Washington Post Whines About Fireworks Being Bad For ‘Climate Change’

It’s always some sort of whining from the climate cultists. Bunch of miserable wankers

Wildfires are bad for air quality. Fireworks can make the smoke worse.

As smoke from Canadian wildfires lingers across much of the United States, Americans will soon experience another smoke show: Fourth of July fireworks.

It may come as a surprise, but the federal holiday stands out as the most polluted day of the year in many locations across the nation, according to air quality data. Fireworks — the staple of Independence Day celebrations — light up the sky but also launch harmful pollutants. In some cases, the pollution levels from the pyrotechnics are similar to severe wildfire smoke.

Americans love fireworks, and consumer purchases of them have grown to more than $2 billion yearly, according to the American Pyrotechnics Association. But these explosives have been implicated with causing water pollution and sparking wildfires, and some environmentalists say that, given the times, some restraint is needed.

Oh, piss off

Bill Magavern, the policy director for the California nonprofit Coalition for Clean Air, acknowledges that “almost everybody enjoys a good fireworks display,” but the environmental impacts are becoming harder to ignore.

“At a time when climate change is exacerbating air pollution and wildfires, we need to find cleaner substitutes for fireworks, especially in areas with poor air quality,” Magavern said.

Bunch of miserable people, always trying to force Everyone Else to be a part of their cult.

“I think people need to be aware that there’s a cost associated with firework burning, not just money, but also the health-related costs and the cost to the environment,” University of California environmental health scientist Jun Wu said.

It’s one day. One. But, then, a goodly chunk of the Warmists have America to start with, and do not want people celebrating it.

Read: Washington Post Whines About Fireworks Being Bad For ‘Climate Change’ »

Unhinged Arizona AG Tells Supreme Court To Shove It Over Free Speech Ruling

I’ve been reliably told that this is how Democracy ends. Hot Air’s David Strom says the 303 Creative ruling is far more important than the affirmative action one, since the former affects way more people than the latter, and, he’s right, because it is about free speech and individual freedom, as determined by the US Bill Of Rights. That people should not be compelled to comply with speech they do not agree with them. And then there’s this nutjob, which the opinion piece forgets to mention is a Democrat

Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes tells U.S. Supreme Court to shove it

Bill Of RightsColorado has a law on the books that says, in simple terms, a business open to the public can’t discriminate against gay people.

The radical right-wing majority of the U.S. Supreme Court issued a ruling last week saying that, yes, it can.

The court took the side of a web designer in Colorado who said it was her First Amendment right to refuse to design wedding websites for same-sex couples.

Arizona has a law much like Colorado’s.

Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes announced in no uncertain terms that her office is determined to enforce it.

The Supreme Court be damned.

Someone’s looking for a suit, and should really read the Arizona Constitution, as well, starting with Article 2, Section 3 about the Constitution being the supreme law of the land, followed by section 6, freedom of speech, then section 12 “Liberty of conscience; appropriations for religious purposes prohibited; religious freedom”

She said in her statement, “Despite today’s ruling, Arizona law prohibits discrimination in places of public accommodation, including discrimination because of sexual orientation and gender identity.

“If any Arizonan believes that they have been the victim of discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including sexual orientation and gender identity), national origin, or ancestry in a place of public accommodation, they should file a complaint with my office. I will continue to enforce Arizona’s public accommodation law to its fullest extent.”

So she doesn’t want to follow the Constitution? Funny how Democrats are always willing to ditch it when it Offends them. Isn’t this a violation of her membership of the Arizona bar, being a lawyer? Someone should file an ethics complaint. And, she doesn’t even understand the ruling: the Supreme Court did not say its ok to discriminate. It said the service provider is entitled to protection under the first amendment. That’s freedom of speech and expression. That’s different than freedom to discriminate. Especially when there are plenty of web designers, people who make cakes, etc.

Read: Unhinged Arizona AG Tells Supreme Court To Shove It Over Free Speech Ruling »

Blue On Blue: Just Stop Oil (for Other People) Blocks Pride Parade

I was really hoping we would see a bunch of the Rainbow Alphabet folks dragging the climate cultists off the road

(Daily Caller) London’s annual Pride march was disrupted Saturday after climate activists blockaded the road in protest of the event’s reported acceptance of sponsorship from “high-polluting industries.”

The demonstration resulted in multiple arrests after protesters from the climate activist group, Just Stop Oil, obstructed a road in front of a Coca Cola truck. The demonstrators sat in the middle of the road at 1:30 pm, until law enforcement took action 16 minutes later, reported The Guardian.

“The irony where people protest and will have people protest against them, will not be lost on members of this wonderful community,” London mayor Sadiq Khan told Just Sky News.

Seven individuals were arrested on charges of public nuisance. Videos show officers carrying away the protesters from the scene. The parade resumed just one minute after the arrests were made.

Wait, wait, shouldn’t most of those Pride folks also be Warmists, since they are like-minded Progressives? Should they not have sat down to protest together?

“[Pride] has become about advertising, about having huge companies like Coca Cola coming through and just trying to sell their products to people,” Just Stop Oil protester Oliver said in a social media post after getting arrested. “It’s all become about pinkwashing, about rainbow washing.”

“The LGBTQ+ supporters of Just Stop Oil have taken action against Pride in London today, because the organisation is working with industries complicit in worsening the climate crisis,” Just Stop Oil tweeted.

I guess there’s some animosity going on from the climate culitsts.

Read: Blue On Blue: Just Stop Oil (for Other People) Blocks Pride Parade »

If All You See…

…is a cloudless sky from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Jo Nova, with a post on the world being warmer 6,000 years ago and the Sahara was lush and green.

Read: If All You See… »

Biden Regime Trots Out Their Plan To Cut Payments For Those With Student Loans

It’s a serious far cry from Brandon’s  promise to wipe out student loan debt

(Daily Caller) The Biden administration is planning to use a generous income-driven repayment plan as its main method of easing student loan debt following the Supreme Court’s Friday ruling that blocked the administration’s plan to grant student loan forgiveness to nearly 40 million Americans.

The Supreme Court ruled 6-3 that the Biden administration cannot use executive power in order to cancel up to $10,000 in student loan debt for non-Pell Grant recipients and up to $20,000 for Pell Grant recipients. To circumvent the Supreme Court’s ruling, the Department of Education (DOE) plans to use the Higher Education Act as well as expand income-driven repayment plans, which would cut payments for those making $32,800 or less annually to $0, according to a Saturday press release.

You have a college degree and you’re making $32,800 or less? How much debt did you put yourself in, and why did you get such a worthless degree? You could have just gone to community college or a trade school and made more.

Under the DOE’s repayment plans, borrowers who miss payments within the first year, beginning Oct. 1, will not be penalized, reported to credit or collection agencies or put in default, the WSJ reported. The DOE estimates that their expansion of income-driven repayment plans will save all borrowers at least $1,000 per year.

The department’s revamped income-driven repayment plans are estimated to cost taxpayers more than one-time outright forgiveness, according to a Penn Wharton Budget Model report.

How many will actually qualify for this, if it’s about people making that little money/$15 an hour? How much damage can the plan do?

(NY Post) While everyone’s focus has been on the administration’s outrageous cancellation stunt, the DOE has been working tirelessly to accomplish an even more disastrous policy: a new Income-Driven Repayment rule.

The federal student-loan policy is obscenely complex, but under the Higher Education Act, Congress created a variety of programs to help borrowers who struggle to pay their loans.

Those include Income Contingent Repayment and Income-Based Repayment programs.

With varying terms, these programs limit borrowers’ monthly payments to a percentage of their income. IBR also includes a forgiveness provision after a borrower has made payments for 20 years.

When Congress wrote the law, they essentially gave away all the power, allowing the DOE to make all the rules

Under the new plan, in a variety of formulations, the secretary proposes to dramatically reduce the monthly payments of most borrowers, with millions looking at payments of $0, while also reducing the time to forgiveness to as short as 10 years.

In other words, while styled as a rule that simply tinkers with the details of existing income-based repayment programs, it effectively does the same work as the cancellation effort: It writes off the debts of millions of college-educated borrowers.

The Penn Wharton Budget Model estimated that the actual program costs between $333 billion and $361 billion over 10 years.

Estimates that account for tuition inflation and future borrowing costs put government expenditures as high as $1 trillion.

Except a lawsuit on this, since Article I forbids giving away Congressional power, as well as “requires federal expenditures to be “in consequence of appropriations made by law.”” Besides the lawsuit question, another is how long it will take to truly get this in place, as it will take months to get it in place and it is supposed to be very difficult to navigate.

Read: Biden Regime Trots Out Their Plan To Cut Payments For Those With Student Loans »

Democrats Sue EPA To Force Tighter Standards On Wood Burning Stoves

They’re going to attempt to make the stoves vastly more expensive and difficult to aquire

10 states plan to sue EPA over standards for residential wood-burning stoves

Attorneys general from 10 states plan to sue the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, saying its failure to review and ensure emissions standards for residential wood-burning stoves has allowed the continued sale of appliances that could worsen pollution.

That means programs that encourage people to trade in older stoves and other wood-burning appliances, such as forced-air furnaces, haven’t necessarily improved air quality, the states say.

“If newer wood heaters do not meet cleaner standards, then programs to change out old wood heaters may provide little health benefits at significant public cost,” the states wrote Thursday in a 60-day notice of intent to sue.

The states involved are Alaska, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Vermont and Washington, as well as the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency.

These aren’t essentially cooking stoves, though, they are included in this, they are mostly referring to wood fed heaters. Which can be used for stoves, but, are meant to heat buildings. It’s rather surprising that Alaska is doing this, because quite a few buildings, including homes, use wood stoves to provide heat, even those that have electricity/natural gas for power, due to the high costs. It’s hard to lay lines when the ground is frozen and/or they are remote cabins. Even some that aren’t that remote. Many in lower 48 states use them as a cheaper alternative, say in Minnesota and Vermont for the winters.

The nutburgers will first say they do not want to ban stuff, then they will try and ban it, or at least make it so expensive that people can’t afford it. Oh, hey, speaking of NJ

Inside the furious debate over New York City’s new tax on drivers, which New Jersey Democrats are fighting against tooth and nail

To reduce traffic and pollution and boost funding for the city’s subways, buses, and commuter rail, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul is championing a policy known as congestion pricing.

The policy would impose a toll between $9 and $23 on drivers who enter Manhattan south of 60th Street and use the revenue to fund the MTA. It aims to reduce the 700,000 trucks, cars, and taxis that drive into the Manhattan zone by at least 10%, while simultaneously generating about $1 billion in proceeds per year to fund mass transit.

While many New Yorkers, transportation experts, and city planners celebrated this week, critics — including Democrats across the river in New Jersey — say they’ll do everything in their power to stop the plan. The situation has laid bare tensions between the commuters who regularly drive in the city, and those who are more concerned about the environmental impact of traffic and the possibility of reinvesting in transit infrastructure.

“New York’s anti-environment, anti-commuter, and anti-business Congestion Tax is a cash grab to bail out the terribly mismanaged MTA,” Democratic Rep. Gottheimer said in a statement to Insider.

New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez said in a statement to Insider that he would “not stop fighting until we defeat this plan and ensure New York is not allowed to balance its budget on the backs of hard-working New Jersey families.”

See, saving the Earth from boiling is all good and fun until people are actually impacted by the policies, and this policy will cause a bunch of issues for citizens, towns, and the state of NJ. It’s a real shame when Warmists are forced to move from theory to practice, eh?

Read: Democrats Sue EPA To Force Tighter Standards On Wood Burning Stoves »

Bummer: Groomers At Disney Accused Of Paying Women Less Than Men

Things are not going well for the Woke Groomers at Disney

From that last one

Cancel Culture AlligatorDisney is experiencing a string of flops as audiences grow weary of the company’s constant recycling of intellectual property as well as its all-encompassing embrace of transgenderism and other forms of radical gender ideology.

The Little Mermaid is flopping in overseas territories, making it unlikely the live-action remake will recoup its costs during its theatrical run.  Pixar’s Elemental recently experienced the worst domestic theatrical opening in the digital animation studio’s history.

Things are not well in the House Of Mouse supporting grooming kids

Disney accused in lawsuit of ‘systematically’ paying women less than men in California

Walt Disney has been accused of systematically underpaying women in California in a lawsuit that alleges the company’s female employees in the state earned $150 million less than their male counterparts over an eight year period.

The Friday filing in Los Angeles County Superior Court seeks to persuade the judge to certify a four-year-old civil suit as a class action, covering some 12,500 current or former fulltime female Disney employees who held positions below the level of vice president.

An analysis of Disney’s human resource data from April 2015 through December 2022 has found female Disney employees were paid roughly 2% less than male counterparts, the filing said. It was conducted by David Neumark, a University of California Irvine professor and labor economist.

Obviously, Disney disputes this. This suit, if it goes forward, will not help Disney, and could cause their Woke allies to turn on them. Funny if this massively Woke company is found to have underpaid women.

Read: Bummer: Groomers At Disney Accused Of Paying Women Less Than Men »

If All You See…

…are evil fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Watts Up With That?, with a post on VW saying there’s “strong customer reluctance” for EVs.

Obviously, it has to be patriotic women week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another wonderful day in the Once and Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and Independence Day is almost upon us. This pinup is by John Thompson, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Dissecting Leftism discusses the cost of COVID lockdowns
  2. Geller Report covers Muslims threatening a new Holocaust against Jews in France
  3. IOTW Report notes Washington now having highest gas prices
  4. Legal Insurrection highlights the Dems racist reactions to killing affirmative actions
  5. Moonbattery covers Warmists denouncing ice in cocktails
  6. Pacific Pundit highlights a WNBA player calling America trash
  7. The Feral Irishman wonders where all the machine guns came from in gun banning France
  8. The First Street Journal covers a Special Snowflake meltdown
  9. The Gateway Pundit highlights tax revenue diving in Democrat strongholds
  10. The O.K. Corral features Biden just wandering of the MSNBC set
  11. The Right Scoop notes a professor fired for teaching biological science
  12. This ain’t Hell... covers stupid people of the week
  13. Victory Girls Blog shows affirmative action dissenters illustrate hypocrisy in action
  14. Green Jihad covers St. Greta meeting Zelensky
  15. And last, but, not least, Not A Lot Of People Know That discusses pylons forced on the public to hit net zero

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Los Angeles Leaders Upset They Weren’t Informed Of Second Busload Of Illegals

How dare Greg Abbott not inform LA leaders….can’t you guess what’s wrong with that?

Another bus with migrants has been sent from Texas to Los Angeles

A bus carrying 41 migrants from Brownsville, Texas, arrived in Southern California on Saturday – the second such shipment from the region in two weeks.

The Texas-funded bus arrived at Union Station at 12:40 p.m. Intake of the migrants began shortly after they arrived with a legal orientation, according to Angelica Salas, executive director for the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles.

Members of the group, which included 11 children, came from Belize, Colombia, Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua and Venezuela, Salas said at a news conference.

City officials became aware of the upcoming arrival on Friday and mobilized by working with a coalition of nonprofit groups and faith-based organizations to accommodate the group, Mayor Karen Bass’s spokesperson Zach Seidl said in a statement.

The mayor’s office said it was “not formally notified” before learning that migrants were heading to the city, according to the statement.

Are all the mayors of border cities informed when illegals cross into their towns? Have many mayors been informed when Biden’s DHS flies illegals into their towns in the dead of night? Were citizens of those towns informed prior? Where they given the option of having a whole bunch of people dropped off in their towns?

Bass called the move “a political stunt” in an interview last month with CNN’s Jake Tapper.

“I think it’s despicable to use individuals like this,” Bass said. “I think that doing this, if he was sincere, he would have contacted Los Angeles, he would have told us people were coming, he would have told us who the individuals were, but they didn’t do that.”

Yeah yeah yeah, why so upset when you’re getting all the people you asked for being a sanctuary city?

Read: Los Angeles Leaders Upset They Weren’t Informed Of Second Busload Of Illegals »

Pirate's Cove