still sleeping on police station floors and staying at airports.

Notably, 30% of migrants in Chicago are children, with the majority of them attending Chicago Public Schools.

Currently, the state is funding temporary housing, including rented apartments and homes for migrants. The state is providing up to $9,000 in rental assistance over a 6-month period, which includes assistance with moving in and a starter kit to furnish the apartment.

What could SCC do with $9K a month for the actual citizens? How far would that go for, say, providing food for poor kids, shelter for the homeless, and police to make the city safer? Well, SCC residents are getting a huge taste of practicing what they preach. And you can bet Greg Abbott is sending more buses to Chicago, along with Denver, New York, LA, and others.

Read: Residents In Sanctuary City Chicago Concerned Over Migrant Shelter Housing Lots Of Single Illegals »

Warmists Shocked By Low Wildfire Season In PRC

I’m sure they can figure out how to also blame this on Hotcoldwetdry

California has had another calm wildfire season so far. Here’s why, according to experts

California is enjoying a relatively calm wildfire season this year, but the Sacramento region is not fully out of the woods. And don’t attribute this year’s mildness to climate change just yet.

The number of acres burned so far this year is less than one third of the five-year average, according to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection. Experts attribute the drop to this year’s historic winter storms and a record snowpack that soaked the state.

Except, the Cult of Climastrology was blaming those storms and snow on how crazy anthropogenic climate change makes the weather, making more atmospheric water.

But those atmospheric river storms also created ample new vegetation growth that can act as fuel, state fire officials said. And with the help of gusty fall winds in the weeks ahead, wildfires could still ignite and grow through November or even into December.

“Now is not the time for people to let their guards down,” said Brian Newman, assistant chief of Cal Fire’s Amador-El Dorado Unit. “We still have fire season ahead of us before we get into winter rains that would finally end it.”

Of course, the lunatics in the People’s Republik Of California will refuse to do the things necessary to cut the vegetation down, create fire breaks, and so forth. And, since the PRC has always had issues with wildfires (remember, most are started by human idiocy, by accident or on purpose these days), people should be careful

With 317,191 acres burned so far this year, it marks less than 30% of the five-year average of 1.2 million acres for the same year-to-date period. Even though a normal number of new fires have ignited, according to officials, the moist landscape and cool nights kept them at bay.

That means without a dramatic change in the trend, California will be experiencing its second straight year of mild wildfire after having endured California’s worst wildfire seasons on record.

Is this like when were told the PRC was in Permanent Drought, and now isn’t?

Climate scientists are confident that warming temperatures have helped increase the severity and length of fire seasons. But many remain reticent to attribute this year’s mild wildfire season to climate change.

Perhaps it’s just that while the Earth is in a warming period, things do not always comply. Per Cult doctrine, things should always be getting worse.

“I tend not to give much credence to the idea that single events and single summers or winters can be ascribed to climate change,” said Hugh Safford, chief scientist of Vibrant Planet and faculty of the UC Davis Department of Environmental Science and Policy.

Except, they all do just that. All the time.

Read: Warmists Shocked By Low Wildfire Season In PRC »

Bummer: Israel Flattening Gaza’s Wealthiest Neighborhoods. And Horrible Pizza Parlor

I love when Democrats tell us about all the poor civilians just in the way when they do this

There’s a photo of the senior who was forced to pose with a Hamas member, who was too chickenshit to show his face

Israel has destroyed a Palestinian pizzeria that used a picture of an elderly woman held hostage by Hamas in its advertising.

A bulldozer was seen flattening the pizzeria, called Eiffel Bakery and Supermarket, in footage recorded in the West Bank town of Huwara.

Barbarism has consequences.

How Gaza’s wealthiest neighbourhood was flattened overnight

Before the war, it was the most upscale neighbourhood in Gaza City, with vibrant shops, cafés, ice cream parlours and a view on to the Mediterranean.

Today it stands largely in ruins after ferocious Israeli bombardment, in a clear sign that no part of Gaza will be safe in the coming weeks and months of conflict.

Residents of Rimal simply could not believe it when they first heard word that the area was being targeted. While the Palestinian enclave has for 16 years been overcrowded, blockaded and gripped by humanitarian crises, middle-class Rimal was about as close as it could get to being Gaza City’s own Islington. (snip)

In a new tactic, Israel is warning civilians to evacuate entire Gaza neighbourhoods, rather than just individual buildings, then levelling large swaths in waves of airstrikes.

It’s these types of neighborhoods that often serve as storage for Hamas weapons. Big civilian areas. They are learning all about f*** around and find out.

“We will not allow a reality in which Israeli children are murdered,” Yoav Gallant, the defence minister, said in a meeting with soldiers near the southern border on Tuesday. “I have removed every restriction – we will eliminate anyone who fights us, and use every measure at our disposal.”

When is the last time Israel simply went hardcore like this? Did they do this during the 1st or 2nd Intifada uprisings? Maybe not since the Yom Kippur war in 1973. I think the Islamist terrorists finally just pushed Israel too far. Perhaps they thought that other Islamic terrorist groups and/or Islamic nations would join in, but, that’s not happening.

This is whom Democrats are defending.

Read: Bummer: Israel Flattening Gaza’s Wealthiest Neighborhoods. And Horrible Pizza Parlor »

Bummer: Youts Care More About Inflation Than Fight Climate Crisis (scam)

See, these are the kids that are supposed to Save The Planet, but, Bidenflation is ruining that

Add Inflation to Reasons to Worry About Climate Change

A big frustration of writing about climate change is that it’s wildly difficult to get people to care about the subject unless they happen to be, say, unexpectedly choking on wildfire smoke hundreds of miles from the nearest wildfire or escaping a flooded basement after a random rainstorm turns biblical.

Well, I have issues in trying to care about it when the people who tell me it’s a crisis never act like it’s a crisis in their own lives, and tend to have oversized carbon footprints

The sense of failing to convey to your stovetop mates that you are all boiling alive was hammered home this week by a new survey showing young people — humanity’s hope for the future, supposedly — care more about inflation than they do about climate change. This in the middle of what will probably be the hottest year in human history, wracked with deadly floods, droughts, heat waves and wildfires.

On the one hand, this suggests “climate Cassandra” is a poor career choice. On the other, it makes total sense. Though my memories of young adulthood are hazy, one lingering sensation is relentless financial dread. And today’s youths have it far worse than I ever did. College, health-care and housing expenses have soared in recent decades, followed by food and other prices since the Covid pandemic. It’s tough to focus on the future of the climate when your stomach is grumbling and you’re not sure you can cover the rent.

Huh. So Mark Gongloff is saying that Biden’s utter mismanagement of the economy after the Chinese coronavirus damaged it is causing youts to care about things like food? Mark has Ideas, though

But the reality is that climate change and inflation are increasingly, inextricably linked. A hotter planet makes droughts, floods, heat waves and destructive storms more likely and more intense. Rainfall patterns change and diseases roam more widely. All of this in turn disrupts agriculture, construction, shipping, manufacturing and more. Natural disasters and rising sea levels will leave some parts of the country inhabitable only by the very wealthy, making affordable housing even more scarce. The pandemic’s inflationary supply-chain nightmares were just a preview of what may be in store.

And there you go: inflation is caused by ‘climate change’, so, if you give your money and freedom to government we can solve this. Cult.

Interestingly, for all the caterwauling about fossil fuels not many really care

Read: Bummer: Youts Care More About Inflation Than Fight Climate Crisis (scam) »

If All You See…

…is an Evil fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Not A Lot Of People Know That, with a post on what the green energy NetZero economy will require.

Read: If All You See… »

Biden Admin Exploring All Options To Bring American Hostages Home

Well, Biden did miss his opportunity to threaten Hamas when it first came to light that they were holding Americans hostage. Would Trump have made threats? There’s a good chance. Otherwise, most presidents over the past 50 years, excluding Reagan, would probably have not made threats. At this point, it’s too late

Blinken says US exploring all options to bring Americans taken by Hamas home

Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke with “World News Tonight” anchor David Muir on Thursday and discussed how the U.S. is working to free the Americans who were taken by Hamas during last weekend’s attack.

Blinken stressed that the U.S. is exploring all options in getting the American citizens who were taken by Hamas forces back safely, however, he would not say if those plans included using U.S. Special Forces.

“I’m not going to get into the specifics of what we’re looking at considering, unfortunately, [that] we have a lot of experience with this over the years,” he told Muir. “And President Biden has always been determined in these situations, to explore every possible option. That’s what we’re doing.”

Blinken noted that the U.S. is working with other countries “who may have relationships, who may have influence, [or] who may have leverage, with Hamas to use that leverage, in favor of getting the hostages home, and getting them out.”

I can’t even expressly blast Biden, because most admins around the world wouldn’t make threats, and the US can’t just send in the military when we do not know where those hostages are. Political leadership is just too “civilized” to do that anymore, even when dealing with murderous animals. Governments like to talk a lot but not say much. Meanwhile, Biden is heading to Philly to yammer about Bidenomics and green jobs, then going to stop in New Castle, Delaware for some reason before heading back to D.C. What’s the over/under that he just stays at his Delaware house for the weekend?

Biden Faces Hard Choices on American Hostages in Gaza

President Biden is faced with the thorny reality that American citizens are among the hostages Hamas terrorists kidnapped and took into Gaza over the weekend, but the U.S. government doesn’t know exactly how many of its citizens are in that situation or where they are. (snip)

Beyond confirming that some of the hostages are US citizens, White House officials had few other details about them or what options for their rescue are available to Biden.

“We do not know about their condition and we cannot confirm a precise number of American hostages,” National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan told reporters at the White House. More than 20 American citizens who were in Israel are missing, Sullivan said, but it is unclear how many among those are being held captive by Hamas. (snip)

If the U.S. is able to locate any of the Americans being held by Hamas, a U.S. rescue mission would be incredibly complex and dangerous for U.S. military personnel and any civilians on the ground in the densely populated Gaza Strip, which is currently under regular barrage by Israeli missiles. Also, the kidnappers may be holding U.S. citizens alongside Israeli captives, leaving open the question of which country would lead such an operation.

The civilians on the ground, meaning Gaza residents, are supporters of Hamas. In that previous article Blinken stated

He also noted that Hamas is using Palestinians in Gaza as “human shields.”

“One of the many tragedies that Hamas inflicts on people is the tragedy it’s inflicted on the Palestinian people, including all the good people in Gaza,” he said. “Instead of using the resources that are at its disposal to actually better their lives, what has it done? It’s used almost all of its resources for terrorist tunnels and rockets to attack Israel.”

They are willing human shields. They cheer when Hamas attacks and kills Jews. Are any of them ratting out where the hostages are? So, to Hell with the “civilians on the ground”. They made their bed. The US would tell Israel “we know where our folks are, we are going in kick ass and get our people out.” Most likely, if we find were they are the Biden admin will do nothing. Just like in Afghanistan.

Read: Biden Admin Exploring All Options To Bring American Hostages Home »

Federal Climate Cultists Super Excited To Fight By Refurbishing Federal Buildings

I wholeheartedly think they should do this. Take out all air-conditioning systems that do not comply with Biden’s mandates. They can only use energy from “renewables”, no fossil fuels or coal (which is what most in DC use). Heating systems will be set to 62F and no more. Mean will not be allowed in the buildings. There will be no parking places, as employees can only come on property while walking or biking. There will be no federal vehicles, they can all take public transportation. And so much more. Of course, that’s not what they will do

Old U.S. government buildings get a second life fighting climate change

Robin Carnahan cruised a Ford F-150 pickup truck through a seemingly endless maze of federal buildings.

To an untrained eye, the dozens of buildings in the Denver Federal Center looked unremarkable, even drab. But Carnahan, who leads the General Services Administration, could spot how each structure was a secret weapon in the fight against climate change.

“Isn’t this cool?” Carnahan exclaimed to her spokeswoman in the back seat and a reporter in the passenger seat, pointing at the windows in Building 40 as they sparkled in the midday sun.

These weren’t just any windows, she said. They were designed to block summer heat and retain winter warmth — technology that could save the government hundreds of millions of dollars on heating and cooling costs in the coming decades.

Is that a fossil fueled F150 or one of the really expensive EVs?

Building 48, once a World War II munitions plant, was on track to reach net-zero emissions. Buildings 20, 25 and 53 had parking lots covered with solar panels and dotted with electric vehicle charging stations, where Carnahan’s borrowed F-150 electric truck would recharge later that August afternoon. Past yet another row of buildings, a sprawling field of solar panels would soon produce up to three-quarters of the energy needed for the entire center, home to the largest collection of federal agencies outside the nation’s capital.

How much are they spending on this? I can’t wait for the complaints when the employees are complaining about being cold in winter and their EVs being stuck.

Biden in 2021 signed an executive order directing the government to become carbon-neutral by 2050, with federal buildings to meet this target by 2045. The GSA — one of the country’s largest landlords and biggest buyers of materials such as steel and concrete — is racing to remake its real estate portfolio, from Denver to D.C. The agency’s actions could have a significant climate impact, since burning fossil fuels to heat and cool buildings produces nearly a third of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions. They could also drive up demand for green technologies, encouraging the private sector to follow suit.

When are they going to do this with the White House, forcing Joe to live the carbon neutral life? Of course, this usually only matters during the week, since Biden is rarely there during the weekend.

A new project underway at the Denver Federal Center promises significant cost savings. The $88 million project with Ameresco, a renewable energy company, involves the installation of heat pumps and solar panels, as well as heating and cooling system upgrades, at 18 buildings across the complex. It’s projected to save more than $2 million annually on energy costs while reducing carbon emissions by more than 29,000 metric tons annually — the equivalent of taking nearly 6,500 cars off the nation’s roads each year.

$88 million to replace systems that work. If it actually saves money, it’ll take 44 years to break even. Seems like a good waste of taxpayer money.

When do they restrict the use of fossil fuels to travel for all federal employees?

Read: Federal Climate Cultists Super Excited To Fight By Refurbishing Federal Buildings »

Who’s Ready For “Day Of Jihad” From The Religion Of Peace?

Here’s the question: will those who are radicalized and somewhat radicalized answer the call from the guy hiding in Qatar?

Former Hamas leader calls Friday ‘Day of Jihad,’ calls on Muslims to take to the streets

A former head of the terror group Hamas has designated Friday, October 13, as the “Day of Jihad,” calling on Muslims to take to the streets and deliver a message of anger.

He also urged Muslims in neighboring countries like Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Egypt to join the fight against Israel. Emerging threats are adding to those already alarming the West.

“We’re also worried about Jihadist groups like in Syria. We have the Iran-backed Shia militia groups in Iraq in the have all sorts of jihadist groups that is our worst nightmare,” Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said in a CNN interview Thursday.

Will Islamists go for it? Will their idiot comrades in Liberal World, especially from college campuses, join them, like good little dhimmis? If they do, where? I suspect mostly in Democratic Party run cities. They really do not want to try this in most of the US South or areas where Americans have lots of guns, even if just for hunting. Seriously, F*** around and find out.

But, lots of Dem run cities, and cities in places like Europe, New Zealand, India, and Australia, are concerned

(LA Magazine) Federal and local law enforcement officials are warning the public to be hyper-vigilant after Hamas publicly urged supporters to take to the streets in a day of action in support of the terror attacks in Israel on Friday the 13th.

“The Los Angeles Police Department is aware of recent statements made calling for action as it relates to the conflict in the Middle East. We have no information of any specific or credible threats to the City of Los Angeles but we are continuing to assess the situation for any potential impact to our communities,” the department said in a statement. “We are closely monitoring these events and are coordinating with Federal, State, and local partners on information sharing.”

If you are letting in a whole bunch of folks who are bringing their extremist views with them, well, you need to be concerned. And Biden’s DHS has admitted that terror suspects, and people from Muslim nations, are increasingly attempting to cross the border.

Going back to the original article, Hamas has been planning this since Biden’s horrid Afghanistan withdrawal, and

Another Hamas leader admitted in an interview with Russia TV that Hamas was actually planning for warfare under the guise of providing welfare.

“We made them think Hamas was busy with governing Gaza and that it wanted to focus on the 2.5 million Palestinians and has abandoned the resistance altogether. All the while under the table Hamas was preparing for the big attack,” said senior Hamas official Ali Baraka.

The interview, translated by the group “MEMRI,” a Middle Eastern Research Institute co-founded by Israeli-Americans, also included a demand that members of Hamas detained in the United States be released.

So, for all those doing crap like this

and equivocating (well, really, most of them are really trying to take the side of the terrorists over Israel, they’re just being tricky about it), they should read what Hamas is really saying.

Read: Who’s Ready For “Day Of Jihad” From The Religion Of Peace? »

Pirate's Cove