We’re In The First Stage Of Civilizations Collapse Or Something

Oh, not because of liberal policies that allow criminality with no consequences, unfettered illegal immigration, abortion on demand, etc. Nope

We Are Witnessing the First Stages of Civilization’s Collapse

In his 2005 bestseller Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed, geographer Jared Diamond focused on past civilizations that confronted severe climate shocks, either adapting and surviving or failing to adapt and disintegrating. Among those were the Puebloan culture of Chaco Canyon, N.M., the ancient Mayan civilization of Mesoamerica, and the Viking settlers of Greenland. Such societies, having achieved great success, imploded when their governing elites failed to adopt new survival mechanisms to face radically changing climate conditions.

Yeah, they ended as the Earth moved into a cooling period from a warm period. Yeah, the Spanish conquistadors created a major issue for the Mayans, but, their civilization was already collapsing. Most civilizations that collapsed over the past 5-6 thousands years do so as a cool period hit. Not a warm period. And previous warm periods were the same or warmer.

Bear in mind that, for their time and place, the societies Diamond studied supported large, sophisticated populations. Pueblo Bonito, a six-story structure in Chaco Canyon, contained up to 600 rooms, making it the largest building in North America until the first skyscrapers rose in New York some 800 years later. Mayan civilization is believed to have supported a population of more than 10 million people at its peak between 250 and 900 A.D., while the Norse Greenlanders established a distinctively European society around 1000 A.D. in the middle of a frozen wasteland. Still, in the end, each collapsed utterly and their inhabitants either died of starvation, slaughtered each other, or migrated elsewhere, leaving nothing but ruins behind.

That’s what’s going to happen to modern civilization because you won’t give up your money and freedom to government

These historical examples of social disintegration spurred lively discussion among my students when, as a professor at Hampshire College, I regularly assigned Collapse as a required text. Even then, a decade ago, many of them suggested that we were beginning to face severe climate challenges akin to those encountered by earlier societies—and that our contemporary civilization also risked collapse if we failed to take adequate measures to slow global warming and adapt to its inescapable consequences.

We can fix that with a tax

But in those discussions (which continued until I retired from teaching in 2018), our analyses seemed entirely theoretical: Yes, contemporary civilization might collapse, but if so, not any time soon. Five years later, it’s increasingly difficult to support such a relatively optimistic outlook. Not only does the collapse of modern industrial civilization appear ever more likely, but the process already seems underway.

So, yeah, doomed, as the very, very long piece attempts to show, ending with

When and how we might slip over the brink into catastrophe is impossible to foresee. But as the events of this summer suggest, we are already all too close to the edge of the kind of systemic failure experienced so many centuries ago by the Mayans, the ancient Puebloans, and the Viking Greenlanders. The only difference is that we may have no place else to go. Call it, if you want, Collapse 2.0.

So, it could maybe possibly happen soon, they’re not sure when or even if, but, ditch that fossil fueled vehicle, move to a tiny house, and vote Democrat or something.

Read: We’re In The First Stage Of Civilizations Collapse Or Something »

If All You See…

…are trees that will soon die because they can’t photosynthesize anymore, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is This ain’t Hell…, with a post on some feel good stories.

Read: If All You See… »

Surprise: Consequence Of Maui Fire Leads To Big Tourism Drop

I wonder if the whole “don’t vacation in Maui right now or anytime soon” calls have had an effect?

Visitors implored to come back as Maui job cuts soar

More than 8,000 people on Maui are unemployed, in what’s become an economic crisis in the wake of the fire disaster. More are losing jobs daily, as residents and officials implore visitors to come back, but not to West Maui.

The suffering in Lahaina is beyond comprehension, and now, more anxiety as job cuts mount due to a drop visitor arrivals.

“Hotels are starting to notify their teams that they’re reducing hours or doing layoffs,” said Tapani Vuori, general manager of the Maui Ocean Center. “I’m hearing several boats already shut down their operations. So all of a sudden, it’s starting to touch every single person here on Maui.”

Initial weekly unemployment claims for Maui averaged just over 100 before the fire, but more than 8,100 people filed for unemployment between Aug. 8-20.

“We need to recover. We need to keep Maui employed,” Vuori said. “An employed Maui is a resilient Maui. Unfortunately, the messaging in the beginning started with, ‘Don’t come to Maui, Maui is closed.’ This was a grave, grave mistake in my opinion.”

Well, you can certainly understand the messaging, but, they need the tourism. 40% of their economy is based on Tourism. Other estimates say 70% of every dollar generated in Maui is from tourism. Construction is also large, but, is unnecessary without tourism.

Visitors listened and stayed away. In early August about 8,000 arrived daily, down to under 2,000 these days, putting at risk Maui’s significant contribution to the state’s economy. Maui drives nearly one-third of visitor counts of 3 million a year, and nearly one-third of visitor spending of about $6 billion a year. Almost $800 million of that annually was brought in by Lahaina businesses employing 5,300 people before the fire.

This article is from a local Hawaii outlet, KHON. Again, you can understand the sentiment, but, it should morph to “welcome to our island, please stay away from the Lahaina area.” Seriously, other areas have been destroy by the volcanoes, of course, not the loss of life. Maui desperately needs the tourism.

Read: Surprise: Consequence Of Maui Fire Leads To Big Tourism Drop »

Doom Today: Rainforests Could Maybe Possibly Get Too Hot For Photosynthesis

Once upon a time, scientists did a study that “suggests” something, because this isn’t science, unless it’s social science or political science

Parts of tropical rainforests could get too hot for photosynthesis, study suggests

Some leaves in tropical forests from South America to South East Asia are getting so hot they may no longer be able to photosynthesize, with big potential consequences for the world’s forests, according to a new study.

Leaves’ ability to photosynthesize – the process by which they make energy from carbon dioxide, sunlight and water – begins to fail when their temperature reaches around 46.7 degrees Celsius (116 Fahrenheit).

While this may seem high, leaves can get much hotter than the air temperature, according to the report published Wednesday in Nature by a group of scientists from countries including the US, Australia and Brazil.

The scientists used temperature data beamed down from thermal satellite sensors on the International Space Station, 400 kilometers (nearly 250 miles) above the Earth. They combined this with on-the-ground observations from leaf-warming experiments, in which scientists climbed into the canopy to painstakingly add sensors to leaves.

Rather than looking at average temperatures, the scientists were looking at extremes, said Christopher Doughty, associate professor in ecoinformatics at Northern Arizona University and a report author. They found that average forest canopy temperatures peaked at 34 degrees Celsius (93 Fahrenheit) but some exceeded 40 degrees Celsius (104 Fahrenheit).

Currently, 0.01% of leaves are passing the critical temperature threshold beyond which their ability to photosynthesize breaks down, the report found, potentially killing the leaf and the tree.

How did these trees deal with previous Holocene warm periods, many of which were warmer? Of course, the study suggests it is going to get even more doomy, so, ignore the .01%

Tropical forests can withstand around 4 degrees Celsius (7.2 Fahrenheit) of additional global warming before they reach a tipping point in terms of their ability to photosynthesize, according to the report.

GTF out of here. It’s just 1.5F since 1850. The Earth will flip into a cool period well before this 7.2F happens. But, no one is going to fund the “scientists” unless they’re fearmongering.

Read: Doom Today: Rainforests Could Maybe Possibly Get Too Hot For Photosynthesis »

80% Of New Yorkers Worried About Massive Illegals In NY, But, Will Still Vote Democrat

Let me tell you, if the GOP was doing everything possible to initiate policies that put my life in danger, make it more expensive, expose me to disease and crime, I’d damned sure not vote for them. I probably wouldn’t vote Democrat, but, look for a 3rd party. Democrats will still vote Democrat, even as the people they voted for, all the way from local officials supporting unfettered illegal immigration (as long as it’s Somewhere Else) up to POTUS

8 in 10 New Yorkers say migrant surge is serious problem: survey

More than 8 in 10 New Yorkers said the recent migrant surge to the Big Apple is a “serious problem,” which comes as New York struggles to house the influx of asylum-seekers into the state, according to a new survey.

poll published Tuesday from Siena College found 82 percent of New York voters surveyed said the recent influx of migrants to the state is a “serious problem,” and 54 percent of participants described it as “very serious.”

Furthermore, 46 percent of the respondents said migrants resettling in the state over the past 20 years are a “burden” not a “benefit,” while 58 percent said the state has already done enough and should slow the flow, rather than continue to accept and assimilate new migrants.

“New Yorkers – including huge majorities of Democrats, Republicans, independents, upstaters and downstaters – overwhelmingly say that the recent influx of migrants to New York is a serious problem for the state,” Siena College pollster Steven Greenberg said.

One question not asked is “Do you blame yourself for voting for people who support unfettered illegal immigration?” And “Do you support being a sanctuary city/county now that it’s affecting your own?” Seriously, looking at the crosstabs for the survey, 60% of Dems approve of Kathy Hochul, 70% for Chuck Schumer, though, Eric Adams could be in trouble, with only 42% approve 27% and unsure. Kirsten Gillibrand is only at 54% approval. 47% of Dems want Biden to run in 2024, 46% want someone else. But, 71% approve to some degree the way Brandon is doing his job, so, even though he has significantly made the illegal alien situation worse, they’ll still vote for him.

77% of Dems say illegal immigration in NY is a problem.

The poll also found around 50 percent of voters support relocating new migrants from temporary accommodations to permanent housing in communities across the state, with strong support from Democrats and New York City voters. Greenberg said Republicans are strongly opposed to it, while independents and noncity voters are closely divided but lean toward opposition.

66% of Democrats want the illegals moved away from their own areas. Surprise! It’s also important to know that the sample was 48/22/27 for Dem/Republican/Independent. That makes it all look way, way worse.

Read: 80% Of New Yorkers Worried About Massive Illegals In NY, But, Will Still Vote Democrat »

Climahypocrite Sheldon Whitehouse Super Excited To Enrich His Wife Through Climate (scam) Legislation

Sheldon has been whining about ‘climate change’ for quite some time, while refusing to end his use of fossil fueled airplanes and take Amtrak to DC. He’s also been on a roll about “dark money” while accepting lots of it. And whining about Justice Thomas. But, um

Green Energy: Whitehouse Pushes Legislation that Helps Wife’s Climate Change Firm

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (R.I.) has introduced several bills that could provide a windfall for a firm that employs his wife, raising potential conflict of interest concerns for the liberal Democrat.

Whitehouse’s wife, Sandra Whitehouse, has since 2022 served as ocean policy adviser for Running Tide Technology, a startup that works to remove carbon dioxide from the ocean. Whitehouse, who serves on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee and chairs the Senate Budget Committee, has introduced legislation that would steer taxpayer funds to companies in the carbon dioxide removal industry.

Sandra Whitehouse’s work for Running Tide could open her husband to the same kinds of criticisms he has levied against Republicans. The senator has proposed a bill to beef up transparency for Supreme Court justices and attacked Ginni Thomas, the wife of Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas, over her consulting work. Whitehouse cited Ginni Thomas’s text messages regarding the 2020 election in calling for “significant ethics reform at the Supreme Court.”

The Sustaining Healthy Ecosystems, Livelihoods, and Local Seafood Act, which Whitehouse introduced in June, would form an office for “aquaculture” in the U.S. Department of Agriculture in order to bolster seaweed farmers and “promote blue carbon ecosystems.” Running Tide uses kelp, a type of seaweed, to capture carbon dioxide in the ocean.

Sheldon has introduced a bunch of bills that would see his wife pocket a lot of moola, meaning he would get a lot of moola. Sadly, you can bet quite a few, if not most, of elected representatives and appointed administrators in the Executive Branch use this scam. Funny, though, how the people pushing the climate scam the hardest are attempting to profit off of government passing laws and pushing regulations and mandates.


We’ll lose a minor war. If our military that’s worried about everything but being able to break things and kill people even shows up.

Read: Climahypocrite Sheldon Whitehouse Super Excited To Enrich His Wife Through Climate (scam) Legislation »

If All You See…

…is an area flooded from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Victory Girls Blog, with a post on parents in LA protesting LGBT indoctrination.

Read: If All You See… »

Brandon Admin Says US Citizens Should Leave Belarus ASAP

Remember when we were told that Biden brought tons of foreign policy experience? That this would be a new age of diplomacy, a complete break from bull in a china shop Trump? That countries would love the U.S. again? That they would respect the U.S. again? Funny how these foreign crisis keep cropping up

US citizens urged to leave Belarus immediately

The Biden administration is urging U.S. citizens in Belarus to depart the country immediately and warned against travel there in a statement published Monday.

The updated travel warning comes after bordering countries Lithuania, Latvia and Poland have stepped up security along the border over concerns about Russian Wagner mercenary forces exiled in the country.

The State Department, in its warning, encouraged Americans still in Belarus to depart the country immediately and categorized the country as a Level 4 risk, the highest security warning.

Belarus’s longtime leader Alexander Lukashenko, known as Europe’s last dictator, has been a key facilitator of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine, and is under a catalog of U.S. sanctions for human rights abuses and political repression against Belarusian people who challenged his claim to election victory in 2020.

The U.S. mission in Belarus is scaled down and only handles emergency American Citizen Services.

It’s like a repeat of the Obama admin, when Biden was vice president.

(Washington Times) After all, the unpredictable amateurs in the Trump administration delivered broader peace between Israel and its Arab neighbors, stronger ties with Britain and Japan, and relative calm in Afghanistan. They also put Russian President Vladimir Putin in a box, eliminated Lt. Gen. Qasem Soleimani, the world’s most sinister terrorist, and kept Communist China on its side of the Taiwan Strait. But don’t worry, The Washington Post and The New York Times said — the experts would restore America’s rightful place at the Davos gabfest. (snip)

U.S. forces left Afghanistan with dozens of young service members dead and our reputation in tatters. The experts did not even have the decency to tell the British, French, Dutch and Italians that we were leaving. Boris Johnson could not get a return phone call. The whiz kids said the Abraham Accords was a public relations stunt and proceeded to hand the theocratic fanatics in Tehran $150 billion in exchange for not developing nuclear weapons until after the Biden administration departs. At the same time, the Arabs and Israelis now look to their collective defense and have even contacted the Russian dictator, Mr. Putin, because they can’t trust the administration to combat the mullahs.

Meanwhile, Chinese President Xi Jinping is telling the Biden administration exactly what he wants to do to Taiwan and the West. Yet the White House does not seem to believe him. Mr. Xi has plainly stated that a forced unification of Taiwan with the mainland is an option. He has already wrecked Hong Kong’s democratic autonomy. He has threatened Australia, India, the Philippines and Vietnam while militarizing the South China Sea. But Taiwan is the key. To the Chinese Communist Party, an independent, democratic Taiwan represents a century of humiliation. Gaining control of Taiwan establishes Beijing’s hegemony over the most vital areas of the Pacific.

Yet, Biden is more intent on appeasing China and working with them on ‘climate change’. North Korea is getting frisky (the Washington Times piece is from January 2023). The OPEC nations told Biden to pound sand on higher oil production. Let’s not forget the utter mess when the Biden admin evacuated the US embassy in Sudan, giving little notice to regular citizens (in fairness, they should have known how dangerous the nation was), and pretty much left them hanging in the wind. Oh, and, hey, allowing a Chinese balloon to fly over the entire US before shooting it down in the Atlantic Ocean. Even the NY Times said Biden’s foreign policy is a mess. Just imagine how much worse it would be if he was working more than 30 hours a week and not taking every weekend off?

Read: Brandon Admin Says US Citizens Should Leave Belarus ASAP »

ZOMG, Climate Gentrification Could Be Coming To Maui

This might be a new one to Jazz Shaw, but, I’ve read this one a few times, though the climate cultists do not trot it out that often

In Hawaii, concerns over ‘climate gentrification’ rise after devastating Maui fires

More than 3,000 buildings in Lahaina were damaged by fire, smoke or both. Insured property losses alone already total some $3.2 billion, according to Karen Clark & Company, a prominent disaster and risk modeling firm.

With a housing crisis that has priced out many Native Hawaiians as well as families that have been there for decades, concerns are rising that the state could become the latest example of “climate gentrification,” when it becomes harder for local people to afford housing in safer areas after a climate-amped disaster.

It’s a term Jesse Keenan, an associate professor of sustainable real estate and urban planning at Tulane University School of Architecture, first started lecturing about in 2013 after he noticed changes in housing markets following extreme weather events.

Jennifer Gray Thompson is CEO of After the Fire USA, a wildfire recovery and resiliency organization in the western U.S., and worked for Sonoma County during the destructive Tubbs Fire in October 2017. Thompson said Maui is one of the “scariest opportunities for gentrification” that she’s seen because of “the very high land values and the intense level of trauma and the people who are unscrupulous who will come in to try to take advantage of that.”

So, yeah, they’re Blaming this on Hotcoldwetdry

While one extreme weather event cannot be entirely blamed on climate change, experts say storms, fires and floods, which are becoming more damaging in a warming world, help make Hawaii one of the riskiest states in the country. Earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanoes, which are not related to climate change, also add to this risk.

Oh, you mean like a string of islands with active volcanoes, that are in the way of tropical storms, get earthquakes from the volcanic activity, would be subject to tsunamis from earthquakes around the Pacific, and can generate their own with landslides from the volcanoes?

Maui has stringent affordable housing requirements for new multifamily construction, Tyndall said. But the practical effect has been that very little housing gets built. So new supply is low, both for affordable housing and rentals at market rate, “which just makes housing more expensive for everyone,” he said.

They’re islands thousands of miles away from the mainland, with low product supply for construction, especially since the government is beyond restrictive on cutting down trees for new construction. Most stuff needs to come on fossil fueled ships, unless you want a bamboo hut.

Katharine Mach, professor at the University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science, cautioned against immediately labelling a situation climate gentrification, because that makes it difficult to tease out the other factors such as decades of discrimination, racism and land use changes.

Gentrification is usually used in terms of white people moving into neighborhoods which were mostly black, often young hipsters/urban professionals, and buying everything up, making the areas safer, cleaner, better property values, more prosperous, like what happened in downtown Detroit. And this is what the AP is trying to push, forgetting to mention that it really would be more about rich folks of all colors buying out the properties, perhaps using third parties. Just like all that property Oprah has snapped up for nothing in Maui. And there is already talk about it taking years and years before the property is OK to rebuild, where the Powers That Be say it is too polluted at this time.

Seriously, there are over 800 still missing, lots of them children, and the climate ghouls are peddling their insane cult crap.

Read: ZOMG, Climate Gentrification Could Be Coming To Maui »

It Starts: Atlanta College Requires Masks

There couldn’t possibly be an ulterior motive for this, right?

Atlanta’s Morris Brown College Ushers in Mask Mandate

Atlanta’s Morris Brown College is re-embracing mask mandates, years after initial panic over the coronavirus.

While many universities and colleges have dropped coronavirus mandates — such as vaccine requirements and mask requirements — some clearly remaining open to reinstating them. Atlanta’s Morris Brown College is among those, sharing the announcement on social media this week.

The August 20 update states, “Effective immediately, Morris Brown College has reinstated its COVID-19 mask mandate due to reports of positive cases among students in the Atlanta University Center.”

Because of that, the school is requiring all students and employees to mask up, maintain physical distance, avoid large gatherings, and comply with contract-tracing for the next 14 days.

It might be a little premature for instituting all the insane, and against state law, election rules for 2024, what about

Nah, that couldn’t be it, right? What if the kiddies had their COVID shots? We were told we’d get our lives back if we took them, so, they don’t need to mask up (not like they work at all, and, really, make it worse, because masked up people will get too close to each other), right? And these kids are the least likely to get really sick from COVID. Probably no worse than a cold or the flu (which transmit easily, so, why no masking for that?), and you know the kiddies won’t be wearing them anywhere off campus while partying.

It doesn’t make a difference that the Fulton County Jail, where Trump and the others must turn themselves in, is only a few miles from the college, right?


As Breitbart News reported:

Lionsgate is requiring employees who physically work at its headquarters in Santa Monica to wear masks at all times when in the building, effective immediately, except when alone in an enclosed office or large open workspace. In addition, employees are required to submit to daily COVID testing and to report the results to the company, according to an internal memo obtained by Deadline.

COVID doesn’t get you while eating, of course.

Read: It Starts: Atlanta College Requires Masks »

Pirate's Cove