If All You See…

…is an area drying out from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Green Jihad, with a post on a Hawaii utility delayed infrastructure upgrades for ESG goals.

It’s cleaning the folders week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another fantastic day in the Once And Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and it’s a good day for golf. This pinup is by Earl Moran with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Da Techguy’s Blog discusses schools aligning with Satan
  2. Flag And Cross covers a sex offender picking the wrong victim
  3. Gates Of Vienna notes the Islamification of Sweden
  4. Gatestone Institute highlights Biden funding Iran’s’ nuclear weapons program
  5. IOTW Report wonders if Nikki Haley is Hillary 2.0
  6. Legal Insurrection covers EU leaders putting the brakes on green energy
  7. Moonbattery shows a “Christian” magazine denouncing Oliver Anthony
  8. Newsbusters covers PBS worrying about Oklahoma defining man and woman
  9. Outside The Beltway discusses the quest for a non-Trump Republican
  10. Powerline notes the Robert L. Peters alias
  11. Sultan Knish covers the decline and fall of Woke
  12. The First Street Journal notes the AP happily telling you their biases
  13. The Gateway Pundit highlights a Chicago Democrat asking gang members to shoot each other at night
  14. The O.K. Corral covers everyone hating Chris Christie (I wouldn’t vote for him because he’s a Cowboys fan)
  15. And last, but, not least, The Other McCain discusses 21st Century digital Stalinism

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Strange: Queens Residents Are Upset Over Putting A Bunch Of Illegals In The Neighborhood

Why are they upset? This is what they consistently vote for, unfettered illegal immigration. Why are they not opening their own doors?


EXCLUSIVE: Migrants Transferred from Bronx Hotel to Queens Village Tents — Locals Protest Move

Migrant asylum seekers staying at a Bronx hotel in New York City were promptly evicted on Thursday and taken to a soft-sided shelter in Queens Village, according to one of those moved. Despite recent protests by local residents concerned about the arrival of an expected 1,000 single adult migrants, the transfers from the Bronx hotel began Thursday afternoon. Migrants were bused in, taken to an intake room, and processed into the facility by New York City homeless shelter staff members.

The shelter, near the Creedmoor Psychiatric Center in Queens, has been the site of protests carried out by residents near the shelter who are unhappy with the expected arrival of up to 1,000 single adult migrants being transferred from New York City hotels. According to Mayor Eric Adams, single adult migrants are moving from the hotels to make way for migrant family units. Breitbart Texas received photographs of the migrant transfer process from a Venezuelan migrant formerly residing at the Bronx hotel.

The government of the Sanctuary City of New York was nice enough to provide a letter to the illegals telling them they’re being shipped out. Interestingly

If you cannot move to Queens, and you have an alternative place to go, or if you wish to return to your country of origin, we beg that you notify us as soon as possible. We will do everything possible to help you during this transition.

Go home? How about just telling them to stay home? Oh, and the Democrat for NY’s 4th District, Gregory Meeks, won 75.1 to Paul King (R) at 24.8, so, yeah, most of those people complaining voted Democrat.

Read: Strange: Queens Residents Are Upset Over Putting A Bunch Of Illegals In The Neighborhood »

Say, What Are The Best TikTok Dances To Stop Global Boiling?

The NY Times is taking us down a whole new stupid road, and doesn’t even realize it

With TikTok and Lawsuits, Gen Z Takes on Climate Change

As Kaliko Teruya was coming home from her hula lesson on August 8, her father called. The apartment in Lahaina was gone, he said, and he was running for his life.

He was trying to escape the deadliest American wildfire in more than a century, an inferno in Hawaii fueled by powerful winds from a faraway hurricane and barely hindered by the state’s weak defenses against natural disasters.

Her father survived. But for Kaliko, 13, the destruction of the past week has reinforced her commitment to a cause that is coming to define her generation.

“The fire was made so much worse due to climate change,” she said. “How many more natural disasters have to happen before grown-ups realize the urgency?”

Like a growing number of young people, Kaliko is engaged in efforts to raise awareness about global warming and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In fact, last year she and 13 other young people, age 9 to 18, sued their home state, Hawaii, over its use of fossil fuels.

Have they all given up their own use of fossil fuels? No?

With active lawsuits in five states, TikTok videos that mix humor and outrage, and marches in the streets, it’s a movement that is seeking to shape policy, sway elections and shift a narrative that its proponents say too often emphasizes climate catastrophes instead of the need to make the planet healthier and cleaner.

TikTok is considered the worst of all social media for their “carbon footprint.” And it entices users to travel all over to make their videos. Hawaii wouldn’t survive without fossil fuels, but, hey, let’s see them try. Every experiment needs an experimental group, right?

Chief among the frustrations of Mr. Artis and his cohort was the administration’s decision to approve Willow, a huge drilling project in Alaska. Early this year, TikTok erupted with calls for the White House to deny approvals for the project, thrusting the issue into the mainstream and giving thousands of young people a common cause. Creators juxtaposed images of Mr. Biden with collapsing glaciers, recorded tearful selfie videos and mashed up songs from “Encanto” with slide shows of cute animals.

The thing about using social media is that it’s easy. People do not really have to do much of anything. Just a quick post, a stupid video with a dance or something, and that’s it.

Read: Say, What Are The Best TikTok Dances To Stop Global Boiling? »

If All You See…

…are all sorts of liquors which will be doomed from ‘climate change’, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Cold Fury, with a post on Native Americans demanding the Commanders change their name back to Redskins.

Read: If All You See… »

“Asylum” Seekers Whine That SCNY Is “Chaos”

There’s a simple answer: stay home. You came here thinking you’d get free money, food, housing, medical care, and so forth just because you showed up

Asylum seekers in NYC say America is nothing like they had imagined: It’s ‘chaos’

For one 29-year-old Venezuelan woman, who left her two children and partner behind in her home country to embark on a six-month journey to New York City, America represented hope. There, she thought, she would find safety and the opportunity to make a living. But four months after arriving in the U.S., she says it’s nothing like she had imagined.

“It’s too difficult to come to a place where you don’t know the language,” the woman, who agreed to speak anonymously to protect her safety, told Yahoo News.

Speaking in Spanish, the woman had been standing along the granite wall of a bustling midtown Manhattan restaurant attached to the Roosevelt Hotel, which in recent months has been transformed into the city’s migrant intake center.

Why would someone do this? Leave her kids and husband? What’s the end-game? The idea here is, of course, that she gets asylum so Los Federales allow the kids and husband to immigrate. How long could that take? The system is so over-burdened it could be years. As far as the language, well, she could have learned English. That’s on her.

Like many Venezuelans who’ve come to the U.S. in recent years, the woman explained that Venezuela’s corrupt and repressive government had left her with few options at home. She embarked on the dangerous journey to the U.S. by herself, traveling through the perilous Darién Gap that connects Colombia to Panama, then multiple countries including Nicaragua and Honduras, by foot and public transportation. She stopped for weeks at a time to work only long enough to make enough money for the next leg of her trip. Since arriving in New York, she’s struggled to make money and obtain basic necessities while navigating the city’s shelter system. Eventually, she says, she hopes to bring her family to America, but she’s unsure how she will make that happen.

“I just want a job,” she said. “It is very difficult to get to a place when you have nothing.”

Were there not other countries closer she could have stayed in?

For most migrants, the prospect of finding a decent job and safety is enough to justify the arduous, and often dangerous, journey to the United States. But now that they’re here, some say the U.S. is nothing like what they had imagined.

“I thought of New York differently, but now I also see that New York is in chaos,” said a 48-year-old Ecuadorian woman who was also staying at the Roosevelt. The woman, who declined to give her name, told Yahoo News that she, her husband and their 2-year-old child escaped violence in Ecuador, traveling for two months before they eventually reached New York.

“In my country right now they are stealing, they are killing and there is no longer security, just desperation,” she said, rocking her child back and forth in a stroller on the sidewalk. “We come to look for work. When we die, we are not going to take anything with us. But we want at least to have stability to live, at least while living in this world.”

Is she talking about Ecuador or SCNY? If she, and the others, do not like it, they can leave.

Account of migrants being ‘involuntarily’ bused out of NYC sparks feud between Hochul admin, Adams’ office

Mayor Adams’ office on Friday rejected an accusation from Gov. Hochul’s administration that the city “involuntarily” bused migrants upstate earlier this month — prompting the governor’s team to double down on its explosive claim and accuse City Hall of providing misleading details about the incident.

In other words, forced busing. The same thing Adams and others accused DeSantis and Abbott of doing. Why does the Sanctuary City of New York not want the illegals?

Read: “Asylum” Seekers Whine That SCNY Is “Chaos” »

Global Boiling Could Make Tropical Storms In California More Likely Or Something

So, of course with Hurricane Hilary hitting California you had to know the Cult Of Climastrology would do their thing

Tropical storms are rare in Southern California, but climate change may make them more frequent

Last year, the remnants of Hurricane Kay brought flooding rains to San Diego and left more than 90 dead, many of whom died at sea. But the last time a tropical storm actually made landfall in California was 1939.

Tropical systems are so rare in Southern California because a cold ocean current acts sort of like a shield, weakening storms as they approach. But, as the Pacific Ocean is warming — along with all of our oceans from the effects of human-caused climate change — that protection is weakening.

That’s why, for the first time this season, the National Weather Service in Los Angeles and San Diego will have the ability to issue alerts for tropical storms and hurricanes.

On Friday, the first-ever Tropical Storm Watch was issued for Southern California. (snip)

Another thing scientists know for sure is that as long as we keep burning fossil fuels, we can expect hurricanes everywhere to cause a lot more flooding.

In fact, there is a long history of tropical storms hitting California, usually the remnants, going all the way back to 1854. Prior to that, there weren’t many people in California to keep track of those kinds of things. These things happen, and warmer water, especially in an El Nino year, is nothing unusual during a typical Holocene warm period. However, I suggest that the government in the People’s Republik Of California immediately ban all fossil fueled vehicles, forcing owners to sell them. Hey, that would do wonders with bringing down the cost of used cars across the US, right? Or, if the PRC wants to go full Warmist, require that they be destroyed to Save The Planet

How climate scientists feel about seeing their dire predictions come true

You are correct. It is, in fact, extremely unusual to be on hurricane watch in Southern California.

If Hurricane Hilary continues on the trajectory forecasters are currently predicting, it will be the first tropical storm to make landfall in California since 1939, and only the second one to do so since the 19th century.

If this seems like a worrying development to you, one in a string of recent climate-related disasters that seem to portend the arrival of a deeply unpleasant future, you are right about that as well.

And the people who have spent careers thinking about climate change and its likely consequences, who have read the papers and reviewed the models and warned about these potential catastrophes for years — they’re worried too.

Except, none of them made a prediction of hurricanes hitting the PRC with regularity. Hawaii has long been fire prone, especially when people do something stupid and start a fire. Same with the wildfires in Canada, most of which are thought to be caused by people being stupid. Or intentionally starting them. But, the LA Times, through it’s scaremongering interviews, is counting on the overly-broad prognostications with timeframes out 50-100 years, so, if they get one sorta right, Victory!

Oh, and if the Atlantic hurricane season turns out mild, even though they are prognosticating a higher than average season now, after saying it would be an average season, the climate cult will blame that on you.

Read: Global Boiling Could Make Tropical Storms In California More Likely Or Something »

Good News: Biden To Give Hawaiians A Whole Day Between Vacation

Isn’t he magnanimous? No just consider how this Associate Press article would have been written had Trump been in office, or some other Republican. Remember how much guff they gave Ted Cruz, a senator, for going to Mexico during a huge cold storm?

Biden goes west for his second vacation of the month

President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden are heading west on Friday for more rest and relaxation.

The first couple will spend about a week in the area of Lake Tahoe, the massive alpine lake that abuts California and Nevada and is a tourist attraction, particularly in the winter for its ski resorts. The president is headed there from Camp David, where he was hosting a summit Friday with the leaders of South Korea and Japan.

The Bidens will halt their vacation for a day on Monday to visit Maui, where a wildfire ripped through the historic town of Lahaina and killed more than 100 people so far. They will meet with survivors, first responders, and local officials while surveying the damage.

Biden vacationed earlier this month at his home in Rehoboth Beach, where he went on bike rides, visited the Delaware beaches and went for a date night with the first lady to a showing of the blockbuster film “Oppenheimer.”

Wow, that is some seriously dry newscasting, wouldn’t you say? Just the facts. Let’s also not forget that Biden came back from his first vacation, flew to New Mexico, Arizona, and Utah, came back on a Thursday, then blew out to the beach as Maui was burning for the weekend. He spent most of this week flying around and saying “no comment” mostly about Hawaii. He flew into Camp David Thursday mid-afternoon, held some meetings with President Yoon Suk Yeol of the Republic of Korea and Prime Minister Kishida Fumio of Japan, then is heading to Reno Friday night.

And Biden is giving Maui a whole day. Maybe. It’ll be interesting to see the schedule come Monday to see how much time he will spend in Hawaii. And if there will be some sort of fundraiser.

I wonder if he will yammer about ‘climate change’, which no one in the Credentialed Media will call him on, considering how many fossil fueled trips he’s taken in just the last month. Nor will they point out that the economy is such that many cannot afford one vacation this year, much less two in a month. Will the people of Hawaii remember how much Biden didn’t care? Or, will they ignore that for politics?

This makes me done with Trump. Playing these absurd games is a massive turn-off for me. It’s something similar to what made me abandon Sarah Palin. Here’s always the problem: do you want to sit it out, vote 3rd party, and know that the other guy could win, ushering in crazy policies, like we’ve seen from Biden and the Democrats? Elections are often a choice between a bad choice and a worse choice. Republicans really do need Trump out. What are you going to do about Biden, Democrats?

Read: Good News: Biden To Give Hawaiians A Whole Day Between Vacation »

HotCold Take: Maui Sued Oil In 2020 Over Fire Risks Or Something

The Warmists at the NY Times think they’re on to Something Big

Maui Sued Big Oil in 2020, Citing Fire Risks and More

The words were strikingly prescient: Because of climate change, lush and verdant Maui was facing wildfires of “increased frequency, intensity and destructive force.”

They appeared in a 2020 lawsuit filed by Maui County seeking damages from Exxon, Chevron, and other giant oil and gas companies, accusing them of a “coordinated, multifront effort to conceal and deny their own knowledge” that the burning of fossil fuels would heat the planet to dangerous extremes.

Now, after wildfires driven by conditions linked to climate change have devastated the Hawaiian island, the lawsuit carries renewed heft.

I’m pretty sure darned sure that fossil fuels and anthropogenic climate change had nothing to do with there being lots and lots of invasive grasses which were basically creating a tinder box. Nor were they responsible for the denial of water to attempt to control the blaze. Nor the failure to use sirens, etc and so on

Ryan Meyers, senior vice president and general counsel at the American Petroleum Institute, an oil industry lobby group, called the Maui wildfires a tragedy but stressed that their immediate cause was still under investigation.

He called the litigation brought by Maui part of a “coordinated campaign to wage meritless lawsuits against our industry” and “nothing more than a distraction from important issues and an enormous waste of taxpayer resources.”

Maui is among more than two dozen states and municipalities, including Honolulu, which is about 100 miles from Maui, that are suing fossil fuel companies for climate damages.

Hawaii would be nothing without fossil fuels. Their economy is utterly dependent on tourism and the military, and almost no one would want to take a sailing ship to Hawaii, especially since Hawaii depends on fossil fueled shipments of foods and goods. They grow very little, except for personal consumption. The sugar industry is barely afloat. What does Hawaii produce? In small amounts, things like honey, pineapples, coffee, and macadamia nuts, but, how do they do that in 2023 without fossil fueled ships? How do tourists come without fossil fueled airplanes? Do tourists want to travel on foot or in cars? Do they want to take an expensive vacation when the power is intermittent? What powers all those highrise hotels? What powers the ships that bring in the fish for tourists to eat?

Without fossil fuels, Maui would be a stuck in the 16th Century. No one would visit. Why bother? Taking a 2,000+ mile trip on a sailboat? It’d be funny as hell if Exxon and the rest closed all their stores, stopped selling their products on the islands.

Read: HotCold Take: Maui Sued Oil In 2020 Over Fire Risks Or Something »

If All You See…

…is lots of horrible, world killing concrete, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Chicks On The Right, with a post on another attempt to erase women.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove