Brandon Admin Resists Calls From Sanctuary Cities To Do Something

How brilliant of a move was it to send illegals/migrants to sanctuary cities and states around the country by Texas, Florida, and Arizona?

Feds resist cities’ requests on migrants over legal, border concerns

Officials in New York are assembling tent cities for those who can’t be placed in a shelter system of more than 200 hotels and other facilities that is already housing 60,000 migrants and more than 50,000 homeless residents.

In Chicago, which is housing over 7,000 migrants, police stations and parks have been converted into makeshift shelters, and plans to house asylum-seekers in vacant schools have generated fervent local backlash. In cities like Sacramento and Denver, some migrants have found themselves on the brink of homelessness. In Boston and other parts of Massachusetts, the arrival of thousands of families and pregnant women seeking asylum prompted the state’s governor to declare an emergency. (snip)

The cities’ struggles to house tens of thousands of destitute migrants, and their growing calls for federal action, have also placed mounting pressure on the Biden administration to intervene. Local leaders have implored the administration for funds and to allow migrants to work legally so they can be self-sufficient. (snip)

The Biden administration has set aside $770 million for New York, Chicago, Denver, Boston and other cities, both in the interior and along the southern border, this fiscal year through Federal Emergency Management Agency programs for entities supporting migrants. The administration recently asked Congress to authorize $600 million in additional funds.

But the administration has refrained from taking other actions requested by local leaders, such as granting migrants temporary legal status so they can apply for work permits more quickly. Current and former U.S. officials, who requested anonymity to discuss internal deliberations, said concerns about lawsuits and the possibility of encouraging more unauthorized arrivals along the southern border were among the reasons why the administration has been reluctant to do more.

Ukraine has been getting more money. Giving them work permits doesn’t solve the problem, just takes jobs away from Americans in a tight job market, and create more problems in an already tight housing market. As for encouraging arrivals, well, that’s a complete BS excuse, because Democrats and the Biden admin have been encouraging them.

Politically, the cities’ concerns about the number of migrants in need of shelter have placed the administration in the awkward position of fielding public criticism from Democratic allies on a divisive issue that Republicans are eager to highlight heading into an election year.

“Once this shifted from being an ideological fight about the border to a real question of the cost the cities are assuming, that changed the political calculus,” said Andrew Seele, president of the Migration Policy Institute, a nonpartisan think tank. “It is visible. It is costly for cities. And it is causing a reaction among city leaders, most of whom are Democrats.”

They’re getting what they wanted for Other Areas, and are upset it’s happening in their own. Democrats say the immigration system is broken, but, the only thing that’s broken is not enforcing immigration law. It’s funny, illegals have been destroying TX, New Mexico, Florida, and AZ for years but you send a few thousands to their beloved blue cities and you can’t stop hearing about it. You rarely read about it in those areas, eh?

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul commits $20 million more in aide to tens of thousands of migrants

Gov. Kathy Hochul announced Monday that the state will pour an additional $20 million into aiding asylum-seekers in New York City with the goal of helping them exit emergency shelters, secure work authorizations and manage their claims for asylum.

The newly announced outlay is in addition to $1.5 billion the state has already directed toward the city to address the migrant crisis, which has strained the city’s social services infrastructure since last April.

So, lots and lots of taxpayer money to pay for non-citizens. You voted for this, a goodly chunk of you New Yorkers.

Read: Brandon Admin Resists Calls From Sanctuary Cities To Do Something »

Who’s Up For Eating Jellyfish Due To Global Boiling?

There’s an old Washington Post article from back during the mid-George W. Bush years, during the rise of the Blogosphere, where they interviewed a bunch of hard-left with Bush Derangement Syndrome, and one was talking about how she got up, cracked a non-alcoholic beer, lit a smoke, and thought about what hatred she would spew at BushCo. This is similar to the climate cult, where they apparently look for ways to link anything and everything to ‘climate change’ then doom-monger it

Out With Shrimp, In With Jellyfish? Seafood Industry Facing Potential Overhaul Due To Climate Change

Record-breaking ocean warming, shifting currents and continued development in coastal communities are all contributing to a changing planet and concerning climate patterns that stand to dramatically impact the world’s seafood supply and could deliver a $10 billion hit to fisheries annually by 2050.

A steady rise in ocean temperatures over the last year has outpaced the decades-long average warming of the oceans, according to the Washington Post, and average global ocean temperatures in June were almost a full degree Celsius above the average recorded from 1982 to 2011—delivering a major blow to the habitats of the world’s most commonly consumed seafood species. (it’s a very weirdly written piece, if you click the link, so, snipping way down to the last paragraph)

Not all creatures are negatively impacted by warming waters. Biologists and fishers say squid, or calamari, are not only quickly evolving to survive the changing ocean temperatures—they’re thriving. A Current Biology study says the population of cephalopods, which also includes octopus, have increased globally over the last six decades. Another study, published in the Journal of Marine and Coastal Fisheries, says the population along the Pacific coast multiplied by as much as 39 times between 1998 and 2019, and Oregon has a squid fishing industry for the first time as the animals move further north. The downside? The squid most commonly eaten by humans, including longfin squid and Humboldt squid, are major predators of shrimp and have led to the collapse of some shrimp populations, particularly during extreme heat waves. Jellyfish also thrive in warm waters, according to Science Friday, suggesting jellyfish-based dishes most common in China and Vietnam now could be seen as a more sustainable seafood option. The Vietnamese eat a traditional salad called G?i s?a with jellyfish, onions and fried rice, and a similar cold salad is popular in China’s northeastern provinces.

So, I guess Warmists should save the planet and start eating jellyfish, right?

Read: Who’s Up For Eating Jellyfish Due To Global Boiling? »

Biden Makes It To Maui, Jokes About How Hot The Ground Is

You can bet none of the nation media are mentioning this. I checked, ABC, CBS, NBC, LA Times, Washington Post, NY Times, and a few others

Listen to it yourself. It wasn’t a “good Lord, this is horrific that it is this hot on the ground.” It was meant in a joking manner

(CNN) President Joe Biden arrived in fire-ravaged Maui on Monday to witness up close the devastation left by an inferno more than a week ago and assess for himself a government response that some residents initially found lacking.

The trip brought Biden to the scene of the deadliest American wildfire in more than 100 years. His initial response to the Maui wildfires drew criticism earlier this month, mainly from Republicans, who seized upon a nearly five-day period of silence between Biden’s first comments about the fires to when he next publicly addressed the tragedy.

Pretty sure others “seized” on it, too (rest is below the “more” tag)

Read More »

Read: Biden Makes It To Maui, Jokes About How Hot The Ground Is »

850 People Are Still Missing In Maui

I have to wonder, why is this not bigger news? 850 Americans still missing? Why is news about Maui such low priority? Is it because Biden had no interest in visiting? Kinda like how the East Palestine train derailment was minimized after a few days?

850 people are still missing after Maui wildfires, mayor says

As of Monday morning, 850 people are still listed as missing after the the deadly Lahaina wildfire, Hawaii officials said, citing data compiled by the FBI and local authorities. In a video posted on social media, Maui County Mayor Richard Bissen said 114 people have been confirmed dead, 27 have been identified and 11 families have been notified.

Bissen said while more than 800 people are still missing, that list once contained 2,000 names. “To the tireless work of the FBI and the Maui Police Department, 1,285 individuals have been located safe,” he said. “We are both saddened and relieved about these numbers as we continue the recovery process.”

Bissen said there will be daily fluctuation to these numbers, and he urged those with immediate family members who are missing after the fires to provide DNA samples to help assist in the identification process. A Family Assistance Center has been set up at the Hyatt Regency Ka’anapali on Nohea Kai Drive for local people to provide those samples.

The mayor is not happy having to answer questions, though

How dare anyone ask him a question! Why is it so difficult for elected and other public employees to answer questions these days?

Read: 850 People Are Still Missing In Maui »

If All You See…

…is a hazy, smoke filled sky from carbon pollution wildfires, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Not A Lot O fPeople Know That, with a post on Texans asked to reduce their electricity usage as the wind drops.

Read: If All You See… »

Climate Cultists Push Brandon To Declare Climate Emergency Or Something

Nothing makes more sense than taking a long fossil fueled jumbo jet to Hawaii, followed by a backup jumbo jet and several fighter jets, then jumping in a low MPG limo with a large retinue of fossil fueled vehicles, perhaps a fossil fueled helicopter ride and then declaring a climate emergency in an island state that would revert to 3rd world status without fossil fuels

Biden faces calls to declare climate emergency as he heads to Maui

As President Joe Biden prepares to visit Maui, the Hawaiian island devastated by the deadliest wildfire in U.S. modern history, lawmakers and climate groups are begging the White House to do more to prevent future climate-related disasters.

Their argument: If the latest environmental catastrophe won’t spur the president into action, what will?

The fires, likely sparked by the island’s electric utility and heightened by climate change impacts, swept through the Pacific paradise last week, killing at least 110 people and leaving the famed town of Lahaina smoldering in ruins. As survivors search for missing family members and friends, and a housing crisis unfolds amid the vast destruction, climate activists and members of Congress are urging Biden to declare a national emergency over climate change.

In case you haven’t noticed, that’s that climate cult cop-out: sure, it wasn’t caused by ‘climate change’, but, it was made worse. Because, apparently, it’s your fault that they imported non-native grasses that are like tinder. And failed to cut them back. And failed to use the warning sirens. And failed to turn the power off during high winds. And failed to provide the necessary water. The government knew about the potential for horrific fires all the way back in 2014.

Alongside climate groups, many of Biden’s allies in Congress have urged him to invoke emergency powers, which would enable the president to take sweeping action to restrain greenhouse gas production, implement large-scale clean transportation solutions and finance distributed energy projects, among other actions.

“The devastation in Maui is a clear sign that the president must declare a climate emergency — now. While FEMA is providing resources to the local heroes on the ground fighting for the lives and livelihoods of Hawaiians, the underlying climate-driven conditions of drought, extreme heat, environmental injustice, and non-resilient infrastructure will remain,” Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) said in a statement to POLITICO.

And not one reporter will ask Markey or any of the other Warmists saying this if they’ve given up their own use of fossil fuels and made their lives carbon neutral.

Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.), who has long called on Biden to take this step, said that if the devastation in Hawaii isn’t a national emergency, “what is?”

“I refuse to accept that people choosing between burning alive or jumping into the ocean for hours on end is our new normal. This is a crisis and we need to treat it that way. That starts with President Biden declaring a national climate emergency to unlock vast federal resources and emergency powers to help our communities prepare for and recover from these deadly climate disasters,” he added.

Never mentioned are the details of declaring a climate (scam) emergency. What power are involved? How will this effect citizen’s lives? What will they be forced to do? What will this cost them? As the saying goes, the devil’s in the details.

Meanwhile, Brandon will be flying out of Reno at 1140am east coast time, landing in Maui at 510pm east coast time, and leaving at 1125pm east coast time, which means he’s giving them about 4 hours of actual time. It should be interesting to see what he does. Will he visit Lahaina, going in when residents are not allowed back?

Read: Climate Cultists Push Brandon To Declare Climate Emergency Or Something »

Of Course: Barren Disney Parks Blamed On Hotcoldwetdry

It really is a catchall excuse

Nolte: ‘Barren’ Disney Theme Parks Blamed on Climate Change

“Disney [theme park] attendance has dropped substantially,” reports Inside the The terms “ghost town” and “barren” are being used to describe this stunning turn of events.

What’s to blame? Well, I can tell what is certainly not to blame, and that’s having anything to do with Disney’s head-first dive into identity and sexual politics. No, no, no, no… Disney’s obsession with race and gender has done nothing to do with killing the magic—even though almost all of Disney’s movies are bombing and Disney+ is losing hundreds of thousands of subscribers and billions of dollars.

And Disney’s ongoing efforts to groom childing by seeding kiddie content with drag queens, transsexual propaganda, and homosexuality certainly has nothing to do with it. (snip)

Disney’s attendance has dropped substantially, but while there is worry about Bob Iger deceiving attendees and the area being a “ghost town,” the answer can also relate to something simpler: weather. While weather and climate change are inherently different, the impacts of climate change on Disney show in meteorological events.

Who wants to go to the theme park when it’s rained out? Why would you risk bringing the family to Disneyland Resort if there is smoke in the air from a fire? These events are getting more common, and the inability to plan for them is one huge way climate change impacts Disney.

That results in diminished theme park attendance, simply due to safety reasons. Climate change impacts Disney, without a doubt, and the impacts extend from Disneyland Paris to any Walt Disney Parks location across the globe. (the italic is from the “ghost town” link)

Except, other theme parks, such as Universal, are doing just fine. And it has always been hot and humid in Florida, and always a good chance of an afternoon storm. Virtually every single wildfire is from someone either being stupid, negligent, or intentional. And some lightning strikes, which have always happened.

But those lies won’t work for the Disney Grooming Syndicate. The DGS is a business. It must make profits, or it goes out of business. Having sycophants blame Climate Change (which is a hoax) might soothe Wall Street for a little while, but the bottom line is the bottom line, and propaganda keeps only governments in business, not corporations.

Disney is hemorrhaging cash and customers. If other parks are doing well, why not Disney? You can bet that a ton of visitors from Asia at the California park are avoiding it because they do not like the grooming stuff. It doesn’t play well in Asia, be it China, South Korea, Japan, or others. And many, many visit California.

Besides, wouldn’t the Warmists want Disney gone, since people take lots and lots of fossil fueled travel to get there, plus the huge amount of fossil fuels and energy required to run Disney?

Read: Of Course: Barren Disney Parks Blamed On Hotcoldwetdry »

Georgia Election Workers Will Get Justice In Trump Prosecution

But, hey, remember, this is all about the legal justice system, which is blind, right?

Georgia Trump indictment invokes justice for election workers

Sprinkled throughout the sweeping Georgia indictment covering every aspect of former President Trump’s effort to overturn the state’s 2020 election are references to one woman: poll worker Ruby Freeman.

The Fulton County election staffer was helping count ballots in the state when she was singled out by Trump and his then-attorney Rudy Giuliani and accused of mishandling ballots, sparking a wave of threats against Freeman and her daughter, Shaye Moss.

Freeman’s name appears some 40 times in the indictment, a detail Gwen Keyes Fleming, a former district attorney (DA) in Georgia, said reflects that there are “actual identifiable victims that the DA’s office is sworn to protect,” in addition to the voters in the state whose will Trump sought to deny.

“This indictment is an attempt to also recognize the alleged individual victimization of a poll worker who was simply trying to be of service to her county,” Keyes Fleming said.

Well, DA Fani Willis better hope the Trump team doesn’t have any damaging information on Freeman

Freeman spoke to investigators from the House committee reviewing the Jan. 6, 2021, attack, recounting how she and her daughter, another former election worker, faced a harassment campaign following the accusations.

“Do you know how it feels to have the president of the United States target you?” Freeman asked in her deposition, which aired during one of the committee’s public hearings. “The president of the United States is supposed to represent every American, not to target one.”

What did she have to do with J6? Further, Obama and Biden have made it quite clear they did not/do not represent every American, just the ones that agree with them.

Let’s be honest, though: this insane indictment against Trump will never go to trial. It’s way too insane, it violates multiple Georgia and US Constitutional provisions, it contains hundreds of thousands of pages, which certainly will see Trump’s council unable to go through all of it. A judge may well quash it before it starts as an over-reach and a partisan political witchhunt. It’s really meant to jam up Trump and his legal team, make him spend money on this instead of his campaign, make it difficult to campaign, and put you citizens who do not agree with Democrats on notice that you could be next. It’s lawfare. When do all the Democrats who complained about elections get prosecuted?

More: what the hell is this?

‘Dr. King Is Smiling’: Atlanta Takes Center Stage in the Political Trial of the Century

Here, at the Fulton County Courthouse, smack dab in downtown Atlanta, the vibe is decidedly hushed. In the coming months, this 112-year-old courthouse will be aswarm with activity — ground zero in the battle over democracy — when 19 defendants, including a former president, will stand trial for allegedly trying to overturn an election. But that legal reckoning is many months away. Right now, the only evidence of what’s to come are the barricades stretching up and down the block and a battalion of TV trucks camped out across the street, waiting. There is the sense of life put on pause, an anxious sort of calm before the judicial storm.

I’m here, having hopped on a plane from DC, traveling to my hometown to see how the ATL is handling being the site of what is likely to be the political trial of the century. I spent my adolescence here, and I’ve got deep, Old School, Old Guard, Black Atlanta roots. But having absconded from the city many years ago, I’m always amazed at how my once sleepy Southern burg has morphed into the Hollywood of the South, a sprawling metropolis — accounting for nearly half the population of the entire state of Georgia — complete with movie studiosrecord labelstech startups and traffic. Lots and lots and lots of traffic.

Back in the day, Atlanta was the cradle of the civil rights movement, home to activist icons like Martin Luther King, Jr., Ralph Abernathy, Sr., Julian Bond, Rep. John Lewis and C.T. Vivian, a hub of Black exceptionalism. That’s a history the city wears consciously, as evidenced here by the plethora of murals, museums and streets — some named after the parents and grandparents of kids I grew up with. And now Atlanta, the so-called Black Mecca, is the epicenter of a fight over the peaceful transfer of power. As I tool around Atlanta, I encounter Atlantans who are very conscious of the significance of this trial — and of how, once again, their city will play an important role in making American history.

Huh what? How did they make a jump to something racial? Some people can never move past their racial beliefs, it’s their whole identity. Perhaps they should wonder why so many non-blacks have moved out of Atlanta into the suburbs, and why Atlanta has a pretty poor crime rate. The article is just full of racialism, very, very silly.

Read: Georgia Election Workers Will Get Justice In Trump Prosecution »

If All You See…

…is an area drying out from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Green Jihad, with a post on a Hawaii utility delayed infrastructure upgrades for ESG goals.

It’s cleaning the folders week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another fantastic day in the Once And Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and it’s a good day for golf. This pinup is by Earl Moran with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Da Techguy’s Blog discusses schools aligning with Satan
  2. Flag And Cross covers a sex offender picking the wrong victim
  3. Gates Of Vienna notes the Islamification of Sweden
  4. Gatestone Institute highlights Biden funding Iran’s’ nuclear weapons program
  5. IOTW Report wonders if Nikki Haley is Hillary 2.0
  6. Legal Insurrection covers EU leaders putting the brakes on green energy
  7. Moonbattery shows a “Christian” magazine denouncing Oliver Anthony
  8. Newsbusters covers PBS worrying about Oklahoma defining man and woman
  9. Outside The Beltway discusses the quest for a non-Trump Republican
  10. Powerline notes the Robert L. Peters alias
  11. Sultan Knish covers the decline and fall of Woke
  12. The First Street Journal notes the AP happily telling you their biases
  13. The Gateway Pundit highlights a Chicago Democrat asking gang members to shoot each other at night
  14. The O.K. Corral covers everyone hating Chris Christie (I wouldn’t vote for him because he’s a Cowboys fan)
  15. And last, but, not least, The Other McCain discusses 21st Century digital Stalinism

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Pirate's Cove