Climanut St. Greta Named Jew Hater Of The Week

I’m not sure why anyone would be surprised that a climate cult member would also be viruently anti-Israel and anti-Jew while also going pro-Hamas: the majority of Warmists are Leftists. The only surprise here is that Greta and other Warmists haven’t managed to put the whole thing under the banner of the doomsday cult. Yet

Greta Thunberg labeled ‘antisemite of the week’ amid anti-Israel activity

Climate activist Greta Thunberg has been labeled “antisemite of the Week” by the Jewish watchdog group StopAntisemitism following her arrest at an anti-Israel rally. The group criticized Thunberg for aligning with protesters who oppose Israel, accusing her of turning her activism into a platform for anti-Semitism, the New York Post reported.

“She has sadly transformed her activism into a platform for vile Jew-hatred,” the organization said.

Thunberg, 21, was arrested on September 4 while demonstrating with Students Against the Occupation, who called on Copenhagen University to cut ties with Israel, including climate change programs. StopAntisemitism founder Liora Rez condemned Thunberg, accusing her of prioritizing hatred for Israel over environmental activism despite Israel’s efforts on climate action.

“Sadly, Greta’s hatred of the world’s only Jewish nation eclipses her love of the environment. Despite Israel being a global leader in tackling climate disasters and rushing to aid in crises worldwide, Greta sides with their homicidal terrorist enemies,” StopAntisemitism founder Liora Rez said in a statement.

No one should be surprised. Remember the octopus?

It was never some soothing plushie for Greta, it was intentional. Meanwhile, the IDF took out one of her buddies

(Jerusalem Post) Key Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terrorist Ahmad Ayesh Salama al-Khashash was eliminated by IDF forces in the humanitarian area of Khan Yunis, the IDF reported on Tuesday morning.

During an operation in Khan Yunis, IAF aircraft, guided by the Military Intelligence Directorate and the Southern Command, identified and eliminated Khashash, who held a significant position within the terrorist organization.

Khashash was responsible for managing the PIJ’s rocket unit in the Rafah region, with a role involving managing and directing rocket fire towards Israel’s home front from within the humanitarian zone, the IDF noted.

“Humanitarian zone”. Is it any wonder civilians are killed when terrorists attack from within civilian populations? Usually with the support of those same civilians.

Read: Climanut St. Greta Named Jew Hater Of The Week »

Your Fault: Climate Crisis (scam) Worsens Anthrax In Zimbabwe

This could have been stopped had you just given up your use of fossil fuels and meat, but, no, you had to be selfish

Anthrax in Zimbabwe: Caused by Oppression, Worsened by Climate Change

A herd of emaciated cows crowd for water at a small dam in the Zimunya area about 50 kilometres (31 miles) south of Zimbabwe’s eastern border city of Mutare.

On the other side of the small dam, a group of children excitedly fetch water, mostly for nondrinking or cooking uses. In this part of the country, water became scarce this year as an El Niño-induced drought — the worst in more than 40 years — ravaged the region. The drought has left nearly 10 million people food insecure. Livestock and people now compete for limited water in many rural areas of Zimbabwe.

Wait, a drought in Zimbabwe? Weird

Anthrax, a disease that affects wild animals, livestock, and humans, is caused by spore-forming bacteria called Bacillus anthracis. Theileriosis, also known as January disease, is a cattle disease transmitted by ticks.

Anthrax is of particular worry. Early this year several districts in Zimbabwe were hit by an anthrax outbreak that caused a documented 513 human infections, countless livestock infections, and 36 livestock deaths.

Though some experts say the current anthrax outbreaks in Zimbabwe have been exacerbated by climate change, outbreaks can be traced back to the time of Zimbabwe’s protracted war of liberation that ended in 1979. At the height of the war, when the country was still known as Rhodesia, the brutal colonial regime of the late Prime Minister Ian Smith reportedly used anthrax as a biological weapon. (snip)

Today experts fear that anthrax outbreaks in Zimbabwe will become worse due to climate change, which is making some parts of the country warmer and wetter.

So, on one hand, anthrax has been around for we don’t know how long. It was first identified using science in 1752. When did it start? No one knows, but, they think the earliest recorded outbreak was 700BC. But, of course, since it is 2024, it is all the fault of ‘climate change’. And will only get worse. Even though it had literally been used as a biological weapon, and is essentially a 3rd world nation.

Read: Your Fault: Climate Crisis (scam) Worsens Anthrax In Zimbabwe »

Attempted Trump Assassin Had SKS Rifle, So, Let’s Confiscate Your Scary Assault Rifle

Let’s not forget that Kamala Harris wants a mandatory gun buy back, ie, forced confiscation of your legally purchased firearm

Report: FBI Affidavit Indicates Alleged Trump Assassin Had SKS Rifle

An affidavit in the criminal complaint against alleged Trump assassin Ryan Wesley Routh indicates he had an SKS rifle with him, according to reports.

CNN pointed to FBI Special Agent Mark A. Thomas’s affidavit, indicating the gun found in the bushes where Routh had allegedly been was a “loaded SKS-style 7.62×39 caliber rifle with a scope.”

In a press conference shortly after Routh’s arrest, Palm Beach County Sheriff Ric Bradshaw described the gun as an “an AK-47 style rifle with a scope.”

An AK-style rifle and an SKS-style rifle bear some resemblance to one another, in that both are Soviet-era guns and both firearms run off 7.62×39 ammunition. However, whereas AK-47s can be had in automatic or semiautomatic versions — the former used on battlefields and the latter available for the civilian market — SKS rifles are strictly semiautomatic.

The SKS has been made in China and the old Soviet era Yugoslavia, but, it doesn’t matter to the gun grabbers, because it is a gun, and they want to ban all guns from private ownership. At least for the peasants. The Elites will get to keep theirs, including for their security.

Good. Because Routh’s story just keeps getting weirder and weirder, what with all his contacts with Credentialed Media reporters, his time in Ukraine and apparently trying to funnel fighters into Ukraine to fight against Russia, to taking lots of flights around the world on $3,000 a month, to appearing with World Chef Jose Andres, whose crew was also consorting with Hamas, and had cooked for Kamala.

Read: Attempted Trump Assassin Had SKS Rifle, So, Let’s Confiscate Your Scary Assault Rifle »

Muslim Brotherhood Backed CAIR Upset Over Plan To Protect Synagogues

What possible excuse could they have for protecting Jewish synagogues from harrassment by Islamists and Democrats?

CAIR Objects to L.A. Proposal to Protect Synagogues from Harassment

The California chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is objecting to a proposal by the L.A. City Council to bar anti-Israel protesters from the entrances to synagogues.

The proposal is a response to a rise in antisemitism in the city associated with anti-Israel protests, especially several incidents in June in which pro-Palestinian activists targeted local synagogues, obstructing entrances in one case.

City Council members Katy Yaroslavsky and Bob Blumenfield demanded action in June, calling for more resources for safety. They are the authors of the new proposal, which would require an eight-foot “bubble zone” around synagogues and other religious institutions.

The Los Angeles Times described the proposal in August, reporting that it “would make it a misdemeanor for protesters to intentionally block the entrances of healthcare facilities, schools or religious institutions — or demonstrate within 8 feet of anyone trying to get inside. The protective 8-foot “bubble” would be required within 100 feet of a facility’s entrance.” It would apply to mosques as well as to synagogues.

So, mosques (where Islamic radicalism is taught) are protected, too? Of course, few actually protest there, because Islamists would knife the protesters

The letter from CAIR California, which appears undated, urges the Los Angeles city attorney to examine the “underlying context” of the proposal, saying it is “targeting pro-Palestinian demonstrators’ First Amendment rights.”

The letter claims that “peaceful pro-Palestinian protesters have courageously stood up against the ongoing violations of human rights in Gaza” at local universities and other sites. (There have been several acts of violence by the “peaceful” protesters; this reporter was assaulted by “peaceful” protests at a campus “encampment” in April.)

So, what does protesting at Jewish synagogues have to do with protesting what’s going on in Gaza? Go protest at the Israeli embassy. The only reason to protest at synagogues and Jewish centers and harass individual Jews is to simply harass them. To intimidate them.

Let’s remember, the 1st Amendment (and Article I section 2 of the People’s Republik Of California constitution) is about protesting the government first. It mentions protesting peaceably. Intimidating and abusing Jews is not covered. Keeping a buffer zone for private entities does not violate those constitutional provisions.

Read: Muslim Brotherhood Backed CAIR Upset Over Plan To Protect Synagogues »

If All You See…

…is a horrible restaurant serving terrible fatty food, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the week is If You Are Left You Ain’t Right, with a post on Kamala the Klueless.

Read: If All You See… »

German Government Cracks Down On Border After Knife Attacks

Good for them. Of course, it’s way too late

Germany Cracks Down on Its Borders Following Migrant Knife Attacks

Germany has begun a new border crackdown following two knife attacks attributed to migrants.

On Monday, Germany began random checks at it borders with five Western European nations expanding a system of controls that are already in place at four other borders.

Last month, a knife attack in Solingen killed three people and in June, a knife attack left a police officer dead and four other people wounded.

Police controls began on Monday at the borders with France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and Denmark and are due to continue for six months. (snip)

In June, a knife attack attributed to an Afghan immigrant left a police officer dead and four other people wounded.

On Aug. 23, a man linked to Islamist extremism killed three people and wounded eight others in a stabbing rampage at a festival in Solingen.

A 26-year-old Syrian asylum-seeker who had evaded deportation from Germany to Bulgaria, was arrested shortly after the attack.

That’s nice, but, they’ve been letting in Islamic extremists for decades legally, even before 9/11, where several of the attackers were living in Germany. They’ve also seen them come in illegally for decades, and barely deport them. The nation has seen the Islamism rise, just like in France, England, Spain, and other EU nations. They’ve seen them take over neighborhoods and cities and institute Islamism. So, this is just too late.

Until the German government starts deporting them, legal or illegal, the knife attacks will continue, as the implementation of Islamism will continue.

Read: German Government Cracks Down On Border After Knife Attacks »

How To Talk To Terrified Children About Hotcoldwetdry

Well, personally I’d start with the notion that the climate always changes. That there have been numerous warm and cool periods during the Holocene, and this one is not really any different. That the Earth is not doomed. That, instead of worrying about a minor increase in the Earth’s temperature they redirect that energy to be better environmentalists. But, that’s me

How to Talk to Anxious Children About Climate Change

At 21, Olivia Vesovich has already put more on the line for the climate fight than most people, regardless of age. In 2020, Vesovich was just 16 and wrapping up her sophomore year of high school when she decided to sacrifice her privacy and step onto the national stage as one of the 16 youth plaintiffs represented by Our Children’s Trust in the Held v. Montana lawsuit.

Vesovich first heard about the search for plaintiffs when the faculty advisor for Students Against Violating the Environment (SAVE) approached the club members at Hellgate High School in Missoula about the possibility of signing on as plaintiffs in the suit seeking to hold the Montana state government accountable for not doing more to counter the worsening climate crisis.

Blah blah blah, more youts suing but refusing to make their own lives carbon neutral.

For the last two decades parents and educators have been muddling through climate discussions without any clear guidelines or idea of the consequences, thoughtlessly introducing kids to climate change without providing the proper emotional support. But this is now starting to change.

New curriculum is being developed to fill gaps between climate education and emotional support while educators and therapists work to help under-supported parents and other family members figure out how to talk to their children about climate change.

Such conversations are not easy, said psychiatrist Lise van Susteren, who thinks these “moral injuries” at such a young age can have lifelong consequences, leading to the loss of faith in social bonds, cynicism and anxious disconnection from others.

In other words, this will reinforce those anxieties, make their mental well being even worse.

How do I feel about climate change? Terrified — but action is essential

When I was a child, the possibility of apocalypse due to climate change seemed too distant for me to worry about. I never would have imagined that climate change would be an existential threat not in a few centuries, but within our modern era. But here we are, and it became a weighty issue for me because of an unexpected experience.

And this is what the media and education system has wrought. Mental destruction. But, if this kid writing in the LA Times wants to take action, no one is stopping him from changing his own life. But, of course, he wants to force everyone else to be included.

Read: How To Talk To Terrified Children About Hotcoldwetdry »

They Tried To Assassinate Trump Again

So, who was it, a moonbat Kamala supporter who’s heard her talk about him being a dictator and a threat to democracy, or an unhinged Never Trumper who says the same? Or other wacko Democrat?

Trump Is Safe After Secret Service Fires at Potential Shooter

The FBI said Sunday it was investigating “what appears to be an attempted assassination” of Donald Trump at his golf club in West Palm Beach, Florida, just nine weeks after the Republican presidential nominee survived another attempt on his life. Trump said he was safe and well.

Fox News reported the suspect’s name is Ryan Wesley Routh.

The U.S. Secret Service opened fire at a man pointing an AK-style rifle into the club as Trump was on the course, three law enforcement officials said. The person dropped the weapon and fled in an SUV, and was later taken into custody in a neighboring county. The officials were not authorized to discuss the ongoing investigation and spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity.

An AK-style firearm was recovered at the scene near Trump International Golf Club West Palm Beach, two of the officials said. And no injuries were reported.

So, we do know the name of the wacko, we just do not know the motivation or political beliefs? What’s the over/under he uses pronouns, supports Kamala, and is trans or binary or something?

CNN reported: “Officials believe the shots fired at Trump International Golf Club were intended for former President Donald Trump, according to sources familiar on the matter.”

Will the Credentialed Media look to sweep this under the rug like the 1st attempt? Will the usual moonbats trot out conspiracy theories?

Is this him?

Read: They Tried To Assassinate Trump Again »

Evening Metal – Lacuna Coil: In The Meantime

Read: Evening Metal – Lacuna Coil: In The Meantime »

If All You See…

…is a horrible, evil, no good fossil fueled truck at a fossil fuels station, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post on JD Vance fact checking Dana Bash on air.

It’s truck week.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove