UN Secretary Wants People Who Took Huge Fossil Fueled Trips To Put Out Message On ‘Climate Change’

Perhaps the UN General Secretary should avoid taking long fossil fueled trips himself

UN secretary-general has urged the Group of 20 leaders to send a strong message on climate change

U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres on Friday urged the Group of 20 top economic powers, which are responsible for more than 80% of the emissions that cause global warming, to use their weekend summit to send a strong message on climate change.

Guterres said all licensing or funding for new fossil fuel projects should be stopped and that the G20 must keep the “1.5-degree goal alive,” referring to the 2015 Paris climate agreement that set 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) as a global guardrail in atmospheric warming, with countries pledging to try to prevent that much long-term warming if possible. (snip)

“The climate crisis is worsening dramatically — but the collective response is lacking in ambition, credibility, and urgency,” Guterres said at a news conference at the U.N. office in New Delhi.

Last I checked, the G20 is meeting in India, meaning that, other than India, all those leaders took long fossil fueled trips, mostly in large private jets, many bringing their own limos. Same as Guterres.

India’s priorities for the G20 summit include efforts to develop alternative fuels like hydrogen, resource efficiency and reforming development banks like the World Bank and International Monetary Fund to help make funds more accessible for lower- and middle-income countries as they seek solutions to combat climate change.

Along with all those coal fired power plants

Guterres called on big emitters to make additional efforts to cut emissions and rich countries to meet the climate finance commitments made already.

Why should we make any effort to cut “emissions” when the elites like Guterres won’t in their own lives?

Read: UN Secretary Wants People Who Took Huge Fossil Fueled Trips To Put Out Message On ‘Climate Change’ »

Biden Regime Considers Instituting A Remain In Texas Policy

Gotta keep all those illegal aliens/migrants out of LA and NE Democrat voting sanctuary areas

Biden administration considers forcing migrant families to remain in Texas

The Biden administration is considering forcing some migrant families who enter the country without authorization to remain near the border in Texas while awaiting asylum screening, effectively limiting their ability to travel within the United States, three U.S. officials told The Times.

Administration officials have been considering the idea as a way to stem recent increases in the numbers of migrant families crossing the southern border, which reportedly reached an all-time high last month. Supporters of the remain-in-Texas idea, which has yet to be finalized, hope that it would help the administration advance its goals of quickly deporting families who fail initial asylum screenings and deterring other families from crossing in the first place.

Oh, please. We all know this is to keep them away from the sanctuary areas. If he institutes this you can bet he’ll fly them to areas away from the people who vote for Democrats

The Biden plan would force certain migrant families to remain in Texas — or possibly other border states — by tracking their location through GPS monitoring devices, such as ankle bracelets, according to the three officials, who were not authorized to speak publicly on the matter. The families would be put through an asylum screening process to determine whether they could stay in the U.S. and proceed with their claims. Officials have discussed working with local organizations to provide housing for the families.

Yeah yeah yeah. It keeps them in Texas, and means Abbott can’t ship them to sanctuary areas. Oh, but, see, there’s a problem with keeping them in Texas

That would be the northeast border, and there’s no telling about other sections of the norther border, as they come in through Canada.

NY Gov. Hochul says she is considering special legislative session on migrants

Gov. Kathy Hochul said Thursday that she is “entertaining” the possibility of calling lawmakers back to Albany for a special session to address New York City’s migrant crisis.

“I’m entertaining all of my options right now — we’re working closely with [Mayor Eric Adams] to resolve this,” Hochul, a Democrat, said at a news conference in Albany.

Hochul has previously called the Legislature back from vacation to address gun safety and abortion protections. But her remarks Thursday, with the next session months away, marked her strongest public suggestion she might convene an extraordinary session on migrants.

She might not like it if she does

It is unclear what issues might animate a special session. Some of the Republicans’ migrant demands, including a declaration that New York is not a sanctuary state, might be nonstarters in the left-leaning state Legislature. Hochul on Thursday rejected the demand.

And upstate and suburban lawmakers of both parties may be wary of some of the mayor’s aims, which include forcing more areas of the state to welcome migrants, and securing more taxpayer money from the state government, which has already pledged about $1.5 billion to help the city with the surge.

Sounds like a fun time in the sanctuary state of NY.

Read: Biden Regime Considers Instituting A Remain In Texas Policy »

Bummer: Climate Cult Report Card Shows Countries Trying But Failing Post-Paris

Yeah, remember that “historic” Paris climate cult agreement, written in a way to avoid having the legislative bodies of nations, mostly the U.S., vote on them? How the participants were super enthused and the media lauded them?

Climate Report Card Says Countries Are Trying, but Urgently Need Improvement

electric vehicleEight years after world leaders approved a landmark agreement in Paris to fight climate change, countries have made only limited progress in staving off the most dangerous effects of global warming, according to the first official report card on the global climate treaty.

Many of the worst-case climate change scenarios that were much feared in the early 2010s look far less likely today, the report said. The authors partly credit the 2015 Paris Agreement, under which, for the first time, almost every country agreed to submit a voluntary plan to curb in its own planet-warming emissions. Since then, the rise in global greenhouse gases has notably slowed.

Yet those efforts still aren’t enough to avoid calamity, according to the report, which was written by representatives from the United States and South Africa and based on contributions from hundreds of governments, scientists and civil society groups from around the world. (snip)

Countries are far from meeting those goals. Current climate pledges would put the world on track for a significantly more hazardous 2.5 degrees Celsius or so of warming by 2100, assuming nations followed through on their plans. In order to keep global warming at safer levels, global emissions would need to plunge roughly 60 percent by 2035, which would most likely require a much faster expansion of energy sources like wind, solar or nuclear power and a sharp decrease in pollution from fossil fuels like oil, coal and natural gas.

Well, if all the Warmists would practice what they preach, especially the Elite grand-high poobahs, we could cut the “pollution” easily. Let them give up all fossil fueled travel, move into tiny homes, give up meat, turn the AC up to 78 and the heat down to 64.

Under the Paris deal, wealthy emitters like the United States and Europe vowed to provide $100 billion per year from public and private sources by 2020 for this purpose. But they have yet to fulfill that promise. In 2020, industrialized countries provided $83.3 billion in climate finance. And only a small fraction of that money goes toward adaptation, such as building sea walls or helping farmers cope with drought, which is often the most pressing need.

Biden has no legal authority to do this without funding from the Legislative Branch, and Obama never put Paris up for a vote. We give enough of our hard earned money to other countries for little to no return. The climate cash is a shakedown.

One obstacle, the report noted, is that it is often difficult to track adaptation efforts or measure how successful they are.

“It’s a lot harder to track progress on adaptation than it is to track progress on finance or cutting emissions,” said Richard Klein of the Stockholm Environment Institute, who added that coming up with global goals for adaptation would be a key challenge for future climate talks.

It’s just a giveaway, much like to Ukraine.

Read: Bummer: Climate Cult Report Card Shows Countries Trying But Failing Post-Paris »

If All You See…

…is the message that Other People should not eat meat by government force, you might be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Gateway Pundit, with a post on Hunter being embarrassed about his laptop contents but still won’t admit it’s his

Read: If All You See… »

California General Assembly Sends Anti-Inappropriate Book Ban Bill To Governor

Does this mean that the other books banned by school districts in California, like To Kill A Mockingbird, Huckleberry Finn, Of Mice And Men, The Cay and Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry will now be taught/available in the libraries? Probably not. This is all about protecting highly sexualized and white people hating books from being removed from schools despite being completely inappropriate for the children’s age

California Legislature sends Newsom his ‘anti-book ban’ bill

California Democrats on Thursday passed legislation that would fine school districts for rejecting textbooks or school library books for discriminatory reasons — a bill backed by Gov. Gavin Newsom that he is expected to sign.

Assembly Bill 1078, carried by Assemblymember Corey Jackson (D-Perris), this year became the administration’s central legislative response to conservative school boards’ embrace of the education culture wars. Newsom aides worked to craft the latest version of the legislation in response to a GOP-backed school board in Temecula that gained notoriety with state Democrats for blocking social studies textbooks over their inclusion of gay rights icon Harvey Milk.

“California is the true freedom state: a place where families — not political fanatics — have the freedom to decide what’s right for them,” Newsom said in a statement after the bill cleared its final legislative hurdle Thursday. “All students deserve the freedom to read and learn about the truth, the world, and themselves.”

Not mentioned is that most of the books being challenged are so sexualized that school boards won’t even let parents read from them at meetings?

There is such a thing as age appropriate, and most of these books are being kept out of schools from the classroom to the library for young kids, much like these same young kids shouldn’t be going to PG-13, R, and X rated movies. They can’t if it’s R or above. Yet, the material in those books is often X rated. And other books tell white kids how horrible and racist they are for what adults did long, long ago. Why are Democrats so hot to force this stuff on children?

Read: California General Assembly Sends Anti-Inappropriate Book Ban Bill To Governor »

Good News: Biden Regime Cancels Drilling Leases In Alaska

It’s amazing that a guy who uses an incredibly huge amount of fossil fuels to travel to Delaware or somewhere else virtually every weekend in office wants to limit your use of fossil fuels and skyrocket your fuel costs. He doesn’t pay for the fuel for helicopters, SUVs, and jumbo jets

Biden Administration Cancels Remaining Fossil Fuel Leases in Alaska’s Arctic Refuge

st greta carThe Biden administration officially canceled the seven remaining oil and gas leases in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge on Wednesday and proposed protections to stop development and protect millions of acres in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska.

According to Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland, the decision was made to further push for environmental protections throughout the country and to protect Alaskan wildlife. The National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska is home to polar bears, caribou, and thousands of migratory birds.

“With climate change warming the Arctic more than twice as fast as the rest of the planet, we must do everything within our control to meet the highest standards of care to protect this fragile ecosystem,” Haaland said via a press release.

‘Climate change’ seems to be warming everywhere twice as fast as everywhere else.

Some Democrats are upset as well. The leases and other fossil fuel projects have been supported by figures on both sides of the political aisle because, you guessed it, development and drilling have created jobs. U.S. Representative Mary Peltola, who is a Democrat, said that canceling the leases would especially harm local indigenous communities.

Well, perhaps you Democrats should stop rubber-stamping everything Biden does. Brandon is also making transportation more difficult

Biden admin overturns Trump-era rule allowing fossil fuel transport by train

The Biden administration has announced it will prevent the use of rail tank cars to transport liquified natural gas.

Coming from the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) Friday, the new rule reverses a previous one that was put in place under former President Donald Trump.

“PHMSA, in coordination with the Federal Railroad Administration, is amending the Hazardous Materials Regulations to suspend authorization of liquefied natural gas (LNG) transportation in rail tank cars pursuant to a final rule published on July 24, 2020, pending the earlier of either completion of a companion rulemaking evaluating potential modifications to requirements governing rail tank car transportation of LNG, or June 30, 2025,” PHMSA wrote.

Everything is about making your life more expensive as pushed by people who have the government, meaning your taxes, pay for their lives.

Read: Good News: Biden Regime Cancels Drilling Leases In Alaska »

Splodin’: SCNY Mayor Says Illegal Immigration Will Destroy City

Back in the day when I and so many used to blog a lot about terrorism there was something called “splodin'”, which was when a jihadi unintentionally set off their bomb early, usually taking themselves and other jihadis out. My favorite was a jihadi strapping on his suicide vest in Pakistan, then tripped and fell down the stairs from the 2nd floor and it went off. Good stuff. Watching liberal mayors of declared sanctuary cities lose their sh*t reminds me of splodin’

Adams: Cost of migrants ‘will destroy New York City’

New York City Mayor Eric Adams made some of his strongest comments yet on his concerns about the unending flow of migrants coming to the city, warning it will upend neighborhoods and continue to strain resources.

“Never in my life have I had a problem that I did not see an ending to. I don’t see an ending to this,” Adams said Wednesday night.

Adams, a Democrat, was speaking at a town hall organized by his office on Manhattan’s Upper West Side. His opening remarks lamented the financial impact of the city’s efforts to house and serve more than 100,000 migrants over the last year.

“This issue will destroy New York City. … All of us are going to be impacted by this. I said it last year when we had 15,000, and I’m telling you now at 110,000. The city we knew, we’re about to lose,” he continued.

It’s a real shame when Democrats have to deal with their beliefs when they wanted the problem to be Someone Else’s problem, eh?

Republicans praised Adams, jumping off his words to promote the party’s position of reducing immigration and knocking the White House for not doing more.

“The first step towards solving a problem is admitting you have one. Credit to Mayor Adams for being truthful in this clip about the scope of NYC’s migrant crisis,” Rep. Nick LaLota (R-N.Y.) wrote on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter. “Now, he must repeal NYC’s sanctuary policies & President Biden must reinstate Remain in Mexico to help solve it.”

The solution is simple: shut down the borders as much as possible. Anyone here illegally is to be deported immediately. This includes visa overstays. End asylum, allowing those here legally to assimilate, like has been done several times in the past. We can work on the “Dreamers”. I like my plan, we could also do Rand Paul’s plan, however, his doesn’t include forcing the people who “sinned” by bringing the kids illegally to leave the U.S. Enforce visas. No more constant reauthorization when they aren’t supposed to be, with the visa holders being here so long they demand citizenship, and are bringing over all their relatives. No. Increase the temporary worker permits, especially for Mexicans, we can get back to where everyone could cross the border at will and then everyone goes home.

Otherwise, Abbott and DeSantis should triple the buses going to sanctuary areas.

Read: Splodin’: SCNY Mayor Says Illegal Immigration Will Destroy City »

Reuters Demands Action At COP28 Or Something

You know what real action would look like? Well, for one, reporters not acting as activists, which is what is happening her. Also, not having tens of thousands take long fossil fueled travel, buying all sorts of fast fashion which lets them take all their cute selfies, all while demanding that Other People reduce their own standard of living

COP28 needs to show action not words for business, finance leaders

Less talk and more action on decarbonising the energy system should be the main focus of world leaders at the next round of climate talks, speakers at the Reuters IMPACT conference said.

So, wait, Reuters held a conference where at ton of Warmists took fossil fueled trips? Huh

November’s COP28 conference in Dubai is seen as a crucial opportunity for governments to accelerate action to limit global warming and preserve nature, yet to-date most countries are nowhere close to reaching net-zero carbon emissions.

“What we want to see, all of us, is a real sense of urgency about reducing CO2 emissions,” Roche Vice-Chair Andre Hoffmann said.

“We are going to get to (a) position where we really need to show results. We need to show action, and I’m not sure that what I’ve read so far of the COP28 will be strong enough for that.”

Speaking on a separate panel on Thursday, Eelco van der Enden, chief executive of the Global Reporting Initiative agreed: “I would suggest that they stick to the words of the late and great American philosopher Elvis Presley: a little less conversation, a little more action.”

So, how do we trust the news when they are no long impartial? When they are basically part of a cult? Would you trust a reporter who’s a member of a cult, say, Scientology, if they were reporting on Scientology and telling you everything is great?

Despite rapidly falling prices for renewable energy, Roche’s (ROG.S) Hoffmann said much faster action was needed.

“This is not just the time for good intentions, it’s a time for decarbonising our energy production system.”

With cutting edge climate tech such as sucking carbon out of the air set to play a big role in the discussions in Dubai, Celine Herweijer, chief sustainability officer at HSBC (HSBA.L) said it was important to remember there was more to be done to increase the use of renewable energy.

So, basically, people who stand to make a lot of money by forcing Doing Something want to force people to Do Something? Go figure.

Despite that, Steer said there was cause for optimism, particularly if governments embraced the need for, and opportunities that would open up by, “smart, bold action”.

“You’ll have greater economic efficiency, you will drive new technologies, you will lower risk and you will reshape expectations about the future. And those four things combined can lead to a lot of dynamism.”

Green Fascists are happy to get government to force citizens to act in a certain way and take their money so the same Fascists can make money.

Read: Reuters Demands Action At COP28 Or Something »

If All You See…


The blog of the day is The Lid, with a post on Harvard being ranked worst for free speech.

I do have to say, this is the type of selfie that makes me laugh. You put on your expensive boots, short shorts, and barely there bustier (she may have taken her actual top off to take the selfie), and possibly paid a boatload for the seat just to take a sexy selfie.

Read: If All You See… »

Federal Judge Orders Texas To Move River Barriers

Too bad the judge didn’t order the Brandon regime to actual secure the border, as required by federal law and the U.S. Constitution

Federal judge orders Texas to remove floating barriers aimed at deterring migrants on Rio Grande

Americans before illegalsA federal judge ordered Texas to remove floating barriers in the Rio Grande and barred the state from building new or placing additional buoys in the river, according to a Wednesday court filing, marking a victory for the Biden administration.

Judge David Alan Ezra ordered Texas to take down the barriers by September 15 at its own expense.

The border buoys have been a hot button immigration issue since they were deployed in the Rio Grande as part of Gov. Greg Abbott’s border security initiative known as Operation Lone Star. The Justice Department had sued the state of Texas in July claiming that the buoys were installed unlawfully and asking the judge to force the state to remove them.

In the lawsuit, filed in US District Court in the Western District of Texas, the Justice Department alleged that Texas and Abbott violated the Rivers and Harbors Appropriation Act by building a structure in US water without permission from United States Army Corps of Engineers and sought an injunction to bar Texas from building additional barriers in the river. The Republican governor, meanwhile, has argued the buoys are intended to deter migrants from crossing into the state from Mexico.

Biden doesn’t want anyone to get in the way of unfettered illegal immigration. Abbott should invest in a lot more buses. Doesn’t Biden have a fence at the White House? One being built at his beach house? Barriers at the DOJ building?

Texas swiftly appealed the judge’s order.

“This ruling is incorrect and will be overturned on appeal. We will continue to utilize every strategy to secure the border, including deploying Texas National Guard soldiers and Department of Public Safety troopers and installing strategic barriers,” Abbott’s office said in a statement, adding that the state “is prepared to take this fight all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court.”

Well, it won’t be a long trip, but, Gov Greg Abbott should send a busload or two of illegals and drop them off outside Ezra’s court in Austin, Texas. And drop a bunch off at the DOJ building in D.C. And the White House. On the face of it, the ruling may be correct per law, being an international border, but, I hope Texas argues on appeal that the federal government is not doing much to stop illegals from crossing into the U.S.

Meanwhile, more justice system run amok

California Judge Halts School District’s Transgender Parental Notification Policy

A California judge granted the state government’s request for a temporary restraining order against the Chino Valley Unified School District’s new policy requiring parents to be notified if a child wishes to become transgender.

Though the full case will resume in October, San Bernardino Superior Court Judge Thomas Garza — appointed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) in 2007 — seemed inclined to rule in favor of the state’s argument that the policy violates the rights of children who say they are transgender, and against the district’s contention that the policy is a common-sense rule that protects children and the rights of parents to be involved in their children’s upbringing.

Our justice system is protecting illegal aliens over U.S. citizens and groomers over the well-being of children.

Read: Federal Judge Orders Texas To Move River Barriers »

Pirate's Cove