If All You See…

…is a rising sea encroaching on the land, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Dissecting Leftism, with a post on Fauci being caught in his biggest lie yet.

Read: If All You See… »

LAX Bans Single Use Plastic Water Bottles

It’s for your own good, you know

LAX banned a common travel item that’s forbidden in only one other major airport: ‘The right thing to do’

If your airport routine features grabbing a bottle of water after passing through the TSA checkpoint, you may have to think again. Los Angeles International Airport has banned the sale of single-use plastic bottles in its facility, per a Facebook post.

The ban has followed a 2021 plan to gradually phase out the sale of water bottles in LAX and the Van Nuys Airport. It’s part of a larger, zero-waste initiative under Los Angeles World Airports’ Sustainability Action Plan.

The LAWA Board of Commissioners plans to make its airports entirely zero-waste by 2045. Besides banning plastic bottles, LAWA also intends to have net-zero emissions from its operations, develop a fully renewable electric profile, and minimize gray water.

“Eliminating single-use plastic water bottles is the right thing to do for our airports, our communities, and our environment,” said Justin Erbacci, CEO of LAWA, per television station KTLA.

The ban makes LAX the second airport to ban single-use plastic water bottles. In 2019, San Francisco International Airport (SFO) banned single-use plastic water bottles and included other types of beverages as of 2021.

How much revenue will be lost from all the shops at LAX? What will they sell instead? Not many drink manufacturers produce water in glass bottles. What problems are created by trying to go through customs with a reusable bottle? The thing is, they’re only banning water. Not soda and sugary drinks. Even Vox was not impressed when San Fran banned single use water bottles.

Further, where will LAX get all that electricity from? How does one of the major airports in the world, with 32 million flying through a year, have “zero emissions”? Maybe they should just shut down, what with all those Evil fossil fuels used.

Just to be clear, there is quite a bit of plastic waste. How many plastic bottles actually get recycled. This ban, is really more a feel good “we’re Doing Something” action, since all those other drink bottles are not banned.

Read: LAX Bans Single Use Plastic Water Bottles »

Your Fault: ‘Climate Change’ Making Cholera Worse

All you have to do is ditch your fossil fueled vehicle and buy an EV, move into a tiny house, stop eating meat, and give your money and freedom to government

As climate change leads to more and wetter storms, cholera cases are on the rise

In early 2022, nearly 200,000 Malawians were displaced after two tropical storms struck the southeastern part of Africa barely a month apart. Sixty-four people died.

Amid an already-heavy rainy season, the storms Ana and Gombe caused devastation across southern Malawi to homes, crops, and infrastructure.

“That March, we started to see cholera, which is usually endemic in Malawi, becoming an outbreak,” said Gerrit Maritz, a deputy representative for health programs in Malawi for the United Nations Children’s Fund.

Cholera typically affects the country during the rainy season, from December to March, during which time it remains contained around Lake Malawi in the south and results in about 100 deaths each year.

The 2022 outbreak showed a different pattern — cholera spread throughout the dry season and by August had moved into Malawi’s northern and central regions. By early February of this year, cases had peaked at 700 per day with a fatality rate of 3.3 %, three times higher than the typical rate. When cases finally began to decline in March, cholera had claimed over 1,600 lives in a 12-month period — the biggest outbreak in the country’s history.

OK, so, one bad weather year combined with terrible health conditions in a third world nation means Doom.

As climate change intensifies, storms like Ana and Gombe are becoming more frequent, more powerful, and wetter. The World Health Organization says that while poverty and conflict remain enduring drivers for cholera around the world, climate change is aggravating the acute global upsurge of the disease that began in 2021. According to the WHO, 30 countries reported outbreaks in 2022, 50% more than previous years’ average; many of those outbreaks were compounded by tropical cyclones and their ensuing displacement of people.

There couldn’t possibly be any other conditions, right? I’m actually surprised they didn’t link it to COVID19, but, that would reduce the impact on blaming ‘climate change’.

“What climate change means for us as a humanitarian agency is that we cannot do business as usual anymore,” Maritz said. “We are already preparing that most likely come January, February, there will be another cyclone with a huge flooding event.”

You mean like always has happened?

Read: Your Fault: ‘Climate Change’ Making Cholera Worse »

Obligatory: Trump Charged With Four Crimes Around January 6th Kerfuffle

I wonder if the Democrats realize that this will just send more people to vote for Trump, as they see the DOJ basically being an arm of the Biden campaign, used for political retribution, as well as further dividing the country and creating more anger?

Trump indicted on charges out of Special Counsel probe into Jan. 6

Former President Trump was indicted Tuesday on charges stemming from Special Counsel Jack Smith’s investigation into the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, 2021.

Trump was indicted on four federal charges out of the probe, including conspiracy to defraud the United States; conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding; obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding; and conspiracy against rights.

Trump has been ordered to appear in federal court in Washington D.C. for his arraignment on Thursday, Aug. 3, at 4:00 p.m.

Sounds like a reach, but, you know the old saying about being able to indict a ham sandwich

“The Defendant, Donald J. Trump, was the forty-fifth President of the United States and a candidate for re-election in 2020. The Defendant lost the 2020 presidential election,” Smith’s indictment states. “Despite having lost, the Defendant was determined to remain in power.”

Smith alleged that “for more than two months following election day on November 3, 2020,” Trump “spread lies that there had been outcome-determinative fraud in the election and that he had actually won.” It lists various claims Trump’s team made during post-election state challenges in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

“These claims were false, and the Defendant knew that they were false,” Smith alleged. “But the Defendant repeated and widely disseminated them anyway — to make his knowingly false claims appear legitimate, create an intense national atmosphere of mistrust and anger, and erode public faith in the administration of the election.”

That’s a crime? Yammering on about fraud? When do all the Democrats still complaining about 2000, 2004, and 2016 get indicted? When do all those who lied about Russian collusion get indicted?

Smith alleged that Trump, between Nov. 14, 2020 and Jan. 20, 2021, “did knowingly combine conspire, confederate, and agree with co-conspirators, known and unknown to the Grand Jury, to defraud the United States by using dishonest, fraud and deceit to impair, obstruct and defeat the lawful federal government function by which the results of the presidential election are collected, counted, and certified by the federal government.”

That’s going to be a huge reach, but, the idea is not to convict Trump, but, to jam him up and cause hum to lose 2020. A big question now is “is this Constitutional?” It’s never been settled whether a federally elected official can be tried for actions that occurred while in office can be criminally prosecuted without being fully impeached by the House and dismissed by the Senate. It’s almost impossible to try an elected official while in office. So, what about when the “crimes” occurred while in office and they stepped down or lost an election? It doesn’t seem that Trump or his legal team are considering this aspect, so, we may never know.

Reacting to the charges, a Trump campaign spokesperson told Fox News Digital that “this is nothing more than the latest corrupt chapter in the continued pathetic attempt by the Biden Crime Family and their weaponized Department of Justice to interfere with the 2024 Presidential Election, in which President Trump is the undisputed frontrunner, and leading by substantial margins.”

I’ll be honest, I want Trump to go away. I do not think he can win in 2024, even against Horrible Joe Biden. Who can end up with his own legal issues. Regardless, Democrats should remember that they’ve set a precedent, so, the minute Biden is out of office Republican prosecutors will start charging him with felonies.

Read: Obligatory: Trump Charged With Four Crimes Around January 6th Kerfuffle »

Ford Will Lose At Least $4.5 Billion Pushing Electric Vehicles This Year

But, but, but, everyone wants one, right? They’re cost effective?

Ford set to lose $4.5 billion on electric vehicles this year, despite increased revenue

Electric vehicleFord Motor Company announced it is projected to lose a whopping $4.5 billion from electric vehicles (EVs) this year, up from the previous projected loss of $3 billion.

The company released its second-quarter financial results on Thursday. The U.S.-based automaker’s EV division, called “Ford Model e,” has lost $1.8 billion so far this year, according to Fortune.

The projected $4.5 billion loss is over twice as much as Model e’s $2.1 billion loss in 2022. The company recently announced that the price of its electric F-150 Lightning pickup trucks will be reduced due to cheaper raw battery materials.

The company touted that its low EV prices “establish[es] leadership ahead of industry’s next-generation EVs” and that the Ford Model e’s revenue is up 39%. Ford is also expected to produce 600,000 EVs per year by 2024.

“The near-term pace of EV adoption will be a little slower than expected, which is going to benefit early movers  like Ford,” Ford CEO Farley said in a press release.  “EV customers are brand loyal and we’re winning lots of them with our high-volume, first-generation products; we’re making smart investments in capabilities and capacity around the world; and, while others are trying to catch up, we have clean-sheet, next-generation products in advanced development that will blow people away.”

See, if the government could just force you peasants into purchasing an EV, then Ford could jack the price up thousands as Government offers tax incentives.

I wonder why Ford is getting crushed while Tesla is not? Anyway, don’t forget that the hardcore Warmists want to ban all private ownership of vehicles, even EVs.

Read: Ford Will Lose At Least $4.5 Billion Pushing Electric Vehicles This Year »

If All You See…

…is beer which will be destroyed by ‘climate change’, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Common Cents Blog, with a post on everything you need to know about the Devon Archer testimony against the Biden crime syndicate.

Read: If All You See… »

Good News: Biden Incandescent Bulb Ban Begins Today

In fairness, the original started under George W. Bush, but, Biden’s ban goes much, much further

Biden administration incandescent lightbulb ban takes effect

The Biden administration’s new lightbulb efficiency rule takes effect on Tuesday, effectively prohibiting the sale of all new incandescent bulbs in favor of more energy-friendly alternatives.

The new lightbulb efficiency regulations were announced last April by the Department of Energy and require all bulbs sold by retailers to produce a minimum of 45 lumens, the measure of light and brightness, per watt. (There are exceptions for certain appliances that utilize incandescent bulbs, however, such as microwaves.)

In turn, consumers will be limited to purchasing more efficient sources of lighting, such as LED bulbs, which have a higher upfront cost but last roughly 15 to 20 times as long as incandescent bulbs.

DOE estimates that over the next 30 years, the lightbulb efficiency standard will slash carbon emissions by 222 metric tons, the equivalent of emissions generated by 28 million homes in a year.

Sigh. It’s all about the climate scam. Will any reporter ask if the White House has replaced all their light bulbs with other than incandescent?

Consumers are also expected to save nearly $3 billion per year on their utility bills, officials said.

Yeah, but the bulbs cost more, at least if you buy a decent one, because there are lots of garbage ones that last the same as IBs, sometimes less. And it’s tough finding certain ones, like the anti-bug ones I use for the porch. The low watt ones in my little lamp next to my bed. The candelabra style for the lamp above my dining room table. 40 watt equivalent for the ceiling fan. I will use other than IBs in most other things by choice. Choice. That’s the issue. Government taking away choice for their cult beliefs.

Regulators have said the more than one year of notice gives retailers and manufacturers a sufficient runway to comply with the rule and sell out their existing supply of low-watt bulbs.

Regulating away products that harm no one. Will retailers continue to sell through? Because who’s going to check?

Read: Good News: Biden Incandescent Bulb Ban Begins Today »

Comrade Sanders, Other Dems, Wants DOJ To Prosecute Fossil Fuels Companies For Climate Crisis (scam)

Considering how politicized the DOJ is, how left wing their leadership and so many agents are, this isn’t something to dismiss as “meh, it’ll never happen.” If it does, there should be some tough questions asking of the DOJ and all it’s different agencies have stopped using fossil fuels themselves.

Bernie Sanders leads lawmakers demanding DOJ prosecute fossil fuel companies for climate change

climate cowA group of left-wing senators led by Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., are demanding that the Department of Justice (DOJ) prosecute the fossil fuel industry over its alleged climate disinformation campaign.

In a letter Monday to Attorney General Merrick Garland, the Senate coalition — joined also by Sens. Ed Markey, D-Mass., Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., and Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass. — argued fossil fuel companies have conducted a “longstanding and carefully coordinated campaign” to mislead Americans about the risks posed by global warming and “discredit climate science” in pursuit of profits. If the DOJ were to pursue such a case again the fossil fuel industry, it would mark the first time the federal government got involved in climate nuisance litigation.

“The actions of ExxonMobil, Shell, and potentially other fossil fuel companies represent a clear violation of federal racketeering laws, truth in advertising laws, consumer protection laws, and potentially other laws, and the Department must act swiftly to hold them accountable for their unlawful actions,” the four senators wrote to Garland on Monday.

First off, can any of these senators show that they take the train and drive around in EVs, versus lots and lots of fossil fueled flights, probably most weekend, and drive around in fancy pants fossil fueled vehicles? We know the answer, but, it’s just amazing to me that no Credentialed Media outlet ever asks this very simple and reasonable question.

Second, they are likening this to the Big Tobacco suits: what happens if the DOJ goes ahead with this and wins? Who gets hurt the most? The middle and working classes. The cost of energy will skyrocket, it will be difficult for the average American to travel anywhere. The cost of everything will skyrocket, because it will be so much more expensive to move food and goods, to build homes. And, remember, only half a barrel of petroleum goes to gas and oil. The rest goes to manufacturing clothes, coffee makers, refrigerators, shoes, smartphones, computers, tablets, TVs, their streaming devices, Internet routers/WiFi, makeup, and so much more. Like 6,000 products.

Those oil companies will just operate in other countries, and they will get the benefits. Be careful what you wish for: you just might get it.

Read: Comrade Sanders, Other Dems, Wants DOJ To Prosecute Fossil Fuels Companies For Climate Crisis (scam) »

Sanctuary City Of New York Makes “Migrants” Sleep Outside Of Full Hotel

One would think that all the Democrat voting and unfettered illegal immigration supporting residents of SCNY would offer to house all the “migrants”

Sobering video shows migrants sleeping on cardboard outside iconic NYC hotel as shelter hits capacity

Sobering video shows dozens of migrants sleeping on cardboard outside the iconic Roosevelt Hotel in Midtown Manhattan on Monday morning — as the makeshift processing center for asylum seekers hit capacity this weekend.

The slumbering newly arrived migrants could be seen filling the sidewalks surrounding the historic hotel at 45th Street and Vanderbilt Avenue, stretching from the hotel door up East 47th Street.

The group slept shoulder-to-shoulder across three full blocks while waiting to be processed at the site, which also houses migrant families, as NYPD officers monitored the situation.

Heartbreaking images showed crowd-control ropes separating the migrants from passersby, as those waiting for access to proper shelter huddled under blankets with their belongings alongside them.

Heartbreaking? They could have avoided this by not showing up at the US border/being caught entering illegally and demanding asylum, which most won’t be eligible for.

One very interesting this is that there almost no women and children. They’re mostly adult males.

Read More »

Read: Sanctuary City Of New York Makes “Migrants” Sleep Outside Of Full Hotel »

High Flying John Kerry, Who Was Also In Vietnam, Wants To “Reduce Emissions From The Food System”

Does anyone think that John Kerry isn’t eating pretty darned good, including while flying his private jet around the country and world? That he never wants for something good to eat? But, you peasants need to be starved (video here)

The full quote in the tweet says

Frequent private jet passenger, John Kerry, admits that destruction of the farming industry is essential to achieving ‘Net Zero’:

“Agriculture contributes about 33% of all the emissions of the world. And we can’t get to net zero—we don’t get this job done—unless agriculture is front and centre as part of the solution.”

“You just can’t continue to both warm the planet, while also expecting to feed it. It doesn’t work. So we have to reduce emissions from the food system.”

Who decides this? Who would be in charge of forcing people to do this? Of cutting off their food? Of forcing them to eat plants (which, BTW, release a lot of methane) and bugs? While the Elites chomp on steak and veal and stuff? Few Warmists voluntarily do this….or do anything in their own lives.

Read: High Flying John Kerry, Who Was Also In Vietnam, Wants To “Reduce Emissions From The Food System” »

Pirate's Cove