Federal Judge Temporarily Suspends New Mexico Gov’s Gun Order

Her attorney general refused to support the order. The head of the state police said he wouldn’t enforce it, as did the county sheriff and local Albuquerque PD

New Mexico Democrat governor’s sweeping gun order hits major temporary roadblock

A federal judge in Albuquerque, New Mexico, has issued a temporary restraining order blocking key parts of Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s executive order suspending open and concealed carry across Albuquerque and the surrounding Bernalillo County for at least 30 days.

U.S. District Court Judge David Urias issued the order on Wednesday, blocking the portion of the order that prohibits lawful gun owners from carrying their guns in public for 30 days, ruling that it’s not enforceable.

“The violation of a constitutional right, even for minimal periods of time, unquestionably constitutes irreparable injury,” Urias said during the hearing.

The temporary restraining order will remain in effect until at least Oct. 3, when the next hearing is scheduled.

The judge was appointed by Biden, so, that should tell you how bad Grisham went over the line. Of course, she’s refusing to back down

Lujan Grisham said in a statement on the temporary restraining order, stating that “I refuse to be resigned to the status quo.”

“Today a judge temporarily blocked sections of our public health order but recognized the significant problem of gun violence in this state, particularly involving the deaths of children,” she wrote. “As governor, I see the pain of families who lost their loved ones to gun violence every single day, and I will never stop fighting to prevent other families from enduring these tragedies.”

She wants the legislature to Do Something, and said she intends to “update the public health order with additional measures to address public safety and health shortly.” Well, she won’t be able to appeal, unless she can get a private lawyer, since the AG stated he would not defend the measure. The question here, will Grisham pay a price for her blatant abuse of the US and New Mexico Constitutions? Of denying law abiding citizens their rights? Most likely not, because the Democrats pretty much have a 2-1 margin in the House and Senate. So, unless they see their constituents really having a problem with Grisham, she’s safe. And that’s a big problem: elected officials, and bureaucrats, can so often abuse their office and nothing happens.

Who paid the price for COVID tyranny? Most were re-elected. One of the worst was Gretchen Whitmer in Michigan. People bitched, but, voted her back in.

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Read: Federal Judge Temporarily Suspends New Mexico Gov’s Gun Order »

Your Fault: ‘Climate Change’ Ravaged Failed State Of Libya With Flooding

All because you refuse to live in a tiny house, take the train, and only eat plants

Libya’s floods are result of climate crisis meeting a failed state

When the climate crisis meets a failed state, the outcome is the kind of disaster that Libya is witnessing in Derna.

Any city would have struggled with the extraordinary level of precipitation that Storm Daniel visited upon Libya’s northern coast. In its earlier, milder form, the storm caused severe damage in Greece before it crossed the Mediterranean.

Nevertheless, the extent of the devastation – a quarter of a city was swept into the sea in what is being described as Libya’s 9/11 – is also a function of the country’s failed politics.

After the bloody western-backed ousting of Muammar Gaddafi in 2011, the country has mainly been governed by two rival administrations, one in Tripoli and the other in Tobruk, each supported by an assembly of rival external actors including Turkey, the UAE, Qatar, Egypt and Russia’s Wagner group.

Wait, no Blaming of Barack Obama for his foolish sorta-war which led to the rise of various factions of Islamic jihadis, including ISIS, leading to the horrendous Benghazi disaster? The article spends many more paragraphs not on ‘climate chagne’ but on the failed state, leading to

Bringing this context to Derna, the city that has long suffered since Gaddafi’s demise, either by being in the hands of Islamic State or since its recapture by Haftar in 2016, and infrastructure investment has always been at a premium. Haftar, whose secondary education was in the city, has also tried to keep close control of the Derna’s politics. (snip)

The two large dams built in the narrow valley above Derna were an accident waiting to happen, especially because poorly constructed housing built close to the river had become increasingly dense and high-rise. Built in the 1970s by a Yugoslav company, the risk posed by the two dams and their state of decay was the subject of a lengthy academic article in 2022, calculating what weight of water would crush them and how it might run off given the topography.

In fact, there is nothing else about Hotcoldwetdry in the piece besides the headling and that first paragraph, same as most articles on this horrible disaster, with the most recent news at the time of writing this (11am) being 6,000 dead and thousands missing. the climate cult and their Credentialed Media partners never lets a good disaster go to waste, and will always link global boiling to the disaster. But, um

(Landslide Blog) There is an article in Arabic on the News Libya website that explains the history of the dams. It notes that Derna has been subject to a sequence of floods emanating from the Wadi, including major events in 1941, 1959 and 1968. The 1959 flood appears to have been particularly catastrophic.

Flooding in the region is nothing new. It happens periodically. Derna may be in Libya, which is mostly a desert nation, but, it is right on the Mediterranean, directly south of Greece.  Big storms will happen now and then. It has nothing to do with the “climate crisis”.

Of course, there are still cult members like this

Read: Your Fault: ‘Climate Change’ Ravaged Failed State Of Libya With Flooding »

If All You See…

…is horrible heat snow, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on no hope in NY.

Read: If All You See… »

SCNY Mayor Plans Cuts To City Agencies To Pay For Illegal Aliens

It’s not quite as fun to support unfettered illegal immigration and declare yourself a sanctuary city when the fallout actually hits your city and your services are going to get cut to pay for it, eh?

Mayor Adams announces cuts as high as 15% for all NYC agencies amid ballooning migrant costs

Mayor Adams announced Saturday there would be cuts as high as 15% to all city agencies by next spring — including NYPD and health department — in response to the costly migrant crisis, which could further impact the delivery of city services.

The mayor made a surprise speech over the weekend telling New Yorkers that the lack of substantial support from the federal and state government regarding the crisis — at a time when COVID aid is drying up — has forced the city to impose austerity cuts.

“We are in the middle of a humanitarian crisis involving asylum seekers, a crisis that will cost our city $12 billion over three fiscal years,” Adams said. “While our compassion is limitless our resources are not.”

Those cuts, the administration said, intend to “minimize disruption to programs and services, and there will not be layoffs,” according to a press release on the announcement. The current budget stands at $107 billion.

So, if no layoffs, that means something else will bear the burden, which means services to citizens. Residents of Sanctuary City New York thought they were voting for this to happen Somewhere Else. If there’s a 15% cut to the NYPD’s funding, what is cut if not officers and all the admin folks? Cars? Patrols? Weapons and rounds? Bulletproof vests?

And in Sanctuary City Chicago

Chicago mayor faces pushback from local leaders for plan to house migrants in tents: ‘Help your people first’

Democrat Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson is facing opposition from local leaders after he asked that “all 50 city council members” find space in their wards to help house “more than 200 migrants” in tents, according to a new report.

But some aldermen are pushing back on Johnson’s plans.

“I’ve looked in my ward. I just don’t have any available space. I have one of the most dense wards in the city,” Alderman Brian Hopkins said, according to ABC7 Chicago.

Alderman David Moore of the 17th Ward called on Chicago to help its own community first.

“I’m a believer in help your people first, help yourselves first, help your community first. Then reach out and help others,” Moore said.

Johnson wants to put up massive, winterized tents all over the city, meaning in the poorer wards. You can bet there won’t be any in the rich areas, like Obama’s rich and toney Hyde Park area. Sure, some alderman support the plan. Probably right up to Johnson putting tents up in their areas.

Residents clash over migrant shelter at Quincy community meeting

Tensions flared Tuesday evening at a community meeting, where more than 500 residents packed into Central Middle School to pepper city and state officials with questions about a recently opened migrant shelter at a local private college.

For more than two hours, people shared their support for migrant families, but also their frustration over not knowing enough about the “Family Welcome Center” located on the campus of Eastern Nazarene College. (snip)

Outside the middle school on Tuesday, colorful signs reading “We WELCOME you!” were propped inches from posters that said “NOT HERE.” (snip)

“Have you ever brought a refugee family to your own home?” Yan He, speaking through a Mandarin translator, asked Augustus.

William Doyle, another resident, called for the state to amend the state’s right-to-shelter law to limit the number of migrants it is required to care for.

“We cannot sustain this many people in our city,” he said, urging residents to call Governor Maura Healey’s office and tell her to “amend this law, otherwise we’re going to kick you out of office!”

Some supported this plan, some do not. Some feel more secure, because there is a ton of security at the school. It’s apparently needed to protect the residents from all these migrants. It’s a shame when Democrats have to live the life they voted for.

Read: SCNY Mayor Plans Cuts To City Agencies To Pay For Illegal Aliens »

PRC Pushing Strict Climate (scam) Reporting Rules For Business

Sure, it’s always a wise idea to pass more laws that drive more businesses out of the state, right?

California lawmakers approve the nation’s most sweeping emissions disclosure rules for big business

Major corporations from oil and gas companies to retail giants would have to disclose their direct greenhouse gas emissions as well as those that come from activities like employee business travel under legislation passed Monday by California lawmakers, the most sweeping mandate of its kind in the nation.

The legislation would require thousands of public and private businesses that operate in California and make more than $1 billion annually to report their direct and indirect emissions. The goal is to increase transparency and nudge companies to evaluate how they can cut their emissions.

“We are out of time on addressing the climate crisis,” Democratic Assemblymember Chris Ward said. “This will absolutely help us take a leap forward to be able to hold ourselves accountable.”

The legislation was one of the highest profile climate bills in California this year, racking support from major companies that include Patagonia and Apple, as well as Christiana Figueres, former executive secretary of the United Nations convention behind the 2015 Paris climate agreement.

So, the People’s Republik Of California is listening to people from Costa Rica who take lots and lots of fossil fueled trips?

The bill would still need final approval by the state Senate before it can reach Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom. Lawmakers backing the bill say a large number of companies in the state already disclose some of their own emissions. But the bill is a controversial proposal that many other businesses and groups in the state oppose and say will be too burdensome.

Will it? It had problems previously, but, supposedly it has a much better chance. They’re also considering lowering the threshold to $500 million. I wonder how many companies will simply bail.

Read: PRC Pushing Strict Climate (scam) Reporting Rules For Business »

California Legislature Passes More Gun Restrictions On Law Abiding Citizens

Funny how none of these measures passed by hardcore Democrats ever restricts their own security, nor goes after actual criminals

Concealed carry gun rules passed by California Democrats. Gavin Newsom is ready to make it law

California Democrats passed new rules Tuesday restricting who can carry loaded weapons in public, successfully reviving a failed attempt to strengthen the state’s concealed carry gun laws.

Senate Bill 2, authored by Sen. Anthony Portantino, D-Burbank, will update the concealed carry licensing process, add new age restrictions, impose strict storage mandates and limit where permit holders can carry in public. After a vote of 28-8 in the state Senate on Tuesday, the legislation is headed to Gov. Gavin Newsom’s desk for his signature.

“I think the impact is going to be significant,” Portantino told The Sacramento Bee just after the Senate floor vote. “Having a gun is a responsibility and what we’re doing is defining who should have that responsibility and who shouldn’t.”

In a statement released Monday, Newsom commended the legislature for its support and said that there was a reason why people were “less likely to die from bullets in California.”

“We’re using every tool we can to make our streets and neighborhoods safer from gun violence,” he added in the statement.

Yet, it’s rarely those who lawfully own a firearm, and virtually never for anyone with concealed carry permit, to be involved in crime. It’s usually those who illegally possess, but, Democrats do not care, this is about making it harder for law abiding citizens.

Once signed by Newsom, SB 2 requires those who want to carry firearms in public to be 21 or older and have at least 16 hours of training. It will also prohibit permit holders from carrying their guns into a wide array of settings such as schools, courts, government buildings, prisons, hospitals, airports and bars.

This law is pretty damned big for a state law, and isn’t just about guns, but, bb guns, paint guns, short knives, personal gas protection, and more, and has so much information that it will make it tough for anyone to know what is and isn’t against the law. It also gives the California DOJ the power to determine the fees for licenses, rather than setting them in the bill. And it really ramps up the criminal violations. It’s all to make sure law abiding citizens are too scared/unsure to carry their legally purchased firearm.

Gun rights groups are prepared to file a lawsuit challenging the bill the same day that Newsom signs it into law, according to Sam Paredes, executive director of Gun Owners of California.

“We know what we have to do and we’re ready to do it,” Paredes said in an interview. “Ultimately, this bill will never see the light of day as a statute in the state of California.”

The bill is supposedly attempting to comply with the Supreme Court ruling last year but it will simply make it harder.

Read: California Legislature Passes More Gun Restrictions On Law Abiding Citizens »

If You Use Ice, You’re Privileged Or Something

Well, I really didn’t have this on the bingo card

It’s always something with these people

(Axios) Ice — in exotically shaped cubes, boozy popsicles or suffusing your coffee — is having its moment in the zeitgeist.

Why it matters: During a record hot summer when icebound places are melting rapidly, it makes sense that ice — a commodity we take for granted until it grows scarce — has turned chic.

“There’s this trend of people trying to be more sophisticated about how they keep their drinks cool,” Leana Salamah of the International Housewares Association tells Axios.

Driving the news: Ice is popping up everywhere, all at once:

Let’s look at that list

  • Cocktail culture has embraced giant ice spheres, mini-cubes and novelty shapes (like bulldogsskulls and pineapples).
  • Bartenders and party hosts are freezing flowers into their cubes, while parents are freezing small toys into ice squares for their kids to crack open.
  • Appliance maker LG has trademarked the term “Craft Ice,” referring to the 2-inch orbs that its newest lines of refrigerators cough out.
  • Elaborate ice sculptures — sometimes with fancy LED light backdrops — are showing up at weddings, corporate events and elsewhere.
  • Coffee purveyors from Dunkin’ to Starbucks to Tim Hortons are pushing iced drinks for fall — pour me a frosty pumpkin latte! — amid evidence that younger slurpers prefer their brew cold.

ZOMG, special ice! You damned elitists. I remember having trays you filled with water and put in the freezer that had special shape back when I was a kid in the 70’s. Anyhow, this is a ridiculously long and silly article on ice. Ice. Really. Because the Credentialed Media refuses to investigate Democrats, government, and real issues, because so many who are “journalists” and are in charge got their degrees from high end colleges where they went with the children of the rich and powerful.

Where it stands: Designer ice has become “the height of domestic luxury,” per The New York Times.

The bottom line: While the fancy ice trend is mostly about harmless fun, the growing prevalence of drought and water insecurity point to a future where ice will be at an ever-greater premium.

In other words, using ice makes you privileged.

Read: If You Use Ice, You’re Privileged Or Something »

If All You See…

…is a horrible parking deck made for fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Green Jihad, with a post on Biden’s energy secretary having a bad EV trip.

Read: If All You See… »

NY Times Says Ukraine Aid Benefits GOP Districts, So It’s A Shame Many Republicans Are Against It

How long do they expect this war to last?

As Ukraine Aid Benefits Their Districts, Some House Republicans Oppose It

By early next year, this city best known for being the rodeo capital of Texas is on track to become a centerpiece of the U.S. effort to increase artillery production vital to the war in Ukraine.

A hulking new plant going up next to a highway exchange not far from downtown Mesquite promises to nearly double current U.S. output, replenishing stockpiles and preparing more ammunition to beat back the Russian invasion.

For a city in the midst of engineering an economic renaissance, the General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems factory is a major boon. It is expected to employ at least 125 people; bring business opportunities to local suppliers, retailers and restaurants; and, city officials hope, potentially help turn the area into an industrial hotbed of well-paying jobs.

None of that appears to have persuaded Rep. Lance Gooden, the Republican whose district will house the new plant, to support continuing U.S. aid to Ukraine. Over the summer, he joined dozens of his GOP House colleagues in calling for an end to American support for Ukraine’s fight, voting for measures to strip $300 million in security assistance for the war-torn country from next year’s defense budget and prohibit Congress from approving any more funds for the conflict.

His opposition and that of many others in his party has imperiled President Joe Biden’s request for $24 billion in additional funding for the war, threatening to derail an emergency spending bill that lawmakers in both parties are working to push through Congress this month.

The war started on February 24, 2022, and we’re fast approaching the 2nd year, with little change all around. Ukraine’s spring offensive didn’t end up doing a whole lot, and Biden wants to continue showering Ukraine with billions, holding aid to Maui hostage. But, consider what the NY Times is saying: that artillery plant won’t go into operation till next year. At that point, it will take time to start production of the shells and shipping them. How freaking long is this war supposed to go on? How long will the U.S. be funding and supplying Ukraine?

It reflects how the “America First” mentality popularized by former President Donald Trump has spread and intensified among Republicans, prompting increasing numbers of lawmakers — including some whose constituents benefit directly from continued U.S. aid to Ukraine — to refuse to keep supporting it. And it is one major driver of the spending showdowns to come this fall as lawmakers toil to reach agreement on both the routine annual spending bills and an extra package of aid for crises at home and abroad.

Of course there’s some Trump Derangement Syndrome included. This is not about “America First”, it’s about not spending money we don’t have on a war that has little consequences to the U.S. when our own people need that money.

“We’re proud that they’re made in Ohio’s 4th District,” Rep. Jim Jordan, the Republican whose district includes the Lima Army Tank Plant, said of the Abrams tanks, “but our constituents have great concerns about seemingly unlimited taxpayer money being used to fund the war in Ukraine, especially when Americans are struggling at home with rising inflation and places like East Palestine and Maui continue to be ignored by the Biden administration.”

There are lots of Democrats and Independents who are wondering why we’re funding Ukraine, with much of the money going to pay the lawmakers and rich folks in Ukraine. They’re wondering when this will end. And wondering why our citizens are suffering.

Read: NY Times Says Ukraine Aid Benefits GOP Districts, So It’s A Shame Many Republicans Are Against It »

Small Island Nations Sue Over Global Boiling

They’re totally worried about the sea rise. And getting lots of sweet, sweet, climate cash from Other Countries with no strings attached

Small island nations take high-emitting countries to court to protect the ocean

In a landmark hearing, small island nations disproportionately affected by the climate crisis will take on high-emitting countries in a court in Hamburg, Germany, on 11 September, in what is being seen as the first climate justice case aimed at protecting the ocean.

During the two-day hearing, the nations – including the Bahamas, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Antigua and Barbuda among others – will ask the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (Itlos) to determine whether greenhouse gas emissions absorbed by the marine environment should be considered pollution.

Well, most likely, the court, full of hardcore Progressives, will rule in their favor. Vanuatu has seen their island size grow, the sea is barely rising there, they have over 30 fossil fueled airports, oh, and their foreign minister said back in 2018, when they were considering the lawsuit “This is really about claiming for the damages.” Shakedown.

Tuvalu is also barely seeing sea rise. Same with the rest. And they all depend on fossil fueled travel and tourism, along with ships and planes to bring in goods.

Most countries have obligations under the legally binding UN convention on the law of the sea to take measures to prevent, reduce and control marine pollution.

If the case, brought by the Commission of Small Island States on Climate Change and International Law (Cosis), is successful, these obligations would include carbon-emission reduction and protection of marine environments already damaged by CO2 pollution.

And cash. Lots of cash.

“Sea levels are rising rapidly, threatening to sink our lands below the ocean,” Kausea Natano, the prime minister of Tuvalu, said in a statement.

Again. Tuvalo is barely rising. Perhaps everyone could simply save these vacation spots by not traveling there. No cruise ships, no flights. No shipments of goods. Oh, and Tuvalo is also growing.

Read: Small Island Nations Sue Over Global Boiling »

Pirate's Cove