If All You See…

…is a lake that will soon flood from Bad Weather, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is 90Ninety Miles From Tyranny, with a post on a little girl who lost her father on 9/11.

Read: If All You See… »

Djokovic Is Now A Good Guy Despite His COVID “Vaccine” Stance

I do not really follow tennis that much, but, I know a few people who do, and will watch it a lot, including the parents. I’ve never heard them rail against Djokovic, not my dad call him a bum. But, really, this is more about COVID

In Winning His 24th Grand Slam Singles Title, Novak Djokovic Is Now The Good Guy

During the second set of Novak Djokovic’s historic U.S. Open victory over Daniil Medvedev on Sunday night, Djokovic, 36, was starting to show his age. Djokovic and Medvedev played a match that featured a slew of fabulous rallies—36 shots, 31 shots, 28 shots, 27 shots, 26 shots—and they appeared, at times, to be playing like two friends enjoying a hit-around at the park, except for the shots firing like rockets at one another, each man summoning the strength and concentration to return the ball over the net. (snip)

Only victory for Djokovic, whose 6-3, 7-6, 6-3 win over Medvedev gave him his 24th Grand Slam title, tying him with Margaret Court for the most singles majors won by a tennis player in history. What’s more, the victory finishes off a stunning transformation for Djokovic. He’s no longer a tennis heel. He’s a hero.

At the start of his run of titles, Djokovic was the cocky upstart from Serbia who crashed the Roger Federer-Rafael Nadal rivalry. Their dual domination would morph into a trio, and fervent Federer and Nadal supporters never forgave him. But now that Federer is retired, and Nadal has said he expects next year to be his last, some Djokovic haters have softened their stance. They have no choice but to admire his all-time greatness.

So, he was the “bad guy” for being good at tennis? No, Time Magazine really means this

He also earned many critics during the Covid-19 pandemic. He created a mini-tour that spread the coronavirus in June of 2020. He refused the Covid-19 vaccine, and was deported from Australia in 2022 when he refused to comply with regulations. He could not compete in the U.S. Open last year, since he was not vaccinated.

His stance may have been maddening for many. But it’s hard to hold it against Djokovic forever, especially now that we’re in a post-pandemic era.

And he and the others who caught COVID were just fine. Why would he need the jab when he already had COVID and developed the anti-bodies? Did the “vaccine” stop people from getting COVID? Sure doesn’t look like it. How many times have we seen tweets from people saying they’re jabbed and boosted and have COVID? Why are those lines included unless his vaccine stance made him a bad guy?

Read: Djokovic Is Now A Good Guy Despite His COVID “Vaccine” Stance »

Hotcoldwetdry Take: Biden Says ‘Climate Change’ Worse Than Nuclear War

Well, nuclear war is also something Brandon is trying to make happen. Fortunately, he’s incompetent (the original Bloomberg article is beyond paywalled, you can read it here)

Biden Says Climate Change Poses Greater Threat Than Nuclear War

President Joe Biden said the sole threat to humanity’s existence is climate change, and that not even nuclear conflict poses a similar danger. The president added “we’re going to be in real trouble” if, in the next decade or two, warming goes above the 1.5C temperature increase that scientists consider a tipping point for increasing the chances of extreme weather events.

“There’s no way back from that,” Biden continued. “And so there’s a lot we can do in the meantime.” Biden spoke following the Group of 20 summit in India, where leaders agreed to a series of climate actions, including a pledge to triple renewable energy capacity by the end of the decade.

Last time I checked, Biden took a long fossil fueled trip to India, along with tons of staff, just like the other members of the G20. Then Biden flew to Vietnam. Helicopters, jumbo jets, fighter jets, dozens of fossil fueled SUVs and limos. Then there’s this bit of wackadoodleness

(Washington Examiner) President Joe Biden made a reference to John Wayne Sunday to underscore his frustration with disagreement over climate change.

“The Indian looks at John Wayne and points to the Union soldier and says, ‘He’s a lying, dog-faced pony soldier!'” Biden said during a press conference in Hanoi, Vietnam. “Well, there’s a lot of lying, dog-faced pony soldiers out there about global warming.”

Dude’s nuts.

Read: Hotcoldwetdry Take: Biden Says ‘Climate Change’ Worse Than Nuclear War »

GOP Squishes Start Coming Out Of Woodwork Over Impeaching Biden

Republicans can only afford to lose a few for any vote on impeachment, including a vote to start impeachment. How many squishes are out there?

GOP rep says House shouldn’t ‘repeat mistakes’ of Trump impeachment with Biden

Rep. French Hill (R-Ark.) said Sunday the House should not “repeat the mistakes” of former Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-Calif.) impeachment inquiry into former President Trump when weighing the same for President Biden.

“We don’t want to repeat the mistakes we think that Nancy Pelosi made by prematurely moving to impeachment during the Trump administration,” Hill said in an interview on CBS’s “Face the Nation.”

Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) has suggested the House could hold a vote to launch an impeachment inquiry as soon as this month, despite hesitation from some GOP moderates.

House Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.), who is leading a congressional investigation into Biden’s family and business dealings, said last week he believes there are enough votes in the House to open an impeachment inquiry.

Hill said he does not believe Comer nor House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) have “even remotely completed” the investigations into the Biden family’s foreign business dealings.

“I don’t believe they’ve even remotely completed their work on the kind of detailed investigations and quality work that Speaker McCarthy is expecting both those committees to produce before someone goes to, you know, an impeachment activity,” the Arkansas representative said.

How much more does he want? Here’s just part of Greg Stuebe’s submitted article of impeachment

Robert Hunter Biden (Hunter Biden) and James Biden sold access to then Vice President Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. (Joe Biden) while he was in office from 2009 to 2017 and sold promised access to a future Biden Presidential Administration while he was out of office from 2017 to 2021. Hunter and James appear to have promised official actions by Joe Biden in return for payments and business opportunities from foreign and domestic business partners. Joe Biden assisted by making appearances, phone calls, meeting with the “business partners,” and knowingly allowing his family members to promise access to him and actions by him in furtherance of these schemes. Hunter Biden threatened business partners that official actions could be taken against them if they did not meet terms or make payments. In at least one instance, Hunter implied that Joe Biden was aware of these threats and willing to assist in enforcing the threats, potentially through official actions. Hunter Biden attempted to enrich himself and the Biden family by threatening official actions from his father, who he claims was willing to assist in the scheme.

That should be enough for Hill, right? How about Obstruction of Justice, Fraud, and financial involvement with drugs and prostitution? How about his horrendous Afghanistan debacle, while he was off at Camp David relaxing? Violating the 1st Amendment Rights of citizen by telling social media companies to censor citizens? Making deals with Iran with zero statutory authority? Forcing people to wear masks and take the COVID “vaccine”? Leaving the border wide open? Is that not enough for the squishes?

Back when the Dems were going after, and then impeaching Trump twice for nothing burgers, they were told that what’s good for the good is good for the gander, and to expect retaliation. However, there are too many sqishes who just do not want to play politics.

Read: GOP Squishes Start Coming Out Of Woodwork Over Impeaching Biden »

9/11 At Twenty Two: Never Forget

As I have done every year since the 5th anniversary of September 11th, I remember two wonderful individuals, Brook Jackman and Andrew Golkin, who I’ll never have a possible chance to meet and converse with, due to 19 murderous Islamist terrorists and their superiors, who attacked our country on that fateful day.

Read More »

Read: 9/11 At Twenty Two: Never Forget »

If All You See…

…is fatty processed food which is Bad for the climate, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post wondering how old you have to be to defend yourself.

It’s a clearing out the folder week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another fine day in the Once And Future Nation Of America. A bit of rain to feed the plants, the fish tank is all nice and clean, and the Giants start their season tonight. This pinup is by Baron Von Lind, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. The American Conservative covers Pence vs populism
  2. Shot In The Dark mentions that a conservative is a liberal who’s been mugged
  3. Power Line wants you to meet the unhinged new principle of a grade school
  4. Pacific Pundit discusses the wacko 1st and 2nd Amendment hating Governor of New Mexico
  5. neo-neocon covers Trump as a martyr
  6. Moonbattery notes that STEM majors can no longer do calculus
  7. Legal Insurrection highlights The View harpies going full NIMBY on illegal aliens
  8. Geller Report discusses the latest horrors in Maui
  9. Cold Fury covers the too old folks on Capitol Hill
  10. Climate Depot notes a UK bill that would allow force to install smart meters
  11. Blazing Cat Fur covers property issues as people get out of liberal hell Toronto
  12. American Greatness discusses a lovesick astronaut damaging a spacecraft
  13. American Elephants notes that the death toll in Maui is not as bad as it could have been
  14. Watts Up With That? covers the high cost of wind power
  15. And last, but, not least, Not A Lot Of People Know That discusses how much people will pay for net zero

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

NY Times, Democrats Upset GOP Gets Optics Of Chicago Over-run By Illegals

Why? Because the Democrats will be holding their convention in Chicago in 2024. Is this pouncing or seizing by the GOP?

GOP Gets the Democratic Border Crisis It Wanted

Republicans PounceWhen Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas began sending migrants and asylum-seekers from the southwestern frontier to New York, Washington and Chicago, he vowed to bring the border to the Democratic cities he said were naively dismissing its costs.

A year later, the migrant waves he helped set in motion have put northern “sanctuary” cities increasingly on edge, their budgets stretched, their communities strained. And a border crisis that has animated Republican politics for years is now dividing the Democratic Party. Humanitarian impulses are crashing into desperate resource constraints, and once-loyal Democratic allies have reluctantly joined Republicans to train their fire on President Joe Biden. (snip through a mention of the issues in Chicago, LA, NYC, etc)

Still, the rising clamor is creating a rare convergence between the two parties, which for years have fought in seemingly parallel political universes. Democrats focused on issues like abortion, the preservation of democracy and expansion of health care, while Republicans warned of a migrant “invasion” and railed against “woke” liberal ideology, socialism and expanding LGBTQ rights. Endless Republican news conferences at the border and threats to impeach Alejandro Mayorkas, the homeland security secretary, were dismissed as political bluster.

Now, suddenly, some Democrats are sounding remarkably like Republicans.

Well, they’re caterwauling, but, they aren’t quite at the point of demanding that illegal immigration be shut down, that illegals be sent packing, and that the sham of an asylum system be utterly revamped so we aren’t having them demand entrance, claim asylum, then never leave and just disappear when their claim is denied.

“Upstate New Yorkers shouldn’t be forced to bear responsibility for decades of failed immigration policy, dysfunction and stupidity out of Washington, Albany and places like New York City,” said Josh Riley, the Democratic candidate seeking to unseat Rep. Marc Molinaro, a Hudson Valley Republican. Riley added that it was time for Biden to “to step up and help out.”

Riley is short on details, but, he is calling to secure the border and revamp the visa system. But, will people believe him? Is he gaslighting? Because he has been yammering about “comprehensive immigration reform”, ie, amnesty.

Tom Suozzi, a Democratic former congressperson from Long Island mulling a comeback attempt next year, urged Biden to take a page from one of his predecessors, Bill Clinton. Suozzi said the president should propose to Republicans a moderate package of reforms that balances border security with “the very real human suffering that exists.”

“If the Republicans come to the table with the president and the Democrats, America has a path forward,” Suozzi said. “If the Republicans reject the president’s moderate solution, it exposes them as simply playing politics on this issue.”

Hmm, that sounds like “playing politics”, and sounds just like all the other BS Democrat proposals that are about amnesty and such now for a promise for secure borders later. What Democrats do not want are a ton of illegals bringing their crime and such to Chicago during the DNC.

Read: NY Times, Democrats Upset GOP Gets Optics Of Chicago Over-run By Illegals »

New Zealand Looks To Lab Grown Fruit Due To Climate Crisis (scam)

Well, this is a new one

In the face of climate change and food insecurity, New Zealand considers lab-grown fruit

In the face of growing food security concerns due to climate change, scientists in New Zealand are attempting to grow fruit tissue in labs.

While work on lab-grown meat has made headlines in recent years, similar work on fruit is less common. Scientists at Plant & Food Research in the southern city of Christchurch are aiming to change that by growing fruit tissue from plant cells that they hope will one day taste, smell and feel like real fruit. Researchers hope that the program will help safeguard the country’s food security.

“Here in New Zealand, we’re good at growing conventional horticultural crops,” said Dr Ben Schon, the lead scientist for the Food by Design program at the government-backed Plant & Food Research, “but looking into the future, there’s a lot of change coming in the world with population growth, increasing urbanisation and climate change.”

It’s always something with these people. Just crazy stuff

The program aims to grow fruit tissue without the parts that are usually discarded like the core of the apple or the rind of an orange. Providing consumers with only the tissue of fruit will help reduce food waste, said Schon.

See? Fruit is now Evil for ‘climate change’.


Large Herbivores Can Help Prevent Massive Wildfires

Ecosystem engineering to reintroduce large herbivores into fire-prone regions in Australia has shown some promise, yet conservationists and media outlets often portray these animals as helpless victims. As a relatively inexpensive part of any fire prevention strategy, we must prioritize the reintroduction of either wild or domestic large herbivores into fire-prone areas to help prevent these disasters.

Wait, you mean clearing out all the brush can do wonders to reduce wildfires, which are set around 80% of the time by humans, either intentionally or unintentionally? Huh.

Read: New Zealand Looks To Lab Grown Fruit Due To Climate Crisis (scam) »

If All You See…

…are trees which can no longer suck carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Feral Irishman, with a post on a cool moment at a Disturbed concert.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove