Politico Seems Unclear That Kamala Harris Is Part Of The Biden-Harris Admin

You can’t demean these unhinged “journalists” enough


(Breitbart) In what is being described as stark “gaslighting” by many readers on social media, Politico published an article claiming that former President Donald Trump’s running mate Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) “tried to tie Harris” to the Biden-Harris administration’s policies while speaking at a rally in Big Rapids, Michigan, on Tuesday.

In the piecePolitico reporter Mia McCarthy amusingly writes, “Speaking at a rally in Big Rapids, Michigan, former President Donald Trump’s running mate tried to tie Harris to the Biden administration’s policies.”

Politico’s X post was quickly issued a “Community Notes” correction advising the public that “Harris is currently President Biden’s Vice President.”

Vance also reacted to Politico’s post, writing, “The thing is: she’s Biden’s Vice President.”

In fairness, this was the tweet and in the article, not the actual headline of the piece, but, still, they’ve been running it as the Biden-Harris administration, not the Biden admin with Kamala as VP. She’s part and parcel of the policies. She cast the tie breaking vote in the Senate several times to push the agenda forward. She’s heavily featured on the White House website.

And then there’s this doozy from The Hill

Apparently, Kamala had nothing to do with the policies of the Biden-Harris administration. The Credentialed Media is acting like it’s 1992 and no one can actually dig stuff up.

Read: Politico Seems Unclear That Kamala Harris Is Part Of The Biden-Harris Admin »

Bummer: Corals That Survive Climate Doom Will Be Difference Or Something

It’s not like corals have survived for over 500 million years, changing up a bit over that time, including from hot and cold periods, from ice ages, from warmth, from higher and lower seas, from the continents moving around, from underwater volcanoes, from the development of all sorts of sea life, from iceball Earth. I think a small increase in the Earth’s temperature, which is lower than previous Holocene periods, will leave them just fine. But, you know, this is a doomsday cult at work

The Corals That Survive Climate Change Will Be Unrecognizable

Earth belonged to the corals first. And over hundreds of millions of years, they proved themselves remarkably good at adapting to each new version of the planet. As other groups of organisms dropped out of existence, corals endured so many catastrophes that their history reads like a biblical tale of resilience. Through extinctions mass and minor, through volcanic eruptions and asteroid strikes, the corals survived.

Told ya

And for tiny marine animals, they managed to exert tremendous force on the planet’s landscape. Corals have raised whole islands into existence. They are the natural guardians of coastlines; they sustain an estimated quarter of known marine life. If the reefs ringing the Maldives die, an entire nation could erode into the sea. Humans live in these places because corals exist. (snip)

The earliest corals emerged about 500 million years ago, roughly alongside plant life on land. But the modern version of coral reefs appeared a short 4 million years ago, around the time our human ancestors began to walk upright (give or take a few million years). When researchers try to rescue suffering corals, carefully cutting pieces away and transporting them to aquariums, they’re visiting underwater metropolises that are thousands of years old. Despite all that corals have been through, given how fast conditions on Earth are changing, life has likely never been quite as stressful for them as it is now, according to the coral experts Bertrand Martin-Garin and Lucien Montaggioni in their book, Corals and Reefs. (snip)

“These are strange days on planet Earth,” Derek Manzello, a coral-reef ecologist and the coordinator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Coral Reef Watch, once told me. The planet used to give corals hundreds of thousands of years to adjust to a new reality; human activities—the burning of fossil fuels but also overfishing and pollution that have brought on global warming—have introduced a rate of change more dramatic than anything else in the geological record. “If we wanted to kill all reef-building corals on the planet, it would be hard to imagine a collection of activities quite as pointed and effective as what we’ve arrived at,” Stuart Sandin, a marine biologist at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, told me.

So, complete doom. How do they know that the rate of change is more dramatic? They have no direct observations. And 1.6F increase since 1850 isn’t dramatic. Volcanoes blowing their lids and immediately causing a year without a summer is dramatic. Anyhow, if Warmists are so concerned why are they not giving up their own use of fossil fuels? Why do none of them ever answer the question except with the deflection “we should all give them up”? Instead we get

Prince Harry Is Coming to New York City to Fight Climate Change

This year, Prince Harry has stepped up his travel schedule to further the work of Archewell, the foundation he started in 2021 alongside his wife, Meghan Markle. In September, Harry is planning to travel to New York City for Climate Week, the annual environmental event series coinciding with the United Nations’ General Assembly. During his trip, he will also attend events for a handful of his patronage organizations, including two with a connection to his late mother, Princess Diana.

“During UN General Assembly High-level Week and Climate Week in New York City, Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex, will be in town to advance a number of his patronages and philanthropic initiatives,” said a spokesperson for the prince. “He will participate in engagements with African Parks, The HALO Trust, The Diana Award, and Travalyst.”

So, he’s taking a cross country fossil fueled flight, surely in a private jet, along with all the other travel and use of fossil fueled SUVs, to fight ‘climate change’? Huh.

Read: Bummer: Corals That Survive Climate Doom Will Be Difference Or Something »

If All You See…

…is an island that will soon be swamped by the rising seas, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post on Jack Smith not giving up on his TDS prosecution of Trump.

Read: If All You See… »

Suburbs Enjoy Results Of Big City Sanctuary Policies Firsthand

Everyone pays the price of unfettered illegal immigration, where the Government barely checks the background of those it lets in while awaiting “asylum” hearings. If they check at all. The suburbs of Sanctuary City Denver are truly learning this firsthand

Sanctuary city’s policies push violent migrant gang into suburbs: ‘It’s a nationwide problem’

Although Denver’s suburbs don’t share its sanctuary city policies, the influx of migrants into the Mile High City has spilled outward. Now, its neighbors are facing an unprecedented wave of activity from a notorious Venezuelan prison gang.

Officials from Aurora, about nine miles east of Denver, told Fox News Digital the Tren de Aragua gang has gained a strong foothold in their city, commandeering apartment complexes and drumming up violent crime and sex trafficking.

“We currently have entire complexes under gang control — complexes where staff have been beaten up, they’ve been threatened, their families have been threatened [and] complexes where there are no staff left on the property,” Aurora City Council Member Danielle Jurinsky said. “These complexes are being run by this Tren de Aragua gang.

“They start brokering apartments themselves when someone leaves out of fear or whatever. They go in and take pictures of the apartment themselves. Then, I’ve been told, within hours, a Venezuelan family moves in.

“Parts of the city are absolutely under this gang control. The local media is downplaying this,” she said. “I believe politics is being played with people’s lives. … Nothing is being done to help the American citizens that are being trapped under this gang’s control.”

It’s a gang. They are gang members. How did so many end up in the U.S.? Were they border crossers who were not vetted because the authorities were over-burdened by too many coming, or, did the Biden-Harris administration fly them, as they’ve flown so many others? Or both? How much bad behavior must US Citizens put up with because Democrats are pro-illegal and refuse to verify who the illegals actually are?

Suspected members of Tren de Aragua are accused of a series of high-profile crimes across the United States, including the murder of Georgia nursing student Laken Riley and the shooting of two NYPD officers during an arrest in June.

Its leaders recently gave the “green light” for its members nationwide to shoot members of law enforcement who attempt to interfere with their criminal activity – even in Denver.

This can be laid directly at the feet of the Biden-Harris administration.

Jhonardy Jose Pacheco-Chirino, a Tren de Aragua leader who goes by “Galleta,” the Spanish word for “Cookie,” was arrested after brutally beating a man at an Aurora apartment complex that the gang had taken over, according to the New York Post. He was arrested again in July in a shooting at the same complex that left two wounded, the outlet reported.

Pacheco-Chirino has reportedly been detained and released at least twice since crossing the southern border in 2022, Homeland Security sources told the Post.

We have a law about illegal alien absconders, which says they should either be immediately put back across the border or detained and jailed. It is a criminal offense to re-enter the U.S. after being deported. What, exactly, is the Biden-Harris administration doing? Too bad the Aurora authorities can’t round them up and put them on a bus, dropping them off outside the White House.

But attempts to control the influx have been crippled by Colorado state law HB19-1124, passed in 2019, that prohibits municipalities from communicating directly with federal government immigration enforcement.

As a result, Douglas and five other Colorado counties have banded together to sue the state, arguing the law violates the U.S. Supremacy Clause, which bars states from violating federal law, and the Intergovernmental Relationships Provision of Colorado’s constitution, which forbids laws that prevent local governments from cooperating/contracting with the federal government.

There’s a price for voting Democrat, and the problems in Democrat sanctuary cities and states leaks out.

Read: Suburbs Enjoy Results Of Big City Sanctuary Policies Firsthand »

Surprise: Harris Flip-Flops On EV Mandate

It’s a day for this, eh?

Maybe she doesn’t want to be forced into one herself?

(NY Post) It’s really not that easy being green.

Despite Vice President Kamala Harris championing outlawing gasoline-powered cars in her Senate days, her campaign claimed Tuesday she’s now opposed to electric vehicle mandates — yet another walkback on behalf of the California Democrat and possibly the biggest one of them all.

In a “fact check” email, Harris campaign rapid response director Ammar Moussa dismissed claims made by former President Donald Trump and his running mate, Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio), about the veep’s readiness to “force every American to own an electric vehicle.”

“FACT: Vice President Harris does not support an electric vehicle mandate,” Moussa wrote.

What the “fact check” leaves out is that Harris, 59, co-sponsored legislation in April 2019 that sought to ban the sale of gasoline-powered vehicles by 2040.

Of course, there’s a big out in this, notably that the Biden-Harris admin and their Democrat Comrades refuse to call the EV mandate a mandate. They claim it cannot be a mandate when the law doesn’t specifically state the end of fossil fueled vehicles like the law in California does. It just sets the conditions where manufacturers pretty much have to ditch fossil fueled vehicles, including standard and plugin hybrids, and only make and sell EVs.

Of course, she does actually support the mandate for Other People, one that would give the Elites like Kamala the ability to still travel in large, fossil fueled limos and SUVs.

Read: Surprise: Harris Flip-Flops On EV Mandate »

LOL: Cackles Harris Suddenly Wants To Build The Border Wall

Again, how do Axios “journalists” Alex Thompson and Hans Nichols write this without just calling it straight mule fritters? Flip-flopping? Seriously, does she even know where the Southern border is?

Harris flip-flops on building the border wall

If she’s elected president, Kamala Harris pledges to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on the wall along the southern border — a project she once opposed and called “un-American” during the Trump administration.

Why it matters: It’s the latest example of Harris flip-flopping on her past liberal positions such as supporting Medicare for All and banning fracking — proposals that aides say she now is against.

Harris is embracing a more hawkish immigration policy as Donald Trump’s campaign spends tens of millions of dollars attacking her about the border. (snip through discussion of the horrible border bill)

The bottom line: Like the wall itself, Harris’ changes on border policy reflect how Trump has shifted the political debate on immigration during the past decade.

It’s a complete lie. If she manages to win, she will never build any wall

(Breitbart) The pro-Kamala Harris gerbils at the far-left Axios are spreading the absurd lie Vice President CacklyMcNeverBorderCzar is now in favor of completing former President Trump’s southern border wall.

I’m told that when you enter the Axios offices, everyone has their own locker where they check in their self-respect.

“Harris flip-flops on building the border wall,” reads the lying headline (in an effort to protect democracy, I do not link disinformation).

(NY Post) Welcome to the Trump Train . . . Kamala Harris?

After years of slamming former President Donald Trump’s plan to build a wall along the southern border, Harris is subtly co-opting his message to sell herself as a border hawk.

At her DNC speech, Harris pledged to bring back the border security bill killed in the Senate last year, which pledges hundreds of millions of dollars to expand the border wall, and sign it into law if elected.

And she used photos of already-built sections of the wall in an ad touting her record as a “border-state prosecutor.”

Harris hated the wall until about five seconds ago; in 2017, she called it a “stupid use of money” and vowed to “block any funding for it.”

In 2019, she slammed the “medieval vanity project” and promised, “I’m not going to vote for a wall under any circumstances.”

Yet, the Credentialed Media will do no more than call this a flip-flop, because they all know that she still believes her 2017 and 2019 statements.

Read: LOL: Cackles Harris Suddenly Wants To Build The Border Wall »

Good News: Hundreds Of Private Planes Head To Burning Man

This is Burning Man

Whether at the Burning Man event in Black Rock City, or at Regional Events around the world, Burners pride themselves in devising better, more efficient ways to do things. We’ve been building our ephemeral home in Black Rock City since 1990; all along participants have been imagining and experimenting with technology that conserves water, minimizes waste and utilizes renewable energy sources. As with all things Burning Man, these learnings come back to our lives, and impact the greater world in which we all live.

The nonprofit Burning Man Project and the global Burning Man community are working to make the Burning Man event in Black Rock City more ecologically sustainable. This sustainability web page summarizes our efforts.

They yammer about being carbon negative, climate change adaptation, and sustainability for everything

Also Burning Man

Hundreds of private planes are touching down at a makeshift airport for billionaire favorite Burning Man

Hundreds of charter and personal planes touched down on the same tarmac this weekend — and it wasn’t in the Hamptons, Lake Tahoe, or any other particularly bougie hot spot. It was a pop-up airport called 88NV in the middle of the Nevada desert.

Officially named Black Rock City Municipal Airport, 88NV’s two 6,000-foot runways created from a dry lakebed handle the hundreds of planes flying in for the annual Burning Man festival. The temporary airfield is only open for about two weeks before it’s taken down “without a trace,” the website says.

Huh. Can’t let ‘climate change’ get in the way of getting your groove on and showing your wealth, eh? Of course, how many of the non-uber rich also take fossil fueled flights then vehicles to Burning Man?


Ford Loses $44,000 On Every EV Sells As It Switches To Hybrids

Last week, we reported that Ford was canceling its plans for a three-row electric crossover as part of an adjustment to its electric strategy because of cooling demand for EVs. Now we are getting a better look at just how much that strategy is changing and what it’ll end up costing The Blue Oval. Chiefly, Ford is expected to take on $1.9 billion in related charges and write-downs.

Ford said its EV business is on track to lose an eye-watering $5 billion this year alone. In the three-month period ending in June, the automaker lost about $44,000 on every electric vehicle it sold. That is not sustainable.

Hey, that’s better than the $130K they lost per EV in the 1st quarter, eh?

Read: Good News: Hundreds Of Private Planes Head To Burning Man »

If All You See…

…are horrible Bad Weather clouds approaching, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is This ain’t Hell…, with a post on one last look at Biden’s Gaza pier.

Read: If All You See… »

California Representative Claims Harris Would Expand DACA

You know DACA, the Executive Branch rule from the Obama administration which Obama himself said was un-Constitutional, and various courts have claimed was unlawful

Rep. Barragan of California says that, as president, Harris will expand DACA protections

U.S. Rep. Nanette Barragan of California spoke with USA TODAY at the Democratic convention last week, saying that a potential Kamala Harris administration would push for expanded protections for “dreamers”—people covered by the Obama-era immigration policy Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).

“I know that a President Kamala Harris is very supportive and is going to be ready on day one to sign a bill from Congress to provide those protections that we need to provide for dreamers,” Barragan said.

DACA offers deferred deportation (but not a green card or citizenship) to some people with a clean criminal history and a high school degree or military service record who came to the United States with their family as children.

The law was passed in 2012 as a temporary measure, and holders of legal status based on DACA remain in a tenuous position as courts have repeatedly thrown the law’s status into doubt.

Are the two USA Today writers ignorant or straight up lying? DACA was never passed into law. Democrats tried to pass The DREAM Act a few times during the early Obama years, but, it never crossed Obama’s desk for a signature. I’ve left the link in the 1st paragraph to stand, because it explains that it is an administrative amnesty instituted by the Obama admin, not a law. Did the two USA Today writers, Swapna Venugopal Ramaswamy and George Fabe Russell, read the story they linked, which is also at the USA Today? And then the Credentialed Media wonders why no one trusts them.

Earlier this year, President Joe Biden’s administration expanded the law to add a path for DACA recipients to apply for employer-sponsored work visas and green cards. It also allowed them to enroll in the Affordable Care Act exchange health insurance plans, often called “Obamacare.”

Barragan said that the president alone cannot expand laws like DACA: “That’s something that Congress is going to have to do.”

It’s not a law, meaning that the USA Today writers, and any editor that approved this, are just ignorant or lying. But, Barragan is correct: expanding DACA is illegal, because it is not a law to start with. But, it is no surprise that Harris would want to expand the un-Constitutional administrative amnesty, considering how many illegals flowed into the USA during the Biden-Harris time, with her as the “Border Czar”. With all the migrants flown in from Central and South America.

Is this actually a policy of Cackles Harris? No one actually knows, because she won’t say.

“We just saw the administration provide greater access to healthcare to dreamers,” Barragan continued. “And so we’ll continue to do that until we, of course, hear from the courts.”

I distinctly remember when Obama, his people, and elected Democrats said that Republicans were just fearmongering, that illegals would not be eligible for taxpayer funded Obamacare.

Read: California Representative Claims Harris Would Expand DACA »

UN Head Takes Long Fossil Fueled Flight To Complain About Sea Rise

All the way to Tonga

UN chief calls rising seas a ‘worldwide catastrophe’

Highlighting seas that are rising at an accelerating rate, especially in the far more vulnerable Pacific island nations, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres issued yet another climate SOS to the world. This time he said those initials stand for “save our seas.”

The United Nations and the World Meteorological Organization Monday issued reports on worsening sea level rise, turbocharged by a warming Earth and melting ice sheets and glaciers. They highlight how the Southwestern Pacific is not only hurt by the rising oceans, but by other climate change effects of ocean acidification and marine heat waves.

Guterres toured Samoa and Tonga and made his climate plea from Tonga’s capital on Tuesday at a meeting of the Pacific Islands Forum, whose member countries are among those most imperiled by climate change. Next month the United Nations General Assembly holds a special session to discuss rising seas.

“This is a crazy situation,” Guterres said. “Rising seas are a crisis entirely of humanity’s making. A crisis that will soon swell to an almost unimaginable scale, with no lifeboat to take us back to safety.”

“A worldwide catastrophe is putting this Pacific paradise in peril,” he said. “The ocean is overflowing.”

Tonga and Samoa are 468 miles apart, which means Guterres would have to take a fossil fueled flight between them. For Somoa, the tide gauge was actually moving up slowly, less than would be expected for a Holocene warm period, until the 2009 earthquake, which has caused the rise to accelerate. Tonga’s gauge only goes back to 2000, so, there is no actual long term trend. It really is all doom and gloom with these climahypocrites, and little science.

Read: UN Head Takes Long Fossil Fueled Flight To Complain About Sea Rise »

Pirate's Cove