If All You See…

…is a stream that will soon either dry up or flood because Other People travel, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Chicks On the Right, with a post on Rudy Giuliani suing Joe Biden.

Read: If All You See… »

CNN: Gun Violence Is An Epidemic Or Something

I wonder if CNN will disarm the security at their Atlanta office?

Gun violence is an epidemic in the US. Here are 4 things you can do today

If people want to reduce gun violence in the United States, experts say it’s important to start by understanding what we as a society are up against.

“First, it’s important to recognize that gun violence is a public health epidemic,” said Dr. Tochi Iroku-Malize, president of the American Academy of Family Physicians.

Gun violence surpassed car accidents in 2020 as the leading cause of death for kids and teens in the United States. And nearly 1 in 5 adults said a family member had been killed by a gun, according to an April Kaiser Family Foundation survey.

Did they only survey people living in Democratic Party run urban areas, particularly in the low income areas? One in five killed by a gun is insane, especially when we’re talking a family member. I do not have one. I do not personally know anyone who has had a family member killed by a gun, except those who had served in war. Anyway, what does CNN want to do?

To prevent gun violence, we also have to stop blaming it all on mental illness, said Sarah Burd-Sharps, senior director of research for Everytown for Gun Safety.

The myth that the epidemic of violent gun deaths is all due to mental illness can be dangerous, Iroku-Malize said.

“Family physicians strongly caution against blaming mental illness for gun violence, which adds to the stigma and discrimination against people with mental health conditions,” she added.

We aren’t blaming it all on mental illness. That’s reserved for some wackjobs who go on murder sprees and those who commit suicide. But, doesn’t this mostly negate the need for red flag laws?

There are signs that someone is more likely to commit violence and recognizing them can empower communities to raise concerns early in hopes of getting intervention or support, said Josh Horwitz, co-director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions in Baltimore.

A history of violence, particularly domestic abuse, and sharing violent extremist content in social media posts are a big red flag of future violence, Horwitz said.

Living in a Democratic Party run city is certainly a concern, especially the inner cities where violence runs rampant. What about when leftists call for killing Republicans who refuse to go along with issues such as abortion and ‘climate change’? Should they be red flagged?

Safe gun storage is crucial to reduce shootings among children, Burd-Sharps said.

“Almost every day in this country, a kid under 18 — and often a 1-, 2-, 3-, 4- or 5-year-old — gets their hands on a loaded gun lying around the house not securely stored and either shoots themselves or someone else,” she said.

Gun owners should store their firearms unloaded and locked in a safe separate from the ammunition, Horwitz said.

Safe storage should be a case by case decision. I have no need for it. Many people I know with young children do secure their firearms, though they don’t secure them all unloaded and with ammo in a separate safe. That just makes the firearm worthless if someone breaks in. And, I will agree that idiots need to lock up their guns when they are left in their cars. Especially in Democrat run cities where car break-ins occur at high rates. Stop giving criminals your guns!

But, the gun grabbers really want to push safe storage. Ohio is looking to waive their sales tax on safes. Why? A locked up gun is one people aren’t carrying. Some might say it’s too much of a pain to constantly lock them up and then unlock when coming and going. Law abiding citizens are then mostly disarmed.

Much of what researchers say can curb US gun violence needs to be enacted by the government and institutions, but that doesn’t mean individuals don’t have a say.

“One thing that we can do is vote for the candidates who are talking about this issue and who are committed to ending this epidemic in this country and who are committed to supporting the kind of programs and policies that matter,” Horwitz said.

More funding for gun violence research is crucial for better understanding the root causes and best interventions, Iroku-Malize said.

Why are they assuming that citizens do not have a say? Granted, the system is not working correctly, but, elected politicians are supposed to be listening to their constituents and doing their bidding, and making the bureaucrats do the work the citizens want. Why can’t all those gun grabbing organizations spend their money on research? Because they won’t like what they find about who is using their guns for crime, mostly. It’s not law abiding citizens, and mostly not people who acquired their firearms lawfully.

We already have the research, it is called the FBI crime statistics each year. Over 80% of all gun crimes in the US including homicides are done by individuals who are NOT legally allowed to own a gun, so those individuals have prior felonies and have been arrested previously.

Other policies that matter include measures like background checks for gun and ammunition purchases, red flag laws, open carry regulations, and funding for resources such as threat assessment teams, violence interventions and prevention funds, Burd-Sharps said.

Background checks are already required for most gun purchases. Red flag laws have not worked as of yet. Open carry is against the law abiding. Leftists refuse to support stop and frisk and tough policing. Violence intervention doesn’t work in the areas and with the people most likely to use a gun for crime. California has all the background checks for gun and ammunition purchases, red flag laws, open carry regulations, and funding for resources such as threat assessment teams, violence interventions and prevention funds, yet, they continue to suffer from “gun crime.”

The whole point, though, is to foment the case that this is a public health emergency so that government can institute gun grabbing policies, much like they used COVID to lock people down and restrict their lives.

Read: CNN: Gun Violence Is An Epidemic Or Something »

Your Fault: ‘Climate Change’ Will Cause The Collapse Of Civilization

Nothing like going full apocalyptic, right? But, hey, this is all about science, not a doomsday cult. Of course, it’s right there in the headline

Doomsday author’s analysis: How climate change will cause the collapse of civilization


Editor’s note: Marshall Brain – futurist, inventor, NCSU professor, writer and creator of “How Stuff Works” –  is a contributor to WRAL TechWire.  He’s also author of “The Doomsday Book: The Science Behind Humanity’s Greatest Threats.” Brain has written several posts recently about the threat of climate change. His exclusive columns written for TechWire are published on Fridays. 

Let’s see what doom he’s going on about

 Last week we took a deep dive to see just how bad climate change has become in 2023: Just how bad is climate change? It’s far worse than you think.

The article makes two big points about the climate change situation that humanity is now facing because of all the carbon dioxide we have added to the atmosphere.

First, there are 22+ different things that are going wrong today because of climate change. The list includes:

Pure doom!

One thing to understand is that right now, currently, climate change has not really taken a deep bite out of humanity yet. Yes, it is bad that one third of Pakistan flooded last year. Yes, it is bad that New York City was flooding last week. Yes, it is bad that drought is drying up the Mississippi River, the Amazon River, and most of Texas. Yes, it is bad that 100 innocent dolphins cooked to death this week in the Amazon because of the heat. But none of these things are catastrophic. Nothing truly catastrophic has happened to humanity because of the effects of climate change.

The second thing to understand is that the truly catastrophic stuff is coming. It is inevitable. At this point it is unstoppable. Examples include:

Yup, all sorts of civilization ending Doom! Which he runs on and on about

It is as though we (humanity) are riding in an airplane, and we can see that the pilots (world leaders) are steering the airplane so that it will run right into the side of a mountain. We are sitting in our seats sipping our drinks and doing nothing to stop the catastrophe that we should all see coming. All this behavior is completely inexplicable. Why are the pilots steering the plane toward the mountain? Since they are, then why isn’t humanity overpowering the pilots and steering the plane away from the mountainside before we collide?

What will we do when Miami gets destroyed by a major hurricane? Or when a major crop failure creates famine worldwide. We know these things are coming. When they arrive, what will we do? As it stands now, we are likely to watch civilization as we know it collapse, despite all the warnings we have received.

Parts of Miami were destroyed. That was Hurricane Andrew in 1992. We rebuilt. But, this is a cult, so, doom is always around the corner.

Read: Your Fault: ‘Climate Change’ Will Cause The Collapse Of Civilization »

Excitable AOC Decries Biden Border Decision

Will she be traveling down to the border to fake-cry in expensive clothing for the photo-op? Does she not realize that Biden’s announcement is a scam, since the up to 20 mile long wall will not be permanent, but, a temporary one? That it is expected to be done in 2025? Meaning that this is all a scam which will never occur, it’s just posturing for the 2024 election?

Ocasio-Cortez on border wall announcement: President must ‘take responsibility,’ ‘reverse course’

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) released a statement Thursday condemning the Biden administration’s decision to waive 26 federal laws, which will allow border wall construction to commence in Texas.

“The Biden administration was not required to expand construction of the border wall — and they certainly were not required to waive several environmental laws to expedite the building,” the congresswoman said in her statement. “The President needs to take responsibility for this decision and reverse the course.”

The waived environmental laws will expedite the construction of barriers in Starr County, Texas, which is a highly trafficked entry point along the southern U.S. border, the Department of Homeland Security noted. The Associated Press reported that roughly 245,000 migrants have illegally crossed the border there this fiscal year. (snip)

“A wall does nothing to deter people who are fleeing poverty and violence from coming to the United States,” Ocasio-Cortez said in her statement. “Walls only serve to push migrants into more remote areas, increasing their chances of death. It is a cruel policy.”

I wonder how many illegals, mostly young men, are in her neighborhoods in SCNY and D.C.? I wonder if she realizes her own buildings have walls and security to keep the riff-raff out? That Biden is building a wall around his beach house? Oh, and that Biden is also showboating by resuming deportation flights for illegals from Venezuela?

If fences do not work, then why did she not complain about all the fences that went up around the Capitol Building and the other Congressional buildings?

Greg Abbott and Ron DeSantis should send a few busloads to AOC’s neighborhoods in SCNY and D.C., see how she likes it.

Read: Excitable AOC Decries Biden Border Decision »

Climate Cult Youts Taking Their Cultish Beliefs To Court Even More

What they’re not doing is giving up their own use of fossil fuels, meat, huge amounts of electricity through streaming, fast fashion, etc

Young Climate Activists Say ‘We’ll See You in Court’

It doesn’t get more David versus Goliath than the latest case to be heard before the Grand Chamber at the European Court of Human Rights. Six youngsters from Portugal, represented by a small crowdfunded legal team, charged 32 countries and their 86-strong team of lawyers with climate crimes last week. It’s part of a wave of judicial mobilization seeking to ensure climate agreements aren’t just words on paper.

The claimants, aged between 11 and 24, accuse the nations – including all 27 European Union member states, along with the UK, Norway, Turkey, Switzerland and Russia — of failing to do enough to combat the climate crisis, and thus threatening their right to live a safe, happy and healthy life. Specifically, they argue that extreme heat and wildfire risks force them to stay inside, make sleep and exercise difficult and trigger mental distress.

A ruling from the courts is expected in the first half of 2024. And the decision isn’t just symbolic: The judges may resolve on a legally binding order for the accused countries to act faster on climate change.

Indeed, the Portuguese youth case is just one of three climate-related lawsuits that the ECHR has heard this year amid a rise in such litigation around the world. It’s a trend I’m cheering on in the hope that a few key cases could help advance action and accountability on slashing carbon emissions.

Sovereign nations are typically in the firing line: Outside of the US, 70% of climate-related cases are against governments. But strategic cases — those filed with the aim of influencing the broader debate — are increasingly being brought against the private sector, too. Even as we wait for definitive verdicts, the attention they’re attracting and the precedents they could set have the potential to influence corporate behavior and governance in a big way.

I wonder if the youts realize that if the win these suits, which are backed by and essentially created by cult groups using the kiddies as human shields, they will be forced to practice what they preach? All that fossil fueled travel to go take selfies and TikToks goes mostly away? That their cost of living skyrockets? That their travel will be limited by government and they’ll pay a whole lot more in taxes? The little morons were brainwashed by adults into working to take away their own freedom, money, and life choices.

I just wonder if Lara Williams at Bloomberg (it’s a reprint at the Washington Post), who’s cheering this cult lawfare on, realizes that it will f*ck with her life, and employment. If Bloomberg is forced to comply they’ll have no need for so many activists reporters on staff. They won’t be able to afford them.

Read: Climate Cult Youts Taking Their Cultish Beliefs To Court Even More »

If All You See…

…are mountains losing their glaciers because Other People drive fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is American Greatness, with a post on Josh Hawley introducing legislation allowing border states to deport illegals.

Read: If All You See… »

Surprise: Uber-Gun Restrictive California Seeing More Violent Gun Crimes

If you make it harder for the law abiding to get guns to protect themselves, then it will be the criminals with the guns. Further, when the government is soft on crime, criminals will be happy campers

A troubling trend in California: More violent crimes are being committed with guns even as restrictions tighten

Though overall crime in California is down from historic peaks, data from the state Department of Justice’s Criminal Justice Statistics Center suggest violent crime has been on the rise since 2014.

And experts are now noting another troubling trend: the increased use of firearms in homicides and aggravated assaults.

A spate of mass shootings, including killings this year at a dance hall in Monterey Park, a mushroom farm in Half Moon Bay and a Trabuco Canyon bar, highlight the problem.

“It is particularly in the last few years that we have seen an increase in violent crime involving firearms,” said Magnus Lofstrom, policy director of criminal justice and a senior fellow at the nonpartisan Public Policy Institute of California.

In 2020, homicides using firearms increased by 40.6% and assaults with firearms went up by 29% from the previous year, according to a Times analysis of Department of Justice data.

They restrict legal citizens, they go soft on criminals, they demonize, handcuff and defund the police, and import lots of people from the 3rd World who have no problem getting violent. And, let’s be honest, a goodly chunk of the gun crime is being committed by one group of people who are being protected at all costs, especially post BLM, who are more than willing to get violent and use firearms at the drop of a hat. FBI statistics do not lie.

Criminals do not care about your laws, California.

Lofstrom did not speculate as to why guns were used more often, though the increase in crime overall during the pandemic has been widely reported.

What also happened during that time, and also created a wave of retail crime?

“California has the strongest gun safety laws in the nation and has been a trailblazer for gun safety reform for the past 30 years,” according to the Giffords Law Center, an an anti-gun-violence organization.

Which only affects the law abiding.

Read: Surprise: Uber-Gun Restrictive California Seeing More Violent Gun Crimes »

Climate Pope Worries Earth “Nearing Breaking Point” Or Something

Does Pope Francis realize he’s not supposed to put any God before God, nor worship craven idols or bow down to them. He spends way, way too much time yammering about the climate crisis scam and not enough on all things Bible. For the Christian religion haters (who also hate Judaism, but, won’t say nary a bad word about Islam) they love this

Climate change: Pope Francis warns world ‘may be nearing breaking point’

Pope Francis has warned the world is “collapsing” due to climate change and may be “nearing breaking point”.

The pope criticised global decision-making bodies for being ineffective, as well as calling out climate deniers.

His strongly-worded intervention has been published in a major new update to his landmark 2015 paper on the environment..

He described some damage from climate change as “already irreversible”.

The Pope criticised those who “deny, conceal, gloss over or relativise the issue”, saying that it was no longer possible to deny the human origins of climate change.

Pope Francis has made climate change a key pillar of his papacy. His 2015 encyclical, the highest level teaching document a pope can issue, signalled a shift for the Catholic Church.

But, things like abortion are mostly ignored. He instructs priests to never deny absolution, including to those who are not penitent. He has turned confession into a charade. Basically ignoring church doctrine. Ignoring the Bible. He’s more involved with the climate cult that Jesus

Since then, the pope has made repeated calls for politicians to take concrete action to tackle climate change.

He also took aim at “irresponsible lifestyles”, particularly in the Western world.

He said that emissions per person in the US were about two times greater than those living in China, and about seven times greater than those in the poorest countries.

Same guy takes lots of fossil fueled travel. Also, doesn’t the Bible say something about “Thou shall not steal”? Which is what he’s advocating that government does, taking money from citizens to deal with the scam.

Read: Climate Pope Worries Earth “Nearing Breaking Point” Or Something »

CNN Notices That Democrat Immigration Policies Are Causing Democrats To Change Their Immigration Stance

Why? Because Democrats are suddenly having to deal with the fallout of their own policies, like

New York City Moves to Suspend Right-to-Shelter Mandate

Mayor Eric Adams is seeking to suspend New York City’s long-standing obligation to provide shelter to anyone who asks for it, as officials struggle to find housing for thousands of migrants arriving from the southern border.

On Tuesday night, Adams asked a judge to allow the city to put aside its legal obligation to provide shelter to single adults, arguing in court that the city should be able to temporarily lift the mandate during an emergency.

“With more than 122,700 asylum seekers having come through our intake system since the spring of 2022, and projected costs of over $12 billion for three years, it is abundantly clear that the status quo cannot continue,” Adams said in a statement.

Funny how that happens, eh? Unsurprisingly, the NY Times, which published the above piece, did not take Adams to task and there are no outraged opinion pieces or editorials

The arrival of migrants in big cities is forcing Democrats to change their immigration politics

President Joe Biden says he’s been forced to violate a campaign promise by adding some new construction to Donald Trump’s border wall.

Big city Democratic mayors are angrily demanding more engagement from the Democratic president to help deal with a wave of migrants seeking asylum. One of them – New York Mayor Eric Adams – is in Latin America this week.

Immigration reality is scrambling the normal immigration rhetoric in uncomfortable ways for Democrats, who generally want to appear welcoming but appear to be taking a harder line along with their new positions.

Shocked face! They even include how Brandon said that border walls do not work, but, the money was appropriated. Like Biden has not diverted funds for many other things. Anyhow, what has changed?

At the border, a fresh tide of migrants has overwhelmed authorities this fall. The images include waves of people crossing illegally. Stowaways on the roofs of trains temporarily closed the international railway bridge in Eagle Pass, Texas, last month.

In northern blue states, governors and mayors are getting louder and more urgent in their calls for the White House to do more to stem the tide of migrants coming into the US and being sent north.

Yeah, they now have to deal with all the illegals they said they supported thanks to Greg Abbott, Ron DeSantis, and a few others, including some Democrat mayors. And polling is turning against them, they’re spending oodles of money, and the Democrat voters in Democrat cities who supported being illegal alien sanctuaries are now screaming that they don’t like this.

Read: CNN Notices That Democrat Immigration Policies Are Causing Democrats To Change Their Immigration Stance »

Climate Cult is Very Upset That Uber-Rich Aren’t Using Their Money For Climate Cult Priorities

It’s a very weird thing how so many people (cultists) get so upset that some people (the Rich) aren’t using the money they earned (The Rich) the way they should be per the cult. It’s not their (the cultists) money. They didn’t earn it. Why should they have any say it the matter? And somehow there is actually an article about this

The ultra-rich are not just the worst polluters–their donations to climate action are also another way of hoarding money and gaming the system

Everyone should know that we’re heading to a climate disaster that can best be modified by immediate actions addressing the causes. But it doesn’t appear that the excessively rich are feeling the heat and stepping up to the plate. Their philanthropic foundations announce commitments to fight climate change but in reality, they are building up endowments to save for the future.

Over $200 billion are sitting in donor-advised funds and over $1.3 trillion in private foundation endowments. Charitable giving to fight climate change, estimated by the ClimateWorks Foundation at $7.5 billion last year, is only 0.5% of the money sitting in private foundations and donor-advised funds–and amounts to about 0.04% of the assets of the ultra-rich.

It is estimated that it could take $3 to 10 trillion (twelve zeroes) per year to avoid climate disaster. Even if they wanted to fix the climate problem, it would require extraordinary collective action for philanthropists to pony up enough money to fix the climate problem. Only governments (funded by taxes on these very ultra-wealthy donors) can effectively do that. In short, the philanthropic investments now being made are necessary but insufficient.

We need to hold the ultra-rich responsible for the role their investments play in worsening the climate crisis, call out their insincere philanthropic efforts aimed at “addressing” climate change, and hold them accountable for paying their fair share of taxes to provide funding for clean energy.

Why? Why is it always someone Else who has to pay? Imagine a world where every Warmist, or even just the full on cultists, gave up their own use of fossil fuels. No more fossil fueled cars, trucks, or planes. If they gave up meat, only bought second hand clothes, stopped streaming so much, and moved into a tiny home, for starters. If CO2 is actually the control knob (it’s not) per their talking points, just that reduction of carbon pollution would solve the climate crisis. Why is it they cannot make more than token changes in their lives? Why can’t they all give a bunch of their money? I’m not defending The Rich, a goodly chunk are selfish scumbags who certainly could do more with their money, but, I wouldn’t be in favor of forcing them or shaming them.

Extreme inequality and wealth concentration undermine humanity’s ability to stop climate breakdown. The richest of the rich play the largest role in driving and accelerating the climate crisis with out-of-control carbon footprints due to extravagant lifestyles, excessive wealth-hoarding, corporate greed, and investments in polluting industries. Poor and middle-class communities who share the least responsibility for the problem will bear the brunt of climate change and suffer the most as shifting weather patterns, destructive storms, floods, wildfires, and heat waves wreak havoc across the globe, with the potential to displace 216 million people from their homes (and countries) by 2050.

Why does this look less like a science and more like politics? Typical Progressive (nice Fascism) take from the rich and give to the poor government who spread some to the poor for votes.

Read: Climate Cult is Very Upset That Uber-Rich Aren’t Using Their Money For Climate Cult Priorities »

Pirate's Cove