If All You See…

…is a big fossil fueled vehicle in a big carbon polluting nation, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post on two old women sent to jail for blocking an abortion clinic.

Read: If All You See… »

Sanctuary City Denver Has Spent Over $23 Million On Migrants

Even though the mayor of Denver has said that Denver isn’t a sanctuary city, the Sheriff’s dept of the county of Denver stopped enforcing ICE detainers in 2014 and the city council codified that in 2017. So, a sanctuary city. So, a sanctuary city

Liberal city’s costs for sheltering migrants nears $25 million

The city of Denver’s costs in dealing with the surge of migrants into its city is nearing $25 million, officials said this week — marking the latest financial hit that liberal cities are facing as they deal with migrant influxes.

The city told Fox News Digital in an email that to date, its expenses for migrant sheltering efforts is close to $24.8 million.

Axios reported in August that the city had spent over $23 million in dealing with the crisis, and was dealing with an uptick in migrants — although the city’s situation was said to be stable as leaders worked to solidify a plan on how to provide services.

Fox reported in April that the city expected to spend up to $20 million over the subsequent six months, with costs of up to $1,000 per migrant per week. The city had declared a state of emergency late last year after numbers shot up in December.

$1,000 a week for each migrant/illegal. That’s a lot of money to spend on each one, money that could be spent for the actual taxpaying citizens of Denver. They could possibly spend that money on having enough police officers to protect citizens, being down 7% from their 2020 numbers, especially since Denver is in the worst category, a 1, for their crime rate. Their violent and property crime rates are double that of the state of Colorado. You have a 1 in 17 chance of being a victim of a property crime.

N.Y. Lawmakers Sue to Block Migrants From Floyd Bennett Field

A dozen New York lawmakers — including four Democrats and a Republican congresswoman — raced to court on Tuesday to try to block Mayor Eric Adams from opening an emergency shelter for as many as 2,000 migrants at Floyd Bennett Field in Brooklyn.

In a suit filed in State Supreme Court on Staten Island, the lawmakers accused Mr. Adams and Gov. Kathy Hochul of skirting state and federal law meant to protect the national parkland when they reached an agreement last week to lease it from the Biden administration. They asked the court for an immediate injunction, and said they were preparing another, federal suit. (snip)

Responding on Tuesday, Mr. Adams said that the lawmakers had the right to sue, but he argued there were few better sites than Floyd Bennett Field, situated on the Jamaica Bay in southeast Brooklyn, “away from homes,” communities and school. The city finalized a lease on the site on Friday, after months of negotiations with the Biden administration.

So, wait, Adams doesn’t want all those illegals near the other citizens? Wants them out of the way? Huh.

Oh, and Sanctuary City Los Angeles just received it’s 14th busload of illegals/migrants.

Read: Sanctuary City Denver Has Spent Over $23 Million On Migrants »

Climate Scientist Rainn Wilson Says Hotcoldwetdry Endangers Ice Cream

Now, if there was anything to anthropogenic climate change threatening ice cream, I might have to go all Fascist. I’ll cut down on most snacks and stuff, but, not ice cream

Sorry Ice Cream Lovers—Rainn Wilson Just Told Us Climate Change Might “Endanger” the Treat

Sherman Potter Bull CookiesYesterday, if you walked through Union Square Park, you would have caught a glimpse of Rainn Wilson handing out ice cream to passersby—-and the reason why may surprise you.

The actor best known for his role in The Office as Dwight Schrute, Wilson has made it clear over the years that he is a huge advocate for climate change awareness, an example being when he briefly changed his name to “Rainnfall Heat Wave Extreme Winter Wilson.”

“I had this realization about 4 or 5 years ago that climate change is something that I’m passionate about, and climate change education, but all I was doing was sending out occasional angry tweets,” Wilson said in an interview with EatingWell with Dr. Gail Whiteman prior to the New York event. “I knew I needed to actually do something and get off my butt and not be a keyboard activist.”

So let’s backtrack: why hand out ice cream in the city? Fittingly at the start of New York Climate Week, Wilson, Whiteman and Tatham were focused on highlighting ice cream as a food that may be directly impacted by climate change.

“One of the things that scientists are talking about now is that we’re in danger of having severe limitations to some of the flavors that we’ve come to know and love and rely on, like vanilla, chocolate, strawberry and mango and pistachio [and coffee]. So it’s important to just bring some attention to that in a memorable, sticky way… sticky in two ways!”

And his multiple degrees in climatology should make us listen to him…oh, wait, he has a degree in drama and one in acting. So, he knows nothing. Those flavors will be just fine. They’ve survived many warm and cool periods, and will survive this one.

Read: Climate Scientist Rainn Wilson Says Hotcoldwetdry Endangers Ice Cream »

Republicans Pounce On Biden’s Really, Really Terrible Iran Deal

Or, is this seizing? Seriously, any CEO who made a deal this bad would be immediately fired with no golden parachute. If Trump made this deal the Democrats would already have articles of impeachment submitted, and, if they controlled the House, they’d be starting an impeachment trial by Monday. And there might be enough GOP votes in the Senate to boot him

Republicans slam Biden administration for prisoner swap deal with Iran

Republicans PounceRepublicans are voicing outrage at the Biden administration’s decision to carry out a prisoner exchange with Iran, accusing President Joe Biden of paying ransom to a world state sponsor of terrorism.

The administration notified Congress on Monday that it has proceeded with the agreement, which has involved issuing a waiver that will give Tehran access to $6 billion in oil revenue that the U.S. had frozen through sanctions.

Under the agreement, the administration will free five Iranians under detention in the U.S., and in exchange, Iran will release five Americans it has detained.

Former President Donald Trump lashed out at Biden on Tuesday on Truth Social, saying the deal sets a “TERRIBLE precedent.”

“So, lets get this straight! We did a hostage TRADE with Iran. We gave them 5 very tough, smart people that they desperately wanted. We likewise got back 5 people BUT, we also gave them 6 BILLION DOLLARS! How much of a kickback does Crooked Joe Biden get? Does anyone realize how much money 6 Billion Dollars is?”

Of course, the Biden regime says “hey, it’s Iran’s money, so, sure.” And, it is, but, it was frozen for sanctions, for which Iran continues to perform badly and violate those sanctions.

To move forward with the deal, Secretary of State Antony Blinken issued a waiver last week to international banks to allow the transfer of $6 billion in frozen Iranian funds from South Korea to Qatar. The agreement allows Iran to use the money to buy food, medicine and other humanitarian items allowed by U.S. economic sanctions.

Is there any rational human being that believes the money won’t be used for terrorist operations and their nuclear weapons aspirations? There actually isn’t any guarantee or hard requirement.

“I am always glad when Americans are released from captivity,” Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said on X, formerly Twitter. “However, this agreement will entice rogue regimes, like Iran, to take even more Americans hostage. The ayatollah and his henchmen are terrorists and truly represent a terrorist state.”

Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., said on Facebook: “The U.S. should be unrelenting in its efforts to bring detained Americans home, but Iran will now count pallets of ransom money, putting its leaders in a better position to develop a nuclear weapon and fund terrorists. And the price to release U.S. hostages will only go up.”

Of course, media outlets like NBC News refuse to ask the Biden regime hard questions.

Oh, and few media outlets explain exactly who the Iranians are

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Read: Republicans Pounce On Biden’s Really, Really Terrible Iran Deal »

Climate Cult To Continue Demonstrating In NYC Today

Without fossil fuels NYC would be nothing. The amount of goods that flow through NYC. The vast amounts of fossil fueled vehicles, from buses to private cars to taxis to garbage trucks to police cars to the mayor’s limo. Airports. The vast majority of the energy for NYC is from fossil fuels.

Climate change protesters set to demonstrate outside Bank of America in Bryant Park

Climate change protests will continue on Tuesday, this time against Bank of America.

Critics say that the bank is the third largest financier of fossil fuels.

The protest will be held at the Bank of America Tower in Bryant Park starting at 10 a.m.

On Monday more than a hundred people were arrested on Wall Street during a climate change demonstration and protest.

A total of 114 protesters were arrested and taken into custody in Lower Manhattan. Most were expected to be processed and released.

Don’t these people have jobs? How many are wearing clothes and shoes made with petroleum? How about their smartphones? Most of their banners are made with petroleum.

Despite the arrests, the group promises more activism this week during the U.N. General Assembly.

“This is our last resort,” said Alicé Nascimento of New York Communities for Change. “We’re bringing the crisis to their doorstep and this is what it looks like.”

Have any noted the vast amounts of fossil fuels needed to bring all the people to the UN this week? How many of the protesters took a fossil fueled trip to NYC?

The aim of the protesters is to demand an end to fossil fuel financing from outside the largest financial institutions and the New York Stock Exchange.

Funny how they always demand Other People comply with their beliefs. Bunch of Fascists.

The March to End Fossil Fuels featured such politicians as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and actors Susan Sarandon, Ethan Hawke, Edward Norton, Kyra Sedgewick and Kevin Bacon. But the real action on Broadway was where protesters crowded the street, pleading for a better but not-so-hot future. It was the opening salvo to New York’s Climate Week, where world leaders in business, politics and the arts gather to try to save the planet, highlighted by a new special United Nations summit Wednesday.

Organizers estimated 75,000 people marched Sunday.

And all of them use vast amounts of fossil fuels. How many constantly purchase products, from food to clothes to TVs, that are shipped using fossil fuels?

Read: Climate Cult To Continue Demonstrating In NYC Today »

If All You See…

…are horrible fossil fueled vehicles causing global boiling, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Victory Girls Blog, with a post on Trump’s changing abortion stance.

Read: If All You See… »

Some Companies Are Marketing Themselves As “Woke-Free”

I can’t quite tell if the NY Times is upset or not that some companies are taking the route of not going political, not going SJW, not virtue signaling

Some Businesses Make ‘Woke Free’ a Selling Point

Jonathan Isaac is a forward for the NBA’s Orlando Magic, but he is perhaps better known as someone who chose not to protest police brutality against Black Americans during a summer of widespread activism involving racial injustice.

Isaac, who is Black, turned that singular moment in July 2020 — when he decided not to join many other NBA players in kneeling during the national anthem as the league restarted in a COVID-19 “bubble” setting in Orlando, Florida — into a platform as a conservative political activist. In 2022, he spoke at a rally of Christian nationalists and anti-vaccine Americans and wrote a book about why he did not join the protest. This year, he started Unitus, an apparel company centered on “faith, family and freedom.”

“I wanted my values to be represented in the marketplace, especially when it came to sports and leisure wear,” Isaac said in an interview.

Most companies used to do everything they could to avoid political controversies and, by extension, risk alienating potential customers. No longer. Seemingly everything in the United States is political now, including where you shop for socks and leggings.

Which means the company will be despised by the Left, much like Hobby Lobby

Unitus is one of a growing number of companies — from clothing retailers to pet care businesses — trying to appeal to those who have recoiled from what they see as corporate America pushing a progressive, liberal agenda. Unitus is featured on PublicSq., an online marketplace aimed at promoting companies it calls “pro-life,” “pro-family” and “pro-freedom.” PublicSq. began in July 2022 and now has more than 65,000 small businesses on its platform, noting a spike in numbers after the Bud Light and Target disputes.

The platform offers “a nice, refreshing sort of break” from companies that have voiced more progressive views, said Michael Seifert, the founder and CEO of PublicSq., mentioning businesses like Target, Ben & Jerry’s and Bank of America.

I’ll be honest, I’m not so sure I like companies pushing anything other than their products and services, unless the company is specifically about those values. I do not need a side of something else. That said, most of these companies will simply say their values, and not push them on consumers, much like Chik-fil-A, a Christian based company, which does not preach, they just serve food. And close on Sunday.

Since Donald Trump was elected president in 2016, large corporations have faced heightened scrutiny — both from potential customers and their own employees — concerning their values. This includes everything from how companies publicly reacted to policies like Trump’s ban on immigration from several Muslim-majority countries to political donations by companies or their top executives.

You had to know they would mention Trump, right? This “values” thing, which is mostly just posturing to please moonbat activists over the majority of their customers, started long before, especially with ones proclaiming allegiance to the climate cult as far back as the Bush43 administration. For the most part, companies should just do their job, sell their products and services, without the side of unrelated issues.

Read: Some Companies Are Marketing Themselves As “Woke-Free” »

Your Fault: Fight Against AIDS, Malaria, And TB Endangered By Climate Crisis (scam)

This is a new one. It’s almost like Reuters said “hey, let’s find things that haven’t been blamed and worked it in”

Climate change hitting fight against AIDS, TB and malaria

Climate change and conflict are hitting efforts to tackle three of the world’s deadliest infectious diseases, the head of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria has warned.

International initiatives to fight the diseases have largely recovered after being badly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the Fund’s 2023 results report released on Monday.

But the increasing challenges of climate change and conflict mean the world is likely to miss the target of putting an end to AIDS, TB and malaria by 2030 without “extraordinary steps”, said Peter Sands, executive director of the Global Fund.

For example, malaria is spreading to highland parts of Africa that were previously too cold for the mosquito carrying the disease-causing parasite.

The world warms, and the use of DDT could do wonders.

Extreme weather events like floods are overwhelming health services, displacing communities, causing upsurges in infection and interrupting treatment in many different places, the report said. In countries including Sudan, Ukraine, Afghanistan and Myanmar, simply reaching vulnerable communities has also been immensely challenging due to insecurity, it added.

They do not explain at all how this dovetails into AIDS and TB. There have always been weather disasters. Perhaps if they spent time explaining that the main way to avoid getting HIV/AIDS is to not have unprotected sex, especially with men who have sex with other men. Perhaps, instead of spending all that money on the climate scam, they can spend it on TB drugs. The vast majority occurs in Southeast Asia and Africa. Stop trying to force them to have wind turbines and get them the proper drugs.

But, this is simply a way of injecting the climate cult into the issues, because the cult wants every issue under their banner.

Read: Your Fault: Fight Against AIDS, Malaria, And TB Endangered By Climate Crisis (scam) »

Raleigh Downtown “Scary For Visitors And Workers”

I actually did not realize that the Raleigh downtown area, really, the center part if you look at a map, was slowly getting dangerous like so many other Democrat run cities. I rarely go down that way, and, if I do, it’s specifically to someplace during the day. I do not go there to eat or the bars. I haven’t been in that area at night since the early Obama years. Closest I might get is the 42nd St Oyster Bar (very good). Apparently there are issues

‘Something every night’: Raleigh’s downtown has turned scary for visitors and workers

Kirstin Mulqueeny, a bartender in downtown Raleigh, sent us a letter that was more than a comment.

It was a plea.

She wrote, “Raleigh appears cut from the pages of a dystopian post-apocalyptic film, and the people who will be casualties are screaming from the rooftops for help. No one hears us.”

Mulqueeny works at Zenith, a bar on Fayetteville Street in the heart of Raleigh’s business district. The once-booming area has struggled to recover from the loss of office workers and foot traffic since the pandemic hit in early 2020.

With cranes rising over downtown Raleigh as residential high-rises are constructed, the old bustle may yet return. But for now, Mulqueeny said, the street after dark is an unsettling mix of roving youths, homeless people, panhandlers and people selling and using drugs. She said the police are rarely seen.

Mulqueeny, a 38-year-old mother of three who has worked at Raleigh bars for years, said the district feels unsafe as a place to work or visit. Anger and fear moved her to write to the paper.

It’s not quite Portland, Seattle, or San Francisco, and, if the Democratic mayor doesn’t do something she might well find herself gone. She so far hasn’t appeared to be a far-far left crazy like in the other cities, so, we’ll see.

Alexis Himes, 27, quit her bartending job at Zenith’s neighboring bar, The Big Easy, out of frustration with what she called the “sketchy” environment. Groups camp out at the bar’s patio tables and employees are afraid to ask them to leave. One man threatened to stab her. Last week, a group of masked men, at least one of them armed, invaded The Big Easy just after closing time and forced the manager to empty the safe.

What is the city recommending? This is where it gets dumb

“We’ve received a number of complaints from downtown businesses and residents,” mayor Mary Ann Baldwin said. “Many have asked if private security is an option.”

She tells them it is. The city is working with the Downtown Raleigh Alliance, a group supported by downtown businesses, to contract with a private security company to provide additional patrols in the district.

They won’t be armed, so, the youths and others will ignore them, and, maybe assault them

Other steps are planned. Street lighting will be added and community organizers will be recruited to give young people an alternative to roaming the district.

Baldwin said mayors across the nation have told her her they’re facing similar problems in downtown districts that have lost activity since the pandemic. But letting the vacuum foster criminal behavior isn’t an option.

“This is all unacceptable and we’ve got to do something about it,” she said.

There should already be lots of street lights. That’s what we pay taxes for. Community organizers? They’ll get beat up. If she wants to do something, well, surge the police. Stop and frisk. Arrest and charge, prosecute. You don’t have to necessarily jail them, but, how about some community service, doing things like cleaning the streets and hard labor? When the youths make accusations against the cops, well, you have the body cams and you can have those community organizers videoing to say “yeah, the youths are lying.”

In fairness, it’s still safer than most Dem run cities, especially ones like Durham.


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Read: Raleigh Downtown “Scary For Visitors And Workers” »

Wind Farms In Brazil Endanger Big Cats

Nothing like fighting a (fake) environmental issue by creating another

Brazil’s Big Cats Under Threat From Wind Farms

Weighing more than 100 pounds, big cats have long reigned over this hot and semi-arid region of Brazil, developing tougher paws for the scorched earth and reaching speeds of 50 miles an hour to bring down wild boar and deer.

But nothing could have prepared for them the 150-foot blades now slicing up the deep blue sky above them.

Jaguars and pumas are facing extinction in the Caatinga, Brazil’s northeastern shrublands, as Europe and China pour investment into wind farms, puncturing the land with vast turbines that are scaring the animals away from the region’s scant water sources.

Particularly sensitive to changes to their habitat, the jaguars and pumas abandon their lairs as soon as construction work on the wind farms begins, said Claudia Bueno de Campos, a biologist who helped found the group Friends of the Jaguars and has tracked the region’s vanishing feline population. They then roam vast distances across the dusty plains in search of new streams and rivers.

The weakest perish along the way. Others venture closer to villages, where locals have started laying traps to protect their small herds of goats and sheep, often their only form of survival in this impoverished region.

A lot of the Caatinga area is scrubland, as mentioned. It is not jungle or forested. So, it seemed like a perfect area for lots and lots of wind turbines. I guess not. And how many other species are being negatively affected by the construction and operation? They could have put up a small natural gas energy plant and generated more energy at a lower cost and consistent without endangering all the animals

But by helping to solve one problem—climate change—the wind industry risks creating others, warn conservationists. Indigenous groups recently staged protests in Brazil over the installation of turbines on lands they say are rightfully theirs, while environmentalists have also raised concerns that wind farms installed on compacted sand dunes on the northern coast could have damaged underground water reservoirs.

If it’s not one thing it’s something else.

Elbia Gannoum, head of the Brazilian Wind Power Association, said the wind farms aren’t to blame for the shrinking population of big cats, noting that regular visits to the otherwise deserted areas by employees of the wind power companies help deter illegal hunting.

“Yes, the wind farms force jaguars and pumas into different areas, but after the construction phase, they tend to come back,” she said, adding that conservation projects run by the companies should help to boost the big cat population.

Environmentalists disagree.

The abject poverty of the region means that local governments give wind farms the green light with few conditions, they assert.

Well, you have to break a few eggs to save the world from boiling, right?

Read: Wind Farms In Brazil Endanger Big Cats »

Pirate's Cove