European Farmers Rebel Over EU Rules

Remember, this is all about science, not controlling people

Labeled Climate Culprits, European Farmers Rebel Over New Standards

To meet climate goals, some European countries are asking farmers to reduce livestock, relocate or shut down — and an angry backlash has begun reshaping the political landscape before national elections in the fall.

So, where’s the food going to come from? Remember, when you reduce the supply while increasing the number of consumers, costs will skyrocket.

This summer, scores of farmers descended on the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France, to protest against new E.U. rules aimed at restoring natural areas and cutting emissions that contribute to climate change. Farmers have protested in Belgium, Italy and Spain, too.

The discontent has underscored a widening divide on a continent that is on the one hand committed to acting on climate change but on the other often deeply divided about how to do it and who should pay for it.

Most Warmists want Someone Else to pay for it

Those like Helma Breunissen, who runs a dairy farm in the Netherlands with her husband, say that too much of the burden is falling on them, threatening both their livelihoods and their way of life.

For almost 20 years, Ms. Breunissen has provided the Dutch with a staple product, cow’s milk, and she felt that her work was valued by society, she said. The dairy sector in the Netherlands, which also produces cheeses like Gouda and Edam, is celebrated as a cornerstone of national pride.

But the sector also produces almost half the Netherlands’ emissions of nitrogen, a surplus of which is bad for biodiversity. Ms. Breunissen and thousands of other farmers bridle that they are now labeled peak emitters.

Obviously, the big wigs passing these laws and rules aren’t going to go after their fellow big wigs. Remember, France did away with short haul flights for the peasants while allowing private jets to fly as much as they want.

In the Netherlands, the government has asked thousands of farmers to scale back, move or close. The authorities set aside about 24 billion euros, about $26 billion, to help farmers put in place more sustainable solutions — or to buy them out.

Food? Who needs food?

Although only nine million out of almost 400 million voters in Europe work in agriculture, they are a vocal and influential bloc that attracts the sympathy of many on a continent where a nation’s identity is often tied to the food it produces.

A host of new groups are vying to displace traditional parties. They include the Farmer Citizen Movement, known by its Dutch acronym BBB, which was established four years ago.

Will the citizens of the EU turn against their dictatorial politicians, or, continue to vote against their best interests?

Read: European Farmers Rebel Over EU Rules »

Could GOP House Launch Biden Impeachment Hearing In September?

I’m rather dubious. The GOP has entirely too many squishes would do not have the cajones to fight politics with politics, nor to do the right things. Sure, there’s maybe a 1% chance that the Democrat controlled Senate would vote to impeach Biden, but, Biden is beyond shady, and criminal, using his elected positions to reap financial reward. Using it for graft and extortion

Report: Kevin McCarthy Hopes to Launch Biden Impeachment Inquiry in September

Joe Biden Ice Cream AfghanistanHouse Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) reportedly hopes to launch an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden at the end of September.

While Congress left Washington, DC, for summer recess, McCarthy initiated strategies to open a sweeping impeachment inquiry into Biden to uncover the depth of his involvement in his family’s foreign dealings, multiple Republican sources familiar with the conversations told CNN.

McCarthy previously demanded Biden come clean about his involvement. But the president continued to stonewall and lie about his family’s business over sixteen times, the House Oversight Committee stated last week.

“Each step we take contradicts what the Bidens had said before,” McCarthy told Fox News on Sunday. “There’s a lot of questions still. And to be able to get the answers to these questions, you would need an impeachment inquiry to empower Congress, Republicans, and Democrats to be able to get the answers that the American people deserve to know.”

Although Republican grassroots and many leading GOP lawmakers support an impeachment inquiry, some Republican lawmakers oppose investigating Biden through an inquiry.

Rep. Ken Buck (R-CA), a member of the House Judiciary Committee, previously claimed an inquiry would be “impeachment theater.”

Squishes. While listening to Newsmax radio last week while driving up to NJ to visit the parents, someone made a good point: Biden probably figured he was done with politics after the Obama years, and got sloppy, and just didn’t care, about all the criminal things he was engaged in. Once out, it wouldn’t have mattered. But, now he’s president, and all those criminal things are important. Sadly, too many focused on Hunter: sure, he’s essential to the criminal things, and he leads to Joe. The eye has to be on Joe, though.

“Dumbfounded” is how Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) previously described her feelings to Breitbart News about the opposition to an impeachment inquiry.

“We have to impeach him in the House to show and prove to our voters that we’re willing to do these things, are willing to bring accountability. If we don’t do it, then why do they want to vote for us?” she questioned.

It’s a hell of a good point, but, we’ve had to vote for so many squishes over the years, because, as Robert Heinlein wrote “If you are part of a society that votes, then do so. There may be no candidates and no measures you want to vote for … but there are certain to be ones you want to vote against. In case of doubt, vote against. By this rule you will rarely go wrong.” Sometimes you have to vote against. Do you think most Democrats were voting for John Kerry, or against George Bush? I didn’t vote for Trump in 2016, I voted against Hillary Clinton. Too often Republicans let us down, and now is the time to show the cards on Biden’s criminality. They should not go down every single road: all they need to do is show a few rock solid examples.

Powerful allegations continue to mount against the president. The allegations include, but are not limited to, photos, texts, an audio recording, and IRS and former business partner whistleblower testimonies:

  1. Biden family suspicious activity reports of wire transfers
  2. Texts
  3. Emails
  4. WhatsApp messages
  5. Photos of Joe with Hunter’s business partners
  6. Joe Biden’s voicemail to Hunter
  7. Five individuals referencing Joe Biden as the “big guy”
  8. Two whistleblower testimonies
  9. FBI FD-1023 form alleging recorded phone calls and texts between Biden and a Burisma executive
  10. FBI informant alleging bribes 
  11. Video of Joe Biden bragging about firing the Ukrainian prosecutor
  12. Hunter’s statements about giving half his income to his dad
  13. Former White House Aide saying FBI ignored Joe Biden’s role in Ukraine business dealings
  14. Millions flowing into Biden family bank accounts
  15. Hunter paying for Joe Biden’s expenses

That would be enough

Read: Could GOP House Launch Biden Impeachment Hearing In September? »

Your Fault: Iowa Could Maybe Possibly Getting More Weddings In The Offseason

Apparently, people cannot handle a whopping 1.5F increase in global temperature since 1850?

‘We’ve seen a lot more weddings in the offseason’: Climate change impacts Iowa wedding season

Climate change could be affecting when Iowans get married.

Summer used to be the go-to season for couples looking for a wedding date, but many couples are now planning their special day for some other time. That’s so they can avoid the oppressively hot temperatures like we experienced last week.

State climatologists say Iowa’s recent summers are different than those in years past.

And, that’s the extent of the screed. No data showing how much warmer than in years past. No people claiming they moved their weddings, no wedding planners or wedding companies offering any anecdotes. This is cult business, and you are not allowed to question it.

Oh, and here’s something you’re going to hear a lot about, because the Talking Points went out

Rapid intensification’: How Idalia could quickly become a major hurricane before landfall

Idalia is forecast to strengthen rapidly as it moves north into the Gulf of Mexico and closes in on the west coast of Florida, and will likely be a major, Category 3 hurricane as it makes landfall, forecasters said Monday.

“Idalia is poised to rapidly intensify today-tomorrow, meaning it can go from a tropical storm to a very dangerous hurricane within the next couple of days,” said Brian McNoldy, a senior research associate at the Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric and Earth Science at the University of Miami, in a Monday morning post on X, the site formerly known as Twitter.

Rapid intensification is a process in which a storm undergoes accelerated growth: The phenomenon is typically defined to be a tropical cyclone (whether a tropical storm or hurricane) intensifying by at least 35 mph in a 24-hour period.

And they’re all Blaming this on global boiling. The cult members have been dying for some really strong landfalling hurricanes which kill lots of people and destroy a lot of property. Go figure.

Tropical Storm Franklin strengthens into first major hurricane of 2023 Atlantic season

Idalia is set to grow into a hurricane on Monday and will become a “dangerous major hurricane over northeastern Gulf of Mexico by early Wednesday,” the hurricane center said. It noted that Idalia may reach the Gulf Coast of Florida on Wednesday.

They’re really, really, really hoping it hits Category 3 or higher at landfall

Read: Your Fault: Iowa Could Maybe Possibly Getting More Weddings In The Offseason »

If All You See…

…is a sea rising from Other People driving fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is No Tricks Zone, with a post on the Canadian wildfire trend going down since 2000.

Read: If All You See… »

San Francisco Says Goodbye To Nordstrom

The doom loop in San Francisco, created entirely crazy Progressive policies, as enacted by crazy Progressive voters, continues

Nordstrom closes San Francisco store on grim note amid naked mannequins, empty display cases

Nordstrom’s San Francisco flagship, which for decades occupied crucial real estate at the San Francisco Centre mall on Market Street, closed its doors Sunday.

The last days of the high-end store known for its shoes and its service were grim; ABC7 on a recent visit captured images of empty display cases and stacks of naked mannequins and interviewed an employee — whose worn black sneakers were the only part of him in the shot to protect his identity — speaking darkly about crime in the city’s once-vibrant shopping district.

The store’s closing has prompted yet another round of hand-wringing about the future of downtown San Francisco. Since the pandemic sent tech workers home by the thousands, with some never to return, foot traffic in the area has plummeted. Stores have closed in droves. The retail vacancy rate in the city was 6% in the first quarter of 2023, the highest in the city since 2006, according to data from Cushman & Wakefield, a commercial real estate services firm.

In announcing the closure of Nordstrom this spring, Jamie Nordstrom, the company’s chief stores officer, said “the dynamics of the downtown San Francisco market have changed dramatically over the past several years, impacting customer foot traffic to our stores and our ability to operate successfully.”

That would be the dynamics of changing consumer purchasing, where they can simply buy online, combined with a city, and especially a downtown area, that is dangerous, plus poop, urine, and drug needles in the streets. Plus all the homeless walking around, the high potential for having one’s car either broken into or stolen, and then all the retail theft at stores, which have seen their insurance costs skyrocket.

“We know we need to combat the issues around crime and public safety and affordability and transportation,” Mayor London Breed told the San Francisco Chronicle. “But I am optimistic about the future, because what we are seeing in San Francisco is something like nothing else before. We have the possibility to be whatever we want to be.”

That’s what she said in the spring when Nordstrom said they would be closing their doors. A few months later what, exactly, has the city done? Crime is just as bad. People do not feel safe, particularly in the downtown area. Heck, even the federal government has employees working from home rather than in their downtown office. And the tax base is disappearing. If citizens have an issue, they only have to look at themselves for continuing to vote for the same type of Progressive wackos for decades.

San Francisco restaurant bans armed officers, police union responds

A San Francisco restaurant is feuding with police on social media after the business implemented a policy that bans armed officers from entering.

Reem’s California announced the policy in an Instagram post on Friday, saying the reason is to have a “deep commitment to uplifting social and racial justice in our communities.”

Reem’s is a bakery. Completely shooting themselves in the foot banning cops in uniform with guns. Do they think the cops who are off-duty will go there? Will cops bother patrolling near the restaurant? Will they be interested in showing up fast if they get robbed? If Reem’s wants to push their virtue signaling, well, the consequences are on them.

And further down in the People’s Republik Of California

(LA Times) Police from multiple agencies swarmed the Del Amo Fashion Center on Sunday afternoon after a brawl among juveniles, with possible gunfire, drew a massive crowd of underage onlookers.

Around 4 p.m., Torrance police received a call reporting “a large crowd of juveniles fighting among themselves” at the Carson Street shopping mall, said Torrance Police Sgt. Ron Salary.

It’s unclear exactly how many people were fighting, but police estimate there were a thousand juveniles watching.

“It’s really not clear why they showed up at that location,” Salary said. “Because of the size of the crowd, when officers arrived, they asked for assistance from neighboring agencies.”

Why they showed up? Because they knew they could get away with it, and any who actually got pinched would be completely released.

Police also reported a large brawl among juveniles in the Bay Area city of Emeryville on Sunday afternoon.

Around 4:30 p.m., according to the Emeryville Police Department, about 50 young people caused a disturbance inside a store at the Bay Street Mall and had to be escorted out.

About an hour later, police said, 200 to 250 young people gathered at the mall, and several fights broke out near the courtyard. A gun was fired near Bay Street and Ohlone Way, though no one was reported hurt. Near Elm Street, a juvenile was stabbed, and was taken to the hospital with non-life-threatening wounds.


Read: San Francisco Says Goodbye To Nordstrom »

Hawaii Sues Electric Companies, Destroying Climate Cult Narrative

Sometimes two things can be correct. This is not one of those times

Democrats’ climate change blame game for Hawaii fire confronted by reality after Maui identifies cause

Hawaiian officials attributed the cause of catastrophic wildfires to alleged failures from the state’s main power utility company and downed power lines this week after Democrats blamed the disaster on global warming.

In a lawsuit filed Thursday, the government of Maui County, Hawaii, alleged Hawaiian Electric Company (HECO) and its subsidiaries failed to properly power down live electrical equipment amid a red flag windstorm earlier this month. Due to this failure, downed power lines operated by the utility company sparked a series of deadly fires on the island, the lawsuit claimed.

“The lawsuit alleges that the Defendants acted negligently by failing to power down their electrical equipment despite a National Weather Service Red Flag Warning on August 7th,” Maui County said in a release announcing its lawsuit.

“The lawsuit further alleges HECO’s energized and downed power lines ignited dry fuel such as grass and brush, causing the fires,” the announcement added. “The lawsuit also alleges failure to maintain the system and power grid, which caused the systemic failures starting three different fires on August 8th.”

So, as usual, not ‘climate change’, but, human negligence. Narrative buster. If only the electric companies hadn’t spent so much money, both on their own and as required by government, on all that “green” energy, rather than maintaining the existing infrastructure. If only the government had done their job in clearing back all the highly flammable grasses and done things like releasing the necessary water. Oh, and allowing citizens to leave. Warning them in some way to get the hell out

‘We’re all Maui’: Climate change tests emergency alert systems across US

A fire suddenly swallows a Hawaiian town, killing scores. Wildfire smoke from Canada unexpectedly drifts across the U.S. Northeast, choking millions. Record rains surprise Vermont, triggering landslides.

Emergency sirens on Maui, part of Hawaii’s decades-old early warning system, never sounded.

As climate change increases the ferocity and frequency of extreme weather events, quickly warning the public of their arrival is more important than ever. But authorities are finding existing emergency alert systems insufficient for these new threats – sometimes with deadly results.

“We’re all living in the same state that Maui was in a month ago,” said Jeffrey Schlegelmilch, director of the National Center for Disaster Preparedness at Columbia University’s Climate School. “We’re all living in an environment that is exposed to increased hazards that we don’t fully understand.”

So, basically incompetent government being incompetent is a symptom of global doom? Piss off.

Read: Hawaii Sues Electric Companies, Destroying Climate Cult Narrative »

Brandon Regime Contemplates “Recommending” COVID-19 Vaccines For All

Remember this?

(BBC) President-elect Joe Biden says Americans won’t be forced to take a coronavirus vaccine when one becomes available in the US.

Mr Biden has also reiterated his call for Americans to wear a mask for 100 days – a measure that he said combined with vaccine distribution would see deaths “drop off the edge”.

“My hope is they will then be inclined to say it’s worth the patriotic duty to go ahead and protect other people,” Mr Biden said.

100 days, eh? Went on for quite a bit longer than that, and, now, years beyond the danger zone of COVID, when more people died despite the availability of the vaccines and forced masking during Biden’s first year. And he made vaccination mandatory for federal employees and everyone who worked with the federal government

Biden plans to ask Congress for funding to develop new COVID vaccine, may require shot for all

President Biden said Friday he plans to request additional funding from Congress for the development of a new COVID-19 vaccine, adding he may require everyone to take it whether they previously received a vaccine or not.

Biden, who is vacationing in the Lake Tahoe area, was asked by a reporter on Friday if he could say anything about the uptick of COVID cases and a new variant.

“Yes, I can,” the president said. “I signed off this morning on a proposal we have to present to Congress a request for additional funding for a new vaccine that is necessary, that works.”

He added, “Tentatively it is recommended that it will likely be recommended everybody get it no matter whether they’ve gotten it before or not.”

Will he make it mandatory again, despite courts crushing vaccine mandates, at both the federal and state levels? How many excellent members of our military did we lose over this, who decided not to come back after they won in court? Will the vaccines actually provide protection against getting COVID this time, or, will we simply be gaslighted like last time? There are a whopping 12,613 hospital admissions related to COVID, and, based on previous gaslighting, not all of them were because they had COVID, but, for something else while having COVID. Remember how Biden said he’d shut down COVID? How’s that working out? Rather hard to do when you barely spend 30 hours a week working and a 3rd of your presidency on vacation.

Most are not going to buy into this fearmongering. Even lots of Biden voters will not comply. They won’t mask up and won’t bother with a barely functional shot. Also, let’s say Congress does authorize funding: how long will that take? And how much money for other things, like Ukraine, will Biden demand in order to sign it?

More: Since I was fixing the headline (thanks, Dana)

Read: Brandon Regime Contemplates “Recommending” COVID-19 Vaccines For All »

If All You See…

…is a field perfect for solar panels, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is 90Ninety Miles From Tyranny, with a post on some wisdom, knowledge, and snark.

It’s sundresses week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another wonderful day in the Once and Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the squirrels are leaving nut shells all over the front porch, and people really should stop at stop signs. Though, I get a lot of amusement when they fail to in front of a cop. This pinup is by Peter Driben, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. The Lid notes the Brandon admin welding border doors open
  2. The Last Refuge covers how much Trump made from his mugshot
  3. The Gateway Pundit shows a study that says paper straws could contain forever chemicals
  4. The First Street Journal discusses some people trying that in a small town
  5. White House Dossier notes Hunter Biden using taxpayer funded Air Force 2 for business trips
  6. Sultan Knish covers Ilhan Omar meeting with Al Qaeda allies
  7. Powerline wonders if crime is “unacceptable”
  8. Pacific Pundit highlights Joe Biden setting a new record
  9. neo-neocon covers re-education in Canada
  10. Moonbattery notes the DOJ coming after SpaceX for not hiring illegals
  11. Libs Of TikTok shows a Georgia school removing pornographic books
  12. Legal Insurrection covers Ron Johnson warning about mask and vaccine mandates
  13. IOTW Report discusses Bob Barker passing away at 99
  14. Geller Report notes Biden regime having new guidance on how many drinks a week while doing almost nothing about fentanyl
  15. And last, but, not least, Gates Of Vienna is still wondering what happened to the Nord pipeline

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Texas Sends 10th Bus To Sanctuary City Of Los Angeles

The city government of SCLA is rather unhappy about having to put their money where their mouths are

10th bus carrying migrants from Texas arrives in LA

Another bus from Texas carrying migrants from south of the border arrived in Los Angeles Saturday, the 10th such arrival since June 14, Mayor Karen Bass’ office announced.

“One bus arrived around 11:08 AM PT this morning with migrants traveling from Texas. This is the 10th bus that has arrived,” said Zach Seidl, deputy mayor of communications and spokesperson for Bass.

“The city has continued to work with city departments, the county, and a coalition of nonprofit organizations, in addition to our faith partners, to execute a plan set in place earlier this year. As we have before, when we became aware of the bus yesterday, we activated our plan.”

The group consists of 39 people, including 21 children from Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, Peru, and Venezuela.

Well, SCLA should be happy they aren’t getting all the young males like SCNY. Greg Abbott had a few words

“Los Angeles is a major city that migrants seek to go to, particularly now that its city leaders approved its self-declared sanctuary city status. Our border communities are on the front lines of President Biden’s border crisis, and Texas will continue providing this much-needed relief until he steps up to do his job and secure the border.”

The Los Angeles City Council approved a motion on June 9 seeking to formally establish the city as a ‘Sanctuary City.”

They should want the illegals in LA, right?

(Fox News) Los Angeles Governor Karen Bass criticized Texas Governor Greg Abbott when the ninth bus was sent when Tropical Storm Hillary was impacting the city, saying “LA has not extended an invitation asking for people to come. This is a political act.”

On Tuesday, Bass again condemned Abbott for sending the buses.

“This evening, Los Angeles received another bus from Texas. That means that while we were urging Angelenos to stay safe, the Governor of Texas was sending a bus with families and toddlers straight towards us KNOWING they’d have to drive right into an unprecedented storm,” Bass tweeted on X. “Evil.”

I can’t wait to see what Bass whines about with the 10th busload. Heck, it’s not even that many. Border towns in Texas get 100s a day. As for no invitation, well, Democrats have all but been doing that. Except to their own cities, I guess.

Read: Texas Sends 10th Bus To Sanctuary City Of Los Angeles »

Pirate's Cove