Remember, Harvard is being sued for “allowing its campus to become a bastion of rampant antisemitism.” We’ve seen the Jew hatred since the U.S. State Department designated terrorist group Hamas broke the cease fire and attacked Jews in Israel. We’ve seen and heard the messages calling to kill Jews and destroy Israel. We’ve seen Jews harassed on campus. So, what does Harvard do?
Harvard creates task forces on antisemitism and Islamophobia
Harvard University, struggling to manage its campus response to the Israel-Hamas war, announced task forces on Friday to combat antisemitism and Islamophobia.
“Reports of antisemitic and Islamophobic acts on our campus have grown, and the sense of belonging among these groups has been undermined,” Alan Garber, Harvard’s interim president, said in a letter to the school community. “We need to understand why and how that is happening — and what more we might do to prevent it.” (big snip)
Garber said the goals of the task forces are to explore why Harvard is seeing a rise in antisemitism and anti-Arab bias and propose recommendations to counteract it.
“Strengthening our ties to one another will take considerable effort and engagement across the University,” Garber wrote. “I have asked each task force to undertake broad outreach, and I encourage you to share your perspectives and your experiences with equal measures of care and candor. We have before us an opportunity to meet challenges with far-reaching implications.”
Please. They’re trying to equate that Muslims are being abused the same as the Jews, to connect the two, to imply that the issues go both ways. Why? Because the school is scared of the Islamists, knowing that all those groups, and the students who back them, will attack the school and create problems. They see the problem with Jews being abused on campus, but, despite the lawsuit, you know they’ll spend way more time with this task force trying to say that the Islamists are really the ones being harmed.
Can Harvard point to an “Islamophobic” incident since the war was started by terrorist group Hamas? Because there are lots and lots of Jew hating incidents. This is all cosmetic, because they are hemorrhaging donors and being sued. If Harvard was serious they’d simply tell students that the code of conduct is real, and bullying and harassment are grounds for expulsion.
I'm pretty sure this violates the code of conduct at @RutgersU
— William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) January 18, 2024
They have a code of conduct, as well, about bullying, intimidation, and harassment.
Read: Harvard To Create Task Force On “Islamophobia”. And Jew Hatred »