Warmist Judith Curry Admits ‘Climate Change’ Is A Manufactured Crisis

Realistically, it matters not whether the current warm period is mostly/solely caused by Mankind or mostly/solely caused by nature. It’s the responses from the climate cult are the issue

Scientist admits the ‘overwhelming consensus’ on the climate change crisis is ‘manufactured’

We are told climate change is a crisis, and that there is an “overwhelming scientific consensus.”

“It’s a manufactured consensus,” climate scientist Judith Curry tells me.

She says scientists have an incentive to exaggerate risk to pursue “fame and fortune.”

She knows about that because she once spread alarm about climate change.

The media loved her when she published a study that seemed to show a dramatic increase in hurricane intensity.

And when there were criticisms of her work, she did research and realized that the science was a bit off, and that all the other Warmists, including the politicians and media didn’t care, they just wanted the fear.

Then the Climategate scandal taught her that other climate researchers weren’t so open-minded.

Alarmist scientists’ aggressive attempts to hide data suggesting climate change is not a crisis were revealed in leaked emails.

“Ugly things,” says Curry.

“Avoiding Freedom of Information Act requests. Trying to get journal editors fired.”

It made Curry realize that there is a “climate-change industry” set up to reward alarmism.

It’s a good article based on the discussion with Curry, and, perhaps you’ve noticed that she gets barely any airplay for years now? Because she is attempting to do science, not be a cult activist, so, no one in the cult will listen. Scientists are corrupted

Then she answers her own question: “Promote the alarming papers! Don’t even send the other ones out for review. If you wanted to advance in your career, like be at a prestigious university and get a big salary, have big laboratory space, get lots of grant funding, be director of an institute, there was clearly one path to go.”

Look, even if the warming is mostly caused by Mankind, why is everything linked to it, and why is it always Doom? I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, it’s a way for people to give up their money and freedom.

If Curry thought she was blackballed (greenballed?) before, wait till they get a load of this interview.

Read: Warmist Judith Curry Admits ‘Climate Change’ Is A Manufactured Crisis »

Brandon Regime Finds Another To Let In More “Migrants”

Let’s ship a bunch to places like Beverly Hills, Martha’s Vineyard, and Rehoboth Beach, to go with places like Chicago, Portland, LA, SCNY, Boston, etc

Joe Biden’s Deputies Create Border Loophole for Millions of ‘Stateless’ Migrants

President Joe Biden’s pro-migration border chief is opening a new loophole for millions of foreigners who say they are “stateless.”

“All over the world, people who are stateless live with fear and uncertainty … With this historic step, stateless individuals will be given the opportunity to apply for [U.S.] immigration protections and benefits,” said Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

Mayorkas’s statement said that there are “approximately 218,000 people residing in the United States who are potentially at risk of statelessness”

But the Department of State reported, “At the end of 2021, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees … counted 4.3 million stateless persons worldwide but estimated that the actual number may be over 10 million due to underreporting.”

Much like the changes to the asylum laws, this will entice people from all over the world to stream to the United States and declare that they are “stateless”, and, Democrats being Democrats (and some squishy pro-unfettered migration Republicans) they’ll accept this with barely an argument, and demand that these folks be given money, housing, healthcare, jobs, etc, oh, and citizenship so they vote Democrat. Democrats do not care about these people, they only care that they vote Democrat.

Read: Brandon Regime Finds Another To Let In More “Migrants” »

Here’s Biden’s Request For Ukraine Aid

Shows you where his priorities are, and it’s not the U.S.

Read: Here’s Biden’s Request For Ukraine Aid »

Climate Cult Immediately Blames Hawaii Wildfires On ‘Climate Change’

There’s been no indication as to what caused the massive fire in Hawaii’s area of Maui as of yet, but, that won’t stop the climate cult from involving themselves. They won’t even wait for the death toll (which stands at 36 right now), nor do they care about the suffering of the people there. The NY Times starts it off

How Climate Change Turned Lush Hawaii Into a Tinderbox

The fires in Hawaii would be shocking anywhere — killing at least 36 people, in one of the deadliest wildfires in the United States in modern history. But the devastation is especially striking because of where it happened: In a state defined by its lush vegetation, a far cry from the dry landscape normally associated with fire threats.

The explanation is as straightforward as it is sobering: as the planet heats up, no place is protected from disasters.

The story of this week’s blaze arguably began decades ago, when Hawaii started experiencing a long-term decline in average annual rainfall. Since 1990, rainfall at selected monitoring sites has been 31 percent lower in the wet season, and 6 percent lower in the dry season, according to work published in 2015 by researchers at the University of Hawaii and the University of Colorado.

So, your fault. If only Hawaii had stopped allowing the use of fossil fuels to bring tourists and goods to the islands. And here’s the AP

What’s driving Maui’s devastating fires, and how climate change is fueling those conditions

A dangerous mix of conditions appear to have combined to make the wildfires blazing a path of destruction in Hawaii particularly damaging, including high winds, low humidity and dry vegetation.

Experts also say climate change is increasing the likelihood of more extreme weather events like what’s playing out on the island of Maui, where dozens of people have been killed and a historic tourist town was devastated.

“It’s leading to these unpredictable or unforeseen combinations that we’re seeing right now and that are fueling this extreme fire weather,” said Kelsey Copes-Gerbitz, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of British Columbia’s faculty of forestry. “What these … catastrophic wildfire disasters are revealing is that nowhere is immune to the issue.”

This is being repeated all across the Credentialed Media, and few are showing the least bit of care for the people affected. It’s pure cult activism. As Watts Up With That? points out, the Hawaiian islands are extremely fire prone

There is sufficient precipitation on the lee side of the islands for substantial grasslands to develop, with grasslands increasing during the past several decades as agriculture has declined on Hawaii (e.g., the sugar cane industry is essentially gone).

And, yes, there are unusual dryer and windier conditions at the moment, but, weather is not always consistent. Further

The situation this year on Maui was made even more dangerous on Hawaii because the past half-year was WETTER and COOLER than normal, which enhanced grass growth.   I repeat wetter and cooler. (bold theirs)

The climate is always going to change. The Earth is in a warm period. Not everything needs to involve witchcraft, er, human induced global warming.

Funny how the “scientists” are usually wrong.

Read: Climate Cult Immediately Blames Hawaii Wildfires On ‘Climate Change’ »

If All You See…

…are horrible carbon pollution Bad Weather clouds, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Da Techguy’s Blog, with a post on the continued corruption of the J6 committee.

Read: If All You See… »

Brandon To Ask Congress For Billions More For Ukraine

I wonder how much is coming back into Biden’s pockets?

President Joe Biden is expected to unveil his request for additional Ukraine aid on Thursday.

The Biden administration is expected to unveil its request for billions of dollars in additional funding for weapons and other aid to Ukraine on Thursday, according to two people with direct knowledge of the timing of the request.

That emergency funding ask is also expected to include aid to Taiwan and money to replenish rapidly dwindling disaster relief cash — although the final authority on specific money that’s requested lies with the White House Office of Management and Budget.

Neither of the people provided further details on the amount of the request or its specific targets. Both people were granted anonymity to speak about sensitive discussions.

How much will it be? Some are saying the supplemental could be around $25 billion, which would be used for many purposes, including shoveling more money to Ukraine. What’s the money being used for? No one truly knows. And Biden is being pressured to send more US weapons to Ukraine, this time Army Tactical Missile Systems, with long range capability.

(CNN) The White House on Wednesday downplayed CNN polling showing most Americans oppose Congress providing additional funding to support Ukraine in its war with Russia ahead of a reported administration request for more aid.

“We have we have seen throughout this war solid support from the American people, solid support from the Congress in a bipartisan and bicameral way for continuing to support Ukraine and we’re going to stay focused on that,” National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby told CNN on a call with reporters Wednesday. (snip)

“If some Americans don’t feel that or since that … I think it’s important to remember that if we just sit back and we let Putin win, we let him take Ukraine, where does it stop next?” Kirby said.

So, if you’re against send lots of money and weapons to Ukraine for a war that’s going nowhere and there’s zero accountability for that money, you’re obviously rooting for Putin.

Last week, a CNN poll showed that overall, 55% say Congress should not authorize additional funding to support Ukraine vs. 45% who say Congress should authorize such funding. And 51% say that the US has already done enough to help Ukraine while 48% say it should do more. A poll conducted in the early days of the Russian invasion in late February 2022 found 62% who felt the US should have been doing more.

The U.S. could do quite a bit to help our own people with that money.

Slow counteroffensive darkens mood in Ukraine

This nation is worn out.

For nearly 18 months, Ukraine has stood against its Russian invaders — rallying support for its troops by embracing last year’s battlefield victories in the Kyiv, Kharkiv and Kherson regions.

Throughout, Ukrainian officials and their western partners hyped up a coming counteroffensive — one that, buoyed by a flood of new weapons and training, they hoped would turn the tide of the war.

But two months after Ukraine went on the attack, with little visible progress on the front and a relentless, bloody summer across the country, the narrative of unity and endless perseverance has begun to fray.

It’s great that Zelenesky can run around the world, hobnobbing with the rich and powerful in his designer t-shirts, but, this war resembles the trench warfare of WWI, with the lines barely moving and not much happening. But, there are enough members of Congress, both R and D, to make the request for more money happen. They really do not give a damn about what the US citizens think.

Read: Brandon To Ask Congress For Billions More For Ukraine »

Biden Backed EV Bus Company Declares Bankruptcy

I thought this whole green energy push would create lots of profits. No?

Electric Bus Company Proterra Backed Heavily by Biden Administration Files for Bankruptcy

Proterra, an electric bus company that received heavy backing from President Joe Biden’s administration, filed for bankruptcy on Monday.

The Burlingame, California-based EV company has been a source of controversy for the Biden administration because Biden’s Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm hyped the company in her official capacity despite the fact that she previously served on Proterra’s board and held over a million dollars worth of stock in the company even after she was confirmed as the head of Biden’s Energy Department.

Proterra was founded in 2004 and, according to Canary Media, had raised “about $682 million in venture capital from investors including Daimler, Generation Investment Management, Kleiner Perkins, Tao Capital Partners, Soros Fund Management, Cowen Sustainable Advisors and GM Ventures to build electric buses that gained a foothold in early North American deployments.”

Biden has heavily promoted Proterra throughout his presidency, at one point saying the company would help America own “the future” if it kept on track. Three months into his presidency, Biden held a virtual tour of the electric bus company’s South Carolina factory to promote his $1.9 trillion infrastructure plan.

What happens now? Will they reorganize and continue forward? If not, what of the 1,300 electric buses they’ve sold? What about parts for them? Was Proterra losing way more money despite selling 1,300 buses?

Despite this massive push from the Biden administration, Proterra filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy on Monday, citing “various market and macroeconomic headwinds” that have impacted its business.

“While our best-in-class EV and battery technologies have set an industry standard, we have faced various market and macroeconomic headwinds, that have impacted our ability to efficiently scale all of our opportunities simultaneously,” Joyce said in a statement. “As commercial vehicles accelerate toward electrification, we look forward to sharpening our focus as a leading EV battery technology supplier for the benefit of our many stakeholders.”

Well, a big problem is that green energy is expensive, and, sooner or later the true costs overrun the venture capital. Further, Proterra’s buses have been shown to have a lot of “downtime and performance issues”, as a Michigan school district stated. Not surprising in a cold climate.

Read: Biden Backed EV Bus Company Declares Bankruptcy »

SCNY Mayor Upset Over $12 Billion Cost Of Illegals

I remember a time when we were told that illegal immigration was a minimal cost, that it was victimless, that it was no big deal. Funny how that changes when it is a northeast leftist city like the Sanctuary City Of New York that’s now paying the price

NYC mayor puts $12 billion cost on migrant crisis, blames ‘broken’ national immigration system

Mayor Eric Adams on Wednesday sharpened his appeal for state and federal aid by presenting steep new cost projections for the tens of thousands of migrants in New York City’s care.

“If we don’t get the support we need, New Yorkers could be left with a $12 billion bill,” he said in a formal address to the public from City Hall.

That’s everyone along the border in Texas and Arizona right now. Seriously, they’re a declared sanctuary city. They overwhelmingly vote Democrat and support unfettered illegal immigration, and now they’re upset they have to pay for it? They should be thrilled and willing to pony up more tax money for this.

The $12 billion is the estimate by summer of 2025 if the flow of migrants continues apace with current numbers, Adams said. Administration officials had previously forecast that the cost would reach more than $4 billion by next summer. The new estimation of $4 billion annually for three years, is a significant portion of the city’s budget that is currently $107 billion. By comparison, the NYPD’s annual budget this year is $5.8 million.

So, SCNY has time to raise the tax rate for citizens.

“The immigration system in this nation is broken; it has been broken for decades,” Adams said, declaring: “Today, New York City has been left to pick up the pieces.”

See, it’s broken because citizens and government in SCNY have to deal with the illegals, who are mostly young males. Maybe they should be considering that it’s not the system that’s broken, just that the Democrats in government, with the help of a few idiot Republicans, who have messed it up. Anyone caught in the country illegally should be deported immediately. Period. Anyone who shows up at the border should not be let in. If they want to apply for asylum, do it outside the U.S. And said asylum should be made tougher, and anyone who qualifies should be able to work and support themselves, learn English, and assimilate.

Read: SCNY Mayor Upset Over $12 Billion Cost Of Illegals »

Washington Will Require All Cities To Have Climate Scam Plans

Big government will now have more control of towns, and increase their costs, which will be passed on to citizens through things like increased property taxes

Washington cities, counties now required to plan for climate change

Planning for severe storms, flooding, wildfires and poor air quality will soon be required for Washington cities and counties.

A law passed by the Legislature this year requires local governments to consider climate change in their 20-year comprehensive plans beginning in 2025. The Department of Commerce released early guidance last month on how to do that.

The guidance focuses on two new sections that must be included in long-range plans: lowering greenhouse-gas emissions and raising defenses against climate-related threats. With the law, the state isn’t mandating that localities meet specific emissions targets, just that they commit to strategies that can help with reductions.

So, making plans that they will never do anything about. Sounds like a great waste of time to deal with what used to simply be called “The Weather.”

The new requirements came out of a controversial bill that passed the Legislature last session. Along with adding a climate element, the state’s 11 largest counties and the cities in those counties with populations greater than 6,000 people must update their transportation and land-use plans.

The bill passed 57-41 in the state House of Representatives and 29-20 in the state Senate.

During floor debates, Republicans argued that the policy would stifle growth and hinder housing construction.

“It adds bureaucracy, it slows us down, it adds cost, and it goes in absolutely the wrong direction for our state,” Senate Minority Leader John Braun, R-Centralia, said back in April.

And, eventually, it will be strengthened so that cities are required to actually make changes, to comply with Warmists demands and policies.

The greenhouse-gas emissions and resilience requirements can be met in a number of ways, and Commerce gives jurisdictions examples for how to incorporate them into their plans. These include things like reducing vehicle miles traveled, building denser housing near transit, expanding transit, developing more parks, and advancing environmental justice.

Limiting people from taking fossil fueled trips in their own vehicles, doing away with single domicile lots, cash giveaways for “environmental justice”, a catchall for far left beliefs. Washington Republicans really missed their opportunity to ask the Democrats who voted for this if they were driving EVs, no longer taking fossil fueled flights, reducing their own CO2 output.

Read: Washington Will Require All Cities To Have Climate Scam Plans »

If All You See…

…is an area slowly turning to desert from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Climate Depot, with a post on climate cultists being silent on polar bears now.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove