If All You See…

…is horrible heatsnow, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Bunkerville, with a post on Fox News losing their minds on Rep Tim Burchett.

Read: If All You See… »

Poll: Americans Getting Fed Up With Giving Arms To Ukraine

This goes with the numerous polls that show Americans are getting tired of giving Ukraine money. But, Biden needs his grift to keep going, so, he’s going to give a “major speech”

(NBC News) President Joe Biden said Wednesday that he would deliver a “major” speech about funding for Ukraine and “why it’s critically important for the United States and our allies that we keep our commitment.”

So, he’ll give a major speech about some other country with little implications for the US, but, not about Americans suffering under Bidenflation? He’s also apparently figured out a different way to divert taxpayer funds to Ukraine

Why is he so intent on spending taxpayer funds on Ukraine? Anyhow

US public support declines for arming Ukraine -Reuters/Ipsos

Support is falling among Americans of both major political parties for supplying Ukraine with weapons, a warning sign for Kyiv, which relies heavily on U.S. arms to fight against a Russian invasion, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll.

The two-day poll, which closed on Wednesday, showed only 41% of respondents agreed with a statement that Washington “should provide weapons to Ukraine,” compared to 35% who disagreed and the rest unsure. (snip)

Some 52% of Democrats backed arming Ukraine in the most recent poll, down from 61% in May. Among Republicans, support for sending weapons to Kyiv fell to 35% from 39% in May.

Some 34% of Democrats in the poll agreed with a statement that Ukraine’s problems “are none of our business and we should not interfere,” compared to 56% of Republicans.

Of course, the pro-forever war crowd thinks better messaging would help

“The declining support is having a negative effect on congressional support, and eventually, prospects for additional aid packages,” said Elizabeth Hoffman, director of congressional and government affairs at the Center for Strategic & International Studies.

She said better messaging would help, including making it clear to Americans that much of the money allocated for Ukraine stays in the United States, including in jobs at U.S. weapons producers. Biden said on Wednesday he would make a major speech soon on why it is necessary to continue helping Ukraine.

I would hope the declining support from Americans would have a negative effect on congressional support, but, the Elected Class often doesn’t listen. As for jobs, please, stop that. They’d have jobs anyhow. And, consider that the UN had a report claiming the war in Ukraine would last another 6-7 years. Are we going to keep dumping taxpayer money and arms into the grinder?

Read: Poll: Americans Getting Fed Up With Giving Arms To Ukraine »

Londoners Take And Damage Hundreds Of Climate Spy Cameras

The last big poll of Londoners had 84% of them being concerned about ‘climate change’, and at least half were super excited to take action. I doubt they were talking of this type of action in 2022

800 Climate Spy Cameras Damaged or Stolen as London Revolts Against Green Agenda

London’s Metropolitan Police has revealed that nearly 800 spy cameras installed to enforce far-left Mayor Sadiq Khan’s green agenda car tax have been stolen or destroyed since May.

In August, Mayor Khan expanded the Ultra Low Emissions Zone (ULEZ) — a system of fines and levies originally intended to reduce traffic and pollution in Central London — to the entire greater area of the British capital, thereby taxing thousands of workers driving anywhere in the city, including in suburban and semi-rural areas between £12.50 to £27.50 if their vehicle does not meet the local Labour Party government’s climate standards.

The widely unpopular move has been met with widespread acts of civil disobedience, with individuals and groups such as the “Blade Runners” targeting the licence plate reading surveillance cameras that were installed across the city to enforce the green taxes.

According to figures released by the Met Police, there have been reports of 200 of the spy cameras stolen and another 595 being damaged between April 1st and the end of September. The police force said that an operation was launched in May to investigate ULEZ-related crimes, to which the Met said they are dedicating “considerable resources”.

“Where there are possible lines of enquiry, local investigators will follow up using a range of investigative approaches including CCTV trawls, witness searches and an assessment of forensic opportunities,” the capital’s police force said in a statement.

Goodness, that takes cops away from investigating people praying, saying Mean things, and protesting government.

Anyhow, it’s not that surprising that Londoners are taking issue with climate scam initiatives, not when climate nuts like Extinction Rebellion keep holding unhinged demonstrations and blocking the streets and trains, along with gluing themselves to stuff and damaging art.

Read: Londoners Take And Damage Hundreds Of Climate Spy Cameras »

Biden DHS Now Looking To Build Border Wall

Hey, remember during the 2020 campaign when Biden said he wouldn’t build another foot of border wall? And how they have tried to tear some down and open others?

Biden administration waives 26 federal laws to allow border wall construction in South Texas

Biden Brain SuckerThe Biden administration announced they waived 26 federal laws in South Texas to allow border wall construction on Wednesday, marking the administration’s first use of a sweeping executive power employed often during the Trump presidency.

The Department of Homeland Security posted the announcement on the U.S. Federal Registry with few details outlining the construction in Starr County, Texas, which is part of a busy Border Patrol sector seeing “high illegal entry.” According to government data, about 245,000 illegal entries have been recorded in this region during the current fiscal year.

“There is presently an acute and immediate need to construct physical barriers and roads in the vicinity of the border of the United States in order to prevent unlawful entries into the United States in the project areas,” Alejandro Mayorkas, the DHS secretary, stated in the notice.

The Clean Air Act, Safe Drinking Water Act and Endangered Species Act were some of the federal laws waived by DHS to make way for construction that will use funds from a congressional appropriation in 2019 for border wall construction. The waivers avoid time-consuming reviews and lawsuits challenging violation of environmental laws.

I wonder what changed their minds? Perhaps all the Democrat governors and mayors screaming at Biden?

Starr County’s hilly ranchlands, sitting between Zapata and McAllen, Texas, is home to about 65,000 residents sparsely populating about 1,200 square miles (3,108 square kilometers) that form part of the Lower Rio Grande Valley National Wildlife Refuge.

Although no maps were provided in the announcement, a previous map shared during the gathering of public comments shows the piecemeal construction will add up to an additional 20 miles to the existing border barrier system in the area. Starr County Judge Eloy Vera said it will start south of the Falcon Dam and go past Salineño, Texas.

OK, only about 20 miles, but, it’s a start. Or, is it? Is this something the Biden admin will actually do, or, are they just making noise with zero intention of building a foot of border wall?

Meanwhile, one of the Dems screaming at Biden

(Politico) New York City Mayor Eric Adams is traveling to three countries in Central and South America this week in part to personally discourage migrants from making the trek to the city, where more than 100,000 asylum-seekers have arrived since last year.

The mayor said he will be appearing on radio stations, television channels and newspaper pages to deter potential migrants from coming to New York, which is part of a broader campaign of trying to discourage asylum-seekers that has also included fliers handed out at the border and trying to limit stays at shelters.

Yeah, the mayor of a sanctuary city is telling illegals to go ahead and come to the US but stay away from SCNY.

Read: Biden DHS Now Looking To Build Border Wall »

GOPe Newt Gingrich Wants Gaetz Kicked Out Of House

I’m pretty sure that the constituents of Matt Gaetz’s district should be the ones to make that decision, not the House GOP, since Gaetz broke no laws. But, this whole thing is bringing the squishes out of the woodwork, and it’s rather sad that Gingrich has joined them. He once was tough and rammed through Republican priorities. Now he’s supporting the Republicans who do nothing more than slow down the Democrats agenda. Where is the toughness on the border? Where is reducing spending, killing off the Biden mandate on EVs, etc and so on? And Newt ran to the Washington Post, of all places

Newt Gingrich: Republicans must expel Matt Gaetz

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) is an anti-Republican who has become actively destructive to the conservative movement.

Drama has filled the halls of Congress for 234 years. Bringing together a group of 435 strong-willed personalities guarantees conflict, and it has always been a tumultuous body. But some behavior crosses the line — and when it does, there has to be consequences.

Gaetz obviously hates House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) — and that’s fine. If Gaetz were simply a loudmouthed junior member who attacked McCarthy every day, that would be fine, too. He would just be isolated with a small group of lawmakers who can’t figure out how to get things done. They’d huddle together seeking warmth and reassurance from their fellow incompetents.

But Gaetz has gone beyond regular drama. He is destroying the House GOP’s ability to govern and draw a sharp contrast with the policy disasters of the Biden administration.

Get things done? What things? The GOP leadership is slow-walking the investigations into Biden and watching the US be invaded by foreigners. Our military is suffering because of Woke leaders. Biden is doing everything possible to skyrocket our energy costs, which skyrocket the cost of food, clothes, and everything else. Homes are mostly unaffordable, especially with the higher interest rates. But, they did rename a few post offices the other day.

What GOP priorities are they passing? Making backroom deals to fund Ukraine later? Ignoring Biden shutting down pipelines and fossil fuels leases? Stopping Biden from making deals with Iran, an enemy terrorist state? Remember this?

Literally what they are doing is just slowing Democrats enacting their agenda. Newt had cajones back in his day. No longer.

We wouldn’t have to fight if the GOP would actually fight Democrats.

Read: GOPe Newt Gingrich Wants Gaetz Kicked Out Of House »

If All You See…

…is an Evil fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Watts Up With That?, with a post on soaring insurance costs for EV owners.

Read: If All You See… »

Citizens In Sanctuary City Chicago Rage Over Fieldhouse Plan For Illegals

Well, no wonder. It’s in an area considered one of the best in Illinois. Like most of Chicago, the crime is not low, but, it is somewhat high-tone and fancy too-doo, and they do not want all those icky illegals around in their sanctuary city

‘How dare you?’: Chicago residents call out Johnson over proposed migrant housing at fieldhouse

In recent weeks, there has been an influx of migrants arriving on Chicago’s doorstep, and city officials warn that they could start receiving up to 25 buses from the Texas border each day.

As the situation unfolds, tensions are escalating across the city – with community members grappling with the complexities of the migrant crisis.

On Tuesday afternoon, a protest took place outside the Amundsen Park Fieldhouse in the city’s Galewood neighborhood, where residents voiced their concerns about a plan to transform the space into a migrant shelter.

“We ain’t having that. No! You want to tell us what to do in our park? You cannot do that! We pay our money,” said Linda Johnson, community member.

Critics argue that turning the site into a migrant sanctuary will disrupt crucial park programming and youth activities for residents – programs that took years to build.

Aw, that’s too bad. Wouldn’t want all those illegals to interrupt your lives, despite you voting for unfettered illegal immigration and being a sanctuary city. You were fine with the lives of those in border states being interrupted.

“You want to take the little scraps of resources we have and put us at the bottom of the barrel? That’s not fair!” one woman said. “A lot of these young boys, they don’t have fathers so a lot of these coaches, they are their fathers. They spend part of their weekend here along with during the week, that keeps them in a safe place, it gives them mentorship, it shows them discipline.”

That’s on you. Might want to reconsider your life choices, rather than having lots of children with absent fathers.

Still unclear when approximately 200 migrants might be moving into the facility, 29th Ward Alderman Chris Taliaferro, who says he is “strongly opposed” to the plan, tried to settle tensions.

Still, residents became heated – calling for more transparency from City Hall.

“What I want to say is, Mayor Brandon Johnson, we are disappointed in you. This is the community that supported you, how dare you,” said Cata Truss, community member.

It’s simply delicious when Democrats freak out over what they voted for and supported, but, of course, they were voting for this to happen Somewhere Else.

Read: Citizens In Sanctuary City Chicago Rage Over Fieldhouse Plan For Illegals »

Good News: Biden Regime To Force Social Cost Of Carbon On Government Purchases

This is making Warmists very excited, failing to realize that if the government forces this on the private sector it’ll mess with their own lives

Climate change is about to play a big role in government purchases – with vast implications for the US economy

Each year, the federal government purchases about 50,000 new vehicles. Until recently, almost all of them ran on diesel or gasoline, contributing to U.S. demand for fossil fuels and encouraging automakers to continue focusing on fossil-fueled vehicles.

That’s starting to change, and a new directive that the Biden Administration quietly issued in September 2023 will accelerate the shift.

The administration directed U.S. agencies to begin considering the social cost of greenhouse gases when making purchase decisions and implementing their budgets.

That one move has vast implications that go far beyond vehicles. It could affect decisions across the government on everything from agriculture grants to fossil fuel drilling on public lands to construction projects. Ultimately, it could shift demand enough to change what industries produce, not just for the government but for the entire country.

But, remember, this is not authoritarian at all. They’ll actually refer to it as a “free market” plan, rather than Socialist/Marxist interference in the economy, picking winners and losers which then forces this on you the citizens, who are supposed to be in charge, with elected officials doing your bidding, rather than dictating everything.

Of course, when it comes down to it, will government employees really want to give up their cushy vehicles and food and perks and stuff?

The federal vehicle fleet is a good example of how the social costs of greenhouse gases add up.

Let’s compare the costs of driving an electric Ford Focus and an equivalent conventional-fuel Ford Focus.

Assume each vehicle drives an average of 10,000 miles (about 16,000 kilometers) per year – that’s less than the U.S. average per driver, but it’s a simple number to work with. The damages from emissions in dollars from driving a conventional Ford Focus 10,000 miles are between $133 and $484, depending on whether you use a social cost of carbon of $51 per metric ton or $185 per metric ton.

Except, Ford no longer makes either Focus. They’re switching to expensive EVs, which cost quite a bit more than either Focus, meaning that the costs will pretty much never be recouped. Not the best example.

Much of the U.S. government’s spending goes toward carbon-intensive goods and services, such as transportation and infrastructure development. Directing agencies to consider and compare the social cost of purchases in each of these sectors will send similar signals to different segments of the market: The demand for less carbon-intensive goods is rising.

How about restricting all of the federal government’s travel, starting with Biden and the agency executives?

Read: Good News: Biden Regime To Force Social Cost Of Carbon On Government Purchases »

House Boots McCarthy As Speaker

Unfortunately, most Republicans decided to be GOPe, and it was a small number of Republicans who do not want to play Republican Business As Usual with Democrats who did it

House Votes To Remove Kevin McCarthy As Speaker

The U.S. House voted Tuesday to remove Kevin McCarthy as speaker after Democrats joined with eight House Republicans to vote for a motion to vacate the chair.

Republican Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz filed the motion to vacate the chair Monday night, which then picked up the support of Democrats. House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries “definitively” called for a vote against any procedural motion to delay the motion to vacate the chair earlier Tuesday and also said Democrats should vote to remove McCarthy.

The actual vote on the motion to vacate was 216-210. Republican Reps. Gaetz, Bob Good, Tim Burchett, Eli Crane, Matt Rosendale, Andy Biggs, Ken Buck and Nancy Mace voted for the motion to vacate the chair.

“We need a Speaker who will fight for something, anything other than just becoming or staying Speaker. The polls show the public is blaming Biden and the Democrats for an imminent shutdown. If not fight now, when would we fight? Now is and was the time!,” Good said in a speech on the House floor before the vote.

It’s a good point. What are the Republicans under McCarthy doing? Are they tough on the border? Tough on Biden? Tough on Democrats? Tough on the politicized and partisan DOJ/FBI? The impeachment into Biden seems more pro-forma than something meant to go anywhere. Democrats would have impeached him at least 3 times by now if he were Trump.

Not sure about you, but, I listened to a bunch of those who voted to keep McCarthy, and they were all whining about Gaetz getting in the way of business as usual, and how that is supposed to hurt Republicans. And others who I didn’t expect this from

Republicans really get little done. Give it to Democrats, when they say they will do something, they damned sure give it a shot.

McCarthy will not attempt to regain the speakership.

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Read: House Boots McCarthy As Speaker »

Good News: Attendees Of Global Citizen Festival Trash Central Park

How many times have we seen this type of stuff from extreme left/climate cultists/enviroweenies?

From ABC7 in NYC

One third of Central Park’s iconic Green Lawn is in need of repairs and will be closed until next spring.

The Central Park Conservancy determined the extent of the damage required reseeding and prompted an immediate closure of the lawn. Twelve acres of the public green space could remain unavailable to New Yorkers until at least April 2024.

The NYC Parks Department says that the Great Lawn is closed each year from November to April for regular maintenance. They also say that the Global Citizen Festival followed all permitting protocols and will pay for all the damage.


In a statement, a spokesperson for the Global Citizen Festival said:

The Global Citizen Festival has taken place in Central Park for the last 11 years in close collaboration with the City of New York, its agencies, and the Central Park Conservancy. We are incredibly grateful to call New York City and Central Park the home of our movement, which has seen $43.6 billion deployed to end extreme poverty, impacting 1.3 billion lives around the world. This year’s rainfall meant closer alignment with City agencies and stakeholders than ever before. In the months leading up to the festival on September 23, and daily in the week before the event, we worked closely with the NYC Mayor’s Office, NYC Department of Parks & Recreation, Office of Emergency Management, NYPD, FDNY and the Central Park Conservancy. Ultimately, the City of New York, the Department of Parks and Recreation, and the Central Park Conservancy, determined that this year’s festival should go ahead. In addition to the fee paid to the City each year for use of the Park, Global Citizen works with the Central Park Conservancy to assess and cover the costs of any damage, and we remain committed to fulfilling those obligations, as we have since 2012.

The stated primary goal is to end hunger, but, of course, they start yammering about equity, ‘climate change’, sustainability, etc

(MSN) This Saturday (Sept. 23), the Global Citizen Festival will return to Central Park’s Great Lawn in New York City for a day of music and action. In keeping with Global Citizen’s campaign to push global leaders to take meaningful action to combat climate change (among other initiatives), the organization is making 2023 its most sustainable festival so far.

And that’s how real issues are taken over by the climate cult.

Read: Good News: Attendees Of Global Citizen Festival Trash Central Park »

Pirate's Cove