Why Is It So Hot? Well, Your Fault, Plus Natural Processes Like A Volcano

The Arizona Republic’s Phil Boas attempts to give a dose of reality while still pushing the climate cult line

Why is it so hot in Phoenix this year? Climate change may not be the only explanation

This year’s summer heat wave in Arizona has already killed 59 people with 345 deaths now under investigation.

Our July set a new record for the most consecutive days (31) with high temperatures at or above 110 degrees, reports The Arizona Republic’s Fernando Cervantes Jr.

That we know.

What we don’t know is why.

Why are we seeing these record-smashing temperatures this year in metro Phoenix and across the globe?

I’ve been reliably informed that this is solely your fault. You could have given up your use of fossil fuels, stopped eating meat, moved into a tiny home, and given your money and freedom to government. But, no, you didn’t

Some will scoff at the question. But it’s actually a mystery that will take time to study and understand.

Yes, climate change undoubtedly played a roll.

I’m sure it did. The Earth goes through warm and cool cycles, as it’s done numerous times throughout the Holocene. Mankind does play a part, as I’ve always maintained. How much is the question. Certainly, land use and the Urban Heat Island effect plays a part, as does the release of greenhouse gas from more humans, agriculture, landfills, and ocean pollution (messes with the plankton, the number one converter of CO2 to oxygen). Yes, and fossil fuels. Certainly, air pollution traps heat, especially at night. Lower radiative cooling. So, how much is local from Man, how much is global from Man, and how much is natural?

One of those factors was a massive underwater earthquake near the island nation of Tonga more than a year and a half ago.

On Jan. 15, 2022, the Hunga Tonga–Hunga Ha’apai underwater volcano erupted.

A year later, January 2023, scientists mostly from Oxford University published a study in the peer-reviewed Nature Climate Change that noted the Tonga-Hunga volcanic eruption was extraordinary in that it pushed an enormous amount of water into the atmosphere.

Most volcanic eruptions spew large amounts of sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere that form particles that can actually reflect the sun and cool the planet.

This one did that as well, but was offset and exceeded by the amount of moisture it sent skyward — roughly the equivalent of 58,000 Olympic-sized swimming pools, according to separate research done by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

Because water vapor is a greenhouse gas, “it is possible that over a multiyear period Hunga Tonga–Hunga Ha’apai will cause a temporary increase in global surface temperatures,” the Oxford group noted.


Of course, the climate cult will say that the loss of glaciers because Other People drive fossil fueled vehicles and have gas stoves is messing with tectonics and caused this. Because cult.

Anyhow, Mr. Boas also mentions the El Nino conditions and pollution control. Yes, that last one is Man-induced: we created the pollution, and removing it can also let in more sunlight to heat up the buildings and roadways. But, that’s localized.

Read: Why Is It So Hot? Well, Your Fault, Plus Natural Processes Like A Volcano »

If All You See…

…are Bad Weather clouds rolling in, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is 90Ninety Miles From Tyranny, with a post on how many kids died suddenly after COVID shots.

Read: If All You See… »

Obligatory “Trump Indicted In Georgia” Post

The leftists and Trump haters just can’t help themselves. Are the trying to make sure that Trump is the GOP representative for the 2024 election? Most of these charges are pretty shaky, and shady, and will most likely end up being dropped or lost. They will be great at jamming up Trump’s time and money, though, which is probably the point, along with making good on Leftist promises to indict Trump

Trump Attorneys: Georgia Indictment ‘as Flawed and Unconstitutional as This Entire Process’

Lawyers for former President Donald Trump responded after midnight Tuesday morning to the late-night indictment in Fulton County, Georgia, by District Attorney Fani Willis, calling it “as flawed and unconstitutional as this entire process.”

Their full statement — issued by Drew Findling, Jennifer Little and Marissa Goldberg — follows:

The events that have unfolded today have been shocking and absurd, starting with the leak of a presumed and premature indictment before the witnesses had testified or the grand jurors had deliberated and ending with the District Attorney being unable to offer any explanation. In light of this major fumble, the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office clearly decided to force through and rush this 98-page indictment. This one-sided grand jury presentation relied on witnesses who harbor their own personal and political interests— some of whom ran campaigns touting their efforts against the accused and/or profited from book deals and employment opportunities as a result. We look forward to a detailed review of this indictment which is undoubtedly just as flawed and unconstitutional as this entire process has been.

Critics noted that the 41-count indictment (which include 13 counts against Trump) accuses the defendants of crimes for simply arguing that the 2020 presidential election was flawed. That, in turn implicates the First Amendment right to free speech and the Sixth Amendment right to counsel. The indictment also attempts to use a county court in Georgia to charge the defendants for crimes allegedly committed on a national scale and in violation of a federal election, which typically fall under federal jurisdiction.

It will be interesting to see what happens when this goes in front of a judge with it’s 1st Amendment violations. Meanwhile, Stacy Abrams has yet to be charged

The indictment, however, describes “acts” furthering the “conspiracy” that largely consist of public statements, protests, claims at hearings, and even posts on social media — the very same kinds of actions and statements Abrams and her allies made for years.

Like Trump and his associates, Abrams made her claims of a stolen election repeatedly, from public platforms (and appears to have believed them). Like Trump, Abrams enlisted the help of political allies — and, worse, other elected Democratic officials.

Like Trump, Abrams took her claims to court, where they were dismissed even by otherwise sympathetic judges. Like Trump, Abrams nevertheless persuaded the media and supporters that her election was, in fact stolen; many still believe it to this day.

When will all those who claimed the 2016 election was stolen (and the 2000 and 2004 elections) be charged? Strange that none of the Credentialed Media outlets covering this gleefully wonder about that, and you’re not seeing any of them mentioning the 1st Amendment violations.

Update: More below the fold

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Read: Obligatory “Trump Indicted In Georgia” Post »

Montana Climate Youts Get Judge To Agree With Them

Hey, look, finally a win for a group suing over ‘climate change’, which is pretty much backed by lots of big astroturfed groups

Judge sides with young activists in first-of-its-kind climate change trial in Montana

A Montana judge on Monday sided with young environmental activists who said state agencies were violating their constitutional right to a clean and healthful environment by permitting fossil fuel development without considering its effect on the climate.

The ruling following a first-of-its- kind trial in the U.S. adds to a small number of legal decisions around the world that have established a government duty to protect citizens from climate change.

District Court Judge Kathy Seeley found the policy the state uses in evaluating requests for fossil fuel permits — which does not allow agencies to evaluate the effects of greenhouse gas emissions — is unconstitutional.

Judge Seeley wrote in the ruling that “Montana’s emissions and climate change have been proven to be a substantial factor in causing climate impacts to Montana’s environment and harm and injury” to the youth.

So, she pretty much made it up in order to give the kiddies a win

However, it’s up to the state Legislature to determine how to bring the policy into compliance. That leaves slim chances for immediate change in a fossil fuel-friendly state where Republicans dominate the statehouse.

They’ll get right on that in about 20 years. Maybe they’ll pass a few laws that restrict youts from using fossil fuels. They can do away with school buses, end the use of fossil fuels and such to heat schools.

Emily Flower, spokesperson for Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen, decried the ruling as “absurd” and said the office planned to appeal. She criticized Seeley for allowing the plaintiffs to put on what Flower called a “taxpayer-funded publicity stunt.”

“Montanans can’t be blamed for changing the climate,” Flower said in an email. “Their same legal theory has been thrown out of federal court and courts in more than a dozen states. It should have been here as well, but they found an ideological judge who bent over backward to allow the case to move forward and earn herself a spot in their next documentary.”

They did

But Seeley said the state’s attorneys failed to give a compelling reason for why they were not evaluating greenhouse gas impacts. She rejected the notion that Montana’s greenhouse gas emissions are insignificant and noted that renewable power is “technically feasible and economically beneficial,” citing testimony from the trial indicating Montana could replace 80% of existing fossil fuel energy by 2030.

In all the articles and testimony I’ve seen, the state attorneys failed to ask some questions like “how did you kids get to the courthouse? Have you given up your own use of fossil fuels? Do you live in tiny homes? Given up meat? How many articles of clothing, jewelry, and tech products are on you that were made with petroleum?” Perhaps they could ask the judge the same questions.

Read: Montana Climate Youts Get Judge To Agree With Them »

Good News: Biden To Send Eligible Hawaiians $700 Each After Fire

He’s such a charitable guy!

White House outlines Maui fire response, says Biden is ‘deeply concerned’

The White House on Monday outlined steps being taken to aid Maui amid its deadly wildfires, and defended against questions about President Joe Biden’s response.

Federal Emergency Management Agency Administrator Deanne Criswell said the president has ordered a “whole of government” approach to the fires, now the deadliest natural disaster in state history.

In fairness, Los Federales did mobilize to provide aid. However

To further assist survivors, FEMA has activated a transitional sheltering assistance program to help displaced residents find a hotel or motel, as well as a “critical needs” program to provide $700 to eligible people for food, water and other supplies.

You read that right

Biden literally just sent another $200 million to Ukraine.

Read: Good News: Biden To Send Eligible Hawaiians $700 Each After Fire »

Once Upon A Time, Link Between Volcanoes And Climate Crisis (scam) Is Maybe Possibly We Think

Seriously, at this point what is the difference between “scientists say” and “once upon a time”?

Scientists Find a Possible Connection Between Climate Change and Earthquake Risk

Earth’s climate is changing rapidly. In some areas, escalating temperatures are increasing the frequency and likelihood of wildfires and drought. In others, they are making downpours and storms more intense or accelerating the pace of glacial melting.

No matter what happens it’s your fault, because they also Blame snow, ice, cold weather, etc on Hotcoldwetdry

But research suggests that our changing climate may not solely influence hazards at the Earth’s surface. Climate change — and specifically rising rainfall rates and glacial melting — could also exacerbate dangers beneath the Earth’s surface, such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

“Suggests” is not science. It simply means they have no f’ing idea, they just want to suggest (sic) the link because that’s what’s required from “scientists” these days. A bunch of paragraphs on earthquakes following, till we get to

Evidence from Scandinavia suggests that such an uplift, coupled with the destabilization of the region’s tectonics, triggered numerous earthquake events between 11,000 and 7,000 years ago. Some of these earthquakes even exceeded a magnitude of 8.0 which indicates severe destruction and loss of life. The concern is that the continued melting of glacial ice today could result in similar effects elsewhere.

Research has also found a correlation between glacial-load changes on the Earth’s crust and the occurrence of volcanic activity. Approximately 5,500–4,500 years ago, Earth’s climate briefly cooled, and glaciers began to expand in Iceland. Analysis of volcanic ash deposits spread throughout Europe suggests that volcanic activity in Iceland markedly reduced during this period.

There was a subsequent increase in volcanic activity following the end of this cool period, albeit with a delay of several hundred years.

What fossil fueled vehicles caused that? Why is it different then? And is there more volcanic activity now? Mount Etna in Italy is again going off (check the webcam here): it’s not exactly close to the glacier areas.

Even today, this process is responsible for driving some volcanic activity in Iceland. Eruptions at two volcanoes, Grímsvötn and Katla, consistently occur during the summer period when glaciers retreat.

It’s an island created due to tectonic forces where the North American and European plates meet, hence, volcanoes. This has been going on for around 20 million years. What caused that to happen?

Read: Once Upon A Time, Link Between Volcanoes And Climate Crisis (scam) Is Maybe Possibly We Think »

If All You See…

…are berries at risk from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on good guys 3 – bad guys 0.

Read: If All You See… »

NY Times: Hawaii Fire Fueled By Non-Native Plants

I guess now that the Doom-mongering over the catastrophic fires in Maui were all caused by anthropogenic climate change has been made (and they were made immediately and without any scientific proof), the reality can be written

How Invasive Plants Caused the Maui Fires to Rage

When Hawaii’s last sugar cane plantation shut down in Maui in 2016, it marked the end of an era when sugar reigned supreme in the archipelago’s economy. But the last harvest at the 36,000-acre plantation underscored another pivotal shift: the relentless spread of extremely flammable, nonnative grasses on idled lands where cash crops once flourished.

Varieties like guinea grass, molasses grass and buffel grass — which originated in Africa and were introduced to Hawaii as livestock forage — now occupy nearly a quarter of Hawaii’s landmass. Fast growing when it rains and drought resistant when lands are parched, such grasses are fueling wildfires across Hawaii, including the blaze that claimed at least 93 lives in Maui last week.

“These grasses are highly aggressive, grow very fast and are highly flammable,” said Melissa Chimera, whose grandmother lived on the Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Company’s plantation in Maui after emigrating from the Philippines. “That’s a recipe for fires that are a lot larger and a lot more destructive,” added Ms. Chimera, who now coordinates the Pacific Fire Exchange, a Hawaii-based project sharing fire science among Pacific island governments.

Obviously, the Times goes on to yammer about warming temperatures, which is entirely expected during a Holocene warm period, and that the “dry seasons” are lasting longer. The very fact is, there are dry seasons. And something set the fires off. There was no lightening at the time. I did make the mistake of diving down the rabbit hole in viewing the conspiracy theories of things like DEW (directed energy weapons), bombs, how this is all a land grab. The land grab one is really gaining traction, because the Elites have been trying to buy the area, the government does have plans, and now there are reports about the land being toxic for a long time, meaning the citizens won’t be coming back. Things like why there were no warning sirens and that the water ran out of the fire control systems.

Biden was on vacation for 14 days, came back Tuesday, immediately flew to New Mexico, then Arizona, then Utah, came back to D.C. late Thursday, then back to the beach late Friday. Imagine how the media would respond if this was Trump, or any Republican.

Read: NY Times: Hawaii Fire Fueled By Non-Native Plants »

Colorado Climate Cultists Coming After Industry

I can’t wait till the citizens of Colorado who voted for the politicians who pass these laws complain about the rising costs and loss of jobs

Colorado’s Next Big Climate Solution Is Reducing Industry Emissions

Colorado is implementing a groundbreaking plan to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in an often overlooked but critical economic sector— industry. The state is the first to propose such ambitious plans to cut carbon pollution from industry, which includes processes like cement, steel, and chemical production.

Colorado has been a clean energy policy trailblazer for the United States. It was the first state to limit methane pollution from oil and gas wells and set new clean hydrogen standards, and it aggressively expanded geothermal energy generation through new regulationsgrants, and consumer education.

Now, the state aims to set a new policy precedent with its proposed GEMM 2 rules (Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Energy Management for Manufacturing Phase 2). GEMM 2 would curb the emissions of major industrial facilities, from breweries to microchip manufacturers, that each emit in excess of 25,000 metric tons of GHGs annually. (snip)

GEMM 2 would tackle the emissions of 18 industrial facilities, including factories owned by Suncor Energy, Molson Coors, and Microchip Technology, with anticipated emissions savings of 14 MMT of CO2 through 2050 (Figure 1). These 18 facilities make up 46% of the emissions burden of Colorado’s large stationary manufacturing sources. (In 2021, GEMM 1 focused on even larger emitters, who made up an additional 36%.) The affected facilities have individual targets based on their own recent emissions history and reduction efforts. Collectively, the targets aim to bring the GEMM 2 facilities’ emissions to 20% under their 2015 emissions levels by 2030.

How many of these companies will decide to move most or all of their operations out of the state, taking their jobs and taxes elsewhere? I doubt the Warmists in the state government care, nor do they care about all the middle and working class folks who will lose their jobs unless they move, and, with the higher cost of housing, it could be difficult.

Read: Colorado Climate Cultists Coming After Industry »

Surprise: Federal HHS Wants Workers In San Francisco To Work From Home Due To Crime

When the federal government are worried about their employees coming to work in San Francisco, it sure tells you something

Hundreds of government employees in San Francisco told to work from home due to the high levels of crime in the area, report says

Hundreds of employees at the Department of Health and Human Services in San Francisco have been told to work from home due to the high level of crime in the area around its office, the San Francisco Chronicle reported.

The department recommended that employees worked remotely “for the foreseeable future,” the report says, citing an August 4 memo sent to staff, a copy of which the Chronicle said it had obtained.

The advice was given to workers “in light of the conditions at the (Federal Building),” Cheryl R. Campbell, assistant secretary for administration at the department, said, per the report.

The Federal Building is located at 90 7th Street in San Francisco, which is known to be a drug hotspot, with dealers often peddling drugs near or across the street from the building, the Chronicle reported.

It’s also in the downtown area, where everything else is slowly closing down, from Walgreens to CVS to Old Navy to Nordstrom to Office Depot to Crate & Barrel to Whole Foods to so many more. Some of which are closing stores, sometimes all of them, across all of SF.

If the video doesn’t show up, you can see it all at this Daily Mail article.

That federal government building also has Nancy Pelosi’s office. Does anyone think she ever shows up there, even with all her security? The Dept of Labor also operates out of the building. You can bet they’ll be telling their employees to work from home. And they’ll all most likely look for a new building far away. The below graphic comes from the Daily Mail article, and you can see where the HHS building is.

Read: Surprise: Federal HHS Wants Workers In San Francisco To Work From Home Due To Crime »

Pirate's Cove