If All You See…

…is a palm tree that will Soon! grow in the Arctic, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is No Tricks Zone, with a post on sea level data being changed to show actual big sea rise.

Read: If All You See… »

Democrats Seize On Trump Saying Impeaching Biden Could Be Revenge

Is this seizing or pouncing? Either way, outlets like Politico are Outraged that Republicans would actually respond in kind and do the same things that Democrats do

‘They did it to me’: Trump says Biden impeachment inquiry might be motivated by revenge

Former President Donald Trump has “no idea” whether Republicans will vote to impeach President Joe Biden.

But he does have a theory on what motivated House Republicans to launch a Biden impeachment inquiry: revenge.

“They did it to me,” Trump told former Fox and NBC host Megyn Kelly during an hourlong interview on SiriusXM radio that aired Thursday. “And had they not done it to me, I think, and nobody officially said this, but I think had they not done it to me … perhaps you wouldn’t have it being done to them.”

Democrats twice led the charge in impeaching Trump, first on charges of abusing his power and obstructing congressional investigations and later for “incitement of insurrection,” following the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol. Trump was acquitted by the Senate both times.

On Tuesday, Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy announced the decision to open an impeachment inquiry into Biden over allegations of bribery and corruption. Some Republicans have said there is a lack of smoking-gun evidence linking Biden to money his son Hunter received from Ukraine and China.

Democrats indicted Trump over a nothingburger phone call and because Trump was speaking on January 6. They really had no evidence, just Trump Derangement Syndrome. Are there enough squishy Republicans to stop this in the House? Who will fail to vote to impeach Biden? Obviously, there is no way there will be enough votes to boot Biden in the Senate: will all the Republicans vote to boot him, though? Regardless, Democrats were warned that it was dangerous going down the TDS road and impeaching Trump for nothing.

In the interview with Kelly, Trump warned that attempts from the GOP to indict Biden could be next.

“This is going to happen with indictments, too,” said Trump, who is facing dozens of charges across four indictments, including two at the federal level.

“They’re fake indictments,” Trump said of his own legal challenges. “And I think you’re going to see that as time goes by, you’re going to see Republicans when they’re in power, doing it. And it’s a shame when that happens. I’m not in favor of that, but that’s what’s going to happen because that’s human nature.”

He’s not wrong. Will Republican prosecutors go after Biden when he’s out of office, should he he lose in 2024? Democrats set the stage. They can’t cry foul when the things they do return to bite them in the butt. If you punch someone in the face don’t by Outrage when they pop you one back.

Read: Democrats Seize On Trump Saying Impeaching Biden Could Be Revenge »

Having Fixed All Their Issues, San Francisco Considers Lifting Ferry Building Due To Climate Doom

It’s not like SF is having issues with crime, businesses and citizens leaving, stolen and broken into cars, homelessness, open drug use, and poop and pee in the streets, right?

San Francisco considers lifting the Ferry Building by 7 feet to save it from the sea

San Francisco’s waterfront is on the National Register of Historic Places for good reason. Its picturesque old landmarks, like the Ferry Building and the Bay Bridge, have been featured in many vintage books, TV shows and movies — from the stories and novels of Jack London to the 1970s TV series The Streets of San Francisco.

The future of San Francisco’s waterfront, however, isn’t secure.

In 2016, the National Trust for Historic Preservation put part of the city’s urban shoreline on its list of the U.S.’s most endangered historic places, in part because of the threat of sea level rise. Now, San Francisco is considering drastic measures to save its historic shoreline.

But the growing magnitude and frequency of the climate-related threats, the high costs and effort involved in saving heritage sites, and competing ideas about what’s worth saving and what isn’t, can make it hard for cities to know where their priorities lie.

“The whole issue of climate change and historic preservation intersects right at the waterfront,” said Elaine Forbes, executive director of the Port of San Francisco. The agency manages a 7.5-mile stretch of the city’s Bay-facing waterfront.

So, doom.

Parts of the main road that runs along the waterfront have flooded from heavy rains in recent years. The state estimates the water could rise roughly up to two and a half feet above its current level by 2060, and potentially up to seven feet by the turn of the century.

“Could.” But, what does the data actually say?

.64 feet per 100 years. About 7-8 inches. So, not 2 1/2 feet in 37 years. And 7-8 inches is exactly average for the Holocene period. It should be much, much more during a warm period.

Preserving historic buildings is just a small piece of San Francisco’s overall Waterfront Resilience Program. Other priorities include beefing up emergency response systems and protecting natural habitats.

There should be zero concern, because everything will be fine. But, this is a great way to raise some taxes and spread out some graft to donors.

Read: Having Fixed All Their Issues, San Francisco Considers Lifting Ferry Building Due To Climate Doom »

SCNY Leaders Warn Illegal Aliens Could Impact Elections

But, not in the way you may be thinking

NYC officials warn migrant crisis could have far-reaching impact at voting booth if Dems get their way

Americans before illegalsNew York City officials leading the legal fight against a closed Catholic school on Staten Island being turned into a migrant shelter sounded the alarm about a potential far-reaching impact at the voting booth if Mayor Eric Adams and Gov. Kathy Hochul get their way on granting asylum seekers work authorization.

Staten Island Borough President Vito Fossella issued the warning during a press conference outside the courthouse Thursday before a hearing regarding a lawsuit brought by himself and others objecting to the placement of migrants at the former St. John Villa Academy.

“Actually two years ago, the city council passed a law to allow non-citizens the right to vote. And one of the conditions was that if you had work permits, you can vote in municipal elections. So if work permits are granted to the asylum seekers, they in turn will be allowed to vote in municipal elections if the appellate division reverses the trial court,” Fossell said, referring to a city law that a judge shot down in a decision that is now being challenged.

“So in all of this discussion, I am sure their hearts are in the right place. We think to give 50,000, 75,000 people who arrived here a few weeks ago, giving them the right to vote in municipal elections, even though they’re non-citizens, we think is a bad idea and bad policy.”

It seemed like a wonderful idea two years ago, right? Those in the Sanctuary City of New York certainly didn’t expect to have actually deal with a fraction of the illegals/migrants down in the border states, which is now causing mayhem. But, this would require the law to be reversed per

The legislation passed by the New York City Council in December 2021 aimed to allow noncitizens who had been lawful permanent residents of the city for at least 30 days, as well as those authorized to work in the U.S., including so-called “Dreamers,” to vote in municipal elections to help select the city’s mayor, city council members, borough presidents, comptroller and public advocate. However, the law, set to go into effect in January 2023, was later struck down by a state Supreme Court justice on Staten Island who said it violated the State Constitution. Justice Ralph J. Porzio ruled in June 2022 that to give noncitizens a right to vote would require a referendum.

I bet most of the citizens of SCNY actually do not want illegal aliens taking jobs (well, the Elites might be looking for people to clean their lofts and do their yards and stuff) and voting.

Meanwhile, guy who used to be on MSNBC, Raul Reyes, obviously a far left Democrat, is concerned about Eric Adams

New York Mayor Eric Adam’s anti-migrant rhetoric makes him sound like Ron DeSantis

Speaking at a community meeting last week, New York City Mayor Eric Adams was blunt. “Let me tell you something New Yorkers, never in my life have I had a problem that I did not see an ending to. I don’t see an ending to this,” he said, referring to the influx of asylum-seekers arriving in the city from the southern border.

He warned that every community in the city would be hurt by the crisis, saying, “This issue will destroy New York City.”

Adams is failing New Yorkers on the migrant issue. He is displaying a lack of vision on a complex problem. He is using dangerous rhetoric and abdicating leadership in favor of misleading talking points. (snip)

Adams has it all wrong. Asylum-seekers will not “destroy” New York, because New Yorkers are generous, strong and resilient. It is the mayor’s failure to put together a coherent response to the migrant issue that is the problem here.

I wonder if someone would care to take a poll of New Yorkers, see how they feel. But, you know what, I bet Texas, Florida, Arizona, and New Mexico would be happy to send all their illegals/migrants to NYC. Maybe send a couple hundred thousand more, see how that works out. See how the elites really feel.

Read: SCNY Leaders Warn Illegal Aliens Could Impact Elections »

Brandon’s “Climate Law” Is Reshaping Private Investment Or Something

Was this the law that was supposed to be about inflation reduction, but, was all about other things?

Biden’s Climate Law Is Reshaping Private Investment in the United States

Private investment in clean energy projects such as solar panels, hydrogen power and electric vehicles surged after President Joe Biden signed an expansive climate bill into law last year, a development that shows how tax incentives and federal subsidies have helped reshape some consumer and corporate spending in the United States.

If these things are so great than why does said private investment only skyrocket when government is giving lots and lots of money, loans, and tax breaks? Oh, and forced compliance

New data being released Wednesday suggest the climate law and other parts of Biden’s economic agenda have helped speed the development of automotive supply chains in the American Southwest, buttressing traditional auto manufacturing centers in the industrial Midwest and the Southeast. The 2022 law, which passed with only Democratic support, aided factory investment in conservative bastions such as Tennessee and the swing states of Michigan and Nevada. The law also helped underwrite a spending spree on electric cars and home solar panels in California, Arizona and Florida.

Well, there “Inflation Reduction Act” may have spurred a bit more production for autos in those areas, but, really, most goes back to COVID. Asian automakers predicted the fallout and started moving way more production to North America, realizing it would be difficult getting all the necessary products shipped from one side of the Pacific Ocean to the other. You’ll notice that Hondas and Toyotas usually are made about 60% in North America now when that number used to be a lot less. You will also notice that some things are missing: fog lights and the garage door buttons are going away, except for the top, top trims. XM is slowly being removed, due to it needing a full chip, and it being cheaper to use it with Apple Carplay and Android Auto, which everyone hooks up anyhow.

Would people be buying all those EVs and solar panels without all the government cash? No.

The data show that in the year since the climate law passed, spending on clean-energy technologies accounted for 4% of the nation’s total investment in structures, equipment and durable consumer goods — more than double the share from four years ago.

Yeah, if you’re going to force this on the citizens and economies and provide all that taxpayer cash to do it.

The law has failed to supercharge a key industry in the transition from fossil fuels that Biden is trying to accelerate: wind power. Domestic investment in wind production declined over the past year, despite the climate law’s hefty incentives for producers. And the law has not changed the trajectory of consumer spending on some energy-saving technologies like highly efficient heat pumps.

The return on investment is low, and dealing with all the lawsuits is a pain in the rear.

Biden administration officials have tried to quantify the effects of that law, along with bipartisan legislation on infrastructure and semiconductors signed by the president earlier in his term, by tallying up corporate announcements of new spending linked to the legislation. A White House website estimates that companies have so far announced $511 billion in commitments for new spending linked to those laws, including $240 billion for electric vehicles and clean energy technology.

Commitments are meaningless without action, and, if that money dries up, so will the commitments.

The bulk of that spending was focused on the electric-vehicle supply chain, including in the new Southwest cluster of activity across California, Nevada and Arizona. The Inflation Reduction Act includes multiple tax breaks for such investment, with domestic-content requirements meant to encourage production of critical minerals, batteries and automotive assembly in the United States.

Except, most citizens are not calling for them and are not interested in them. Plus, you know that enviroweenie groups will sue to stop any mining in the US.

Some consumer markets have yet to be swayed by the promise of tax breaks for new energy technologies. Americans have not increased their spending on heat pumps, even though the law covers up to $2,000 toward the purchase of a new one. And over the past year, the states with the highest spending as a share of their economy on heat pumps are all concentrated in the Southeast — where, Houser said, consumers are more likely to already own such pumps, and to be in need of a new one.

If heat pumps are so awesome then why are they not being used in federal buildings, starting with the White House? Did Joe put them in his private homes? No? Huh. How about the NY Times building, since they are so passionate about this issue and wrote the article. What’s that? Heat pumps would be very inconvenient for their big building? Seriously, the government is paying corporations to work inefficiently, and investors cash in on that government money. How many of these companies will be out of business within a year or two, just like with Obama’s Stimulus? Most of this from the IRA doesn’t help the middle and working classes, just those making over $150K a year and more.

Read: Brandon’s “Climate Law” Is Reshaping Private Investment Or Something »

If All You See…

…is an evil fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Bunkerville, with a post on divisions in the GOP over Comrade Sanders’ drug price bill.

This is her relaxing after apparently fighting off a pack of wolves.

Read: If All You See… »

Poll: Most Trust Trump To Fix Inflation Over Biden

Considering the bang-up job Biden has done on inflation, they probably trust the intern who sends all Biden’s tweets over Biden

Inflation is weighing down Americans. Many trust Trump, more than Biden, to fix it

Linda Muñoz is scared about the economy. She dipped into her emergency savings this year. And she doesn’t believe President Joe Biden feels her pain.

The retired teacher from Channelview, Texas, worries about paying $4 for cereal and $3.38 for gasoline in her state.

“According to him, everything’s perfect,” said Muñoz, a Republican. “He just doesn’t live in reality.”

That is a constant refrain, like voters having doubt on Bidenomics.

As Biden tries to sell Americans on an economic rebound, most Americans aren’t buying it, according to an exclusive poll from the Suffolk University Sawyer Business School and USA TODAY that reveals major concerns about the state of the economy and little hope of people’s outlook improving. What’s worse for the incumbent president, Americans say they trust Donald Trump ? not Biden ? to fix it.

Groceries. Housing. Gas. All of these are pushing people further and further into debt, they say.

Nearly 70% of Americans said the economy is getting worse, according to the poll, while only 22% said the economy is improving. Eighty-four percent of Americans said their cost of living is rising, and nearly half of Americans, 49%, blamed food and grocery prices as the main driver. (snip)

Yet only 34% of Americans said they approve of Biden’s handling of the economy, compared with 59% who disapprove, according to the poll. (snip)

More Americans said they trust Trump, the 2024 Republican primary front-runner, than Biden to improve the economy by a 47%-36% margin. The spread is 46%-26% in Trump’s favor among independent voters.

Here’s the big question: will it make a difference in voting if the economy is still in the doldrums next year at this time? If prices, particularly food and gas, are high? I had an article sitting in my Pocket account till the other day about the 2024 election being about the economy and personal finances, but, will it? Or will it come down to something like “sure, Joe is old, incompetent, a buffoon, and his policies are hurting me, but, I despise Donald Trump, so, I’ll vote Biden or sit the election out” when it comes to Independents, moderate Dems, and the squishy Republicans? Because, if that’s the case, then Biden wins the White House, because Dems will come out in droves no matter what, no matter how bad Brandon is for their pocketbooks, and the GOP will have no shot in retaking the Senate, will lose the House, and may well lose lots of state elections.

But 74% of Americans described the economy negatively in one word ? either “horrible/terrible,” “bad/poor,” “struggling” or “chaotic” ? compared with 18% who said the economy is “excellent/good” or “growing/improving.” Another 4% said the economy is “fair/average.”

Can people set aside their Trump Derangement Syndrome for better policies? Do they enjoy driving by a gas station and seeing high gas prices? Do they like paying all that extra for food? Though, is it even possible to bring those food prices back down? How about housing costs? For all the caterwauling about Trump, the economy was doing well till the Chinese coronavirus hit. Unfortunately, he liked to battle with, well, everyone, instead of telling people that his policies were working.

Read: Poll: Most Trust Trump To Fix Inflation Over Biden »

Earth Is Outside “Safe Operating Space For Humanity” Or Something

Strangely, humanity has never done so well as during warm periods, and there have been more advances during the current warm period than any other. But, the climate cult doesn’t care, because this is all about scary people into giving up their money and freedom

Earth ‘well outside safe operating space for humanity’, scientists find

Earth’s life support systems have been so damaged that the planet is “well outside the safe operating space for humanity”, scientists have warned.

Their assessment found that six out of nine “planetary boundaries” had been broken because of human-caused pollution and destruction of the natural world. The planetary boundaries are the limits of key global systems – such as climate, water and wildlife diversity – beyond which their ability to maintain a healthy planet is in danger of failing.

The broken boundaries mean the systems have been driven far from the safe and stable state that existed from the end of the last ice age, 10,000 years ago, to the start of the industrial revolution. The whole of modern civilisation arose in this time period, called the Holocene.

The assessment was the first of all nine planetary boundaries and represented the “first scientific health check for the entire planet”, the researchers said. Six boundaries have been passed and two are judged to be close to being broken: air pollution and ocean acidification. The one boundary that is not threatened is atmospheric ozone, after action to phase out destructive chemicals in recent decades led to the ozone hole shrinking.

The assessment, which was published in the journal Science Advances and was based on 2,000 studies, indicated that several planetary boundaries were passed long ago. The boundary for biosphere integrity, which includes the healthy functioning of ecosystems, was broken in the late 19th century, the researchers said, as destruction of the natural world decimated wildlife. The same destruction, particularly the razing of forests, means the boundary for land use was broken last century.

Climate models have suggest the safe boundary for climate change was surpassed in the late 1980s. For freshwater, a new metric involving both water in lakes and rivers and in soil, showed this boundary was crossed in the early 20th century.

I’m not going to sit here and say we as humans can’t do better in being proper shepherds of the Earth. We are, though, making great strides in having cleaner air, water, and land. We need to do better at protecting wildlife, forests, and jungles. But, how does any of this help in declaring Doom? How does it help to include the fake climate crisis, mixing it with real environmental issues? It doesn’t. Especially when these cultists put ‘climate change’ above environmental issues.

Read: Earth Is Outside “Safe Operating Space For Humanity” Or Something »

Federal Judge Temporarily Suspends New Mexico Gov’s Gun Order

Her attorney general refused to support the order. The head of the state police said he wouldn’t enforce it, as did the county sheriff and local Albuquerque PD

New Mexico Democrat governor’s sweeping gun order hits major temporary roadblock

A federal judge in Albuquerque, New Mexico, has issued a temporary restraining order blocking key parts of Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s executive order suspending open and concealed carry across Albuquerque and the surrounding Bernalillo County for at least 30 days.

U.S. District Court Judge David Urias issued the order on Wednesday, blocking the portion of the order that prohibits lawful gun owners from carrying their guns in public for 30 days, ruling that it’s not enforceable.

“The violation of a constitutional right, even for minimal periods of time, unquestionably constitutes irreparable injury,” Urias said during the hearing.

The temporary restraining order will remain in effect until at least Oct. 3, when the next hearing is scheduled.

The judge was appointed by Biden, so, that should tell you how bad Grisham went over the line. Of course, she’s refusing to back down

Lujan Grisham said in a statement on the temporary restraining order, stating that “I refuse to be resigned to the status quo.”

“Today a judge temporarily blocked sections of our public health order but recognized the significant problem of gun violence in this state, particularly involving the deaths of children,” she wrote. “As governor, I see the pain of families who lost their loved ones to gun violence every single day, and I will never stop fighting to prevent other families from enduring these tragedies.”

She wants the legislature to Do Something, and said she intends to “update the public health order with additional measures to address public safety and health shortly.” Well, she won’t be able to appeal, unless she can get a private lawyer, since the AG stated he would not defend the measure. The question here, will Grisham pay a price for her blatant abuse of the US and New Mexico Constitutions? Of denying law abiding citizens their rights? Most likely not, because the Democrats pretty much have a 2-1 margin in the House and Senate. So, unless they see their constituents really having a problem with Grisham, she’s safe. And that’s a big problem: elected officials, and bureaucrats, can so often abuse their office and nothing happens.

Who paid the price for COVID tyranny? Most were re-elected. One of the worst was Gretchen Whitmer in Michigan. People bitched, but, voted her back in.

Read More »

Read: Federal Judge Temporarily Suspends New Mexico Gov’s Gun Order »

Your Fault: ‘Climate Change’ Ravaged Failed State Of Libya With Flooding

All because you refuse to live in a tiny house, take the train, and only eat plants

Libya’s floods are result of climate crisis meeting a failed state

When the climate crisis meets a failed state, the outcome is the kind of disaster that Libya is witnessing in Derna.

Any city would have struggled with the extraordinary level of precipitation that Storm Daniel visited upon Libya’s northern coast. In its earlier, milder form, the storm caused severe damage in Greece before it crossed the Mediterranean.

Nevertheless, the extent of the devastation – a quarter of a city was swept into the sea in what is being described as Libya’s 9/11 – is also a function of the country’s failed politics.

After the bloody western-backed ousting of Muammar Gaddafi in 2011, the country has mainly been governed by two rival administrations, one in Tripoli and the other in Tobruk, each supported by an assembly of rival external actors including Turkey, the UAE, Qatar, Egypt and Russia’s Wagner group.

Wait, no Blaming of Barack Obama for his foolish sorta-war which led to the rise of various factions of Islamic jihadis, including ISIS, leading to the horrendous Benghazi disaster? The article spends many more paragraphs not on ‘climate chagne’ but on the failed state, leading to

Bringing this context to Derna, the city that has long suffered since Gaddafi’s demise, either by being in the hands of Islamic State or since its recapture by Haftar in 2016, and infrastructure investment has always been at a premium. Haftar, whose secondary education was in the city, has also tried to keep close control of the Derna’s politics. (snip)

The two large dams built in the narrow valley above Derna were an accident waiting to happen, especially because poorly constructed housing built close to the river had become increasingly dense and high-rise. Built in the 1970s by a Yugoslav company, the risk posed by the two dams and their state of decay was the subject of a lengthy academic article in 2022, calculating what weight of water would crush them and how it might run off given the topography.

In fact, there is nothing else about Hotcoldwetdry in the piece besides the headling and that first paragraph, same as most articles on this horrible disaster, with the most recent news at the time of writing this (11am) being 6,000 dead and thousands missing. the climate cult and their Credentialed Media partners never lets a good disaster go to waste, and will always link global boiling to the disaster. But, um

(Landslide Blog) There is an article in Arabic on the News Libya website that explains the history of the dams. It notes that Derna has been subject to a sequence of floods emanating from the Wadi, including major events in 1941, 1959 and 1968. The 1959 flood appears to have been particularly catastrophic.

Flooding in the region is nothing new. It happens periodically. Derna may be in Libya, which is mostly a desert nation, but, it is right on the Mediterranean, directly south of Greece.  Big storms will happen now and then. It has nothing to do with the “climate crisis”.

Of course, there are still cult members like this

Read: Your Fault: ‘Climate Change’ Ravaged Failed State Of Libya With Flooding »

Pirate's Cove