Biden’s Intentional Incompetence On Border Threatens His Biggest “Foreign Policy Win” Or Something

So, what does the NY Times consider to be Biden’s biggest foreign policy win? It’s a doozy

How Biden’s Immigration Fight Threatens His Biggest Foreign Policy Win

Joe Biden Ice Cream AfghanistanThe soaring number of people crossing into the United States from Mexico has been a political vulnerability for President Biden for the past three years, chipping away at his approval rating and opening him up to political attacks.

But now, the crisis is threatening to upend America’s support for the war in Ukraine, throwing the centerpiece of Mr. Biden’s foreign policy into jeopardy.

Seriously, everything beyond that is just stuffing, primarily about the fight between Biden and Republicans over the border and how the GOP won’t give Biden money for Ukraine without border security. Nowhere is it described how Ukraine is a foreign policy win, much less his biggest. How can it possibly be a win? Despite Biden telling Putin not to invade Ukraine, Russia did. Putin saw the weakness and fecklessness of Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan. He saw weakness. His saw a doddering old fool. And he remember what happened when Russia invaded Crimea while Biden was vice president, supposedly chosen by Obama because of Biden’s vast foreign policy experience.

One country invading another after being warned of is a foreign policy win? Giving oodles of money, supplies, and weapons of war to the invaded country with no plan is a FPW? Watching the invaded country make no progress, despite Biden getting many other European nations to also give weapons to Ukraine is a FPW? Having no idea where most of the money and weapons are going is a FPW? Continuing to push for tens of billions every few months, even though Ukraine is actually selling goods, such as titanium and grain, to the nation which invaded them is a FPW? Weapons and goods given to Ukraine ending up being sold and even ending up in the Middle East is a FPW? In what world is being so weak as President that Russia invaded Ukraine?

Which led to the instability in the Middle East and China threatening to invade Taiwan.

Read: Biden’s Intentional Incompetence On Border Threatens His Biggest “Foreign Policy Win” Or Something »

You Know What’s Worse Than War? War Causing ‘Climate Change’ Issues

See, it’s really bad when Islamists attack, but, way worse when it increases the carbon footprint of shipping. Yes, this is what the Cult of Climastrology is really worried about

The Climate Impact of Avoiding the Panama and Suez Canals

For a preview of what a hotter, more geopolitically unstable future might look like, you don’t have to go much further than the world’s shipping lanes—the daily commute for most of our consumer goods, from solar panels to electric car batteries, refrigerators and sneakers. Drought exacerbated by climate change in Central America has reduced traffic through the Panama Canal by 40%. Shipping through the Suez Canal, linking Europe to Asia, has also come to a near standstill as Iranian-backed Houthi militants in Yemen escalate attacks on Red Sea cargo ships in what they say is a protest against Israel’s military campaign in Gaza.

And, of course, the problems are caused because you won’t switch to an EV, or, better, just take public transportation

There are alternatives of course. Shippers with New York-bound goods from the Chinese port of Shanghai can dock in Los Angeles and truck their wares across the U.S. instead. And cargo ships plying the Europe-Asia route through the Suez Canal can take the long way around Africa. Those alternatives are often slower—adding up to 15 days on some Europe-Asia routes—and more expensive. But the bigger long-term cost comes in the form of increased planet-warming carbon emissions.

This really just excuses the actions of the Islamic extremists operating in the Middle East, the role of bad actor Iran, in favor of it’s all the Fault of a small increase in the global temperature since 1850.

Read: You Know What’s Worse Than War? War Causing ‘Climate Change’ Issues »

Harvard To Create Task Force On “Islamophobia”. And Jew Hatred

Remember, Harvard is being sued for “allowing its campus to become a bastion of rampant antisemitism.” We’ve seen the Jew hatred since the U.S. State Department designated terrorist group Hamas broke the cease fire and attacked Jews in Israel. We’ve seen and heard the messages calling to kill Jews and destroy Israel. We’ve seen Jews harassed on campus. So, what does Harvard do?

Harvard creates task forces on antisemitism and Islamophobia

Harvard University, struggling to manage its campus response to the Israel-Hamas war, announced task forces on Friday to combat antisemitism and Islamophobia.

“Reports of antisemitic and Islamophobic acts on our campus have grown, and the sense of belonging among these groups has been undermined,” Alan Garber, Harvard’s interim president, said in a letter to the school community. “We need to understand why and how that is happening — and what more we might do to prevent it.” (big snip)

Garber said the goals of the task forces are to explore why Harvard is seeing a rise in antisemitism and anti-Arab bias and propose recommendations to counteract it.

“Strengthening our ties to one another will take considerable effort and engagement across the University,” Garber wrote. “I have asked each task force to undertake broad outreach, and I encourage you to share your perspectives and your experiences with equal measures of care and candor. We have before us an opportunity to meet challenges with far-reaching implications.”

Please. They’re trying to equate that Muslims are being abused the same as the Jews, to connect the two, to imply that the issues go both ways. Why? Because the school is scared of the Islamists, knowing that all those groups, and the students who back them, will attack the school and create problems. They see the problem with Jews being abused on campus, but, despite the lawsuit, you know they’ll spend way more time with this task force trying to say that the Islamists are really the ones being harmed.

Can Harvard point to an “Islamophobic” incident since the war was started by terrorist group Hamas? Because there are lots and lots of Jew hating incidents. This is all cosmetic, because they are hemorrhaging donors and being sued. If Harvard was serious they’d simply tell students that the code of conduct is real, and bullying and harassment are grounds for expulsion.


They have a code of conduct, as well, about bullying, intimidation, and harassment.

Read: Harvard To Create Task Force On “Islamophobia”. And Jew Hatred »

Your Fault: Life Expectancy Could Maybe Possible Decrease By Six Months

I told you to stop eating meat, to only buy used clothes, and to keep your heat at 58, but, no, you want to see the world burn

Climate change could decrease average life expectancy by six months

The effects of climate change could be shaving half a year off your life, a new study warns.

Increases in temperature and rainfall — and the public health problems that come with them — are projected to decrease average human life expectancy by six months, researchers report in Thursday’s issue of the journal PLOS Climate.

“The global threat posed by climate change to the well-being of billions underscores the urgent need to address it as a public health crisis,” said researcher Amit Roy, an associate professor of economics with the Shahjalal University of Science and Technology in Bangladesh.

Heat waves and flooding are a direct threat to human health, but climate change also can produce more subtle health effects, such as an increase in respiratory disease and mental illness, researchers said in background notes.

To deduce how climate change might affect lifespan, researchers evaluated average temperature, rainfall and life expectancy data for 191 countries from 1940 to 2020.

They calculated that a global temperature increase of 1 degree Celsius (1.8 degrees Fahrenheit) is associated with a decrease of about five months and one week in average human life expectancy.

Interesting. How are they arriving at that conclusion? Life expectancy has actually improved as temperatures have increased. They were certainly higher during the Roman Warm Period, and quite a bit lower during the Dark Ages, then better with the Medieval Warm Period and worse during the Little Ice Age. This whole thing just sounds like a computer model study using mule fritters wishful data to get more funding.

Read: Your Fault: Life Expectancy Could Maybe Possible Decrease By Six Months »

If All You See…

…is water running off a cliff from Bad Weather, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Flopping Aces, with a post wondering if 2024 will make 2020 look like 2016

Read: If All You See… »

Biden Admin Asked Banks To Search Customer Transactions Over J6

Now, just imagine it was the Trump administration doing this: how would the mostly Democrat voting news agencies cover this? Would Congressional Democrats be demanding impeachment within a day?

‘Alarming’ surveillance: Feds asked banks to search private transactions for terms like ‘MAGA,’ ‘Trump’

Bill Of RightsFederal investigators asked banks to search and filter customer transactions by using terms like “MAGA” and “Trump” as part of an investigation into Jan. 6, warning that purchases of “religious texts” could indicate “extremism,” the House Judiciary Committee revealed Wednesday in a letter obtained by Fox News Digital.

Fox News Digital has learned the committee also obtained documents that indicate officials suggested that banks query transactions with keywords like Dick’s Sporting Goods, Cabela’s, Bass Pro Shops and more.

The House Judiciary Committee and its subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government have been conducting oversight of federal law enforcement’s “receipt of information about American citizens without legal process and its engagement with the private sector.”

House Judiciary Committee Chair Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, said the documents obtained by the committee indicate that after Jan. 6, 2021, the Treasury Department’s Office of Stakeholder Integration and Engagement in the Strategic Operations of the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, or FinCEN, distributed materials to financial institutions that outlined “typologies” of “various persons of interest” and provided the banks with “suggested search terms and Merchant Category Codes for identifying transactions on behalf of federal law enforcement.”

Hmm, I purchase stuff at Dicks, Cabela’s, and Bass Pro Shops.

“According to this analysis, FinCEN warned financial institutions of ‘extremism’ indicators that include ‘transportation charges, such as bus tickets, rental cars, or plane tickets, for travel areas with no apparent purpose,’ or ‘the purchase of books (including religious texts) and subscriptions to other media containing extremist views,’” Jordan detailed in a letter to the former director of FinCEN, Noah Bishoff, a career employee.

“In other words, FinCEN used large financial institutions to comb through the private transactions of their customers for suspicious charges on the basis of protected political and religious expression,” Jordan wrote.

The problem here is, what happens? Who gets fired? Who gets sued? Does anyone pay a price for this outrageous and un-Constitutional program? Does anyone go to jail? Simply holding hearings is not enough when government goes off the rails. The government was spying on U.S. citizens for no reason. Was there even a blanket warrant?

Read: Biden Admin Asked Banks To Search Customer Transactions Over J6 »

PRC Sues Oil Companies For “Lying” Or Something

Once again, I’d like to see the oil companies at least put out statements that say “if the government of the People’s Republik Of California thinks fossil fuels are so bad, why are they using so much of it? Why is the governor, his staff, the appointed agency heads, and the elected lawmakers constantly traveling around in fossil fueled vehicles and airplanes?” Along with refusing to sell their product to the PRC government, because, why would you do business with anyone suing you?

California sues oil companies for allegedly lying about climate change

California filed a lawsuit Friday against five of the world’s largest oil companies, alleging that they lied to the public about the damage their product is causing. The state wants the companies to pay into a fund that would support recovery from climate change-related extreme weather events like heavy storms and wildfires.

“For more than 50 years, Big Oil has been lying to us — covering up the fact that they’ve long known how dangerous the fossil fuels they produce are for our planet,” California Gov. Newsom, a Democrat, said in a statement on the suit. “California taxpayers shouldn’t have to foot the bill for billions of dollars in damages — wildfires wiping out entire communities, toxic smoke clogging our air, deadly heat waves, record-breaking droughts parching our wells.”

Except, almost every single one of those wildfires were set intentionally or by accident by humans, not from any sort of ‘climate change’ driven Bad Weather, and when people keep building homes in areas that are prone to wildfires, well, that’s on them.

“This ongoing, coordinated campaign to wage meritless, politicized lawsuits against a foundational American industry and its workers is nothing more than a distraction from important national conversations and an enormous waste of California taxpayer resources,” Ryan Meyers, senior vice president of the American Petroleum Institute (API), an industry group also named as a defendant, said in a statement.

Stop. Go hardball, not these squishy messages. Tell the people of California if they do not like fossil fuels the companies can take all their business, all their jobs, all that tax revenue, and all the gas and oil for their cars elsewhere. Ask them how they will get to work, the store, the beach, vacations.

Read: PRC Sues Oil Companies For “Lying” Or Something »

Court Says Texas’ Floating Border Barrier Can Stay For The Moment

It’s too bad the U.S. needs something like the river border barrier, but, Biden and his underlings are doing less than nothing to stop illegal immigration

Texas’ floating barrier between US and Mexico can stay for now, court rules in reversal

A federal appeals court on Wednesday reversed an order requiring Texas to move a floating barrier on the Rio Grande that drew backlash from Mexico — the latest development in legal battles between the Biden administration and Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott over control of migration at the border.

In December, a divided panel of the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals had sided with a federal district judge in Texas who said the buoys must be moved. On Wednesday, the court vacated the panel’s 2-1 ruling after a majority of its 17 active judges voted to rehear the case.

The series of linked, concrete-anchored buoys stretches roughly the length of three soccer fields. The state installed it along the international border with Mexico between the Texas border city of Eagle Pass and Piedras Negras, Coahuila.

The barrier is one focal point in the legal disputes over border control between Democratic President Joe Biden and Abbott. The Biden administration also is fighting for the right to cut razor-wire fencing at the border and for access to a city park at the border that the state fenced off.

I’m waiting for a court to finally ask the Biden administration as to what it is doing to uphold the Constitution (invasion) and laws, because Texas wouldn’t need to do any of this if the federal government under Biden would do their job. Their duty. Biden is fighting against any measure that simply slows illegals down. If the GOP wants to impeach him, this dereliction of duty would seem an easy one.

Meanwhile, up in the sanctuary city of Boston, where the mayor has been complaining about being overrun with illegals/asylum declarers who were shipped there by Gov. Abbott

Haitian illegal immigrant charged with rape released back onto streets in Boston despite ICE appeals

A Haitian illegal immigrant charged with raping a developmentally disabled person was released back into the community in Boston, as authorities ignored an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) request to transfer them into its custody.

“Disturbingly and despite our filing an immigration detainer, this individual was released back into the community by the criminal court,” ICE said in a statement.

Being a sanctuary city means Boston doesn’t work with ICE. It shouldn’t mean that they release this scumbag back on the streets. Does anyone think he won’t run off?

Read: Court Says Texas’ Floating Border Barrier Can Stay For The Moment »

Super Tolerant LGBTQ Tries To Cancel Bethany Hamilton

Bethany Hamilton is, by all accounts, one of those people who fit the definition of “the best of us.” She had her arm bitten off by a shark while surfing as a teen, and was back surfing within months. Rather than be a victim, she used that experience to better herself, help others, and inspire people. If you watched her on The Amazing Race, she and her husband were the people everyone roots for, everyone likes. She’s also devoutly Christian, which infuriates the Tolerant Left

Midwest LGBTQ+ Community Protests Event Headlined by Surfer Bethany Hamilton

Kauai’s Bethany Hamilton is a surfer, author, mother, and shark attack survivor.

She recently gave birth to her fourth child, competed in the Vans Pipe Masters, and was invited to attend the Oshkosh Women’s Fund’s Annual Power of the Purse event as the keynote speaker in Wisconsin.

But in light of Hamilton’s stance on transgender athletes, the event’s been met with backlash as community members demand that she be replaced.

The controversy stems from Hamilton’s early 2023 announcement that she would officially withdraw from future World Surf League competitions in response to its policy on allowing transgender athletes to compete.

In a letter obtained by WLUK-TV, members and allies of Oshkosh’s LGBTQ+community retaliated against the Fund’s decision to select Hamilton as the keynote speaker. In the lengthy letter, protesters explained their decision to boycott Hamilton.

Yeah, the group is totally opposed to Bethany having a different opinion, despite how much she’s helped women and inspired so many girls, because Bethany doesn’t want to compete against men. And, look, watching women surf, especially professionals, is awesome. But, they cannot really do some of the things men do. You won’t see as many aerials or 360s, some of the cuts will not be as hard, because they just do not have the muscle mass as the professional male surfers.

The crazy people’s letter concludes

“We all look forward to the day we can celebrate, positively amplify, and support this event. Once the Women’s Fund has removed and replaced Bethany Hamilton as keynote speaker for this and any future events and issued a public statement of apology to the LGBTQ+ community, we stand ready to accept that apology, end our objections, and extend our sincere wishes for their and your continued success.”

Apology? For what? Allowing people to have their say? It’s too bad all these women in these groups can’t be replaced by men pretending to be women. The caterwauling would be epic and hilarious.

The men in drag sure are intolerant and want real women to know their place.

Read: Super Tolerant LGBTQ Tries To Cancel Bethany Hamilton »

If All You See…

…is a calm sea due to carbon pollution calming the wind, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Don Surber, with a post on state sanctioned protest.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove