El Nino Plus ‘Climate Change’, But, Mostly El Nino, Means Record Breaking Heat

Again, remember that the record they’re talking about only goes back to 1979, and fails to mention the extreme heat in the 1930’s, nor what may have happened during previous Holocene warm periods

El Niño plus climate change means record-breaking heat

It is very hot in a lot of places right now. It’s over 100 degrees in cities across China. Millions of people in North Africa and the Middle East are grappling with life-threatening heat. And the heat index is pushing 110 degrees or higher from Texas to Florida. (snip)

The reason for the scorching temperatures is twofold: human-caused climate change plus the cyclic climate pattern known as El Niño. El Niño is a natural pattern that began in June, and leads to extra-hot water in the Pacific. That has cascading effects around the globe, causing more severe weather in many places and higher average temperatures worldwide.

That’s why heat records tend to fall during El Niño, including when the last daily global average temperature record was set in 2016. Climate change, which is caused by humans burning fossil fuels and releasing greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. exacerbates the effects of the natural climate pattern.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, if that’s the case then why do the cultists have to fear monger and use computer models so much? It’s a scam. If they cannot compare this to previous Holocene warm periods then they do not have the full data.

Read: El Nino Plus ‘Climate Change’, But, Mostly El Nino, Means Record Breaking Heat »

Biden Regime Appeals Court Ruling Blocking Them From Censoring People On Social Media

Yet, Democrats call Republicans Fascist

(Daily Caller) The Biden administration appealed a preliminary injunction Wednesday issued to prevent federal officials from communicating with social media platforms to censor content containing protected speech.

Western District of Louisiana Judge Terry A. Doughty issued the injunction Tuesday after finding plaintiffs in the free speech lawsuit Missouri v. Biden, Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry and Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey, had produced “evidence of a massive effort by Defendants, from the White House to federal agencies, to suppress speech based on its content.” The Biden administration appealed the injunction to the Fifth Circuit on Wednesday.

Western District of Louisiana Judge Terry A. Doughty issued the injunction Tuesday after finding plaintiffs in the free speech lawsuit Missouri v. Biden, Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry and Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey, had produced “evidence of a massive effort by Defendants, from the White House to federal agencies, to suppress speech based on its content.” The Biden administration appealed the injunction to the Fifth Circuit on Wednesday.

“Although this case is still relatively young, and at this stage the Court is only examining it in terms of Plaintiffs’ likelihood of success on the merits, the evidence produced thus far depicts an almost dystopian scenario,” Doughty wrote. “During the COVID-19 pandemic, a period perhaps best characterized by widespread doubt and uncertainty, the United States Government seems to have assumed a role similar to an Orwellian ‘Ministry of Truth.’”

So, of course Biden is appealing, as they want to censor those involved with Wrongthink. If we had some elected Republicans with some brains who understand playing the game of politics they would offer legislation restricting the Executive Branch from doing what they’ve been accused of by the plaintiffs. Make a huge deal of it. Constantly talk about it. Put it up for a vote immediately. Make House Democrats go on record. Send it to the Senate where Democrats will have to either vote or show that they want censorship by refusing to allow a vote.

But, they won’t, because the GOP just doesn’t seem to truly understand Fighting Back.

Read: Biden Regime Appeals Court Ruling Blocking Them From Censoring People On Social Media »

Surprise: Case Of The White House Cocaine Might Never Be Solved

The hell you say!

Even with all the surveillance it might be unsolvable

The small amount of cocaine was found in a cubby area for storing electronics within the West Exec basement entryway into the West Wing, where many people have authorized access, including staff or visitors coming in for West Wing tours.

Asked what the chances were of finding the culprit, the official said that “it’s gonna be very difficult for us to do that because of where it was.”

“Even if there were surveillance cameras, unless you were waving it around, it may not have been caught” by the cameras, added the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity given that it’s an ongoing investigation. “It’s a bit of a thoroughfare. People walk by there all the time.”

That’s about the 4th or 5th different location that’s been mentioned. And they can’t, apparently, see how left it. Though they can arrest boatloads of people from tiny snippets of video from January 6th. Every single person coming should be on a visitors log. What they’re really saying is that they can see who it is and do not want to say. The House Republicans should subpoena the relevant video and go through it.

Read: Surprise: Case Of The White House Cocaine Might Never Be Solved »

Everybody Panic: July 4th Was World’s Hottest Day On Record

“It’s a death sentence for people and ecosystems,” you know *

This July 4 was hot. Earth’s hottest day on record, in fact.

Tuesday was the hottest day on Earth since at least 1979, with the global average temperature reaching 62.92 degrees Fahrenheit (17.18 degrees Celsius), according to data from the U.S. National Centers for Environmental Prediction.

Did you catch that? History starts in 1979

The link in the first excerpt shows the large graph, which is based on satellite measurements and computer simulations. Snicker

(Al Jazeera) “This is not a milestone we should be celebrating,” said climate scientist Friederike Otto of the Grantham Institute for Climate Change and the Environment at Imperial College London.

“It’s a death sentence for people and ecosystems.”


Read: Everybody Panic: July 4th Was World’s Hottest Day On Record »

If All You See…

…is a very hazy day from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is American Greatness, with a post on a federal judge prohibiting Biden from colluding with tech companies to censor citizens.

Read: If All You See… »

Biden Again Calls For Gun Control After Shootings In Democratic Party Controlled Cities

The weird part is how no information has been released on the shooters, and no one in the media seems to be demanding it

Biden says gun violence ‘tearing communities apart’ after latest mass shootings

President Joe Biden on Tuesday said gun violence was tearing apart U.S. communities after mass shootings in Philadelphia, Baltimore and Fort Worth claimed the lives of at least 10 people ahead of the Fourth of July holiday.

Much more action is needed to “address the epidemic of gun violence that is tearing our communities apart,” Biden said in a statement released by the White House. He called on Republican lawmakers in the U.S. Congress to negotiate with his fellow Democrats on gun reforms.

“It is within our power to once again ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, to require safe storage of guns, to end gun manufacturers’ immunity from liability, and to enact universal background checks,” Biden said in the written remarks.

The Philly one was on Monday. The police reportedly have a suspect in custody, yet, they have not released any information. Some have dug in and say this is the shooter


Take it with a grain of salt until the Philly PD officially releases the arrest report. In Baltimore

(AP) No arrests had been made by early Monday. Richard Worley, Baltimore’s acting police commissioner, said it wasn’t clear if the shooting was targeted or random, but he said police believe there were multiple shooters.

“We don’t know exactly how many, but we do know more than one person was shooting,” Worley said.

So, most likely gang violence and revenge in what is, actually, a heavily black section of Baltimore, which is in a city and state with lots and lots of gun control.

The shooting Fort Worth happened at what was called “Comofest“, a big party in the Como section of the city. Yes, let’s go racial: this is a black area of the city and was mostly black folks there. This was not about “white supremacy”, as many have stated. “There is a war going on in the Black community and our young people don’t care,” said community activist Rev. Kyev Tatum. Democrat soft on crime policies, and others, have enabled this. Yet, Biden trots out the same old same old

It’s within our power to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, require safe storage, end gun manufacturers’ immunity from liability, and enact universal background checks. I call on Congressional Republicans to come to the table on meaningful, commonsense reforms.

The Republicans should offer legislation which takes away assault weapons and high capacity mags from the Secret Service and all who protect POTUS, the VP, those who work at the White House, and federal agencies. What’s good for We The People should be good for those who protect the President, right?

Read: Biden Again Calls For Gun Control After Shootings In Democratic Party Controlled Cities »

Surprise: Montana Climate Kids Take Long Fossil Fueled Trip To D.C.

And they joined 1,00 more Warmists, who all surely walked, biked, took the train or bus, or an EV, right?

Citizens Climate Lobby members meet with Montana’s Congressional delegation

Five Montanans who were recently on Capitol Hill lobbying for national legislation to help solve climate change have returned home.

They joined 1,000 other volunteers from Citizen Climate Lobby groups across the nation.

The group met with Montana’s Congressional delegation to discuss what can be done on a national level to solve climate change and create clean energy. The trip’s purpose was to be in person with the delegation and show how much this matters to the Citizen Climate Lobby members.

“I was so inspired, after being in the congressional offices and being on Capitol Hill that the first thing I did after returning to the hotel room that day after our big day of lobbying is I called my two grown daughters and I told them, there is hope. We are going to solve climate change we need to just keep pushing and get things going a little faster,” said Robin Paone, Citizens Climate Lobby Chapter Co-leader.

While national legislation takes time to enact, Paone thinks we could see some change within the next year.

They were so inspired to attempt to force their beliefs which they refuse to practice in their own lives, eh? I’ve been asked in the past why little stories like this matter. Shouldn’t the focus be on the science? Well, if the science was so sound one would think that the Believers would attempt to reign in their own carbon footprint excesses, would they not? And shouldn’t media outlets like KPAX be asking the kids how they traveled to D.C., and, if a fossil fueled flight, why, considering they have a lawsuit pending in the Montana courts demanding the state Do Something about ‘climate change’.

Read: Surprise: Montana Climate Kids Take Long Fossil Fueled Trip To D.C. »

Interesting: Secret Service Finds Cocaine In White House

Well. we know it’s not Joe’s. He’s more of an ice cream and all sorts of meds guy, plus, he was at Camp David this weekend.

Cocaine found in West Wing of White House while President Biden was away: What we know

Joe Biden Ice Cream AfghanistanThe White House was temporarily closed on Sunday evening after Secret Service agents discovered a white powder substance suspected to be cocaine inside a work area in the West Wing.

The Secret Service said in a statement the White House was temporarily closed to allow members of law enforcement to investigate the substance and that the District of Columbia fire department assisted in evaluating the substance.

The fire department “quickly determined the item to be non-hazardous” after an initial evaluation, a spokesperson for the Secret Service said.

A fire department and emergency medical services field test Sunday evening identified a “yellow bar, meaning cocaine, hydrochloride” after a dispatch at 8:49 p.m., according to a publicly available recording of the encrypted call. (snip)

Members of the public who tour the White House usually are only allowed to visit the East Wing and Residence. Tour members are typically not permitted to visit the West Wing, which is where the president, vice president, and other senior administration officials have their offices.

OK, it’s Wednesday: are there answers yet? Who’s was it? Certainly, there are visitors logs and surveillance cameras. The Secret Service knows where it was found, and certainly knows who in the hell was in those areas. If not, some people need to be fired. It should be pretty darned easy to track in this day and age. Other than Biden and a few others, no one really just wanders around the White House willy nilly.

If we haven’t been briefed on who’s it was by Friday, you’ll know that the fix is in, being either Hunter Biden’s or someone who’s high ranking in the Biden admin. How long was it there? Or, will they find a fall guy who’s name we’ll never learn? Or will they figure out a way to Blame Trump? You know the Credentialed Media would be intimating that it was his or a family member’s, right, if he was in office?

But, the AP notes

Secret Service agents were doing routine rounds on Sunday when they found the white powder in an area accessible to tour groups, not in any particular West Wing office, the officials said. The officials were not authorized to discuss an ongoing investigation and spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity.

So, which is it: accessible to the public or not? There are varying reports. Some say yes, accessible, some say no.

Read: Interesting: Secret Service Finds Cocaine In White House »

Climate Doom Could Maybe Possibly Scientists Say Hurt Bald Eagles

Just in time for Independence Day, Once Upon A Time, er, scientists say our national bird might be in trouble, unless you give up all your money and freedom

How climate change could hurt bald eagles

over the past 50 years, bald eagles in the U.S. have returned from the brink of extinction. Now, the birds perch on tree branches over rivers and lakes across much of the country.

But as the climate changes, eagles will face new challenges. For example, in some areas, more frequent droughts may threaten bodies of water that eagles depend on.

“If the area is becoming drier and if it affects its food resources such as fish in river systems then that’s going to be a big problem for the species,” says Brooke Bateman, senior scientist at the National Audubon Society.

If ifs and buts were candies and nuts we’d all have a wonderful Christmas

Bateman says global warming may also bring extreme weather with damaging winds that can endanger nests and baby birds. In the South, extreme heat could threaten the birds’ ability to reproduce.

Taking all these factors into account, the Audubon Society predicts that three-quarters of the bald eagles’ current summer range will become unsuitable for the birds in about 60 years.

“A lot of their breeding is going to shift completely into Canada and Alaska. So the lower 48 is looking less ideal for breeding conditions for the species,” Bateman says.

In Warmist World nothing ever changes or is supposed to change, which rather invalidates their extreme belief in Darwinism. Anyhow, what happens when absolutely nothing bad happens to the bald eagles?

Read: Climate Doom Could Maybe Possibly Scientists Say Hurt Bald Eagles »

If All You See…

…are weapons of war which pollutes the atmosphere with carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Not A Lot Of People Know That, with a post on the EV revolution being a disaster.

Double shot below the fold, check out 357 Magnum, with a post being a Democrat means it is always someone else’s fault.

Read More »

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove