John Kirby Asked About Biden Admin Believe Global Boiling Being Only Existential Threat

I was waiting for someone to link the war to ‘climate change’, and was surprised that no one, other than a few randos on Twitter, was doing. No big articles, no “climate change has made war more likely” or something. Even from some of the outlying media outlets. So, this was actually a surprise from Fox News, attacking climate doom a different way

Kirby confronted on recent Biden claim climate change ‘the only existential threat’ as Hamas bombs Israel

A top Biden administration official was pressed Monday on the president’s recent public claim that global warming is the sole existential threat to humanity, as the Palestinian group Hamas orchestrated militant attacks and kidnappings in Israel.

On “The Story,” anchor Martha MacCallum cited continued American financial support for Ukraine following its invasion by Russia, and longtime aid for Israel before queuing up a clip of President Biden speaking during his visit to Hanoi, Vietnam last month for John Kirby, the National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications.

“The only existential threat humanity faces – even more frightening than a nuclear war – is global warming; going above 1.5 degrees in the next 10 years,” Biden said.

MacCallum asked Kirby if Biden stands by his comments:

“Absolutely he does,” he replied. “Climate change is an existential threat. It actually threatens and is capable of wiping out all human life on earth over time.”

Good on MacCallum to ask tough questions, even if it was a gotcha

Kirby added that addressing that threat doesn’t mean the U.S. cannot fulfill its other national security obligations.

“The president believes wholeheartedly that climate change is an existential threat to all of human life on the planet. That’s just science… But it doesn’t mean that we turn our back on the other challenges facing this country and our allies and partners around the world,” he said.

Yeah, well, when our foreign policy seems to be based on ‘climate change’ doom (and appeasing Iran), and they’re trying to force the U.S. military to comply with all the climate cult beliefs (and Woke crap), we can’t actually deal with the national security obligations.

Martha should have asked why, if Biden believes this, he continuously takes massive fossil fueled trips.

Read: John Kirby Asked About Biden Admin Believe Global Boiling Being Only Existential Threat »

NY Times Explains Just How Horrible Biden Is On The International Stage

I wonder if David Leonhardt and the editors considered that all this is happening under Biden’s watch? Even though they don’t want to blame him, though, you know they’d be all over Trump if he were president

The Global Context of the Hamas-Israel War

Russia has started the largest war in Europe since World War II.

China has become more bellicose toward Taiwan.

India has embraced a virulent nationalism.

Israel has formed the most extreme government in its history.

And on Saturday morning, Hamas brazenly attacked Israel, launching thousands of missiles and publicly kidnapping and killing civilians.

All these developments are signs that the world may have fallen into a new period of disarray. Countries — and political groups like Hamas — are willing to take big risks, rather than fearing that the consequences would be too dire.

Ya think? And, let’s not forget about economic issues, nations blowing off the Biden admin, and countries moving away from the US and towards Russia and China. But, why?

The simplest explanation is that the world is in the midst of a transition to a new order that experts describe with the word multipolar. The United States is no longer the dominant power it once was, and no replacement has emerged. As a result, political leaders in many places feel emboldened to assert their own interests, believing the benefits of aggressive action may outweigh the costs. These leaders believe that they have more sway over their own region than the U.S. does.

#LetsGoBrandon. It’s rather hard to be the dominant power when Biden barely works 30 hours a week, spends most weekends in Delaware or Camp David, and doesn’t really seem interested in doing the international stuff a president is supposed to do. Seriously, didn’t Obama pick Biden for his international experience, and have one disaster after another?

Why has American power receded? Some of the change is unavoidable. Dominant countries don’t remain dominant forever. But the U.S. has also made strategic mistakes that are accelerating the arrival of a multipolar world.

Among those mistakes: Presidents of both parties naïvely believed that a richer China would inevitably be a friendlier China — and failed to recognize that the U.S. was building up its own rival through lenient trade policies, as the political scientist John Mearsheimer has argued. In Afghanistan and Iraq, the U.S. spent much of the early 21st century fighting costly wars. The Iraq war was especially damaging because it was an unprovoked war that George W. Bush chose to start. And the humiliating retreat from Afghanistan, overseen by President Biden, made the U.S. look weaker still.

American power didn’t wane while Bush43 was president. Even as some bashed him, he worked hard with allies and had great relationships. Trump worked hard, and, for all the bashing, he also got things done with allies. What, exactly, is Biden doing? He barely has any leaders from other nations at the White House, and barely goes international. Neither Bush nor Trump made the U.S. look weak towards our enemies. Biden has.

Biden didn’t even mention the murdered Americans till 518pm, and that was mostly likely just his comms room. Do you think our enemies respect the neglect? Do you think they respect that there was zero threat?

Read: NY Times Explains Just How Horrible Biden Is On The International Stage »

Supreme Court May Hear Appeal That Minnesota Suit Against Oil Companies Belongs In Federal Court

I said back then and I’ll say now, I’m not sure why any of these companies are doing business and selling their products to the state of Minnesota while the suit is pending. But, if they are going to sell to the state, they should use that in their defense saying “if fossil fuels are so Evil then why is the state buying lots of fossil fuels from us?”

U.S. Supreme Court will decide soon whether to hear appeal by big oil over Minnesota’s climate change lawsuit

climate cowIn what could be a landmark case, Minnesota sued the American Petroleum Institute, ExxonMobil and three Koch-owned companies to force them to pay for the effects of climate change on Minnesotans.

But the lawsuit filed by Attorney General Keith Ellison in state court in June of 2020 has been subject to battles over a jurisdictional issue — whether the case based on the state’s consumer protection laws belongs in a state court, or whether it belongs in federal court where it could be easier to dismiss.

Now the U.S. Supreme Court, which began its new term last week, will consider hearing an appeal by the American Petroleum Institute (API) and the other petitioners who seek to move the case to federal court.

The oil companies argued that damage lawsuits for climate change go beyond the limits of state law and are governed by federal law — but there is no federal common law for greenhouse gases. (snip)

The lawsuit also says that during this period, Mobil and Koch earned hundreds of billions of dollars in profits while Minnesota shouldered the costs and consequences of “unmitigated climate change.” It asks for the courts to mandate those profits be used to help Minnesota pay for what it says are the “devastating consequences” of climate change.

Can the state prove damages and that they were caused solely by the use of fossil fuels? And why did the state keep using them? I hope the defendant lawyers are keeping an eye on how many fossil fueled trip Ellison has taken

API declined a request for an interview. But it did provide a statement from its general counsel, Ryan Meyers:

“The record of the past two decades demonstrates that the industry has achieved its goal of providing affordable, reliable American energy to U.S. consumers while substantially reducing emissions and our environmental footprint,” Meyers’ statement said. “This ongoing, coordinated campaign to wage meritless, politicized lawsuits against a foundational American industry and its workers is nothing more than a distraction from important national conversations and an enormous waste of Minnesota taxpayer resources. Climate policy is for Congress to debate and decide, not the court system.”

Just stop selling in Minnesota. Let’s see how the state does in the winter without them.

Read: Supreme Court May Hear Appeal That Minnesota Suit Against Oil Companies Belongs In Federal Court »

If All You See…

…is an Evil 1%er house contributing to global boiling, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is This Ain’t Hell…, with a post on some Monday quickies.

Read: If All You See… »

Surprise: UN Security Council Doesn’t Condemn Hamas

Who’s actually surprised by this? I said it the other day when the news said the Security Council was going to meet

U.S. demands condemnation of Hamas at UN meeting, but Security Council takes no immediate action

The U.N. Security Council held an emergency meeting behind closed doors Sunday, with the United States demanding all 15 members strongly condemn “these heinous terrorist attacks committed by Hamas,” but they took no immediate action.

U.S. deputy ambassador Robert Wood said afterward that “a good number of countries” did condemn the Hamas attack but not all council members. He told reporters they could probably figure out one of them.

Russia’s U.N. ambassador, Vassily Nebenzia, told The Associated Press the Americans tried to say during the meeting that Russia isn’t condemning the attacks, but “that’s untrue.”

“It was in my comments,” he said. “We condemn all the attacks on civilians.”

Nebenzia said Russia’s message is: “It’s important to stop the fighting immediately, to go to a cease-fire and to meaningful negotiations, which were stalled for decades.”

China had much the same message, which is basically saying that Israel should hold off on retaliating for the horrendous attack, which mostly went after civilians, including kidnapping them.

Wood made clear the U.S. is focused on condemning Hamas for “this unprovoked invasion and the terrorist attacks,” and said Hamas must end its “violent terrorist activity against the Israeli people.”

Asked if it wasn’t important to restart talks on a two-state solution and end the decades-old Israeli-Palestinian conflict, he replied: “There’ll be time for that. The time right now is we’ve got to deal with the hostage taking, the violence that is going on that’s being perpetrated by Hamas. and we’ve got to deal with first things first.”

The Palestinians have had decades to accept a solution, but, each time they are given what they want, they decline and demand more. The Palestinians voted again and again to put groups designated as terrorists by the US State Department in charge politically of the Palestinian area, so, what comes next is on them. What they want is not peace, but, the destruction of Israel. The killing of all Jews. That’s it.

Of the rest of the members, I don’t think any others would stop a condemnation of Hamas. Even the United Arab Emirates, which called the attacks deplorable, and had been working towards peace with Israel.

Read: Surprise: UN Security Council Doesn’t Condemn Hamas »

Green Ghouls: Climate Cult Funeral Home Had 115 Decaying Bodies

I guess it’s kinda “green” if they just let them decay, right?

Police found 115 bodies at Colorado ‘green’ funeral home while investigating putrid smells

The awful smell seeped from a neglected building in a small Colorado town for days, followed by a report that made police take a closer look at the “green” funeral operator’s storage facility. Inside, they made a gruesome discovery: At least 115 decaying bodies.

Investigators were tight-lipped Friday about exactly what they found inside the Return to Nature Funeral Home in Penrose, Colorado, but their plans to bring in teams that usually deal with airline crashes, coroners from nearby jurisdictions and the FBI pointed to a grim mess.

A state document, meanwhile, alleged funeral home owner Jon Hallford tried to conceal the improper storage of corpses. He claimed he was doing taxidermy at the facility, according to the state suspension letter dated Thursday.

Hallford acknowledged that he had a “problem” at the property, the Colorado Office of Funeral Home and Crematory Registration letter said. The document did not elaborate on the taxidermy and alleged improper storage of remains, but the facility’s registration has been expired since November.

They’re just protecting nature, right?

The bodies were inside a 2,500-square-foot (230-square-meter) building with the appearance and dimensions of a standard one-story home. The funeral performed burials without embalming chemicals or metal caskets, using biodegradable caskets, shrouds or “nothing at all,” according to its website.

The company charged $1,895 for a “natural burial,” not counting a casket or cemetery space, and until July offered cremations, too.


Read: Green Ghouls: Climate Cult Funeral Home Had 115 Decaying Bodies »

Reports Vary Over Hamas Taking Americans Hostage, Killing Americans

It wouldn’t be surprising if true, since these Islamists are brutal, despicable people

U.S. working to verify reports of Americans dead or taken hostage in Israel attack, Blinken says

Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Sunday morning that the U.S. was working to verify reports that Americans have been killed or taken hostage as Hamas militants launched a large-scale offensive against Israel.

“We’ve got reports that several Americans are among the dead. We’re working very actively to verify those reports. At the same time, the reports of Americans being taken hostage — there too, we’re working to get the facts to find out if those reports are accurate,” Blinken told “Face the Nation” on Sunday.

Later on Sunday, a National Security Council spokesperson confirmed that several U.S. citizens had been killed.

“We extend our deepest condolences to the victims and to the families of all those affected, and wish those injured a speedy recovery,” the spokesperson said, adding, “We continue to monitor the situation closely and remain in touch with our Israeli partners, particularly the local authorities.”

So we do know that some have been killed. What about taken hostage? We know that Hamas is grabbing lots of hostages, including women and children. We know that they have been sexually assaulted, brutalized, tortured, and killed

(Forbes) An Israeli official has confirmed Americans are among the “scores” of hostages being held in Gaza following one of the largest attacks on Israel by militant group Hamas in decades, and U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said officials are still working to verify reports of American deaths—as the total Israeli and Palestinian death toll passes 1,000 and Israel prepares for a large-scale response.

Israeli Minister of Strategic Affairs Ron Dermer told CNN Sunday that Americans are among the hostages being held in Gaza, though he wouldn’t estimate how many Americans were being held.

If true, I would hope that Biden would threaten Hamas to return those Americans unharmed immediately under threat of significant military action. We know that won’t happen.

Imagine how quick the Democrats would be calling for Trump to be impeached and imprisoned if he had done this.

Meanwhile, governments are needing to provide security for Jews from the religion of peace

Read: Reports Vary Over Hamas Taking Americans Hostage, Killing Americans »

If All You See…

…are horrible fossil fueled transportation causing sea rise, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post on Hamas thanking Iran for the weapons.

It’s motorcycle week!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup Peter Driben

Happy Sunday! Another great day in the Once and Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and had to flip on the heat for the first time. This pinup is by Peter Driben, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Cold Fury notes there are no bad dogs, just bad owners
  2. Common Cents Blog covers Netanyahu declaring war
  3. Da Techguy’s Blog is not pleased with Ahsoka
  4. Doug Ross @ Journal discusses a 50th anniversary war
  5. Flopping Aces covers Biden funding Israel’s 9/11
  6. Gates Of Vienna notes taking hostages and desecrating corpses being another day in Gaza
  7. Geller Report features the Taliban asking Iran for safe passage to Israel to fight
  8. IOTW Report covers Trump unveiling his anti-crime agenda
  9. Legal Insurrection shows Let’s Go Brandon blaming the media for people not appreciating his economy
  10. Moonbattery notes the FBI targeting Trump supporters
  11. neo-neocon discusses the killing of innocents being more than just collateral
  12. Never Yet Melted says it’s time to eliminate Hamas once and for all
  13. Pacific Pundit highlights AOC implying Israel is guilty of oppression and occupation
  14. Powerline Blog covers Hamas doing Iran’s bidding
  15. And last, but, not least, The Gateway Pundit has video of Hamas attacking a peace concert

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Poll Shows Sanctuary City Chicago Citizens Not Happy Over Illegal Immigration

As has been said so many times, having DeSantis and Abbott, especially Abbott, sending busload after busload after busload to sanctuary cities and states was a brilliant move, forcing them to actually deal with their beliefs, such as Sanctuary City Chicago (SCC)

New survey reveals how voters feel about Chicago’s sanctuary city status

More than 60% of respondents in a recent survey believe Chicago’s sanctuary city status should be removed.

Polling firm, M3 Strategies, finished conducting a survey this week on the migrant situation and sanctuary city policies in Chicago.

M3 Strategies surveyed 659 randomly selected likely Chicago voters between Oct. 1 to 3.

According to the poll, 70% of voters surveyed say focus on housing new migrants is negatively affecting current Chicago residents in need. This opinion rings true across several demographics, with 67% of Democrats, 74% of women, 79% of Black, 71% of Hispanic, and 75% of West and South side voters agreeing supporting migrants comes at the expense of Chicagoans.

Safety was also a concern with 50% of respondents saying housing migrants makes Chicago less safe.

I’m not sure how Chicago can be less safe, but, perhaps from those who live in the safer areas of SCC they feel in danger

The survey found that 39% of respondents believe Chicago should remain a sanctuary city. Support for remaining a sanctuary city is strongest among White voters and on the North and Northwest sides.

Those would be the areas who are not having illegals sheltered. They do not get them in the high-toned and fancy-toodoo sections of Chicago.

“The feds must step up at the border. This along with the numerous homeless encampments and the daily random violence without any consequence, makes stepping out of my home scary,” a 46-64-year-old Democratic Hispanic woman said via the survey.

In other words, shut it down as much as possible

“I support Chicago being a migrant city but the volume of people entering the city and the large cost are not sustainable. Local and federal government need to work together to figure out how to fix our crisis at the border and determine a long-term fix because we have other large issues in this city that need to be addressed as well as migrants,” an 18-30-year-old Democratic White woman said.

Double in other words, this uber-Progressive supports SCC being a migrant city as long as there aren’t migrants in Chicago. Fixing the border is easy:

  • Anyone caught crossing the border illegally or found illegally in the U.S. is deported immediately. Period. There are no excuses accepted. Any assets will be used to pay for deportation. They are welcome to apply for asylum outside the U.S.
  • Shut the asylum system down. Shut down bringing in refugees. We can still allow those who want to go through the naturalization process to do so as normal, but, no longer will we bring in people who just want the advantages of being in the U.S., but, not embrace being an American. We’ve shut down immigration for decades in the past, giving them time to assimilate.
  • Any business/individual who employs an illegal will be dealt with harshly as a criminal violation unless they can show they did everything possible to verify employment status.
  • Stack up the National Guard on the border. Walls in remote regions. Visas for those Mexicans who do want to cross over for work knowing they need to go at the end. It’d be nice if we could have relations with Mexico like with Canada.
  • Any work/school visa must be fully tracked, and they must leave when it is up. No more sticking around forever, no more bringing the whole extended family over.

Of course, just because the Dems are polling this way doesn’t mean they won’t vote the same way again and again and again.

Read: Poll Shows Sanctuary City Chicago Citizens Not Happy Over Illegal Immigration »

Pirate's Cove