If All You See…

…is beer that will soon be decimated by carbon pollution induced drought, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Pacific Pundit, with a post on a gender confused named as Miss Netherlands.

It’s shorts week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another fine day in the Once And Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and we are in the heart of summer. This pinup is by David Uhl, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Victory Girls Blog discusses Casey DeSantis and the mama bears
  2. The Right Scoop covers an indigenous chief wanting Ben and Jerry’s land back
  3. The Gateway Pundit features Janet Yellen bowing to the Chinese
  4. The First Street Journal notes what the Philly media won’t tell us about the Philly shooter
  5. The Feral Irishman wonders about NYC’s strict gun laws
  6. Powerline Blog wonders if Hollywood is finally waking up over DEI
  7. Pacific Pundit notes the cocaine was now found near the Situation Room
  8. Moonbattery covers more newspeak, the “bonus hole”
  9. Legal Insurrection discusses the Dutch gov collapsing over failed open borders policies
  10. IOTW Report wonders about penis enlargement surgery vs trans surgery
  11. Geller Report covers the Portland government directing employees to not use certain words, like “pregnant women”
  12. Diogenes’ Middle Finger notes the White House hanging Biden’s first portrait
  13. Cold Fury wants something of that “white privilege”
  14. Chicks On The Right discusses MSM’s bizarre criticisms of The Sound Of Freedom
  15. And last, but, not least, Jo Nova notes that EVs must social distance after accidents in case they blow up

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Hotcold Take: We’re Having The Hottest Weather In 120,000 Years

Oh, you though the climate cults fearmongering over it being the hottest on record (going back to 1979 in the satellite era while also using computer models) was peak cult? Here you go

We’re experiencing Earth’s hottest weather in 120,000 years, and it’s just getting started

It’s quite the claim: This week, Earth broke an unofficial record for its hottest day in 120,000 years. Actually, the Earth broke that record three times — on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, according to the University of Maine’s Climate Reanalyzer.

El Niño (a natural cycle) is just getting started. As it gets stronger, and adds more heat to Earth’s system, this summer will continue to set new all-time global records for hot days. And along with that, many other records will be shattered as well.

But no matter how hot it gets, the summer of 2023 will soon be considered a “cool” summer in a couple of decades amid the steady drumbeat of human-caused climate heating.

Let’s unpack this: they jumped from 1979 for the data, to 120K years ago. Are they providing any data or direct observations? No. They aren’t even trying. But, yes, it is most likely warmer than it was during a goodly chunk of that time, since the last glacial age started about 115K to 120K years ago, and started ending between around 20K to 25k years ago, and has been considered to have mostly ended around 8K to 11K years ago. So, the majority of that 120K years was during a freaking ice age.

Most extrapolated data tends to look like this

First, researchers know using observations that temperatures over the past decade have been warmer than any ever seen since record-keeping began in the 1800s. Since then, Earth has warmed by 1.2 degrees Celsius (2 degrees Fahrenheit).

Well, yeah, of course, when this record keeping began the Earth was coming out of the Little Ice Age. This is straight up gaslighting. eff Berardelli, the chief meteorologist and climate specialist at Nexstar’s WFLA, is refusing to provide all the relevant information. But, he does offer this

Notice those quick spikes? How about the massive spike prior to the last glacial age? One that shows it was hotter than today? Meh, it matters little to climate cult members, they have a Narrative, and they’ll be damned if they live in Science Land.

In fact, the Earth can expect to gain another degree of warming by mid-century, putting it on par with the temperatures of the last interglacial. And by the end of the century, if carbon emissions aren’t curbed, we may very well experience the hottest temperatures in over 1 million years.

So, what caused that spike? There were no fossil fueled vehicles or anything else. And, if the temperature fails to go up another 1 degree, he doesn’t say F or C, will he be held accountable for his cultish fearmongering?

Read: Hotcold Take: We’re Having The Hottest Weather In 120,000 Years »

Janet Yellen Totally Wants China To Co-Operate On Climate (scam) Action

This would be the nation building lots of coal fired power plants, releasing vast amounts of actual pollution, dumping low quality solar panels and wind turbines around the world, using their money to influence 3rd world nations around the world, and violating human rights constantly, right? And this is what she and the Brandon regime are concerned about?

Janet Yellen asks China to co-operate on climate change action

US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has called on China to work with Washington to fight the “existential threat” of climate change.

Speaking on Saturday, she said the two countries – the largest greenhouse gas emitters – had a joint responsibility to lead the way on climate action.

She called on China to support the US-led Green Climate Fund.

Ms Yellen is on a four-day trip to Beijing in an attempt to boost relations between the two countries.

First, why did she take a long fossil fueled flight which I’ve been assured is Bad for ‘climate change’? Second, why is the Treasury Secretary involved in ‘climate change’? This is not in her job description. Stay in your lane.

But in a sign that co-operation could soon resume, Ms Yellen called on China to work together with the US to fight climate change and mitigate the effects on poorer countries.

During the roundtable meeting in Beijing with finance experts, she called on China to support US-led institutions like the Green Climate Fund, which was set up to help developing nations adapt to climate change and lessen its effects.

Climate cultists, especially the Elites, couldn’t care less about China’s record on things like their slavery camps and more. China doesn’t care about ‘climate change’. It’s probably another weapon in their arsenal to exert their dominance. This administration needs to address the threats China poses militarily and economically. But, they won’t. China will tell Yellen and the Brandon admin what they want to hear, and then just go about their business. Soon they’ll be dumping crummy EVs in the US.

Read: Janet Yellen Totally Wants China To Co-Operate On Climate (scam) Action »

If All You See…

…is the flag of the world’s worst climate offender, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Climate Change Dispatch, with a post growing opposition to Europe’s heavy handed climate targets.

Read: If All You See… »

Women And Customer Hating Bud Light Drops From Ninth Most Popular Beer To Fourteenth

The consequences from denigrating real women and their customer base continue

Bud Light no longer ranks among America’s top 10 beers

Once the top-selling beer in the U.S., Bud Light is no longer on the list of the country’s 10 most popular beers after it partnered with transgender activist and influencer Dylan Mulvaney.

Bud Light dropped from the ninth most popular beer last year to its current spot at 14, according to a new YouGov survey. It fell behind other brands like Pabst Blue Ribbon, Miller Genuine Draft and Miller Lite. Rounding out the top five most liked beers were Guinness, Heineken, Corona, Samuel Adams and Blue Moon. 

However, surveys taken in the second quarters of both 2022 and 2023 found that the numbers of those who “liked” Bud Light beer stayed the same at 42%.

People may still like it, but, doesn’t mean they’ll buy it. And more than enough are refusing to purchase Bud Light

Thief Mocked for Stealing Bud Light: Too ‘Embarrassed’ to Buy It

Law enforcement officials in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, on Wednesday, reported a male suspect allegedly stole several cases of Bud Light beer from a convenience store.

When reports of the alleged crime were shared online, readers responded by making jokes at the thief’s expense that referenced the ongoing boycott of Bud Light by conservatives.

One person wrote on Facebook that the suspect was too “embarrassed to be seen buying it.” (snip)

“If the value is $0 is it really theft,” read a comment to Outkick’s post.

It was probably easy, because no one in the store was keeping an eye on it.

(NY Post) Social media users posted videos of unsold cases of Bud Light over the Fourth of July weekend as beer drinkers continue to shun the brand over its marketing partnership with transgender social media influencer Dylan Mulvaney.

TikTok user Phillip Hawkins wandered into a local retailer and recorded a video showing 12 packs and 24 packs of Bud Light languishing on shelves and in the aisles despite parent company offering significant rebates.

Lots of videos and photos at the link.

Meanwhile, has a boycott of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream made a difference? Their parent companies stock dropped to the tune of $2 billion in the days following their wackadoodle post on July 4th. We’ll see if that continues.

Read: Women And Customer Hating Bud Light Drops From Ninth Most Popular Beer To Fourteenth »

How Dare You: Austrian High Court Kills Off Youts Climate Lawsuit

Well, the youts go their day in court like the wanted, they just could not prove their case

Austria Court Rejects Children’s Climate Lawsuit

An Austrian court Friday rejected a lawsuit brought by 12 minors who accused the government of failing to revise a climate protection law, which they said insufficiently protects their constitutional rights.

A growing number of organisations and individuals around the world have turned to the courts to challenge what they see as government inaction on preventing climate change.

The Austrian lawsuit, the first of its kind in the nation and submitted in February, claimed a law dating from 2011 is not ensuring that children are shielded from the consequences of global warming.

Austria’s Constitutional Court rejected the suit as “inadmissible”, stating that “not all parts of the law were challenged” despite them being “inextricably linked”, according to a statement after the ruling.

The court deemed the lawsuit’s scope “too narrow”.

In other words, they really didn’t consider the implications of their suit, and the big money groups behind it didn’t do their homework.

The challenge is being supported by environmental activists, including Fridays for Future, the movement inspired by Sweden’s Greta Thunberg.

In other words, it was astroturfed, attempting to get the court to implement the climate cult beliefs that couldn’t be passed by the legislative branch.

Read: How Dare You: Austrian High Court Kills Off Youts Climate Lawsuit »

No Good Deed: Fast Food Could Soon Be Abandoning People’s Republik Of California

This is a case of Progressives say “hey, this is a really good idea, let’s do it!” Rather like the good old saying here in the South “hey, y’all, watch this”

Why fast-food franchisees could be the next cohort to leave California

unintended consequencesAlex Johnson is the kind of entrepreneur who built California. A second-generation small business owner in the San Francisco Bay Area, he and his family run 10 fast-food franchises employing 140 people, most of them first-time job holders like disadvantaged youth and new immigrants. Alex’s family has spent 30 years growing their small business. They’ve never had to close a store.

But the good times are likely ending. He just signed a deal to run nine stores in neighboring Nevada. These may soon be the only stores he runs, because California’s leaders have launched an all-out attack on his business model.

Alex is one of 14,000 franchise owners who’ve been targeted for extinction by California’s leaders. Last year, lawmakers passed the “FAST Act,” creating an unelected board of bureaucrats with unilateral authority to raise the minimum wage by nearly seven dollars per hour and set other labor rules. It only covers the fast-food industry, affecting both mom-and-pop small business owners like Alex and the national brands that such entrepreneurs license as franchisees. Yet the council’s mandates won’t apply to unionized businesses. Franchisees are essentially being extorted into unionizing.

Small business owners and more than 1 million California voters like Alex fought back. They secured a November 2024 referendum that could repeal the law, which is paused until then. In retribution, now unions have pushed lawmakers to target franchisees with even worse attacks.

The definition of fast food in the FAST Act is pretty expansive, and could hit a lot of restaurants besides McDonald’s, Burger King, Wendy’s, Subway, Carl’s Jr, etc, causing them quite a bit of trouble. And for them, why deal with it? Why wait and see what happens in the referendum? Especially since, even if the referendum passes the unions, Leftist wackjobs, and elected Democrats will attempt to try something else and do it fast. Why not just pack up and go elsewhere? Save the grief.

In February, Assemblymember Chris Holden, who authored the FAST Act, introduced a bill to mandate the so-called “joint employer standard.” Assembly Bill 1228–which passed the Assembly on May 31– would hold larger companies responsible for their franchisee’s operations, ostensibly to end labor violations like unpaid wages and poor working conditions. In the case of unpaid wages, this policy is a solution in search of a problem, since quick-service restaurants account for less than 2% of California wage claims–and franchisees less than 0.7%. It also makes no sense, since local franchise owners are responsible for pay and working conditions. Perversely, it would actually force larger companies to begin exerting control, taking away franchisees’ independence as small business owners.

Democrats aren’t even waiting for the results of the referendum, they’re going to make things worse before it happens.

Joint liability is the death knell of the franchise model. Since small businesses will be liable alongside the larger companies they franchise with, they’ll face significant litigation and administrative costs, hurting already slim profit margins. Worse still, the larger companies will take control of franchisees altogether and pursue a corporate ownership model in California, ending opportunities for new and longstanding small business owners.

So much for Democrats being for the little guy. Remember the days when fast food was a high school kid job. The minimum wage jobs were for kids,college students, retired folks and maybe for the non working spouse that wanted to work a little. Now it’s taken over by adults who expect to be paid enough to live on, including when they have kids. How many jobs will be killed by the time they have the referendum?

Read: No Good Deed: Fast Food Could Soon Be Abandoning People’s Republik Of California »

Doom: Cimate Crisis (scam) Can Now Cause Blindness

I’ve been watching this stuff since the late 80’s, when I was a believer in anthropogenic global warming. This is a new one. The climate cult will always find a way (via Watts Up With That?)

Now scientists say climate change is making us BLIND

Climate change may be speeding up the rate of blindness, a study suggests.

Canadian researchers compared rates of vision problems among 1.7million people across all 50 states in the US.

They found those who lived in warmer regions were up to nearly 50 percent more likely to suffer serious vision impairment compared to those in cooler places.

Exposure to stronger ultraviolet light damages the cornea, lens and retina and also risks irritation and infection.

The experts said the findings were ‘very worrying’ in the context of global warming, which has seen global average temperatures rise by two fahrenheit (1.1 Celsius) since the late 1800s.

Study co-author Esme Fuller-Thomson, a gerontologist at the University of Toronto, said: ‘With climate change, we are expecting a rise in global temperatures. It will be important to monitor if the prevalence of vision impairment among older adults increases in the future.’

It sounds more like people are getting more sunlight, more UV, and need to do more to protect their eyes with proper UV filtering sunglasses and by wearing hats.

Compared to people living in states with an average temperature below 50F like New York and Maine, those in states with temperatures above 60F — Florida, Texas and Georgia — faced the highest risk.

Those who lived in areas with an average annual temperature of 55 to 59.99F — such as Virginia, Kentucky and California — were 24 percent more likely to have vision problems.

The Sun just hits harder down here. 60F feels very different in NC than in NJ. In NJ, you open up the windows and get some nice air flow. In NC, you may be turning on your AC because the Sun will warm your domicile up. During the lockdown period in 2020, the days were typically in the low 50’s, yet, my heat rarely turned on (I keep it at 69), because the Sun was warming my home up. 70F seems perfect, but, go outside in the South with the Sun shining and you will start burning up. I’ve gotten sunburns when it is in the 40’s. It’ll be in the mid to upper 50s and we’ll be outside in short sleeves catching Sun.

Facts matter little, because this is a cult. As Charles Rotter at WUWT writes “With each passing day, it seems climate change is gifted with a new superpower. And if this trend continues, I wouldn’t be surprised if we soon find out that climate change is also responsible for lost car keys and mismatched socks.”

Read: Doom: Cimate Crisis (scam) Can Now Cause Blindness »

If All You See…

…is a field and trees dying from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Cold Fury, with a post on the Biden admin unable to get their lies straight

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove