If All You See…

…is a horrible dusting of summer heatsnow, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post wondering what’s the opposite of diversity?

Read: If All You See… »

Large Portion Of Millennials Think People Should Be Charged Criminally For Misgendering

How often do you actually use pronouns when interacting with someone? Do you call them by their name instead? It is a very, very silly time in history

Poll: Millennials Say ‘Misgendering’ Should Be a Crime, Gen Z Disagrees

A strong percentage of millennial Americans (ages 25-34) are in favor of catering to the whims of sex-confused individuals by making adherence to biological reality in language a criminal offense, new polling conducted for Newsweek found.

In left-wing terms, 44 percent of millennials think “referring to someone by the wrong gender pronoun (he/him, she/her) should be a criminal offense.” The official term is “misgendering,” which gender ideology enthusiasts define as using pronouns that misalign with the identity of a person who believes they are transgender. For example, within this framework, it would be considered “misgendering” to call a man “he/him” if he identifies as a woman and demands to be called “she/her.”

Thirty-one percent of millennials in the survey reject the idea of making “misgendering” a criminal offense, and the remainder “neither agree nor disagree” or “don’t know.”

“This view remains popular for those aged 35-44, among whom 38 percent think misgendering should be illegal, whilst 35 percent disagree and 26 percent either don’t know or didn’t express an opinion,” according to Newsweek.

Can we get 85% of Boomers and Gen X to agree that anyone who loses their minds over the itty bitty issue of misgendering should be given 30 hours of community service, and that service should be all about manual labor? Digging ditches, cleaning up garbage, painting, etc, and restricted from using their smartphones until the community service is completed.

Anyhow, Gen Z, which is more and more accepting that there are only two genders, drops down to 33% believing it should be criminalized. Which is still too much. The number should be zero. They’re just words, there’s no threat.

Ultimately, Americans as a whole overwhelmingly reject the idea of making “misgendering” a criminal offense. Sixty-five percent disagree with making it a criminal offense, 19 percent agree, 12 percent neither agree nor disagree, and four percent “don’t know.”

So, overall, 19% are raving wackjobs who are too sensitive to be in public. It’s fine when a child does it, they have no filter and no emotional control, not an adult. Well, not necessarily fine, it’s annoying when a kids loses it in public, but, it’s understandable. Of course, to Leftists, and Millennials, words literally are violence.

Read: Large Portion Of Millennials Think People Should Be Charged Criminally For Misgendering »

Cool: The Era Of Global Boiling Has Arrived Or Something

Leave it to the UK Guardian to turn the amplifier up to 11

‘Era of global boiling has arrived,’ says UN chief as July set to be hottest month on record

The era of global warming has ended and “the era of global boiling has arrived”, the UN secretary general, António Guterres, has said after scientists confirmed July was on track to be the world’s hottest month on record.

“Climate change is here. It is terrifying. And it is just the beginning,” Guterres said. “It is still possible to limit global temperature rise to 1.5C [above pre-industrial levels], and avoid the very worst of climate change. But only with dramatic, immediate climate action.”

“Humanity is in the hot seat,” Guterres told a press conference on Thursday. “For vast parts of North America, Asia, Africa and Europe, it is a cruel summer. For the entire planet, it is a disaster. And for scientists, it is unequivocal – humans are to blame.

Of course they want all fossil fuel production ended, but, then, how would the climate cult elites like Guterres travel around the world in their private jets?

Read: Cool: The Era Of Global Boiling Has Arrived Or Something »

Excitable Kamala Admits Bidenomics Isn’t Working

Unfortunately for Kamala, she didn’t give a typical wordsalad, but, said the quiet part about Bidenomics outloud

Harris slammed for saying most can’t afford a $400 surprise expense: ‘Yeah, that’s called Bidenomics’

Vice President Kamala Harris was blasted on social media over a claim that most Americans would go “bankrupt” from an unexpected $400 expense while she was lamenting how difficult it is for women in America to get abortions.

While speaking at a moderated discussion on “reproductive rights” in Iowa on Friday, Harris spoke at length about how women in Iowa will endure economic hardship traveling to other states for a legal abortion post-Roe v. Wade if a court allows a state abortion bill to take effect.

“If she is a single parent, she’s going to have to be able to pay for that childcare,” Harris said. “She’s going to lose time for work. Maybe she has paid family leave. Maybe she doesn’t. Maybe she has paid sick leave. Maybe she doesn’t. She will have to be able to pay for a plane, train, bus, gas. Most Americans are a $400 unexpected expense away from bankruptcy.”

The quote was immediately criticized by conservatives on social media who suggested that any economic hardship for the average American is a result of President Biden’s policies after more than two years in office.

“Yeah, that’s called Bidenomics and it’s a problem,” GOP presidential candidate Sen. Tim Scott responded. “Americans have lost $10,000 in spending power because of the Biden-Harris agenda.”

Biden-Harris have been in office for two and a half years, and, so far inflation had raged, prices have gone up on food and goods, energy has skyrocketed, and, who gets hurt the most? The middle and working classes. Those who are getting millions making deals with China and Ukraine by using their political positions aren’t bothered at all.

It really is what they want. If you haven’t been paying attention the Progressives want everyone beholden to government. Then government takes care of them and they vote Democrat. It’s a vicious cycle.

Read: Excitable Kamala Admits Bidenomics Isn’t Working »

Your Fault: Up To 700 Plant Species Could Be Eradicated

It’s always some prognostication of doom which is rather open ended with a “if we Do Something this won’t happen”

Climate change could wipe out more than 700 plant and lichen species

All plants and lichens listed under the Endangered Species Act are sensitive to global warming – but there are few plans in place to address the threat directly, say scientists.

Climate change is forecast to have a massive impact on species around the world, especially endangered ones, which are already rare.

A majority of the organisms listed under the Endangered Species Act are plants and lichen.

But researchers found that the risk that climate change poses to endangered plants has not been systematically evaluated in over a decade.

Researchers at Pennsylvania State University adapted existing assessment tools used to examine the threat of climate change for wild animals and applied them to 771 listed plant species.

It’s like plants and lichen have never adapted, including the various cool and warm swings during the Holocene.

The team urged that their findings, published in the journal PLOS Climate, should be used to aid in conservation planning for endangered plants and lichens and to inform future recommendations for listing species and planning their recovery.

Looks more like Spreading Awareness than science. And the study itself looks like “hey, let’s find a way to do something and involve ‘climate change'”.

Read: Your Fault: Up To 700 Plant Species Could Be Eradicated »

If All You See…

…are horrible Bad Weather clouds coming over a place in drought, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Watts Up With That?, with a post on a green hydrogen project being scrapped for being “non-viable”.

Read: If All You See… »

New Thing: Energy Insecurity, Where Millions Could Have Their Power Shut Off

People having their power shut off for non-payment is nothing new, but, now it’s called energy insecurity in an attempt to make it an “inequality” issue where the federal government steps in

Millions of Americans could soon have their power shut off — here’s who’s to blame

Imagine being cooped up inside during one of the hottest days on record, unable to afford air conditioning. Now, pull the plug on your household power supply, preventing you from enjoying even a cool drink.

That’s a possibility for millions of people who struggle to pay utility bills or live in a state where the power can be shut off as a result.

Energy insecurity is a problem being monitored by governmentsuniversities, and other watchdogs. It’s a growing concern as extreme heat waves and the overheating of the planet continue to scorch records.

If only government was not mandating all sorts of energy rules which replace inexpensive, affordable, reliable, dependable energy with expensive, unreliable energy. What happens as Progressive politicians look to electrify everything? How will that effect energy prices?

There are about 9 million people in the Southeast that Duke University considers as living with “energy insecurity.” They are low-income families that pay more than 10% of their earnings on energy bills (the suggested limit is 6%). According to Duke, they often have to make tough decisions on whether to pay for food, housing, or health care with limited resources.

That’s always happened, but, it will get worse because of the green energy push

There are 20 states that provide utility disconnection protections during extreme heat; 41 protect against shutoff during extreme cold weather; and four states don’t allow the power to be shut off for households with young kids, the university reports.

There are a lot of power companies that do not disconnect during harsh weather. Idaho, Wisconsin, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island certainly see more people with kids just not pay their bills.

The nonprofit watchdog publication Truthout (they are about as Leftist as it gets) said the country needs more robust customer protections” to disclose data about shutoffs and why they are happening.

“Most of all, we believe Americans need a collective change in mindset about energy access,” article co-authors Sanya Carley and David Konisky wrote.

“That should start with a principle that all people should have access to critical energy services and that utilities should only shut off service … as a last resort, especially during health-compromising weather events.”

In other words, never disconnect anyone’s power. How does this work when everyone has an EV, electric water heater, electric stoves, everything electric everywhere, and the wind is not blowing/blowing too hard or the solar panels are covered with snow/it’s overcast? It also sounds like people need to prioritize their spending. No booze, no smokes, no vapes, no ordering out. Tighten the belt. There are times in my life I had to do that. Of course, what these folks want is for government to jump in.

“Energy insecure households are more likely to report their homes are drafty, poorly or not insulated, and smaller than households that did not experience energy insecurity,” the EIA reports.

That’s apparently the cause. How much money was spent on this stuff with Obama’s Stimulus and several of the Democrats bills while Brandon has been president. Regardless, perhaps government shouldn’t be doing all it can to increase the cost of energy intentionally.

Read: New Thing: Energy Insecurity, Where Millions Could Have Their Power Shut Off »

Bummer: It’s Not Your Fault For The Summer Heat Wave

Those of us who did not live in Climate Cult World® understand that the actions of Mankind have little effect on things like the current summer heat wave…remember when the Warmists said weather was not climate?…, and here’s some proof

It’s not climate change that’s causing heat waves this summer but no one wants to explain why

Every summer, heat waves inevitably hit the U.S. and other parts of the world, causing climate alarmists and left-leaning media outlets to demand dramatic, disastrous changes to the global energy system. Unfortunately, this summer is no different.

On Tuesday, U.S. media outlets published a wave of stories about supposedly “historic” heat waves in Europe and North America. For example, The Washington Post published an article titled “Heat waves in U.S., Europe ‘virtually impossible’ without climate change, study finds.”

Similarly, Axios published a story titled “Historic and enduring U.S. heat wave, by the numbers.”

Although certain parts of the U.S. have undoubtedly experienced strong heat waves this summer, there’s no reason to believe these weather events are evidence that the world is hurtling toward a climate change catastrophe. In fact, the best available evidence suggests that heat waves recorded a century ago were more problematic than anything we’re seeing today.

Government researchers have been tracking heat waves for more than 100 years. According to data from the U.S. Climate Change Science Program, which is made available by the Environmental Protection Agency, the annual heat wave index for the contiguous 48 states was substantially higher in the 1930s than at any point in recent years. In some years in the 1930s, it was four times greater or even more.

Well, I don’t remember that personally, but, I remember having some much warmer summers with a lot more humidity. And, Raleigh typically has 5-6 100 degree days (not including heat index) per year. Over the past 6-7 years we’ve only had one to two 100 degree days.

Additionally, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has a large database of daily temperatures that goes back to 1948. NOAA used 1,066 weather stations located across the U.S. to collect this data.

According to NOAA, huge swaths of the U.S. have experienced a significant decrease in abnormally hot days recorded since 1948, especially in the Midwest and northern and eastern Texas.

I do believe that part of the concern is the warmer nights, which occurs more from the Urban Heat Island effect than any sort of anthropogenic global warming. Lower level air pollution does help trap the heat that should radiate away, and the roads and buildings are holding more heat.

Meteorologist Anthony Watts, who works with me as a senior fellow at The Heartland Institute, analyzed NOAA’s data in detail and found that 81% of the weather stations used in NOAA’s database reported that since 1948 there has been “either a decrease or no change in the number of unusually hot days.”

If the available data so clearly reveal that there is no heat-wave crisis, why are media outlets suggesting the opposite is true? The answer is sloppy, irresponsible media reporting, combined with cherry-picked data.

No, sorry, I have to disagree with Justin Haskins: the reason is that the Credentialed Media is full of Progressives who push the line about climate doom in order to institute more control over citizens. Period. This is all intentional. They’ve been given their marching orders and they follow them like any rabid cultists. Perhaps Justin didn’t want to assign nefarious intentions to the media, but, I damned sure will after watching them all these years, and the ones providing the talking points, even the scientists, have ulterior and even nefarious intentions.

Anyhow, there’s lots more at the story, worth the read.

Read: Bummer: It’s Not Your Fault For The Summer Heat Wave »

Biden’s DOJ Demands Texas Remove Rio Grande River Barrier

The Biden admin cares more about protecting illegal aliens than American citizens. This shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone who’s watched the Democratic Party for decades

DOJ asks judge to order Abbott to start Rio Grande floating barrier removal

spite houseThe Justice Department on Wednesday filed paperwork asking a judge to order Texas Gov. Greg Abbott to take action and have the floating barrier in the Rio Grande removed.

In a 21-page filing, attorneys for the DOJ have asked for the court to order two things: that the state remove the current floating barrier and any infrastructure used to anchor it, and that the state stop installing any further barriers while the case proceeds.

In its brief, the government claims the floating barrier has caused international concern.

“Texas’s construction of the Floating Barrier has already substantially harmed the United States’ foreign relations with Mexico,” the filing reads. “On numerous occasions since late June, the Government of Mexico has lodged protests with the United States, including at the highest diplomatic levels, regarding Texas’s deployment of the Floating Barrier.”

International concern? That’s their excuse? The thing they should be concerned with is protected American citizens and sovereignty. That’s it. Sure, we’d like good relations with Mexico, so, perhaps they could stop the foreign invaders from passing through Mexico, stop sending their own illegals, deal with the cartels, and work to stop the drug and trafficked children and women flow.

The Justice Department also argues that Texas is in violation of the Rivers and Harbors Act (RHA), by building the barrier in the river without federal authorization. DOJ also cited safety concerns as a reason they’re asking for the rulings.

On one hand, that is an international boundary, so, should the federal government have priority? On the other hand, it also borders the state of Texas, which has every right to protect it’s statehood when the federal government refuses to do the job. Brandon said the border wasn’t open, yet, he’s doing everything possible to make sure it’s open. Should be some interesting arguments in court.

Read: Biden’s DOJ Demands Texas Remove Rio Grande River Barrier »

Climate Crisis (scam) Lawsuits Skyrocket Over Last 5 Years

The Warmists cannot get their agenda truly passed in lawmaking bodies, even in a lot of states, and nations, run by hardcore leftists, so, attempt to sue and have courts create law. Even though most of these Warmists do not practice what they preach

Climate change lawsuits more than double in 5 years as impacts hit home

The number of court cases related to climate change has more than doubled in five years as impacts ranging from shrinking water resources to dangerous heatwaves hit home for millions, a report said on Thursday.

Some 2,180 climate-related lawsuits have been filed across 65 jurisdictions over the past five years, according to the report by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and New York’s Columbia University, which tracks ongoing climate cases in a global database.

As of 2017, there were just 884 cases documented in 24 jurisdictions, the report said.

“We’re seeing a huge increase in the number of cases,” said Maria Antonia Tigre, a senior fellow in global climate litigation at Columbia’s Sabin Center, who said the number of cases filed per year has doubled in the past five years.

While the United States still dominates with more than 1,500 cases, other countries are seeing increases. About 17 percent of cases have been filed in developing countries, according to the report, with rainforest-rich Brazil and Indonesia among the countries seeing the most.

Sadly, I never read about the opposing lawyers, or the judges, asking if the plaintiffs have done things like giving up their own use of fossil fuels.

Read: Climate Crisis (scam) Lawsuits Skyrocket Over Last 5 Years »

Pirate's Cove