Brandon Admin Now Coming After Ceiling Fans

It’s all about “energy efficiency” to stop global boiling, you know, as Joe takes huge fossil fueled trips and stays in giant, energy sucking McMansions

Biden admin’s latest home appliance crackdown: ceiling fans

Ceiling fans are now the latest target in the Biden administration’s green agenda, sparking pushback from Republicans and manufacturers.

The Department of Energy is proposing a rule that would require ceiling fans to be more energy efficient, arguing the move would save U.S. households on energy costs.

According to the Energy Department’s analysis, the new rules would save households about $39 over the lifespan of the new energy-efficient fan. However, the cost to manufacturers associated with the increased equipment will total $86.6 million per year, the department said.

Republicans on the House Committee on Small Business say that if the rule goes into effect, it could put small manufacturers out of business, given the costs the companies would incur in order to comply with the changes.

The average lifespan of a ceiling fan is 10 years (though, I have 2 upstairs that have lasted since 2009, and the one in my bedroom only turns off when the power is out), so, you save a whopping $3.90 a year. But, what will the new fans cost?

The agency said standard residential ceiling fans complying with the proposed rule would cut consumers’ electricity costs to operate fans by roughly 40% compared to with the least-efficient fans currently on the market. The DOE estimates the purchase price of fans would increase by around $10 a piece if the new regulations are put in place, and says that additional cost would be covered by energy bill savings in about four years.

So, probably like $50. Even if it is $10, that means you save $2.90 a year, and

“This rule would require numerous small business fan manufacturers to redesign their products and may put between 10 and 30 percent of small business ceiling fan manufacturers out of business,” the GOP members of the small business committee wrote in a letter to Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm on Thursday. “It appears that the Department of Energy (DOE) may not have properly considered small entities during this rulemaking process.”

Seriously, is this all necessary?

In a statement to FOX Business on Friday, a DOE spokesperson defended the potential new rule changes, saying, “These proposed standards, which are required by Congress, wouldn’t take effect until 2028, would give Americans more energy efficient options to choose from, and would save hardworking taxpayers up to $369 million per year, while substantially reducing harmful air pollution — a crucial fact that some have conveniently failed to mention.”

In other words, carbon pollution. You know that’s what they mean. From ceiling fans. These people are out of control. Is there anything they won’t attempt to regulate to death?

Read: Brandon Admin Now Coming After Ceiling Fans »

If All You See…

…is a horrible assault rifle with rounds that cause the climate to flood, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The O.K. Corral, with a post on your feel good Friday.

Read: If All You See… »

Democrats Call On Brian Kemp To Oppose Sanctions On Georgia Prosecutor

Why would a Republican listen to a Democrat? If he did publicly oppose sanctions, would that earn him the votes of all these Democrats?

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp called to publicly oppose sanctions against DA in Trump case

A Georgia faith leader representing more than 530 churches is calling upon Gov. Brian Kemp to publicly oppose Republican efforts to remove or discipline Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis.

Willis, a Democrat and the first Black woman to serve in the position, has become a lightning rod for attacks by supporters of former President Donald Trump, who she indicted this month along with 18 others on charges related to an alleged conspiracy to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election.

Many state and national GOP lawmakers, not to mention Trump himself, have criticized Willis as a “partisan hack” and have proposed launching investigations and pursuing sanctions against her over the case, which marks the fourth indictment against the former president amid his bid to return to the White House.

Willis was out to get Trump. She was campaigning on it. Her whole case seems to rest on prosecuting someone engaged in their 1st Amendment Rights

“We strongly call upon you to make it publicly known that you do not support the calls of those who seek an investigation of (Willis),” Bishop Reginald T. Jackson, head of the African Methodist Episcopal Church in Georgia, wrote in a letter sent Friday.

How many of the members vote Republican? 10% or less?

A statement from Kemp would “put to rest this divisive, polarizing, partisan and inflammatory attempt to disrupt our state and its people,” according to Jackson, who notes how Kemp testified to the grand jury in the case and has rejected Trump’s false claims that the presidential contest was stolen in previous public comments.

Kemp and Trump obviously do not get along, but, do they get the notion that this is a battle, that the enemy is the Democratic Party, and slamming each other is not a good thing? Well, Trump has never seemed to get that, never understood Reagan’s 11th Amendment, never understood that you catch more flies with honey than vinegar. Does Kemp understand? Will he get involved or stay above the fray? Will Trump understand to not slam Kemp?

The Republican-led House Judiciary Committee sent a letter to her on Thursday launching an inquiry into whether she coordinated with federal officials for the indictment of Trump.

The committee, chaired by Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, demanded information from Willis regarding any communication she had with the Justice Department, the office of Special Counsel Jack Smith who also indicted Trump and executive branch officials. They set a Sept. 7 deadline to receive correspondence.

It’s funny, for all the Democrats complaining about this, saying the House has no business being involved, well, it’s a real good reason why the federal government shouldn’t be funding all things state, local, and county, which is what gives Jordan authorization to get involved. Your taxes flow to Los Federales then back to things like prosecutor’s offices, giving Los Federales a say in their operations.

Read: Democrats Call On Brian Kemp To Oppose Sanctions On Georgia Prosecutor »

Newbie All Sorts Of Upset Over Seeing Ads Flying From Planes At Beach

Who here has been to the beach and seen ads flying from airplanes? I grew up at the beach, and I learned to tune them out. I’ve seen them at many beaches up and down the east coast. This newbie had a snit fit, and, because it’s 2023, someone actually listened to the story and published a minor bit of whining. But, they went further

Beachgoer infuriated after witnessing an event that they say ‘ruined’ their vacation: ‘This is so gross and frustrating’

Is the era of truly peaceful vacations over? One Redditor spotted “unskippable” ads during their recent South Florida vacation, ruining an otherwise quiet beach day.

The video, shared to the Anticonsumption subreddit, shows an aerial ad flying just off the shore with a giant QR code on it and the caption, “You can’t adblock this.”

Another ad shows an image of a woman holding a semi-automatic rifle, with the caption from Lock and Load Miami that read, “shoot machine guns.”

“My vacation to Miami Beach is getting ruined by unskippable ads,” the Redditor writes.

Ruined! Compare that to the family in the last post who had their rental car broken into and lots of stuff, including a $1,000 in jewelry, stolen. But, wait! This post is always about ‘climate change’, right?

Not only are aerial ads like these disturbing to see, but because they’re attached to planes, they contribute to pollution and negatively impact air quality, particularly in densely populated areas.

They also require the use of dirty energy sources that contribute to planet-heating gases during sourcing and production.

So, I’m just wondering how she and her family traveled to Miami?

Read: Newbie All Sorts Of Upset Over Seeing Ads Flying From Planes At Beach »

San Francisco Comes Up With Fantastic New Idea To Stop Car Break-ins

And they’re telling all the criminals what’s coming

San Francisco officials unveil measures to combat vehicle break-ins just as family’s car is burglarized nearby

A family visiting San Francisco from Missouri had their rental car broken into and ransacked in the same area where authorities held a news conference Thursday to announce new ways to combat car burglaries — an ongoing problem that has plagued the city in recent years.

Lindsey Dobbelare and her family wanted to drive over the famed Golden Gate Bridge, and pulled over to explore a park they spotted on the way. She told FOX San Francisco they had parked their vehicle for only five minutes.

“We pulled over, parked, got out, did a little sightseeing and when we came back we had our back glass shattered out,” she said.

Missing were the family’s backpacks, passports, electronics, and $1,000 worth of jewelry.

My favorite part is how they said they wouldn’t let it ruin their vacation. Heck, they shouldn’t, because if you visit San Fran you should expect this (stay tuned for the next post for a ruined vacation)

Just as the Dobbelares were assessing the damage to their rental, San Francisco Police Chief Bill Scott and District Attorney Brooke Jenkins held a press conference Thursday on the problem.

Scott said the Police Department will begin using “bait cars,” which are intended to lure thieves and repeat offenders. Additional funds for police overtime will allow for more patrols in popular tourist areas like the Palace of Fine Arts, Lombard Street and Fisherman’s Wharf, the city announced.

“We have gotten to a point in San Francisco where people didn’t even fear being arrested. They didn’t think anything would happen once the DA’s office took over the case,” said Jenkins. “They didn’t think there was going to be any meaningful consequence. They have to learn. We’re trying to reinstall in San Francisco, not only will you be caught, but when you’re prosecuted there will be a consequence for that behavior.”

First off, now all the criminals know what’s going on and will be on the alert. Second, this is not a new issue, it’s been getting worse and worse for decades. Residents all know their cars can be broken into (and stolen). Many have taken to leaving them unlocked and leaving notes. Third, I’ll believe the city is serious when they start arresting and prosecuting. What’s this whole “consequences” stuff? Should be talking about doing some jail time.

In a statement, Mayor London Breed supported efforts to prosecute thieves who prey on “residents and visitors.”

“People should not fear having their cars broken into, whether they are running down the street for errands or visiting our incredible City for the first time,” she said. “San Francisco can and should be a safe and welcoming place for all.”

The rich residents who live in San Fran and the surrounding areas must be putting pressure on Breed and the people who “run” San Fran. Perhaps a bigwig had their car vandalized. Maybe the rich business owners are tired of the issue.

Read: San Francisco Comes Up With Fantastic New Idea To Stop Car Break-ins »

EV Sellers Running Out Of Buyers

For pretty much about every other type of vehicle there’s a lack of vehicles. Inventory is tight. This should probably start getting better within 4-6 months. EVs?

EVs are running out of customers — and some dealers don’t want them anymore

Electric vehicleMore electric vehicles are being pumped out of car factories than ever before — but some dealers don’t want them.

Electric-car inventory has been piling up on dealership lots this year as companies up their EV production, leading some dealers to say enough is enough. Some are telling automakers they don’t want any more until they can sell what’s sitting, several dealers told Insider.

“We have turned away EV inventory,” said Scott Kunes, the chief operating officer of Kunes Auto and RV Group, which sells Detroit brands as well as Nissan and Mitsubishi in the Midwest. “We need to ensure that we have a good turn on it.”

Automakers are “asking us to make a large investment,” Kunes added, “and we’re just wanting to see some return on that investment.”

There are only so many people who are willing to purchase an EV, and only so many people who can afford to do so. Further, there are many who would purchase one, but, they are too inconvenient for their lives.

Plug-in-vehicle availability is increasing rapidly, a sign the EV-adoption growth curve is about to hit a serious slowdown. A switch from enthusiastic and wealthy early adopters to more apprehensive and budget-minded car shoppers is throwing the electric-car transition for a loop, forcing car companies to change their outlooks and pull back on ambitious EV production goals.

“It’s not just that these vehicles are expensive — which they are. We’re talking about a much more nuanced lifestyle change,” said Sam Fiorani, the vice president of global vehicle forecasting at AutoForecast Solutions. He pointed to differences in the EV ownership experience, including charging and range anxiety, as stoppers for many buyers.

“It’s hard for the average customer to make that leap while spending an extra $10,000,” Fiorani said.

The majority of EV buyers make between $150K-$300K a year with a smattering of very rich folks who have them as a second vehicle. The average cost of an EV is $64K. If you can buy a Corolla or Civic, nicely appointed, for under $30k, or a Camry or Accord for under $35K, why would you go for an EV about the same size for so much more?

Car shoppers can find plenty of electric options on dealership lots — while there was about 54 days’ supply of vehicle inventory overall at dealerships earlier this summer, EV inventory was nearly double that.

54 days? Where? I can think of a few individual models which had an abundance, but, that has stopped. Most are gone in 6 days to 2 weeks.

But the savviest executives will heed this first warning from dealers about where the demand pendulum is swinging, Karl Brauer, an automotive analyst for iSeeCars, previously told Insider.

“Dealers know in real time with real-time feedback what the market is doing,” he said. “They have always acted as the first warning lights on the dash for the automotive industry.”

They got the early adopters, and will continue to sell some, around 3-6% of sales, but, when talking the non-luxury lines (Honda, Toyota, VW, Ford, Kia, etc), most aren’t interested. Few ask. Most who do ask aren’t interested in purchasing, just more of wondering.

(Watts Up With That?) But that’s still better than the news reported in March that insurance companies are having to write off EVs with just a few miles – leading to higher premiums – because of the many EVs for which there is no way to repair or assess even slightly damaged battery packs after accidents. EV battery packs are ending up in junkyards in multiple countries.

According to the Agent Support Network of America, the intense impact of a crash can be much more devastating to EVs, increasing the likelihood of a totaled versus repairable car. EVs, according to Consumer Reports, may not withstand an accident as well as traditional gasoline-powered vehicles. EV batteries are vulnerable to damage, and with any indication of a compromised battery, insurance companies will likely declare an EV crash a total loss.

So, add insurance costs to the picture, where people will pay around 25% more at this time, on top of already higher premiums post-COVID. And as more are on the road that cost could go up.

Read: EV Sellers Running Out Of Buyers »

If All You See…

…is an area turning to desert due to ‘climate change’, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on Cancelling big butts.

Read: If All You See… »

Obligatory Trump Booked With Mugshot Post

Democrats have been working on arresting Republicans since the George W Bush administration, and were all in on Trump even before Trump won in 2016

I was hoping more for a “Queen Of Chaos” type mugshot, but, I’m sure there was a reason for him doing it like that

Bill Of Rights(Daily Caller) Former President Donald Trump approached reporters after surrendering himself Thursday night in Georgia, and shared his frustration about his arrest after being fingerprinted and having his mugshot taken.

“I really believe this is a very sad day for America. This should never happen. If you challenge an election you should be able to challenge an election. I thought the election was a rigged election, a stolen election — and I should have every right to do that. As you know you have many people that you’ve been watching over the years do the same thing,” Trump said.

“Whether it’s Hillary Clinton or Stacey Abrams or many others. When you have that great freedom to challenge you have to be able to otherwise you’re gonna have very dishonest elections. What has taken place here is a travesty of justice — we did nothing wrong, I did nothing wrong — and everybody knows it. I’ve never had such support.”

Trump said “what they’re doing is election interference” and “there has never been anything like it in our country before.”

“This is their way of campaigning,” Trump added. “This is one instance but you have three other instances.”

It’s going to be a tough bar to prosecute Trump and the others, who’ll stand on their 1st Amendment Rights, including Free Speech and petitioning for redress of grievance. Even if he loses in county court, it’ll be killed on appeal. And, could there be unintended consequences if Trump wins in 2024?

(Breitbart) The mugshot of President Donald Trump has rallied the opposition behind him. And it will give the former president a mandate, should he win the election, to sweep away the rot in our government, without compromise.

Now that Democrats have shown how far they will go, Republicans will feel it necessary to prevent them from ever doing it again. (snip)

Big changes will be made, and justifiably so. Secret archives will be opened. Mass pardons will be offered. Whole government departments will be dismantled or relocated. There will be no kangaroo courts — none of the perversions Democrats have committed — but the Democrats behind the “Russia collusion” hoax, including Hillary Clinton, should call their lawyers.

There will be no mercy for those who have attacked the rights and values of our constitution and then claimed to be acting in defense of democracy — a democracy they abhor when it provides leaders that do not serve their own corrupt interests.

Let’s say a different Republican is the nominee and wins: this could well happen. Even Trump hating Chris Christie could do this. It wouldn’t require all the squishy Congressional Republicans, either, the get-along-go-along ones.

But I found, to my surprise, once I saw the mugshot, that I felt excited, almost elated. Trump’s glowering face did not show pain or shame. It did not even show anger. It was a look of righteous indignation, the glare of a man who may be a prisoner now, but is actually in control. It was the expression he wore a thousand times on episodes of “The Apprentice.” It was how he looked when he said, “You’re Fired.”

They will all be fired, if he wins. And half the country is prepared to do whatever it takes to give him the chance.

Time will tell.

Read: Obligatory Trump Booked With Mugshot Post »

Portland Has 5 Year Plan To Spend $750 Million On “Climate Justice”

I’m really looking forward to the unintended consequences

Portland Clean Energy Fund unveils 5-year plan, $750M projected spending after overhaul

Portland’s first-of-its-kind climate justice program unveiled its five-year plan Thursday to invest hundreds of millions of dollars toward climate action.

The revealed plan increases focus on community resilience, transparency and accountability. That’s after the Portland City Council voted for a major overhaul of the fund after a series of setbacks last year.

The Portland Clean Energy Fund’s (PCEF) $750 million climate investment plan lays out how the city aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and ensure the residents most impacted by climate change are prepared. Under the fund framework, grants would go to a wide range of projects, from energy-efficient retrofits to adding renewable energy, to increasing incentives for electric vehicles.

“We’re unveiling our inaugural five-year climate investment plan which sets the stage for the investments that PCEF is going to be making over the next five years, totaling almost nearly three-quarters of a billion dollars into climate projects that address racial justice, social justice and economic justice.” Portland Clean Energy Fund program manager Sam Baraso said.

Sounds more like it’s about politics than science. Oh, and graft/kickbacks/payoffs to donors and such

The climate justice program has been celebrated as a first-of-its-kind environmental justice program created and led by communities of color. The fund is managed by the Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability after receiving approval from 65% of voters in 2018.

At the time of its passage, backers estimated the fund would generate between $40 to $60 million each year from a 1% tax on large retailers’ sales. The surcharge generated tens of millions more than anticipated. In its first two years, the fund has led to $145 million in grants that support climate action. Its latest round of community investment was the largest, granting $120 million to support clean energy projects. The fund expects to raise $750 million for additional investment through 2028.

The numbers do not add up, and it’s wishful thinking that this $750 million will suddenly generate. Especially since

You hear a lot about companies fleeing San Francisco, but, Portland is also having major issues with lots of small, medium, and large companies bolting the city. And those who don’t simply pass the tax on to the consumers.

The plan will also make $20 million available for city bureaus and offices to use as leverage to get federal dollars aimed at climate action, like the Inflation Reduction Act and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.

$20 million for lobbying? Sounds like a great way to spread some money out to donors and such, eh?

Read: Portland Has 5 Year Plan To Spend $750 Million On “Climate Justice” »

Chicago Police Want Illegals Housed At City Hall

Did you know this?

(Chicago Tribune) But instead, Hassly was turned away from the school Monday morning with seven other elementary school-aged kids who are staying with their migrant families at the 3rd District police station, despite filling out paperwork, according to Britt Hodgdon, a volunteer at the 2nd and 3rd District police stations.

“Kids are showing up with rotting teeth and active fevers and malnutrition and they’re not receiving care here,” said Hodgdon. “And then on top of that we’re now refusing them education and all of the things that come with that.” (snip)

“The District was provided with information about children staying at police stations within the past few business days and is developing a plan to incorporate enrollment procedures for those families who are staying at police stations. We consider those families to be part of the estimated 1,000 students that we are in the process of enrolling,” the statement said. “We are working with urgency and are dedicated to enrolling as many families as quickly as we can. This includes deploying mobile units to local police stations and other temporary shelters this week to ensure all children are provided access to our services.”

That’s right, the city has the illegals/migrants staying at Chicago police stations. Around 1,100 of them

(Chicago Sun Times) Fed up with having Chicago police officers “babysit” asylum-seekers, Fraternal Order of Police President John Catanzara on Thursday proposed an alternative to district stations: allowing hundreds of migrants to sleep in the lobbies and open hallways at City Hall.

“I don’t think there’s one single one of ’em living in City Hall — whether it’s on the county lobby floor or the City Hall floor. There’s certainly plenty of space to put a couple hundred in there, but I don’t see that happening in their workspace. But they certainly have no problem putting ’em in our workspace,” Catanzara said. “Why be a hypocrite?”

Catanzara said it was “so ridiculous” that “there’s actually mail. Migrants are using police district addresses to receive their mail. They now have CPS out there recruiting migrant children to register for CPS just to have that number in the next two weeks to grab as much tax revenue as they possibly can. Whether these kids come to school or not, they don’t care. This is all a big game to far too many people.”

How about putting some up at the mayor’s house? Of course, that’s on the high-toned and fancy-todo upper west side, in the Austin neighborhood. Can’t have them trashing up that area.

Chicago officials finally release records on millions spent to help migrants

Next week will mark a year since buses carrying asylum seekers began arriving in Chicago.

CBS 2 spent more than six months fighting for information about how taxpayer money is being spent to help migrants. CBS 2’s Lauren Victory is always investigating and shared what she’s uncovered after the city finally handed over a list of invoices.

Earlier this month, CBS 2 reported on the city’s blatant lack of transparency about migrant spending. The report struck a chord and received a big response on social media.

Good on CBS 2 for doing Journalism. And they worked hard, getting stonewalled constantly by the city government, lied to, put off. They finally got those records

The records included vendor names, invoice numbers, and paid amounts. The information accounted for $83 million out of the $110 million spent on migrant care so far. At least 40 different companies and organizations received money.

Imagine what the city could do with $110 million for the residents, for the roads, on stopping crime, on dealing with the homeless. They’re learning that their belief in unfettered illegal immigration comes with a cost to themselves, not just down at border towns.

Read: Chicago Police Want Illegals Housed At City Hall »

Pirate's Cove