People Are Retreating From Florida Over Global Boiling Or Something

I’ve avoided the “ZOMG, Hurricane Idalia is Proof of climate crisis doom” articles, because, quite frankly, it’s tedious. It’s been done before. It’s complete mule fritters. You know how it goes. But, this is silly shite from three Warmists at CNN

Opinion: The Sunbelt was the retirement destination of choice. That was before climate change

Retiree Jeanne Langan Burris, 61, a resident of Naples, Florida, often starts her daily tennis match at 7 a.m. Even at that early hour, however, she says she sometimes finds herself baking on the court in triple-digit temperatures.

The torrid heat is a far cry from Westport, Connecticut, where Burris and her husband raised their three children. It’s even further removed from Buffalo, New York — a city renowned for blizzards and brutally cold temperatures — where she grew up.

Yeah, who would have thought that Florida would be hot, especially compared to Westport and Buffalo?

Burris still loves life in southwest Florida, where she moved a half-dozen years ago to be nearer her aging parents, but climate change has brought challenges. Naples is said to be one of the US cities most likely to suffer the loss of home and property because of rising sea levels. And because of the intense heat, Burris said, “I change two or three times a day,” she said.

So, future doom, and whining about being summer

Organizations and professionals who help retirees plan their golden years have begun counseling that they toss out the old retirement playbook and consider retiring in places where the effects of global warming have so far been less pronounced. (snip)

Will heat waves like the summer of 2023 scare away older adults from southern retirement destinations over the long haul? Or will retirees continue to flock to places like Florida and Arizona in the hope that the summer 2023 swelter is a fluke — and prioritize other enticements like recreational amenities and a low cost of living? The jury is still out, but we urge older adults to seriously factor climate issues into their relocation plans. Our research shows that Sunbelt heat extremes — a direct consequence of human-induced climate change — are here to stay.

In other words, they have zero proof that people are avoiding Florida (also mentioned are Arizona and Southern California, but, aren’t people escaping the f*ck out of California?) because of climate doom, it’s just some cultists recommending that they not move their.

Editor’s note: Deborah Carr is a professor of sociology at Boston University and director of its Center of Innovation in Social Science. She is the author of “Aging in America.” Ian Sue Wing is a professor of earth and environment at Boston University specializing in climate change economics and integrated assessment modeling. Giacomo Falchetta is a research scholar with the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis in Italy. The views expressed in this commentary are their own.

So, charletons. Snake oil salespeople. Grifters.

Read: People Are Retreating From Florida Over Global Boiling Or Something »

If All You See…

…is a perfect place for solar panels, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Chicks On The Right, with a post on Zelensky making threats if he isn’t sent more money.

Read: If All You See… »

McCarthy Plans To Hold Floor Vote On Impeachment Hearing

This is a strange way to hold impeachment hearings, particularly after all the facts on Biden’s crimes

Exclusive — McCarthy Details Impeachment Inquiry Process: ‘If We Move Forward,’ It ‘Would Occur Through a Vote’ on House Floor

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy made clear to Breitbart News on Friday that if House Republicans move forward with an impeachment inquiry into Democrat President Joe Biden, the move would come not as an announcement from him or anyone else, but from a formal vote on the floor of the House.

“To open an impeachment inquiry is a serious matter, and House Republicans would not take it lightly or use it for political purposes. The American people deserve to be heard on this matter through their elected representatives,” McCarthy told Breitbart News. “That’s why, if we move forward with an impeachment inquiry, it would occur through a vote on the floor of the People’s House and not through a declaration by one person.”

Doing so would require a majority—at least 218 votes, assuming the House is at full attendance for such a vote—of members of the House to vote for such a move. While opening a formal impeachment inquiry is not a vote to impeach the president, it is a massive escalation by the lower chamber of Congress towards doing so—and it would also provide the House with extraordinary new investigative and law enforcement powers in terms of compelling testimony, enforcing subpoenas, and digging into Biden’s behavior and the culture of corruption surrounding the president.

I suspect McCarthy is expecting one of two things, based on his insider information: there are enough Republicans to open the impeachment inquiry, or there aren’t. The GOP controls the House with 222 members. They could only afford to lose 4, because you know there will be zero Democrats voting for an impeachment hearing. McCarthy is either trying to force the squishes to pony up and vote to open the impeachment inquiry, or, knows that the GOP won’t get there, and this way the issue is done. Over. Dead. The question now is “which way does McCarthy want to go?”

McCarthy’s statement here is significant in multiple respects. First, the speaker has been taking steps towards building up to an impeachment inquiry in the fall—previewing such a move before and during the August recess in interviews and public remarks. Continued revelations through a variety of avenues—from the House Oversight Committee and House Judiciary Committee to federal courts, including, especially, the collapsed plea agreement between the president’s son, Hunter Biden, and the Justice Department and more—have also increased the likelihood of the House moving in such a direction. This latest statement from the speaker makes clear that an impeachment inquiry is on his mind and that the House is seriously considering such a move.

Well, let’s hope so. Biden is beyond shady, and was selling access to foreign citizens and companies. Will the GOP have the cajones to do Politics? If the situation was reversed, Democrats would already have held two or three impeachment hearings and final votes.

Read: McCarthy Plans To Hold Floor Vote On Impeachment Hearing »

Green Groups Are Divided Over Hydroelectric Power

This is a typical refrain from the greenies: they Demand clean, renewable energy to replace the Evil fossil fuels. But, it’s in theory, because, when it comes time to actually build it, they, at best, waffle

Green Groups Are Divided Over a Proposal to Boost the Nation’s Hydropower. Here’s Why

America’s hydropower industry is hoping to reestablish some of its former glory by making itself central to the nation’s transition to clean energy—and it’s turning to Congress for help.

The era of big dams arguably ended long ago. At one point referred to as “white coal,” hydropower was once a major source of electricity around the country, with the United States building more than 150 dams on the Columbia, Missouri and Colorado River basins in the 30 years following World War II. But today, hydropower provides just a small fraction of the nation’s electricity and is quickly being outpaced globally by its clean energy rivals in new development.

Now the industry, with help from a bipartisan group of U.S. lawmakers, hopes to change that trend. They argue that hydroelectric dams can provide the kind of steady flow of power that’s needed to provide stability and reliability to the energy grid, especially on cloudy days and windless nights. (snip)

A growing body of scientific evidence has found that dam reservoirs are a significant source of carbon emissions—particularly methane, a potent greenhouse gas that’s roughly 80 times more effective at warming the atmosphere than carbon dioxide over a 20-year time period. Those emissions are the result of organic matter, including vegetation, dead animals and even fertilizer runoff, piling up in large quantities behind dams and decomposing in the reservoirs.

Oh, for goodness sakes. It’s always something with these people.

One reservoir that’s being planned for construction in California would essentially have the same carbon footprint as 80,653 gasoline-fueled cars on the roads, one recent analysis found. Many environmentalists have also condemned hydropower because the dams often cause irreparable harm to the animals living in the rivers and have even contributed to the extinction of entire species.

These wackos want Everyone Else to simply live with no power.

As Congress weighs the hydropower bill, it underscores an increasingly complicated debate, which has splintered many green groups and climate hawks who, for years, have fought on the same side. For now, the increasingly urgent need to address climate change, as well as the mounting evidence of hydropower’s carbon footprint, appears to be only complicating that discussion further.


Read: Green Groups Are Divided Over Hydroelectric Power »

Bummer: Massachusetts Governor Activates National Guard Over Illegal Aliens

It really is truly hilarious and delectable how Democrat run cities, counties, and states have to finally pay the price for the unfettered illegal immigration policies they advocate for. Massachusetts is essentially a sanctuary state, and Boston is a declared sanctuary city

Massachusetts Gov. Maura Healey activates National Guard to assist in emergency shelters housing migrants

Massachusetts Gov. Maura Healey has activated 250 members of the National Guard to provide basic services at emergency shelter hotels amid an influx of migrants that has service providers stretched thin.

Healey’s administration will also launch a Regional Rapid Response Teams to assist with overseeing shelter sites, she announced Thursday. The teams will be comprised of state employees.

The move comes after she declared a state of emergency this month over the increasing number of migrants arriving in Massachusetts from Texas.

“Massachusetts is in a state of emergency, and we need all hands-on deck to meet this moment and ensure families have access to safe shelter and basic services,” Healey said in a statement “We’re grateful to the brave men and women of the National Guard for stepping up to help us ensure that every family in emergency shelter has their needs met, including access to food, transportation, medical care, and education.”

Currently, more than 6,000 migrant families are in emergency shelters across the state.

6,000? That’s it? That’s what drives a state of emergency? 6k? A pittance of what the border states have to deal with. Sadly, though, the illegal immigration supporters do not seem to be learning that this is their fault and that they should perhaps reconsider. If not, hey, start shipping even more to the sanctuaries.

The 3rd paragraph reads:

The residents started sounding a lot like Trump supporters when one woman called for the government to “send them back.”

“I don’t want them there. Take them someplace else or send them back to Venezuela. I don’t care where they go. This is wrong. You got 73% of the people homeless in this city are black people. What have you done for them?”

Elections have consequences!

Will they get it?

Read: Bummer: Massachusetts Governor Activates National Guard Over Illegal Aliens »

If All You See…

…is a beach which shall soon be flooded by global boiling, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Blazing Cat Fur, with a post on Sweden having fun with 3rd World immigrant explosions.

Read: If All You See… »

Biden Requests More FEMA Money, To Visit Florida Saturday

It took Biden all of two weeks to visit Maui, and probably only because where he was vacationing in Reno was a whole lot closer to D.C. But, he’s visiting Florida within a few days? I wonder why?

Biden ups request to Congress for disaster aid before Florida trip to see Idalia damage

Hurricane Idalia and other recent natural disasters have drained the federal government’s relief funds faster than expected, the Biden administration said Friday in a request to Congress for more emergency money.

Three weeks after asking lawmakers to approve an additional $12 billion, the White House budget office said it now needs $16 billion.

The request came the day after President Joe Biden made a public appeal to Congress for the emergency funding while visiting the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Biden is heading to Florida on Saturday to tour damage from Hurricane Idalia. (snip)

The Biden administration requested an additional $12 billion in disaster relief funding for FEMA earlier this month as part of a larger $40 billion supplemental budget request that also includes $13 billion in emergency defense aid for Ukraine opposed by many Republicans.

So, why would Biden visit Florida so quickly, and take two weeks to visit Maui? There are 115 confirmed deaths in Maui, with hundreds still missing. The death toll from Idalia is, thank goodness, since so many did not evacuate, zero at this time. Lahaina is virtually wiped out. The damage is much less than anticipated in Florida. But, Biden wants to win Florida in 2024. It could be a toss-up state for him, and if DeSantis does win the GOP primaries, Biden can say he was there and helping out. Involved. For Maui, he knows Hawaii is in the bag. He’ll win it easily.

As far as the money goes, he’s happy to send way more money to Ukraine than American citizens, plus, it doesn’t mean that Maui and Florida will get those billions.


Read: Biden Requests More FEMA Money, To Visit Florida Saturday »

What If They Held An Offshore Windfarm Permit Auction And No One Came?

We keep being told that companies are super excited to invest in “renewables”. So then why

First offshore wind auction in Gulf of Mexico attracts one winning bid

The Biden administration’s first-ever auction of offshore wind development rights in the Gulf of Mexico ended with a single $5.6-million winning bid on Tuesday, reflecting meager demand for the clean energy source in a region known for its oil and gas production.

Germany’s RWE won rights to 102,480 acres (41,472 hectares) off Louisiana for $5.6 million, while the other two lease areas on offer off Texas received no bids, according to results posted on the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management website.

RWE’s awarded site is 44 miles off the coast of Louisiana and has water depths of 10-25 meters. The company said that the lease area has the potential to host up to 2 GW of new capacity, enough to power over 350,000 US homes with clean energy. The project is expected to be in operation by the mid-2030s, contingent upon permitting timelines.

RWE said the Louisiana lease was attractive because the state has strong existing coastal port and supply chain infrastructure and a goal to install 5 gigawatts of offshore wind capacity by 2035. Texas does not have an offshore wind target.

And not even a U.S. based company. Few really see any reward on investment

But the overall result only represents a fraction of the billions of dollars of bids secured in an offshore wind lease sale off New York and New Jersey in February 2022, according to a Reuters analysis. Those states have passed laws that require utilities to buy power from offshore wind projects – mandates considered critical for a technology that is estimated to produce electricity at twice the cost of a natural gas plant.

Yeah, because they are forced to do it and will see some incredible government cash subsidies for it.

Read: What If They Held An Offshore Windfarm Permit Auction And No One Came? »

NY Times Is Very Concerned Over All Deaths Of Migrants Democrats Invited

The Times just can’t quite make the connection that it is reckless and dangerous to entice people to make long treks from as far away as northern South America, as well as nations around the world, all to cross the US southern border and Demand asylum, which most will not obtain

Scorching Heat Is Contributing to Migrant Deaths

On patrol in the harsh brush along the border in South Texas, Deputy Don White of the Brooks County Sheriff’s Office paused to study some empty water jugs, torn clothing and several indistinct footprints, looking for signs of migrants who might have been lost in the scorching heat.

Through the long summer, temperatures have lingered for days at a time at 100 degrees or higher. The heat has been stifling for many Texans, but deadly for some of those making their way through the hot, barren shrub land where migrants travel to avoid detection from Border Patrol agents.

Fewer people are crossing from Mexico this year compared with last year, but already there have been more than 500 deaths in 2023 — confirmed by the discovery of bodies or partial remains by Deputy White and others like him as they conduct their grim patrols. In 2022, among the deadliest in recent years, there were 853 confirmed deaths.

Tracking migrant deaths is an imperfect science. Many drown trying to cross the Rio Grande; others succumb to sweltering desert conditions or a lack of water, with their deaths ultimately attributed to dehydration, heat stroke or hypothermia. The unrelenting heat this summer in Texas, combined with suffocating humidity, has contributed to many of the fatalities, local and federal officials said. (snip)

Since 1998, at least 7,805 people have died trying to cross the border with Mexico and more than 3,527 remain missing, according to the Colibrí Center for Human Rights, an advocacy organization that reports on missing migrants and conducts DNA searches to identify remains.

It’s a long piece on missing and dead illegals/migrants, which, surprisingly doesn’t jump into global boiling, but, the Times fails to make that connection that the Democratic Party, along with some Idiot Republicans, have been enticing all those people to come to the US illegally, since the Reagan years, but, especially since the late Clinton years. When you’re promising them free everything and all they have to do is come to the US, well, they’re going to do it, no matter how dangerous it is. No matter if they are going to die or be trafficked.

It’s hot in the summer. It’s already dangerous enough traveling thousands of miles through 2nd and 3rd world areas. The deaths of all these people is in the hands of Democrats, including the NY Times which never considers that their support of unfettered illegal immigration is murderous.

Read: NY Times Is Very Concerned Over All Deaths Of Migrants Democrats Invited »

Warmist Wonders If It’s OK To Have A Kid At The End Of The World

Does this constant fear-mongering work? Is it attracting people outside of the climate cult, the basic Warmist?

Having a Kid at the End of the World

From the moment I had a sense of the world, I had a sense that it was finite and we were destroying it. I learned about acid rain sometime during third grade. The idea of flesh-burning precipitation, coupled with a hole in the ozone layer that was going to destroy the planet and all of my favorite animals, used to make me itchy with stress. I remember begging my parents, who had very little disposable income, to become paying members of the World Wildlife Fund to save the whales. I talked about chlorofluorocarbons like I was a paid expert, afraid of stepping out into a storm for fear of melting. I was convinced the world was ending, and none of us, my friends and I, would live to see adulthood because of it.

Yet when I first started trying to have a kid eight years ago, I didn’t think about climate or the planet; I thought only about the desire for a baby, about what it would mean to me and my husband to bring that person into our world. But, in the years since and now expecting my third, it’s become harder not to look at my kids without being acutely aware of how smoky and scary and fucked everything is. (snip)

When I put this question out to people on Twitter and Instagram, the response was overwhelming. I got long emails from over 50 strangers, men and women who are scared, anxious, hopeful, optimistic, who have kids and fear for their future, who won’t have kids so they don’t have to, and who don’t know how they can possibly make a decision like this at a time like this.

My vote is for the lunatics to not have children, that way they are not bringing kids who will be turned into complete mental messes from the scary cult propaganda.

Meanwhile, more doom

‘Fragile and under threat’: Prosecco could disappear due to climate change, experts warn

Some of Europe’s favourite wines could be wiped out by climate change, experts have warned.

Climate change could wipe out Prosecco and other popular European wines, new research has warned.

Prosecco – a sparkling white wine produced in Italy’s mountainside vineyards – is one of the continent’s most beloved drinks.

But grape yields are dwindling, devastated by a deadly combination of extreme weather and soil degradation.

So, mostly poor agricultural practices. Got it.

Climate Classroom: “I tend to be very gentle” about Telling Kids they’re Going to Die?

Full quote: “I tend to be very gentle and very careful or I’m very focused on hope.”

Worth reading the whole thing.

Read: Warmist Wonders If It’s OK To Have A Kid At The End Of The World »

Pirate's Cove