Oakland Police Tell Citizens To Use Air Horns To Scare Away Criminals

Remember back in the day when Democrats recommended women use rape whistles to scare away rapists instead of carrying a firearm? How about the other day when there was a women right across from Oakland who said that “I don’t feel safe ever”?

Police in Democrat-Run Oakland Urge Residents to Use Airhorns if Targeted by Criminals

Police in Democrat-run Oakland, California, are urging residents to use airhorns as a way of sounding an alarm when criminals strike amid a surge in crime.

Crime has risen to a point where police are not only advising the purchase of airhorns but also the placement of “security bars to…doors and windows,” CNN noted.

Burglaries in the city are up 41 percent “and robberies by more than 20 percent.”

Oakland resident Toni Bird indicated that she followed the advice of police and now has three airhorns.

Bird said, “The types of crime that we’re seeing feel much more violent and the consequences feel much more severe. And it feels like the people that are being targeted are people who are vulnerable.”

Per Neighborhood Scout, Oakland is considered a 1, meaning it is safer than just 1% of US cities. Since there are no zeroes, it’s the worst. Violent crime is three times the California average. Property crime is double the California average, and you have a 1 in 17 chance of being a victim. Criminals in Oakland are now making property crimes more violent.

Flipping to that CNN article mentioned above

After 60-year-old retiree David Schneider was shot and killed here while trimming a tree in his yard, his neighbor, Toni Bird, said she retreated indoors.

“People aren’t feeling safe out of their house,” she said. “It makes sense that you would want to protect your house then, right? You would barricade it.”

Aren’t feeling safe. Strange how this so often seems to be the case in the Democratic Party run cities run by the hardcore leftists. Toni Bird mentioned above also has 5 security cameras.

Oakland residents say they are unnerved and considering fleeing the state because of the rise in violent crime that has community activists, including the local NAACP, demanding urgent action from city officials.

Why? You know they voted for all this. They’re getting what they asked for

In a letter released in late July, NAACP Oakland Branch President Cynthia Adams and Oakland pastor Bishop Bob Jackson demanded action from elected leaders to ensure public safety, especially in predominately Black neighborhoods.

“African Americans are disproportionately hit the hardest by crime in East Oakland and other parts of the city. But residents from all parts of the city report that they do not feel safe,” they said in the letter.

The statement went on to accuse “failed leadership” of creating “a heyday for Oakland criminals.”

Would this be the same NAACP and black Oakland residents who wanted to defund the police? Who continue to vote for the failed leadership? It’s not like Oakland hasn’t been synonymous with crime for decades. And “do not feel safe.”

That is why, [interim chief of police] said, his department is focusing on sustainable solutions for prevention, in addition to enforcing the laws.

They’re putting in more lights. In a place where criminals have zero problem committing crime in broad daylight. They’ll stroll into stores, loot, and casually walk out. Often with their faces uncovered. They do not care. It’s rare they’re arrested. And, if they are, they’re let go.

Read: Oakland Police Tell Citizens To Use Air Horns To Scare Away Criminals »

Surprise: More People Going To “Worst Places For Climate Apocalypse”

Looks like people prefer getting the heck away from Democratic Party run areas. It’s like they want to get away from snow and cold weather

Americans Flock to Areas With Harshest Climate Change Effects

Nearly 68 million people in the U.S. were facing extreme weather alerts as of Aug. 7 — that’s about one-fifth of the U.S. population. Due to climate change, more people experience hazardous weather conditions like extreme heat, wildfires, storms and floods, and they experience them more often. Some places are more vulnerable to climate change’s impact than others, but that doesn’t stop people from moving to those spots.

A new analysis by NerdWallet finds that the majority of the fastest-growing places in the U.S. are also high-risk areas for natural hazards.

I bet they’re getting a lot of grief for calling it natural hazards, though they do attempt to throw in some climate cult propaganda here and there.

In the U.S., the South baked from oppressive heat; the surface water temperature off the coast of Florida reached 101 degrees Fahrenheit; and Death Valley sweltered at 128 degrees Fahrenheit — the hottest day on record. In addition, floods drowned parts of New England, and Canada’s worst-ever wildfire season is still expected to choke the northern half of the U.S with smoke periodically until the first snowfall.

I like the inclusion of the lie about Death Valley, which saw it’s hottest day ever back on on July 10, 1913 at 134F.

These are just the immediate effects of our climate emergency. Predicted long-term effects include sea-level rise by as much as 10 to 12 inches in the 30-year period between 2020 and 2050, the same rise that was measured over a 100-year period from 1920 to 2020, according to a 2022 report by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Which won’t happen. There’s no escalation of sea rise beyond average, but, y’all know that facts and data mean nothing, because most people won’t bother doing their own research.

All of the fastest-growing counties are located in the western or southern parts of the U.S., including six counties in Texas, three in Florida and one in Arizona.

Each of the counties carries its own potential hazards: hurricanes in all three counties in Florida; heat waves in Maricopa County, Arizona; and a near-biblical assortment of risks in the Texas counties, including cold waves, heat waves, hurricanes, tornadoes, wildfires and more.

There have been 4,762 federally declared disasters in the U.S. since 1953, according to FEMA data. Each of the fastest-growing counties has had its fair share of federally declared disasters in the last 70 years. Hillsborough County, Florida, had the most events (39), followed closely by Lee County, Florida (37), and Montgomery County, Texas (36). In each of these counties, tropical storms were the cause of the disasters.

Yet, people want to go there, regardless of prognostications of doom from the climate cult. Go figure.

Joe sacrifices by taking a lot of massive fossil fueled trips.

Read: Surprise: More People Going To “Worst Places For Climate Apocalypse” »

LOL: Sanctuary State Of Massachusetts Declares State Of Emergency

Border states, and border cities, have been dealing with way, way, way worse than Massachusetts. Unfortunately, the illegal immigration supporting Democrats in places like Mass, NYC, and so forth just aren’t getting what the answer is

Massachusetts governor declares state of emergency amid influx of migrants seeking shelter

Massachusetts Gov. Maura Healey declared a state of emergency Tuesday, citing an influx of migrants seeking shelter at a time when the cost of housing — already in short supply — continues to rise.

There are nearly 5,600 families or more than 20,000 people – many of whom are migrants — currently living in state shelters, including infants, young children and pregnant women. That is up from around 3,100 families a year ago, about an 80% increase, Healey said.

Many of the migrants are arriving by plane from other states. In the past 48 hours alone, she said, 50 migrant families have landed in the state in need of shelter.

“It’s exponentially more than our state has ever served in our emergency assistance program,” she said. “These numbers are being driven by a surge in new arrivals in our country who have been through some of the hardest journeys imaginable.”

Anyone feel bad for them? Seriously, this is what they were asking for by supporting unfettered illegal immigration, they just didn’t think they would have to pay for it or deal with the fallout. They were fine with Texas, Arizona, Florida, and other states dealing with it

She called on the federal government for financial help, and more urgently, expedited work authorizations to allow the new arrivals to more quickly find jobs and start earning a living, she wrote in a letter to U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas.

In the letter, Healey pointed to work authorizations as a primary driver of the crisis. Currently, she said, it can take weeks, months or more than a year to receive the authorizations.

Um, if you give expedited work authorizations it will simply drive more to trek to the U.S., either crossing the border illegally or showing up and demanding asylum. It helps drive the problem, helps make the problem worse.

As part of the emergency declaration, Healey said she is renewing a call to local organizations that can assist those seeking shelter as well as to people interested in sponsoring a family in their home.

The state has also launched a new migrant relief fund to help raise money to aid migrants.

The contributions will be used to help pay for a range of goods and services for migrants, including food, clothing, diapers and transportation as well as health screenings, translation services, legal assistance and English classes.

Come on, Mass. Democrats, step up and donate. Heck, how about offering to put up a bunch of illegals, who are probably mostly young males, not women and children. The Governor is asking you to house them at your casa.

Healey and state lawmakers should rescind the state’s right-to-shelter policy, said Paul Diego Craney of the Massachusetts Fiscal Alliance, a conservative group.

“Perhaps it is time for the governor to take a trip to the southern border to see firsthand the open southern border crisis,” he said in a statement.

It must be difficult for the governors of Texas and Florida to figure out where to send illegals, there are so many great choices to deal with the consequences of their beliefs.

Read: LOL: Sanctuary State Of Massachusetts Declares State Of Emergency »

Brandon To Designate Grand Canyon Zone As National Monument

Can you guess why? Yeah, the climate scam. And to do this he took a helicopter flight to Andrews, jump on a jumbo jet, followed by a backup jumbo jet and a few fighter jets, then take a large fossil fueled vehicle in a large fossil fueled convoy. This is after taking all that fossil fueled travel from Delaware to D.C. Monday

Biden to designate Grand Canyon national monument in climate change push blocking future uranium mining

President Biden is to announce a historic national park designation for the Grand Canyon Tuesday as part of a $44 million commitment “to strengthen climate resilience across our national park system.”

The move effectively blocks future mining of uranium, the key element used to power nuclear reactors and for other medical, industrial and defense purposes.

A White House official said the Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni – Ancestral Footprints of the Grand Canyon National Monument in Arizona – will conserve nearly 1 million acres of greater Grand Canyon landscape sacred to Tribal Nations and Indigenous peoples and advance “Biden’s historic climate and conservation agenda.”

He’s using Native Americans like some people use their kids to get better seats on airplanes. All that fossil fueled travel from Biden isn’t doing much to “protect the environment”, eh?

And it will continue the moratorium on uranium mining, and make it even more difficult

Yet, a U.S. Geological Survey in 2021 found most springs and wells in a vast region of northern Arizona known for its high-grade uranium ore meet federal drinking water standards despite decades of uranium mining. Mining companies and the areas that would benefit from their business remain vehemently opposed to the national monument designation.

The best energy supply available if they want to get rid of fossil fuels, but, most Warmists are against it.

If you’re wonder why Biden had to make this trip, when he could have made the designation while in D.C.? Heck, from his Delaware beach house?

  • 625PM: The President arrives in Albuquerque, New Mexico
  • 8pm: The President participates in a campaign reception

    It’s so he doesn’t have to pay for what was really a campaign trip.

Read: Brandon To Designate Grand Canyon Zone As National Monument »

If All You See…

…is horrible carbon pollution heatsnow, you migh tjust be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Chicks On The Right, with a post on Biden being horrible to a Gold Star mom.

Read: If All You See… »

GOP Gets Squishy On Impeaching Mayorkas

I was never quite clear why he was the target in the first place, since he was essentially doing the bidding of Brandon and his advisors

The impeachment effort losing steam in the House GOP

House Republicans once regarded Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas as their easiest impeachment target. Yet even that seems increasingly out of reach.

Centrist Republicans were never quite sold on impeaching the secretary over problems at the border, nor aligned with their colleagues’ belief that Mayorkas lied to lawmakers at a committee hearing. Now, some of the most vocal Republicans pushing to remove him are acknowledging they’re finding GOP skeptics virtually immovable.

Even Speaker Kevin McCarthy, who thrilled conservatives last year when he opened the door to impeachment proceedings, is signaling he’s still not convinced.

“The only time you use impeachment is if someone has done something that rises to impeachment,” McCarthy told POLITICO, noting that committees are still investigating Mayorkas.

Mayorkas did lie under oath. The smarter move would have been to find him in contempt of Congress, because, really, if you impeach Mayorkas, the Democrat run Senate would not vote against hum, and he’d stay in the job. And, even if they did vote to boot Mayorkas, Biden would just replace him with someone exactly the same.

But other House Republicans acknowledge that, anecdotally, they aren’t hearing as much about the idea of impeaching Mayorkas from their colleagues. And Roy, though he insisted they’ve made progress, admitted the votes just might not exist in the narrow House majority.

The thing here is, if you have such a huge problem with impeaching Mayorkas from the squishes for something easy, how will that work with Biden? It’s clear as day that Biden is corrupt, that he used his position to get money for himself and his family, that there was bribery and extortion involved, and so much more. If the situation was reversed, Democrats would have already started impeachment hearings. Heck, they might have already held the impeachment vote and sent it to the Senate. Maybe twice. There might have been two to four who voted against, but, the rest would have been in lockstep.

Read: GOP Gets Squishy On Impeaching Mayorkas »

Cult Wackjob Says People Are A Cancer On The Planet

Michael “robust debate and then I block everyone” Mann and many other Warmists have decried the doomism inherent in the climate cult movement, saying it does not help. Most other climate cultists do not care, and always want to ramp it up

Are humans a cancer on the planet? A physician argues that civilization is truly carcinogenic

Humans have existed on this planet for a relatively short time, yet we’ve had a major impact on it, dramatically altering its biodiversity and shifting its global climate in only a few centuries. The burning of fossil fuels has cooked the globe so much that ecosystems are threatening to fall completely out of balance, which could accelerate the ongoing mass extinctions caused by our predilection for exploiting nature.

There’s a very distinct possibility we could trigger our own extinction or, at the very least, greatly reduce our population while completely altering the way we currently live. Little things like going outside during daylight hours or growing food in the dirt could become relics of the past, along with birds, insects, whales and many other species. War, famine, pestilence and death — that dreaded equine quartet — threaten to topple our dominance on this planet. We are destroying our own home, sawing off the very branch we rest on. (snip)

Dr. Warren Hern, a Colorado-based physician and author of the new book “Homo Ecophagus: A Deep Diagnosis to Save the Earth,” argues that human civilization indeed has many similarities with cancer. This isn’t a metaphor, but rather a literal diagnosis — and it can be addressed in the same way that an actual cancer diagnosis can be the first step to treatment.

Salon recently spoke with Hern about his new book, which acts partially as a memoir, textbook, dire diagnosis and poetic ode to a disintegrating planet, discussing the implications for such an urgent prognosis, a new name for the human species that reflects our true nature and how we can still fix this crisis.

It’s a long, crazy interview, but, what else would you expect from the climate cult, which always seems to need to escalate the Crazy?

Consider Miley Cyrus. Her act and actions constantly escalated the crazy. More and more nutty stuff. Eventually it gets to a point where it just cannot get worse. What happened to her? You do not really hear much about her anymore. Some like Brittany Spears and Lady Gaga did the same, but, finally hit a point where something snapped. They finally changed, and are still doing things in the limelight without being Crazy. The climate cult, though, is all about scaring people into giving up their money and freedom, to their own detriment. Where does it stop?

Trans activists and eco-zealots are merging into one united front of absurdity

As if it were not galling enough to see the men’s world championship road race halted by protesters gluing themselves to a Scottish country lane, there was the added torment of listening to one protagonist’s harebrained explanation for this moronic act. “As a trans woman, I’ve been told I’m not welcome on the cycling track by the UCI,” said Rebecca Kerr. “At the same time, they allow a petrochemical company to field a team, showing they have no real care for people. I take to the track to point out this hypocrisy and take a stand for a better future.” (snip)

All that this stunt has achieved, by conflating the rhetoric of Just Stop Oil and Trans Women Are Women, is to make public hostility towards such actions even more implacable. Besides putting cyclists in danger, the protestors on that rural road in the Carron Valley did not even attract the publicity they craved. The only footage was of the riders and support vehicles coming to a halt, with an announcement on commentary: “We’ve got some kind of blockage.” The sight of the five people affixed to the road surface was never shown. So what purpose, if the power of the protest lay in its visual impact, were they fulfilling?

The crazy never ends.

Read: Cult Wackjob Says People Are A Cancer On The Planet »

Legal Immigrants In SCNY Are Not Happy With Plan To Put Illegals Up In Parks

How would you feel if you went through the whole proper, legal process for immigration and the government hooked up a bunch of people who did it wrong? Some in the Sanctuary City Of New York are not happy

Legal Immigrants Protest Migrant Camp at Brooklyn Park: ‘This is Not Fair’

Legal immigrants, particularly Chinese Americans, are protesting New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) moving a number of single adult male migrants into their neighborhood park in Brooklyn.

As Breitbart News reported, Adams has started housing border crossers and illegal aliens at a recreation center in Sunset Park, Brooklyn.

Over the weekend, legal immigrants living in Sunset Park protested Adams’ office turning their neighborhood recreation center into a migrant camp that is now housing men from Colombia, Nicaragua, Peru, and Venezuela who were released into the U.S. at the southern border.

“As first-generation immigrants, we understand that everybody comes here to go for a better life but this is not fair for the taxpayers of New York City,” Ying Tan, a Republican running for the 43rd City Council district, told Gothamist.

Many people spend a lot of money and time to come to the US legally, especially if they want to earn citizenship. They can’t break the law, they have to show they can take care of themselves and won’t be on government benefits systems, they must learn English, and so much more. Illegals simply show up and demand the world.

I wonder, though, how many of these legal immigrants voted Democrat? And are now getting what they voted for.

Meanwhile, Reuters is not happy with Brandon

Biden vowed to reform immigration detention. Instead, private prisons benefited

As a presidential candidate in 2020, Joe Biden pledged to end for-profit immigration detention, saying: “No business should profit from the suffering of desperate people fleeing violence.”

The opportunity for action came early in the Democratic president’s term, in May 2021, when a group of senior immigration officials launched an internal review of detention centers to decide which should be scaled back, reformed or closed. (snip)

But, as illegal crossings reached record highs at the U.S.-Mexico border – putting pressure on Biden officials to keep detention space available – they only announced the closure of one facility in March 2022 (12 had been recommended to be closed).

The stalled reform coincided with a boom in private prison revenues from ICE contracts during the Biden administration and an increase in the percentage of detainees being held in private facilities, according to an analysis of ICE data by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) shared exclusively with Reuters.

Seriously, where will all the illegals go? Send them to Democratic Party run cities. Including D.C. And how about near Joe’s beach house?

Read: Legal Immigrants In SCNY Are Not Happy With Plan To Put Illegals Up In Parks »

Democratic Party Run Cities In A Nutshell

Another great line: “I don’t fee safe ever.” But, the same leftists will vote for the same hardcore leftist politicians and policies, and are fine until those policies hit their own lives. But, will end up voting the same way when the next elections come around.

Read: Democratic Party Run Cities In A Nutshell »

Reuters Trying To Force European Citizens To Get A Heat Pump

First, if heat pumps are so great than why isn’t government using them? Second, why doesn’t screed writer Pamela Barbaglia tell us about the one she bought for her own home? Third, this is not news. This is a cult attempting to force people to comply with their beliefs. It’s advocacy. And, heck, maybe an advertisement for a product. It’s not news. But, what really caught my attention is

Sweaty Europe can kill two birds with one pump

Europe’s sweltering summer has focused attention on its building stock. Responding to the continent’s 40 degree Celsius (104 Fahrenheit) temperatures means cutting carbon emissions from gas heaters, while rolling out ways to efficiently cool residences and offices amid an “era of global boiling. What may be less immediately obvious is that heat pumps are the best way to do both.

The marching orders went out to yammer about the era of global boiling.

Continuing to burn gas in winter and use inefficient air-conditioning units in summer is unsustainable. The former helps explain why heating and powering buildings account for 10 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions annually, according to the International Energy Agency, or about a quarter of the global total. The electricity required to cool a more populous planet by 2050 during increasingly hot summers, meanwhile, could nearly triple to 5,800 terawatt-hours, the IEA reckons. That’s double current demand in the entire European Union, at a time when power demands from electric vehicles are already set to soar.

I could probably get into the facts and figures on heat pumps again, or, I could just write “mind your own f’ing business.” Heat pumps have also been said to be worse for heating a home than a gas boiler. They’ve been deemed bad for ‘climate change’. Heat pumps will not last as long as separate AC and heating units, because they will be constantly working. A heat pump would be fine if you only use it for one or the other. Meh, let’s just just “mind your own f’ing business.”


Read: Reuters Trying To Force European Citizens To Get A Heat Pump »

Pirate's Cove