If All You See…

…are penguins which will soon die out because there’s no ice left, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Political Hat, with a post on Ireland considering jailing people who campaign against gender confused wanting to use female rest rooms.

Read: If All You See… »

USA Today Loses Mind Over Elon Musk Calling “Cisgender” A Slur

Don’t you love when you say something simply to start some stuff and people walk into it? Especially when they really start losing their minds? And it’s even better when you’re trying to make a point, and a rich guy who the news will cover

Elon Musk declares ‘cisgender’ a slur on Twitter. What about ‘fragile man with big ego’?

In the latest episode of “Wealthy White Dudes Get Their Tender Feelings Hurt By An Adjective” self-proclaimed free-speech absolutist Elon Musk has decided the word “cisgender” is a slur.

The owner of one of the largest social media megaphones on the planet issued the following edict via tweet this week: “The words ‘cis’ or ‘cisgender’ are considered slurs on this platform.”

This came as news to most people, as the word “cisgender,” according to Merriam-Webster, simply means: “of, relating to, or being a person whose gender identity corresponds with the sex the person had or was identified as having at birth.”

That’s doesn’t sound particularly slur-ish, but apparently if you’re rich and childish enough, you get to call the shots, so who am I to argue?

That you’re arguing is pretty much Elon’s intention, to get you all sorts of butthurt. He’s a masterful troll.

Well, actually, I’ll tell you who I am. I’m a straight, white, cisgender man (I don’t consider any of those words slurs) who thinks Twitter advertisers and Tesla stock owners might want to check in on the increasingly weird man-boy helming both companies, the one crying “Free Speech!” while threatening to suspend people who use a neutral, broadly accepted and necessary word.

Cisgender is a made up word used as a slur all the time by wacko people who think there are more than two genders. And Musk exposed how intolerant you people are, because the same people he drove nutbar with his tweet will constantly attempt to get people banned on Twitter and social media for daring to not use the proper pronouns and such, and even punished in real life.

Musk’s latest attempt to stomp his feet and whine is a perfect example of someone who has never been marginalized creating a phony sense of marginalization so he can feel free to continue marginalizing others.

You’ve responded exactly as Musk intended, going all SJW and losing you mind. And the opinion piece continues to whine and whine and whine.

Read: USA Today Loses Mind Over Elon Musk Calling “Cisgender” A Slur »

Good News: Climate Cultists Look To Make Hospital Food Worse

As someone who’s spent some time in hospitals for a broken ankle and then a broken leg, I’ve experienced hospital food. No one would give me good Eastern NC barbecue, even though one of the great joints, B’s, was right near the Greenville hospital. The food is not great, right? Here’s how to make it worse for a scam

Hospitals put climate change on the menu

Each year, hospitals across the United States dish up billions of meals. Those responsible for feeding thousands of visitors, patients, and employees every day contemplate numerous issues, from nutrition requirements to skyrocketing expenses.

But increasingly, they also focus on another significant concern: the environmental impact of what they serve and how.

That makes sense given the role that food plays in helping or harming the planet. For example, 34% of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions worldwide are food-related, according to a 2021 Nature Food article. What’s more, health care has a significant environmental footprint: If the global health care sector were a country, it would be the fifth-largest contributor to GHGs. And a large chunk of hospitals’ environmental impact comes from their food services.

This reality worries health care leaders who want to avoid contributing to environmental problems that can cause or worsen health conditions for the patients and communities they want to protect.

Are these same leaders reducing their own “environmental impact”, or, are they like most climate leaders who have massive, outsized carbon footprints? And why can’t they mind their own f’ing business? Worry about themselves, stop mucking around with other people’s lives.

Hospital leaders are approaching the issue from numerous angles, including how their food is produced, transported, prepared, packaged, and discarded. Often, they focus on three key areas: swapping plant-based food for meat, buying locally and responsibly, and discarding waste in more environmentally responsible ways.

“We look at how we can reduce the environmental impact from food at every decision point,” says Diane Imrie, RD, MBA, who oversees the production of 2 million meals annually as director of nutrition at the University of Vermont Medical Center (UVMMC) in Burlington. “This adds up to a big enough effect on the environment that if we were ignoring it, we would feel we were not living up to our commitments to our patients and to the planet.”

I’m totally not against locally sourced: I buy as much locally sourced food as possible, mostly veggies and fruits. Taking away meat? Stop right there. Don’t make the hospital experience worse. Let the patients have some joy. Or, considering hospital food, sorta-joy. Of course, what all will this cost? Because we keep seeing that all this climate stuff is expensive, and hospitals are already expensive.

But making such changes palatable to patients and cafeteria customers isn’t always easy.

“Food is near and dear to people’s hearts. If you start messing around with their options, it can be tough,” says Kyle Tafuri, vice president for sustainability at Hackensack Meridian Health, which has reduced meat-related GHGs at its 18 New Jersey hospitals by 39% in recent years.

Hackensack culinary staff worked to develop some mouth-watering options. For example, beet greens don’t simply get chopped and boiled; they instead appear in a salad with candied walnuts and a citrus dressing. Other hospitals try small steps, like swapping a 100% beef burger for a version that’s 70% beef and 30% mushroom.

Stop forcing your cult on everyone else.

Meanwhile, from Watts Up With That?:

Politco: Hospitals Turning into ‘Climate Change Fighting Machines’ – Limiting water with ‘timers for operating room sinks’ – ‘More Earth-friendly drugs’ – Reducing ‘anesthetic gas’ – ‘Decarbonize U.S. health care’

Read: Good News: Climate Cultists Look To Make Hospital Food Worse »

Riley Gaines Obliterates Dick Durban, Asking Of Women “What About Us?”

Democrats have ditched real, biological women to pander to the small number of gender confused, who are, among others, taking things from women

Riley Gaines challenges Dem senator, says rights of women, girls ‘thrown out the window’

Former college championship swimmer Riley Gaines challenged Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Dick Durbin, D-Ill., on Wednesday after he accused Republicans of promoting “hateful rhetoric” by questioning the rights of transgender youth.

Gaines was on Capitol Hill as a witness for the Senate’s hearing on LGBTQ civil rights, where Durbin said lawmakers need to be careful when talking about this issue.

“At this point, I’d like to remind our colleagues, our children are listening, and they are in danger,” Durbin said. “In fact, today, transgender youth are among the most at risk of homelessness, depression and death by suicide. So, when these young people who are already struggling hear politicians amplify hateful rhetoric that denies their very existence, what message does it send?”

Did Durbin ever consider that they are most at risk because they are basically mentally ill, and Democrats are pushing kids to be trans, leading to the mental illness problems?

Later in the hearing, Gaines pushed back and told Durbin he needs to think about biological women and girls who she said are at a disadvantage competing against trans people.

“Sen. Durbin, in your opening statement, you had mentioned this rhetoric,” she said. “You had mentioned that, what message does it send to trans individuals? And my comeback to that is, what message does this send to women, to young girls, who are denied of these opportunities?”

“So easily, their rights to privacy and safety thrown out of the window to protect a small population, protect one group as long as they’re happy,” she said. “What about us? That is the overall general consensus of how we all felt in that locker room.”

One has to wonder where are the feminist groups are? Why are they not out there looking to protect females from biological males in their locker rooms, changing rooms, bathrooms, showers, sports, taking away wins, taking away positions in a variety of things, having the males expose themselves to the real women, even, in some cases, violating them.

Seriously, what’s in it for Democrats? Is it worth dumping real women?

Read: Riley Gaines Obliterates Dick Durban, Asking Of Women “What About Us?” »

Good News: Those Ebikes Warmists Want Everyone (Else) To Ride Are A “Deadly Crisis” From Fires

Warmists have been super-hyped on getting Everyone Else to ride Ebikes in big cities (and not so big cities). They have all sorts of deals going with companies to rent them and sell them in places like NYC. How’s that going?

How E-Bike Battery Fires Became a Deadly Crisis in New York City

His girlfriend told him not to buy the electric scooter.

But Alfonso Villa Muñoz was intrigued. He was working in a Brooklyn bodega last August when a delivery man said he knew someone selling one for $700. Mr. Muñoz said yes.

The scooter was cherry red with the number 7 on the front. Under the seat was an extra-large lithium ion battery. When it needed charging, Mr. Muñoz would remove the battery from the scooter and use both hands to lug it up to the couple’s third-floor apartment in College Point, Queens.

A month later, the battery exploded in the living room, unleashing flames that engulfed the apartment. Mr. Muñoz screamed for their 8-year-old daughter, Stephanie, who was asleep. He could not breach the wall of black smoke to get to her. Stephanie died from smoke inhalation.

“It’s like you bring in death and destruction to your house, and not only to you, to everybody around you,” said Mr. Muñoz, 36, pulling off his glasses to wipe away tears. “You could lose everything.”

Now, I think bikes would be much better in big cities like NYC than all those vehicles, regardless of fossil fuels or EV. You could take the subway when raining or bad weather. But, there are consequences of rolling out products that aren’t particularly safe.

E-bikes and e-scooters have flooded New York City’s streets in recent years, embraced by delivery workers and commuters alike as an economical and efficient new way to get around. But even as the devices have grown in popularity to become nearly ubiquitous, the batteries inside them have made New York City an epicenter for a new kind of ferocious and fast-moving fire.

These fires are “uniquely dangerous,” warned Laura Kavanagh, the city’s fire commissioner. With little or no warning, the batteries can ignite, leaving seconds for people to escape. In just three years, lithium battery fires have tied electrical fires and have surpassed blazes started by cooking and smoking for major causes of fatal fires in the city.

This couldn’t possibly happen with EVs, right?

Reasons for the uptick of these fires are myriad. They include a lack of regulation and safety testing for individually owned devices, hazardous charging practices (like using mismatched equipment or overcharging) and a lack of secure charging areas in a population-dense city with numerous residential buildings, where most fires start.

But for New Yorkers who rely on e-bikes and other battery-powered devices to make deliveries or otherwise earn a living, the fires have forced a choice between financial stability and personal safety.

Unlike with cars, cell phones, and many other products, the Ebikes are not necessarily from big name producers, and the standards are not always there. Fortunately, NYC wouldn’t do something like ban private cars or make them so expensive people couldn’t drive them in the city, right?

Read: Good News: Those Ebikes Warmists Want Everyone (Else) To Ride Are A “Deadly Crisis” From Fires »

If All You See…

…is ‘climate change’ messing with Fall foliage timing, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post when DOJ set the date for Trump’s trial.

Read: If All You See… »

Happy St. Greta Doom Day

It’s 11:18am, folks

Read: Happy St. Greta Doom Day »

Mayor Of Sanctuary City Chicago Realizes Illegal Aliens Are Expensive

Who would have thought that taking care of a bunch of illegals would be so costly? But, then, the Democratic Party run city is all in on illegals, so, they should welcome having to pay for their everything, including rent, out of their own money, right?

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson Wants $25M to Pay Rent for Illegal Aliens

Chicago, Illinois, Mayor Brandon Johnson (D) is hoping to spend $25 million in taxpayer money to pay rent for thousands of illegal aliens in the city.

Since August of last year, more than 10,000 border crossers and illegal aliens have arrived in the sanctuary city of Chicago — many on buses sent from Texas.

Now, Johnson is hoping to secure $25 million in taxpayer money to provide six months of rent to more than 6,500 illegal aliens. That move would come as rent for local Chicagoans has skyrocketed in recent years.

He wants some of that money to come from state funds. Why are the rich Progressives of Chicago not voluntarily giving up their money to pay for the rent, since they support unfettered illegal immigration? Or opening up their own homes?

Meanwhile, Johnson will also be placing more than 300 mostly single male border crossers and illegal aliens in a sports center in the Gage Park neighborhood of Chicago.

So strange how so many are young, single men, not the women and children we keep hearing about. Chicago wanted this, right? Even though all this illegal immigration is raising the cost of housing? Where are all the homeless going? As Chicago spends all this money on illegals that means less money for legal citizens having trouble, on policing to deal with the high crime rate, and other vital city services.

Federal Data: Majority of Border Crossers Denied Asylum to Stay in U.S.

The majority of border crossers continue to be denied asylum to stay in the United States, even when they are released directly into the nation’s interior by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

While President Joe Biden’s DHS releases tens of thousands of border crossers and illegal aliens into the U.S. interior every month, the majority will be found to have invalid claims for asylum, federal data confirms.

The data, tracked by Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC) at Syracuse University, shows that in Fiscal Year 2023 thus far, most border crossers and illegal aliens are denied asylum in immigration court. (snip)

Likewise, in Fiscal Year 2023, the majority of border crossers and illegal aliens released into the U.S. interior after claiming “credible fear” at the southern border ended up not having valid asylum claims.

Most should be forced to apply for asylum outside of the U.S.

Read: Mayor Of Sanctuary City Chicago Realizes Illegal Aliens Are Expensive »

Lawyer Makes Social Statement In Closing Argument In Youts Climate Case In Montana

The question now is “will the judge buy into the scam?”

Young plaintiffs’ attorney closes Montana climate change trial with call for action

An attorney for 16 young plaintiffs urged a judge Tuesday to strike down as unconstitutional a Montana law that prohibits state agencies from considering the environmental effects when it weighs permits allowing the release of greenhouse gases.

Attorney Nate Bellinger made the plea in his closing argument at the end of a seven-day trial. Plaintiffs say state officials violated their right to a clean and healthful environment, part of the Montana Constitution, by allowing companies to build power plants and expand coal mines, among other things.

“Like other monumental constitutional cases before, the state of Montana comes before this court because of a pervasive systemic infringement of rights,” Bellinger said.

During the first-of-its-kind trial, plaintiffs testified about how increased heat, smoke from wildfires and drought affect their activities and mental health. Native Americans said climate change affects their ceremonies and traditional food sources, and climate experts warned the window to address the environmental damage is rapidly closing.

Montana Assistant Attorney General Michael Russell said in the state’s closing Tuesday that the climate change issue is much larger than Montana can address on its own.

He said calls by the plaintiffs for the state to take the lead in addressing climate change was a social statement, not a legal argument. The case put on by the young plaintiffs was a “weeklong airing of political grievances that properly belong in the Legislature, not a court of law,” he said.

If you’ve paid any attention to this suit, you notice that the plaintiffs were long on politics, fearmongering, personal stories, and demagoguery, and short on facts, law, and Constitutional reasoning. It belonged more in opinion pieces in the local papers, not a court of law.

Emily Flower, a spokeswoman for Attorney General Austin Knudsen, described the trial as a “publicity stunt staged by an out-of-state organization that is exploiting well-intentioned children.”

The plaintiffs were represented by attorneys for Our Children’s Trust, an Oregon environmental group that has filed similar lawsuits in every state since 2011 and raised more than $20 million in contributions. None of the previous cases had reached trial.

Again, it’s yet another astroturfed suit, where a big money climate scam group enlists a bunch of young folks, has them trot out some sob stories, then does their cult stuff. BTW, since the kids are so against power plants, when will they stop using all that power for their smartphones, streaming videos, uploading videos, streaming shows on their TVs, and so forth?

Read: Lawyer Makes Social Statement In Closing Argument In Youts Climate Case In Montana »

NC Senate Passes Bill Restricting Gender Confused Males From Playing Women’s Sports

This has made the unhinged Democrats very upset, but, even if Governor Cooper vetoes it (he will) the veto will be over-ridden

NC Senate votes to ban trans girls from playing on school sports teams aligning with gender identity

Transgender rights took center stage Tuesday in North Carolina as the GOP-controlled General Assembly advanced legislation to restrict gender-affirming health care and trans participation in sports.

Hours after the House Health Committee advanced a bill banning state facilities from treating trans minors with hormones and gender-affirming surgeries, the Senate voted 31-17 to ban trans girls from playing on school sports teams that align with their gender identity. One Democrat — Sen. Val Applewhite of Cumberland County — and all Republicans voted yes.

Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper has little power to block legislation now that Republicans hold veto-proof majorities in both chambers.

Sen. Kevin Corbin, a Macon County Republican and one of the primary sponsors, argued on the Senate floor that the bill “is not against anybody” and is a necessary precaution to protect female athletes. But Wake County Democratic Sen. Lisa Grafstein, the only out LGBTQ+ state senator, criticized him for advancing during Pride Month a bill she said targets a vulnerable minority group “because of a nationalized agenda to dehumanize them for political points.”

Funny how Democrats have thrown actual, real, biological women under the bus to pander to the most extreme of the Rainbow Coalition, eh?

“Frankly, members, this is a very common sense bill,” Corbin said. “It’s not against anybody. It simply does this: It simply prevents biological males playing sports in the store.

“That’s that’s what this bill does.”

Grafstein said it’s ironic that lawmakers are passing bills targeting LGBTQ+ kids during Pride month.

Should they have waited till July to protect women? Wait to keep males out of women’s sports?

The bill prohibiting trans girls from playing on girls’ middle school, high school and college sports teams could return to the House floor for a final concurrence vote as early as Wednesday. Both chambers passed different versions before legislative leaders opted to proceed with the House bill.

The House version also looks to ban state institutions from getting involved in messing with children

The proposal would prohibit public health care facilities, including public hospitals and University of North Carolina affiliates, from performing any surgical gender transition procedure on a minor or providing them with puberty-blocking drugs or cross-sex hormones. Beginning Oct. 1, it would also prohibit using state funds to pay for any gender transition procedure.

It would be best if the House just go with the sports ban, then have the House and Senate discuss a separate bill restricting the gender transition madness for kids.

D Sellars, a 40-year-old nonbinary parent from Fuquay-Varina, said the slew of bills targeting trans people in North Carolina and around the country “just marginalizes us more, just pushes us out of the mainstream more, and it gives bigots more ammunition.”

Sellars, who donned a “Gender Identity Scares My State’s Government” shirt Tuesday at the General Assembly, said they’re especially concerned about the sports restrictions, which they said could make nonbinary kids like their own child feel isolated.

Maybe the parents should stop buying into the trans and 937 genders fads and wake their kids up.

Read: NC Senate Passes Bill Restricting Gender Confused Males From Playing Women’s Sports »

Pirate's Cove