People Who Called For Defunding The Police Now Want Police To Do Something About Shootings

In fairness, the George Floyd protests in Goldsboro, NC, did not become “fiery but mostly peaceful”, and the calls for defunding the police were not as strident as other cities, nor did they continue loudly. In fact, the police department received a 5% raise because too many were leaving for surrounding cities who paid more.

Mother and two children shot in Goldsboro housing complex, activists call for police to address gun violence

WRAL News has learned the victims of a triple shooting this weekend in Goldsboro are a mother and her two daughters.

In the wake of Saturday’s shooting, some community leaders are calling for more action on gun violence in the city’s affordable housing complexes. (snip)

“It’s a lot of questions there and a lot of concerns from the community members,” Robinson said. “If they’re living in safe environments.”

Activists say it’s just the latest incident of gun violence in Goldsboro’s affordable housing communities.

Four people have now been shot on Day Circle in the past six weeks.

Robinson lives in public housing in the city. He says shootings like this are one of the biggest concerns for residents.

Why have public housing areas always been dangerous? The area has held multiple protests for Something To Be Done about the shootings this year, and it has worked out as well as other demonstrations

Robinson told WRAL News that Goldsboro police need to take more action to address gun violence in affordable housing developments.

On Day Circle, a mobile surveillance tower has been set up that is equipped with multiple cameras.

Activists say it’s a step in the right direction, but they’d like to see more officers on patrol there as well.

The problem here is that no one will ever snitch on who the criminals are. Many times it’s a family member or someone they know. The same people will also demonize the police, and are happy to make up stories about the police, accusing them of all sorts of things, even though there are a lot of Black people working for the Goldsboro PD. They’ll complain about the police patrolling. We’ve seen the same types of activists complain about measures like Shotspotter (this was instituted in Durham, has been working great, and the activists are complaining about it being raaaaacist). If the cops start with stop and frisk, pull over more vehicles, they’ll be accused of raaaaacism, even though the police are usually aware of whom the bad guys are. They want it both ways. They want to almost blame the police, yet, rarely blame themselves for allowing a criminal atmosphere to continue. They have to be willing to snitch and let the police in force. They won’t, which is why things rarely change in these areas.

Read: People Who Called For Defunding The Police Now Want Police To Do Something About Shootings »

Oh Noes: Hotcoldwetdry Boosts Wildfires 25% Or Something

That and all the arson/unintentional setting of fires

Climate change boosts risk of explosive wildfire growth in California by 25%, study says

Climate change has ratcheted up the risk of explosive wildfire growth in California by 25% and will continue to drive extreme fire behavior for decades to come, even if planet-warming emissions are reduced, a new study has found.

“Emissions reductions have a minimal impact on wildfire danger in the near term — the next several decades,” said author Patrick T. Brown, co-director of the climate and energy team at the Breakthrough Institute, a Berkeley-based think tank. “So it’s important to look at more direct on-the-ground solutions to the problem like fuel reduction.”

Although previous studies have looked at the impact of climate change on broader metrics like annual area burned, as well on conditions that are conducive to wildfires, like aridity, the research published Wednesday in Nature drills down on how rising temperatures affected individual fires, and how they might continue to do so in the future.

The researchers analyzed nearly 18,000 fires that ignited in California between 2003 and 2020. Using artificial intelligence, they had models learn the relationship between temperature and extreme fire growth, which they defined as more than 10,000 acres in a day. They then simulated how those fires would behave under pre-industrial conditions, as well as a host of potential future conditions.

So, basically, computer models, which gave them the output the researchers wanted. I wonder if the study included the failure of government to clear dead brush and create firebreaks in a state that is prone to highwinds, dry periods, and fires. I wonder if they factored in that virtually all the wildfires were caused by someone intentionally setting the fires, inadvertently setting the fires, or electric companies not properly maintaining their equipment.

(AP) A 71-year-old man was arrested Friday on suspicion of starting a forest fire that destroyed more than 100 homes last year near Yosemite National Park, California fire authorities said.

Edward Fredrick Wackerman, of Mariposa, was arrested on suspicion of aggravated arson, arson that causes great bodily injury and arson causing damage or destruction of inhabited structures, the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, also known as Cal Fire, said in a statement.

He was arrested in June of this year. Then there are idiots who started the El Dorado fire in 2021 from a stupid gender reveal party. But, blaming this on ‘climate change’ gets grant money.

Read: Oh Noes: Hotcoldwetdry Boosts Wildfires 25% Or Something »

Bummer: Governor Of Sanctuary State NJ Says They Can’t Take Anymore

Believe it or not, there’s actually a lot of empty space in New Jersey, but, really, they should be sent to all the areas that vote Democrat

Gov. Phil Murphy Says State Can’t Take More Illegals Despite Pledge to Make New Jersey a ‘Sanctuary State’

New Jersey’s Democrat Gov. Phil Murphy said on Aug. 31 his state has no more room for illegal immigrants and lacks the resources to take border crossers from neighboring New York, despite his campaign promises to create a welcoming “sanctuary state.”

The Democrat gov. issued his proclamation after the Biden administration revealed that New Jersey’s Atlantic City International Airport is on a list of eleven facilities targeted for shipments of illegals to help alleviate the glut of 100,000 border crossers who have flooded into nearby New York City over the last year.

Murphy not only nixed the Atlantic City airport plan but he added that the whole state is off limits to Biden’s illegals. Murphy spoke on the issue during a New 12 “Ask Gov. Murphy” segment on Aug. 31.

“I don’t see any scenario where we’re going to be able to take in a program in Atlantic City or frankly elsewhere in the state,” Murphy said, according to New Jersey 12. “You need scale, enormous amount of federal support, resources that go beyond anything that we can afford. Putting everything else aside, I just don’t see it. I would suspect that that will continue to be the case.”

Newark is the only city in NJ that has declared itself a sanctuary city, but, Phil said he would make the entire state a sanctuary, and the Attorney General “Immigrant Trust Directive” essentially did that. No vote, but, the AG, Matt Platkin (D) is unconcerned with what lawmakers think.

They can be sent to Bergan, Passaic, Hudson, Essex, Morris (which is unusual, usually goes R), Sommerset, Middlesex, Union, Mercer, Burlington, Camden, Atlantic, and Cumberland counties, who all voted Brandon. Atlantic City is in Atlantic County. 52.5% wanted Brandon. Put the illegals in those areas.

Both Democrat and Republican officials from Atlantic County, for instance, have spoken against the Biden plan to house illegals at their airport, The Press of Atlantic City reported.

The mayors of Egg Harbor Township and Atlantic City — the first a Republican and the latter a Democrat — stood shoulder-to-shoulder to warn the Biden administration against sending illegals to the airport. Both had the same message: there aren’t enough resources and money to care for hundreds or thousands of illegals.

Atlantic City can figure it out. They voted for this…well, really, they voted for Somewhere Else to deal with the unfettered illegal immigration.

Association President and Absecon Mayor Kim Horton, a Democrat, is sending a resolution opposing the plan.

“Lawmakers need to work together to make comprehensive immigration policies that protect our towns and communities,” Horton told the media. “I’m happy that we are collectively up here, Democrats, Republicans, independents. We are a united front.”

The solution is right there: shut down the borders as much as possibly, require all those applying for asylum to do so outside the U.S. and wait for their case to be adjudicated. If you’re here illegally, regardless of why, you are deported immediately, if you have any assets they will be used to help pay for it. If you cross the border and are caught, you’ll be given a meal, a good nights sleep, and put right back across the border.

Read: Bummer: Governor Of Sanctuary State NJ Says They Can’t Take Anymore »

Environment Today: Synthetic Palm Oil, Bullet Train, NYC Clearing The Roads

If you weren’t aware, I’ve long had an issue with the production of palm oil. It has many uses, from foods to fuels, and, because of it’s growing uses, especially as a fossil fuels alternative (a type of ethanol), jungles are being clearcut and the wildlife killed, including intentionally hunting them down, much like they did to Orangutans. Heck, some Girl Scouts petitioned to stop using palm oil in cookies. I tend to avoid products that use palm oil. Bad for the environment. So, this could be a good thing

Lab-grown palm oil could offer environmentally-friendly alternative

What scientists are brewing inside a New York City lab could dramatically change the products people use every day.

Shara Ticku, co-founder of C16 Biosciences, took CBS News inside the lab where the company grows an alternative to palm oil. Ticku said yeast plays a key role in their development process.

“Palm oil is responsible for making hand soaps, foam and cleanse,” Ticku explained. “It makes the color stay on your lipstick and on your lips. And it helps create a smooth spreadable emulsion in peanut butter.”

Palm oil is the most popular vegetable oil in the world, and more than 1.7 million tons were consumed in the U.S. in 2022, according to numbers from Statista.

But it can be as destructive as it is versatile. The World Wildlife Foundation says large-scale palm oil harvesting destroys rainforests and pollutes communities. It is found in more than half of packaged products on supermarket shelves, the conservation organization said.

That could be an excellent thing if it could be replaced. It is bad for the environment. Then there’s this

Read More »

Read: Environment Today: Synthetic Palm Oil, Bullet Train, NYC Clearing The Roads »

If All You See…

…is Evil, horrible, no good meat being cooked on a terrible gas grill causing the atmosphere to boil, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post showing the Nazis in Florida are Biden supporters.

Read: If All You See… »

Good News: Migrant Children Not Subjected To Same Vaccination Requirements For School In NY

It’s not bad enough that all these migrant/illegal alien children are going to be taking up lots and lots of resources meant for legal U.S. children, they’re not required to take all the vaccinations required

Staten Island officials say they’re concerned about unvaccinated asylum seekers in schools

As New York City public schools begin this week, thousands of migrant children seeking asylum will be attending classes.

These students won’t be facing the same vaccination requirements as the Department of Education works to speed up their entry into the classroom.

Staten Island Borough President Vito Fossella worries that could place the health of the other children at risk. Fossella says that although the policy exception is in place to make life and entry into the school system easier for migrants, it is risky and hypocritical.

Fossella led a group Saturday who opposes this exception to school vaccination rules, saying it’s a problematic double standard.

“We think that if you’re going to impose a standard on ordinary citizens, that same standard should be imposed on individuals who come from 120 different countries and want to show up on day one for school,” Fossella said.

We aren’t discussing COVID vaccination, though, that might be required too

(Fox5) The Department of Education said this week, students in temporary housing do not need to show proof of vaccination but have 30 days to get inoculated. The department is assisting, connecting migrant families with hospitals and deploying mobile clinics.

Will they actually get the required shots? Many of those protocols, like for Polio, are started years before they start in school. Things like measles, mumps, diphtheria, Hepatitis B, chicken pox, and others. The NY Dept of Health is saying that they are subject to the same requirements, but, that doesn’t look to be happening, so, the citizen children will be exposed to all sorts of diseases from the 20,000 or so “migrant” children. But, hey, this is what the people in NYC voted for…well, technically, they voted for this to happen Somewhere Else, not their own city.

Read: Good News: Migrant Children Not Subjected To Same Vaccination Requirements For School In NY »

Biden Says There’s “No Real Intelligence To Deny Global Boiling” Or Something

He said this after he took a fossil fueled helicopter to the airport, jumped on a FF jumbo jet, then flew to Florida, followed by a backup jumbo jet and some fighter jets, then a massive FF SUV/limo convoy. Then reversed that, fly to Delaware. But, we’re supposed to believe we’re doomed from fossil fuels

Get Smart: Biden Declares ‘No Real Intelligence to Deny the Climate Crisis’

There is no real real intelligence to deny the “climate crisis” or its impact, President Joe Biden warned sceptics and doubters Saturday as he toured damage in Florida left behind after Hurricane Idalia smashed through the Big Bend region.

Speaking to reporters in front amongst fallen trees and debris, Biden pointed to recent weather events and disasters, saying: “Nobody can deny the impact of [the] climate crisis. There’s no real intelligence to deny the impacts of the climate crisis anymore,” the Guardian reports.

 “Just look around the nation and the world for that matter. Historic floods, intense drought, extreme heat, deadly wildfires … that cause serious damage like you’ve never seen before,” he added, continuing a long-running theme of climate alarmism that has been a hallmark of his administration.

And, yet, not one reporter will ask Biden why he takes so many fossil fueled trips. Heck, I’d get off his back if he would just take the helicopter to Delaware. It’s 105 miles to his beach house. Marine One can fly at 161 mph. He could be there in an hour. It would take less time than his regular way.

And, is it any wonder DeSantis didn’t want to be there for this stupidity?

Read: Biden Says There’s “No Real Intelligence To Deny Global Boiling” Or Something »

Lying Fauci Concerned People Won’t Heed Mask Recommendations

You know, because they worked so well last time, and we listened to all the lies from Fauci

Fauci is ‘concerned’ that people won’t comply if masking recommendations return: ‘I hope’ they ‘abide’

In a Saturday interview, former White House chief medical adviser Anthony Fauci spoke out in defense of masking up amid today’s rising COVID cases.

In the event that masks are again recommended, he is “concerned that people will not abide by recommendations,” he said in the interview.

“I would hope that if we get to the point that the volume of cases is such and organizations like the CDC recommends — CDC does not mandate anything — recommends that people wear masks, I would hope that people abide by that recommendation and take into account the risks to themselves and their families,” Fauci told CNN.

Fauci, who also served as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health until December 2022, also called into question a January 2023 Cochrane study that found masking to be ineffective.

“When you’re talking about the effect on the pandemic as a whole, the data is less strong,” Fauci said.

“But when you talk about an individual basis of someone protecting themselves … there’s no doubt that there’s many studies that show that there is an advantage [to masks].”

If mask mandates worked so well on an individual basis then why did more people get COVID with the mandates than without? And with all the vaccines. If masking works so well then why were we continuously treated to Elites playing mask theater, or just not wearing them?

(Breitbart) New York health officials are advising people to wear masks when in crowded public areas, as coronavirus cases are expected to spike following Labor Day weekend.

While no official social distancing or mask restrictions were set in place, New York City health commissioner Dr. Ashwin Vasan told the Daily Mail that people should follow precautions when celebrating the end of summer, as the city’s hospitalization rate for the coronavirus rose by five percent this week compared to the previous week;  502 patients infected with the virus were admitted to hospitals.

You mean liberal supporters of Fauci and all the restrictions aren’t masking up? There’s almost 9 million NYC residents: 502 is not much.

Read: Lying Fauci Concerned People Won’t Heed Mask Recommendations »

If All You See…

…is an area turning to desert from global boiling, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The O.K. Corral, with a post noting Bidenomic is brilliant!

It’s short shorts week!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another fantastic day in the Once And Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and college football is back. This pinup is by Gil Elvgren, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Climate Depot discusses a study showing ‘climate change’ is mostly an urban problem
  2. Cold Fury covers Dem run cities looking to ban meat
  3. Common Cents Blog has your feel good story, where a dog broke out and ……
  4. Da Techguy’s Blog features doctors lying about reproductive health
  5. Dissecting Leftism covers a hospital who fired nurses over not taking the jab, now begging for them to come back
  6. GeeeZ notes the Biden regime warning of ISIS
  7. Geller Report discusses a judge ruling that CDC mask mandates exceed their authority
  8. Legal Insurrection covers Hamas getting all sorts of violent again
  9. Moonbattery shows a drag queen arrested for child porn getting a job as a principal
  10. Outside The Beltway has a great article on the passing of Jimmy Buffett
  11. Pacific Pundit covers why DeSantis did not meet Biden post-Idalia
  12. Powerline notes there being no mass grave in Canada
  13. Sultan Knish dives deep into Sleepy Joe and fact checking
  14. The American Conservative discusses preparing to lose two wars
  15. And last, but, not least, The Astute Bloggers covers Biden’s funding of terror killed an Israeli schoolteacher

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Pirate's Cove