Climate Cultists Protest At Burning Man

Vox actually has a point about the Warmists having a point

Burning Man’s climate protesters have a point

climate cowSunday was not a fun day for the thousands of people on their way to Burning Man. In the days leading up to the bacchanal, traffic is typically a nightmare on the two-lane highway that leads to the barren former lake bed in the Black Rock Desert, a national conservation area that, for a week every year, becomes known as Black Rock City, population 80,000.

But this year, a small group of climate protesters parked a 28-foot trailer across the road, causing miles of gridlock. Seven Circles, a coalition of organizations that includes Extinction Rebellion and Rave Revolution, made some simple demands of the Burning Man Organization, which hosts the annual desert party: “Ban private jets, single-use plastics, unnecessary propane burning, and unlimited generator use per capita at the nine day event in Black Rock City, Nevada.” There were also calls for the organization to mobilize its members “to initiate systemic change.” But the ban on private jets — that seems pretty straightforward.

“Burning Man should aim to have the same type of political impact that Woodstock had on counterculture,” Mun Chong, an organizer with Extinction Rebellion, said in a statement. “If we are honest about system change, it needs to start at ‘home.’ Ban the lowest-hanging fruit immediately: private jets.”

The protesters, it deserves to be said, had a point: Burning Man is famously bad for the planet.

It is, it really is, and you can bet most of these young folks, as well as all the older performers who show up, Believe in global boiling

The many tens of thousands of people the event attracts must travel through some of the most remote parts of the country to a destination where there are few natural resources, where everything gets trucked in, and where vast structures are lit ablaze on the last night of the festival, pumping carbon-filled smoke into the atmosphere. But over 90 percent of the event’s carbon footprint comes not from the fires themselves but from travel to and from Black Rock City, according to a 2020 environmental sustainability report from the Burning Man Organization. Another 5 percent comes from gas- and diesel-burning generators that keep lights and air conditioners on during the festival.

So, why ban private planes? The vast majority are not flying private, but, commercial, as well as all the fossil fueled vehicles to get to and from the airport, along with those who simply take long, fossil fueled auto trips. How about all fast fashion the people buy to wear there once, then discard? All the wasted food? All the water and alcohol trucked in? Yet all these Warmists refuse to practice what they preach

There’s a long string of videos from that Tweet, but, I wonder, why is no one asking how the Warmists themselves traveled to Burning Man?

Read: Climate Cultists Protest At Burning Man »

If All You See…

…is horrible sugary soda causing obesity which is bad for global boiling, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is A View From The Beach, with a post on the Wednesday wetness.

Read: If All You See… »

Republicans Rip Biden Over Using Alias For Official Government Emails

They can rage all the want: what are they going to do about it?

Exclusive: GOP Lawmakers Rip Joe Biden for Using Email Alias to Conduct Family Business

Republican lawmakers expressed deep concern on Tuesday after reports surfaced of then-President Joe Biden using email aliases to conduct family business.

Joe Biden used the aliases — “Robert Peters,” “Robin Ware,” and “JRB Ware” — to share government information and discuss business with Hunter Biden and associates, according to the Southeastern Legal Foundation, which filed a lawsuit to compel the National Archives (NARA) to turn over the emails.

In one email sent to Joe Biden in 2016, “Robert L. Peters” received a message that cc’d Hunter Biden about Ukraine. The email includes an attachment with the vice president’s schedule, indicating that he had spoken by phone to then-Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko.

“There is more than enough evidence to open an inquiry into Biden Corruption LLC,” House Judiciary Committee member Harriet Hageman exclusively told Breitbart News. “Months ago, I made clear that an impeachment inquiry into the President should be opened and since then we’ve only seen more evidence to support it.”

There’s not one good reason for a government official, including the Vice President, to be using one alias, much less multiple ones, for government business.

The Archives repeatedly refused to provide the emails and records linked to Joe Biden’s aliases. The Southeastern Legal Foundation first filed the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the Archives for Biden’s emails in 2021. Two years later, it renewed the request, but the Archives “failed to produce a single one of these emails,” the foundation said.

The Southeastern Legal Foundation Archives revealed Monday that the Archives acknowledged the emails and records exist after it filed a lawsuit to compel the agency to turn over the emails and records.

“Obama should allow NARA to release the 5,100 email messages and 200 pages of records,” Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) told Breitbart News. “I’ve been researching Joe Biden’s use of private emails since 2021. Three letters to the Biden White House have gone unanswered, and NARA provided the usual non-response response.”

Obama will never agree to this, unless he’s convinced that it is bad for Joe to be the 2024 candidate. What will the GOP do about the Archives? Why are these records being kept secret? They cannot be national security material. Do we no longer have an open government? Where is the Credentialed Media? In days past they would be smelling blood in the water and would be all over this. The use of an alias and/or non-governmental email account is, at best, a massive violation of federal government policy, and most likely a criminal violation of record keeping law.

GOP House Conference Chair Elise Stefanik (R-NY) also echoed Sen. Johnson’s concern. “The National Archives must immediately release these emails,” she said. “The American people have a right to know how compromised Joe Biden is.”

What are you going to do about it? Less talk, more action.

Read: Republicans Rip Biden Over Using Alias For Official Government Emails »

UN Super Excited To Help Kids Sue Over Global Boiling

The United Nations, full of con artists, shady dictators, and authoritarians, wouldn’t have any sort of ulterior motive, would they?

UN seeks to help children battling climate change in court

A United Nations body on Monday updated a key treaty designed to protect children’s rights to strengthen their hand in fighting climate change, as they emerge at the forefront of the battle to protect the planet.

From wildfires in Portugal to fossil fuel projects in the U.S. state of Montana, young plaintiffs have been taking the lead in a burgeoning number of lawsuits seeking more government action on climate change.

In the document, the U.N. Committee on the Rights of the Child calls environmental degradation, including the climate crisis, “a form of structural violence against children”.

It says that states should provide access to justice for children, including through “removing barriers for children to initiate proceedings themselves”.

“This could definitely strengthen their hand because now there’s a fully articulated set of guidance that pulls everything together in one place,” said Ann Skelton, chair of the committee and a South African lawyer, adding that she also hoped businesses and policy makers would draw on the document.

You know the old saying about following the money, right? Well, what about following the power? Progressives love the notion of more power to dictate how Other People live their lives, as long as they do not have to live the lives they force everyone else to live. Do you see them reducing their own carbon footprints? Hell no.

Some 16,000 children across more than 100 countries were consulted as part of a broader dialogue during the two-year drafting period for the guidelines. Tânia dos Santos Maia, a 14-year-old from Brazil, said she expected the U.N. document to make children and adolescents more aware of their rights.

The guidance was broadly welcomed, however, some say it does not go far enough. Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg asked the committee “to be more vigorous and somewhat bolder” during consultations, U.N. committee member Philip Jaffé told Reuters. Thunberg was not immediately available for comment via a spokesperson.

Do these kiddies have any idea that they are simply Useful Idiots, following the dictates of rich and/or powerful people who are looking for more and more power, and will reduce the lives of those same kiddies? That the kiddies are willingly giving up their liberty and freedom?

Read: UN Super Excited To Help Kids Sue Over Global Boiling »

Blue On Blue: Mayor Of SCNY Barks At Illegal Loving NY Governor

It is simply amazing what happens when believers in unfettered illegal immigration actually have to deal with the consequences of their beliefs, eh?

Adams condemns Hochul’s handling of New York migrant crisis as ‘wrong’

New York City Mayor Eric Adams on Tuesday knocked Gov. Kathy Hochul’s handling of the migrant crisis, offering his sharpest critique of his partner in government.

Adams was, in particular, critical of Hochul’s stance that the city should limit its movement of migrants to other parts of New York, especially without the consent and coordination of local leaders.

“I think the governor’s wrong,” the mayor said. “She’s the governor of the state of New York. New York City is in that state. Every county in this state should be part of this.”

Adams has recently urged Hochul to issue a statewide order that would bar municipalities from trying to block the arrival of migrants through local edicts. Hochul has rejected the concept, saying migrants should not be forced on other counties and, separately, arguing the right to shelter mandate that requires people who are homeless, including migrants, to be provided housing doesn’t apply beyond the five boroughs.

There are actually quite a few areas of the state of NY that vote Republican, and are not interested in being the recipients of all the illegal aliens/migrants, especially the young males. They aren’t interested in the crime, drugs, loud music, and prostitution. Why not send lots of illegals to the areas of NY that have declared themselves sanctuary areas? And, since NYC has declared itself a sanctuary city, why not just put their beliefs where their mouths are and support all the illegals themselves?

You can bet Hochul is catching an absolute earful from the residents and officials in the non-sanctuary areas, as well as from the Republicans in the general assembly. I wonder if Adams has considered sending illegals to Albany, which is also a declared sanctuary city?

Adams spoke Tuesday in a “fireside conversation” hosted by the New York Law School and the Center for New York City Law.

“This is a real leadership moment,” he said of the governor, who he separately praised for steps to improve subway safety. “And all those counties — we are the economic engine of this state. New York goes down. The entire state goes down.”

So, is he stating for the record that all that illegal immigration is bad for the economy? Huh.

Read: Blue On Blue: Mayor Of SCNY Barks At Illegal Loving NY Governor »

Reversing A Slight Increase In Global Temperatures Over 170 Years Will Take All Of Us Or Something

It’s always interesting when one of the Warmists tell us we have to Do Something, yet, they never tell us what they’ve done themselves. In this case, Delaware Sen. Elizabeth “Tizzy” Lockman

Reversing harm of climate change will take all of us

Extreme heat. Smoke-filled skies. Violent storms and deadly flash floods. Record-breaking ocean temperatures.

Clear signs of a worsening climate crisis seem to be everywhere this summer, along with the threats they pose to the health and safety of our family, friends and neighbors.

Make no mistake, the risk to our communities is real. A recent study by Moody’s Analytics found that Delaware faces one of the highest threats of disaster due to climate change, behind only Florida, Louisiana and the Carolinas. We are also the fourth-fastest warming state – tied with Arizona, which includes the Sonoran Desert.

It’s so dangerous that Joe Biden bought a house at the beach

Black families are already at greater risk of seeing their children develop asthma, being forced from their homes due to flooding and losing a loved one due to extreme heat – all of which will only worsen as the climate warms.

It’s almost required these days to through some race-baiting in

How we got here is obvious: Fossil fuel companies polluted our climate, air and water for decades, while spreading disinformation about their products and fighting clean energy alternatives. Even now as we suffer through record-high temperatures, they are raking in billions of dollars in record-high profits.

Thanks to Attorney General Kathy Jennings, Delaware is helping lead the charge in holding these polluters accountable. In 2020, the attorney general’s office filed a potentially landmark lawsuit against more than two dozen major oil and gas companies – including ExxonMobil, BP, Shell and Chevron – to make them “pay for the mess they’ve made.” Our state’s fight to put these companies on trial won a major boost recently, when the U.S. Supreme Court turned down Big Oil’s request to stop the case from moving forward in state court, where a jury of Delaware residents would hear it.

Has Tizzy and the rest of her fellow Delaware Warmists given up their own use of fossil fuels? Perhaps she should talk with Joe about how much he uses to travel to Delaware most weekends.

The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control recently created an environmental justice administrator position to serve as a liaison between historically underserved communities and the state’s lead environmental agency.

My colleagues and I are working with DNREC to stand up a panel of community members and environmental justice experts capable of advising the State of Delaware on how best to address current and historic injustices, much like the White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council at the federal level.

So, this is not science, it’s politics. No surprise there. How does any of this help “reverse the harm of ‘climate change'”? None of this would stop the slight rise in temperatures even if it was mostly/solely caused by Mankind.

Maine’s puffins recover despite climate change

The story is a video, but, the headline is hilarious: “despite.” Damned nature not cooperating with the climate cult beliefs.

Some farmers see no climate change: ‘Every year the weather impacts us’

It’s paywalled pretty hard, but, they’re right: the weather is not the same every year.

Read: Reversing A Slight Increase In Global Temperatures Over 170 Years Will Take All Of Us Or Something »

If All You See…

…is an Evil book made from killing trees, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on a dude suffering from a failure of the victim-selection process.

If you think I’m kidding on books, there are actually discussion, such as this, on whether paper books are Bad for ‘climate change’.

Read: If All You See… »

Shooting At UNC Chapel Hill: Police Not Identifying Suspect, Can’t Find Gun

I have yet to run across any article that notes one very important piece of information. And possibly a second

(CNN) A suspect is in custody but police still are looking for the weapon and the motive behind the fatal shooting of a faculty member at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill on Monday afternoon.

Neither the victim nor the assailant has been identified after the early afternoon shooting sent the university with more than 30,000 students into lockdown for hours. The suspect was detained about 90 minutes after the gunfire interrupted activities at the school’s Caudill Laboratories, a chemistry studies building.

“We want to ensure that we gather every piece of evidence to determine exactly what happened here today and why it happened,” UNC Police Chief Brian James said at a news conference Monday evening. “It is too early in this investigation to know a motive for the shooting.”

Detectives won’t get clues into the motive until they speak with the suspect, he added.

I wonder if we’ll find out the motive if it is Inconvenient

Investigators have not found the firearm that was used in the shooting and it’s not known whether it was legally obtained, James said.

The suspect was taken into custody shortly after 2:30 p.m., Guskiewicz said. The university continued in lockdown for a couple hours after the suspect was detained because authorities were working to confirm they had the right person and trying to find the firearm that was used, James told reporters.

The first piece of important information is that it is against North Carolina law for anyone except authorized law enforcement to carry a firearm on any school property, or even within proximity to a school

The shooter was already breaking two laws, murder and carrying a firearm on school grounds. What common sense gun laws would stop that? And then (below more tag)

Read More »

Read: Shooting At UNC Chapel Hill: Police Not Identifying Suspect, Can’t Find Gun »

European Farmers Rebel Over EU Rules

Remember, this is all about science, not controlling people

Labeled Climate Culprits, European Farmers Rebel Over New Standards

To meet climate goals, some European countries are asking farmers to reduce livestock, relocate or shut down — and an angry backlash has begun reshaping the political landscape before national elections in the fall.

So, where’s the food going to come from? Remember, when you reduce the supply while increasing the number of consumers, costs will skyrocket.

This summer, scores of farmers descended on the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France, to protest against new E.U. rules aimed at restoring natural areas and cutting emissions that contribute to climate change. Farmers have protested in Belgium, Italy and Spain, too.

The discontent has underscored a widening divide on a continent that is on the one hand committed to acting on climate change but on the other often deeply divided about how to do it and who should pay for it.

Most Warmists want Someone Else to pay for it

Those like Helma Breunissen, who runs a dairy farm in the Netherlands with her husband, say that too much of the burden is falling on them, threatening both their livelihoods and their way of life.

For almost 20 years, Ms. Breunissen has provided the Dutch with a staple product, cow’s milk, and she felt that her work was valued by society, she said. The dairy sector in the Netherlands, which also produces cheeses like Gouda and Edam, is celebrated as a cornerstone of national pride.

But the sector also produces almost half the Netherlands’ emissions of nitrogen, a surplus of which is bad for biodiversity. Ms. Breunissen and thousands of other farmers bridle that they are now labeled peak emitters.

Obviously, the big wigs passing these laws and rules aren’t going to go after their fellow big wigs. Remember, France did away with short haul flights for the peasants while allowing private jets to fly as much as they want.

In the Netherlands, the government has asked thousands of farmers to scale back, move or close. The authorities set aside about 24 billion euros, about $26 billion, to help farmers put in place more sustainable solutions — or to buy them out.

Food? Who needs food?

Although only nine million out of almost 400 million voters in Europe work in agriculture, they are a vocal and influential bloc that attracts the sympathy of many on a continent where a nation’s identity is often tied to the food it produces.

A host of new groups are vying to displace traditional parties. They include the Farmer Citizen Movement, known by its Dutch acronym BBB, which was established four years ago.

Will the citizens of the EU turn against their dictatorial politicians, or, continue to vote against their best interests?

Read: European Farmers Rebel Over EU Rules »

Could GOP House Launch Biden Impeachment Hearing In September?

I’m rather dubious. The GOP has entirely too many squishes would do not have the cajones to fight politics with politics, nor to do the right things. Sure, there’s maybe a 1% chance that the Democrat controlled Senate would vote to impeach Biden, but, Biden is beyond shady, and criminal, using his elected positions to reap financial reward. Using it for graft and extortion

Report: Kevin McCarthy Hopes to Launch Biden Impeachment Inquiry in September

Joe Biden Ice Cream AfghanistanHouse Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) reportedly hopes to launch an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden at the end of September.

While Congress left Washington, DC, for summer recess, McCarthy initiated strategies to open a sweeping impeachment inquiry into Biden to uncover the depth of his involvement in his family’s foreign dealings, multiple Republican sources familiar with the conversations told CNN.

McCarthy previously demanded Biden come clean about his involvement. But the president continued to stonewall and lie about his family’s business over sixteen times, the House Oversight Committee stated last week.

“Each step we take contradicts what the Bidens had said before,” McCarthy told Fox News on Sunday. “There’s a lot of questions still. And to be able to get the answers to these questions, you would need an impeachment inquiry to empower Congress, Republicans, and Democrats to be able to get the answers that the American people deserve to know.”

Although Republican grassroots and many leading GOP lawmakers support an impeachment inquiry, some Republican lawmakers oppose investigating Biden through an inquiry.

Rep. Ken Buck (R-CA), a member of the House Judiciary Committee, previously claimed an inquiry would be “impeachment theater.”

Squishes. While listening to Newsmax radio last week while driving up to NJ to visit the parents, someone made a good point: Biden probably figured he was done with politics after the Obama years, and got sloppy, and just didn’t care, about all the criminal things he was engaged in. Once out, it wouldn’t have mattered. But, now he’s president, and all those criminal things are important. Sadly, too many focused on Hunter: sure, he’s essential to the criminal things, and he leads to Joe. The eye has to be on Joe, though.

“Dumbfounded” is how Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) previously described her feelings to Breitbart News about the opposition to an impeachment inquiry.

“We have to impeach him in the House to show and prove to our voters that we’re willing to do these things, are willing to bring accountability. If we don’t do it, then why do they want to vote for us?” she questioned.

It’s a hell of a good point, but, we’ve had to vote for so many squishes over the years, because, as Robert Heinlein wrote “If you are part of a society that votes, then do so. There may be no candidates and no measures you want to vote for … but there are certain to be ones you want to vote against. In case of doubt, vote against. By this rule you will rarely go wrong.” Sometimes you have to vote against. Do you think most Democrats were voting for John Kerry, or against George Bush? I didn’t vote for Trump in 2016, I voted against Hillary Clinton. Too often Republicans let us down, and now is the time to show the cards on Biden’s criminality. They should not go down every single road: all they need to do is show a few rock solid examples.

Powerful allegations continue to mount against the president. The allegations include, but are not limited to, photos, texts, an audio recording, and IRS and former business partner whistleblower testimonies:

  1. Biden family suspicious activity reports of wire transfers
  2. Texts
  3. Emails
  4. WhatsApp messages
  5. Photos of Joe with Hunter’s business partners
  6. Joe Biden’s voicemail to Hunter
  7. Five individuals referencing Joe Biden as the “big guy”
  8. Two whistleblower testimonies
  9. FBI FD-1023 form alleging recorded phone calls and texts between Biden and a Burisma executive
  10. FBI informant alleging bribes 
  11. Video of Joe Biden bragging about firing the Ukrainian prosecutor
  12. Hunter’s statements about giving half his income to his dad
  13. Former White House Aide saying FBI ignored Joe Biden’s role in Ukraine business dealings
  14. Millions flowing into Biden family bank accounts
  15. Hunter paying for Joe Biden’s expenses

That would be enough

Read: Could GOP House Launch Biden Impeachment Hearing In September? »

Pirate's Cove