NY Times Wonders Just How Good Democrat’s Focus On Abortion Is For Election

It might push the single issue folks who are concerned they might actually have to use contraception for their wild, irresponsible boughts of drunken sex instead of having an abortion afterwards (isn’t contraception a lot cheaper to boot?) into voting D (sic), but, is it enough? Seriously, the number of ads from Democrats about the “right to choose” and “control our bodies” (except of course when the Biden-Harris admin makes them wear masks and take an unproven “vaccine” to keep their jobs) has been absurd

As Election Day Nears, Democrats Test Just How Powerful Abortion Really Is

With Election Day closing in, there are signs that a small but crucial segment of voters may back both abortion rights and Republican candidates, a dynamic that could hurt Vice President Kamala Harris in swing states and other Democratic candidates in pivotal races.

Ten states have abortion rights measures on the ballot this year, and Democratic activists express confidence that most will pass, just as every similar state measure has won approval since Roe v. Wade was overturned in 2022.

But they remain less certain about how many of these newly engaged abortion rights voters will then support Democratic candidates.

“The central question is, how much does abortion persuade people to vote for Democrats?” said Angela Kuefler, a Democratic strategist working on several abortion rights measures. “The issue itself is still of utmost importance to people. It is still a big driver when it comes to their vote decision. The question is just the ceiling.”

Hmm, it might have been a bad idea politically to put those measures on the ballot this year, giving people a chance to vote for them while checking the box for Trump and other Republicans who will do a much better job on the economy and other issues.

In Arizona and Nevada, the presidential race is tight, but measures enshrining abortion rights in state constitutions are expected to cruise to victory. In Montana, Democrats are struggling to hold a Senate seat but expect to pass a similar abortion rights referendum. And in Missouri, voters appear ready to back an abortion rights measure while also re-electing Senator Josh Hawley, one of the strongest opponents of abortion rights in Congress.


There is little question that abortion rights remains one of the strongest election issues for Democrats. A series of polls have shown more voters prefer Ms. Harris on the issue over Mr. Trump, helping drive a gender gap that is defining the race.

But for a small yet potentially decisive percentage of voters, supporting abortion rights does not lead to checking the box for Ms. Harris.

About 12 percent of voters said they would vote for both Mr. Trump and an abortion-rights referendum, according to New York Times/Siena College surveys in Arizona and Florida. While the polls found that a slight majority of these voters trust Mr. Trump to handle the issue of abortion rights more than Ms. Harris, most of them also do not rank the issue as a top priority.

Really, despite all the talk by politicians, the news, celebrities, in commercials, how many voters actually care that much about abortion as a top issue? It certainly ranks higher than ‘climate change’, but, when the rubber hits the road people are thinking about their wallets and not getting into World War III.

And that one of the people running for POTUS speaks like she’s in a Monty Python sketch

Read: NY Times Wonders Just How Good Democrat’s Focus On Abortion Is For Election »

Who’s Up For Using The Slime In Your Dishwasher To Solve Hotcoldwetdry?

You know, it sounds like some people really need to do better with their dishwashers. Maybe clean off the food from their dishes a bit before doing the dishes. Seriously, it seems like these scientists need their moms to explain how things work, because that slime will get stinky

Scientists say the slime in your dishwasher could unlock a solution to global warming

Scientists have scoured the depths of the ocean and outer space for microbes to help slow global warming. They’re now looking at a new and unlikely place — ?inside your home.

A group called the Two Frontiers Project (2FP)?—?funded by biotech company Seed Health — is asking people in the United States to look for “weird microbial growth” at home, in a quest to find the next microorganism that could suck planet-heating carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air or help break down environmental pollutants.

Though microbes live on every home surface, the group is especially interested in those that live in more extreme environments, including places with high temperatures such as dishwashers, air conditioners, microwaves, solar panels, hot water heaters and shower heads.

“These environments, though common, mimic the extreme conditions found in nature,” Tierney told CNN. “They reflect environmental changes that our planet may face in the future — including rising temperatures, heightened radiation, and increased acidification of oceans and soils”

A dishwasher can run between 120F and 180F. If these people think the Earth’s temperature is going to get there, they are more wackadoodle cult than we thought.

Volunteers who sign up to the “Extremophile Campaign” will be asked to take photos of any microbial growth around their home — “think slime, crusty mats, stringy growth,” the project’s website prompts — and answer questions about what they see.

If volunteers are getting this, well, they need lessons on cleaning. That’s just nasty. I’d hate to see their showers, toilets, and sinks.

Read: Who’s Up For Using The Slime In Your Dishwasher To Solve Hotcoldwetdry? »

Bummer: Senate Dems Avoiding Harris In “Blue Wall” States

It’s almost like she’s an albatross

Senate Democrats running away from Harris in ‘blue wall’ states

Democrats running for the Senate in “blue wall” states that will be critical to determining the outcome of the 2024 election are running away from Vice President Harris, signaling that they are hoping to win over some of former President Trump’s voters to keep their seats.

And Democratic candidates in those states have been careful about criticizing Trump during the high-stakes debates. They have focused on policy and their own records without taking many — or any — shots against the Republican nominee.

Pennsylvania incumbent Sen. Bob Casey (D) has even embraced Trump’s tariff policies. His campaign launched an ad last week that described him as “independent” and touted how he “bucked” the Biden administration to protect fracking and “sided with Trump to end NAFTA.”

“There’s no party affiliation in Casey ads. I don’t recall seeing any that say ‘Democrat’ or anything like that. He’s running as an incumbent on his own record,” said Berwood Yost, the director of the Center for Public Opinion Research at Franklin & Marshall College.

“He’s trying to distance himself a little bit from an administration that is viewed negatively by the most part. He doesn’t want to be tied to that either through Biden or Harris,” he said.

He’s not the only one. And plenty of Democrats running for the House and state positions are avoiding Harris if they are in competitive races, because they know she won’t help them. This reminds me of how Democrats avoided Obama in 2012 and 2014, after they took a shellacking in 2010. In fairness, Obama was one of the best campaigners of all time. He was good. Really good. But, he was only good really for Obama. And Harris isn’t anywhere near as good as Obama. Obama had a PhD. Kamala is in 3rd grade.

Meanwhile, after hanging with Bruce Springsteen in Georgia on Thursday, here’s Friday

Seriously, why waste time in Texas? It’s great for Trump if she’s wasting time, but, this is a really, really dumb move with less than two weeks to go.

Read: Bummer: Senate Dems Avoiding Harris In “Blue Wall” States »

NY Times Blows Gasket On Trump Flirting With Ending Income Tax

They think they got Trump on this one!

Trump Flirts With the Ultimate Tax Cut: No Income Taxes at All

Former President Donald J. Trump has spent much of the presidential campaign brainstorming new, and sometimes untested, ways to cut taxes. In the election’s final stretch, he raised the possibility of going even further: eliminating income taxes entirely.

During a Fox News segment on Monday, Mr. Trump took questions at a barbershop in the Bronx. When asked if the United States could potentially end all federal taxation, Mr. Trump said the country could return to the economic policies in the late 19th century, when there was no federal income tax.

“It had all tariffs — it didn’t have an income tax,” Mr. Trump said. “Now we have income taxes, and we have people that are dying. They’re paying tax, and they don’t have the money to pay the tax.”

In June, Mr. Trump floated the idea of replacing federal revenue from income taxes with money received from tariffs. Mr. Trump has not provided specific details of how that would work, and it is unclear if he wants to eliminate all federal taxes, including corporate income taxes and payroll taxes, or only end the individual income tax.

LOL: “not provided specific details.” What specific details has Kamala offered on anything? She can barely articulate her sticky note ideas. Regardless, it seemed to work back then, till greedy Congress Critters decided they wanted more and more money for pet projects and to repay campaign contributors, as the federal government took more and more power that was not given by the Constitution. Most money should go to the state coffers, and just enough to run the assigned Constitutional duties of the federal government

Either way, both liberal and conservative experts have dismissed his idea as mathematically impossible and economically destructive. Even if Republicans control Congress, lawmakers are unlikely to dismantle the income tax system. Yet Mr. Trump’s combination of tax cuts and tariff increases has been central to his political pitch.

You know who the Times cites as a conservative expert?

The potential for such an outcome helped prompt William McKinley, the 25th president, a Republican, whose support for tariffs Mr. Trump often celebrates, to ultimately moderate his position on tariffs. To help American exporters, Mr. McKinley had started to support the possibility of lowering tariffs in the United States in exchange for other countries doing the same before he was assassinated in 1901.

This is not the dunk the Times thinks it is. Really, though, a flat tax with a balanced budget amendment would be best, while paired with a massive reduction in federal government spending, coupled with a massive reduction in federal agencies and employees. Regardless, lower taxation plays well with citizens. Remove federal income tax and replace it with tariffs. It has zero chance of passing. There are too many squishy Republicans. The chances of even having a low tax rate with no deductions for anything, which would come out in citizen’s favor, won’t happen. Read the book Showdown At Gucci Gulf about the attempt at this under Reagan. It’s actually a ver good, interesting read on tax policy.

Also, the idea of tariffs is to force other countries to lower theirs on imported American goods. The NY Times thinks that everyone loves being taxed so that morons can misspend their hard earned money.

Read: NY Times Blows Gasket On Trump Flirting With Ending Income Tax »

If All You See…

…is an inland sea created by too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is American Greatness, with a post on Kamala’s inane talking points.

That’s Caroline Monroe from The Spy Who Loved Me.

Read: If All You See… »

Harris Word Salads Her Way Through CNN Town Hall

You can bet she was given the answers beforehand in some fashion, and her answers were still ridiculous. But, were you expecting something different? Anderson Cooper started out by giving Kamala a softball, asking her what she would say to voters who support Trump, so, she immediately went to calling Trump a Fascist, because she really has nothing else, and it’s a nice bit of projection.

And then

(Yahoo) Asked by an Independent, undecided voter who was to blame, Biden or Trump, for the spike in inflation, and what she would do to bring grocery prices down, Harris started by acknowledging that “the price of groceries is still too high.”

She then added that it would be her priority to bring prices down, and touted her work as California’s Attorney General to take on price gouging as well as her new plan to enact a “national ban” to address the practice.

She also promoted her plan to build affordable housing units to bring rent prices down for the average American. “I bring to it my experience, knowing what has been happening in terms of corporations buying up blocks of property to diminish competition and then rents get jacked up,” she said.

What experience does she have on building homes? She’s not wrong about corporations jacking up prices by purchasing homes at absurd prices. She couldn’t build more than 8 EV chargers or connect one home to the Internet over the past 4 years of the Biden-Harris admin. Oh, and how did her work as AG help in the People’s Republik Of California? Their grocery costs, energy costs, etc, are totally low, right?

Harris then offered her first mild criticism of President Biden, saying, “for too long, frankly, both administrations, both administrations and both parties, Democrats and Republicans, haven’t done enough to deal with the issue of housing. We need a new approach.”

Cooper quoted Harris’s plan on price gouging, noting that it specifically related to times of emergency. “How does that help someone like” the man who asked the question? Cooper asked.

Harris said that price gouging was a real and ongoing issue in states like Georgia and North Carolina that are trying to recover from Hurricane Helene. “I took this issue on because it affects a lot of people,” she said.

Seriously, we are less than two weeks from the election, and this is all she can offer? 100% canned basic responses. No digging into the issues. And, really, if there was price gouging going on in western NC I would have heard about it. It would be all over our local news. Current AG Josh Stein would be all over it, regardless of him being a Democrat. The state has a long history of quashing gouging after disasters. Cooper forgot to ask her if she had any proof of this occurring in Georgia and North Carolina.

She was then asked about the border

A registered Republican voter who said he was leaning toward voting for Harris asked her how she would ensure that “every immigrant to the U.S. is integrated into American society safely” and what benefits and subsidies they would be provided with, whether American taxpayers would pay for them and how much would be spent.

Right, a registered Republican totally wants all those illegals/migrants integrated. Uh huh. She babbled on about the trash border bill, and, wow, Cooper demolished her for not doing anything in 2022 and 2023. Her answer was simply a basic talking point again. She’s really not good at this.

She also wants to end the filibuster to codify Roe v Wade, failing to realize that the Supreme Court would kill that legislation for being un-Constitutional. Congress doesn’t have the authority to impose this. Again, I’m 100% against the GOP passing legislation that ends abortion. Trump has stated numerous times that he wouldn’t sign it.

Another female undecided voter then asked Harris how she would combat “the growing trend” of anti-Semitism on U.S. college campuses.

“We have seen a rise in anti-Semitism, and it is something that we have to be honest about,” Harris said, noting her work on the subject as attorney general of California. “Part of what we’ve got to do is talk with people so that they understand what are the tropes, what are the roots of what we are seeing so that we can actually have people be more understanding. We need to have laws in place that make those who would commit crimes on behalf of anti-Semitism and hate — that they pay a serious consequence.”

Harris then pivoted back to Trump. “I’m going to tell you what doesn’t help, again I invite you to go online and listen to John Kelly, the former chief of staff of Donald Trump who has told us Donald Trump said essentially, ‘Why aren’t my generals like those of Hitler’s?’”

So, word salad then Orange Man Bad. You know, the guy who worked to secure Middle East peace, did Abraham Accords, has visited the Holy Land and prayed at the Western Wall.

Read: Harris Word Salads Her Way Through CNN Town Hall »

Surprise: World Bank Lost Track Of $24 Billion In Climate (scam) Funds

These are the same grand poobahs of the climate cult who want trillions redistributed from taxpayers in 1st World Nations

World Bank bureaucrats lost track of at least $24B in funds fighting climate change: ‘Could be twice or 10 times more’

Bungling World Bank bureaucrats lost track of at least $24 billion bankrolling the battle against climate change, according to a bombshell report by a left-leaning charity group.

An investigation by Oxfam revealed “poor record-keeping practices” by the DC-based international lender that resulted in anywhere between $24 billion and $41 billion in misplaced funds.

The agency’s audit showed “a lack of traceable spending” over the past seven years — partly because of an oddball accounting practice in which the bank accounts for its climate financing at the time of a project’s approval rather than at the time of project completion, according to the report release last week.

“This is like asking your doctor to assess your diet only by looking at your grocery list, without ever checking what actually ends up in your fridge,” said Kate Donald, the head of Oxfam’s Washington DC office.

A World Bank insider, speaking on condition of anonymity, suggested the figure for the missing money “could be twice or 10 times more.”

How much of this money is ending up in the pockets of World Bank employees? How much goes to graft, especially in 3rd World shitholes?

“All the figures are routinely made up,” the source said. “Nobody has a clue about who spends what.”

This sounds like another international agency which needs to be cut of from U.S. funding unless they get it together and stop being shady.

Read: Surprise: World Bank Lost Track Of $24 Billion In Climate (scam) Funds »

Kamala Tries The “Trump Is Hitler” Card For An October Surprise

Isn’t this the same guy Democrats have been calling literally Hitler since 2016? How he was going to do Hitler stuff? But, of course, not during his first term, totally his second

Yeah, yeah. This was the lead story for the 630pm news from ABC and NBC (Planet Fitness didn’t have a CBS station on where I could see, which was simply looking between sets while doing balancing yoga). I’m not going to bother with any of them, and, really, CNN isn’t even bothering with a top page story. The NY Times has a tiny little middle of the page piece. The Washington Post does have a near the top of the page one. But, they all ran something without bothering to do News. None demanded that John Kelly prove his assertion, where Kelly said he  “believed the former president was a fascist and that Trump had told him multiple times Adolf Hitler had “done some good things.””

And, of course, Cackles took it much further, as the video above shows

(Breitbart) The Trump campaign on Wednesday issued a statement slamming Vice President Kamala Harris’s “dangerous rhetoric” after she delivered an address from her official residence claiming that former President Donald Trump “invoked Hitler,” citing a debunked hit piece from The Atlantic.

The Trump campaign said in the statement:

Kamala’s dangerous rhetoric is directly to blame for the multiple assassination attempts against President Trump and she continues to stoke the flames of violence all in the name of politics.

She is despicable and her grotesque behavior proves she is wholly unfit for office.

One has to wonder why Kelly trotted this out now. He didn’t do it in 2020. He waits till there is less than two weeks till election day. This is completely desperate, and Kamala shows her desperation.

I wonder if it’s possible for Trump to sue Kelly and Harris for defamation?

Read: Kamala Tries The “Trump Is Hitler” Card For An October Surprise »

Kamala Gets Pressed On Transgender “Care”, Still Can’t Answer A Question

This should have been an easy question for her to answer, but, she doesn’t want most Americans to know what she really believes. She knows her unhinged moonbat base will vote for her no matter what….but, then, will they? How many Arab-Americans will refuse to mark the box for her on their ballot because of the Biden-Harris all over the place Mideast policies?

Harris pressed on transgender rights, potentially pardoning Trump: 5 key moments from NBC interview

“I think part of what is important in this election is really not only turning the page, but closing the page and the chapter on an era that suggests that Americans are divided,” she told NBC network anchor Hallie Jackson.

Um, she’s been that page for almost 4 years. Anyhow

Harris didn’t give a specific answer when asked whether she believes transgender Americans should have access to gender-affirming care.

“I think we should follow the law. I mean, I think you’re probably pointing to the fact that Donald Trump’s campaign has spent tens of millions of dollars…,” Harris said before Jackson cut her off and asked her the question again.

Harris then said she won’t put herself in the position of doctors, whom she said have the right to make the decision “in terms of what is medically necessary.”

It was less word salad, more blaming Trump, and you could tell she was struggling to format an answer without giving anything away. One would think a professional politician running for POTUS would be much, much better

Good on Jackson for doing her “hold up, this is not about Trump, this is about you.”

I think the answer should be easy “if you are an adult, if you want all the drugs and surgeries and stuff, have at it. You’re an adult. This should not be done to children, they should be left along. No drugs, no surgeries, no indoctrination. Go for it if you’re an adult. Doesn’t hurt my life. But, you pay for it. Not the government. Insurance companies should not be required to pay for it. And the taxpayer should not be paying for felons to get it done.”

Read: Kamala Gets Pressed On Transgender “Care”, Still Can’t Answer A Question »

If All You See…

…are horrible Bad Weather clouds rising over mountains, which are the only safe spot from extreme sea rise, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Lid, with a post wondering why parts from weapons owned by the FBI and DEA are being found on ghost guns.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove