GOP Releases FBI Document Related To Biden Bribery

Donald Trump was impeached twice for less. He’s being prosecuted for less

Republican calls to impeach Biden grow following release of FBI document detailing bribery allegations

Republicans immediately began lashing out at President Biden Thursday following the release of an unclassified FBI document detailing his alleged involvement in an international bribery scheme, with a number rallying for his impeachment.

Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, released the FD-1023 form earlier in the day which detailed how Biden, along with his son, Hunter Biden, allegedly “coerced” Burisma CEO Mykola Zlochevsky to pay them millions of dollars in exchange for their help in getting the Ukrainian prosecutor investigating the company fired.

Democrats spent years pimping the utterly fake Russian document, wanting Trump impeached for it. This is an actual FBI document.

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna, R-Fla., also called for Biden’s impeachment prior to the release of the document, writing that he “NEEDS to be impeached” because of the “evidence and testimony” she had seen as a member of the House Oversight Committee investigating the Biden family finances. “He is compromised and his son is selling access to him,” she added.

“This is damning evidence that Biden is compromised. Remember when Democrats and their pals in the media went as far as to question whether this document even exists?” Rep. Pat Fallon, R-Texas, tweeted, while Rep. Andy Barr, R-Ky., declared, “The Biden family corruption saga continues.”

But, will the squishy Republicans vote to impeach Biden? The guy is shady and criminal, but, one can never count on all the squishes in the GOP, who seem to want to get along go along, who do not want the Credentialed Media to be mean to them.

Of course, once again, most of the Credentialed Media are ignoring this document. Just imagine it was about Trump. Top of the front page.

Read: GOP Releases FBI Document Related To Biden Bribery »

LA Times Wonders If An Occasional Blackout Would Help ‘Climate Change’

Would these be planned and scheduled blackouts, as opposed to the ones that happen because all that “green” energy cannot provide the power necessary in the People’s Republik Of California?

Would an occasional blackout help solve climate change?

What’s more important: Keeping the lights on 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, or solving the climate crisis?

That is in many ways a terrible question, for reasons I’ll discuss shortly. (lots of yammering about lawsuits, unplanned blackouts, gas power)

Again and again, I’ve found myself asking: Would it be easier and less expensive to limit climate change — and its deadly combination of worsening heat, fire and drought and flood — if we were willing to live with the occasional blackout?

I’m not talking about a long-term future of sketchy power supplies. Plenty of studies have found that keeping the lights on with 100% climate-friendly electricity is entirely possible, especially if energy storage technologies continue to improve.

But our short- and medium-term futures are more tricky.

I have to wonder if writer Sammy Roth and the LA Times turn off all their power here and there

Could we get started ditching gas sooner — and save some money — by accepting a few more blackouts for the next few years? (snip)

I got a similar reaction on Twitter.

Of the hundreds of people who responded to my question, most rejected the idea that more power outages are even remotely acceptable — for reasons beyond mere convenience. A former member of the L.A. Department of Water and Power’s board of commissioners wrote that “someone dies every time we have a power outage.” An environment reporter in Phoenix — where temperatures have exceeded 110 degrees for a record 20 straight days — said simply, “Yikes.”

I wonder how many of those believe in anthropogenic climate change, but, aren’t willing to inconvenience their own lives? But, then Roth gets squishy

After reporting on clean energy for most of the last decade, I’ve increasingly come to the conclusion that solving climate change will require sacrifices — even if only small ones — for the sake of the greater good. Those might include lifestyle changes such as driving less or eating less meat. They might also include accepting that large-scale solar farms will destroy some wildlife habitat, and that rooftop solar panels — despite their higher costs — have an important role to play in cleaning up the grid.

Maybe learning to live with more power outages shouldn’t be one of those sacrifices.

It’s a long piece, and, at the heart, it really is about forcing Other People to accept blackouts which mean no Internet, no lights, not TV, no refrigerators, etc. All for a scam.

Read: LA Times Wonders If An Occasional Blackout Would Help ‘Climate Change’ »

Sanctuary City Of NY Drops Fliers At Border Telling Illegals To Go To Other Cities

This really is hilarious. SCONY says they’re all full up

Man, it’s a real shame when a sanctuary city has to be forced to live the life

New York to distribute flyers telling migrants at U.S.-Mexico border to ‘consider another city’

New York City will distribute flyers at the U.S.-Mexico border telling newly arrived migrants to “consider another city” and limit shelter stays for adult asylum seekers to 60 days as the city’s Democratic mayor says it is straining to house them.

In an announcement on Wednesday, the office of Mayor Eric Adams said the flyers would seek to “combat misinformation at the border” and that the city would help migrants find other housing and “take the next step in their journey.”

New York City says that it has provided services to 90,000 migrants since last spring and that nearly 55,000 remain in its care. Thousands of those migrants arrived on buses sent by Texas Governor Greg Abbott, a Republican who has tried to shift the burden of receiving them to Democratic strongholds. (snip)

The new flyer that New York City plans to circulate at the border highlights the high cost of housing, food and other necessities that migrants will encounter if they travel to the U.S. financial center.

“Please consider another city as you make your decision about where to settle in the U.S.,” it reads in English and Spanish.

Shouldn’t SCONY be completely accepting of any and all illegals/migrants? That’s why they’re a sanctuary city, right? Shouldn’t they be A-OK with feeding and housing them all? The Democratic voting citizens should be thrilled to give their money to the illegals, right? Now that they actually have to deal with them, SCONY wants them to be elsewhere. What does Adams think it’s like at the border?

Read: Sanctuary City Of NY Drops Fliers At Border Telling Illegals To Go To Other Cities »

Once Upon A Time, Climate Collapse Could Maybe Possibly Happen Fast

Another tipping point could happen soon, and this is all your faul

Climate Collapse Could Happen Fast

Ever since some of the earliest projections of climate change were made back in the 1970s, they have been remarkably accurate at predicting the rate at which global temperatures would rise. For decades, climate change has proceeded at roughly the expected pace, says David Armstrong McKay, a climate scientist at the University of Exeter, in England. Its impacts, however, are accelerating—sometimes far faster than expected.

“Remarkably accurate”


In fact, a growing number of climate scientists now believe we may be careening toward so-called tipping points, where incremental steps along the same trajectory could push Earth’s systems into abrupt or irreversible change—leading to transformations that cannot be stopped even if emissions were suddenly halted. “The Earth may have left a ‘safe’ climate state beyond 1°C global warming,” Armstrong McKay and his co-authors concluded in Science last fall. If these thresholds are passed, some of global warming’s effects—like the thaw of permafrost or the loss of the world’s coral reefs—are likely to happen more quickly than expected. On the whole, however, the implications of blowing past these tipping points remain among climate change’s most consequential unknowns: We don’t really know when or how fast things will fall apart. (snip)

One grim paper that came out last year, titled “Climate End Game,” mapped out some of the potential catastrophes that could follow a “tipping cascade,” and considered the possibility that “a sudden shift in climate could trigger systems failures that unravel societies across the globe.” Chris Field, the director of the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment and a contributor to several IPCC reports, warned that “at some point, the impacts of the climate crisis may become so severe that we lose the ability to work together to deliver solutions.”

Every single paragraph is loaded with Doom. It’s what they know. But, again, the most interesting part is that despite all the prognostications of doom, few Warmists actually practice what they preach. I wonder why?

Read: Once Upon A Time, Climate Collapse Could Maybe Possibly Happen Fast »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful big city full of like minded Warmists, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on not believing CNBC’s mule fritters story on the top 10 states to live and work in.

Read: If All You See… »

IRS Whistleblowers Testify, Democrats Go Wacky

Now, just imagine this was about Trump, who would most of the media react? There’s nothing about the hearing on the NY Times front page, the Washington Post features a story about Marjorie Taylor-Greene showing Hunter’s pornographic photos, but, doesn’t delve into the substance of the hearing

IRS whistleblowers lash out at federal officials in fiery Hunter Biden hearing: 5 takeaways

Biden Brain SuckerTwo whistleblowers provided Congress with their side of the story from the yearslong investigation into Hunter Biden, who has become a lightning rod for Republican allegations about a two-tiered justice system in the United States.

Speaking to leaders of three powerful House committees, who held a joint hearing Wednesday, Internal Revenue Service employees Greg Shapley and Joseph Ziegler ? who was previously known as “whistleblower x” ? alleged U.S. Justice Department officials slow walked the investigation into President Joe Biden’s youngest son.

“It appeared to me, based on what I experienced, that the U.S. attorney in Delaware in our investigation was constantly hamstrung, limited and marginalized by (Justice Department) officials as well as other U.S. attorneys,” Ziegler said.

Agent X revealed ? and he’s a Democrat (Zeigler is a Democrat and gay)

Whistleblowers target Hunter Biden’s tax delinquency (if this were you or me we’d be in big, big trouble)


Don’t ask the ‘big guy’ or dad: Here’s what IRS agents allege happened

Throughout the hearing, Ziegler and Shapley drilled into how they felt Hunter Biden was receiving special treatment, and that they were discouraged from pursuing the case to its fullest extent.

During his opening statement, Shapley said aspects of the investigation were delayed until after the 2020 election and then never pursued because of the political optics, including any examination of Joe Biden’s role, if any.

“Prosecutors instructed investigators not to ask about the ‘big guy’ or dad when conducting interviews,” he said.

We all know this happened.

GOP: Who are you going to believe?

Republican lawmakers, who launched an investigation days after Hunter Biden’s plea deal went public, said the two IRS agent are credible, and that their claims should be taken seriously.

“The White House and Democrats would have Americans believe that our investigation is based on five years of conspiracy theories,” said Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., chairman of the oversight panel.

“But we have facts and new evidence continues to be uncovered by our committee revealing the first family’s corruption,” he added.

The problem is that most of the Credentialed Media is ignoring this whole thing, so, a lot of people are not being given the information

Dems: Hunter Biden ‘lost his way’ but there’s no evidence of interference

There’s plenty of information, and they’re happy, again, that most of the media is ignoring the whole issue.

(Daily Caller) Democrats on the House Oversight and Government Accountability Committee repeatedly invoked former President Donald Trump and his aides during a hearing addressing alleged Justice Department misconduct in its investigations of Hunter Biden.

House Republicans called the hearing to hear from Internal Revenue Service whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joe Ziegler, who allege that DOJ political appointees stonewalled their investigation into the president’s son. Several Democrats on the committee, however, repeatedly pivoted to Trump’s alleged political interference at the DOJ. They mentioned his pardoning of former advisers Paul Manafort, Roger Stone and Michael Flynn.

President Biden’s traditional unscrupulous respect for the independence of the Justice Department stands in sharp contrast to Trump’s spectacular disrespect for the rule of law and his serial efforts, both in office and outside office, to get prosecutors to go after and lock up his political rivals and to suspend accountability in specific criminal cases when it comes to his friends,” ranking member Jamie Raskin of Maryland said.

Democrats really wanted little to do with asking the whistleblowers questions, not even to try and destroy their testimony.

Read: IRS Whistleblowers Testify, Democrats Go Wacky »

Who’s Up For Working 6-2 Because Of The Climate Crisis (scam)?

This is all because you refuse to give up your fossil fueled vehicle

Workers might have to ditch the 9-5 for the 6-2 because of climate change, Oxford study says

Dolly Parton’s famous call for “workin’ 9-5” could become a thing of the past, as climate change continues to wreak havoc on the planet, and with it, the workforce.

As the world becomes hotter, businesses may need to switch up their staff’s working pattern to cope with “uncomfortable” heat levels, according to researchers from the University of Oxford.

And it’s bad news for night owls: The experts recommended that U.K. workers will need to start their shift at 6 a.m., in order to finish by 2 p.m. and beat the afternoon heat. For those with an hour-long commute, this could mean starting the day as early as 4 a.m. to get ready and go in the warmer months.

The new study, published in the journal Nature Sustainability, claims that Britain is one of many European countries that will have to adapt the most to cope with sweltering temperatures. However, unlike its Mediterranean neighbors, it doesn’t already have working cultural norms influenced by the hot weather, such as siestas.

Many businesses have already embraced summer hours: L’Oréal, Asos and Nike are among the growing number of companies that are allowing staff to leave work between midday and 3.30 p.m. on Fridays during the summer months.

I’m sure they’re all leaving so they can leave the….air conditioned office and go home to their air conditioning, right? They wouldn’t be heading to the gym or the park or the bar, right?

But even in workspaces equipped with the cool breeze of air conditioning units, the researchers warn of a “vicious cycle” where people burn more fossil fuels to provide energy for air con which then heats the climate still further, requiring more energy. So even office workers would do well to clock out earlier.

How many Warmists have given up their own use of air conditioning?

As well as asking workers to don short sleeve shirts, the government’s recommendations include keeping office thermostats to 28°C or above, getting staff to come into work earlier, allowing workers to take longer holidays in the summer, and banning overtime.

28C is 82.5F. Is the government keeping theirs that high? Also, again, I bet the workers love being able to take longer holidays in the summer. When the government is saying it is too hot.

Read: Who’s Up For Working 6-2 Because Of The Climate Crisis (scam)? »

WokeMilitary Says Gender Confused Members Can Skip Deployment While Undergoing Hormone Therapy

This should help with the readiness of our military. How many of the gender confused will now join the military to get free hormone therapy, knowing they’ll never have to deploy, and, really, never have to do work?

DOD Memo Says Transgender Soldiers on Hormone Therapy Can Skip Deployments

Transgender soldiers receiving hormone therapy may avoid deployment for as many as 300 days, according to a February 2023 Department of Defense memo outlining treatment at the Womack Army Medical Center (WAMC) at Fort Liberty.

The memo, first obtained and published by The Dossier, states that most service members “will require up to 300 days to be stabilized on cross-sex hormone therapy, and they will remain in a non-deployable status during that time.”

However, that timeline depends on when the service member is “clinically stabilized.”

The memo also states what other treatments and surgeries transgender troops may receive at WAMC at taxpayers’ expense.

The memo said after 12 months of hormone therapy, transgender service members can request “surgical care,” such as “upper” and “bottom” surgery.

Why in the ever lovin’ fuck is an Army medical center performing any of these wackadoodle treatments in the first place? They should be helping military members who are actually injured, not crazy people who want the taxpayers to pony up for their insane medical procedures, serve so time, then leave the military.

The memo said that it could take between 9-18 months to complete a gender transition, and during that time, a service member can request an exception to policy so that they could use “self-identified gender standards for uniform, grooming, fitness testing, as well as self-identified gender billeting, bathroom, and shower facilities.

China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, and others are laughing. Do you think they are scared in the least of the US military at this point? Sure, maybe our technology, but, China keeps stealing it. They sure won’t be scared of our people who are supposed to go in the field, and will wonder how many are even fit to run the technology.

Is any of this authorized by Congress? Under what authority is the WokeMilitary doing this?

Read: WokeMilitary Says Gender Confused Members Can Skip Deployment While Undergoing Hormone Therapy »

China Will “Work” With Biden Admin On Climate Issues If Certain Political Conditions Are Met

John Kerry took a long, fossil fueled private flight over to China to kowtow to the Communist country and pretty much offered to do as the Chinese leaders say, all while China will continue to ignore Doing Anything about ‘climate change’. Kerry and Biden are getting rolled, much like the GOP does when they agree to do what the Dems want with a promise that the Dems will do what the GOP wants later. Which never happens. Like Joe Manchin got rolled for his vote on the IRA, and still hasn’t gotten his fast-track permitting

China says it will work with US on climate change as long as political conditions are met

China is willing to work with Washington on reducing global warming as long as its political demands are met, the country’s vice president told U.S. climate envoy John Kerry on Wednesday.

Vice President Han Zheng told Kerry that addressing climate change was “an important aspect of China-U.S. cooperation,” but was predicated on mutual respect, the official Xinhua News Agency reported. He said it must proceed “on the basis of U.S. attendance to core issues that concern both parties, fully engaging and exchanging ideas.”

Ties between the countries have hit a historic low amid disputes over tariffs, access to technology, human rights, China’s territorial claims in the South China Sea and threats against self-governing Taiwan.

Kerry discussed climate issues with his Chinese counterpart, Xie Zhenhua, and told China’s top diplomat, Wang Yi, on Tuesday that the Biden administration is “very committed” to stabilizing relations between the world’s two biggest economies, as the countries seek to restart high-level contacts.

China has chafed at U.S. criticism of its aggressive assertion of its claims in the South China Sea and of rights abuses against Muslim and Buddhist minorities, and at U.S. travel sanctions imposed on officials ranging from the Beijing-appointed leader of Hong Kong to the country’s defense minister.

In other words, the Biden regime will ignore Taiwan, the human rights abuses, and more in order to get promises from the Chinese communist government that the Chinese communist government has zero intention of keeping.  And the issues are not minor ones the Biden regime will ignore. The climate cultists (who tend to be hypocrites like Kerry and Biden) do not care about things like people being held in what is essentially slavery, do not care about the authoritarian abuses, or anything else.

Read: China Will “Work” With Biden Admin On Climate Issues If Certain Political Conditions Are Met »

If All You See…

…is a horrible fossil fueled water vehicle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post on mental illness in the Health And Human Services department.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove