If All You See…

…is an area turning to desert from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is A View From The Beach, with a post on the Monday morning stimulus.

Read: If All You See… »

NYC Illegal Alien Shelter Overrun As A Fight Club

The local residents are pretty upset over this. How many have voted for Democrats and supported making NYC a sanctuary city?

NYC migrant shelter overrun by teen ‘fight club,’ constant shrieking as residents rip disturbance: ‘Becoming unbearable’

Neighbors can’t help but talk about this fight club.

The residents of a Queens apartment building say they’ve hardly had a moment’s peace since January when a 128-room hotel in Long Island City was transformed into a city-run migrant shelter.

Children living in the seven-story building loiter outside the front entrance in large, unsupervised groups practically every evening, claim residents next door at 911 44th Drive. From 8 p.m. until well past midnight, the kids fight and chase each other around, shouting, screaming — and disrupting neighbors’ sleep.

“I’ve seen the kids squaring off like its ‘Fight Club,’ and I’ve seen them choking each other,” said another resident. “Sometimes, the guards will come out and break it up. But I’ve also seen them do nothing.

Videos provided to The Post show the teens screaming and fighting outside the shelter’s main door, sometimes with the shelter’s security guards watching and egging them on.

Shouldn’t the Democrats be celebrating the diversity? Otherwise, to use their own language, they’re being racist.

“Because of the way the children scream and shriek, it pierces through everything,” said one a neighbor who has lived in the building since 2011, and asked to remain anonymous, fearing retaliation. “Since around April, I would say it has been a nightly occurrence.”

“I have nothing against migrants, but to have to listen to this every night, unable to sleep, it’s becoming unbearable,” he continued.

It truly stinks when you are forced to confront the consequences of your votes and beliefs, eh?

A Department of Social Services spokesperson would not even confirm the former hotel is now a shelter, “to safeguard the privacy of vulnerable New Yorkers” and “social services beneficiaries residing at these locations.”

Added the irate neighbor: “I don’t care who you are or where you come from, but be a good neighbor. It is really not more complicated than wanting to be able to sleep a reasonable amount of time.”

If you import the third world you get the third world. Enjoy!

Read: NYC Illegal Alien Shelter Overrun As A Fight Club »

Youts Have A Big Vote Decision: A Good Economy Or Climate (scam) Action

For a change, ‘climate change’ isn’t coming in last or almost last on a poll

Economic issues, climate change, gun violence and abortion are top of mind for young voters

Forty-one million members of Gen Z can vote in this year’s election, and money is on their minds.

Economic issues — including inflation, cost of living and jobs that pay a living wage — are top of mind for young people when it comes to the 2024 Presidential Election, according to the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE) at Tufts University.

“Young people have the potential to have a huge impact,” said CIRCLE Spokesperson Alberto Medina.

Yeah, but, they so often go missing from the voting booth

The percentage of youth, ages 18-34 year olds, who selected each issue as one of their top three priorities, according to CIRCLE’s poll —

  • Cost of living/inflation — 53%
  • Jobs that pay a living wage — 28%
  • Gun violence prevention — 26%
  • Addressing climate change — 26%
  • Expanding access to abortion — 19%
  • Fighting racism — 13%
  • Securing the border — 13%
  • Public education — 13%
  • Student loan debt — 12%
  • Reducing the national debt — 11%

Ella Douglas, an 18-year-old freshman at Ohio State University, said the economy is her top issue. “I care about where our money is going,” she said.

Well, if that’s what she and 53% care about as their top issue, why would they vote for Kamala, who’s presided over much more expensive housing, food, energy, and so much more? Inflation that has outpaced wages? Do they really care enough about ‘climate change’ to destroy their own economic well-being?

Read: Youts Have A Big Vote Decision: A Good Economy Or Climate (scam) Action »

Denver Police Searching For Person(s) Who Put Up Sign About Illegal Aliens

They aren’t working hard to deal with all the crime by illegals/migrants, including the gang members, but, boy howdy, put up a sign and you’re in a heap of trouble

The Denver Post calls these signs “racist”, not understanding that the word doesn’t apply Hispanics, and, it’s so racist that they published a photo of the sign about Kamala’s illegals. Go figure. Anyhow

(KDVR) Community leaders gathered in Denver Friday to talk about racist signs popping up around the city. Leaders were frustrated and disappointed this hateful act happened in their neighborhood but were glad police acted swiftly to remove them.

“I was saddened yesterday when I saw these signs coming up,” said Sondra Young, president of the Denver Branch of the NAACP. “I was saddened for the fact that we say we want to make America great again, but we want to also spew hate and fear. We can’t make America great like that. I was saddened by the fact that people thought that this land is segregated and it’s not the land for all of us. It’s for all of our voices, our cultures, our ethnicities, our vernacular. This land was made for you and me.”

Aren’t these also the same people who have been complaining about the huge sums of taxpayer money being spent on the illegals, and how they’re bringing crime and squalor? Also, KDVR published the “racist” sign.

(Denver Police Chief) Thomas said police are not ready to talk about whether they have identified a suspect, but they are investigating the crime as a bias-motivated hate crime.

“At the very least, it is illegal to post signs on public or private property. I think what we are looking at very seriously are some bias-motivated state crimes that have much more serious punishments,” Thomas told a group of reports after the press conference. “Ultimately, it will be the district attorney that will make those charging decisions, but we will investigate this very vigorously as a bias-motivated hate crime.

“We are following a number of significant leads,” Thomas continued. “I think fostered by video evidence that we have and other evidence that we have, have helped us kind of narrow in on some individuals. We hope to make some positive identifications and continue to work with the district attorney. I’m hoping that we can hold someone accountable here fairly soon.”

Under Colorado law, it is a Class one misdemeanor, carrying a penalty of up to a year in jail.

I’m pretty sure that this form of protest is covered by the US 1st Amendment, and Article II, Section 10 of the Colorado Constitution. I know liberals are not particularly happy with allowing people to have free speech and the ability to protest unless said person agrees with the liberal position 100%.

Read: Denver Police Searching For Person(s) Who Put Up Sign About Illegal Aliens »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful low carbon bike, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Watts Up With That?, with a post on how awesome green hydrogen is.

It’s bike week!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another fine day in the Once And Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and my Pirates opened the season with a good win. This pinup is by Gil Elvgren, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Ace Of Spades: California as a ridiculous oligarchy
  2. American Greatness: Federal Appeals Court: Illegal Aliens Do Not Have 2nd Amendment Rights
  3. Chicks On The Right: Kamala Harris Demands Last-Minute Debate Rule Change
  4. Climate Depot: Study in journal Science: Only 63 of 1,500 Global Climate Policies of Past 25 Years Worked to Reduce CO2 Emissions – A success rate of 4.2%
  5. Dissecting Leftism: Kamala: $5 Trillion in New Taxes Kamala Harris’ economic plan is taking shape, …
  6. Flopping Aces: Jack Smith and Merrick Garland have poisoned the DOJ
  7. Gates Of Vienna: Multicultural Europe Is Far Worse Than the Titanic
  8. Geller Report: Gold Star Families slam Harris for trying to use Trump’s Arlington cemetery visit as a campaign issue
  9. IOTW Report: Trump Derangement Syndrome CURED: Hollywood liberal admits he was WRONG
  10. Jihad Watch: Hamas murders six Israeli hostages, Biden insists US will keep working on deal to free the rest
  11. Knuckledraggin My Life Away: “The devil made me do it”
  12. Legal Insurrection: Cornell’s Toxic Anti-Israel Activism: “there is a possibility of someone snapping”
  13. Moonbattery: Son and Daughter Deleted From Newspeak Dictionary
  14. neo-neocon: Traveling to Europe? It’s getting more “interesting”
  15. And last, but, not least, Pacific Pundit has Hells Angels reportedly on their way to Aurora Colorado because of the Venezuelan Gangs

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014, so, most are hosted internally). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Happy BidenHarrisflation Labor Day Weekend!

Joe Biden’s intern is happy to post this

Wait, how is Brandon supposed to build 3 million homes by the end of January? They can’t even get 9 EV charging stations built. And no high speed internet hookups completed. As for inflation, he and Kamala helped cook it, and

No ‘Joy’ on Labor Day: Inflation Sends Cost of Cookouts Soaring

Americans are feeling less “joy” when firing up their grills and getting their marinades ready this Labor Day weekend, realizing that some of the classic barbecue staples are costing them a lot more.

It all begins with firing up the grill, which will cost more than it did three and a half years ago. According to data from the Bureau of Labor statistics, the price of propane, kerosene, and firewood has risen 16 percent from January 2021 to July 2024.

Staples of the basic all-American cookout are up too, meaning hamburgers and hotdogs are going to cost you. According to Consumer Price Index (CPI) data, the price of ground beef has risen 26 percent since January 2021, when former President Donald Trump left the White House.

Similarly, hotdogs are 25 percent higher than they were in January 2021. The price of chicken has also jumped since Biden and Harris came on the scene. Consumer Price Index (CPI) data, not seasonally adjusted, shows the price of fresh and frozen chicken parts 23 percent higher now than when Trump left office in January 2021. Matters are worse if Americans are looking to roast a whole chicken for their long weekend, as a fresh whole chicken is up 27 percent since January 2021.

And if friends and family are forgoing low carb trends and want to pair their barbecue delicacy with a roll, it is going to cost even more. Fresh biscuits, rolls, and muffins in the U.S. have risen 28 percent since Biden and Harris took office.

Side dishes, spices, lettuce, salad dressing, and beer are all up. So, people can vote for a guy they hate who does well on the economy, understands how it works, and wants you to have better costs without the government controlling everything, or, the lady who supercharged the issues as the economy was re-opening.

Read: Happy BidenHarrisflation Labor Day Weekend! »

If All You See…

…is a horrible fossil fueled boat, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on suffering a breakdown of the victim selection process.

Read: If All You See… »

Aurora, Colorado Starts Process To Deal With Venezuelan Gang Members

They’re looking to deal with the problem the governor calls imaginary

After video of armed Venezuelan gang shared by local official goes viral, Colorado city takes action

Aurora, Colorado Mayor Mike Coffman announced on Friday that the city is starting the process of clearing the apartment buildings where transnational armed gang Tren de Aragua has taken over.

In a statement posted to Facebook, Coffman shared “the Aurora City Attorney’s Office is preparing court documents to request an emergency court order to clear the apartment buildings where Venezuelan gang activity has been occurring by declaring the properties a ‘Criminal Nuisance.’”

“This will require a municipal judge to issue the order with the goal of getting these properties back under the control of the property owners. In the meantime, the law enforcement task force set up to disrupt and arrest Venezuelan gang members in these buildings will continue its operation. I strongly believe that the best course of action is to shut these building[s] down and make sure that this never happens again,” concluded Coffman.

One has already been picked up. In an email to Fox News Digital, Aurora Police Department confirmed that Tren de Aragua leader “Cookie Monster” is currently in custody in relation to a shooting on July 28.

I wonder if they will be immediately remanded into the custody of the federal government for deporatation, considering they are foreign gang members who would be no way eligible for any sort of asylum. By all the US laws they never should have been let in, however they arrived here.

Fox 31 reports that the men seen in the video that has gone viral are armed members of the Tren de Aragua gang, according to Department of Homeland Security sources.

If DHS knows they are members of a violent gang from a foreign nation why is it not doing anything? They seem to be sitting around twiddling their thumbs while Aurora residents are terrorized. Right now, the legal process could take time, and then they have to marshal resources to actually clear the building of violent gang members armed with rifles.

Read: Aurora, Colorado Starts Process To Deal With Venezuelan Gang Members »

Woke Pope Yammers On About Earth Being Sick From Hotcoldwetdry

If only he’d spend as much time on Christianity stuff, speaking for the unborn, preaching the Word of Jesus as he does on Woke stuff. And, maybe, not being part of a doomsday cult. He needs to choose which one he wants to be a part of

Pope Francis says Earth is ‘sick’ in new climate change warning

Pope Francis on Friday urged people around the world to better protect the environment, ahead of a 12-day trip to Southeast Asia next week in which the pontiff is expected to urge global action on climate change.

“If we took the planet’s temperature, it will tell us that the Earth has a fever. And it is sick,” the pontiff said in a video message. “We must commit ourselves to … the protection of nature, changing our personal and community habits.”

Francis releases a video message each month to announce his prayer intentions for that month. The intention for September is “for the cry of the Earth”.

The 87-year-old leader of the global Catholic Church leaves on Monday to visit Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, East Timor and Singapore.

Well, that’s weird. Is he planning on taking this long trip by sailing ship? I suspect it would take quite a bit of time to get to those nations. But, you know, it seems that those who preach from Book Of Gore tend to be the worst offenders.

Read: Woke Pope Yammers On About Earth Being Sick From Hotcoldwetdry »

Pirate's Cove