Federal Judge Orders Texas To Move River Barriers

Too bad the judge didn’t order the Brandon regime to actual secure the border, as required by federal law and the U.S. Constitution

Federal judge orders Texas to remove floating barriers aimed at deterring migrants on Rio Grande

Americans before illegalsA federal judge ordered Texas to remove floating barriers in the Rio Grande and barred the state from building new or placing additional buoys in the river, according to a Wednesday court filing, marking a victory for the Biden administration.

Judge David Alan Ezra ordered Texas to take down the barriers by September 15 at its own expense.

The border buoys have been a hot button immigration issue since they were deployed in the Rio Grande as part of Gov. Greg Abbott’s border security initiative known as Operation Lone Star. The Justice Department had sued the state of Texas in July claiming that the buoys were installed unlawfully and asking the judge to force the state to remove them.

In the lawsuit, filed in US District Court in the Western District of Texas, the Justice Department alleged that Texas and Abbott violated the Rivers and Harbors Appropriation Act by building a structure in US water without permission from United States Army Corps of Engineers and sought an injunction to bar Texas from building additional barriers in the river. The Republican governor, meanwhile, has argued the buoys are intended to deter migrants from crossing into the state from Mexico.

Biden doesn’t want anyone to get in the way of unfettered illegal immigration. Abbott should invest in a lot more buses. Doesn’t Biden have a fence at the White House? One being built at his beach house? Barriers at the DOJ building?

Texas swiftly appealed the judge’s order.

“This ruling is incorrect and will be overturned on appeal. We will continue to utilize every strategy to secure the border, including deploying Texas National Guard soldiers and Department of Public Safety troopers and installing strategic barriers,” Abbott’s office said in a statement, adding that the state “is prepared to take this fight all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court.”

Well, it won’t be a long trip, but, Gov Greg Abbott should send a busload or two of illegals and drop them off outside Ezra’s court in Austin, Texas. And drop a bunch off at the DOJ building in D.C. And the White House. On the face of it, the ruling may be correct per law, being an international border, but, I hope Texas argues on appeal that the federal government is not doing much to stop illegals from crossing into the U.S.

Meanwhile, more justice system run amok

California Judge Halts School District’s Transgender Parental Notification Policy

A California judge granted the state government’s request for a temporary restraining order against the Chino Valley Unified School District’s new policy requiring parents to be notified if a child wishes to become transgender.

Though the full case will resume in October, San Bernardino Superior Court Judge Thomas Garza — appointed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) in 2007 — seemed inclined to rule in favor of the state’s argument that the policy violates the rights of children who say they are transgender, and against the district’s contention that the policy is a common-sense rule that protects children and the rights of parents to be involved in their children’s upbringing.

Our justice system is protecting illegal aliens over U.S. citizens and groomers over the well-being of children.

Read: Federal Judge Orders Texas To Move River Barriers »

UN Quickly Moves From “Global Boiling” To “Climate Breakdown”

It’s not really a new term, the climate cultists have been yammering about this for years, but, I guess it polls better than global boiling

UN announces ‘climate breakdown’ after record summer heat

“Climate breakdown has begun”, the United Nations chief has warned as the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) reported that the world went through its hottest Northern Hemisphere summer on record.

The WMO, citing data from the European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), said on Wednesday that last month was the the hottest August on record “by a large margin” and the second hottest ever month after July 2023.

Remember, when they started trotting this out they were only using data for the satellite era, going back to 1979. Do we have specific data to compare it to during the previous Holocene warm periods?

“The dog days of summer are not just barking, they are biting,” UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said in a statement after the report’s release.

Read: UN Quickly Moves From “Global Boiling” To “Climate Breakdown” »

Democrats Now Want Ground Rules On Presidential Impeachment

Where was Evan Davis (D) during the unhinged impeachments of Donald Trump? He worked for the Democrats who were looking to impeach Nixon. But, now, with a potential impeachment of Biden (really, I’m not sure the House GOP has the cajones, and there are too many squishes who might vote against even having an investigation), Davis wants to argue that rules need to be set

We need to set ground rules for presidential impeachments

Constitutional scholar Garrett Epps has called presidential impeachment “the atomic bomb of domestic politics.” It should not become a conventional weapon of political polarization.

We’re on the verge of that, however, if we as a nation don’t set a floor under the grounds for presidential impeachment.

Doing so requires public discussion of the impeachable offense of “high crimes and misdemeanors,” contained in the U.S. Constitution. What is it? What does it cover?

As a task force leader in the U.S. House Judiciary Committee’s inquiry into the impeachment of former President Nixon, I saw this question wrestled with first-hand. After detailed study, we concluded that “[b]ecause impeachment of a President is a grave step for the nation, it is to be predicated only upon conduct seriously incompatible with either the constitutional form and principles of our government or the proper performance of constitutional duties of the presidential office.” What does that then preclude?

You know what it precludes? “The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.” That’s it. It should be serious, but, as usual, Democrats blew that out the window during the Trump years, and tried to get there during the Bush43 years. We warned you wackos that if you wanted to play games with Trump it could blowback on you

First, it requires that a president be impeached only for offenses committed while serving as president. There can be no violation of the constitutional duties of the presidential office until one becomes president. Moreover, the weight of historical precedent is key in fixing the scope of impeachable offenses: The four presidential impeachments and 15 judicial impeachments have all been for conduct while in office.

Actually, it doesn’t. Nothing in the passage from Article II Section 4 makes that claim. What if we found out the president killed someone before he/she took office? Can they not be impeached? Damned right they can. But, see

Yet there is talk on Capitol Hill of impeaching President Biden for actions taken either while vice president or in the four years between his terms as vice president and then president. As shown, the Constitution does not envision a president being put out of office for something that took place before he was elected to the office. Similarly, American voters should not be disenfranchised based on actions taken by an individual before being elected president. There are other legal remedies for such actions.

And there it is: Democrats want to exclude the crimes by Biden before he was President. Nope. That’s not going to fly.

One claimed ground for impeaching Biden, for instance, is that as vice president he conditioned aid to Ukraine on the firing of a corrupt prosecutor to help a Ukrainian company on whose board his son served. Putting aside the problem of basing presidential impeachment on conduct as vice president and the factual implausibility and speculative nature of this claim, the alleged conduct is not a crime or the abusive solicitation of a personal benefit in return for official action.

Influence peddling and extortion, especially using The People’s money, is a crime. Mr. Davis could go to jail for extortion. Why not Joe Biden?

Read: Democrats Now Want Ground Rules On Presidential Impeachment »

20% Of Climate Cranks Fear They Will Have To Move

This is what happens when all the various members of the climate cult, especially the media, politicians, and Elites, persistently beat the drum of doom

USA TODAY, Ipsos poll: 20% of Americans fear climate change could force them to move

An exclusive USA TODAY/Ipsos poll finds a gaping American divide over climate change.

Polling data shows an almost an equal number of people believe two completely different things: About one-in-five people surveyed were so concerned they think global warming will make it more difficult to live in their area. About the same number said they either don’t know if climate change is happening or don’t believe in it at all.

The poll even found links between how Americans perceive the weather and their views on climate change, with people who don’t believe in climate change often less likely to report an uptick in extreme weather.

The polarized divide over climate change is well-documented, but the latest data sheds new light on Americans’ experiences with extreme weather, how experiencing extreme weather affects Americans’ view of climate change and the nation’s largely pessimistic predictions about the changing climate.

It basically shows that Democrats are brainwashed fools, happy to buy into whatever the grand high poobahs in the climate cult tell them, and willing to give up their money and freedom, all while watching the big wigs live their lives with huge carbon footprints.

A full 68% said extreme weather events will become more frequent in the near future. And 39% said climate change was negatively affecting their everyday life.

So, 39% are bat guano insane.

  • Only 28% of Republicans believe climate change is mostly caused by human activity.
  • For Democrats, that number is 82% and for Independents, it’s 56%.

And yet, very few of those Democrats and Independents will make changes in their own lives. Changing to an LED or CFL lightbulb doesn’t count.

  • Just 34% of people agreed or strongly agreed that progress to slow or reverse climate change was being made.
  • But more than 60% of those polled said while humans could slow or reverse things, their fellow Americans weren’t willing to change their behavior to accomplish it.

Funny, because, again, most of that 60% won’t change their own.

Read: 20% Of Climate Cranks Fear They Will Have To Move »

If All You See…

…are wonderful carbon sucking trees which will soon die because of too much carbon, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The O.K. Corral, with a post on Bubba Wallace being a special snowflake.

Read: If All You See… »

Forced Masking Makes A Return, Biden Plays Mask Theater

The population that is least likely to have issues from COVID is slowly being forced to mask up, which also causes a poor learning environment, as we witnessed over the past few years, and all the studies show

Maryland public elementary school reinstates COVID mask requirements, demands third-graders to wear N95 masks

An elementary school in a Washington D.C. suburb in Maryland is reinstating school masks for third-graders, after a handful of kids recently tested positive for COVID-19.

In a now-viral X post, OutKick founder Clay Travis posted a letter that was allegedly sent to all parents at Rosemary Hills Elementary School in Montgomery County, updating them on updated mask requirements for all students.

“A DC area elementary school — Montgomery County, Maryland — is reinstating a mask mandate — N95’s — for third-graders over a few kids testing positive for COVID,” Travis wrote on X. “Here’s the letter. They’re coming with masks for your kids again. Get ready. Read this insanity.”

It’s all very simple: if you catch it you stay home. Just like if you caught the flu, a cold, whatever. Why punish the kids who do not have it? You can bet the teachers are playing mask theater

(RochesterFirst) New York State is sending masks and COVID-19 rapid tests to school districts that request them for the start of the 2023-24 school year.

According to a release sent by Gov. Kathy Hochul’s office Tuesday, the state will conduct an outreach survey this week to determine which districts and organizations need masks and test kits. The supplies will then be delivered to the districts for distribution.

Well, they won’t help in the areas where lots of illegals/migrants were sent, since so few have been vaccinated against most things.

And then there’s Biden

Read More »

Read: Forced Masking Makes A Return, Biden Plays Mask Theater »

Burning Man Fiasco Is All About Global Boiling, You Know

You had to know this was coming eventually, right?

What Burning Man’s rain debacle tells us about climate change

Burning Man is supposed to arrive and disappear like the desert breeze.

Near the end of every summer, attendees of the multiday mega-festival venture to the Nevada wilderness. Their motto: “Leave no trace.”

Except for the massive use of fossil fuels to get there, from airplanes to SUVs to campers. Then all the food and drink, all the drugs, all the fast fashion, and all the electricity from fossil fueled generators, including for the concerts.

This year, thousands got stuck in the mud instead after about a half an inch of rain hit what is normally the driest state in the nation. Instead of leaving no trace, many self-described “burners” abandoned bicycles and vehicles on the drenched, muddy Black Rock Desert.

Once an underground carnival for free spirits, Burning Man today is famous as a party spot for Hollywood stars, Silicon Valley tech bros and other jet-set elites. The latest event offers a glimpse at how extreme weather can — and more frequently will — dramatically transform the environment in a moment’s notice.

Yeah, it’s basically an urban yuppie paradise, along with all the “influences” and celebs.

“It’s a teachable moment, as far as climate disasters and extreme weather” go, said Anya Kamenetz, a Burning Man attendee forced to flee the festival. “This is very much just a trial run under really, really easy conditions for what a lot of people go through.”

mule fritter sherman potter

No single storm can be attributed to climate change. But flooding in Nevada is expected to become more frequent as storms intensify and snow shifts to rain due to higher temperatures, according to state officials.

Stupid culty people. The real sad part is that it has driven a real disaster, Maui, and, to some degree Florida post-hurricane (though, they seem to be moving forward well), from the news. And it is a ridiculously long article from the Washington Post. More than Maui gets. But, the WP knows that Democrats have the votes in Hawaii, so, blowing off Maui is not a concern. They have to take care of all the “activists” and “influencers” who attend BM, though.

Read: Burning Man Fiasco Is All About Global Boiling, You Know »

Gov. Greg Abbott Laughs About Sending 35K Illegals To Sanctuary Cities

And well he should laugh and brag, as he’s now forcing Democrats to deal with what they voted to happen to Other Areas

Greg Abbott brags of sending 35,000 migrants to sanctuary cities, says it provided ‘critical relief’ to Texans

Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott bragged about the effectiveness of his migrant bussing program Tuesday, saying it has provided “critical relief” to Texas border towns.

Abbott’s program has proven to be the bane of Democrats at all levels of government, from the White House to mayoral offices in deep blue cities. Abbott argues Texas towns have carried the weight of illegal immigration for too long and has forced “sanctuary cities” to begin sharing the burden.

“Texas has bused over 35,000 migrants to self-declared sanctuary cities,” Abbott wrote Tuesday on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter. “Over 11,300 to D.C., over 13,300 to NYC, over 6,700 to Chicago, over 2,600 to Philadelphia, over 1,000 to Denver, over 480 to LA.

“Our busing mission provides critical relief to overwhelmed Texas border towns.”

And now Democrats in sanctuary areas are whining about having to deal with all the illegals/migrants, and keep trying to ship them Elsewhere. In Sanctuary City of New York there is a big concern about overcrowded schools and a lack of teachers. A vast majority of SCNY residents voted for this…well, really, they voted for it to happen to Other Cities, and are upset that they are being forced to deal with their votes. Just like SCLA

Read: Gov. Greg Abbott Laughs About Sending 35K Illegals To Sanctuary Cities »

Fun And Sun Seeking Summer Is Dying Slowly Or Something

Another day, another bit of cult induced doomysaying

The Slow Death of the Sun-Seeking Summer Vacation

The images emerging from the Mediterranean in late July resembled a fixture of the evening news: the desperate crowd fleeing adversity. But these fugitives walking along hot tarmac or waiting to board rescue boats in the night were not the displaced victims of a broken republic. These were pleasure seekers in flip-flops and tank tops, toting beach bags over sun-tanned shoulders, retreating from a glowing sky.

On the Greek island of Rhodes, the peak summer travel season had arrived, and with it had materialized a hapless avatar of the times, the tourist-turned-evacuee.

More than any past year, this summer felt like the moment that climate change came for the vacationer. It began with heat waves across Southern Europe, where popular attractions closed to avoid the intolerable midafternoon temperatures. The infernal heat cured the kindling for wildfires, which were soon raging in Italy, Turkey, Spain, Portugal, Cyprus, Greece and elsewhere, forcing holiday cancellations and, as in the case of Rhodes, large-scale evacuations. On the other side of the world, another fire, this one likely supercharged by hurricane winds, consumed Lahaina on Maui, killing at least 115 people.

You mean all the wildfires that were the result of arson or incompetence? What caused the intolerable heat in the 30’s, when people packed up and moved to California? If the heat is so intolerable they why do so many move to warm states like Florida, Texas, and Arizona? The Carolinas?

What should we make of this chaotic summer? The kind of headline-grabbing ordeals endured by some travelers — not to mention the people and communities they visited — in recent months has remained the exception rather than the rule. Nonetheless, watching the Northern Hemisphere’s prime months of recreation play out against a backdrop of calamity has seeded a sentiment that is hard to shake: that the hallowed sun-seeking summer holiday might soon be incompatible with a warming world.

When’s “soon”? Name the timeframe.

Moreover, there are broader ethical issues at stake. In an age of overtourism and environmental collapse, it’s tempting to see modern tourists as an emblem of human hubris and self-satisfaction, bent on personal pleasure while the world burns. The profound dissonance of people seeking hedonism in places reeling from flood or fire has provided further grist to the mill of anti-tourist resentments that have been festering for some time. In Hawaii the devastating Maui wildfire has reanimated longstanding tensions about the costs imposed on the archipelago’s inhabitants by large-scale tourism and its wanton excess, which so often upsets the cadences of local life and reroutes resources from local communities. This conversation is set to run and run.

Oh, good grief. These people are simply insufferable.

It is difficult to forecast what repercussions the havoc of the summer of 2023 will have on next year’s season. It seems fair to suppose that an existential threat to August escapes to the Mediterranean, far more than news of barely survivable conditions in rural India, will help to bring home the immediacy of the climate crisis to people who might otherwise prefer to ignore it.

Oh, so no frame, just a cult member yammering about doom. Remember, this is all about science, though!

Read: Fun And Sun Seeking Summer Is Dying Slowly Or Something »

If All You See…

…is an area perfect for wind turbines, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on debunked conspiracy theories.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove