If All You See…

…is a field perfect for solar panels and wind turbines, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Victory Girls Blog, with a post on why Western feminists are silent on Iran.

Read: If All You See… »

Crazy Today: Teacher Calls Kid Who Won’t Endorse Belief That Classmate Is A Cat “Despicable”

Don’t leftists keep telling us that they are, in fact, the adults in the room? That they’re so much smarter than everyone else? Shouldn’t teachers be a little more grounded in reality? How many times have you seen teachers indulging and extolling, even pushing, crazy for their students?

Pupil who questioned classmate ‘identifying as a cat’ called ‘despicable’ by teacher

A Church of England school teacher told a pupil she was “despicable” after she refused to accept that her classmate identifies as a cat.

The 13-year-old girl and her friend were reprimanded by their teacher at Rye College, in East Sussex, on Friday at the end of a Year 8 class on “life education” in which they were told they can “be who you want to be and how you identify is up to you”.

The row, which has infuriated parents, was allegedly sparked by one of them asking a fellow pupil: “How can you identify as a cat when you’re a girl?”

Their teacher told them they were being reported to a senior leader and were no longer welcome at the school, part of the Aquinas Trust, a Church of England network of 11 schools, if they continued to express the view that only boys and girls exist.

I thought I had read an article that the whole “identifying as an animal” thing was made up? No?

The Telegraph has heard a recording of the heated exchange taken by one of the pupils, in which the teacher starts by saying “how dare you – you’ve just really upset someone” by “questioning their identity”.

The pupil responded: “If they want to identify as a cat or something then they are genuinely unwell – crazy.”

The teacher then asks the girls “where did you get this idea from that there are only two genders”, adding: “It is not an opinion.”

The teacher said that “gender is not linked to the parts that you were born with, gender is about how you identify, which is what I said right from the very beginning of the lesson.”

So, identifying as a cat is now considered a gender?

A parent of another Year 8 pupil at the school who has received the same lesson told The Telegraph: “I understand the point the teacher was attempting to make, what bothers me is the shutting down of debate in such a threatening and aggressive manner, which I don’t believe is appropriate in an educational setting.

“Regardless of the subject, education should serve to build awareness of differing points of view to widen the understanding of a subject. It shouldn’t be a case of indoctrination.”

Except, that is exactly what Leftists do, and they run the education system in the U.S., UK, and many other nations. They do see it as indoctrination, and if you won’t toe the line there will be consequences. There’s way more at the article if you’re up to reading massive crazy.

Read: Crazy Today: Teacher Calls Kid Who Won’t Endorse Belief That Classmate Is A Cat “Despicable” »

Brandon To Fly To San Francisco To Announce $600 Million In Climate Scam Funding

Nothing says “We Need To Do Something About Climate Change” like a fossil fueled helicopter to the airport, taking a FF jumbo jet across the country, with a backup jet and fighter jets following, then a massive FF vehicle convoy, right? Will he be flying directly from Delaware, since he took a fossil fueled trip to his beach house yet again?

Pres. Biden to announce over $600 million for climate projects during Bay Area visit

President Joe Biden will announce new funding to tackle the U.S. climate crisis during his visit to California.

The president will be in the Bay Area for a series of campaign fundraisers on Monday. But he’ll also mix in official business with a stop focusing on climate change in Palo Alto.

The White House says President Biden will be highlighting both the urgency of taking bold climate action and strengthening America’s resilience.

“The President will tour a coastal wetland and announce more than $600 million for climate adaption projects through his Investing in America agenda to better protect our nation’s power grid from extreme weather events and prepare coastal and Great Lakes communities for climate change impacts like sea level rise, tidal flooding, and storm surge,” according to a White House official.

The White House says funding is coming from both the Inflation Reduction Act and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.

Two bills that do nothing for their names.

That’s just a smattering. I’m confident you’ve read many more yourself. Perhaps the money would be better spent dealing with the collapse of San Francisco. Or, hell, if you’re going to piss it away on climate scam stuff, do it elsewhere, rather than a dying city.

The president returns to the Bay Area to raise money for his 2024 reelection presidential campaign.

And that’s why he’s really going, so he doesn’t have to pay for the trip, he can say most is official business.

Read: Brandon To Fly To San Francisco To Announce $600 Million In Climate Scam Funding »

NY Times Is Shocked That Defund The Police Failed

They just don’t fully seem to get that most citizens may not like the police when they get pulled over, almost always for something that was their own fault, but, like the notion of being able to call the police when something bad happens to them. They do not want fewer police, and do not want police who are reticent to enforce the law

How ‘Defund the Police’ Failed

unintended consequencesMore than three years after the murder of George Floyd focused the nation’s attention on racism in law enforcement, Minneapolis’ 3rd Precinct police station, which was set ablaze and looted during the tumultuous days after Floyd’s death, remains abandoned.

Once the city’s most modern police station, the building is now boarded up, tagged with graffiti and ringed with concertina wire — an unintentional monument to the national debate over public safety that led Minneapolis officials to consider disbanding the Police Department.

But three years after “defund the police” became a rallying cry across the nation, efforts to dramatically divert resources from police or do away with conventional policing entirely have largely been abandoned, too, in Minneapolis and beyond.

The movement faltered in Minneapolis after activists failed to build broad support for a goal that lacked a clear definition, and an actionable plan. As crime surged during the early years of the coronavirus pandemic and officers left the police force in droves, Republicans seized on the debate to paint Democrats as being recklessly soft on crime.

Seized! I’m thinking lots of average Democrats wanted nothing to do with defunding the police. Especially in their own neighborhoods. Including many Democratic Party politicians/Elites who called for defunding the police then demanded police protection in their own areas, or hired private security.

The movement to abolish conventional police departments predates the murder of Floyd. In the years before his death, a Minneapolis group called MPD150 had been building grassroots support for a “police-free future” — a vision that contemplated a phased end to conventional policing by making dramatic investments in housing and social services.

How was that working out? Seriously, we saw this put into place in many Democratic areas, where cops quit in droves, and those left tend to ignore lots of low level crimes.

Its first move was to corner Mayor Jacob Frey of Minneapolis outside his home in June 2020, and demand that he commit to abolishing the Police Department. As cameras rolled, one of the movement’s leaders made clear that they were seeking the outright disbandment of the Police Department, not a reallocation of resources.

“We don’t want no more police,” she said. “We don’t want people with guns toting around in our community.”

Except for all the thugs, hoodlums, and gangbangers wandering around with illegal firearms.

As police ranks thinned out, violent crime soared. Gang violence, once a modest problem in Minneapolis, became such a challenge that federal prosecutors charged 45 people suspected of being gang members in a pair of racketeering indictments in May, a first in the city.

Many residents have given up on the local public transportation system, where some stations increasingly have become gathering points for people who openly smoke fentanyl and other drugs. The number of car thefts and carjackings skyrocketed. As of early June, more than 4,100 vehicles had been stolen in the city this year, nearly twice as many as during the same period last year.

No one could have possibly seen that coming, right? Ironically the correct solution is to properly fund the police allowing them to fire bad officers and hire good ones. To hold them accountable, and, quite frankly, not allow the public unions to stand in the way, protecting bad officers. Allowing them to hire mental health professionals and do more training. Allowing them to do more proactive policing instead of reactive. The places that want to disband the police tend to have the highest crime rates. Violent crime, shootings, drugs, prostitution, and assaults are all considerably higher than in neighborhoods that don’t think about it or talk about it. Did they think crime would magically disappear without the police in those neighborhoods?

You can bet that all the people working for the NY Times, especially the high end suits, are happy to have police around. But, now, so many areas in Dem run cities are dealing with the idiotic push, even the ones where they’re backtracking.

Read: NY Times Is Shocked That Defund The Police Failed »

If All You See…

…is a super hazy day from carbon pollution humidity, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Real Clear Science, with a post on NJ Democrats adding to their child abuse.

It’s long legs week!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup Earl Moran

Happy Sunday! Another fine day in the Once And Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the Dodgers were obliterated again by the hated SF Giants, a great just deserts for their anti-Christian hatred the other night. This pinup is by Earl Moran, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Climate Depot notes thousands of EVs rotting in fields in China
  2. Watts Up With That? discusses Bud Light digging a deeper hole with “climate neutral” beer
  3. Cold Fury covers Muslim leftists not down with the LGBT cult madness
  4. Da Techguy’s Blog wonders if the US is resembling the French revolution
  5. Geller Report covers a girl suing a hospital for doing trans surgery on her at 13
  6. Legal Insurrection discusses what happened when Starbucks fired an employee for being white
  7. Moonbattery highlights the rise of Trantifa
  8. Newsbusters notes NPR pushing the trans agenda for Father’s Day
  9. Outside The Beltway discusses Americans becoming more socially conservative
  10. Powerline covers illegal gun sales now being illegal
  11. The First Street Journal notes that crime metastasizes when not treated
  12. The Gateway Pundit notes majority of registered voters think Trump indictment is political interference
  13. The Last Refuge covers the DOJ filing to limit Trump’s ability to defend himself
  14. The O.K. Corral has your feel good stories, including ducks
  15. And last, but, not least, The Other McCain covers liberals saying there is no cancel culture

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Biden’s IRS Agents Take Gun Purchase Records In Montana

Coming to a city and state near you

Montana AG Sounds Alarm: Armed IRS Agents Rounding Up Gun Purchase Records

Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen spoke to Breitbart News Saturday morning and told us that armed IRS agents rolled into Great Falls’ Highwood Creek Outfitters Wednesday and seized dozens of boxes of ATF form 4473s, the background check form containing information on gun purchasers.

The agents hit the store prior to regular business hours, KRTV reported.

Store owner Tom Van Hoose said, “At 7:30, I came in and they pulled in behind me with 20 heavily armed agents.”

Van Hoose believes his store is targeted because he sells guns the White House opposes: “I can only assume that it’s because of the style of weapons that we have and the press that’s so against them. The current administration seems to be hell-bent on getting those guns out of the hands of average Americans.”

The ATF form 4473 has a gun purchaser’s name, address, birthdate, state/city of birth, gender, social security number, and the serial number of any guns purchased in the store. The information is perfectly suited for use in a registry or registry database.

Why the IRS? What business does the IRS have in knowing all this information and about legal firearm purchases?

The danger of federal agents taking this information was not lost on AG Knudsen, who told Breitbart News, “I spoke with the shop owner who told me that 20 heavily armed IRS agents from multiple states in our region served a warrant before his business opened. They took dozens of boxes full of 4473s — more than a decade’s worth. This is extremely concerning because it seemingly exceeds the search warrant which limited the scope of the search to financial records. These aren’t financial records, they’re records of lawful firearm purchases. What the hell does the IRS need with 4473s? We know the ATF in Washington, DC is trying to scoop up as many of these purchase records as possible, and that’s what it looks like they’re trying to do here.”

My question now is “what will Knudsen do about it? Will he sue? File orders against the IRS and Biden regime. It’s time to stop putting up with this type of federal government abuse.

Read: Biden’s IRS Agents Take Gun Purchase Records In Montana »

Your Fault: Rotting Seaweed, Shark Attacks, Rip Currents, And Dead Fish Edition

You could have given up your fossil fueled travel, made your life carbon neutral, and given your money and freedom to government, but, no, you refused, and now

Rotting seaweed, dead fish, no sand: Climate change threatens to ruin US beaches

As Americans flock to the beach this summer, they’re often greeted with disconcerting news: Their destination might be smelly with dead fish or rotting seaweed — and danger often lurks from rip currents or even shark attacks.

In a warming world, those problems are set to get worse, experts say.

“The climate is changing and it’s changing drastically,” said Todd Crowl, director of the Institute of Environment at Florida International University in Miami. “It is measurable and happening.”

No single ruined beach day should be directly attributed to a warming globe. But the rise in both atmospheric and ocean temperatures is rapidly altering the stretches of coastline where land and water meet.

So, were the shark attacks in New Jersey in 1916, which were the inspiration for the book Jaws, and subsequent movie, caused by ‘climate change’? Are they saying there have never been dead fish, rotting seaweed, and rip currents before CO2 went above 350PPM? Is there any scientific proof that this is different than what happened during the previous Holocene warm, and cool, periods? It doesn’t matter, because this isn’t about science, it’s about politics from a cult.

This year could be a portent of even more extreme, seashore-ruining, events. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announced Wednesday that global ocean temperatures hit a record high in May, the second consecutive month where ocean temperatures broke a record, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said.

Portents! It’s a cult.

Read: Your Fault: Rotting Seaweed, Shark Attacks, Rip Currents, And Dead Fish Edition »

If All You See…

…are wonderful lemons which are carbon sinks, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Chicks On The Right, with a post showing more proof the left is after your kids.

Read: If All You See… »

Dementia Joe Drops “God Save The Queen, Man” In Speech

It really gets sad, at times, to see Brandon losing his marbles and realize his people, and wife, put him up to this

Biden’s remark, ‘God save the Queen, man’, during Connecticut speech, causes confusion

President Joe Biden caused some confusion at the end of the speech he gave Friday at the National Safer Communities Summit in Connecticut.

Biden spoke to gun safety advocates and survivors of gun violence for about 30 minutes Friday afternoon at the University of Hartford and ended his speech with the phrase “Alright? God save the Queen, man.”

“God Save The Queen” began trending on Twitter soon after with many addressing their own confusion and criticizing the gaffe.

Many were questioning whether Biden referenced Queen Elizabeth II, Britain’s longest-serving monarch, who died in September. Biden attended the queen’s funeral on Sept. 19.

Why would he, though? He was yammering about gun grabbing, while surrounded by people with guns, including ones that the average America cannot own, and was yammering about all sorts of things

“If any one of you drove up to the parking lot here today, got out of your car, left a key in your car and a kid comes along — 13-14 years old — gets in your car, takes it on a joyride and kills someone — guess what? You’re liable,” Biden said.

“Why should that not be the case if you don’t lock your weapon?”

Except, in most cases in all 50 states you wouldn’t be liable (people should still lock their guns up when leaving in cars)

Biden’s monarchical sign-off followed a series of attempts at humor, including referring to his age as “a little under 103” and “110.”

As he neared the end of his speech, the president asked the crowd if the weather forecast called for rain — and said he could stay for photos if not.

“They tell me there’s a storm coming in. Is that right? Is that still the deal?” Biden asked, as the crowd shouted in reply, “no.”

“That’s the truth, now? Don’t make a lie — there’s that scene in the John Wayne movie, ‘Don’t make me a dog-face lying pony soldier.’”

Huh what? Was any of this in the written speech?

Later Friday, deputy White House press secretary Olivia Dalton told reporters that Biden “was commenting to someone in the crowd,” without further clarification.

They’re not even trying to really clean Biden’s dementia up at this point, since most in the Credentialed Media won’t question his obvious mental problems.

Read: Dementia Joe Drops “God Save The Queen, Man” In Speech »

Pirate's Cove