Conservative Groups Sues Washington Over Late Release Of Climate (scam) Reports

This is kinda hilarious, since it is usually Warmists suing to force Other People to comply with the beliefs they rarely ever practice

Group sues WA over late reporting on greenhouse gas emissions

A conservative think tank filed a lawsuit Wednesday against two Washington state agencies over delays in reporting the state’s greenhouse gas emissions.

The Washington Policy Center said in a news release that it filed the lawsuit against the Washington State Department of Ecology and the Department of Commerce to force the agencies to comply with a state law that requires timely emissions reporting.

According to state law passed in 2008, the two agencies are required to report the state’s total greenhouse gas emissions at the end of even-numbered years. The reports also must include “the total emissions of greenhouse gases for the preceding two years, and totals in each major source sector,” according to state law.

In January, Ecology released the state’s latest emissions inventory through 2021. The report showed that overall greenhouse gas emissions dipped 13.8% in 2020 during the pandemic but rose 8.8% in 2021, largely driven by the transportation sector.

The state is required by law to release data through 2023, according to the Washington Policy Center.

Well, the WPC doesn’t actually think that Democrat government has to fully comply with the laws they passed, do they?

In a news release, Todd Myers, the group’s vice president for research, accused the state of “wasting hundreds of millions of dollars on frivolous and ineffective climate projects” and said the delay in reporting accurate emissions data hides the failures of state projects.

“Washington state claims to be a leader in climate policy but policymakers don’t even have recent data to determine if our policies are working,” Myers said in a news release.

Well, it’s a great way to shift some taxpayer money to donors and force the peasants to change their lives, eh?

In a statement, Ecology spokesperson Caroline Halter said that the department is “committed to providing more current emissions updates to lawmakers and the public” and will be able to do that “thanks to recent funding appropriated by the Legislature.”

Ah, so they are late because they wanted more taxpayer money. Scam.

Read: Conservative Groups Sues Washington Over Late Release Of Climate (scam) Reports »

Trump Merit Based Hiring And Rewards In Government, Ends DEI, Makes State Dept Employees Come To Work

Did anyone think the hits would be coming this hard, this many, and this quick? It might have been better had the Democrats just let Trump have his 2nd term back to back, because he and his people had plenty of time to get this ready

Trump Ends 1965 Executive Order from Lyndon Johnson that Began Affirmative Action in U.S. Govt

President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Wednesday rescinding President Lyndon B. Johnson’s Executive Order 11246, which mandated government contractors take affirmative action.

The order more broadly ceases diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) “discrimination in the federal workforce, and in federal contracting and spending,” the White House noted.

The federal government’s hiring practices will now be merit-based, with employees being rewarded for “individual initiative, skills, performance, and hard work.”

Would he have done this if he had back to back terms? Most likely not. It really wasn’t on the radar. Now you have Godzilla in the china shop

Millions of federal DEI employees placed on leave as Trump’s administration dismantles programs

One of President Trump’s first executive orders targets millions of federal employees working on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs and initiatives.

“Our country is going to be based on merit again,” said President Trump.

A memo from the U.S. Office of Personnel Management ordered leaders to place all staff working in DEI roles on paid leave by 5 p.m. on Wednesday.

In President Trump’s order, he says that DEI policies violate Federal civil rights laws and “undermine the traditional American values of hard work, excellence, and individual achievement in favor of an unlawful, corrosive, and pernicious identity-based spoils system.”

For the most part, these are people who really do not do anything to help American citizens nor the mission of the agency. Would Trump have gotten to this in a back to back 2nd term? BTW, the rumor is that they were all fired, but, no, most reports show they were put on paid leave, and we’ll have to see what happens with them now.


Read: Trump Merit Based Hiring And Rewards In Government, Ends DEI, Makes State Dept Employees Come To Work »

Who’s Up For A Climate Crisis (scam) Concert By Vagina Monologues Playwright?

I’d be more impressed if she live streamed it so that people didn’t have to take fossil fueled trips to see it, but, you know, cultists gotta cult

Climate change concert event ‘Dear Everything’ hopes to inspire unity

V, the playwright formerly Eve Ensler, is hoping her new piece of theater can do for climate change what her “The Vagina Monologues” did for women’s rights.

“We’re living in a period where we’re so disconnected,” she says. “What we all have to do is connect — connect to the Earth and connect to each other.”

She hopes to give audiences a road map at the one-night-only staging of “Dear Everything,” with actors and activists Jane Fonda and Rosario Dawson speaking to the crowd. It will play Manhattan’s Terminal 5 on Jan. 30.

Doesn’t Jane Fonda live in Atlanta and Beverly Hills? Lots of fossil fuels.

“At a time when our planet is burning from the impact of global warming and human-made climate catastrophe, ‘Dear Everything’ is a powerful musical uprising,” Fonda said in an email.

The concert-musical hybrid has songs by Justin Tranter and Caroline Pennell, choreography by Christiana Hunt and direction by Tony Award-winner Diane Paulus.

V will play the narrator for a story with 10 singers as well as a youth choir. The show doesn’t spell out a single prescription for climate change but hopes to inspire collective action.

“It’s not necessarily about the politics of solution. It’s about the politics of connection,” says V. “I think it’s imaginative. I think it’s really calling on all of us to use our imaginations because that’s the greatest thing we have to really see a way out of where we are.”

Right, right, no politics. Seriously, 35 years of spreading awareness and almost none of them practice what they preach. They just bay at the moon.

“I was trying to find a way to create a story, to create pop music, that could really generate an awakening in people. Not by pounding them over the head, but by saying, ‘Listen to the kids. Listen to young people. They really have a vision of what’s coming because they can feel it in their bodies and they want a life.’”

Yup, 35 years of this crap. The kiddies have zero intention of reducing their own use of energy and traveling to take selfies and videos. And they definitely want to listen to old ladies, right?

Read: Who’s Up For A Climate Crisis (scam) Concert By Vagina Monologues Playwright? »

If All You See…

…are bushes that suck carbon pollution from the air but will also die from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Victory Girls Blog, with a post on the Left still misreading Trump.

Read: If All You See… »

Democratic NC AG Sues Trump Over Birthright EO

He didn’t even wait till the ink dried on the EO, so, was this rushed? I’m sure it will be one of many from Democrat AGs who will do anything to protect illegals over US citizens

NC sues Trump over ‘plainly wrong’ birthright citizenship ban, AG Jeff Jackson says

illegal alien DemocratNorth Carolina Attorney General Jeff Jackson sued President Donald Trump on Tuesday, over Trump’s executive order that attempts to end birthright citizenship.

The 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution has been interpreted in court for more than a century to say that everyone born in the U.S. automatically becomes a U.S. citizen. Trump, however, wants to change that.

A Republican who won election in 2024 in large part due to his anti-immigration stances, Trump is hoping to convince courts to change that interpretation and rule that people who are born in the U.S. can’t become citizens if their parents are either undocumented immigrants or are here legally but on a temporary basis, such as a work visa or a student visa.

Trump’s executive order is set to go into effect in late February. It wouldn’t retroactively take away citizenship from anyone. But the proposed new rules would apply to any babies born after Feb. 19.

However, it’s possible a court could issue an order blocking it before then.

That’s exactly what Jackson and the others suing Trump hope to accomplish. “Over a century of precedent says that his interpretation is plainly wrong,” Jackson told WRAL in an interview Tuesday.

One of the questions here is whether or not Trump has the authority to put out this EO. Did his people craft if looking at all the relevant laws, statutes, the Constitution, or, did they wing it? Did they look at United States v. Wong Kim Ark, all the way back in 1898, which found that a child born to Chinese parents supposedly subject to the jurisdiction of the Emperor of China but here in the US legally and working and such was a natural born citizen.

Because there are those words: subject to the jurisdiction. The parents of the child were legally present in the U.S. under Wong Kim Ark. Let’s look at the most important part of Trump’s EO

Sec. 2. Policy. (a) It is the policy of the United States that no department or agency of the United States government shall issue documents recognizing United States citizenship, or accept documents issued by State, local, or other governments or authorities purporting to recognize United States citizenship, to persons: (1) when that person’s mother was unlawfully present in the United States and the person’s father was not a United States citizen or lawful permanent resident at the time of said person’s birth, or (2) when that person’s mother’s presence in the United States was lawful but temporary, and the person’s father was not a United States citizen or lawful permanent resident at the time of said person’s birth.

It’s a proper reasoning. But, will it pass court muster? I’m perfectly sure that a leftist court will soon find a reason to put it on hold. And, when it makes it to the Supreme Court, I can see them stopping it if Trump has no authority to do this, saying that only Congress can do this. It was Congress who passed the law regarding diplomats and their staff’s children born in the US not being US citizens. Does the Executive Branch have the authority to make the determination or must Congress do it?

And, you never know, Trump may be doing this primarily to dissuade illegals and others from coming to the US to have their babies, hoping that will mean the parent(s) will never be deported, knowing that the EO will eventually be shot down. And hoping it won’t. Because even if it stands through his term the next Democrat president can end it with the stroke of a pen. Because what’s the chance there will be enough Democrats in the Senate to vote to end debate? It could be that second part of Trump’s EO, lawful but temporary, is shot down but the first is allowed to stand. That’s why we go through judicial review.

In the Triangle region alone, tens of thousands of Asian immigrants live and work in North Carolina on the basis of temporary authorizations such as student visas or H-1B visas. Some have been waiting years for citizenship or a green card, but the system faces major backlogs — backlogs that now potentially threaten their dreams of a future in America, with American children. Jimmy Patel-Nguyen, a spokesman for North Carolina Asian Americans Together, said the group supports the fight against Trump’s order.

Except, they are subject to the jurisdiction of the US, since they are working towards citizenship. Just more scaremongering from the local Raleigh Credentialed Media. You’ll see a lot of that from the leftist media. I guess we’ll see what happens.

Read: Democratic NC AG Sues Trump Over Birthright EO »

Warmists Still Pushing To End Fossil Fuels, Now Through Force

This article in The Hill by William S. Becker, a former regional director at the U.S. Department of Energy, might seem like another whiny screed about ending fossil fuels, but, it goes much further in a way that the doomsday cultists mostly dink and dunk around the edges at best

We cannot hide from climate change — we must stop producing oil and gas now

From the fires in Lahaina and Los Angeles to the recent flood in Asheville, N.C., America’s record-setting weather disasters have several things in common. Communities are not prepared for them, people insist on living in risky places, and cities let them do so in order to gain property tax revenues.

However, the most dangerous denominator is global climate change. It brings killer heat, more intense rains, drier droughts, longer wildfire seasons and warmer oceans that impart their energy to storms. Severe weather is not unusual, but many of today’s events are more extreme than any in memory or recorded history.

There is an even deeper commonality in these events. Their newly destructive power results from our use of fossil fuels. The fuels’ pollution includes greenhouse gases that collect in the atmosphere and insulate the Earth, so its surface gets warmer. That changes the weather.

The fossil fuel industries and government leaders who shape national energy policy have known this for at least 50 years. There are no cost-effective technical fixes across the fuels’ value chain. The only fail-safe solution is to shift the U.S. and other nations to energy resources that don’t pollute.

Normal, right? This continues on, you get some of the same old ideas and whines, till we get to

Finally, the nuclear option is for the U.S. government to take control of big oil companies so it will do what the industry won’t: undertake a humane, equitable and orderly transition to clean energy. With years of lying, obfuscation, greenwashing, intimidation and back peddling, the industry has proven it cannot be trusted to help decarbonize the economy. The government has nationalized several industries to save them from collapsing. Now, it’s society that’s too big to fail.

And there it is: nationalization. Federal government control. Because that works so well. But, hey, call me crazy when I say the Warmists are Progressives (nice Fascists) and this has nothing to do with science.

Read: Warmists Still Pushing To End Fossil Fuels, Now Through Force »

Trump EO To Crack Down On Pro-Hamas “Protesters”

Hopefully it will include rescinding any visas and legal status of those who were involved in calling for the destruction of Israel, killing Jews, a global intifada, “from the rivers to the seas”, and taking the side of designated Islamic terrorist groups

Trump Executive Order Signals Crackdown On Pro-Terrorist College Students

President Donald Trump’s executive order on foreigners who “support designated foreign terrorists” could be the start of a previously promised crackdown on radical pro-Palestinian students on American college campuses.

The Monday directive from Trump orders the U.S. government to deport foreigners who “bear hostile attitudes toward [American] citizens, culture, government, institutions, or founding principles, and do not advocate for, aid, or support designated foreign terrorists and other threats to our national security.” That could describe plenty of foreign students advocating for Hamas and other terrorist groups at American universities, an analyst told the Daily Caller News Foundation.


Obviously, the pro-Hamas folks will claim that this violates Free Speech, but, these people are visitors in the U.S. and when they are calling for the murder of Jews, well, they forgo those rights, just like people cannot threaten to murder people regularly.

“If you apply for a visa to come into the United States and in the process of being looked at, it comes to light you’re a supporter of Hamas, we wouldn’t let you in,” Secretary of State Marco Rubio told senators during his confirmation hearing on Wednesday when asked about campus protests. “Now that you got the visa and [are] inside the U.S. and we realize you’re a supporter, we should remove your visa.”

Finally some sanity. I’m not sure how we went from 9/11 and what happened in the years after to letting in any old Islamic jihadi. Time for this to end.

Read: Trump EO To Crack Down On Pro-Hamas “Protesters” »

Davos Climahypocrites Vow To Stay The Course ‘Cause Trump

These would be the same rich folks and politicians who took fossil fueled flights, especially private jets, to Davos and then cruised around in low MPG limos and SUVs, which the NY Times fails to note

Leaders at Davos Economic Forum Vow to ‘Stay the Course’ on Climate Action

When President Trump signed an executive order to withdraw the United States from the Paris climate agreement on Monday as part of his flurry of moves upon taking office, it represented a shot across the bow of the world leaders and chief executives gathered in Davos, Switzerland.

Many of the political and business figures attending the World Economic Forum’s annual conference support efforts to combat climate change, including the Paris Agreement, which almost all nations agreed to in 2015. Pulling the United States out of the pact is a signal of both the administration’s lack of concern about rising planet-warming emissions, and also a rebuke of the kind of multilateralism that has come to define Davos.

The U.S. never agreed, as it was never placed in front of the US Senate, per our Constitution. And, I do not remember Obama reducing his own use of fossil fuels. Nor Biden.

The World Economic Forum’s annual gathering has a long-running focus on climate and the environment. “Safeguarding the planet” is one of the conference’s five themes this year, and surveys by the organization rank extreme weather as one of the world’s top threats.

For years, the policymakers and companies in Davos have promoted their efforts to reduce emissions, embrace clean energy and work collaboratively to blunt global warming.

Yet, these same people have some of the highest carbon footprints on the planet. Also, how much money and power are they getting by pushing the scam?

Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the European Commission, said on Tuesday that President Trump’s actions would not lead Europe to change its plans. “Europe will stay the course and keep working with all nations that want to protect nature and stop global warming,” she said. “The Paris Agreement continues to be the best hope for all humanity.”

Simon Stiell, the United Nations climate chief, said the shift to clean power would happen with or without the United States.

“The world is undergoing an energy transition that is unstoppable,” he said, adding that the U.S. could rejoin the Paris pact at any time.

Well, these same people will not be freezing in the dark when winter hits, unlike the peasants in Europe, who have turned to wood burning stoves over the past 10 years due to the restriction in Europe.

Kara Hurst, Amazon’s chief sustainability officer, said her company was not walking back its climate targets because of the president’s decision. “We’re dedicated to our goals,” she said. “We’re staying the course. We’re not veering from that. I think most of the corporates have long-term goals that they’ll keep.”

You’re welcome to do that. It’s your choice. Government’s, particularly the US government, shouldn’t be forcing citizens to comply. You do you, you don’t get to do me.

These people seriously need to do some breathing exercises. So stress relief. Because it is only day two of 4 years.

Read: Davos Climahypocrites Vow To Stay The Course ‘Cause Trump »

If All You See…

…is a horrible fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Green Jihad, with a post on Jaguar sales slumping after their stupid rebrand.

Read: If All You See… »

Laken Riley Act Passes Senate, Heads To Trump’s Desk Soon

This is excellent news

Laken Riley Act passes Senate on bipartisan vote

The Senate passed the Laken Riley Act on Monday, with 12 Democrats joining all Republicans to vote for the amended immigration bill.

The measure, which would mandate the detention of more undocumented immigrants charged with crimes, now goes to the House, which passed a similar but not identical bill earlier this month. The final Senate tally was 64-35.

The House is expected to take up the measure later this week, likely Wednesday or Thursday. It would then land on President Donald Trump’s desk, delivering him an early if modest bipartisan win on his signature campaign issue of illegal immigration.

The Democratic senators who backed it were Catherine Cortez Masto (Nev.), John Fetterman (Pa.), Ruben Gallego (Ariz.), Maggie Hassan (N.H.), Mark Kelly (Ariz.), Jon Ossoff (Ga.), Gary Peters (Mich.), Jacky Rosen (Nev.), Jeanne Shaheen (N.H.), Elissa Slotkin (Mich.), Mark Warner (Va.) and Raphael Warnock (Ga.).

There’s zero chance it doesn’t re-pass the House, so, Trump should be signing it by Saturday at the latest.

Yeah, the rest of them are not taking this well

(The Hill) The Laken Riley Act is roiling the Senate Democratic Conference, as senators believe their party bungled immigration and border security in 2024 but aren’t happy about the swift passage of a bill they view as terrible policy. Democratic critics of the bill believe the rush to pass it is a political overreaction from Democratic colleagues scrambling to protect themselves on those issues.

Some Democratic senators are venting frustration about Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) giving a green light to politically vulnerable colleagues to vote to advance the bill without getting an ironclad guarantee that Democrats would have more opportunity to amend the legislation.

So most voted because they are vulnerable, not because it’s a good idea to protect American citizens from illegal alien criminals. Though, from what Fetterman has said, he might have truly wanted to vote for the bill.

Sen. Michael Bennet (D-Colo.), who blasted the bill as bad policy, said the lack of opportunity to modify the legislation on the floor — aside from three amendments — represents a broader failure of the entire Senate to meaningfully debate immigration policy.

“I think that this bill reflects the way the Senate has broken down in some respects in the fact that we’re not able to have votes on amendments that would have improved the legislation. It’s really problematic,” he said.

It’s bad policy to protect Americans from all the illegals and fake asylum seekers? Only in Liberal World.

Sen. Peter Welch (D-Vt.) said he was concerned with how the bill was handled.

“We should use the committee process where there’s an opportunity to deliberate and discuss,” he said.

They had the opportunity, but, what’s to discuss? It’s a simple bill, and, they had the chance to debate in committee last year when it was passed in the House and sent to the Democrat run Senate. They chose not to. And they will do anything to protect illegal alien criminals.

Read: Laken Riley Act Passes Senate, Heads To Trump’s Desk Soon »

Pirate's Cove