Davos Wackjobs Want To Prosecute People For “Ecocide”

This again? It’s just so 2010

Davos Speaker Demands International Criminal Court Prosecute ‘Ecocide’, Punish Farmers Alongside War Criminals

The International Criminal Court should add “ecocide” to its brief alongside genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes to criminalise the side effects of farming, fishing and energy production, a green activist argued during the annual World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland.

Greta Thunberg ally and CEO of Stop Ecocide International Jojo Mehta demanded during a WEF Davos panel dubbed “Where Nature Meets Conflict” on Tuesday that a new international criminal category of “ecocide” to prevent the “mass damage and destruction of nature”.

Mehta, who co-founded Stop Ecocide in 2017 alongside the late green legal activist Polly Higgins, said at the globalist World Economic Forum meeting: “What our organisation and other collaborators aim to do is to have this recognised legally as a serious crime because one of the issues that pervades this discussion is that we have a culturally engrained habit of not taking damage to nature as seriously as we take damage to people and property.”

While proponents of the legislation have often pointed to disasters such as oil spills and nuclear meltdowns, Mehta suggested that ecocide could be extended to include necessary functions of humanity such as agriculture and energy production.

As I wrote back in 2010

You know, it’s funny how those one the Left around the world, who tend to be, of course, the primary believers in this mule fritters “science,” always yammer on about human rights and free speech and speaking their minds and “power to the people,” etc and so on, yet, at the end of the day, they are always the first ones to call for gagging people at the point of a legal ruling. Unless you follow the strict doctrines of their liberal/progressive tenets, they expect you to just STFU and STFD (sit the f*** down). Hopefully, in a jail cell.

They’re always quick to go the Fascist route: toe the line or go to jail. But, hey, if Mehta wants this, let’s start with all the folks in Davos who flew in on fossil fueled private jets. Then those who took commercial. And then those who drove there in fossil fueled vehicles. And Jojo, who lives in England, and you know damned well she didn’t walk or bike or something.

BTW, Polly Higgins, mention in the article, was the person who originated this wacktard idea of ecocide, as mentioned in my 2010 post.

Read: Davos Wackjobs Want To Prosecute People For “Ecocide” »

Speaker Johnson Not A Fan Of “Comprehensive Immigration Reform” In Exchange For Ukraine Money

I’m seriously hoping he is against it because doing comprehensive immigration reform and giving Biden lots of Ukraine money would be giving Biden two wins

Johnson Digs In Against Border Deal to Unlock Ukraine Aid, Defying Biden

Speaker Mike Johnson on Wednesday threw cold water on the idea of striking an immigration deal with Democrats that could revive stalled legislation to send aid to Ukraine, hours before a meeting in which President Joe Biden planned to make a renewed push for the plan.

“I don’t think now is the time for comprehensive immigration reform because we know how complicated that is,” Johnson said Wednesday morning before an afternoon meeting at the White House. “You can’t do that quickly. I do think it’s past time to secure the border.”

Johnson said he told Biden on Thursday during a 30-minute phone call that he was dug in on the matter and would deliver the same message face to face later Wednesday. Biden has summoned Johnson and other congressional leaders as well as the top-ranking national security committee lawmakers in Congress, in an urgent bid to break a monthslong logjam over military assistance for Ukraine and the border security policies Republicans have insisted are a requirement for the aid.

“I’m going to tell the president what I’m telling all of you, what we’ve told the American people: border, border, border,” Johnson said. “We have to secure our own border before we talk about doing anything else. And that’s the message I’ve had since Day 1.”

Yes, we do. If you do CIR what ends up happening is that tens of millions of illegals/migrants will be given some sort of legal status, all the way up to free, unearned citizenship for a promise of securing the border and other measures to stop illegal immigration in the future, which never appears. We saw how Reagan was duped on this, and how Democrats and squish Republicans, such as Bush 43, McCain, and Graham, tried to push during the later years of the Bush 43 years. That’s what Bush tried to use his capital for winning in 2004 on, and, yes, I did blast him and other Republicans. Many times

A group of Senate Republicans and Democrats as well as Biden administration officials have made substantial progress in recent weeks toward a compromise that would clamp down on migration at the southwestern border and unlock support for a fresh round of money for Ukraine. But House Republicans have stood against the emerging deal, which has infuriated the party’s hard-right base, arguing that a more severe crackdown is needed.

They’ll never get the border measures and such, and should not be giving any sort of pathway to citizenship for people who came illegally. What should be done is boot all illegals out when caught. No hearings, gone. Cross the border? Sent packing. Asylum needs to end, and any here now need to have their cases adjudicated within a year, and all those who do not qualify are sent packing. No more refugees. Other than the standard, legal pathway to citizenship, no one else should be allowed in. The US has shut down immigration many times to give those legal immigrants time to assimilate. And those who won’t should be booted.

If you reward law breaking you get more law breaking.

Johnson suggested that a border deal, even one that met all the Republicans’ demands, might not be enough to win their support for funding Ukraine’s war effort against Russia. He insisted that the administration provide other guarantees and accountability measures.

“What is the endgame and the strategy in Ukraine? How will we have accountability for the funds?” Johnson asked. “We need to know that Ukraine will not be another Afghanistan.”

What is the endgame? It seems like just a dump for US money and arms. There needs to be reasons to continue providing support. Anyhow, as we see from all the sanctuary cities and states whining about illegals being sent to their areas should prove that it’s time to shut it down as much as possible.

BTW, that headline from the NY Times about “defying Biden”? Is he now a dictator? NY Times needs a refresher course on Constitution 101.

Read: Speaker Johnson Not A Fan Of “Comprehensive Immigration Reform” In Exchange For Ukraine Money »

Climate Scam Today: U.S. Cold Weather Your Fault, Vermont Thinks They’re On To A Great Tax

I’ve been watching many of the webcams from the Buffalo and Watertown, NY areas (here, here, and here). Watertown just needs to forget the plows for the moment it’s come down so hard. The lake effect snow around Buffalo has been wandering northward since this morning, where they had expected some pretty good snow all day in the areas just to the south of Buffalo. Always interesting to see one cam show clear skies and just down the road is pounding down and the wind is howling.

Anyhow, it’s your fault

US in deep freeze while much of the world is extra toasty? Yet again, it’s climate change

Much of the United States is shivering through brutal cold as most of the rest of the world is feeling unusually warm weather. However strange it sounds, that contradiction fits snugly in explanations of what climate change is doing to Earth, scientists said.

In a map of global temperatures the last several days, big chunks of the world — the Arctic, Asia, parts of Africa, the Middle East and South America — show as dark red, signifying more than a dozen degrees Fahrenheit (7 degrees Celsius) warmer than the late 20th-century average. But the United States stands out like a cold thumb — a deep bluish-purple that is just as out of whack but on the frigid side.

Wind chills in parts of North Dakota reached minus 70 degrees (minus 56 degrees Celsius), while the heat index in Miami was more than 160 degrees warmer at 92 (33 degrees Celsius). The fourth-coldest NFL football game took place in Kansas City, while across the globe the thermometer hit a blistering 92 degrees, 12 degrees (6.8 degrees Celsius) warmer than average on Friday during tennis’ Australian Open in Melbourne. Warm temperature records fell overnight in Aruba, Curacao, parts of Argentina, Oman and Iran.

“When the Arctic is off-the-charts warm (like now), we’re more likely to see frigid cold invade places like Texas that are ill-equipped to deal with it,” said Jennifer Francis, a Woodwell Research Center climate scientist and a pioneer in the theory of Arctic Amplification, which links the cold outbreaks to climate change. “Rapid Arctic warming is one of the clearest symptoms of human-caused climate change, making winter extremes more likely even as the globe warms overall.”

Same old same old. Because you drove a fossil fueled vehicle this is on you. This comes from the same media which scaremongers over rain, big storms, heat, etc, in limited areas as Proof that anthropogenic global warming is doomy. But, then dismiss the opposite weather. Or simply blame it on “carbon pollution.” Because it’s a cult.

Final Reading: Vermont legislators pursue climate change ‘superfund’

“But let’s be clear,” [Sen. Anne Watson, D-Washington, Vermont] said. “Vulnerable Vermonters, mom and pop businesses, and small cities and towns are not the cause of this damage. That came from climate change.”

So, who should pay?

A slew of state lawmakers — 20 out of 30 senators and 87 out of 150 representatives — are invoking a precept from kindergarten: The person who made the mess should clean it up.

In this case, that’s the fossil fuel industry.

Those 100-plus lawmakers have sponsored two companion bills, H.809 in the House and S.259 in the Senate, that would establish a climate change “superfund.” At Tuesday’s press conference, some of them held signs that said “make big oil pay.” The issue is also a priority for environmental groups in the state, including Vermont Public Interest Group and Vermont Conservation Voters.

The idea here is to hit every company that produced fossil fuels in any form from 2000-2019 with fees, thinking that one of two things won’t happen: the company closes shop, putting Vermonters out of work, taking all the links to other businesses with them. Or, simply passing on the costs to the consumers. All while those 20 Senators and 87 reps continue to travel via fossil fuels.

Read: Climate Scam Today: U.S. Cold Weather Your Fault, Vermont Thinks They’re On To A Great Tax »

If All You See…

…is a fast rising sea which will swamp the land, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Dissecting Leftism, with a post on How Moderna Came Up With a Vaccine Against Vaccine Dissent.

Read: If All You See… »

Brandon Regime To Redesignate Houtis As Terrorist Group

In fairness, the Iranian backed Houthis (which are formally known as Ansarallah) had not been a designated terrorist group for that long, with the designation coming January 19th, 2021, just two days before Biden took office. The Houthis had truly started their terrorist operations back in 2014, and kept increasing their terrorist, and pirate, acts. Obama loved sending out the drones. Biden removed the designation just under a month later

US plans to relist Houthis as a global terror group

The Biden administration plans to relist Yemen’s Houthi rebels as a global terrorist group in response to the militants’ attacks on commercial shipping in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, according to an official familiar with the decision.

The Iranian-backed group was designated as a terrorist organization in January of 2021—a move that was met with widespread concern from humanitarian groups, who feared that the restrictions that accompany the designation would make it nearly impossible to provide aid to Yemen’s impoverished civilians.

President Joe Biden quickly delisted the Houthis when he entered office as part of his administration’s diplomatic push to end Yemen’s ongoing civil war.

The administration has been considering reimposing the designation for weeks, but some officials involved in the decision making were reluctant because of possible disruptions to humanitarian assistance and peace talks. The official says these priorities will be safeguarded. However, only time will tell if they can create effective workarounds.

The possible designation comes as the Houthi attacks on ships in the Red Sea following Hamas’ Oct. 7 surprise terror attack on Israel have riled commercial shipping and threatened to dangerously escalate heightened tensions in the Middle East. In response, the U.S. has carried out airstrikes focused Houthi targets, according to U.S. Central Command.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, humanitarian aid, blah, blah, blah. How many ships are pulling into port in Yemen when Houthis are attacking them with impunity? Saudi Arabia is still performing military operations against the Iranian backed terrorist, er, sorry, “militant” group. News organizations have a tough time referring to terrorist groups as terrorist groups, something we’ve seen since 9/11.

For all the yammering about humanitarian aid, which started when the Trump admin was considering designating them, for most of the groups and nations which were upset it was really about not upsetting Iran. Certainly, for the Biden regime, they wanted to get back to the bargaining table with Iran to craft a new, just as worthless nuclear weapons deal, just like the one Obama had, while Joe was VP.

Supposedly, they are simply a Shia group which is against the ruling Sunnis. In practice, they were very much influenced by Iranian backed Hezbollah. That graphic above is their official slogan, which reads

God is the Greatest
Death to America
Death to Israel
A Curse Upon the Jews
Victory to Islam

Why would the U.S. want to help them? And what is the true reason behind redesignating them as a terrorist group?

Read: Brandon Regime To Redesignate Houtis As Terrorist Group »

Climahypocrite John Kerry Loses Cool Over Inconvenient Questions

Well, it’s nice to see a reporter actually ask a high end climate cult leader be asked questions on their climahypocrisy

Biden climate czar John Kerry snaps when confronted about carbon footprint

President Biden’s climate czar, John Kerry, gave a fiery response after he was confronted Tuesday by a reporter in Switzerland who asked about his carbon footprint.

“What’s the carbon footprint of these events every single year that you come here? Do you think it’s worth it — peasants paying for your crimes?” Avi Yemini, an Australian reporter with independent outlet Rebel News, asked Kerry who was walking on a street in Davos, Switzerland.

“That’s a stupid question,” Kerry responded.

“Nobody ever suggested that. Don’t make up stupid questions,” he said when asked a follow-up question about why his carbon footprint didn’t matter.

First, he failed to answer. No surprise there. Second, it took an Australian reporter to ask Kerry a question. Unfortunately, he didn’t direct it specifically about Kerry’s massive carbon footprint. Too bad our own U.S. media won’t ask tough questions in a similar vein.

Read: Climahypocrite John Kerry Loses Cool Over Inconvenient Questions »

Bummer: Being A Sanctuary State Increases New York’s Budget By $500 Million

The question not being asked is “what services and support for actual citizens are being reduced?”

Migrant Costs Help Push New York State’s Budget to $233 Billion

Gov. Kathy Hochul on Tuesday unveiled a $233 billion budget for New York State that includes $2.4 billion to help New York City manage its migrant crisis — a $500 million increase reflecting the mounting costs as immigrants continue to arrive.

The budget proposal sought to thread the needle between the necessity to exert financial discipline as projected multibillion-dollar deficits loom, and the pressing needs posed by the migrant situation as well as substantial increases in Medicaid costs.

The presentation built on the State of the State address that Ms. Hochul gave last week, in which she outlined a broad vision for bolstering mental health care and public safety across the state, but spoke only briefly about the migrant crisis.

The issue took center stage on Tuesday, with the governor offering a package that will help cover the costs of sheltering migrants and asylum seekers, as well as provide funds for case management, National Guard staffing, medical and legal bills, and employment-related services.

Under Ms. Hochul’s proposal, New York State will take over funding for roughly 3,000 beds, fully covering the cost of existing shelters at Creedmoor, the state psychiatric hospital in Queens, and at Randall’s Island. This will come on top of the state’s pledge to fund a 2,000-bed shelter at Floyd Bennett Field in Brooklyn.

Who’s paying for this? Too bad it’s not really possible to raise the taxes of all those who voted Democrat in the Sanctuary State Of New York

The $2.4 billion in state spending for the migrant crisis still falls short of the $10 billion that Mayor Adams has said it will cost the city through the summer of 2025. (The Adams administration had projected the crisis would cost the city $12 billion before lowering that estimate last week.)

I would have thought all those supporters of unfettered illegal immigration would be happy to donate their money to help the illegals in SCNY. As for the state, well, Hochul refuses to allow tax increases, so, yes, the money for the illegals has to come from somewhere.

Read: Bummer: Being A Sanctuary State Increases New York’s Budget By $500 Million »

Teslas Freeze In The Typically Cold In Winter City Of Chicago

Who would have thought that batteries and outdoor charging stations would have such a tough time in an area that typically gets pretty cold in the winter (via Dana Pico)

From the link

Electric vehicles may be the way of the future, but many EV owners are having trouble dealing with Chicago’s bitterly cold temperatures.

Public charging stations have turned into car graveyards over the past couple of days.

“Nothing. No juice. Still on zero percent,” said Tyler Beard, who has been trying to recharge his Tesla at an Oak Brook Tesla supercharging station since Sunday afternoon. “And this is like three hours being out here after being out here three hours yesterday.”

Beard was among the dozens of Tesla owners trying desperately to power up their cars at the Tesla supercharging station in Oak Brook. It was a scene mirrored with long lines and abandoned cars at scores of other charging stations around the Chicago area.

“This is crazy. It’s a disaster. Seriously,” said Tesla owner Chalis Mizelle.

I suspect this occurred with many other EVs, not just Teslas. But, hey there is a solution

“Like any new technology, there’s a learning curve for people,” said Mark Bilek of the Chicago Auto Trade Association.

Bilek said all EVs can have problems dealing with extreme cold, and drivers need to hit their preconditioning button before they charge their battery.

“It’s not plug and go. You have to precondition the battery, meaning that you have to get the battery up to the optimal temperature to accept a fast charge,” said Bilek.

Well, OK. When it’s cold, especially when there’s ice on my windshield (the river is very close behind mi casa, so, get it bad), I will remote start my Civic, let it run for 5 minutes or so

(Tesla) Tesla recommends activating climate settings at least 30-45 minutes before departure (see Operating Climate Controls). Preconditioning times depend on outside temperature and other factors. The mobile app will notify you once your vehicle has reached the desired preconditioning temperature.

That time is for moderate weather. Not when the high is predicted to be 4F. I can jump in my fossil fueled vehicle and be on my way quickly. After scraping the windshield, of course.

Read: Teslas Freeze In The Typically Cold In Winter City Of Chicago »

If All You See…

…is an area turned to mud from too much carbon pollution driven rain, you migh tjust be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler, with a post on news and stupid commentary and music.

Read: If All You See… »

Obligatory Trump Crushes Field In Iowa

It’s just Iowa, there are lots of primaries still to come, but, it’s looking inevitable

Trump Wins Iowa in Historic 30-Point Landslide at 51 Percent; DeSantis 2nd

Former President Donald Trump secured a resounding win in the first 2024 Republican presidential contest in Iowa on Monday, asserting his command over the party despite facing scores of criminal charges as he seeks an election rematch with President Joe Biden.

Trump took over half the votes, propelling him toward what looks set to be a close and deeply acrimonious election campaign against Biden, a Democrat, in November.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, 45, finished well behind Trump in second place in Iowa, edging out former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, 51, as they both failed to emerge as the chief opponent.

Trump garnered 51%, DeSantis 21% and Haley 19%, with 99% of the expected vote tallied, according to DecisionDeskHQ. That victory margin far surpassed the previous record of 12.8 percentage points for Bob Dole in 1988.

Vivek Ramaswamy dropped out immediately after, with just 8% of the vote

The candidates immediately move on to New Hampshire on Tuesday. The state’s more moderate Republicans will choose their nominee next Tuesday and polls show Trump with a smaller lead over Haley there, and DeSantis far behind.

We’re all looking forward to Trump vs Biden, right?

Read: Obligatory Trump Crushes Field In Iowa »

Pirate's Cove