Biden’s DOJ Demands Texas Remove Rio Grande River Barrier

The Biden admin cares more about protecting illegal aliens than American citizens. This shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone who’s watched the Democratic Party for decades

DOJ asks judge to order Abbott to start Rio Grande floating barrier removal

spite houseThe Justice Department on Wednesday filed paperwork asking a judge to order Texas Gov. Greg Abbott to take action and have the floating barrier in the Rio Grande removed.

In a 21-page filing, attorneys for the DOJ have asked for the court to order two things: that the state remove the current floating barrier and any infrastructure used to anchor it, and that the state stop installing any further barriers while the case proceeds.

In its brief, the government claims the floating barrier has caused international concern.

“Texas’s construction of the Floating Barrier has already substantially harmed the United States’ foreign relations with Mexico,” the filing reads. “On numerous occasions since late June, the Government of Mexico has lodged protests with the United States, including at the highest diplomatic levels, regarding Texas’s deployment of the Floating Barrier.”

International concern? That’s their excuse? The thing they should be concerned with is protected American citizens and sovereignty. That’s it. Sure, we’d like good relations with Mexico, so, perhaps they could stop the foreign invaders from passing through Mexico, stop sending their own illegals, deal with the cartels, and work to stop the drug and trafficked children and women flow.

The Justice Department also argues that Texas is in violation of the Rivers and Harbors Act (RHA), by building the barrier in the river without federal authorization. DOJ also cited safety concerns as a reason they’re asking for the rulings.

On one hand, that is an international boundary, so, should the federal government have priority? On the other hand, it also borders the state of Texas, which has every right to protect it’s statehood when the federal government refuses to do the job. Brandon said the border wasn’t open, yet, he’s doing everything possible to make sure it’s open. Should be some interesting arguments in court.

Read: Biden’s DOJ Demands Texas Remove Rio Grande River Barrier »

Climate Crisis (scam) Lawsuits Skyrocket Over Last 5 Years

The Warmists cannot get their agenda truly passed in lawmaking bodies, even in a lot of states, and nations, run by hardcore leftists, so, attempt to sue and have courts create law. Even though most of these Warmists do not practice what they preach

Climate change lawsuits more than double in 5 years as impacts hit home

The number of court cases related to climate change has more than doubled in five years as impacts ranging from shrinking water resources to dangerous heatwaves hit home for millions, a report said on Thursday.

Some 2,180 climate-related lawsuits have been filed across 65 jurisdictions over the past five years, according to the report by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and New York’s Columbia University, which tracks ongoing climate cases in a global database.

As of 2017, there were just 884 cases documented in 24 jurisdictions, the report said.

“We’re seeing a huge increase in the number of cases,” said Maria Antonia Tigre, a senior fellow in global climate litigation at Columbia’s Sabin Center, who said the number of cases filed per year has doubled in the past five years.

While the United States still dominates with more than 1,500 cases, other countries are seeing increases. About 17 percent of cases have been filed in developing countries, according to the report, with rainforest-rich Brazil and Indonesia among the countries seeing the most.

Sadly, I never read about the opposing lawyers, or the judges, asking if the plaintiffs have done things like giving up their own use of fossil fuels.

Read: Climate Crisis (scam) Lawsuits Skyrocket Over Last 5 Years »

If All You See…

…is weird lighting from having too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Real Climate Science, with a post on the real ocean temperatures.

I’m not sure why you’d want to put flower all over yourself to take some selfies, but, whatever.

Read: If All You See… »

It Begins: Rep Ken Buck Says Impeachment Talk Is A “Distraction”

When the Democrats were talking about impeaching Trump both times there was no dissent, at least that you heard. All but a couple of Democrats voted to impeach Donald Trump. But, this is the Republican party, and there are always squishes to make things more difficult. Impeaching Biden should be a slam dunk: the guy is a stonecold scumbag and criminal. It should be easy to put articles of impeachment out for a vote after a hearing. Obviously, Democrats won’t vote for it in the Senate, but, the GOP could impeach him in the House. But, we have squishes

GOP Rep. Buck Accuses Speaker McCarthy of Pushing ‘Impeachment Theater

Representative Ken Buck (R-CO) said Wednesday on CNN’s “Inside Politics” that Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) was attempting “impeachment theater” to distract voters from the upcoming appropriations bills.

Anchor Dana Bash said, “Let’s talk about the impeachment. Do you think it could be a political game and why do you believe that Speaker McCarthy in the last 24, 36 hours has begun to lean more into the notion of opening an impeachment inquiry?”

Buck said, “Well, this is impeachment theater. We right now are starting the appropriations process, and there is no consensus on the Republican side about what the number should be. Kevin McCarthy promised when he was running for speaker one set of numbers, and then he made an agreement with President Biden for the debt ceiling increase on another set of numbers.”

He added, “So right now, he has got to convince the public that he’s credible and that Republicans have a duty to follow him. The party itself is not in agreement and we’re going to have some real trouble passing appropriations bills.”

Now, Buck does vote Conservative. He has a better record than some, including Ted Cruz, Tim Scott, and Rand Paul. However, like many Republicans, he can get all sorts of squishy on issues where he might look bad in the Credentialed Media. Someone should ask Buck straight up if he would vote to impeach Biden. You know he has enough information to make a decision. But right now he’s calling impeachment a shiny object

Bash asked, “Do you believe there is any reason why the House Republican majority should open an inquiry right now other than politics?”

Buck said, “I don’t think it’s responsible for us to talk about impeachment when you start raising the I-word, it sends a message to the public and it sets expectations. I do think that what’s going on in the Oversight Committee and the Judiciary Committee is absolutely fair and is part of our responsibility.”

Yeah, he uses some measured words. That said, you know there are more squishes in the GOP just like him.

Read: It Begins: Rep Ken Buck Says Impeachment Talk Is A “Distraction” »

Washington Post Discovers The Urban Heat Island Effect

Meh, this is still probably all your fault

Where the most U.S. residents bake because of concrete and lack of trees

All U.S. cities experience some level of “heat island effect,” in which heat reflects off hard surfaces, intensifying the impact of the hottest days. But as climate change intensifies, nine U.S. cities are special islands unto themselves, according to an analysis released Wednesday that coincides with a heat wave enveloping much of the nation.

The nine — New York, Houston, Los Angeles, Dallas, Chicago, San Antonio, San Diego, Phoenix and Detroit — each have more than 1 million residents enduring temperature increases of 8 degrees or more, because of the heat island effect. That’s according to Climate Central, a nonprofit science and news organization, which has sought to create a broad snapshot of the largest urban populations at risk.

“Anyone who steps out on a sunny sidewalk can feel the difference from when they are in their yard,” Jen Brady, Climate Central senior data analyst, said in an interview. “Obviously, in the city there’s fewer trees, fewer yards and more sunny sidewalks. Those places are going to be warmer. What we’ve tried to do with this analysis is quantify it.”

Forty-one million residents among all nine cities experience the temperature boost, some up to 10 degrees or more, exposing them to higher risks of heat-related illness and more expensive cooling costs, the study found. Climate Central’s analysis did not include demographic data, Brady said, but other organizations such as the D.C. Policy Center have conducted research showing that lower-income communities face disproportionate impact from the heat island effect, partly because their neighborhoods often lack trees.

It’s certainly factual that the Earth has warmed since around 1850, when the Little Ice Age ended. And, surely, some of it is caused globally by the release of greenhouse gases by Mankind. Yet, a goodly chunk of the warming, and perceived warming, goes to land use (you can’t cover up tons of land with pavement, concrete, and buildings without an effect) and the Urban Heat Island effect. And when that extra heat is measured along with the true warming it elevates what the real warming actually is.

Read: Washington Post Discovers The Urban Heat Island Effect »

Anheuser-Busch Looks To Lay Off About 2% Of Workforce

It’s actually not a lot of direct employees, but, this will surely effect those who work with AB. First, though, let’s jump back about a week

(The Street) Anheuser-Busch Chief Executive Michel Doukeris has been in damage-control mode since the company decided to partner with the transgender social-media influencer Dylan Mulvaney. That deal — which was not a major promotion — blew up in the company’s face, leading to boycotts of its products. (snip)

Doukeris has basically admitted that the mistake his company made was doing something that made its product political. Past ads for Budweiser products generally leaned on Americana, sports, and the “fratty” humor that Heinerscheid wanted to get away from. (snip)

One challenge is what you call the misinformation and confusion that still exists. We will need to continue to clarify the fact that this was one can, one influencer, one post, and not a campaign and repeat this message for some time,” he said.

See, y’all are just confused about Bud Light giving a special can to a wacko who demeans actual women with his “girlhood act”, but, he’s missing how the marketing directer smeared the consumer base, and he and the rest have just continued digging that hole. Apologizing now is way too late. They just don’t get it. So

Anheuser-Busch to lay off employees after Bud Light loses spot as top-selling beer to Modelo in May

Beer maker Anheuser-Busch said Wednesday that it will lay off positions across its US corporate staff.

In a statement, an Anheuser-Busch spokesperson said the restructuring “will simplify and reduce layers within its organization.” The layoffs will not include frontline staff such as “brewery and warehouse staff, drivers, and field sales, among others.”

The job eliminations represent “less than 2%” of the Anheuser-Bush US employee population, the statement said. The company’s website says that it employs “more than 19,000 employees nationwide.” Two percent of that figure would number about 380 positions.

“Today we took the very difficult but necessary decision to eliminate a number of positions across our corporate organization,” said Anheuser-Busch CEO Brendan Whitworth. “While we never take these decisions lightly, we want to ensure that our organization continues to be set for future long-term success.”

It’s a shame that those folks are being laid off, you hate to see it, as well as all those others, like distributors, who are being affected, but, this was a self inflicted wound, and they keep inflicting it.

(Yahoo Finance) The CEO of Anheuser-Busch InBev (NYSE:BUD), the multinational brewing company behind Bud Light, is reportedly planning to go on a tour this summer to listen to consumers. But “Shark Tank” star Kevin O’Leary, also known as Mr. Wonderful, doesn’t believe it will turn things around.

“I don’t think that’s going to work,” O’Leary said in a recent interview with Fox Business. “He’s going to get an earful, there’s no question about it. The problem with that tour and that idea is it keeps it as a frontline press item.” (snip)

“Beer is a commodity, the only difference is brand, so you really have to protect your brand every way you can,” he said.

“If you don’t understand who’s buying your brand and you enrage them, which seems to be what happened here, you don’t know the outcome. And now we can measure it — 25% market share.”

That part about keeping it on the frontline is important. Bud Light should have just chilled, forget the advertising, forget about trying to woo the customers back, just go dark. No stupid grunting commercials or anything. Just let the whole issue die down and hope it blows over. A listening tour is exactly the wrong thing to do.

Read: Anheuser-Busch Looks To Lay Off About 2% Of Workforce »

This Summer Is What Climate (cult) Scientists Have Been Complaining About

See, they totally told you, and it is all your fault

This summer is what climate change looks like, scientists say

The blistering heat threatening lives and fueling wildfires across Southern Europe and North America this July would have been “virtually impossible” without man-made global warming, scientists said on Tuesday.

Their findings come as the planet’s ocean and land temperatures hit new records in recent weeks, with waters around Florida and the Mediterranean coast surpassing 30 degrees Celsius and parts of the Northern Hemisphere baking in heat of 45C or more.

Scientists have long warned climate change would make heat waves hotter, longer and more frequent. Tuesday’s study found that this month’s extreme temperatures are no longer an outlier now that humans have warmed the Earth by about 1.2C above pre-industrial levels.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day, as the saying goes. The climate cult fearmongers have been making doomy prognostications for decades, and virtually all of them have failed to materialize. But, now, you have a hot summer, mostly driven by El Nino (which they are trying to downplay), so, they are now saying “look, we were right all the time! Just because we gave a time frame of 100 years for this to happen is meaningless.” Nor do they mention that it is a pretty deep winter in the Southern Hemisphere.

In fact, “it could well be that this is what will be a cool summer in the future unless we rapidly stop burning fossil fuels,” said study co-author Friederike Otto, a climate scientist at Imperial College London. “This is not the new normal. As long as we keep burning fossil fuels, we will see more and more of these extremes.”

And there you go, more doomsaying. They cannot help themselves.

Read: This Summer Is What Climate (cult) Scientists Have Been Complaining About »

If All You See…

…is the need to live in the mountains to avoid sea rise, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Not A Lot Of People Know That, with a post wondering if ‘climate change’ is behind Greece’s wildfires.

Read: If All You See… »

Judge Says Biden’s Asylum Policy Is Illegal

It’s the only policy Biden has that is somewhat responsible, so, of course a Leftist judge has ruled against it

Judge knocks down Biden’s asylum policy as illegal border crossings dip

illegal alien DemocratA federal judge Tuesday blocked the Biden administration’s new regulation restricting asylum-seekers, one that contributed to a severe drop in crossings at the U.S.-Mexico border over the past few months.

U.S. District Judge Jon Tigar, an Obama appointee in Oakland, Calif., knocked down the restrictions as “arbitrary and capricious,” while staying his ruling for 14 days to give the Biden administration an opportunity to appeal. Tigar also halted a similar measure — the Trump administration’s so-called transit ban — a few years ago, joking during last week’s hearing that he heard “2023 was going to be a big year for sequels.”

The judge’s 35-page ruling marks the latest legal hurdle facing the Biden administration’s immigration policy, which has faced multiple challenges from both ends of the political spectrum. Tigar’s decision jeopardizes the administration’s strictest deterrence measure to date and comes as illegal border crossings have plunged to their lowest level since President Joe Biden’s first full month in office.

Tigar detailed a series of legal faults with the Biden asylum rule, including its basis on outdated or inaccurate assumptions and that it was made available for public comment during an abbreviated 33-day window. The judge raised particular concern about the administration’s effort to require most asylum applicants to present themselves at established ports of entry, rather than claiming asylum after crossing between border posts.

“The Court concludes that the Rule is contrary to law because it presumes ineligible for asylum noncitizens who enter between ports of entry, using a manner of entry that Congress expressly intended should not affect access to asylum,” Tigar wrote.

The judge may be correct, because Congress writes a lot of dumb laws, and also writes a lot of laws without any idea what the effect will be because they do not read it, do not analyze it, and so many are just way too big. The Biden DOJ says they will appeal and defend the asylum rule. Will they defend it hard? Or, was this just Joe throwing something out there to appear to be Doing Something, possibly knowing that a judge would rule against it, considering that the same judge ruled against it under Trump?

Biden’s “asylum ban,” released in May and set to expire in two years, bars some migrants from applying for humanitarian protection if they cross the border illegally or fail to first apply for safe harbor while crossing through another country on the way to the U.S. The rule is not applied to certain migrants, including unaccompanied children, asylum-seekers who enter at a legal port of entry or those fleeing “imminent” harm.

It really should apply to every single “migrant”. And not applying it to those certain “migrants” just emboldens them to show up in mass and send their children on a long, dangerous trek. What’s the chance of Congress passing a simple law stating “all those seeking asylum must apply outside the U.S., not at the border or if already in the U.S.”?

Read: Judge Says Biden’s Asylum Policy Is Illegal »

Bummer: Commerce Secretary, Who’s Also A Warmist, Forced To Flee From Climate Protesters

It’s a real shame when the more extreme cultists come after those who think they are climate cult leaders

Angry climate change protestors force Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo to flee talk at the Wilson Center

Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo was escorted out of a D.C. event that was interrupted by rowdy climate change protestors on Tuesday.

Raimondo was speaking at a Wilson Center event entitled “A Conversation on the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework” on Tuesday afternoon. She was onstage with economist Sadek Wahba when protestors barged in.

“We have to be present. And so for the five years before President Biden took office, the United States was not present economically in these regions,” Raimondo said to Wahba. “We didn’t even, you know, have a framework for engagement, I would say…”

Environmental protestors promptly interrupted the event and began chanting “We need clean air, not another billionaire” and “End fossil fuels, Gina” while the dumbfounded speakers looked on.

Footage shows Raimondo laughing and saying something to Wahba during the awkward interruption. The protestors wore t-shirts that read “END FOSSIL FUELS” and linked arms with each other.

The demonstrators obstinately chanted “Clean air, not another billionaire” for around three minutes. They were confronted by security guards before Raimondo was eventually taken off the stage.

Raimondo has done things like

So, it’s not like she’s not a fellow climate cult traveler. She just learned that the climate cult leaders enabled a bunch of complete wackos and it’s coming back to bite them in the butts.

Read: Bummer: Commerce Secretary, Who’s Also A Warmist, Forced To Flee From Climate Protesters »

Pirate's Cove