If All You See…

…are trees that will soon die from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is No Tricks Zone, with a post on Germany’s economic woes intensifying.

It’s dresses week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another fine day in the Once and Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the Dodgers are really picking up steam. This pinup is by Peter Driben, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Irons In The Fire discusses the out of control cops in the UK
  2. Legal Insurrection covers military readiness issues hitting the $200 million overhaul of the USS Boxer
  3. Moonbattery highlights Jonah Goldberg’s GOPe hatred of small donors
  4. neo-neocon discusses why DeSantis is better than Trump
  5. Newsbusters covers CNN doing stupid things with the word “leaf”
  6. Pacific Pundit notes the Bud Light stand is empty at Sturgis
  7. Powerline discusses current politics really being affluent vs everyone else
  8. The First Street Journal highlights the feds believing that Catholics are an extremist threat
  9. The Gateway Pundit notes Biden wanting housing for illegal aliens at the border
  10. The Lid shows illegals bringing Polio, TB, and sex trafficking.
  11. The O.K. Corral covers Biden groping the woman interviewing him
  12. The Other McCain discusses when the investigation is the coverup
  13. The Right Scoop covers the NY National Guard being used as babysitters for illegals
  14. This ain’t Hell… notes articles of impeachment filed against Biden
  15. And last, but, not least, Green Jihad covers US energy sector warning Brandon his carbon rules are unworkable

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Lady Gaga’s Dad Is Not Happy About All The Illegals In SCNY

Why does this matter? Lady Gaga’s dad isn’t exactly a nobody, and he perfectly encapsulates the thoughts of all the Northeast liberal illegal alien supporters, though, there is one caveat

Nolte: Lady Gaga’s Dad Angry Migrants Are Ruining His Fancy NYC Neighborhood

Joe Germanotta, who also happens to be Lady Gaga’s 66-year-old dad, is angry over a migrant surge that’s ruining his precious Upper West Side neighborhood.

And here we have more proof that Gov. Greg Abbott’s (R-TX) brilliant decision to ship these illegals in the thousands to blue cities like New York is pure genius. Believing its distance from the border would protect it forever from the consequences; New York City smugly declared itself a sanctuary city. Abbott, who is dealing with His Fraudulency Joe Biden opening the border, said, Okay, if you want’em, you got ‘em.

And because it’s a helluva lot cheaper to hand these illegals a bus pass or plane ticket than to house them, it’s off to these smug sanctuary cities they go. And now the smugs who smugly declared border states racist for demanding a secure border are getting a glorious taste of their own smug medicine:

Flipping to that NY Post article

Lady Gaga’s dad is leading the charge against unruly migrants living near his Upper West Side home and restaurant — griping they’re flooding the ritzy neighborhood with a constant stream of hookers and other bad behavior.

“If it was like this when my girls were growing up, I wouldn’t be living in New York,” said Joe Germanotta, 66, who is compiling a list of local residents’ concerns to take to lawmakers, the NYPD, and the homeless services in protest. (snip)

Since the arrival of the migrants, the restaurateur said the quality of life in the area has taken a hit, with impromptu block parties outside the hotel that last into the early morning, prostitution, kids getting catcalled, and reckless e-bikes and motor-scooter drivers wreaking havoc on one-way streets.

“There’s now 500 migrants living in that dormitory. That’s when all the mayhem began,” said Germanotta.

Isn’t this what the illegal alien supporters wanted? Or, just wanted for Other Places?

Germanotta claims the chaos has depreciated local property values and said it’s torn at the fabric of a neighborhood that was caught off guard.

Huh. You don’t say

“They’re guests in our neighborhood, and they have basically taken over.”

Sidewalks that used to be mostly clean are now filled with trash, he said.

He was particularly troubled when he started seeing hypodermic needles.

Perhaps he should have a conversation with his daughter, who was a big supporter of Let’s Go Brandon, who’s in charge of allowing unfettered immigration.

He said the group wants to see a written plan — with targets, dates, and objectives — outlining how the order is going to be restored to the affluent neighborhood.

This a very long article, with a lot of great quotes. Why should he get order restored in his neighborhood, when border communities are overrun with illegals. In fairness, that caveat is that he was a Trump supporter. You can bet, though, that the majority of the people in his community and group voted Biden.

Read: Lady Gaga’s Dad Is Not Happy About All The Illegals In SCNY »

Washington Post Says Maui Fires Not Just Due To Hotcoldwetdry

In other words, they were not your fault

Maui fires not just due to climate change but a ‘compound disaster’

As scientists weigh the influence climate change may have had in fueling Hawaii’s wildfires, there isn’t one standout factor they point to. Rising temperatures likely contributed to the severity of the blaze in several ways. But global warming could not have driven the fires by itself.

Maui is facing a compound disaster, where many different agents acted together to make the fires so horrific. As human influences on the climate and environment grow, the risk of these disasters is escalating.


Hawaii is, on average, two degrees warmer than it was in 1950, according to state climate data. Scientists said that likely provides the strongest connection between humans’ fossil fuel consumption, which emits greenhouse gases that warm the planet, and the likelihood of fires in Hawaii and elsewhere.

It’s a Holocene warm period on islands that are volcanic.

But scientists have also prominently mentioned the role of non-climate influences in the intensity of the firestorm, such as the introduction of highly combustible nonnative plants, as well as weather patterns that happen naturally.

The hell you say!

But some immediate analyses of the winds observed in Hawaii have found (Hurricane) Dora’s presence may have only increased the gusts’ speed by about 5 mph, Masters said. The high pressure — aided by a flow of hot, dry air from the Southwestern U.S. into the Pacific — could have been enough to stir damaging winds on its own.

As for the drought conditions that covered more than a third of Maui County, where the most destructive fires burned, there is no direct sign that they are the product of climate change, said Abby Frazier, an affiliate faculty member at the University of Hawaii now based at Clark University in Massachusetts.

No one even knows what started the fire. That matters not to the cult, but, if you read between the lines, it has nothing to do with the massive amount of fossil fuels used to bring tourists and goods to the island that is thousands of miles away from the mainland.

Read: Washington Post Says Maui Fires Not Just Due To Hotcoldwetdry »

If All You See…

…is bright sunshine burning up the Earth, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Flopping Aces, with a post on the special prosecutor for Hunter Biden.

Doubleshot below the fold, check out Geller Report, with a post on LA schools having sex clubs for children.

Read More »

Read: If All You See… »

Guy Trying To Enter U.S. Illegally Sues CBP After Falling From Wall

Let’s say you’re trying to enter the grounds of the White House illegally by climbing over the fence, and you fall off of it and hurt yourself: is this your fault or would you sue? If you sued, would the lawsuit be dismissed because you were trying to enter illegally? Heck, you would have been arrested and in trouble. Fences and walls are up for a reason. They are meant to keep people out of places they shouldn’t be. Hence why Biden is having a fence put around his beach house, why Pelosi has a wall around her house, and so many other illegal aliens supporting Democrats have them around their own homes

CBP sued by family of migrant who died after falling from border wall

The family of a man who died after falling from a border wall near the Otay Mesa Port of Entry has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the federal government.

Joel Reyes Muñoz’s wife filed the lawsuit, saying her husband’s death remains a mystery.

On Jan. 12, 2022, in his third border crossing attempt, Muñoz fell from the 30-foot wall between Tijuana and San Diego, but according to the lawsuit, he would have survived if Border Patrol had provided him with medical attention instead of deporting him. The lawyer says an hour passed between his fall and his death.

“That was his purpose, to go to the United States and be able to help his children because he wanted them to continue studying,” Leticia Durán Martínez told Telemundo 20.

His third attempt at entering the United States illegally over a 30 foot wall. This is on him, but, I’m sure the suit was filed in a friendly court.

Only 20% of Mexicans were hospitalized in 2022 as a result of their attempted border crossing and suffered injuries unrelated to the wall. About 80% suffered more serious injuries when falling from the border fence.

Don’t climb it. It’s not hard to understand. Democrats, and some squishy Republicans, have enabled and driven this behavior with their support of illegal immigration.

Migrants take the U.S. to court over its glitchy asylum app

It has been more than half a century since U.S. immigration laws were written to enshrine the right to apply for asylum at any port of entry to the country. But a new lawsuit argues that today, the right to seek safe haven from persecution is only accessible to people who show up at America’s doorstep with a working smartphone in hand.

Since May, migrants on the Mexico side of the U.S.-Mexico border who are hoping to apply for asylum have been required to make their asylum appointments through a mobile phone app operated by U.S. Customs and Border Patrol, known as CBP One. The new system has effectively oriented the first — and for many, the most urgent — stage of the asylum process around a digital tool that is, by many accounts, glitchy and unreliable.

On July 27, immigrants’ rights groups filed a class action lawsuit against the Biden administration over its use of the app, setting the stage for a legal showdown over the government’s decision to shift the first stage of the asylum application process into the realm of automation.

Good grief. Biden tried to do illegals a solid by making it easier to apply, meaning they will get to come to the U.S. and hang for years while waiting for their day in court (and disappear when they are denied asylum, like 90% are), and they sue? How about they just stay home? Maybe the U.S. should start using all this money to take care of Americans.

Read: Guy Trying To Enter U.S. Illegally Sues CBP After Falling From Wall »

Jeff Bezos Purchase Expensive House In Super Flooding Miami Area

Remember this

And now for something completely different

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos buys home in Miami’s ‘billionaire bunker.’ Tom Brady will be his neighbor

Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, is buying an estate on an exclusive man-made barrier island in Miami known as “Billionaire Bunker,” where he will be neighbors with a growing list of celebrities including Tom Brady, Ivanka Trump and her husband, Jared Kushner.

Bezos, 59, is paying $68 million for the three-bedroom, waterfront home, which sits on 2.8 acres (1.1 hectares), Fortune magazine and Bloomberg reported. The Amazon founder stepped down as CEO in 2021 to devote more time to philanthropy and other projects.

Guillermo Olmedillo, the village manager of Indian Creek Village, told The Associated Press he has no information about the purchase. The village has a country club and its own police force.

Let’s look at the elevation data

I guess he’s not particularly concerned with sea rise from ‘climate change’, eh?

Read: Jeff Bezos Purchase Expensive House In Super Flooding Miami Area »

CNN Notices How Bidenflation Is Crushing Family Finances

It’s CNN Business, so, maybe they’re more free to tell the truth?

US inflation means families are spending $709 more per month than two years ago

US inflation has had a snowballing effect on family budgets.

The typical American household spent $709 more in July than they did two years ago to buy the same goods and services, according to Moody’s Analytics.

That figure underscores the cumulative impact high inflation has had on consumer finances — even as price growth has cooled considerably in recent months.

“Price growth”. If I’m raising your cost of a product 20 cents every month for 2 years, and only raising it 5 cents a month now, it’s still going up after going up a lot

“High inflation of the past 2+ years has done lots of economic damage,” Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s Analytics, wrote in a post on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter.

Most of that increase in spending is driven by housing costs, which have surged, Zandi told CNN in an email on Friday. He added that families are also spending more at the grocery store; on buying, maintaining and insuring vehicles and on recreational services like cable.

Even though prices have soared, real earnings, which adjust for inflation, are stuck at late 2019 levels.

“Real earnings remain below what they would have been if not for the pandemic and the Russian war, which is weighing on the collective psyche,” Zandi told CNN in an email on Friday.

WTF does the Ukraine-Russia conflict have to do with this? Does anyone think it is causing people to not make as much? Possibly one of the dumbest things I’ve read today. Maybe this month.

Looking at just the last year, Zandi calculates that the typical household spent $202 more this July than they did a year ago to buy the same goods and services.

That’s significant, but it’s still below the peak of $536 for this year-over-year metric — a record hit back June 2022, when gas prices spiked above $5 a gallon for the first time.

But, how much more were they paying in July 2022 vs 2021 vs 2020 vs 2019? $500 or so?

And not one mention of Joe Biden. Imagine this was happening under Trump: he would named in almost every single paragraph.

Read: CNN Notices How Bidenflation Is Crushing Family Finances »

Doom Today: This Is The Temperature Humans Cannot Survive

Obviously, a 1.5F increase in the global temperature since 1850 has made things super dangerous

The temperature the human body cannot survive

Scientists have identified the maximum mix of heat and humidity a human body can survive.

Even a healthy young person will die after enduring six hours of 35-degree Celsius (95 Fahrenheit) warmth when coupled with 100 percent humidity, but new research shows that threshold could be significantly lower.

At this point sweat — the body’s main tool for bringing down its core temperature — no longer evaporates off the skin, eventually leading to heatstroke, organ failure and death.

This critical limit, which occurs at 35 degrees of what is known “wet bulb temperature”, has only been breached around a dozen times, mostly in South Asia and the Persian Gulf, Colin Raymond of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory told AFP.

None of those instances lasted more than two hours, meaning there have never been any “mass mortality events” linked to this limit of human survival, said Raymond, who led a major study on the subject.

So, it doesn’t happen often or long, at least during the Modern Warm Period. We have no way of knowing about it during the previous Holocene warm periods. But, good news, things are actually much, much worse

But extreme heat does not need to be anywhere near that level to kill people, and everyone has a different threshold depending on their age, health and other social and economic factors, experts say.

Surely they’ll tell us what that temperature is, right?

The theorised human survival limit of 35C wet bulb temperature represents 35C of dry heat as well as 100 percent humidity — or 46C at 50 percent humidity.

To test this limit, researchers at Pennsylvania State University in the United States measured the core temperatures of young, healthy people inside a heat chamber.

They found that participants reached their “critical environmental limit” — when their body could not stop their core temperature from continuing to rise — at 30.6C wet bulb temperature, well below the previously theorised 35C.

The team estimated that it would take between five to seven hours before such conditions would reach “really, really dangerous core temperatures,” Daniel Vecellio, who worked on the research, told AFP.

OK, then get your ass inside. It’s the 21st Century, we have measures to deal with this. Also, we’re doomed at 87F. Also, notice the use of estimated and theorized. They didn’t actually run through the testing. Further, the whole line about “everyone has a different threshold.” It’s all about the scaremongering. And the sweet, sweet, government cash for the study.

Read: Doom Today: This Is The Temperature Humans Cannot Survive »

If All You See…

…is a rising sea because Other People drive fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Dissecting Leftism, with a post not feeling well. Hang in there, JR!

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove