NYC Looks To Racetrack For A “Migrant” Tent City

It’s a real shame when you realize that your belief in unfettered illegal immigration actually shows up on your doorstep, eh?

Mayor Eric Adams eyes Aqueduct Racetrack, Creedmoor Center for new NYC migrant tent cities

Mayor Eric Adams’ administration is eyeing the Aqueduct Racetrack and Creedmoor Psychiatric Center in Queens as new locations for massive emergency tent cities that would help temporarily shelter the relentless influx of migrants in the Big Apple, officials said Sunday.

City Hall notified Queens Borough President Donovan Richards late Saturday that officials would be touring the grounds of both sites this week, he confirmed to The Post.

If they are deemed suitable, the tent cities would open on the grounds of Aqueduct and Creedmoor at the end of July, Richards said.

The City first reported the locations were in play to be converted into encampments housing 1,000 migrants each.

Both sites are on state property and Gov. Kathy Hochul would have to approve the plans, officials said.

Both sites are away from the main part of NYC, out in Queens. I guess they don’t want all those migrants hanging around all those rich folks.

“I understand we are in a crisis. I’m not playing the NIMBY game here,” Richards said, referring to the acronym for the phrase “not in my backyard,” used to refer to people who oppose undesirable developments in their neighborhoods.

But Richards expressed frustration that he doesn’t know how many migrants are sheltered in the borough because city officials have refused to provide the tally.

“How many migrants are in Queens? I can’t get a breakdown,” he said.

Interesting. The NYC government is being rather shady on this. I wonder how many single adult males have been shipped to Queens.

The administration estimates will be a $4.3 billion price tag by the end of the next fiscal year. That cost also includes contracts with security firms to safeguard the sites.

This is what they wanted by declaring themselves a sanctuary city, right? New Yorkers should be happy if the city imposes higher taxes and fees to accommodate the illegals.

Read: NYC Looks To Racetrack For A “Migrant” Tent City »

Brandon Regime Are Super Excited To Push ‘Climate Change’ With China

It’s not like there are serious issues, like human rights abuses, including slavery, dumping good on the U.S. market, trade imbalances, China’s moves towards Taiwan, their military getting frisky, flying balloons at will, developing viruses, and so much more, right?

China should be pressured on climate issues, Jake Sullivan says

National security adviser Jake Sullivan said Sunday that China should be pressured to “take significant, substantial action“ in reducing emissions and fight climate change.

Speaking on CNN’s “State of the Union,“ Sullivan said of China: “They should not able to hide behind any kind of claim that they’re a developing nation, to step up to their responsibility. And their responsibility under the Paris climate accord is to take significant, substantial action to reduce emissions on a defined time frame in the near-term.“

And what will the U.S. do if China continues to pay lip-service and do things like build coal fired power plants in China and for African nations? Does Sullivan actually think China was serious about their Paris commitment, which, if you’ll remember, has no power of force. It was more of a pinky swear.

It’s a constant refrain from the Biden admin, with John Kerry and Janet Yellen taking long, fossil fueled flights to kowtow to the communist leaders of China, failing to bring up anything else. It’s a joke.

Read: Brandon Regime Are Super Excited To Push ‘Climate Change’ With China »

Politico: Democrats Have A Masculinity Problem

Well, gee, you think? When they’re essentially pushing all their males to pretend to be women and the rest are mostly soy boys, yeah

Democrats Have a Man Problem. These Experts Have Ideas for Fixing It.

surprise surprise surpriseIt’s hard to deny that Democrats have a masculinity problem. Attitudes toward masculinity have been an important predictor of votes for Donald Trump. And while Black and Latino voters still overwhelmingly lean Democratic, men in those communities are turning to Republicans at higher rates than women. Republicans seem all too happy to capitalize on the gun-toting, fist-pumping tropes of stereotypical manhood. GOP presidential candidates are bragging about their athletic prowess. Missouri Senator Josh Hawley’s recent book, Manhood: The Masculine Virtues America Needs, joins a body of let-men-be-real-men work that includes the preachings of Jordan Peterson, the postings of Andrew Tate and the writings of a popular online guru who goes by “Bronze Age Pervert” — all of whom cast liberals and progressives as the enemy of masculinity.

As they approach elections with razor-thin margins, what are Democrats to do? Recruit candidates who fit traditional stereotypes of manhood? Confront Republican arguments head-on with alternative takes on crime, guns, transgender rights and a vision of masculinity that intersects with all of these issues? Or just do nothing and hope voters are turned off by GOP rhetoric that they see as toxic or discriminatory?

So, should they continue to be against traditional biological roles, or fake it for the election season?

Joanna Weiss: Chuck, more Latino men voted for Trump in 2020 than in 2016. You’ve argued that Democrats need to more directly court the Latino vote. What’s the best way to do that?

Chuck Rocha: You start with the premise that the average age of a Latino in America is around 27. They’re just a younger demographic. They’re consuming things differently. This narrative that GOP appeal to Latinos is about machismo is mostly a false narrative. It’s more about this economic pressure on Latino men to provide.

Huh, so, no ideas.

Then you see Josh Shapiro, who won, presenting a very different paradigm and a very different view of masculinity. In his ads, he talked about faith, he talked about family, he talked about opportunity, he talked about how when he was a county legislator, he cut taxes and kept taxes low. He talked about how as attorney general, he worked to combat crime. He always talked about being a dad and going home to his kids, and how he’d married his high school sweetheart. Those are, I think, examples of masculinity that a lot more men can identify with than these guys out there like Doug Mastriano dressing up as a Civil War soldier, or feeling the need to storm the Capitol in a triangle hat.

So, the complete opposite of Democrats

There are really two abiding themes in masculinity: The macho man — Trump’s got that covered — and the good man. And what Democrats need to do, and Josh Shapiro did this, Lis, to a certain extent, is enact the good man, the decent man, the “It’s a Wonderful Life” man. The only people I see articulating that are other Republicans, which makes me a little sad as a Democrat.

Joanna Weiss: You’re talking about adopting a kind of working-class white male perspective. This right-wing critique of the Democratic Party as out of touch and feminized and elitist and arugula-eating and in the ivory tower — how much of it is really just a proxy for class warfare?

There’s a lot of talk in this piece, but, it all boils down to if Democrats can fake it to make it. Skipping all the way to the end

Jackson Katz: I hear Democratic Party and progressive strategists saying, “We’re sick of talking about white men. White men are the cause of all the problems. Why are you going to spend more time on this?” And I think a lot of young white men hear this, and they hear disdain. Go to the comment sections on Breitbart: They basically say, “The left and the Democratic party hates white men.”

My plea here is that there is a way to speak to those young white men and young men of color that is inclusive, that is challenging, that is positive. It’s not that we have to replicate the aggressive traditional masculinity to appeal to them. It’s just that we have to take them seriously. When someone like Jordan Peterson sells out 10,000 people in an arena, when people like these are getting 20 million views … they’re tapping into something real. How can we tap into it in a way that gives them actual solutions? If we can do that, we have the potential for creating multiracial, mixed-gender coalitions that can actually put in place the legislation and the policy that will help everybody. I don’t think that’s naive. I just think we have to do a better job.

So, say they hate white men but not so harshly.

Read: Politico: Democrats Have A Masculinity Problem »

If All You See…

…is a coconut tree growing in Canada, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Independent Sentinel, with a post on California math focusing on equity, social justice, and protests.

It’s an easy bikini week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another fine day in the Once and Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the squirrels are squirreling, and the Dodgers are on a roll. This pinup is by Baron von Lind, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Flag And Cross discusses the potential collapse of Bitcoin
  2. Gates Of Vienna notes a German food bank prioritizing German citizens
  3. Geller Report covers praying for America’s children with the nutter school personnel
  4. IOTW Report features a report saying top Dems know Biden won’t run in 2024
  5. Legal Insurrection notes an Arizona State donor pulling $400k donation over left wing hostility
  6. Moonbattery highlights Krazy Kamala promising to reduce population
  7. neo-neocon covers RFK Jr and the Jews
  8. Pacific Pundit notes Zuckerberg’s Threads not doing well
  9. Powerline wonders how creepy Joe Biden is
  10. The First Street Journal covers how wealthy New Englanders fight ‘climate change’
  11. The Gateway Pundit notes the Boston mayor giving the names of critics to the police
  12. The Lid discusses a left wing mag calling home cameras raaaaacist
  13. The Other McCain features a tale of two conventions
  14. The Right Scoop notes Ilhan Omar going full anti-Semite
  15. And last, but, not least, Victory Girls Blog features a wacko Dem hating Alaskan king crab

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Good News: Almost A Third Of Bradleys Sent To Ukraine Are Damaged Or Destroyed

Of course, they are meant for fighting, but, does the Ukrainian military truly know how to utilize them correctly?

Nearly a third of the Bradley armored vehicles the US provided Ukraine may have already been lost or damaged

Nearly a third of the Bradley armored vehicles that the United States has provided to Ukraine may have already been lost or damaged, according to open source data, demonstrating the extent to which Kyiv’s counteroffensive against Russia is proving to be a hard and costly slog.

In January, the Biden administration announced it was sending Ukraine no fewer than 50 Bradley Fighting Vehicles, an armored personnel carrier that pairs heavy firepower with the ability to transport about 10 soldiers.

The New York Times reported Saturday that Ukraine’s 47th Mechanized Brigade is the only unit known to have received the vehicles. And leaked Pentagon documents from February indicate the 47th Brigade was due to receive a total of 99 of them. But other reporting suggests the United States has delivered as many as 109 of the vehicles, which were first deployed on the battlefield in April.

Oryx, an open-source military research group, reports that 34 Bradleys have now been visually confirmed as having been abandoned, damaged, or destroyed. As Insider previously reported, more than a dozen were lost or disabled in a few days of fighting in June, when Ukraine formally announced its bid to retake territory conquered by Russia following last year’s full-scale invasion.

The news is putting a rosy spin on this, but, we keep giving them all sorts of weapons and weapon platforms and they keep blowing through them, and then wanting more and more, and Biden, the Democrats, and many neocon Republicans are happy to comply, rather then spending the money here at home, along with depleting all our own stockpiles. And for what? “Saving Democracy in Ukraine”? The government, including Zelenskyy, are corrupt and almost as bad as Putin. They are no saints. What’s the endgame? Zelenskyy and others are talking about not just kicking Russia out of Ukraine, but, Crimea as well. Where does it stop? How much more will we give them?

Limited battlefield progress hasn’t spooked western allies, Kyiv says

Despite an underwhelming first month of Ukraine’s much-anticipated summer push to liberate territory from Russian forces, Kyiv says its Western backers are not pressuring the country for quick results.

Since the Ukrainian counteroffensive began in June, the fighting has proved tougher than some anticipated, with progress being measured in hundreds of meters as opposed to tens of kilometers.

Ukraine had hoped to use the push to expel a significant amount of Russian forces from Ukrainian soil and turn the tide of the war.

Another offensive, another bit of underperfoming. It’s almost like most Disney movies these days. Saturday was day 508 of the “war” which seems to be slow-marching. What is actually going on, other than Western nations, including some like Japan and South Korea, giving more money and weapons to feed “limited battlefield progress”?

Read: Good News: Almost A Third Of Bradleys Sent To Ukraine Are Damaged Or Destroyed »

Brandon Regime Launches $20 Billion Green Bank Or Something

Using your money for the climate scam

US launches $20 billion in ‘green bank’ programs to curb climate change

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Friday launched two competitive grant programs with $20 billion in funding that aim to spark clean energy investments across the country especially in low-income communities.

The programs, part of the overall $27 billion Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund established by President Joe Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) last year, are the latest move by his administration to support projects that reduce planet warming emissions.

U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris said at an event in Baltimore that the investments would lower power bills for working families by making heating and cooling systems efficient. “We lower the cost of electricity, which means lower energy bills for working parents, so they have more money for groceries, and home repairs, and school supplies,” Harris said.

The $14 billion National Clean Investment Fund will provide grants to two or three national clean financial institutions, enabling them to partner with the private sector to provide financing to tens of thousands of clean technology projects nationwide, the White House said.

A $6 billion Clean Communities Investment Accelerator competition will provide grants to support up to seven nonprofit groups that will deliver funding and technical assistance to build the clean financing capacity of local lenders working in lower-income and disadvantaged communities.

In other words, this is a) a taxpayer funded giveaway to entice these poor folks in deep Blue urban areas to vote Democrat and b) it’s going to jack up the cost of heating and cooling systems. You may save more on electricity, but, you’ll pay a lot more for the units.

The non-profit green banks help reduce risk of projects in lower-income communities by providing a financial backstop and help attract private sector investment.

If there was profit in it those private sector investors would already be doing this. Yet, they mostly don’t, because they know they will lose money.

Read: Brandon Regime Launches $20 Billion Green Bank Or Something »

If All You See…

…is a terrible fence made from cutting down carbon sucking trees, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Don Surber, with a post on a fire sale at Disney.

Read: If All You See… »

House Passes “Controversial” NDAA

Why is the National Defense Authorization Act controversial?

House passes defense bill after adopting controversial amendments targeting abortion policy and other issues

The House voted Friday to pass a sweeping defense policy bill following contentious debate and the adoption of controversial amendments that touched on hot-button social issues.

The addition of amendments pushed by conservative hardliners related to abortion policy and transgender health care access as well as targeting diversity and inclusion programs infuriated Democrats and led to push back from some moderate Republicans – and will now set up a clash with the Democratic-controlled Senate.

The bill, known as the National Defense Authorization Act, sets the policy agenda and authorizes funding for the Department of Defense and is considered critical, must-pass legislation.

It authorizes $886 billion for national defense programs as well as a 5.2% pay increase for servicemembers, according to a fact sheet from the House Armed Services Committee. The bill includes provisions to counter China’s influence, improve overall military readiness and missile defense capabilities and promote technological innovation.

The vote was mostly on party lines, with 4 Dems voting for it and 4 idiot Republicans voting against it. What’s so controversial about the taxpayers not paying for abortions and transgender medical services for military members? Trans shouldn’t even be in the military, as they have serious mental health issues and suicidal thoughts. Not a good combination around military grade weapons and machines. The military should not be run on far left wackadoodle Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion principles

Another high-profile amendment that was adopted by the House earlier Thursday evening would prohibit the secretary of defense from paying for or reimbursing expenses relating to abortion services.

Many Democrats made clear ahead of the vote that if the amendment was included as part of the defense bill, they would be unlikely to support final passage.

The House also passed an amendment that would bar a health care program for service members from covering hormone treatments for transgender individuals and gender confirmation surgeries.

Colorado conservative Rep. Lauren Boebert’s amendment to block military schools from purchasing or having “pornographic and radical gender ideology books” in their libraries also passed.

I’m not sure of the last one, if it applies to military schools where the attendees are adults. It would be better if it stated that attendees cannot be forced to read them and cannot be punished for refusing to read them. Interestingly, an amendment that would block cluster bombs to Ukraine failed 147-276.

White House: ‘Very Difficult to See’ Biden Signing NDAA that Doesn’t Fund DEI, Abortion, Gender Transition

On Friday’s broadcast of “CNN This Morning,” White House National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby said “It’s very difficult to see” President Joe Biden signing the current National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) passed by the House due to its restrictions on Pentagon DEI programs and taxpayer funding of gender reassignment treatment and abortion.

Co-host Kate Bolduan asked, “Do you see the President signing a National Defense Authorization Act that limits transgender rights, that rips out diversity training, and does exactly the opposite of what you said the President supports when it comes to access to reproductive rights?”

Kirby answered, “It’s very difficult to see the President supporting legislation that would make it harder for Americans to serve in uniform and to not be able to do so with dignity, to not be able to do so with the proper care that they need, both medical and mental care. It’s very difficult to see that the President would ever, ever sign legislation that would put our troops at greater risk or put our readiness at risk.”

“Transgender rights”? The military not paying for hormone treatments and medical procedures where their genitals are cut off are “rights”? How many join the military simply for these “rights”? How many are able to actually stay in shape and do military jobs? Instead of paying for abortions members should be provided with contraception and be disciplined if they get pregnant. You know it’s mostly the younger ones having this happen.

The military is already having recruitment and retention issues, and the readiness is low. The military is not meant to be a breeding ground for left wing nuttbaggery. It needs to protect the U.S., and anything that doesn’t help the mission hurts the mission.

Read: House Passes “Controversial” NDAA »

Your Fault: Climate Doom Threatens US Nuclear Strike Capability

Is this a bad thing, since it would cause issues with the nuclear strike capability of Russia, the UK, France, China, Israel, Pakistan, India, and North Korea, as well as those like Iran who are trying to get nukes?

Climate Change Threatens U.S. Nuclear Strike Capability

Flooding, rising seas and extreme heat from climate change threaten the nation’s ability to launch some of its nuclear weapons, according to a new report by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

The report warns that climate change could undermine U.S. efforts to stop adversaries from using nuclear weapons by interfering with the military’s operation and maintenance of missile launch systems that are a key part of nuclear deterrence.

Missile systems at a Navy submarine base in Georgia and at a launch field in North Dakota face increasing flood threats from climate change that could inundate for weeks at a time access roads that are used to transport missiles and maintenance equipment to the sites. (snip)

“Each leg of the U.S. nuclear triad could be detrimentally affected by climate change,” Kwong said. “We need to recognize and diagnose these climate vulnerabilities now, to make sure that we’re adequately prepared to mitigate these risks where possible and adapt where necessary.”

Would it be better if the climate flipped back to a cool period (it will happen in the next few hundred years, just like always)? There’s always some sort of doomy prognostication with these people.

Read: Your Fault: Climate Doom Threatens US Nuclear Strike Capability »

Pirate's Cove