How Dare You: Austrian High Court Kills Off Youts Climate Lawsuit

Well, the youts go their day in court like the wanted, they just could not prove their case

Austria Court Rejects Children’s Climate Lawsuit

An Austrian court Friday rejected a lawsuit brought by 12 minors who accused the government of failing to revise a climate protection law, which they said insufficiently protects their constitutional rights.

A growing number of organisations and individuals around the world have turned to the courts to challenge what they see as government inaction on preventing climate change.

The Austrian lawsuit, the first of its kind in the nation and submitted in February, claimed a law dating from 2011 is not ensuring that children are shielded from the consequences of global warming.

Austria’s Constitutional Court rejected the suit as “inadmissible”, stating that “not all parts of the law were challenged” despite them being “inextricably linked”, according to a statement after the ruling.

The court deemed the lawsuit’s scope “too narrow”.

In other words, they really didn’t consider the implications of their suit, and the big money groups behind it didn’t do their homework.

The challenge is being supported by environmental activists, including Fridays for Future, the movement inspired by Sweden’s Greta Thunberg.

In other words, it was astroturfed, attempting to get the court to implement the climate cult beliefs that couldn’t be passed by the legislative branch.

Read: How Dare You: Austrian High Court Kills Off Youts Climate Lawsuit »

No Good Deed: Fast Food Could Soon Be Abandoning People’s Republik Of California

This is a case of Progressives say “hey, this is a really good idea, let’s do it!” Rather like the good old saying here in the South “hey, y’all, watch this”

Why fast-food franchisees could be the next cohort to leave California

unintended consequencesAlex Johnson is the kind of entrepreneur who built California. A second-generation small business owner in the San Francisco Bay Area, he and his family run 10 fast-food franchises employing 140 people, most of them first-time job holders like disadvantaged youth and new immigrants. Alex’s family has spent 30 years growing their small business. They’ve never had to close a store.

But the good times are likely ending. He just signed a deal to run nine stores in neighboring Nevada. These may soon be the only stores he runs, because California’s leaders have launched an all-out attack on his business model.

Alex is one of 14,000 franchise owners who’ve been targeted for extinction by California’s leaders. Last year, lawmakers passed the “FAST Act,” creating an unelected board of bureaucrats with unilateral authority to raise the minimum wage by nearly seven dollars per hour and set other labor rules. It only covers the fast-food industry, affecting both mom-and-pop small business owners like Alex and the national brands that such entrepreneurs license as franchisees. Yet the council’s mandates won’t apply to unionized businesses. Franchisees are essentially being extorted into unionizing.

Small business owners and more than 1 million California voters like Alex fought back. They secured a November 2024 referendum that could repeal the law, which is paused until then. In retribution, now unions have pushed lawmakers to target franchisees with even worse attacks.

The definition of fast food in the FAST Act is pretty expansive, and could hit a lot of restaurants besides McDonald’s, Burger King, Wendy’s, Subway, Carl’s Jr, etc, causing them quite a bit of trouble. And for them, why deal with it? Why wait and see what happens in the referendum? Especially since, even if the referendum passes the unions, Leftist wackjobs, and elected Democrats will attempt to try something else and do it fast. Why not just pack up and go elsewhere? Save the grief.

In February, Assemblymember Chris Holden, who authored the FAST Act, introduced a bill to mandate the so-called “joint employer standard.” Assembly Bill 1228–which passed the Assembly on May 31– would hold larger companies responsible for their franchisee’s operations, ostensibly to end labor violations like unpaid wages and poor working conditions. In the case of unpaid wages, this policy is a solution in search of a problem, since quick-service restaurants account for less than 2% of California wage claims–and franchisees less than 0.7%. It also makes no sense, since local franchise owners are responsible for pay and working conditions. Perversely, it would actually force larger companies to begin exerting control, taking away franchisees’ independence as small business owners.

Democrats aren’t even waiting for the results of the referendum, they’re going to make things worse before it happens.

Joint liability is the death knell of the franchise model. Since small businesses will be liable alongside the larger companies they franchise with, they’ll face significant litigation and administrative costs, hurting already slim profit margins. Worse still, the larger companies will take control of franchisees altogether and pursue a corporate ownership model in California, ending opportunities for new and longstanding small business owners.

So much for Democrats being for the little guy. Remember the days when fast food was a high school kid job. The minimum wage jobs were for kids,college students, retired folks and maybe for the non working spouse that wanted to work a little. Now it’s taken over by adults who expect to be paid enough to live on, including when they have kids. How many jobs will be killed by the time they have the referendum?

Read: No Good Deed: Fast Food Could Soon Be Abandoning People’s Republik Of California »

Doom: Cimate Crisis (scam) Can Now Cause Blindness

I’ve been watching this stuff since the late 80’s, when I was a believer in anthropogenic global warming. This is a new one. The climate cult will always find a way (via Watts Up With That?)

Now scientists say climate change is making us BLIND

Climate change may be speeding up the rate of blindness, a study suggests.

Canadian researchers compared rates of vision problems among 1.7million people across all 50 states in the US.

They found those who lived in warmer regions were up to nearly 50 percent more likely to suffer serious vision impairment compared to those in cooler places.

Exposure to stronger ultraviolet light damages the cornea, lens and retina and also risks irritation and infection.

The experts said the findings were ‘very worrying’ in the context of global warming, which has seen global average temperatures rise by two fahrenheit (1.1 Celsius) since the late 1800s.

Study co-author Esme Fuller-Thomson, a gerontologist at the University of Toronto, said: ‘With climate change, we are expecting a rise in global temperatures. It will be important to monitor if the prevalence of vision impairment among older adults increases in the future.’

It sounds more like people are getting more sunlight, more UV, and need to do more to protect their eyes with proper UV filtering sunglasses and by wearing hats.

Compared to people living in states with an average temperature below 50F like New York and Maine, those in states with temperatures above 60F — Florida, Texas and Georgia — faced the highest risk.

Those who lived in areas with an average annual temperature of 55 to 59.99F — such as Virginia, Kentucky and California — were 24 percent more likely to have vision problems.

The Sun just hits harder down here. 60F feels very different in NC than in NJ. In NJ, you open up the windows and get some nice air flow. In NC, you may be turning on your AC because the Sun will warm your domicile up. During the lockdown period in 2020, the days were typically in the low 50’s, yet, my heat rarely turned on (I keep it at 69), because the Sun was warming my home up. 70F seems perfect, but, go outside in the South with the Sun shining and you will start burning up. I’ve gotten sunburns when it is in the 40’s. It’ll be in the mid to upper 50s and we’ll be outside in short sleeves catching Sun.

Facts matter little, because this is a cult. As Charles Rotter at WUWT writes “With each passing day, it seems climate change is gifted with a new superpower. And if this trend continues, I wouldn’t be surprised if we soon find out that climate change is also responsible for lost car keys and mismatched socks.”

Read: Doom: Cimate Crisis (scam) Can Now Cause Blindness »

If All You See…

…is a field and trees dying from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Cold Fury, with a post on the Biden admin unable to get their lies straight

Read: If All You See… »

Bidenconomy: Workers Still Raiding Their Retirement Savings

Remember, things are totally awesome in the Biden economy. The Credentialed Media tells us so. And then they let the cat out of the bag

Workers are still raiding their retirement savings at record rates

The share of workers robbing from their future selves remains at an all-time high.

Thirty-seven percent of workers have taken a loan, early withdrawal, and/or hardship withdrawal from their 401(k) or similar plan or IRA, according to a survey released Thursday by the nonprofit Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies (TCRS) in collaboration with the Transamerica Institute. That matches 2022’s level, which is also the highest level in the history of the survey.

Those withdrawals underscore why many workers have a pessimistic outlook for their retirement as they grapple with a lack of emergency funds and stretched household budgets that have forced them to tap their nest eggs. The practice could become even more prevalent as new rules make it easier to do so.

“I am deeply concerned about the fragility of retirement security for so many workers,” Catherine Collinson, CEO and president of Transamerica Institute and TCRS, told Yahoo Finance.

“The pandemic and last year’s turbulent economy with high inflation and falling stock markets took a toll on workers’ employment, finances, and retirement preparations. Without extra support from policymakers and employers, it will be extremely tough for many workers to recover.”

There are a handful of charts at the article which show the reasons why people are raiding different types of retirement savings at record rates. The top 2 are for emergency medical expenses and avoiding eviction. The cost of living is so much higher thanks to COVID and Bidenomics, which, at best, offers no help, at worst, cranks up consumer costs. It also doesn’t help that many have gone hogwild post COVID and are spending way beyond their means, rather than spending on the essentials.

Read: Bidenconomy: Workers Still Raiding Their Retirement Savings »

Surprise: Potential UPS Strike Linked To ‘Climate Change’ Or Something

They can’t help themselves, the climate cult just has to involve themselves in everything

What Climate Change Has to do With the Looming UPS Union Strike

These days, UPS driver Barkley Wimpee prepares for his daily route out of Rome, Ga., with the precision of a battlefield commander. He loads up his cooler with ice, and stocks it with sandwiches, a case of water bottles, and a couple of sports drinks. He girds himself with a bandana and some plastic bags: around midday, when the sun is at its height, he will soak the bandana in ice water and wrap it around his head, Rambo style—UPS’s strict appearance rules notwithstanding. (snip)

Wimpee is not alone. Across the U.S., UPS drivers are braving one of the most immediate aspects of climate change: longer, more intense heat waves that make working long hours in wheeled ovens not just uncomfortable, but dangerous. Last summer, Wimpee succumbed to heat stroke midway through his route. He spent the night in the hospital, where he was diagnosed with severe kidney injury caused by heat. On June 25, 2022, Esteban Chavez, 24, died of suspected heat stroke while delivering packages in Pasadena, Calif., on a day that saw temperatures in the high 90s. A few weeks later another UPS driver collapsed on a customer’s doorstep in Arizona when the temperature hit 110°F. More than 143 UPS employees have been hospitalized for heat injuries between 2015 and 2022, according to company records submitted to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration obtained by the Washington Post. Still, UPS refused to air-condition their familiar dark brown trucks. Doing so, said company spokespeople, was impractical given that drivers were constantly jumping in and out of the vehicles to make their deliveries.

Summer. The word you’re looking for is summer. It’s 1.5F hotter than it was in 1850 as the Little Ice Age ended.

On June 16, UPS’s 340,000 Teamsters union members voted to strike starting August 1, unless their demands for improved working conditions, including air-conditioned vehicles and company-provided ice for coolers at the cargo centers, were included in a new, five-year contract. While climate change was not specifically cited in the union demands, UPS’s unwillingness to adapt to the new realities of global warming by providing its employees with heat-adaptation strategies formed the subtext of the campaign.

See? Totally linked. It’s a cult.

Read: Surprise: Potential UPS Strike Linked To ‘Climate Change’ Or Something »

Wacko Leftists Sue Over Montana Law Against Drag Reading Events

Why do Leftists and their gender confused allies oh so want the mentally ill trans to read books to kids? Why do they so often read books that are entirely inappropriate for children? What’s the end game here? Is this something that they all just glomed onto, or is there an actual plan?

Transgender woman, bookstore, teacher sue over Montana law banning drag reading events

A transgender woman, the owners of an independent bookstore and an educator who teaches in costume are among those challenging Montana’s first-in-the-nation law that bans people dressed in drag from reading to children in public schools or libraries.

It’s like the start to a joke. A man with mental illness, a bookstore owner who wants to groom, and, seriously, a teacher who teaches in costumes? What kinds?

The federal lawsuit filed Thursday in Butte argues the law violates the free speech and equal protection guarantees in the U.S. Constitution.

The plaintiffs seek an injunction to temporarily block the law, a ruling that the law is unconstitutional and damages for Adria Jawort, whose planned talk on LGBTQ+ history at the Butte-Silver Bow Public Library was canceled in early June by county officials who cited the new legislation.

Similar laws in other states have been temporarily blocked while legal challenges play out in court.

The complaint calls the Montana law, sponsored by Republican Rep. Braxton Mitchell, “a breathtakingly ambiguous and overbroad bill, motivated by anti-LGBTQ+ animus.”

Or, perhaps it’s about protecting children from unhinged wackos. Is it free speech to take children to porn shops and strip clubs? Would it be allowable for strippers to read books to kids wearing thongs and pasties? Why are these people so intent on going after kids? And why is the law not protecting kids?

Rachel Corcoran dressed up as literary, historical or pop culture characters to teach special education students at a Billings high school, and still wears costumes at times when she visits classrooms while coaching teachers of first-time English learners, she said.

As a member of the LGBTQ+ community, Corcoran said she was aware the drag ban had been proposed, but soon “realized it was going to impact me as a teacher, specifically with dressing up for school days or how I wanted to run a classroom or celebrate for homecoming or Red Ribbon Week,” a drug prevention campaign.

No, it really wouldn’t. And there have been laws on the books about protecting kids from pedophiles and abusers. The groomers love having a captive audience of little kids. And this suit should be remanded back to state courts first, where it belongs, not in federal court immediately.

Read: Wacko Leftists Sue Over Montana Law Against Drag Reading Events »

Hawaii Governor Signs A Bunch Of Climate Crisis (scam) Bills

Weirdly, none of the bills block the use of fossil fuels which bring tourists and goods to Hawaii

Governor signs new bills aimed at protecting agriculture, combatting climate change

Gov. Josh Green signed several new bills into law on Wednesday in an effort to protect the local agricultural systems and work to combat the detrimental effects of climate change.

Green held two different bill signings today–the first focusing on improving Hawaii’s agricultural systems, and the second regarding climate change and promoting clean energy across the island.

The first set of bills will support local agriculture by appropriating funds to Department of Agriculture projects, controlling invasive species, increasing pesticide fines, and more. (snip)

The second set of bills seek to improve energy efficiency, clean and cheaper transportation, and combat the effects of sea level rise.

As transportation is the largest source of Hawaii’s greenhouse gas emissions, SB1024 intends to offset emissions by setting clean energy goals for ground, air, and marine vehicles. It also creates more local jobs by establishing a working group to lead the implementation of these energy goals.

In other words, the Elites are going to make food, which is already pretty darned expensive in Hawaii, even more expensive. And energy, which is already expensive, more expensive. Do think it’s really a good idea to make the cost to operate boats, which bring in food and shuttle tourists around more expensive? How about taxis? Airplanes and helicopters? Might people decide that it’s just not worth visiting Hawaii? How about all the goods brought in by ships? The working group is simply a way to hook up some folks with some nice government money which does nothing but provide ideas to restrict the lives of Other People.

A bill in this second package, HB192, plans to phase out the sale of fluorescent lamps and bulbs — which are less efficient than LED counterparts and contain hazardous mercury waste — by January 2025. Lawmakers estimate that by 2050, HB192 will have saved taxpayers $382 billion in electricity bills and will have cut 750 tons of carbon emissions.

This goes way beyond the other “ban” which was put in place during the Bush43 admin, and bans almost all.

“Today we are collectively taking actionable steps to reduce utility bills, cut energy, water waste and reduce harmful pollution in our communities,” said Blue Planet Foundation Executive Director Melissa Miyashiro.

Well, hey, since Hawaii residents overwhelmingly vote Democrat, they aren’t going to complain when their cost of living jumps, right?

Read: Hawaii Governor Signs A Bunch Of Climate Crisis (scam) Bills »

If All You See…

…is a field that would be perfect for solar panels and wind turbines, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Geller Report, with a post on everything burned in France.

Read: If All You See… »

Unilever Stocks Falls On Calls To Boycott Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream

It’s really nothing unusual for Ben & Jerry’s to put out some sort of massively loony and/or left statement. They’ve very much been on the anti-Israel/pro-Palestinian bandwagon to the point of being anti-Jew for quite some time, and went all in on the BLM scam (and riots)

Ben & Jerry’s Owner’s Stock Falls After Boycott Calls

Stocks for Unilever, the company that owns Ben & Jerry’s, fell by 0.53 percent on Thursday, as the Vermont ice cream maker faces boycott calls over its hotly contested Fourth of July message.

On Tuesday, Ben & Jerry’s sparked anger on social media with a Twitter post that read: “The United States was founded on stolen Indigenous land. This Fourth of July, let’s commit to returning it.”

So why are they not returning the land where their corporate office sits in South Burlington, Vermont? It sits in the Wabanaki Confederacy, which is comprised of five principal nations: Abenaki, Malecite, Micmac, Passamaquoddy, and Penobscot. Oh, right, because all calls to Do Something from Leftists is meant for Other People, never themselves.

Much like Al Gore sold Current TV to Al Jazeera, a company backed by fossil fueled money

The tweet generated a flood of negative responses on social media, with some calling it the company’s “Bud Light moment,” referring to controversy and a subsequent boycott of the beer brand after it partnered with transgender activist Dylan Mulvaney in April.

Some called for a boycott of Ben & Jerry’s, saying the company was “woke.”


According to Google Finance data, stocks for the company were 0.53 lower by the early hours of Thursday. Unilever, a London-based multinational consumer packaged goods company, owns some 400 brands in total—which makes it unlikely that the slight drop is a direct result of boycott calls facing Ben & Jerry’s.

While Ben & Jerry’s is a big brand for Unilever, the company also owns Dove, Magnum, Hellmann’s, Persil, Knorr, Vaseline and Wall’s.

Really, I do not see any sort of Right leaning boycott having much of an effect, since Conservatives tend to not purchase the ice cream to start with. And Unilever has too many brands that people do want and will buy. I personally do not find it that good for the price, there are plenty of others which are better. Plus, their hard left stances and Jew hatred means I won’t buy it if it was the only type available. So, no Bud Light moment, that passed years ago for the ice cream


Bud Light is selling at such a discount that it can be purchased at the same price as broccoli.

The Anheuser-Busch light beer brand has been getting destroyed ever since it went woke and teamed up with Dylan Mulvaney at the start of April.

That was over three months ago, and the pressure hasn’t let up at all. In fact, it’s only getting worse.

In an attempt to salvage the situation, A-B and BL have started offering massive discounts and rebates in order to move products.

It’s really less about the mentally ill guy pretending to be a little girl and more about what the executives at Bud Light said, and they aren’t helping with terrible ads, such as the latest grunting ad.

Read: Unilever Stocks Falls On Calls To Boycott Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream »

Pirate's Cove