Climate Tourism Struggles To Find Ways To Not Make Things Worse Or Something

If ‘climate change’ is so bad then why are all these Believers taking long fossil fueled trips? Why are tour operators operating them?

More Travel Offerings Highlighting Interinfluence of Climate Change and Tourism

Walking across a sea-level glacier in Iceland, a tour guide points out how the landscape has changed in recent years. The population of cheeky puffins on a cliff’s edge has dropped by 20 percent since the start of the century due to rising ocean temperatures, the guide notes. Over a meal with fellow travelers that same day, the conversation turns to alternative energy sources helping the country curb its environmental footprint — a pertinent topic, given the meal takes place in a geothermal greenhouse.

In Iceland, like many places around the world, signs of the climate crisis abound. Some visitors see the country’s landscape as a single snapshot in time; they remain oblivious to global warming’s impact as they take in the waterfalls, wildlife and wide-open vistas. But for visitors traveling with the Transformative Adventure to Iceland to Inspire Climate Action tour, global warming frames the entire context of the trip.

Sounds like a lame vacation. But, the your operator is making some cash from cultists, eh? And none of them are getting to Iceland without a fossil fueled airplane trip or boat

Not so long ago, using the climate as an overriding theme for a guided tour would have been unheard of. Tourism has historically shielded people from “the real world,” but it can no longer deny the reality in which it operates. And the reality is, the impacts of climate change can be seen and felt everywhere.

Impacts like a big fossil fueled vacation? Me, I’d rather just go somewhere for fun.

This has precipitated the question of not if but how travel service providers should communicate with tourists about the climate. Several solutions have surfaced — including developing incentive programs encouraging climate-positive behaviors, incorporating voluntary and mandatory responsible travel pledges, and publishing carbon labels alongside other relevant tour information.

So stupid. None of this reduces the carbon footprint of these doomsday cultists. They want to “help”? Stay home. Do a virtual tour.

This tour is only one of a growing selection of climate-focused experiences. Natural Habitat’s Climate Change & Our Wild World series of trips, for example, take place in the Arctic and the Amazon. Conducted in collaboration with World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the trips offer insight into WWF’s conservation efforts and how the organization is protecting “humanity from the worst effects of climate change,” according to Natural Habitat’s website.

Similarly, Earthwatch offers several such trips — including its 11-day Climate Change at the Arctic’s Edge trip and five-day Recovery of the Great Barrier Reef, in which guests help scientists with coral recovery. The active, 9-day Wildlife in the Changing Andorran Pyrenees tour entices travelers with the promise that they can “help discover and protect this delicate Alpine environment from climate change, and from ourselves.”

Cash grab.

Read: Climate Tourism Struggles To Find Ways To Not Make Things Worse Or Something »

Surprise: Kamala Plagiarized Portions Of Her Book “Smart On Crime”

Surprising it wasn’t titled “how to make crime easier for criminals and leave the border open for murderers and rapists”

Nolte – Famed ‘Plagiarism Hunter’ Busts Kamala Harris Book: ‘Copied Virtually an Entire Wikipedia Article,’ ‘Fabricated a Source Reference’

Dr. Stefan Weber, an internationally famous “plagiarism hunter,” has discovered that Kamala Harris “plagiarized at least a dozen sections of her criminal justice book, Smart on Crime,” Christopher Rufo reports.

The 2009 work of non-fiction, co-authored with Joan O’C Hamilton was, per Wikipedia, “[f]irst published as Harris (then the San Francisco district attorney) was beginning her 2010 campaign for California Attorney General” and “outlines her vision of how the criminal justice system should function.“

In his summary of findings, Dr. Weber writes, “Kamala Harris copied virtually an entire Wikipedia article into her book without providing attribution to Wikipedia.”

Most damning is that “Harris fabricated a source reference, inventing a nonexistent page number,” he said.

You can read the full report here.

You know who else plagiarized? Biden, and that knocked him out in 1988.

There’s lots and lots more where that came from, and it matters. I always put it in the blockquote, or, make mention of it is in the regular text, put it in quotes. This is the way you blog, even at a little one like mine

The corporate media will almost certainly either ignore this scandal or attempt to wrist-flick and “fact check” it away as a “Republican-fabricated controversy.” But this is not 2008. The corporate media can no longer bury the truth to protect a Barry Obama from his troubling relationship with a domestic terrorist.

Well, yeah. And how does the NY Times cover this?

“In a review of the book, The New York Times found that none of the passages in question took the ideas or thoughts of another writer, which is considered the most serious form of plagiarism.”

So, she utterly plagiarized, but, no biggy. The problem is you Conservatives seizing.

Read: Surprise: Kamala Plagiarized Portions Of Her Book “Smart On Crime” »

UC San Diego Youts Required To Take Indoctrination Course On Climate Cataclysm

This will surely be coming to most People’s Republik Of California universities, followed by others across the country. They have to make sure that the kiddies are thoroughly indoctrinated in advocating for Government to take their money and freedom

UC San Diego students now required to take course on climate change

The start of the school year at UC San Diego in late September marked the debut of a first-of-its-kind graduation requirement for students: a course in climate change.

Undergraduate students who entered the school this year, regardless of major, are now subject to the new requirement, joining other general education courses. The classes available to meet the requirement span subject matters from politics to natural disasters and geochemistry.

Called the Jane Teranes Climate Change Education Requirement in honor of a beloved Scripps Institution of Oceanography professor, the program seeks to ensure undergraduate students are equipped with an understanding of climate change and what can be done to address it. (snip)

“Whether undergraduates are majoring in STEM, the humanities, arts, social sciences or any other field, this requirement will equip them with a strong understanding of climate change and how they can contribute to meaningful solutions,” Khosla continued.

Obviously, this course will be as much about science and giving all sides of the information and debate as Islamic extremists teaching about Israel, Jews, Christians, and America in their madrassas and mosques.

Standards for the program focused on inviting students to examine the complexities of climate change across disciplines — science, politics, culture, finance, anthropology and psychology — and what potential solutions exist.

Will any of the youts note that the best solutions are those where the Believers give up the use of fossil fuels and make their lives carbon neutral? Perhaps UCSD should get rid of all the athletics programs, since they require fossil fueled vehicles to bring the teams to other schools, and other schools to UCSD? And, don’t forget all the fossil fueled vehicles people use to attend the games. UCSD could ban all fossil fueled vehicles on campus? Make sure the AC is set to 86 and heat at 60?

Meanwhile, the Church Of Scientology in San Diego is probably wonder why they get such a bad rap when you have a world-wide cult teaching at a government funded university.

Read: UC San Diego Youts Required To Take Indoctrination Course On Climate Cataclysm »

If All You See…

…is a horrible water intensive lawn causing skyrocketing temperatures, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Da Techguy’s Blog, with a post on the great Chicago train robbery.

Read: If All You See… »

National Border Patrol Council Endorses Trump, Says Electing Harris Would Bring Hell To Every Community

No one expected them to actually endorse Harris, though, did they?

National Border Patrol Council ‘Strongly’ Endorses Trump at Arizona Rally

The National Border Patrol Council issued a strong and emphatic endorsement of former President Donald Trump during an Arizona rally on Sunday.

Speaking at the podium, border patrol union president Paul Perez knocked Vice President Kamala Harris for her work as the “border czar” while praising the former president for having “always stood with the men and women who protect this border.”

“If we allow Border Czar Harris to win this election, every city, every community in this great country is going to go to hell. The untold millions of people, unvetted, who she has allowed into this country that are committing murders, rapes, robberies, burglaries, and every other crime, will continue to put our country in peril,” he said.

“Only one man can fix that. That is Donald J. Trump. He has always stood with the men and women who protect this border, who put their lives on the line for this country, a man who knows about putting his life on the line for what is right,” he continued.

“This November, we have a choice to make: continue the chaos, allow the criminal cartels to control the border, to allow drugs and fentanyl across our country, or put an end to it once and for all. On behalf of the 16,000 men and women represented by the National Border Patrol Council, we strongly support and endorse Donald J. Trump for president of the United States,” he concluded.

Two points on this. First, I still do not like federal government unions or agencies endorsing any politician: they work for the government, and shouldn’t do this. Second, will this make a difference in the election? Will it convince people to switch their vote to Trump? There are almost no articles which mention in the headline their endorsement. A lot of the articles look like this

Trump pitches plan to hire more border agents after sinking a bipartisan bill that would have boosted staffing

And mention the endorsement deep in the article. Most Republicans did not support it, because it would have been a disaster for illegal immigration. Trump simply wants a bill that would hire 10K border patrol agents.

See, it was only a few taken over by a violent Venezuelan gang which threatened to kill police officers. At least Martha blew up the MSM talking point that it wasn’t happening at all.

Read: National Border Patrol Council Endorses Trump, Says Electing Harris Would Bring Hell To Every Community »

Cult Crazy: Almost 40% Would Be Up For WWII Style Rationing

Well, if they keep backing leftist politicians they will get WWIII style rationing

Almost 40% would agree to WW2-style RATIONING to fight climate change

After the end of World War II, it took Britain almost a decade to finally abolish rationing for everyday goods.

While the war may be almost 80 years in the past, nearly 40 per cent of the public would now welcome back the ration book to help fight climate change.

Researchers from Uppsala University, Sweden, surveyed almost 9,000 participants from India, Brazil, Germany, and the US.

Their responses revealed that rationing for fuel and ’emissions-intensive’ products such as meat is nearly as widely accepted as raising taxes.

Lead author Oskar Lindgren, a PhD student at Uppsala University, says: ‘Rationing may seem dramatic, but so is climate change. This may explain why support is rather high.’

Weirdly, all those who believe in this aren’t actually reducing their own consumption voluntarily.

Currently, most governments and researchers focus on ‘economic instruments’ like taxing polluting products and subsidising greener alternatives.

However, scientists believe that a fairer alternative might be to limit how much of these goods can be bought.

Mr Lindgren says: ‘One advantage of rationing is that it can be perceived as fair, if made independent of income.’

And who would be in charge of this? Government? Sounds rather authoritarian. Rationing was rather forced on nations during WWII due to shortages, especially in a nation like Britain. They really didn’t have much of a choice. And does anyone think that the Elites would be subjected to the same rationing? How many politicians yammer about reducing the use of fossil fuels, yet, use way more than everyone else?

Overall, 38 per cent of respondents said they would accept monthly limits on fuel purchasing compared with 39 per cent who said they would accept greater fuel taxes.

Likewise, 33 per cent of people said they would support monthly limits on meat purchases compared with 44 per cent who said they would back a greater tax on high climate-impact foods.

This is all theoretical. The minute government started putting this in action there would be a revolt. At least in the 1st World, and, especially here in the U.S.A.

Read: Cult Crazy: Almost 40% Would Be Up For WWII Style Rationing »

Cackles Staffers Whine That Biden Admin Isn’t Helping Out

Um, they do realize that Harris IS actually part of the Biden administration? That they’ve been calling it the Biden-Harris admin since first elected? I wonder what has them whining?

Harris staffers blaming Biden admin for not helping her campaign: ‘They’re too much in their feelings’

spite houseVice President Kamala Harris staffers are starting to blame the Biden administration for not doing enough to help her presidential campaign, according to a new report – as the Democrat sinks in the polls with less than a month before the Nov. 5 election.

Despite the veneer of unity that Harris and President Biden have displayed after Biden dropped out of the race, some of their staffers have reportedly been butting heads behind the scenes.

Privately, several members of Harris’ team have feuded with Biden’s White House staff, feeling that they aren’t adequately prioritizing her election bid while some within the president’s orbit still feel raw over his ouster.

“The White House is lacking someone in the room thinking first and foremost about how things would affect the campaign,” a source involved in the Harris-Walz campaign told Axios.

As the Harris-Walz campaign grapples with a very close election, some within Harris’ orbit have felt that the White House hasn’t been calibrating the president’s schedule and messaging in the way that she needs, Axios reported, citing 10 sources familiar.

Well, of course they’re whining now that Harris is not doing so well. And, I really do have to wonder if Joe and Jill are intentionally doing little things to sabotage Harris’s campaign as retaliation for her helping knock him out from running for re-election. Joe has very much shown over his career that he has a mean streak. Seriously, most politicians of his stature have it in them.

To date, Harris has staunchly resisted pressure from top party strategists who have implored her to publicly draw a contrast with the policies of unpopular Biden.

“There is not a thing that comes to mind,” Harris told ABC News’ “The View” last week when asked if she would’ve done something differently during her boss’ presidency.

Obviously, she doesn’t want to say she would be an even more hardcore Modern Socialist than Biden. Anyhow, it’s not all bad blood, if you will, between Biden and Harris, but, there are enough big things that stand out.

Read: Cackles Staffers Whine That Biden Admin Isn’t Helping Out »

If All You See…

…is horrible carbon pollution infused beer, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is bluebird of bitterness, with a post on your Sunday funnies.

It’s beer week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another wonderful day in the Once And Future Nation of America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and my Dodgers are in the NLCS and Devils have started out 3-1. This pinup is by Elias Chatzoudis, with a wee bit of help. Not that it needed it.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Pacific Pundit: Wow! Reports of between 50,000-100,000 attend Trump’s Coachella Valley rally in California
  2. Shot In The Dark: Why We Call Berg’s Seventh Law A “Law”
  3. Sultan Knish: The Government is Coming for Your Thermostat
  4. The First Street Journal: Waging war against Israel, from the safety of Morningside Heights
  5. The Gateway Pundit: UH OH: Kamala Harris Caught Happily Mingling With Terror-Loving Iranian Regime Operative
  6. The Last Refuge: JD Vance Takes Questions During Pennsylvania Townhall Event
  7. The Lid: Despite Billions Spent, More than Half of Calif. Students are Failing
  8. The Other McCain: We’re All Shocked — Shocked! — to Discover ‘Men for Kamala’ Are Fake
  9. The Right Scoop: BREAKING: Joe & Kamala’s DOJ has just SUED Virginia for removing non-citizens from voter rolls
  10. This ain’t Hell…: NG chopper crew grounded when their helicopter created wind
  11. Victory Girls Blog: Tim Walz Elmer Fudd’s His Pheasant Hunt
  12. American Greatness: Fake Crowds, Fake Ads, Real Ridicule: A Week of Failures for Harris-Walz
  13. Bearing Arms: Citizens Committee Calls on Kamala to ‘Come Clean’ on Gun Claims
  14. Climate Depot: Biden-Harris ship electric chainsaws to communities without power – ‘The priority for Team Harris is making sure hurricane recovery efforts are zero-emission’
  15. And last, but, not least, Cold Fury has Can you say “War on Men,” boys and girls?

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014, so, most are hosted internally). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Suddenly, California Loves States Rights In Trying To Trump Proof Their Climate (scam) Policies

See, it’s not OK for each state to have their own policies on abortion on demand, but, it’s fine for the People’s Republik of California to have their own climate doom policies. Normally the NY Times would have issues with states bucking Los Federales

California Tries ‘Trump-Proofing’ Its Climate Policies

California officials have been working for months on a plan to “Trump proof” the state’s leading edge environmental and climate policies, in the event that former President Donald J. Trump returns to White House and follows through on his promise to gut them.

Whether California succeeds could affect more than a dozen other states that follow its emissions rules, and could have global impact because the state’s market muscle compels auto makers and other companies to conform to California standards.

The strategy now being crafted in Sacramento includes lawsuits designed to reach wide-ranging settlements with industries that generate greenhouse gases, and new rules and laws that rely on state authority and would be beyond the reach of the administration.

Mr. Trump, who considers climate change a “hoax,” has promised to weaken every major federal climate regulation, as he did in his first term.

Yeah, but, really, he won’t, except perhaps (well, he better) the rules that essentially force American citizens into EVs

But he is also expected to try to blow up California’s climate policies, which have set the pace for the rest of the nation and the world. The state is requiring about three-quarters of new trucks sold there after 2035 to be zero emissions. And in a request that is pending, California wants permission from the Biden administration to enact one of the most ambitious climate rules of any nation: a ban on the sale of new gas-powered passenger vehicles in the state after 2035.

Hey, really, if the PRC wants to do this have at it. They’ll see company after company leave, along with lots of people from working class to uber-rich. Plus all the investment/finance money. If the PRC thinks that manufacturers will change their entire assembly line as the population of the PRC plummets, they should think again. Perhaps the PRC can rely on Chinese (spying) EVs?

Mr. Trump has promised to revoke the waiver. “California has imposed the most ridiculous car regulations anywhere in the world, with mandates to move to all electric cars,” Mr. Trump has said. “I will terminate that.”

Again, will he? Or will the revenge tour ignore this stuff? It took The Donald till his last year in office to shitcan the Paris Climate Agreement. Might Trump simply say “go for it. Every experiment needs an experimental group, and we want to see what happens”?

And the Times and the PRC have cause to be concerned

Black Voters Drift From Democrats, Imperiling Harris’s Bid, Poll Shows

Vice President Kamala Harris has improved her party’s standing among Black voters since President Biden left the presidential race, but she still significantly trails Mr. Biden’s 2020 share of that vital Democratic constituency, according to a New York Times/Siena College poll of Black likely voters.

Nearly eight out of 10 Black voters nationwide said they would vote for Ms. Harris, the poll found, a marked increase from the 74 percent of Black voters who said they would support Mr. Biden before he dropped out of the race in July. But Mr. Biden won 90 percent of Black voters to capture the White House by narrow margins in 2020, and the drop-off for Ms. Harris, if it holds, is large enough to imperil her chances of winning key battleground states.

But, will they show up? How many are starting to realize that their economic well being Trump’s (sic) always voting Dem and hating Trump?

Read: Suddenly, California Loves States Rights In Trying To Trump Proof Their Climate (scam) Policies »

Pirate's Cove