Raleigh Downtown “Scary For Visitors And Workers”

I actually did not realize that the Raleigh downtown area, really, the center part if you look at a map, was slowly getting dangerous like so many other Democrat run cities. I rarely go down that way, and, if I do, it’s specifically to someplace during the day. I do not go there to eat or the bars. I haven’t been in that area at night since the early Obama years. Closest I might get is the 42nd St Oyster Bar (very good). Apparently there are issues

‘Something every night’: Raleigh’s downtown has turned scary for visitors and workers

Kirstin Mulqueeny, a bartender in downtown Raleigh, sent us a letter that was more than a comment.

It was a plea.

She wrote, “Raleigh appears cut from the pages of a dystopian post-apocalyptic film, and the people who will be casualties are screaming from the rooftops for help. No one hears us.”

Mulqueeny works at Zenith, a bar on Fayetteville Street in the heart of Raleigh’s business district. The once-booming area has struggled to recover from the loss of office workers and foot traffic since the pandemic hit in early 2020.

With cranes rising over downtown Raleigh as residential high-rises are constructed, the old bustle may yet return. But for now, Mulqueeny said, the street after dark is an unsettling mix of roving youths, homeless people, panhandlers and people selling and using drugs. She said the police are rarely seen.

Mulqueeny, a 38-year-old mother of three who has worked at Raleigh bars for years, said the district feels unsafe as a place to work or visit. Anger and fear moved her to write to the paper.

It’s not quite Portland, Seattle, or San Francisco, and, if the Democratic mayor doesn’t do something she might well find herself gone. She so far hasn’t appeared to be a far-far left crazy like in the other cities, so, we’ll see.

Alexis Himes, 27, quit her bartending job at Zenith’s neighboring bar, The Big Easy, out of frustration with what she called the “sketchy” environment. Groups camp out at the bar’s patio tables and employees are afraid to ask them to leave. One man threatened to stab her. Last week, a group of masked men, at least one of them armed, invaded The Big Easy just after closing time and forced the manager to empty the safe.

What is the city recommending? This is where it gets dumb

“We’ve received a number of complaints from downtown businesses and residents,” mayor Mary Ann Baldwin said. “Many have asked if private security is an option.”

She tells them it is. The city is working with the Downtown Raleigh Alliance, a group supported by downtown businesses, to contract with a private security company to provide additional patrols in the district.

They won’t be armed, so, the youths and others will ignore them, and, maybe assault them

Other steps are planned. Street lighting will be added and community organizers will be recruited to give young people an alternative to roaming the district.

Baldwin said mayors across the nation have told her her they’re facing similar problems in downtown districts that have lost activity since the pandemic. But letting the vacuum foster criminal behavior isn’t an option.

“This is all unacceptable and we’ve got to do something about it,” she said.

There should already be lots of street lights. That’s what we pay taxes for. Community organizers? They’ll get beat up. If she wants to do something, well, surge the police. Stop and frisk. Arrest and charge, prosecute. You don’t have to necessarily jail them, but, how about some community service, doing things like cleaning the streets and hard labor? When the youths make accusations against the cops, well, you have the body cams and you can have those community organizers videoing to say “yeah, the youths are lying.”

In fairness, it’s still safer than most Dem run cities, especially ones like Durham.


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Read: Raleigh Downtown “Scary For Visitors And Workers” »

Wind Farms In Brazil Endanger Big Cats

Nothing like fighting a (fake) environmental issue by creating another

Brazil’s Big Cats Under Threat From Wind Farms

Weighing more than 100 pounds, big cats have long reigned over this hot and semi-arid region of Brazil, developing tougher paws for the scorched earth and reaching speeds of 50 miles an hour to bring down wild boar and deer.

But nothing could have prepared for them the 150-foot blades now slicing up the deep blue sky above them.

Jaguars and pumas are facing extinction in the Caatinga, Brazil’s northeastern shrublands, as Europe and China pour investment into wind farms, puncturing the land with vast turbines that are scaring the animals away from the region’s scant water sources.

Particularly sensitive to changes to their habitat, the jaguars and pumas abandon their lairs as soon as construction work on the wind farms begins, said Claudia Bueno de Campos, a biologist who helped found the group Friends of the Jaguars and has tracked the region’s vanishing feline population. They then roam vast distances across the dusty plains in search of new streams and rivers.

The weakest perish along the way. Others venture closer to villages, where locals have started laying traps to protect their small herds of goats and sheep, often their only form of survival in this impoverished region.

A lot of the Caatinga area is scrubland, as mentioned. It is not jungle or forested. So, it seemed like a perfect area for lots and lots of wind turbines. I guess not. And how many other species are being negatively affected by the construction and operation? They could have put up a small natural gas energy plant and generated more energy at a lower cost and consistent without endangering all the animals

But by helping to solve one problem—climate change—the wind industry risks creating others, warn conservationists. Indigenous groups recently staged protests in Brazil over the installation of turbines on lands they say are rightfully theirs, while environmentalists have also raised concerns that wind farms installed on compacted sand dunes on the northern coast could have damaged underground water reservoirs.

If it’s not one thing it’s something else.

Elbia Gannoum, head of the Brazilian Wind Power Association, said the wind farms aren’t to blame for the shrinking population of big cats, noting that regular visits to the otherwise deserted areas by employees of the wind power companies help deter illegal hunting.

“Yes, the wind farms force jaguars and pumas into different areas, but after the construction phase, they tend to come back,” she said, adding that conservation projects run by the companies should help to boost the big cat population.

Environmentalists disagree.

The abject poverty of the region means that local governments give wind farms the green light with few conditions, they assert.

Well, you have to break a few eggs to save the world from boiling, right?

Read: Wind Farms In Brazil Endanger Big Cats »

If All You See…

…are palm trees that will soon grow in Antarctica, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Independent Sentinel, with a post wondering why impeaching Biden over the border is not on the table.

Read: If All You See… »

Chicago Considers City Owned Grocery Stores To Replace Those Which Closed Due To Crime

Da, what could possibly go wrong, Comrades?

Chicago mayor considers creating city-owned grocery store after Walmart, Whole Foods close stores in the city

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson announced last week that his administration is exploring a city-owned grocery store as a means of promoting “equitable” access to food, though the plan has drawn criticism from skeptics of a government owned and operated store.

Chicago would become the first major U.S. city to implement a municipally owned grocery store to address food inequity if the proposal advances, the mayor’s office said in a release. Johnson’s office said Wednesday that it’s working with the Economic Security Project, a non-profit group, on a feasibility study that “will help inform the Johnson administration’s emerging food retail strategy, which will receive input from experts, community leaders, and Chicago’s Food Equity Council.”

“All Chicagoans deserve to live near convenient, affordable, healthy grocery options. We know access to grocery stores is already a challenge for many residents, especially on the South and West sides,” Johnson said. “My administration is committed to advancing innovative, whole-of-government approaches to address these inequities. I am proud to work alongside partners to take this step in envisioning what a municipally owned grocery store in Chicago could look like.”

It’s a challenge in those areas because the crime is out of control. It’s a problem of their own making, both the citizens for the criminality and the city for not having the police necessary and for not prosecuting. How would this actually work, though? Does the city have people who are familiar with running stores? Understanding the supply chains? How much money will the city spend with all the money they do not have? How much money will the stores lose because of theft and mismanagement? Of course, if they go forward with the plan, it will take years and years, because they will do studies and such

The mayor’s office said in a release that it intends to pursue “values aligned funding opportunities” for the city-owned grocery store initiative such as those from the Illinois Grocery Initiative, which commits $20 million for grants and technical assistance for grocery stores in the state. The city didn’t provide a timeline for the study.

Paying a few people a huge amount for studies, rather than talking to people who can get this done quickly.

It cited data from the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture estimated that 63.5% of residents in West Englewood and 52% of East Garfield Park residents live more than half a mile from their nearest grocery store. It added that “food access and security link directly to environmental and racial justice. 37% of Black residents and 29% of Latine/x residents are food insecure, compared to 19% of residents overall.”

Half a mile? The horror! How many grocery stores does the USDA think there should be? I have zero within that range. I have 6 within two miles. There are only so many places one can be.

Walmart announced the closure of three stores in Chicago’s South and West Side neighborhoods this April, in addition to one store in the more affluent North Side after years of challenges with profitability despite investing in upgrades to the facilities. Those closures occurred after Walmart CEO Doug McMillon warned in December that its stores across the country were grappling with shoplifting to a degree that, “If it’s not corrected over time, prices will be higher, and/or stores will close.”

“The simplest explanation is that collectively our Chicago stores have not been profitable since we opened the first one nearly 17 years ago – these stores lose tens of millions of dollars a year, and their annual losses nearly doubled in just the last five years,” Walmart wrote in a post announcing the closures. “The remaining four Chicago stores continue to face the same business difficulties, but we think this decision gives us the best chance to help keep them open and serving the community.”

If they are not profitable, and are losing double now, why keep them open? That’s why Whole Foods and others have closed. They aren’t charities. Add in the danger to the employees and patrons, and it’s a big loser. But, you know what? I’d love to see Chicago give this Soviet Union style experiment a whirl. Every experiment needs an experimental group, right?

Read: Chicago Considers City Owned Grocery Stores To Replace Those Which Closed Due To Crime »

People’s Republik Of California Sues Fossil Fuels Companies

Don’t expect Gavin Newsome, Attorney General Rob Bonta, the PRC elected officials, or state government employees to stop using fossil fuels themselves. This is more of a cash grab using ‘climate change’ as the backdrop

California sues major oil companies, claiming they deceived on climate change for decades

California sued some of the world’s largest fossil fuel companies on Friday, alleging that they misled consumers for decades about their products’ role in contributing to climate change.

The lawsuit, filed in San Francisco Superior Court by Attorney General Rob Bonta, accuses five major oil companies of mounting a “disinformation campaign” beginning in the 1950s to conceal the harm of fossil fuels and delay the transition to a low-carbon future.

“For more than 50 years, Big Oil has been lying to us — covering up the fact that they’ve long known how dangerous the fossil fuels they produce are for our planet,” Gov. Gavin Newsom said in a statement ahead of his expected announcement on Sunday during a climate conference in New York. “Wildfires wiping out entire communities, toxic smoke clogging our air, deadly heat waves, record-breaking droughts parching our wells. California taxpayers shouldn’t have to foot the bill.”

Well, now you actually have to prove it, first in a long, long suit in state court, then in federal appeals courts, then to the Supreme Court. And at no time will Gavin et all stop using fossil fuels.

The state has requested a judge order the oil companies to pay into a fund that California would use to finance future climate mitigation and adaptation efforts to protect against pollution and climate change-fueled events.

Told you it was a shakedown.

The targets of the suit are BP, ConocoPhillips, Chevron, ExxonMobil and Shell. The lawsuit also names American Petroleum Institute, an oil industry trade group.

Chevron criticized the lawsuit in a statement Saturday, saying in a statement that the case would have “no constructive or constitutionally permissible role” in changing energy policy.

For the life of me I don’t understand why these companies don’t just say “fine, we won’t sell our products to you.” Would you do business with an entity that was suing you? How much fun would it be if they California government was not being sold fossil fuels, and had to go to the regular gas stations rather than govt depots? Too bad their gas stations cannot refuse to take government credit cards. Could they refuse to serve govt vehicles from fueling? It would be tough.

They should also be highlighting all the fossil fuels the California government purchases, and all the fossil fueled trips Gavin Newsome takes.

Read: People’s Republik Of California Sues Fossil Fuels Companies »

Bummer: Those With Student Loans Might Have To Give Up Their “Fun Budget”, Which Could Tank The Economy (more)

The NY Times is really trying to make a case for doing away with all the student loan debt, but, really, this is really not the argument they’re looking for

Will Restart of Student Loan Payments Be the Last Straw for Consumers?

Mykail James has a plan for when payments on her roughly $75,000 in student loans restart next month. She’ll cut back on her “fun budget” — money reserved for travel and concerts — and she expects to limit her holiday spending.

“With the holidays coming up — I have a really big family — we will definitely be scaling back how much we’re spending on Christmas and how many things we can afford,” James said. “It’s just going to be a tighter income overall.”

In October, roughly 27 million borrowers like James will once again be on the hook for repaying their federal student loans after a three-year hiatus. President Joe Biden tried to use his executive powers to forgive about $400 billion in student debt last year, but the Supreme Court overruled that decision in June, and payments kick in again in October.

Fun budget? They knew this was coming, and they also legally took out the loans. There’s lots of us with mortgages and other loans who plan accordingly, knowing that those payments come before concert tickets, unlimited-data phone subscriptions, streaming media subscriptions, fast fashion, dining out regularly, international travel, craft beers, lots of energy drinks, expensive foo-foo coffees, tattoos, all their selfies, weed, vape pens, etc. These are all considered “basic expenses” by many of those complaining about having to repay student loans. This is not a good argument for cancelling the debt.

Now there are big questions about how those people — many of whom had expected to have at least some of their debt erased — may change their spending habits as they budget for student loan payments again. It could crimp the economy if a large share of consumers cut back simultaneously, especially because the resumption in payments comes just as the retail and hospitality industry begin to eye the crucial holiday shopping season.

Not a great argument. But, hey, you know, if the government would cancel our mortgage and car debt we could spend that money on fun, too! Except, up, didn’t the Experts tell us that it was all that spending money post-COVID that was causing the economy to over-heat? So, maybe we make those people pay what they owe and reduce interest rates.

But the student loan payments will also restart at the same time consumers face a number of other headwinds, including shrinking savings piles, a cooler job market and higher price levels after two years of rapid inflation. It could also coincide with major strikes; Hollywood actors and writers have been locked in a work stoppage all summer, and the United Auto Workers began a targeted strike Friday — one that economists warn could be disruptive if it lasts. Adding another source of looming uncertainty, Congress could fail to reach a funding agreement by the end of this month, forcing a government shutdown.

The NY Times is working hard, unintentionally, to tell us the economy is not good

The resumption of student loan payments for a retailer like J.C. Penney, which caters to middle-income consumers, would be the latest unwelcome squeeze on their budgets. Their core customer makes an annual income of $55,000 to $75,000 and has had their monthly household expenses increase by $700 from two years ago. The department store chain said 17% of its credit card customers have student loans.

$700 a month. Bidenomics.

And some borrowers may simply not pay, at least for a while. Because missing payments will not be reported to credit reporting agencies for a year — the so called “on-ramp” period — households have wiggle room, said Constantine Yannelis, an economist at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business.

Wiggle room to continue with their Fun Budget? Good grief.

Read: Bummer: Those With Student Loans Might Have To Give Up Their “Fun Budget”, Which Could Tank The Economy (more) »

If All You See…

…is an area flooded from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The OK Corral, with a post on a criminal picking the wrong restaurant to break in to.

It’s Jeep week!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another fine day in the Once And Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the new fish in the tank are doing well, and International Talk Like A Pirate Day is on Tuesday. This pinup is by Bill Garland, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Bustednuckles covers when you’ve realized just how stupid people have gotten
  2. Chicks On The Right notes Biden being creepy again. As usual
  3. Cold Fury discusses doctors doing trans surgeries all for the money
  4. Da Techguy’s Blog covers who should be worried about losing their job from AI
  5. Dissecting Leftism explains how we can resist COVID mandates
  6. Geller Report notes the shocked faces when a kid’s book is read at a Senate hearing
  7. IOTW Report covers the GOP being against trans shows for kids
  8. Legal Insurrection discusses Dove soap hiring a “fat ambassador”
  9. Libs Of TikTok shows an insane person putting whipped cream in their diapers while at work at Starbucks
  10. Moonbattery highlights Colorado going after lawn tools
  11. neo-neocon covers the Dem knives out for Kamala
  12. Outside The Beltway discusses the politics of an auto strike
  13. Pacific Pundit notes the Biden regime telling the media how to cover impeachment
  14. Powerline makes the case for capital punishment as two “youths” go wild
  15. And last, but, not least, The Daley Gator features Biden’s America on full display

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Here We Go: SCNY Socialists Push Tax Increases To Pay For Illegals

Well, hey, most of the voters in Sanctuary City New York should be happy to support tax increases, right? It’s not like the SCNY metro area didn’t go overwhelmingly for Joe Biden, right? Except for Staten Island and a smattering of Red in the SW tip of King County (Brooklyn). Perhaps they should be left out of the taxes, and let the Biden voters pay for the illegals

‘Pay Their Fair Share’: Socialist Lawmakers Push for ‘Migrant Taxes’ on New Yorkers During Immigration Crisis

Socialist state lawmakers in New York want tax increases to pay for migrants flooding into New York City as the area struggles to accommodate them.

The New York Post reported the news Saturday and quoted state Sen. Julia Salazar (D-Brooklyn), who said:

We should increase taxes because it’s economically just policy to offset all costs for our state to function. I’d say that even if our city and state hadn’t seen an increase in migrants seeking asylum, this moment makes it all the more important for the wealthy to pay their fair share of taxes.

Meanwhile, state Sen. Jabari Brisport (D-Brooklyn) said, “We’re still organizing to tax the rich through the same revenue-raising bills we’ve been fighting for for years.”

Would that be Jabari, since he’s reportedly worth $5 million? Or, does he mean the businesses and really rich folks who already pay the lion’s share of taxes and provide jobs and goods? Of course, how many of those supported Democrats despite Democrats going soft on crime causing problems for their workers and businesses? So, maybe they should be more than willing to pony up. But, in reality, it will be the working and middle class folks who will end up bearing the burden, if not through direct taxation, through increased costs of goods and services. And the illegals won’t be put in the rich, high-fallutin’ areas.

From the NY Post article

Socialist state lawmakers are itching to impose new tax increases to cover the ever-increasing cost of migrants in the Big Apple — insisting that forcing New Yorkers to pay even more is the only way out of the mushrooming crisis.

Two state senators told The Post new taxes were on the table, while their grassroots cadres have buzzed on social media.

“We should increase taxes because it’s economically just policy to offset all costs for our state to function,” said state Sen. Julia Salazar (D-Brooklyn).

“I’d say that even if our city and state hadn’t seen an increase in migrants seeking asylum, this moment makes it all the more important for the wealthy to pay their fair share of taxes.”

Got that? Even without the illegals that Sanctuary City NY loves (well, as long as they’re Somewhere Else) the Elected Class wanted to raise taxes. As if rich folks and businesses haven’t already left in droves, along with the other classes.

Too bad we can’t forbid anyone voting Democrat in the 5 Boroughs of SCNY from leaving. They should have to suck it up and deal with the fallout of their votes.

Read: Here We Go: SCNY Socialists Push Tax Increases To Pay For Illegals »

Good News: Pirates Are Now Plaguing California

Well, as long as they aren’t stealing more than $950 they should be OK, right?

From the link

Pirates are taking over the Oakland Estuary Marinas. Yes, pirates. And local and federal authorities says it’s getting so bad – the U.S. Coast Guard is deploying help to patrol the area.

“Boat owners attacked by pirates,” said Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao. “There are no excuses for that.”

From shipwrecks to sunken sailboats to pirate attacks, the shoreline around the Oakland estuary is seeing a new level of violence that’s leaving the area torn up and trashed. The irony is it’s happening right in front of one of the agencies responsible for addressing it.

“I’ve heard it’s gotten to the point of near fist fights on docks,” said former Harbor Master Brock de Lappe.

The vessels abandoned are covered in graffiti – left like a battleground scene of an action movie.

So, California is becoming like Somalia?

De Lappe served as Harbor Master in Alameda and Oakland over the course of 10 years. But, he’s never seen it get this bad.

“You can see one here that’s recently sunk,” he said, pointing to boat bow peeking out of the water. “As you can see out here at the pier, the public fishing pier for Union Point Park. There’s at least two sunken vessels off that pier.”

Oakland police are not providing the I-Team with any specific data, but De Lappe says over the past few months pirates have been attacking vessels at five different locations along the channel – including Jack London Square, the Jack London Square Aquatic Center, the Estuary Channel west of the Bayside Hotel, Union Point Park West, Union Point Park East.

Really, it sounds like all the rest of the crime in California, this is just happening on boats, on the water. But, really, is anyone getting hurt? It’s just property, right?

“Well, I would certainly say that this phenomenon of criminal activity in the maritime domain, it’s new to me,” said Cpt. Lam. “I think it’s going to take a comprehensive inter-agency effort to really effectively address it. And we’re committed to doing it.”

Sink their boast. Hang them. Well, can’t really do that per the law, unless they attack a US military ship, but, the US does still have laws on the books. Some acts have a minimum ten years, others have a minimum life sentence. Better to hang them.

And since this time frame is usually used for a ‘climate change’ post, let’s not forget that the wackos are saying that global boiling is driving piracy. Unlike back in the Golden Age Of Piracy, which was a Holocene cool period.

Read: Good News: Pirates Are Now Plaguing California »

Pirate's Cove