Good News: Attendees Of Global Citizen Festival Trash Central Park

How many times have we seen this type of stuff from extreme left/climate cultists/enviroweenies?

From ABC7 in NYC

One third of Central Park’s iconic Green Lawn is in need of repairs and will be closed until next spring.

The Central Park Conservancy determined the extent of the damage required reseeding and prompted an immediate closure of the lawn. Twelve acres of the public green space could remain unavailable to New Yorkers until at least April 2024.

The NYC Parks Department says that the Great Lawn is closed each year from November to April for regular maintenance. They also say that the Global Citizen Festival followed all permitting protocols and will pay for all the damage.


In a statement, a spokesperson for the Global Citizen Festival said:

The Global Citizen Festival has taken place in Central Park for the last 11 years in close collaboration with the City of New York, its agencies, and the Central Park Conservancy. We are incredibly grateful to call New York City and Central Park the home of our movement, which has seen $43.6 billion deployed to end extreme poverty, impacting 1.3 billion lives around the world. This year’s rainfall meant closer alignment with City agencies and stakeholders than ever before. In the months leading up to the festival on September 23, and daily in the week before the event, we worked closely with the NYC Mayor’s Office, NYC Department of Parks & Recreation, Office of Emergency Management, NYPD, FDNY and the Central Park Conservancy. Ultimately, the City of New York, the Department of Parks and Recreation, and the Central Park Conservancy, determined that this year’s festival should go ahead. In addition to the fee paid to the City each year for use of the Park, Global Citizen works with the Central Park Conservancy to assess and cover the costs of any damage, and we remain committed to fulfilling those obligations, as we have since 2012.

The stated primary goal is to end hunger, but, of course, they start yammering about equity, ‘climate change’, sustainability, etc

(MSN) This Saturday (Sept. 23), the Global Citizen Festival will return to Central Park’s Great Lawn in New York City for a day of music and action. In keeping with Global Citizen’s campaign to push global leaders to take meaningful action to combat climate change (among other initiatives), the organization is making 2023 its most sustainable festival so far.

And that’s how real issues are taken over by the climate cult.

Read: Good News: Attendees Of Global Citizen Festival Trash Central Park »

If All You See…

…are leaves changing much later in the Fall because Other People drive fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is No Tricks Zone, with a post on real world evidence showing CO2 is not the control knob.

Read: If All You See… »

Sanctuary City Chicago Expects Higher Pace Of Illegal Aliens

The Democratic Party governor and mayor seem a bit upset over getting what they said they support

Chicago expecting even higher pace of migrant arrivals as mayor, governor press White House for more help

With the number of migrant-filled buses arriving in Chicago set to hit unprecedented levels this week, Gov. J.B. Pritzker and Mayor Brandon Johnson have ramped up pressure on President Joe Biden to do more to help local officials cope with the burgeoning humanitarian crisis.

During a call Sunday with Biden’s chief of staff, Jeff Zients, senior adviser Tom Perez and Department of Homeland Security officials, the mayor and governor underscored how the accelerating rate of asylum-seekers will spell a new era for Chicago’s migrant situation, according to sources briefed on the conversation. The total number of arrivals since the first bus from Texas arrived in August 2022 is expected to jump from 15,000 as of last week to 20,000 this week, the sources said.

That total could nearly double within three weeks. The projection is based on information from people along the southern border that indicates 20 to 25 additional buses a day will be arriving in Chicago, at least five days a week, each with about 50 migrants aboard. That means about 1,000 to 1,250 new arrivals daily.

Following up on the weekend call, Pritzker on Monday sent a letter to Biden knocking the federal response to the crisis and pleading for more support. The criticism of the White House came after the governor himself faced heat from some progressive Chicago aldermen over the level of state assistance in caring for the asylum-seekers, who mostly hail from Venezuela and other Latin American countries.

“Today, Illinois stands mostly unsupported against this enormous strain on our state resources,” Pritzker wrote to Biden.

Where was Pritzker while border states were over-run? Where was he when the reports of tens of thousands of illegals streaming towards the U.S. were published? Right, he was supporting illegal immigration. Back when he was signing legislation to give illegals driver’s licenses and

Before a standing room of hundreds of immigrant rights supporters, politicians and university leaders at a bill-signing ceremony at the University of Illinois at Chicago, Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed legislation that would make sure, “Illinois is and always will be a welcoming state.”

Standing at a podium alongside UIC Chancellor Michael Amiridis and other leaders behind the bills, Pritzker said the bills signed into law would stand in stark contrast to current federal policies.

“Let the word go out from today that the State of Illinois stands as a firewall against Donald Trump’s attacks on our immigrant communities,” said Pritzker. “In the face of attempts to stoke fear, force division and force families into the shadows we’re taking action.”

The bills made illegals eligible for college grants and loans and prohibits law enforcement from working with ICE. Why’s he so upset now?

“As the numbers being transported to Chicago are accelerating, the humanitarian crisis is overwhelming our ability to provide aid to the refugee population,” Pritzker wrote. “Unfortunately, the welcome and aid Illinois has been providing to these asylum-seekers has not been matched with support by the federal government. Most critically, the federal government’s lack of intervention and coordination at the border has created an untenable situation for Illinois.”

So, more money and doing something at the border? What does he want done at the border?

The three-page letter calls for the White House to appoint a single person to lead the migrant relief effort on the federal level.

Um, did Pritzker miss that Biden made Kamala Harris the border czar?

Read: Sanctuary City Chicago Expects Higher Pace Of Illegal Aliens »

Montana Appeals Yout Climate Lawsuit

If the appeal doesn’t include video of the youts taking fossil fueled trips the lawyers are missing a big opportunity

Montana is appealing a landmark climate change ruling that favored youth plaintiffs

The office of Montana’s Republican attorney general is appealing a landmark climate change ruling that said state agencies aren’t doing enough to protect 16 young plaintiffs from harm caused by global warming.

The state filed notice on Friday that it is going to appeal the August ruling by District Court Judge Kathy Seeley, who found the Montana Environmental Policy Act violates the plaintiffs’ state constitutional right to a clean and healthful environment. The 1971 law requires state agencies to consider the potential environmental impacts of proposed projects and take public input before issuing permits.

Under a change to that law passed by the 2023 Legislature, the state Department of Environmental Quality does not have to consider the effect of greenhouses gases when issuing permits for fossil fuel projects unless the federal government declares carbon dioxide a regulated pollutant.

It’ll take months before the suit is filed, and then it must go through the court. What happens on appeal? In a sane world the original ruling would be overturned, but, you just do not know these days. The kids really failed to show any harm to themselves, and use plenty of fossil fuels themselves. None of the fires or anything else were the result of fossil fuels or a slightly warmer climate.

In the meantime, the state Department of Environmental Quality is asking Montana residents to weigh in on potential updates to the Montana Environmental Policy Act, or MEPA. The administrative rules to implement the law were passed in the 1980s.

“These regulations are showing their age and it’s time to hear from Montanans about what MEPA should look like today and into the future,” Chris Dorrington, director of the DEQ, said in a statement.

Montanans are being asked what changes, if any, are needed to modernize the regulations and how greenhouse gas emissions and climate change should be analyzed. At least three public hearings are scheduled this month, including one in Billings on Monday night. The DEQ is also taking public comment online through the end of the year.

What happens if most Montanans say they do not want to do anything?

Read: Montana Appeals Yout Climate Lawsuit »

Gaetz Files Motion To Boot McCarthy From Speakership

I’m not sure this is really worth the time, because there are more than enough squishy Republicans, the get-along-go-along crowd, to keep him in the position. McCarthy is symptomatic of Republican leadership this century: promise a lot, deliver little, play ball with Democrats

Matt Gaetz introduces motion to vacate against House Speaker Kevin McCarthy

Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., has followed through on his renewed threat to introduce a motion to vacate against House Speaker Kevin McCarthy.

Gaetz, a frequent McCarthy critic, introduced the motion Monday evening on the House floor.

“Mr. Speaker, pursuant to clause 2A1 of Rule 9, I rise to give notice of my intent to raise a question of the privileges of House,” Gaetz said. “Declaring the office Speaker of the House of Representatives to be vacant. Resolved that the office of Speaker of the House Representatives is hereby declared to be vacant.”

Gaetz’s move will force the House to take a vote on whether to keep McCarthy as speaker within two legislative days.

There are a number of members undecided on how they would vote on such a measure, but it’s likely McCarthy will need at least some Democrat votes to keep his job. Democrats could be in a position to try and extract concessions from McCarthy for their votes.

Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky., told Fox News following Gaetz’s move that he believes a motion to vacate at this time is “a bad idea.” Additionally, Rep. Andy Ogles, R-Tenn., told Fox he was undecided.

Perhaps if McCarthy was listening and doing what he’s supposed to do, not playing with Democrats. Holding spending down, going after Biden (if Trump had done a 32nd of what Biden had done Dems would have impeached him 3 or 4 times by now), holding the DOJ and FBI accountable, knocking down the insane ‘climate change’ stuff, working to stop illegal immigration, etc.

What will be interesting is

Read: Gaetz Files Motion To Boot McCarthy From Speakership »

NPR Plans To Spend A Week On Global Boiling Solutions

They’re going full cult, full activist

Climate solutions are necessary. So we’re dedicating a week to highlight them

Climate change is here. And this week, NPR is doing something new. We’re dedicating an entire week to focus on the search for climate solutions, with stories across our network.

Why we’re focusing on climate solutions

We’ve just emerged from a brutal summer. Heat waves across the U.S. and the world. Fires across Canada. In Maui, the deadliest wildfire in the U.S. in a century. Hurricanes. Melting polar ice. Ocean heat waves killing coral. When I talk with people about climate change, I often hear hopelessness. Like we’ve already lost. People just throw up their hands. What do you say to that?

I’ve done it so many times I’m not even going to show how stupid it is to link all that to human-induced global warming

I’m Julia Simon, NPR’s climate solutions reporter. I know that things are bad right now. But what if we reframe the conversation? With climate change, it’s not like this is a meteor hurtling toward Earth and there’s nothing we can do about it.

You aren’t a reporter. You’re a cult activist.

Humans are driving global warming. And that means we humans can find solutions to change our trajectory. We already have many solutions.

Now is not the time to back away from the challenge. Robert Bullard, professor of urban planning and environmental policy at Texas Southern University, equates this moment to when the U.S. faced past injustices, like slavery.

“I push back against any individuals or organizations that will say, ‘Well, we can’t do anything about this challenge.’ We can do something about it. But it would mean that we have to make up our minds that this is a challenge that we must address on a societal basis and on a global basis,” he says. “We should not and cannot accept climate change as the norm.”

In other words, force from government to make you change your behavior. No, no, don’t call them Fascists. The screed doesn’t really touch on actual solutions, except minor things like forcing you to eat less meat and going after companies…which would skyrocket costs.

And we have to remember that some individuals and companies are more responsible for climate change than others. So how do we hold them accountable? This summer in Montana, 16 young plaintiffs won a climate lawsuit arguing against the state’s development of fossil fuels. Last month, California filed suit against several of the world’s biggest oil companies. These cases could have major implications across the United States. Accountability can be a climate solution too.

Wait till they realize that if those suits succeed, the cost of living will skyrocket.

Read: NPR Plans To Spend A Week On Global Boiling Solutions »

If All You See…

…is a rising sea eroding the cliffs, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Jo Nova, with a post on contamination of the mRNA vaccines.

Read: If All You See… »

Democrats, Squishy Republicans Still Trying To Make Aid For Ukraine Happen

Why are they so intent on giving our money to a war that is going nowhere, that means little to US national security, and will see the US receive nothing in return?

Ukraine aid backers still see path for new aid

The stopgap spending bill that will be sent to President Joe Biden’s desk doesn’t contain new money for Ukraine or even transfer authority for aid. Yet backers of Kyiv’s defense against Moscow say it may come soon.

Some backers of Ukraine believe a bill allowing at least that transfer authority — which unlocks other buckets of U.S. cash for the war against Russia — could pass Congress as soon as [this] week, according to two people with knowledge of conversations between the House and Senate.

The lack of transfer authority is a glaring omission from the spending bill abruptly passed by the House earlier Saturday. Speaker Kevin McCarthy was open to putting it in the House’s bill, according to three people familiar with the negotiations, but negotiators were unable to finalize language to put into the legislation before it passed the lower chamber.

Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio), a co-chair of the House’s Ukraine caucus, said she was “very uncomfortable” voting for a bill that didn’t contain Ukraine aid. (She ultimately backed the bill.)

She’s uncomfortable voting for a bill that funds the American people? I’m sure quite a few felt that way.

(Reuters) U.S. President Joe Biden on Sunday pressed congressional Republicans to back a bill to provide more aid to Ukraine, saying he was “sick and tired” of the political brinkmanship that nearly led to a government shutdown. (snip)

Biden said Republicans had pledged to provide that aid through a separate vote.

“We cannot under any circumstances allow America’s support for Ukraine to be interrupted. I fully expect the speaker to keep his commitment to secure the passage and support needed to help Ukraine as they defend themselves against aggression and brutality,” he told reporters at the White House.

We fully expected a bill about inflation reduction to be about inflation reduction, not ‘climate change’ and non-related garbage. Expect Biden to yammer about funding Ukraine, rather than on the problems facing America, for at least the rest of the week.

‘We can’t do it alone’: Ukrainians react to lack of additional funding in US spending bill

The United States may have avoided a government shutdown on Saturday – but the lack of additional funding for Ukraine in the spending bill has left some residents in the war-torn nation nervous. (snip)

“These are internal American games. And Ukraine is a hostage to this discussion – this internal war,” Ukrainian serviceman Volodymyr Kostiak told CNN on Sunday, a national holiday marking Defenders Day to honor the country’s veterans and war dead.

“America’s strategic interests are so big that Ukraine is part of them,” he added. “And I think that the internal political struggle cannot affect the assistance to Ukraine that much. There will be some errors, but they will be insignificant.”

Why are you not on the front lines fighting? The photo at the article has him standing around far from the battlefield, looking all clean and pressed. All the photos of different people show them looking al nice and well fed, just wanting lots of sweet, sweet American cash.

Read: Democrats, Squishy Republicans Still Trying To Make Aid For Ukraine Happen »

Cult: 59% Of French Youts Would Be OK With Restricting People To 4 Flights A Lifetime

Too bad the survey didn’t ask how many flights each respondent had taken during their lives

Shocking number of Europeans say you should only be able to fly 4 times in your life due to climate change

A new poll shows that a shocking number of French citizens support banning people from flying more than four times in their lives due to climate change.

A poll from research firm Consumer Science and Analytics Institute (CSA) found that 41% of citizens would support such a limit. That number rose to 59% support among 18-24-year-olds. The suggested limit, proposed by engineer Jean-Marc Jancovici, would apply to air travel for business and pleasure.

The poll surveyed 1,010 French residents over the age of 18. It found that support for air travel restrictions was far higher among younger age groups. While a majority opposed the four-flight lifetime maximum, 64% of the respondents said they would be willing to limit their air travel in the near or medium term to combat climate change.

Climate activists across the globe have pushed for wide-ranging restrictions aimed at reducing carbon emissions, from limiting car travel to banning plastic straws.

Yet, the same climate activists are constantly taking long fossil fueled flights. Like

She’s a bigshot youth for the UN climate cult, and takes lots of fossil fueled flights, like flying to NYC, then a trip to Boston. And there are plenty of those. It’s a cult. France should pass a law restricting those who are 18-24 right now, see the freakout.

Read: Cult: 59% Of French Youts Would Be OK With Restricting People To 4 Flights A Lifetime »

Sanctuary City Today: NY Gov Has Had Enough, Chicago Has Housing Issues

It was just a couple years ago that Hochul was super excited about illegal aliens

And now?

Gov. Hochul says border ‘is too open’ and demands ‘limit’ on crossings as NY struggles with migrant crisis

The migrant crisis in New York is so bad that even Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul is ramping up her attacks on US border policies, demanding “a limit on who can come across’’ and more agents to nab illegals.

Hochul targeted Congress in comments Sunday but still risked the wrath of the Biden administration as it grapples with the crisis wreaking mayhem in the Big Apple and across the country.

“It is too open right now,’’ Hochul flatly told CBS’s “Face the Nation’’ of the country’s southern border with Mexico — where a record-setting 260,000-plus migrants crossed over just last month.

It’s too open now that Sanctuary State New York is being over-run with illegals/migrants, especially in Democratic Party run cities.

Chicago grapples with housing crisis as record number of migrants arrive in the city

A record number of 36 buses, filled with asylum seekers, has arrived in Chicago since Saturday, with more than 15,000 new arrivals in the past year.

City leaders say the number one priority is getting migrants out of police stations where they’re sleeping.

Right now, the largest housing effort is a $29 million plan to establish tent base camps ahead of the winter. Governor JB Pritzker, however, says he has concerns that unused buildings aren’t being utilized first.

“With a lack of existing buildings, to put people in, i know the city has looked at this as one of its options, but I don’t think this is the only option,” Pritzker said.

Existing buildings, eh? Now they know what it’s like in border cities.

Read: Sanctuary City Today: NY Gov Has Had Enough, Chicago Has Housing Issues »

Pirate's Cove